:".dha:1:`a"c3'5 1:iaa::a.g: n; ma 2 ]v)`(V)I6i,C|0l'l;j`IlNByI!l`iO,. p 3 `V < V_8choolJRgp6;jt,ox 8apt9n:;b_o_r.`V:"j<;A ` . `V IV.(-::BixdIe[ Knowles, gAlt1lo. Know-N ; le'e,*VJack M,a;kle,.Doia `Camr,-Alex, . -GoodP|,|l., * j: i V ' ',:7i;V`vIH.-eWarrenBal1.V`Earl Smith, ( Harry LawtenceL.gMagv`Bel|;, , L ' ` ':I'.p`fmI1'I'r*_.T.I2v.zI':i' Mntl:ha'wn.~.` Maid. * ]11Evf`_ %.n6WIt{ in 1-.-I | 1 :__`~:.. i D"U V.V " ".`- "" hunts!-up `Oct. 10. .--Earv'est. Home services; r were conducted in St. James - ,Ciinx'ch qnsnnday by Rev. Mr. James. `De- pite the rather disssreeable w.esiher.. s , large crowd was assent. Missdennie M 0 At.-onley, . Butt ' T.-was ' organist. !` Anniversary services more held, one `Sundsydn the Dalston Methodist V { church conducted bv Rev. R. si mi- ick.` ahrmer -`pastor iheses, . A is: es 7 congregation` wstei-present and;t e I_ choir rendered` some very good music. 7 ' M'I.'. ( \|nu'-n `Dnrbrldn In nnnnlnu I ` M91! lumerau BOIIIB very gwu uauunu. _ls'a (3l a1"a Pa_rtrldge_ is spending 1 l_ew ween lni`1`oront , ~ ' . 11;. n1.'.. '(1-l. l'.'_'.|I{ 3']. Lining -mun . ID" WBUIQ III `b lIVIllVI, Ii M|`fs. Wm. `Cal_divellL "is; doing van. nicely at time of writing. ` He: many L 'ove'rv;' friends looE1oz.wgrd to _h_eAr` apedy re- In-._ -4`: `ill..- \`I' E` -I` '.:_I- ..L;l - H1614.` Joverv.` M ._ _ ~ Ml.'In'd1Ml`l. `J. 8. Link and little` daughter; or Weybnzn,Ba'sk, 'mLaped- 1 `in; some time with theozmera "pat-L ento,`Mr. `and-Mrs. 1!. Lack. ` ' ' . ml...` 'l...uu um In Ildn nlnlnm `nun plzu la;_ _ . ~. > _ ,\ ). `L The Harvest Home services. in {nonf-b A ' neetlon-wlthntne English Church `were M cnnducted brthe new punter vRev.l-Mr. 1 ; Jamea.~ l.fhe`nhumb just being. newly . gapered looked qulte bright, 31: being v . ecnreted with-cut pwerMi\l1d\p1untq,. _ Mr'..end_.Mra. `Henry Dnnamore were ` In at Michjell,,_SqnazeJgn>.Mondaylmtqntlg V `iinntheleatne-Jermey yveddlng._;, j VA A `..'...'...`|...- `Al `ik voimn Hill lnmnvdd op friends. ` 'Vthe;Mc?tho `,._. , . am, ~ ` -`J ,9th` l line` of, West _. Gwillirn-bury. _ ,Ryan. ` . - Class A-Jimmie Ryan. Glass B-,Violet; Barnes, Verna Bell, Bertha Bell, `Lloyd Kissick, Velma- .Oame'ron. M * Class ,G-Bam Henson .8 8. Day, _. Teacher.- . r-nnnsnannp Oct. 10-_Mr. and Mrs. Gideon` Short reed have returned alter an enjoy- able trip tothe Ooast. . . Jasper Martin went to\'lloronto_ the other_day and. purchased a ne` car load `of Alberta cattleaior `the rm of M&Tn'BYQBj:' - J..1l_`. Mcciling on his return trip trom_,.t~hev West` bought up. two car `loads of ilne two-year old stockers .in Southern Manitoba. He intends feeding these for-`the Ontario mark- V and Mrs. James Martin spent . a few ;days'l-sat week in Barrie ~ the guests` of Dr. A Morfren. and other `John `Waugh. oft .Whitby': spent ek with hisiather -Dr., a few days last we in town. __.' p _, ._ v Miss Edna. Howarth was in Cold- water over Sund-ay.th_e guest other friend, Mrs. James Greenlaw, who , leaves --this week, toTjoin"herhL'e- Cband in newest. . l . " . Congratulations to "Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ` Faraghei` on the. arrival of son. M . .. u - " . mirrors . Oct. 10-A special preacher sent by the Dominion, Alliance preached in dist .h`.-'h Y.3t1T`1,.7 .`m` nav`. Mr'fTough ..i`x5.a..e`;.~o.. `pea.-.1. led herelast night having exchanged ,pnlpi_ts` with. Rev, L . McLean. . g e. f Robt. Mclievnnan and family of New- , ton Robinson have moved "into" the . house. recently ' Mr,"an~d Mrs.jB. Long , of last weelrin`Toronto. ' , A.` Kirkpatrick purchased . tithe , building ; owned. by Thos. " I-Iu J and _! purposes moving? there pshortly.` 1 - A number og.our7villag'ers attended 5 V _ won `Tueeday:last. The funeral , took, place on; `Thursday to VMcGann s `burying 7 ground, on, the ' ` Miss Hay has returned ' to ; her Home iinStrattord'after. a .pleasant visit ' ULast.F`riday evening, our.BasedBal1 ' edand h Vacated by Ross Ar-s 1 .`!..5.m it Mrs. Team held` their annual supper and M,-`ho, social eveningi '1`he-team, with number, of their `many, supporters re- mained to the Queen's Hotel, where a _sum`ptu_ous: table was spread for them which certainly did great cred- it; to the abilities of the genial hostess in the art of cuisine. i, After iully satisiying the wants the inner man the company adjourn- ed to the Orange l'Hall' where an- a- ._mus ing e.-nd profitable program -was enteredinto. , ' ' Dnw-` 13 err. . local team, presided, andiaiter _cal1- ..;.1.;`lp...;a...r oithe` ing the .meeting- to order, in a pbint- ` , urnorousaddrees. stated the object of 1 their. coming together. ` _G..B. Henry, Pres. not the, south Bimcoe B.yB.,League", was asked, to .present_t-he players and.j`oic,'ers, oi `the local ' with` the gold lookets (thetrophy . given A very -beautilulpin design. "oval, `in shape,and. solid` gold. They" are on- graved on. on-e}eide (``Winners,- 8`. S.- B.` _B. L., 1910). and on the_ other `side .W'ith -the initials oi recipient, most 'artistic_ally woven into a monogram. je They reect `much credit` on the taste - and skill of thexjeweller, A.iG. Gaul . _ from the ball players. John A Cor- bett, Trees. 01 tl1_e,C1ub,`was`.hca1led got. Benton`, from: I whom, .th`e,1,o`ckets "were purchased. shortieplieisl LI 3. on` and spoke on `,`.'i`.he Importance of ; Early _'l`raining" in _-his, 'usual*sensi- ' ;,b1e,style,, .G._B. Henryelaborated on ` 'HOW'1l0'.T1`_8ilIiV a Ball` '1,`eam. .'o `R. . D,.fI-Ienry` and :J.. R. 0. Oongdon, f or- ganizer ._.f,or`\I~_.f0,.ll`.,.,s[a.ng.a duet. Chas. iromidnstoawas introduced and spoke for Dick` Stewart, referred `to as .The Kingot ,the.`Team, f 'g who _was unayoida-hly`\ absent. ; Richard ; Power, then uoxnnhasizea the import- ance oi doing~:_ou_r, very best on ., the hall geldixas ',w;ll_as` in all other ..-fspheresr of life. . Fred1.To_-mlinson made 1W.rv-ran1>roDr1et9:addrss on "`.fI,`he need of `ajgoo-d-- Vexecutive and; the source of `~plea,s'ure, our village has de- rived; from ourba1l..andr our 4 band. ? _..7-Geo; TG1-'een_` sfang ' one of his popular-old-timef_` `solosw-hich - was . aDpre.o1'a,tedr,_h1sh1v-i D,r.; D.~G. wheel`- pey . was 2 uha_.voidab1y_. absent when his Jnarnre` was ; ca:1ledi.;W; 0.. Henry. `spoka `:'Cook"stown Fair last Wednesday '-115.1 801593 th.1E`11'tl5`1ii5!1,';0n.i9119:5131` , fsy1via King 3 passed away after ilingerin-g illness meimg, The manager Voffthe=- team, :Jini~ Hitlillie, to_wl1jos`eriores,ig-ht and oi` the -season imus t,ibe attribut- ..othin` I694!--J lAftr=.connic songs by Mr. good ljtudgvment, f much` oi :the. Ljsuccess 5 ed, made a vex-y;.pqf;:ted `andls'1ii'ta.hle' 1 `~;spe_e`c_i;,= on the geilvlfal, management of. V - the`; teamgand the prospects ffor. any-; * J ' 'l`hos.- guests ` `. Dr. iriendi Alex; of :b.3 ` co B to} ~ at` R.` Mist uncle, , by the League to 1 y it the winning team). 'l`hes_e`lockets are _ < Mr..and Mrs`; ones. Mc'Lennan. leit".M95 e1`3- Wright.`-and Melville-Corbett. :. ,Pfa11i1erston. . M " " "contain-ed _a .lengthy : account *of the to,Mr. John_ Francis Flanders? oi .tiijat ' city. _1Many villagers " will be interest- 7 with relativesiin thislogcallty. ./.00n"3don; and instrumental m'_us'i,c.-~by to. o'n:p1.an1* rand. `month `organ... `the - j=.,sm,eetin\g~~.broke. up in the weeg sma ... ,hoursf,. . f every;`~`one;ieelinglthat Q he ;had~"thoro_ughly`J enjoyed . the evenmg - and never ithinlning `iioirfthe 1ew;;eroa1;:, :er's,,..:: 'wl1o_- never go . .,.to see fa ,ball 3 -ga-me, nor. have; a.` {=quarter` to spend` 'yon_,,-even our. -ball team) or our; up-to'- . date b_and._ , . V um `.on"`-Thursdayemorning for ajgdrive I u g Ths21Winnipeg,7papers' oi wen. Q marriage of, Miss, May Ellen Ritchie ed in the event, as Miss_-Ritchie spent r 9, "part of. last" . u'mmer{vis3ltlng her , Bull, u_uu uuu cum. I: an-um ' The` `tumors infthis? vicinity are ;busy harveatlngtheix mangals.` . V ' M .`Mr.Tdnd Mrs. John (Jory, Barrie. V; calledbn h'ie`nda`h`re last` wpek."' -. , ` '[(FI'a_I1i anothr corzespondnt) - .. Rev;.R. 8.? _Ftalick. who.conducted jthe` Annivoisary Sdrvices ntv Dalston, Q calledon old7`acquaintancea iu~ this L place last Monday, befote?retnrn}g to \ his cimult at Rnvenna." * . ` M1-I.` VBeMnso'n` from Minealhd 7 in . speudlnguew days at SiVu1`o1`1 Chap-V ` p ell's.;_ ` ` A " riu. ..'n.....;.o miu '>g:.s`s-1In'n|: In Ivmmww-I 1' _-'`-.'.:.n` I , NewyoLa.tsV ` - ` 1}gr1ay %...;.`._: ;.A , V 3.: : =45 Hum..?0ULTBf`AD` ; 4,` DAIBYBRODUOE ~'~ Bee!,<.t6reqnar'1:er` 4 ' .Be`ef,*Mi,hindfq`ua.rt_er!C,2. : V10 12 M`u cto`n,qpe;t_L lb. . . v V _ V L ..._.;.`-11;75* ; to ; V V5"Oct;46;`;-Mts.7iv:a$1 LV`ihhg of ' L Totontd spehtover. Sunday, ,v'vith.*hier ; V aiAetnrAs _'hex9.tb Mlssgs Cumpbpll. T* f_ _|) . .'..__ inL`.;~cr;..'.;`|.~... ....;.;.a.:.a` .a;..m. ` L`; . `2xevv:,`1.:M-9-1'17!-r:I:Mg";|:.'V f. 40 . " Fgll `Apples`.p`er Vbbl, 100$ 7 : h8Yr.q. gnu; nu]-0` V . . .~wQoI;fANnHmEs % , _; - V , ._, 4 4, A , . woa1;%4mea% -4:} {_ 1Wodl,w unwashed. .`.`,V.`. ..`.....`.'.`I 5. ma nmm; . Gram . a* Bee! 1;H1dos. Gram ` - Tallow,` tend9reMpetV `tb..*.,. 5} , da11akina,`,`,por 4., j 12* y La;mb;8k1na End` Pelts 3 .' Horse Hides... 3 FHA:-an uni! [`__`_ `lll IJLIU I-_llinUIrfywuuv; lvvvuuluau 'll;_.:A`number,ot the Crown am `p3n1e` att}e'nd_edtheV Thank ; Voexing f ae:>vl cgV t_*Dalft_dn on 8qnday`;lutj.:` - 1"n...'. -r....`.. n..a..1.... z.` 1...... aI(l-And . I Jul -Ig`UlLI`lIl BU illlllllvllv . " rue"a'emceV1n.%cueL_1~1etnoaiat'I omircu- . ' `willhe atthe usual hour 2.30Xo'c1oek :next Sunday, i Rev; C.\=`B.v ;J9f_:eyk wil} ninnah" ~ . ylwusgu. ` '- _: -:...Mis`a a1Au.{':a7m}n1a tggsnii 5} ig;xe i; f 'p_uding some tune ,wiiI;h `her 1 brother I9`agVA9onl9v..,`L.` ~ II V . ` `Mrs. _Thos.` am has re tti'xj;e(A1`VVfro1L:'1` aAvAi_it'to A1!/lstpn, " mluurup uwnu. lnlgv Jung uuuuuuuuuu .. I r u';;: -|r-;.`.-Z.....I 1L1. |jL.`.}..` |'l....}.'..! clvlv VII`! uv vuu uvwuw A "Jasper Martin to\A'1`oronto ll other day `and. neja load `th 1; rm M8Itin'BYQBj:' M V -`mu u'..`o-u_; ; ` 1,, ,, 1...)- e.` u_v`1__|u|_.|: 31 !/ylIlI`\l_lI`|`_, In , ` V` ~ gM ts`..Mo6`re1andA ,the,,*Mia_sea' Moore M ` Vhayere,turn'edV .to__;h.elr h9n ;_ e' in ~'J:p`;on+; ; M Horse 111095,. ~H9r-.9,vH.a!r,.` Am`.`_.... ..}`..I am. nun got up gu 4 " LIZEIIA ouqof In any -`-`Iv, . ,_ -- :;mv. Vrleosit uoftdjwm-kl: 1 mt I-`Id\ s 'ml.`[Ruvv,E'ui'I ` mbinu unapwgg UM Uquuu; nanny. Mis?JednVQu In1_a_n ia-nwayi L jug Normal at Hamilton. - ' V ` -I-u...~ ..'...'.`.:..`..ra.. um `mfg-hm1i`-I-S.`.|.....,.I... ":2: ?:RiOWIi3'aILI; : I ll __ Danny:-5 nnmn V : 4'Ba{rr1e,4 *0c:t. 12,) 191o ~ 3 A Y_, ?EiimRA,LI _. _-...I.:-an Mu uly`-no gun-nu ;Greon m1.;linn|I `s ; K \ in Southern nun: UL aunuvun JLE. Mcoxung on his return trom,.t~hev -1- v-.-1 . `loads stockers` ' 'nII. \n. f\nI-aria nun-Ir- [Au-`Hun MAn " 1.0 .00 ` 10 .:,_-x`u- 7 1.50 ,12~qo ~10 ' -~ 50 A2 50 `Eli lrll .35 ,n.n_` `.-'-` `12 ~ 3136. Vsiindefson has '" "' """ `;u`.,;,_ ,, mi mambo: of print; for his: gplolidlb snow at Oro, V Barrie; Oolljmgwood, ~ Nowniarkoir and jcookutown Mu, tIilI._Imon- ` ~ `svtcuu qvvn _ yguupavc l` ,VM:.ef*Green. 9 who; has taiiglit; /achool here since mid-umnmer, left: 1 ` on_SeImrday or"Suel_mtchewap where ' heihee secured ;a" more remnnerative _: poeitlom e His posilzlone here ` will be :2 e taken by Mr. Eaton` >otgDetroit;` Mich. I ll-ALL alnnnlu .'.a.mI .An...`...1.... -.unnn' in ' IIIIDII N,` Illln uuyyu yl-'.Vn.ruunvnu, muvnu . Greht shoals at mtnuuws ate aeen' in A the ba Share this {all `an! those who 71 ` shingthis wint,er.~1~_:i o enjo hoaport otwinter shing hope 1 tbalaythis, is an Indication 'f 9,f ` good. 1 ..Lq , an`...-'-m-.......v- r...a.u..'.a.. ...xn n.'.`...'- .... ' IIIBLIIIIK` Ulll vvnusvvao ` T `Vwomonmlnstifhto wl 566 in; : '`At Home at the summer home ;of `- . Mu. Grafton here. Ion ,1.`hn;IayV oven- inn Oct; 20. g1A;a'oodvpro {ammo `and . ndainty es W|l1_I.`0 '3 vanby the ladies. L Everybody will bq welcome. 4 :1, MnlixnI11i'haiih|iilt'nhi{:h' an -an`. , A ; , `i*|_?0ct.AM'1Q-Theputstanding!e,tu1feO*l' j `M;`,` Hays` 5 -re questVforT. permission 19.`:DE8?`+v`W9ek ~WB-3] Vot .course~:7fF17,lze__ :'t<>' >impdrt Asiatic. 1ab9r.toT w'or.k on Fm?- .'vivVh1c_h thanks #0. Ca 3115911? the Grand',_Trunk Pacic was refused VP1`9Vld'1i0ef`W&5 111.091,! aa ndw1cheMdbe-% % by` th63British :co1umb`1aA Government ftwee/nt~wet' , -days and '.~_a1t1_1oughv- `the: 3 , v V amornine .0! theaecondr davwaau 1uu_IUl. .lJvc|;`u\I_x `vkvuq `ml _vy:uu|nfuf I G. Malcolm has_bu1lt'quit an `ad- * ditlon to his 1"l'lv'|)lV1.I`-HIQ-A!'I5lI|`l.l_` 3 ha hivnnnrfv, '- ` 9'2'?1a`-`_."iaagai;f"`V:?5% iflshrty ~ and Mrs. Gag, `Brooke : va_ ttonaedV Allis-A * ton taIr_1aNnt yeah." ` ~ i; = -.. - _.L.II_.. v.4 _ 'n _'_. .I`......... summer mxoUn8Idi*8.;%%V A I1wa i' Bynt una we 4 I Lfo " lter} > b16aanI;7" %w1A ` nihnfhis hi I Forest N;ook'f q9ttgge.V . 7 ~ . -A ~ '.._ I.`~n._'--.. _:.'.~ I.`....-,' .;LLL' a.|..}. Iwewantvuurradel _chandis`e 1:"; L I{Fa:ranaisqu;reaeamg At9%`thA%test is jrieht A :%%%L 'eS*PS$ib1Vi>ries}: ", f;S,y1viaV_Kfn'g _1iass'ed away Ma!ber=a` ilingerin-g illness :1 . the 4 - 9f.h'lin_- nf WQSA-..(I`.wiIHiwn-Ynwv. H '- 7 7 m1d thy: $re"'x`_hfa. I 9.1 I `Jfmcliffe Wis} V , 1 cn. c `:u s t'o er} .Wd61;__ 1 .Wo91V: v.Wo:1. i '.W1 mm 093}; sronn ` "(stoic o;$oI;unt.1l 10 pan. Bainxdayl. ~:` . Direch`!2pore'rirI.1ntlsaz.(M .h.|vI-uI.u.u.:lUULLo. ; Tb'`Winipeg.V I i).prs' Mwlh V ?'co1`rt;ain-edV accbunt of jgthia ` \. marriage of, May Ellen Ritclgie to,M1:. Francis Flanders? dt,th,a,1;, QcitY- villa.ge17_s"`wi11 interat-2 ;*ed~1n_t11_e as_Miss:Ri1:chiej ~ "patft . aunts. . '_;Mrs'.` S;%Marsh_a;1l,; `Mrs; ' Wm. jeidiagnd Mrs._"J_; Doolittle )l_zer e; f M s1anke,~s. %f6 ; I131;kfet;:,..5 f Bi1abkes'=, is B1;i;kegg;' j;6 . A 31qi11iets,= G _eagso, f60x78, %%64i82.%% 68:86, A; I, 10-A 'spec1_aVl p`re'a<;he'r ae1A1t by` Dom1nion,jA1liance in the;M_etho_dist_chu1;ch mom- .4 .._v_' -1 _`_._ `_.. ...'-L.` ;S1ngle j tare.-`j.;tor~ ';r'oin`:_d: in oc,.` "1oV 7 to Nov. lath to ioxntsi f1. .'1ftmsain1' V ,- pointuLPebewawa'9to P9r,t'1 Arthur and ;, to a 'i11nnb,er`otpo1nts` ` reachd via '1 .` the ; Northern` .N9. vIga{o1o:i',V0om`1iany,7 A V I .91? 50 993*?VP0111tP..'1I*Qt19b9`N0W >` :Br'unsw!ck;A,_Nqv'a' Scq1ja,~,ang?; Maine. Dates for the detlf hunting-` territory M will be announced 1ate'r'.*aRerturn lim- . 11: `Decem',1ier~ 15th,`; ; f.xqept*:to po1nts~ i reb.chedV by steainer, ,N0V.j,;.15th.'V1?`u11 _ vartlculars from :Gran` ;f1`r unk Agents or} `uddross I J.j MD9ng1g,v."p.' P. A. 1 A'1 ",t~ 2 - /1' I.-:4 Qthordayn untllep.n3;'~ 7`. Oshawa and Barrio}, . \ " 7 2}";:;$isia $5?v .9%ff5 _ ._ . se;oo.AstraLaaanisa MA1L_o3p nB.s,`i{ILi;nn ';N9ts vcashed pr:colVle_ctedj `at tho` ; jlmst 1av`ora_ble` Lratehs. * . 9 ` .- In " HI __I. III. ____ -_ _ w ' 1 W03? cish, Z v d,hV Hui` v;nl;;j1n.VOana1_q,' -`or `thy f,U;z_it_e tateg` : V bought; or` a>old . j %A~ount~i:2eo11evtedV%% ` : V7 , c1q1"4.!ttentton w1u given to ; tho, . ccommodotlon _ol 7 lMn,.`In`nhlH-.1, ~. 2~ v X&V0l'aD10_I'a1:8_B,- ` V; ' ' - - `J % Vaml vnaa:.;g% `a;..;;:% ;A`,?59s.r.sVt:J~`9i- >1V'|'[<'jV3<.1`< !'w;|3.0fi3,'9*? ' AV 5 .EBTy:3LiD;81.,.` 1 1 , b_ _VV6'V|-If~vWl uuyu uuu ._a.Lu,lUy.gu.9- yup; ` . m92jn1ng ' ,_oi, t119j.',ae;:ond;, ,de.y -;waa ~ ` bhreatbni_t1g *thejgttmoonxwas` ,_n`e`;-' ] _A`f larg ;.tOWd;g. from-, near .; Aandi 1a,rg* `L attended ,.and appa.re'ntl'y_; Aapprgciaatet ` the high.`clags e`x1_v11'bitpa.~`,_'1_`h`eV5"_n1xa,1n,= hal1j contained a.numbe1`.- ot'.BP1'alf ; ' exhi'b1ts .amon`ggthem~be1ng ithatg * or * the Dapt ` A`8r19l.11tl1Ye`\sh0W1nz the Vbenetg of spraying and 'pruni11L_g~j`?<,);-V . charde._.The`,nh arts exhibits were, \ pl fewer. {owing ~ to `the iact1on;o! xtho i Board` in shutting:Co,utvj`pro1egs1ona1s,~ i but. >w?ithout', doubt c` ;] will by much! inixprgved` `in years to L3 coine.; vIn*gu"ai,u, oats`, seeds, v_g{took - - and gpoultryjthe hjghgstqndins or . ; past_,yea.rs w_ag.1u11yTma,inta1nefd. and` | in. poultryf .was by Afar ghend Jot. pa.atV sasqns.: ,`1Sevr'al Tgood , fhorw` r afcesf . we; run 1 oil 1 and Van . intmfeaing` mind; A I 1ntvtr`uc*.ctve :.day's potmna a!urnish'e4.-- Oookstdwn I Ba,nd gave}; 4 Hboral WP: ` ply = 0'! highwclass music.` *1 !I`ho;l1st_o 1 M V pr1z:yqinners';~~wil1 be Mgtound `on. page A 6 f ~\ A ', V, ' _. - ', . ` I A4a`*s;gmaAmur-A ~lnoxfy:%,1%!_purcha9V an VI-I_arry,,B'1shar,'a ` Mi111nery' Show-r ~ nhiiuim com Mist Yjrk in; #=*+v";.*."jf="' .1 ` La nd.'b\ 1YTRAed Rosa terms; to* Vdse Te,f'L*i9?1*ni , but from `fierce gt have M W n%uW ar:thr@~ r gacc . I ommodauon or ra.rV:er_s; ,_,in o 631113 . 99*` `ime 4 ar.g.c:.e..wm~ Roeomm1nd.l!- L"rnonN9r0N %J%no: l#HUG;VO'~, _ , . > 1; m;.andi:u&.1i4'ix1da an tforivwn-V mm: visi'tinz"~tho former : ikpu-`I satay Hr. agdxrs. D. Kidd: ~ ~, D.~I{;*IV{(;asapoli'l`oro11,`|:o was how; d!`3;!e1-F11`...` ` - ` L i may majnas`; of Goo. may ft `son brpleaaed to heat` that hid` Irecont/.,oper`ation has proved to} be` of greiit hanent.f . . ` -R9v.;-)1. L. Pen-upon of Torontxigo-` cupied the pu1pit. oiM_otho`di3tchIx`rch{ on [Sunday evening in thy interact "fox mfnomxmon Amnnu.,,,, Misakntii Wilson is auering {item a` thmatenod attack of appendicitis. M Mrs. Rumble of ~R1chmond"I-I111, is `visiting her daughter. I-I._Bla'I- aingthwaiteyi "V ~ , " [ John Ga:-butt poi Ivy was`1n_,town. `llnml av jfrlcnde in _town. Fair Day. |lIHB `AIIIJQ lvvnuc _ - Jacratbb ot.`Ool1lngI3v{>od vganka V I `muses Cameron and Beecrtt oi 3;: V rie` and. Miss Gauloy oi Bientwbod~ Jpent a. few days with Miss? `llahnr r . , [AIOL 300 Wm. ~1"Ul,`guBUu UlD3uUu1' '_ 12.-_A. Du s.- ~ - `A. Nixon . ,=bu~g and Rob Sutherland of the _}Sotch Settlement spent Fair g`lg._yaf 3 Miss Ltti Nixon ymeea w1t;h ii.r rm... 0;. `Sunday: It. .._.I in... `In ~,?"`f""." ` ` . f M . `I Mrs. Ad. Raynor! of - Toronto -- 1; 1 Visiting Manda. in t.wn- . Mrs. and--Lss -osbom -B: t ew; inarkctw V1B1bo'd with Mrs. H.` `Loaigl-L 1ay"ov`ei- u:e`n~au.... , VI mas Maude wmtesme` of Alliato M1es,Ninb. Ross. = ` - . 1.111 _n `n.u{_'__--.1 -I..u.{.I `Lspent a few days with her mend. Iuuuvu" .v_ `Z "V Miss Wilson 01 (}hurchil_l`wa.s plane let for J. Gllhegners ,exhib1t;at che lm ` '~ ,NlI ' ' lss Irene Parrish 61 ABa'rri`e walja vieltor_a 'Wl|1._MOL68n'B`. ;. v ._- _ n nn,_`_-__L_ _.I_x'L'..l`I .l..' `,CU.lln,= A. nu-Luau; | Mrs.qPyne,* (nee `Miss Linirav` Me-V Mahon) of '1`oronbo_ and Mr. and Mrs. ` Thus... `Jennetof Barrie L. _'v:ve1`e_ttV1o guests o1_Mrs. A. %A'rTn61d 1| .Dr. Buchanan ot`5Torpntq aited \ Manda in town (or a few days.__?', | up"; n.,__';_ 11.. Inn-..-~ I'nanII`n> IIIVIIIIID In Ifvvvu Ayn in nu: V--3--__ _` > Mrs. Dennis, Mm.) Wray; Messrs. Alex; and`Wm. Ferguson ot,zSchom- 's..n. `(and `Ram Runthwhind M the- Oct.11.=-A fowl aupperll-"to. he. held` in` the Utopia Methodist 7 Chu_rc_h on Oct. 16.tol1owedby` _a good , pro`-' `gramme. L w , " - n..o..4-.. nl..;lna.I- lzhvn inu1m-`y M the [_;I'I`_ll.Ill.I,u. _ w , 1 APotatoqigging-iathe`o1der` of the (Jay. inlicawnn sqummj " ` Oct. 11`.-Rev. Mr. Brown dI{Hawke- ~ atone will preach In the Baptist Church * r~-...-n- ` `"' '``* S!'.`l5 ;`?!`';..-..-.:ua=z.a.:- . .: in-s.i Z]T"M'cDo_well "of _'I ozonto ii: I V siting Vtrlefmls hero. rn`; n'..:.1.;.. J 1X7anh'd`uI>Irn`\I\. IWIEII ll.l_!I`LlvI.'lB)I.Iv_A,vu A _; ,M'isgiNHe_11iA3antin g%naV_"6x:miicaVZ dutieei as; clerk in` A the , departmental 2 |.3!t here 9?" ` t *5 *4 `III..- O'cf. .-\-1i(}o.11AAgra;1:\V1|hJ,tVionNa( 'EMi. ' and Mrs. alter Spith 9nL=the_% urglvul, : 0`fa d:I5'ght61';'-w L 'Th'e';.bgijd T Ls\tt`e:zV:;ti:ed _A_F.V.imiva:1e? Iii: 1: kg ;-m; 'm'.....u.... :M..~;.z..'ma..'..' M last yy ....m~WuhLrt"5az}7;"p', -Amnemy . Rome. Victor Rose."L1l1ig.Bell_. Fina- aie Emma, Grace` Emma. Errc Bell. Mulqr Ryan, L .% .V . II-Fmd `Fraser; `L Edith. Crawford, ~ Oliveilenaen, James Emma; Gordon Fraser, Evelyn `R'evi_e, Gertie Bell; . Pt. iI-Gbrdon, "09.mer`:n.A Esther ' V ;Ryan. - " . . , B911, I` ~ Velma.-1 .oan~.emn. .. [IIlj_I.Il_ju`.DI?_l{Iu. . I Mis"Fr ances Doti1illy .wasith: iiat ; . pt._Baxter`pjl9nd;lagb.wgelhf ' v 7:`-.:'_: ni._:.: L`... .. mnvnn:I(knm`A nfnii` 'IOI'IQ H016: -_ l j % lm xatggse m12;:;roz'ji um; um , David Gguley. Lpasjaed: away. Friday, :1 `L `moxnjnn.qftatt5dnF.il1hssWot six} , Bhe;"wI.l1`. gbb R r6'a;tly _j-misaed. in; the homeau eh` j was the. n-,o`qlv- daughtgt and Itbe;ll`nhtg of_th`e'~home. If. The ire - * *mina_}:.we;'e 1aidfTtp Ares'Vt. in the feuby-. T- V te:_ivgn;A Cemetqrv Rev.;* G. I.:OrAaw, 3 I +1) l..'1.'.V`\ .'V_`-`~ E p:`aja;h\e,d,g, ; ,,`1n|)xpgspiv`eTse:mon. '\ ta'kiI.18 tor_.hia f j.cjLuk.oi 8:5,2;~* %-;.=-.'rhe ; ',all=bgaret V _weMxe qlarenoo ,AL,Arnold.; , a1bert:Dohne1lyg Bert McQuay. Earl. Rgld. ` Z '1;h9Ldeepbst usy_mpaAthy~.~, 1; ex-` ,\ tended;to `the :_ hqreavgd; parents and ` vunung 1nu_uup nun. vs -Paislely at weeha`w , vi>siI:o;d_,he`reLthis`wee|.I. -- .g__.__u;u_'..- ..' uh`; VIa|wu.uuxu LI-Il_WUUI_Iv..` .;,_,,_____,___. .. _ =~Ooxi iatqhtiona to Mls Mary VJen~n- ` ..0!~8!I IM_r. Eaath of '0rilIm, ` who warebfmgtied onjqpgdav. . 3 _ A ._ E iii-ERERFEL A - 5` Mrs. Trad! and-idanghter Mn. , F;-`ed . Harriupent_ Q few days in SVtny'z,1erV.V A ~ L nu..'..1:.. 1h.I?..}m'In M--I-ha` Onmm ltiv llu'l"Ilupuut Q ww qnyngu ~g._.,.,y.. cm1ie`MKenzIe or-tho` Queen` any ` ,_ ;o%apt ;8pnday last `with,=_Mrs. I..; Eock- - r 0.? ' 2 ~ j : bgia. .la_mes Bxumby has .r_etnr_ned IID ' home `arty; apendiinga V_vvh41_le_in` Winn!-V L `cbirerd, frgng V lta /_i_lln_esVa.: ~ W... w..;..-mm 1i't*t`let;i=alV2y l:VajIV:VfrAeaV T 1s;,`A_.7Luck; Barrle, spent is View L (1 ya last'VweekLw1thLVheVr mother ; Mrs, _ Eockgiidke; I \ 2 `Miiu-Wmmn l1fnnhr:I;'1i')n`nne1'lI: Shdv .Eock,r,-ldare; T V *-;Miss;Emma Eockrldge spent Sunday Vatjhomp.` ` man wgu. : ; ; m_'g;.;_ Lucs11e7rie::g ne;_ iis'4`:'A vi`;sV iAt.:;I';_; `tie. '3 *n`B9.rlin. - _;_;_i1\;.;n Ll. V Quiai-l`vn:-' ;n1.A`nI' pI._DX_lUI' l.,I."lDlJu_ll.>lvu_3lI vvgwly V 'Bcsya.,pm_s h'uLs?returbed[_hom`e. aferr snehding 11.18. iwm.m..e,r:fiu-the West--::.:.. .......n.,'...'..1.s- 'A`nml his mmnaa upuutuug u; Bull`-[luynv a->9 lluy =u vg... ._.,. "M.Iss Get mas Arnold his "returned `to~.'.l'brohto.` attetfan gexganded vjsblt ` u` 1-`; J , '1-r-Ii'. "nVU,..w,.,,.,`, _ M . . ` JII.`-V-%Joloyi Relvb, V ;Pa5arl Wreugit. .Willieglloway.Normanfmt Von;-' I or VLeadgg,h; red VWali_,, `Pgrcy town;- ; 8:, Iklilj-"I;l>iGV|Iy:d:{:@tt6fibh,` vow. ; Pa!t.jr~":-f'%1i-Ar."-V UannI.nx-I - "J1". 2wr..` Dbt bthyeioam,` jtnum , 'NoblenI_3e!Vl (:`gI1lVp_1g9uVI.V.: mtip .Gbbpnu, ; : AIM "W180 7: : do I 1 Ha{v*.V Jeau'aarntiw ' 75 1 . 1 Ii J4!=-W.W4=V_.+!+~v..=. . REPORT .%0.EB:B._ N.o.:.7` IN.NISFIL V ` tpq:'mqnth4ot*;ieptember; 3 v .Wi!1!.|1"-`Ml91mLM`w9'%W~ -,.. % 2' "er;`1v.:A:11.cainhin` **Mar:y1fS1oaia,V V Kohntli ~,Mql.:eah. V Df_A :caVr VB;)to_nle_,` L 3689 .McI3.I5,naA 1; ` . 1 Jr;A:v;=mq:a-`cgswgoion; _1`~..%y. Vlor.*VGor8Q':Prntt;. . Lin.` x_Ll u1:".m` m.;....: 1`(3l'abr`n. ` I01 ; ,_\10l'gugrnLy, ` eab1q`;1VLes1tuaeL9an, 9eg,r1gen;.% -boas. +Jr. % m.~.;me?~ Jraylo, "trjragiixle VRobe:tadn.~ Ida. Canning, Willie. Noble.- .FerziaiGkiodfel1qw,~~j'Morgan` Pgratt, 4 `Al- ` V `v1n%cmvto:a. ' .2; -~ % _3r` "HI;-=Ln1i"an VsI$an.f Vdofca 3 Con .` \-r`..'.`.;..u 'D' r-Dial!` Wrhnblt =.'jdfritiI;t`(31si_`1_LL._g --'-' '-vn `J-(1.5 nr` UTOPI A ' 6! T01 -ontp v:1sit`od`his' nnnntr C`1vy Runittancad shoizld bainada to J- I. Mulprong Publisher at THE Exg , nagm. Ont. Oct. 8.-Mn. `mlmmdna has to- turned to Alllnton after visiting her mother, Mxi.*John`Garbutt.r .__`*~`~"_,_~ \ n-..... .'.I ....'. .' ....-nu. nhnnln nhann IIIUIIIIII, lllllu uuuu uuauuvw j.` so eu_t , T; M: . `.plo.1At:egdaa the .mAuni::xraayr1;:t ?'Bhom\poonviile last Sundiv. 1 u`_` ,__s' u;`.; -*-LL. n..\nv..a.`..|.'a. '....a ` uIlupunuu_va ` ` ; \ < V. V Mr.,and,M`u; "Jae. McKnight `and '3 children o'1`ottenham vmted:Mr. and Mrs. David Duhmlut Euudav and Jlonday. _ ` ~ A um. um -um Jam; in hlndddn the . Ullll-II]: A little soias om e to tlsddcin th ` . hogn glM_r. ahd Mrs Robert Brock.` n`x-; -b`....n .`.. :5.-. -1 na'..`..:.`~.`.I.mm1 ' . uuqug1L_,pA_n_ |_|`l_|-I lllll yllcuuvvlku `I`:.uv\vls gMiaa' Bprthu Bone of VB`r rie visltod\ "1 Amanda here last Sunday and Iottonded .thajAnniyqxaary," ,_ , ,. . , , . I `Mr- Card ; and My. Robson "of 1 Thompaonvllle visited atothof home_ or '. I Matthew Robson last Sunday "and.:t: \ tendod`th_e >Anni_v;e_1_-u_a;y'hore~. ` `I\._:L_-`- ;......|'.`n.' ..... I-nun `Auk hm ~` wnuga me gnn;v_e;`u:g:;y note. 1 `nitaLa`humbtf`1r'<>m Jiere tols Linw the(glutA1liatqp.laat_week.+' ; ' `V m.. . t..uk`.. ~D.ns.....'. " .0 mnmnn; II: p: u-nu -. - -V.-..-.,._ fave my m A vadp`. piled. Pmme In Aavan; 31.39 it nofflo paid. . ~ ?;L MID llvll-`nu xuInvv_{J.Inng| vyvvno. Mla Lotci iamon of Tliom ` n: vl11ehaa`raturn_edh6me after vistinu A .fri_enda;hete- . ~ ` InL_- n..-`.._.'_p.._:..._ A..._I..'-........;.' ....- IIQUIluU;l]VI Va \ ' The] ,Pre:bytfari'tI;: Annlv`e"rs`ar` wii.s` qui a asuc.ceu`a.L _R`e_v. Mr.`-A Mccuatg otgottanhm. delivered` two good aer-i mona. = Proceeds `amounted qto ; $90.. Quite a nnmbettn1In;aL distance. at .t9Pd : 7 V HOLLY K ? Oct. `8.f-'1'hrehAing M In t,he'_Vo:1'(1e r "of 1:l1_9da)*.* - x H 'l`\-.153; A -unmln;-us Id.-'n`/` |un;n- Jgxnlv in . ; non nun, l;[_lHIlg lung auuaun. -, r i 1Among;.the`A vislt6rs to=ElmvaI'e, fair ' we ;-e:1\;nis F1ossia~_0riapin.;` Mr; gland` , Mrs;~Frank:Bfo1ey,stWeal9y fajndi .Rna_- A M sellV`Bxooks_`,>'lV4_Jr3vv`in Spegs _avx__:,d `Hem:-y ?9'.`.%1. ~ - .a`.3:maA"o1'. V".-3: ~; % 7aiiii'iih;~inc'it |3ie.7 ain75 lduVgbiMng.M_T ' ` .". ....a ?.fn...... ..'.` . V .T'*1.nm`nri . 1.1Fki9i98!9Af,1,`wP 1`I'_..___ 'D..-._.. U. I-I:IHIvlIl,UlIB`,y 'Il-I_V>`I"n_l'I)PI`U|>J5llIl,lI`_ ' . .,Hn:`:y Bto_wn_ : s`x.: rfeturfned-i~4%hbhiA` -3 (ram. the,W,9g;t J1ast,*w_eek.~. On his,,wa'y;` M v =homa*heapantqa Ltewwdaya wAiIl_1jhi3 ; J 30" 3"!-V?"V* '1T9`*?.W*i.'P-%,L-" . r L .L\aaI[_ uVu,ua:u.lu.a . ;0ct. 1,l.-,Miss'* MinDief,.`Ca;ter.}f or 1 Kmwomz; V who` hasxmen sn.ndinv.the : pupa few_vmeks .v:erv; p1eaannt1y.'.wVitn - > ber.aunt,{Mr. `B. Carter, vleft-,on' '1'-11`e3'A-`A daylor nVv?ia_it.,inMW`plland.LL I ~ v ` I `u; Anan. ;.n n`. .;........ `nnovsnoill $3.`... In}: nu}: - ' =Quit`e in number rroiunhbei`- at}o|r "i`z1 -vlbltor here. r 7El;n_vile_~f_nir last .Wednje'nday and; re? E 5 , ` . 5 ` " inns.` Mh1ey;ot LBqftrie* is AVrdcnt j nu_'_` .Ii',u_' ,-_L- _ JeImettL.hasT`captu1 '1:n`itVgq t `L .`:73Vt`i,,= .;_ '_l-Ill c '_ `Autumn a is` fagt ,TapproAachipgTa nd,] birds 5 are 1dia'app3rIag. ; but Tom` 1 `V a c:'ow`and;witb. mllch .haudlix_: and patience is ' teaohsg i `l-l. 11.--- I -3 11 ll UH [IIIDJ ` Jbhn {Gibson 1-of . iixic&vi;.'1Mil L V Hati`ef7Suiith' L or Bm1_'e~- a'nd= "Mm ._ {Fmfcefa Minnikin werounday `.:`vigi_tv-. . are at the home o'f;Johu` Spears. , ` ?- n-1_u.`- mL"._:;I:' _`n nL..'....-" ....-._h.. . - wu -. Uvvv o... 'y-._- \ ,. Report for Soptdllbi. L Glass IV-Ma.ry MaoLqllg.nd, Milton .Gruwtord, Lavada Barnes. Harry Hen son, Charlie 13:31, .A`rthur Rowe,` W111- fo` .M.acLenan Melville Metcalt, Les- % lie Kisaick, Vera Emma." -we-r Ii:_L-.L' n-_.._x-1'I . A....:. ll... VH1 ll! Iuw I-I\Ill{l`VVVI_-' Ilvlqu Iuyvvun _ V Waltai'::T6adalA 6r_ . Barrie span?" 7 f'6.W,d`8'y8'het0; f.i"'f . . Lv__vv Vuugw ,u,\_a-_._\an V .\rne*new?`utesuei;j Hdwa a =i3auitiu;fl` :ha_js won1o1' himself ;h_ianyV.friei1ds`wlth his good; work, V. ndgi ohlmng _dispos_i`- tion ahdyisztakjhg avbig season. " =A'm'nn`n;thn" vinItriI-I`: I-.nrElmvnT'n flr ' UH] nu II Vylqluglu. vvuuuuynn ' ; Mr. ~kii;toEACrejeinn`:eL occulti 156 { pnIpi,t_._i'n the. Mthodlst /Church here . t _on._Sunday last. w.hjle,Rev. Mr. 1'1`oye~ 3 " gqhddttd the btvice `at Luvenqjgr; , ._;_ --._ .'-.;. =_:.I7.......Il.}.. ...'...I.'..'. ' nurrg I-JIVlIUIl1g'$| jguungugv---, ` , 1 . Jr`.= V` II4I.--Lizzie Mattho'wa. 5 Mary; ~ Vmatthewa -Hildqcarter. -George Law-" |':8ljl!OV,`,Bl1lV`,`J_0W`0_lla : L~``;1I.%-%-Ma,igaxosKotqbon; Albert" car, A 're1lV Lawnpnf t nmbmon. Edwina A 5.~',"m'V-` 13 *' ~ r ; j',Pt,.V;ILa- -Warn ~`Mmbortdn. _Notine' ' Kpqwlqg 'Morley.vQurIgr,'Evergt Mun V . %Ain!w~wr~nea :; A % `gge-=1!1IoiMnmb9raon; aa:o1a_r:1m,, < n I v. <.`:.,, _V`!__'_;_ ,r.` ` I `V lU!IVI IIVIVI ;..,'1`h6;. `Metliod`ist;fA:Al;3itirh a r ` Vh6lding theiz Anniversary hi: _Qet.., 16,. ` Mr . Morgan . 0! Barrie jwillgrsgive a ` L musical"r9ital`og`Tthe_`(ll0w1ng Qven; if ipic` %n&e,;:.;;. 48per;.sp`oiit=ja tw "'; (Ia'ja 1 in`.Toront6,laIt`we_ek, 1 -Mi .a. .1vu..-M r-M.Le+.r.. mt an-om. m~'1-'9'11. 10," W093. " J Mr. and `Mn; M.;f Martin: ` of Beaten a ;e`"sp_endlng I_f8W ._da In. with `the 1 |attr'a,paxents." Mr. an Mrs.` jngh ' -.Blgnar._ ~ V 1 . ..L...-A ..' Lvuuuuywu um puulyv uq uqvwuggyn. V ` The , hw, cmgn sid6wa1ks m_al:'eV -A ' quite an imp_rvemqntjn the: iyiyllage,` ` :u..`. 1uI'....':..` `...u...*.'.,.a '7..." u.mm..'.`.., qluw Ill Ill-lpIUVv,l.|lUlllI;VIu `l`Il.V` ,_y_Y|Yn_uu5vg j 5-Mr. Martin" retui-dad ';to'/ Hamilton M on=A'1 uendny`~o-after a'njfe`xtended visit; \ ? WM! hero d3FKhtf;M?9- H.`V|+aw;r.ance-`V V.o."oMrsJ.1I,oyeois 'vis_itina`in Toronto. V I o I furs; owsoh, `of fToront5`}iaL' spdndinsz gafcouple "or 'w,eeka with her stator, Mgp, A` K_et'ch__en'. A 3 '3 j . n * , W` ` ' _,L... ,.,. u_-_/ n-._..1-n;.. .1 I nuwueu. `- 3';- Er _ ; y `Rolier_t Carter has t`h`eAfoundat_|onN at >' bis; w.hIm.nIahed-.- ' = ` x "A...-,u'; .. .`u,`._:-;-' LL.` i...l... .. .