. L :'ElilirllntlinljClabwevellnll `thhll bl-allot` aumplp got the min: `or land values . It baa, In .tha..pm -live, or vix.-ya`um, lucr`eamd_tLum 5,'000to 85.000 `in 00- = = nnlntionk l This rank! llncmale hag calmed dl`remndonhti6in.the yaltxo Y n offlahtf. I tndenuyithat line he ` `assisted by the public ownership of a lqelfum, has, water, _llah'tingA and to-lephonp ayutgma--tlge latter 1 gun- era] government_--cons.-ru- Yet the . value ll not a speculative oneflmt. a real one and building la fully` up to , theland _boom.", _ _ , * ,. } "Vancouvex-..B. C... has Just talieti ` o alljtaxea save my the land `values; no result In the greatest building ` boom In Iho.hiatory_ o!the`cIty."-` :- I . 'Io"Ii1eet eu:'a1m'u:'ug Aconditbion a,` petition from 4280 municipalities ini . `clud'inxiai1t.'.he~lurge cities onus pro- - 4vince1euve.one, uskinu--that power be . uiven thiem to put a inguer rate on lundvfalizee than - upon L improvgament. ~ ,wraa;reje`ctedIb the government `the only reaeoqgmv `n being" "luck or uoi; t'ormiiy`Af `w1ii,eub.ideauxibea the. present; ;. condiuwn,iexuciiy.*~. V 7 x in. .;.v..... .u..:..s..'...u.... .'.nv Lu". (.1....`-' '?i`hrouahou: Hm cums `Pro\;lnu`e-`git I Alberta` were in no tax upon `improve- , megts among fagmje-r-!."` ' A \ i1`hia.re ax-Ae `62.u6u`farmf lee 1h Ontario than there"were*eighs yam . utzo, All gone ' wean ` or M 1nto fth` Al... N ` - ;?Watarldd'.`(;onni:y. Ohtdrlo, lids for : aomeltima practically exeznptedfnll ` nual ' improvements` from ' v taxation f the feault heiurthat when yqufcroaa chelinointo Waterloo from` any direc- ciomiu iaLlik`ecom1ng into` anomnex cpuutxly `926 thrift pad -jontegptise. . A \aUlIulUlUI-I,_vnuI-yl_yI . V To nieec zhsobjectlon 6rwth (Jov:` ' .eriuu;unt m1_ d`.atvtne`auue`nI1na t.zelie'va-` , - them .of"exnVbairasameu't, pending at * c1os'r_revi'ewLuta_l1'assessments,` -_nt `in, ` fdow proposed tq organize the whole; prcv_iuce.. So that axcomplepe Wbnlax demand maylem? `no1oomfordoubt _I - aa`t`o:-thLe`.v`v1sh:ot.thepeople upon this < 'prripnsit1on orithe farmer dmand ~ur1 4' ` :he:`*pow': of initiative. 8`lld,`l"8 _feI:6l!_-1 "dam sopjxhat these :needh[:1 popular _: :nenaunea`iu futlue -can. bataken up . hI}d tb`pr)Viucu Al_;m'naVht td t_ue Lronr. mm other D1'0Rl8S:lVB}'C OhDl IiBI with,- mgt Aeui barmasment`o any kibd. to . the; 3 _G`,oyernmen1z.; .A1:eady. spm_e ftwenty-i _ {ve local aiqgpk;ia%zi\qns`;have'heen fo'rm - e`dand"a `great quanbiAty joVf `pr_iu`: e(1 `] mmqr`Vd_itr=bht_ed; : H _ A1 -aw, an cities. ' ' `L_`Alr.=.Va':d_vL this` abrina mote `th'a}iV| 1000 Ontario families have gone} wear to settle when their persunal enter- ijrige will not b`ubjec:M_to 1:uxa.v.iox_2.A" T 4? rmgigemai-acmiv "i;ae nu;' * tellia story inl:ell'uzib]y~,;e`ven` when}, the ` 'fujct ajare tb_'m,ae.1ve_s' `of cardinal MM lm-_. 'n'oi'ts.niie. ?- This (is. 7 d<:ubtl6ss; 'one~ a of ` the` reuaons:why\the~. w*ealthN of inn- mahiomwhich lies bl`1li8d'in" `statistics _i`sV so inxvpexer:tlyun31aVda uh'e of and why; L M r'a'di_caJ1y cgptjadict91y.ded`uctions Mqau, _ oftenb-sqtznced-,Lto;tbe same source. M '9 A .a.- ......;I.`.'n`na no \}1n+`:.`,`h.+..`m.;n.`- nn . bI`0t!}9l' 0!` SISWI`. ` - Incerta1n3dir_ipts a. nhomesteader . 1n good `standing Imay pre-empt 8. Quuiter-section alongside his home- ' steak}. ';Pr1ce,$3.00 per; acre; D'uti'es- -7?} Must, reside upon `the homestead ,or pre-empbidn six `months in each "of six years from. -dte ofhomeafcead_` entry (inc1nding- : the .time -gjeqnired .7- to [earn homestead bftqnt) `and cul-` .tivate"fty "acres extra. ~ ' . L-,.;___;_-.a`..._ .__u_f. u.-_~.....1;.....}:-.1 _ ~ C Lastea&, ;.;.-eo.aang:o me } calculay I Hpn (if the Uiiitad 'King*(ldm Alliance. -' Great amigo:qp+nz..$715,eou,o0o1,qn in - toxicants;as0'comparedj with $805,000 - ` 000; {he .nreV*1hI1s .ve.ar.'.*a. :no'mi nal~"de- . ` cralllsa 00330 000.000 which} s`bot1ld_in .re9.liuy, he pf aced_ j ueamj-. 0:55-;oo0.o oo. * I ow'iu'n7:to the 1ncr'e,a'se iz,1 price of spirits . ahd '_2bet'durin`g. thel* , tzvVelye-month. Ap eatin1,at. at `how, this gxpenditure ;-was d_i$vwid`.;,d among .;u1eA-gdieront "ciaaaes_ is,7nn cnr_alIy. _ex:t_remIe1y .di3- VA `cultund more orphans a matter of cons ' .'n.nh 1|'-in h|1t"f.hn`nHhi.inI`wHn` nnmnilsv often bu\jtzncea,Luo;we source. A,.`mpugjtion of fdatg,?.Vhavfvev`6l?. on -the lowtu of `tempetancqin `_GratM :B1itinn,*wbicb has juntfbeen made public, hardlv.'comes, in Vt/hi's`<,-ateuzoxy. . Thiejzmies in_whiAct_1V it iabounds are : Lcolossal but`com`prebepsi_l;IeV and .`tbMgi;y Z , .`. ; meaning 1; egily pDpa"Ife,it;-X` 3lll5.HDll I110!!! UL 1388 uvmuwer OI COD 9 fjectre, but thajoicial1._who; comuiled: - r.- . z, - ghe a`tuitiat,i'c's1s `of tbe"opin|'onj_'tlia'u 9 ; j. 550,0_00,000.f,,m* app`m"xijnatelv`V two- I thirdsof the Vwholg, qqgije grpm 1 the v t4laVbi) riVn'u clamp. V i PhyiaxiaL :ABfg9_t`.'B"r`V|t_I|A:rn: _s toil/iii; am.7 I m ,.3`4;>`-Mg ;;1K~.=$,{w a,,g; 3:5; V h ' ' IV V ,' M eby%`indsVBros-am` Br`{"& 00 Brrle , "f'l`t 'i t hi\ ayh-I vntltiigvahle RE>AM O_F"TH;E WEST,"F' to 1`iIcr\eua`.'7 ;. T,h9r'--6121:; 19? V9 ! We 9 ` |2;`dosi` um inll` `on the -huge brangdn igin,` ` 5!.` `[1-.'.` `I an ",: g:i.`mjbs~._;s o pxgaamg} y &u:.%Vi-6dVn m; Vth.i' ygj-mini` "watg:I:in`g ai1d`t_e`atin[` day `and n.1 _Ight. to: ` | .'. I_}! .` ~ -. V` inf Jljlkaivs Lam ! ` W -caqilis, Gauaqa V , `-'l 1:-`e1n,t Gang] ,. Ontario - moo - (Lake Illvlglon T : ._ s1notr1QNNn;~._3 _ none: to oourknaorons -' EALED, Ti;Nn1s:as3{i%as;`g`a. dj no the ' undersignv,d.; and .eni,oxeel ` .m\__...1-_ .c..z. m.....-.. 11....` u` ...:n L... .... ' `(b6A11tinu'ed fr`om "Paige I 1 `iri the` scbop of your` gcales` of-justice ` now 7:": V L `nsamaju, 1'nguugI_twL Mugegsv (1! no \ \ '.'."1`en`der fniv;5I`renr.,Ounal. ?` will. hd re- cvivednntil 16 o clook"_on fIiiu,i;(1ay.; the ` 26IhA 1-il.l9|0..fo;~,kh=Lwoyks,ounnecb- V id witg thb_c0l1~'Ir|Ic'i0n .on" Section bio. `Q . 0n'l\tgxYt*i_(,>1}1<;*L}[aike iliiviaiuu of um v `II ....... _....... -u-v--- 7- J the ,0'a.n+tl.` 3-3 V 0` x Pldsns. . sp9t'loal%o;Is and this fduin 6! ' onnu`-ucb us biz... entered into. can be sp-e`n ou and[~'riftex:'.,thts daia at the nmnn nf t|1n.nHin`f3H`.nninAnvI nl flu: seen on. auuk~nIex_,`.,&nIs tune up we I ntce: of ghke; Ohi_e[; ngineer of the , De artmena of Rniiw `vs and Onnals. . 2 0|; Lwa.'andait' 1h`eol3:_e ohhe_Su er-M . ` inLendinsz.Englii'eer. '.Cr'gnt.,Oanal.V eb- ` erlionn. Ont.-, an which*~pI8.l;.s forms of V Lender may he ohtamed.*: .. \,:` - 4 Pnrtie.ts~ndering will-he` required tov ncqept _t._he fair wages Schedule 'repar- T!` d. uplto be-`prep_axfed `by the , epart- menuof L-hour, which scbrjdfxle will lf0I'!n:pR!`C() t,h.e (.`.`(vlllg`achf ` :` ( l.-.n0u'.ai.rnnn nub nnnhunnhul I-`n Mann In IULII-I Il"lV I-I. vuu vuuuunuu Onn1r'm`:rors are re Muested tb hear it) .' mind`tha.t. teniiera xv I"n0t.~ be ronaid- . V-wit-.11. ' _nct.ua.l. signnt.u`nes.` the natilre dithe- wed gifnless made Leitngicftsly Vimmcon-da.I_1_:eV the printed fo1mg',;n.`n'd -in` t-he"cn'a'e` V of y ms,` unlrsi, there `are Valttag-h-`d Lthe .ccup_ation_a.n th ft-mla,ce7fof *x7esideIiIe ` of sac}: member of the rgn; ` ~ * .,:r'I `:1 of eac}x |uennher'of the rm: 1'. ' An. accepredMbnii'l` Jch'qu'9 , T;)r_. f _. sum of $10,000.00, iilade ayablu to the t. ux*dei'"ut Il1e~I-lo`r`v`<>r~iul$l "n{XI|`In nu ma`! nnnn`n ninnr uniunvnnuhir Minister of "nan . L` 91: I.`__ Ul`el_` 0| ll1E`1'.l0l'\0Y'.0|e_ U19 l\'lln|8|8l.' OI` Railways and Canals must ncc umpany. each Len-ler, wbiclnVsnm,i_\vi|1~`be fog-i jei&v5~, ed. if Tthv pan-&b.v,_tenderi_ng den-l`i'mB ` * vntering`intm-ontiuwt;Tm- ithe,Wnrk. at. {she M169? ;it-ftdyin the life? 1-\ubmitle`d. J unuunyv nu -an` u,u-/-.4-uu. uuun . *. ` _sa_1fi|y_ accept@d:- '1`h`e1owestor `mjygtgndeifk my gees; ; ' .\| `D 59"?! navy 5' ; D:epa.}'In1entnf'i?.:{ilvt?$a:vntid Oemal. '0t3!LW:I, .5th ;Apn`l. 1910. 7 T . .Nevs'spapers insrtlrifg vbi. 'ndki,fti.3- mvnb \vitho ut1V1thx*iw fLro_m{"IheV Def-M - Lpgttulgent xvillnonipebpaixi: for 11:. V 3 alham VIII: lD|U` cu'Iy\:u In vuv ` nun ruuuuvu._-nau 7 VTheAcheque_thus.aehl: wm be retufb-` \ ed to the respective pa,rt`ie.-g whose ten- ' dg-rs m:'e_u0t ace p`ed.\ -, ' ` ' ` um. .....,.....';.o uh. `a..uI l~nviJnn_' I U`l.'H n.l.'u_uuu uuuv p vu.` V The chequehf LE3. 2-u{cc ssfui tender-_` `cnripy fo'1-the dug-. fulfillmentgof the` ` ; .1-omracb to` be ante}:-eVcl;vi(t; I er will he held M: set~`ux~it.y. oi-M pn'i~ts e-` } mu`au,;,,.. ,,, ,`.',,-_.- a. inere cfpheir; .-siqm-e one Mrs. Collin - ' ' wood has been'ver.y kindto;.Naturzi1-f Oh;', ui.in*s.ignica:nt berson; t Ily, sh'$ pfdves" 9; troub1e-menials V T possessa lot oi ,asp%1v1ke`;a5tt;'i_1)ut.es>"`L 'x'i`mL-_' ....... n 'n......;. ..........A 1.-....1......r I a: Q 1 , V `aw = . 3 ~ A . 9,: V . ; u . s * I 2 ' " '. ; ` - ,r _ Every tims o\1;cou hT't;m th t N mic is` Ldiiod ` 'fpT118f!13t0m,th6,,_ 4, dIi;ca ; eVn1em tl:roatonLl_un' ; fix`; Eigzgxxg , " 1* K V m'm,{an`bgcd9enamed,`:f;}_ig _.mgybg.b1:o!cej1.` -... _ n.- n'.`.~..1;..'. H`i'1n` - A _ nA_MIrI17 % FRIEND `F53? ixrr. ,7rg---. {9..V..`'."` 7L L` There`: `th nnnnna 1n utuo ` . %f..B. """ "vf"",".""`".~".`.~?.`:`!`*"?"Y:"3*.%?" P " A ~ :g`;ub;a;;e'__ )31wRlI1d:'1"A'6`3'319"'.'_.`[,!\y b92g,,,` 47 `f There's `the; `din r point Broken means letting `own the body's defences ` against disease-"-germs await just such wan . V entrance:--Cox_is\1mptio'n itself startsthat w_ay.; Don't take thatchance. Shi1o,h s*.C31reA V loosens cou hs--r,etmoVves V . allaysa inammntidntin t e V ' breathing tract;-atbuilds up and theals damaged t_issue-putsH . - ;the throat and lungs _m`a'. ,statd of rob_.;u`s_t health. 4 . Get s1;i14ohfst'cure~ uickly ta ; - .4`31.'9.th3t.C.98 1- liuer. , - . _ _ T 1..K.vJoN1;s. gii - . .:` `Se:-z~at,a.1jyrv ilwavn and Unnal. -- .- n-vu - - - - u - -. , U" . ptoduclg L rl . T1}; Campbell Muung Co., Limited` ~ `w `x , Ifor9mo" ` ` -`,' .1 : =TheV[L`o1"1eso`_x11.e M il_|.ionaire `j % WStV*4vFlor] ` 1 hAAitV'_L;xxieQVns3T that is?;gii`sj1odj 1` u ,ranes;1t>f?.thzthront?oxj:,Llur:"1gs. all; doxng: -5. a'.)>518,'xii! `ed/`strait: & A :'s the ~. ding? paint 1; = _raxy2.k'e;s3_ 1L"`<:~-'~--4 I` ll`! IJIIIQKII -cf l- 1 l E` 0 V, __<. L._, .. .'.i_` j =' Tontaplq m,oo_: go: V plvggvlon; SECTION; N9; .4. .. * `norms?;ro%cota`rnucr6ns 9 EALEDV TENDEIfS7 daaresaaa en; the ' \1n`d-ra'i`gnfe 1; . and`9e-ndorsed -rmmrnr Tmnuic&nm.!?m7ji.I! be rel ` unungu ,"J.nuu:ang_A lIlu.1:Iauu u v the, ` \.\1ndu=r'ngijed;; {an ender for T;-x;s;;Cny.n3l `T, ` ceivrd until L_16.`o'alo"c`k~ ~ d%i`- r|d<`\rse(_l" will I"e- ,,_ n'1`hm-sday. . - ' the 5thvMa;`l910;7fof"t1iJviorks con- i" ; no.-ct-d. with! he s-VnstruotlonV of Section ,~ ` No. 4. 0nt a.n 10-R[cb I4_&`k`B_D!Vi8`i0n ,o'fV , I the Ouual. ` ___,-yn__ .:'_..._` ..;.a` h.`'.`..; -..:'n`. .. l \ UU UM lllih Plans. specimt-kins` V _ and fofm of the - - contraptvfto be. a_utex'edlu"to. mu be" sewn` on;aud- Latte:-, this date Mgthe ` ofce 'ot'bhe Chip-f i*`Eng[neer_Lof the De-_~ partment. of Rajlwavs and`:0a1'm|s.' 3 0tta'.w`a`.` and at ,bh,i,~t~e of lh eSu 1-- intending Euglrieexr. haul: Oanal. et- irbom. Ont.i)ut+whioh` lacefs-'f:u1qjsA of \ e_,'ob`miue : , ~ tender may Parties `tendering will bqL_requtiq to -if ' ' accept,` the fair `wages Sched u1e`nrepr`- ' ' ed,or tobe prepared by 'lhe*D4pin'b- Vform pa.:moft;hcOnlq1`act. ' L n-_............'. `...;.. ..'..`...`..+;..1 4.` 1..;....x.'. = ,. mnt of Lnhour.l[whioh chedulq will I ~ 1UL`Lu paw UL I4IJI:'LI.yIIuquuII ` _ Contractors are rL}]1:.~j5d no ; .cuns `- ` mind shit trudemi-W1 at-ed. ginlyss.madaVst;-lctly-in accordance with the` printed form`s:`andAinMthe aael of rms. unless there `are attached the 7 .actiial s"ignatu1s.'the n`a`_t`11_`r'_e .-of` the `~ ,ocupatio n.a,nd`the ::pla.ce xxfffesidence jofeachxnembrpfLthe'v;'m'.I_' - _ . `An cc.pted`banI<' ,cl'e,(1I1a,:`-.1'OI`_- the { the 1'ate3"a`t_a.te(_i,ViI1vlh og M. sum 0 A $2D, 000;00-paIy a hI m th.:' order , of theohotxrublu me M.n1'>ti-Ijof Rnil- g 3 mm and} Canals.\pnAgq;.e_q.(;cmjp.uggy\ "` *3a,`ch' vtehdu-r,~` which?` sum \v`ll["`,h`o" fdr`- `M emd;it~t_1.e Lpa.1 ~tv.Ltndex-ingiduclines V cmberinsriiatorcmnrsu-t'foi~ t|i"\Y0rk`;`,at gf gxxigmitted n.n__`\ ,vu_uuvIa cup ,uuu nyv._,uu,umgu_ _ , ` The cheqgie o_fkb,h'e Sll_("(3`8Sflll ."el1`(iBl`-` Q. er will;_be tgqld as: s9l11'iLV, or p'_a1- sea c:ux~1by;gfo:jL`the miej ;ft1lil_)_n1enb 1 the conAbra.(.~&',to~beL en1ered1int.n..5 I _` n\L- I'___..4. ..__ - .. 4.1.; .. _tender's"argxnot aQ'el)ted;. % ' UHH FHILCU EUHIIJUU ll`|'-I Ht} U116!` Ell" The_{(:h eque\ tLli iis"`s`e" ` L" V` ` ` _ il1~be`7i;ix:' " ed to the x-especbive crmtz-..ct_oz{s W "NYm nhohliiz nF h an uullux umv,vU~ !I_l7. cuv Ul\V['_l|lU"O.' . - The lowest (u`n.u_V` teiidfxf jnot . s- 's&rify gccepted. j . I . ` v \ - RV til-'r1'n'n-` `Depafl . _n1et1b without a1'1bho1-iLy,fi-Voin the IWIVII: QI-VCPUUUI ` my 5 O \ . Q(_V`;1e-rV1V"f}'.V' of` Rulwa.ys End an _; H *\.;Vltja."wa;; :7U1'A pr iLfl9Vl0 2 - ;} News`ppr `inserting. Lths adver ad pg;-tmnb will-not be paid fo'1'7n.f V gvuuvuu uu Luv \ll ,.~._.F-........l...~.~.,-.....-..,...... V `."/LThey:~ 1are`, v `Baits ` agfee, V fdokig ' A jound `gt. me w_ith;,a malicious smile, W -'`a. .trouble., W'h'a. c s' pa1fti'iil a_r Avitistancef? "5 V unL ' .u.1.. ..1.-..L"".. he. b'qthe1" _in this ~ dy's suchwnn artsthat way, hiyllcigs .Cg1re P V ., in tge upand \ -puts s _m a` ` * salth. ,.pa1:L1pu1_a}'-'1n`g.uuur Q `- jg" , [0h,~_ it's about` a. gbvrness Mrs"? - Collingwood entged for my children.` 1 .1 .rangy, you .have' `seen Vhrwg `have; . ' allowed yer co_ c`ome_ into the draWing- V .ing4roc mi;,s`omgti;mesb and playi ' ' L L'1'she Agovernes:$ !;H=_m'eant =M_a,re W ion`! What `could. have ' happened}? j He spoke of suspicion-esuspicion of ~ =.wh_a.t ?. -My ghearb-V-s o"u11_ of h"rM--`M istopd still. y ~ % ` * ~' ;.~.v nn... '1'). n..`..u...'L...1\"--'1 I ~wioivs:s " 6:f7;`:ii'6|huV. ,. onVrn'. _ WEST _L_A_u,p 3;opLar;9us. ` 1 . 1'$he . dvrnejs ! _ - __-`, vuvua yv , , _ wxieant =Mari_1,t*, io5iutci11o_ r_ ' _ t ion! cou1g1.ha\;e hp_pened;_? lieuwofftrees cut by L_ w__ Leigh, He spoke ,of*4.opp0,si1;e..._E.._' 1o1t,,13`,. con, 11.,-,.'1/1;-, w'hat?.. ,h911"7"`5r0'lf.1111.-05,H*?T1'A,Leigh`hadagreed to p1antrten`map1e Zstood ` 1 ' fit _S'holap:ur,` India, thfeiac- Deputy-R-eeve G V A ' _ 2 M `A `.jtrea?.on,`9ginchf`or ove1`_,'in Vdiametert .('ro Be Continued) 1 . either . this gsprmgs 301" next; `tothe 1' - \ -. 1 1 satisfaction` 0'! the.19wnerV.of said lot.` qoer accepted: 1 1 ' 1 `hbell reported which is:,mak1ng1 matches ;from' that Rlph QA01111911-`ha' .&Sk51f 101` 11 a kind or grass.` Inviewj'of -1-,he\tuc1-,_,- cu1vert,.line con,;.5 and 6 lot 20,.and_ 3J`8C9mi11g'scarce'in;inany'15arts of Ipt 20.. __the'wor1d, this;announcem1ent.i5_ qt . G011-11 1`t ijespecial interest. I ` that 1um1s,a=,r for making"'_matches is to fix culvrt : 911 ;`1i`n; "con: "6 an_1_7.1 Qnspecth 1ttte1`.'9f;. 'D1fidS5 and 011,1". `(I `O1 . 21. ?and1.a'ct ii1;_ 1 vert. line. 1 con ,. ` p;ersonA'vLvhoV1St1y1e` ole head of. I: flinilvhhr ant`: u`n:i'lA""nv'n'!-:19 vnnra { ,) 3!esra., "Foster gnd P23111111; ad- - t.he`0ouncI1askinAg cortnpenar fftion for their hors;drownnd.6p high: [1 wgy, cog; ~2,;jvalu&jof.hors\e _aidV to` h !>e;;15o:.~ .~- % `A-.. ._._' , L.` *:-_,`n . n ;`;ot?hni3i1e us-..at:at " sunnrslale cf -`t.sprn'i.Ii the memmxnrseent. .% n ` ~ . v ;` ~ ~ , _ L7 ` 3? A A communication was ceivod Cram Hun an:-ab In-up A. Du-nudnnl nl s. 3` I! j . green 11p0I1,8.t Lam. meeuug. a": Messrs. `0. Ingram tend} G. Ftaeert _ ' made request.Vfojr-`.3. grantpt money A to Aconstruct `ement '5-id-ewa.1ke_` I in. M Graighurst, 1" No -money `granted, ~f Mas , , ~~Cra1ghurst' Oro rat epnyers may claim ' `the vsa.me' V privilege as ot'he1f` villages t in the township re'_cen1ent 'si-d'ewall$s.- V _ I_ Petition `prese nted.o_ft Wm, Beaton Anand; 17. others," asking that .Go_ulson V 5` &..Jarratt Telephone Co. he gra.ntevd.' . the f privilege -of erecting V 2:; telephone ,`line from`Pri'ce s Corners 'to7Or'aig- =. hurst along townl_.ine,{,Or_o andbMe-. ' `donte. ;f,C1erk' wi1_1j write Benton 3] that. said townline mm Pricefstf ~ to V`, eCou_1tso`n,ia tconnty rond; thereforejthe I-' Council `can take no action in: that", I and that when thejgaaid company (let-. 91 site to erect then >line.- ;rom- Goulson 5' `to Cravighurst this Council will ;grant,' `them 'Der,misSion.t" 1. J ' ` . ` r-" A `_-_,,L_`En L3, or -no you:- ArIhaf.rong" aakd u giiahtjbr A 'l,`d'{rn"L1nq, , Suna1da.1e_ ind Vepm; " ~ 7;The `eeve reported [that hoVAh.ad . nurbhgsed 250 bbls. of cemant from ` :~thn:;Qnrin nvi+.f`.n"` Ran-In `-V` ` . Lawrence-7O,ulham_ -Tha:t [the `Trea- ssuner` be `ingtructd `tospgay frqight on the _two. cgu-s~ -of cement wheq` same iiaivgau-isp1ch3i5-iTnat - this Goun- . fcil tender `their `tIinnks1.o,`H6n. JKBL ' . S.`DufI and. A; B.'Thompson. M.P. P., for, their services in the obtaining ` . the1ib`erai .8_l`ant'!rom-thei,Ont1{rio _ Government for repairing the - break... in. the .- Nottbuwaaaga River _ bank . . Ou1ham-S};;icher--Thatetii%e _ am . and~e`MessrsLaw;eneei`T and Maxwell. ; ask for tenders " for the `building \ of C New Lowell `bridge, and thedam at _4 ht-nnlr in Hm NAM-nwnnnon `Divan Ono 09.iINCI.L 5 I ' V The. cannon fox 0i'o_~m 1t ?f(n` `Al1$':~11.;. 13th` pursuant to a`djourn-ment. All the' `members present. The ,Re_eve_1n the chair. ` . 2` W11;-is V ctxfehd-n, `;Oeae'r`,} 4. hp =peared and asked (pr "9, grg;1>1j:A9t.mop: y on his Lroad d 1visi6n.` mt... n'I.._I.. _.L.'....;.;...: . 1....` ' S." W. `Montgon~;ery* gaveb` notice that ow'1nAg`to illness and early spring he wasunablj togaupply cedar. for `b,I`i'd'ge` and culvert 'purpoaes,_j_ .35 qa`- '. greed up(m`f.t last` me_etirig.` ' It `|t-...__.. rm -r._..._..__-_ `_..z A "nL-..-._ ssulex` on Anatructea t0:p_y rrqxgnt ,_twofci*s- pement wheq` narrivbs. . r V _ 4, . A byrldw appointing pathmgatera lo1j.'_1910_ was du1y p`aeed. - I NI'nvu1n1L_QnInhm~__'1"hal- ,6!-sin f'|.nnn_ at $2.90, per jday. v; un nu; -vuu unvnunvu TAh e[Olerk pfeaented g two :te'nderL for.te_;n'1s: 10115 road grader for the sea- son 0171910. ' The `above tenders (from, L Thomas 7 Shaw ` `and .Ch~a.rlesA Hayes) at $3.75 ,ea`ch par day. were `accepted and-th-e>te'nd;erLofWI'. Millan as op- 117 `-n:-,.. ,,_u deIn`an{d., .T1/ie wages onermg; too,g1re - irjxprdving, gzggicind `hands getting .$20 A20,` 525 per `;n1'onth-, Lwi _ah;Abp,ard ' .i.8m,1=Wa$b1nz.'.'b!C. nises; for I>.'rrm.4n- 1 mt I 1313.008.` . y . Ingvgperlenced zmen [ ' get,` 4515` anq ;go.;' axi'c1`;5t~11e_rs` ,s1o1t6.";15; The dem'o.nd`fbr' the beg1nner'ont_h' farm `is quite `brisk `,at those guys ,`. and; much greater thail the `supply. oou:i ci11o*iMAt1iur}j, `Qvm ?and`.act`i1;_r;xhttt. bf~.bridgJand ` vert; g1ine.~9 ,"l`,o`t Rve and " ;Thq."; j Rv Coxm`c_111_o'r ,. V811. '.1/1I!.8L.~cOn'-"a'..;11ruja=I?,Iv,v 41- `iDep`1jxty;-Reeve and M c1; _bur1_fj wrq Lgppginted a.._,Mc,omn11tt_eeg gto:.e`xam1z_i~ complaint of _petiti0ne_1's,:and`?M1j:`3Huuter * re crossfrpad 5 a1rd`6,j`ea.st1)art con_7, and '1-eAp,orMt at, nexiij. meemg; . ~ Rv_1 m`.Nos. 396* and 397; were in-'. ftroduced, Ul.'UBb_`I-"Ul:l}u`D uuu repprt. at, next. me By.l ws` Nos. Lori, " 9, Isuanu ycuu yuu_. ,` eing; 397; 111-: read 4tA1_1ree`,.;-'t1bn1,es an d:pa_ssA--.~V I ULUL re cl." fl IWh_e_n 1nsKpe-mon_,w1Lg pp muuc. \ , WA hvil otA $31.00;-vfor{ce.dar for; 9111-` qvertsg line can. _12.aLn'df13,'1ot A3, ft;om' `Donald McDou'ga11 Vvvs presepefd_ qr;1er`eg;;p,x;i-d., L. `A mredwto mee*t.:on4Wednesda;y, ` tronp: :1n; 'hZ1;11Lrif`_1i Li: A .~ ;dure;Onta:;1o tarme;j9,.1;g; g1v}en Thy" the. 1'I?E`0 ;'i1'1m"ehset1` ; 'daynja.m1 iliiis ? yam`-. ` , 1bx}_fa1jr1,1T` hen)`: " "Dh`ei.M ;Pz`Ipvinc'it';'Im;.. ,` .. `1;1ivgpa;ti9nL c$if'c e vi3 1""e'p`Qrted. `E5? funablq td fcdI>`eM`. Bill dtislactopily, `with the S _ de1nia'11'k1,,; .'I-`Ij `vv'a;g`e'sN 'oer1ng`," tho, 9. re" 9 mmm`u4na njinrldnd hands kettinz }ed. V ._ .'1`he `cm ";iii3"}16fify McD'iiii5A`}1f }\ ! to % complete 2b'rid`ge,'-*-1in ' ~ c'on':'12* and _13, '1ot]14,j qr before May 17th next ?wh_e_n _ins(pectioti,wi1;l, he made. MA hvil1'of- 331.001-for cedar `?.'..4," v,9. f1:vI .`. 1'1W`* ;A3.l1(>u;111Aed> to nf:ee{tV.1_o1;4Wednesdg1y, 25j;}1_,_.at 10 a -. --v..v--_-. ` -- Lwrence--0,ulham, --'L17hAa.1`: the ` ':I"reVa- am-Ar `ha insifr-n1ntiid `+nmw` !rni8h+ mi Lun`\,;(v-IV nun HUI yuwwvuc `_ Maxwell--Splche;~;-{I`hat thig Coun- all tndr `their `thanks to `Hon. J53. l.';1l,~. A " 01.921,`- 03g} and 1: mo * whhas xmneyori Yhdder u dp to Dayisville, ct; maid ds; Emit: dxd-take Gm Sim 'n~growr_s_enti(1s_istl9 over _ Gin ' egatmnlly`;fon'heyvould be` put; Lmisgmbte giktience. instead ,of. `T `}he ,pictuteroffheh1th, h.:l`5d1:3 Im '1>g`|rA|I=`{0hAuH~h'"II ' ` T ...4vfv lea uuuuuuvu The*Iel Cd win `beiaoid aiubjieototd 1 a Timber License covering the Mtipie, Beech,` Basswood, Birch, `and, `Hem- , 1oc1'ri',Tizn'ber of nine inci1ee"a nd `A up- wards atvthe stump, -renewable year- ` 1y for seven` years. 'tr'om' the 30th .0! \Apr1l,' 1910, which License will` .be` held by the Depnrtmeht otlndian Af ' mire`, for the benet oi the Indiana; . . x - \ 'rn.._u....'_; ,i|_-..1,1 -L-L- LL- -` or Cash; 101` t:e`nl.'per `cent '01 the ` "a.-. I ?\Teirt1Ver sfgte the. anioi1nc' they are? willing to*.payA1n Cash. for the Island, and an [accepted cheque A ` "mdunt `tendered, should `acompa.ny_ aach` Tn U _ auuuj _'.wu'qur.- 2 This Islud `Eon-talus an area of about 1.400 Acres, `exclusive or 51.10 Acres, which have been aotd to the : 'l'Inn`:M- vnhnO- '5! Marina `and vwlnharinn`. AUl' , `w_uu:u uuve uuuu auxumu mun Department bf Marine. `and Fisheries; 9 for _Lighthouae purposes,` and, which wlll nqt be lncludeddn vthe_ Sale of, T ' the Island: It is baugiiully situated . in _the Georgian Bay,` not far from. " Penet-anguishene,o1f>.Mid1and, . and -- would be -well adapted for Summer.` resort purposes. Tnfiswvnni-inn In I`hU`.f;d '1-n " Tn." mlxnnn -mmxnnns addressed to` the undersigned and marked 9n. the e,n.ve1op';.,!l`ender.`toi'*1`G-iunt'e remu- Island, will be received until noon of Tuesday? the '1`enth..de.y n`i--May.v . 1919. 1o1_'-:Gi-ant : Tdmb iIs1a,ud,= sit- ` ' ua.t`_e'L in the Georgian `Bay, Hort); oi `Penetgnguishene; . " v v ' ' mavrnlnn-A wm n -nnlhr m.1?...;+*+.. resort. purposes. . _Infomnat1on hi re:'a.fc{1to',th Ia`-fl ation to -the undersigned. . _ land, may-be obtained. upon f a.pp1i_- " Phn 1min}ma4-.nv-v'nn'n- 'I`nmr1m- wilfnnt _.....l. .. ...--.. --.. _...-._ ....... -. .1l)rities-Six months residence upon andjgcultivatlon of the land in` each on! three years. A homesteaifer M may liverwithin nine miles of his home- eted on a farm of at least 88 acres ~ aolelyr owned and occupied by him or V by his father, mother, Son; d.ugh_ter,' \ ` brother` or sister. ` . - 2* . . 1`.-`I; ,I,J__ 1 ,\, ,L_ 3,, 'iBRO`0M`S MAY REACH vojomgrrs J ~`gPre.eHn_t_,pt1ce.`V.:. 45,an;1 50 cents; MA ..VO.l-d.prie;.;,;...~....20jto 35 `cent ` 7:`PO391b.le Price .lL;...'.,`60 to 70 cents M ,F.rm 1nfonma,tion~ ji_*ece1ved,h7on7_1! MbrpomV-}.i1akensV.toeday there. is _evryJ V pxobabilitx` .tha. t;; brooms may go,` to I .69: 1orge`v,en f`70"ic`ent's n1ec.e=. tor. ~ . the`; best nqkes Fbegore thAeta1~1,~ when "4 ffche new -crdp` can be %ha:vestea:r' m * ' ' 1.. _. t"`mhn` `msndnn fnr th advance iii fen-:ers,tor eIent*s rows!-nd% ...'I,`he hVighestAor"an'y Tender will }n<>xt_ 15.171011 no-we uuue1.`5Lguuu.' ` necessarily be accepted, arid the. Vun-M authoried insertion of -this vadv`ert1_g,e- ; ~ inept, will, not n'........-.....`..'-..a' -r...m...' `AHn{iin` be paid~'for.v },i_L . ; ..J-%.D.-M9L.EAN- ' 3 Secretg.ry.il Depagtmqhjot Indium ~ ~. ortawag Aprn -`7th, 1910. -L 7 11?`W'P0P {am we uulgvvvnpvg;-~_ - V. The_re`ason for. the advance in thej:_ V la,-bar. X'I`h-e_ cons-urloption of hi` omg; * in. Toronto , will 'reaAchV *bet_weenA 50', -.. u, 000 and M1'60;000 bro,o_`m a"e'very_ year, `which"meaxisi that `the '_bI7o`oms`f to be ; ' used in ;; hVo1_1s`e_clvea.'l.1inggt`his': yeti: will cos1_:_b about $35,000` more than .}1a$t'i -nu-uv ,1>,1`ie`is. `given 1 .1!1'.t'he"short'f189 ' `OH btoom_ V corn sand 3 the increased-cost` of I` I I180 I113.` I103 CIKUI U13 _ yr 14 Li `. N V or qr ueyan 1 Tro ~. , . atgma in` L ; I` giqctorgagcontixguauyiand ` sometimes. `teinpoxaxy. relief, but nothing. ga ve`.mej'p e:man'ent relic! zuntilliwas persundedito try Gin Pills. Within a counle obdavs I received Yeaf, . " ""\3`z`tEh'in"a{'T:3`{s1"e'-'r'7dL7` 'I"rcL"i(;ea great relief. ando2_ft__u ml: 3 one box I` was comnletelvizured and nowwould not ' gm; xeuer, anq, o._n_:r mung one was 1` was oomp_!etely;oured and nowewould bee withouythem. I .canhighI ' recom- mend them to all who suer tom any M of Kidoey Trouble," . T ` . *Mn?a.A;i*sIMPs9N.. `-W I tyou Gin`-Pill before `b . Writ: eN'atio;yl. Drug gt Chem ;:;xl` . A); Toronto, and n free sample of II; will he sent vmx bv return mail. wnu: AVIUUIIBI. uxug Cl. \.uI:Iunu.-u \.v. t gDc$i`A); Tdtonto, and free in 13 will be senggou b return mail. 59% W3 31? 31' } M !%d=d*=-i 9 `II r so _ 1 V ':rT{--thou: L V A S`: `hove been o aneret from Indi- with it more or less agony_ V ` - to have acoinplete distaste for fiood. V I_.h'ad almost be incurable when V ` `, M I = `vertjisement in the papers about `flaittle Ci 7 'Digeatere--they will cure 0etoi'1:i!'B:i:i::r3'}, V stern? and aveomplete euro. Mr, . Relphtella the rotary-_-his oryn e 5' `on `and Stomach Trouble for an r had~'7tr`eatment- aevefil sloiifors. _ V-did.no_l:` ilnd< a cui'tf:until1_;_tI and I`eemed n to think my case came across an ad-. %ll. 3Dig`eoters`." T I decided` to, give` thellkfe trial. I am very tluurkful that I did so for I had not beexi"`5ak1ng-t`hem=lo!igs - when I_ found them helpxg me. _I can 'nowj eat heartily . rand` discomfort 'ofterachting. and no longer feel pain Does Indigestion, or ._Dyapepaia. make _yonr life miserabloi Take Little "you or your -mnhnu will lm mflrnrlnnl. i ` vs .fr9m=. that or Ptovih TA us. l the? Counc11;gsking . BL. H D E ,,\-v./?) W-:`:`l:lI;in hom:droWnnd.6p high-_ I egg `loiel,~t&e:crili:8e`lz:yrr`i3mneh` :57 `3;}.'l9:;;9'Ah", ` ganered. nus` r Every meal'btou t J5 v v "R [Arm _ ._ . 'l,`o'{rn flgine, Vesprai, 3T_l1oReeve nuroheaed bble. of cement *:the*sSAarje'e.ntrCo`I; Barrie. 4 _ Gu1ham--Spichei~-"-Tha'.t the Reeve -and Gonncillors [Lawrence and Max?` we_1_l * examine place `where horse{ was. drowned and` report at next Oouncii ` Maxwe11J--Lawrence--'1`hat Councils lore Cnlhem.e,n'd Splclier attentl "co the repairing of aepproach to bridge _at Montgomery's. -. 7 ~ _ ._mouman".anp1iga ior rehgo`bon- 1 atrongai asked g i'~ant'diorl reported ' The -`broom corn'_' ~ crop `otbliausas, ` .Qk1g-h_o11iaVan`d- Illinois,` 1.a,st,3yea1fjwasf '1: ' aioor Lone. `Large. eoris in ~ -the;| .Qk1s;;11;5ma= and. Jlxqinois,` _1ga,st_ ,3yeap_wa.s I gfpoor. Lone. "Large. etions ~~the ta tel `of 'Qk?1aho`ma.L _w[re ~ burned` {up ` .- and `th-gigcrciy _ 1_s"";`beiIi g felt gjlxl; vOveriA`me1iic.a; * V " w -_`_:l -n..x..~... 4,...-1n.-.n+.a ` nt\Jvrvr`a-" hmm ` rfsen ' over .AmVer\1c,a. K M- `,1 Prices forpbroomi corn` have risenl stea.'di1y%with`in - a 5 few 1 monjmg from $90` to`, $200` pbr` t`o!1} while; th9;e1im- in-at;ion , of ~'prViso_n'-fmaef bxfqbms "had been another/e1em_ent1 in the rtiigi.-V-7 .ITonop to`Tel`gr8m.,M3"`V, ; Z v 'Ab11h* the o_ause;. hd',Misery mid Distressot IndigtiQn' Will - Y_anish_ D'.I.U_1u_Aun. ,_Aluu 4. V ` Can. `indiMg'es,'tAi9iM" be c1"1r'ed. ? _.,1-_Iun7 areas dt , tnqusai1ds o 1jp'ebp1e a who. suffer. _frVom*"-b el'c'hi'ng.of gas; buillivous-`*= A neas, gQpg;sto;qach, fullneg; nausea. - `shortness ;`ot_ : "'breath ,;Mba' - in: j mout1_1,"touI breath; nervousness` gnd' other distressing `symptoms ;-Av are` A ask 1ng- themselves that` `question 7 daily. Aria? thesm n2mn.`dhubtf!lE `515-., 1ng- themselves `tnax/'quesI.10n,uuuya r V And if these samesgioubtifng dye-L pepce could only r.ad.`t:he Athousenda of sincere letters froa'n'fpeop1_e` [who r once A suered as rrrbadly as-_;itheyi,r, do . ` npw; `but who}. have; been .gquick1y Nanci] j `` pergnanenjcly cured byr_theLeMuse'A9Mt;'Mi-, T `0"1'1?aa`r'th`r`i11.5BhtY r dYD0P1,8. -remedy , that `cures. by removing ttie,..ca,use,p they would 'go;tQ Gm. r,Ro1ie7ftso r1M," thisvery day and get fe; Iarge box ~ ofV_.eM'1-or-ha -tablets`, and`: starlrem. T sfe1<:es.on the right:-i:oi3;d__to:!hea1th;a.t_ 01108.4 '- ` The price }$ivV.1i:I15dinf.:tb1atf ie3n1fv. 5" ;5q,ce:1ts,. .1_ m1{d_.j ; 111:m_31L:m `G. 33013 mnvmzxnua .sm.mn+.eeg them` t o"_cure` -indi`gest1q`n*or: money\bgc1:,: . :;,_ V . . 'I\h1h` ~.or=,1e}an?or_~ scrawney` w1i1`%nd%~.m.,;M1-o-na a: .nnf`ak.1`. `ti6;ti`Ji . a`m'1 :-wb1poc1.-:;becauae`.1t; cam 1.2h9.A. i stqm h,,,k;t'() `,eAx4t17o,ct .xno.re- nhfggti % maset`; V '. nnrh`. ..; Iris; ` mn.,th ,1. d hichf try W W :5I1~.,cents; , ~an ,I11W1.51!!;bi'1' ; V, W`. ER',I1S.0N' : suaraqtgea them t,q_.c.urAe; `-;indfgestidn.'or, mo1'1eygb9.ck,.g M .'.,L. rnhm nr.-1Ann n1' \ a;crawnev`.;na(5b19. }""*". onr1ch,c:a`1t_l ' y_V\"ll\l`.L( . Via I ylnuxnuun . -_.w,.,.`...v.-._, ..i.B;nahui.i'Cr6a" C2h s`.ai=Mo!as;f oi V V-v:ne&\Ma -c`k`:'xt'-"`it?Vhi V H. 9:-V-nom3?raoN."J% ; a.*aj;;:.;:;m.m.. " irom 0agoodT ` o A -Itofry of :ave`. yesir`-L of niogmjl 1!? F! Tnioqltihni ma :nmam}.;_an 1nuln(aspers1;aueamtx'y um nus. \ Within a eoup`1fe`of*daT Ireceived i nut relief. nnd"n.ftu' tnk It one box I ` ; ;_p_ V2`. uwgywguzy nmq-u7n:,z.'.up v% ii'E5 ?`5*7"*`i`A Ll ? _*_-11941.1-" .4 s'ro11AcH"r_AgoNsi_ -"LL- .I'1......u'.' L."-Q1` '.1\l|'v1a` r" LUIIUWIHK` `Vluwr. 1 _* I .. f ) J."Jus_t ten years a_fter._viz.',` in v'.\78.L:wa A ,_ pd another ?ea_r]y`spi`.in|z-A~~ H -'1`b`.e` ,.hh_-daj 51 came` o'n{Marc,h Suki: -plwing \be`2an on) , April 5th;;"sa'qdiun,\va genenglfon `_ the , Qty. 1 VF11ou_.J ,th,e Ll9thIt&o_th`e jend `fol; tbef \ 53;-.mon.th the. syeathpr was} w-et.'.,..Al1 IfthrdughAM;xy-1;he"Iweather _vgn;s'_ tdapl. , . L and cropg new splendid! June``was :3 I guol aTmI'dry`upu1.o.tbe)M2' udwa,i1*1 ..23n_n.` . '-;_wheu heavy ramsffel1,'af~Lez- which ;he v wea_the"r set _iu.l_1`onguud dry and; con-' B 3 v!nueaT.unu1- Jn'l_y . 26th. . vwhauj `gth-e! 1, draught.gas1VVbrokenvby_a' s?te_adyVdo`wu-` *3 ipdzur u.ll`day.j garyess bemn on _the ] `15th, the} wnat-`_and4 b'u'le'y;being "rips _` 5 _t`geuj.Ier; "jTu_a"h:irv`fostv was a vuryjgoouv M Bfgoh` .~allTcrops doin'g`w.ell. .' A a Is 'l,`mq`.nnr`inu of `$18 was n'lm~-mu` . .'. =.\,~-. , es 2` `vi `-:a_'5;~' -`:2: ` gs: .-4%` v J,-av: '17/ia..?`-w*., , "Lml D " V V M ` ng & `M ' . ~-8I] NN1 DALE` COUNCIL v.II,.Iug Iqlyq --1'10 . - IVreV9pt3_ortunItlu on the`ti`ui" to-day .tbI_!__ha. ho -`oh; twgntyf-Iva. yam SRO nave: named at.) The ` . mo-iota farm Riva: scope (or thu ho .':a b+atje_nergioa, u hast mu `and u-` .temue_ncehave;e`vety chance to dlsp'l_u Vthmaulvea. v '1`hecuusumar. is damun - M in foul products of umber quality an `innvinn hhharnnicaa for than 'I.UL|I '[Il'0UC|.'El OI IIIHIIIUT qlnuuy , 3'31 ;ayinuehl nher;mices for them *1 than hmevere dldlheforee To produce these in entnent uantltiu to enppfr the demand. "affords "an opportunity for auwoeafnl advancement < that no -V other calling Aaovds The `boy who leavee h.el.'orm.!or the my has only five chm can in one hundred of making I good. ~_A Noconnti`y`bo'y `can; afford {to taken-hencellkaethet. Suhyroo the M film . hose. "Ih`eohinces` for success than are manyetsmee greater than In i theolty.-Tn e `Canadian Form. "_'The Seaeon'-s Outlooks. 1 V (By . "vim" ln'l`he' Weekly dam) i s as I thlnk all will agree In considering . the-. past` wlntertlro most pleasant one ever experfleencedln our day. It`- has been remarkable for absence of` -lush winds. to: an unusual amount of san- ~ shlnsgror its many calm days, and for the amount ofsgood sleigbing. _lt has glvenlus. The mercury tell below! zero on sixteen rlayseths lowest being .19 l lelowln this localltv, 5 but on `nearly ' every occa`siu`n thealr was cal'r_n`.L any rlltrle discomfort was`fslt. _` r " ,; :!Sprlng has'_set`in,,'very~`sa;'ly.' `The . snow wsntaway at oncoltus` weather-A ~ has been dry and abnormally. warm. On eight-days lt'hl18`l.)B((en- above 60 in the shadet` noon.. "at; {\"DnnnIn mun nclninu mnar.`"mir'Ii.L' lulu: [I18 BIIIUBWF lJO0IIo- I w ~1=People_ are askin Awhzib`1vi'l'lhe'.' the d'u`tcomo oli: ? It ran interesting tb- dplc. e`reoa'lniug' meinoneuof by-gone" ieauy springs though khemoxy` la. *de- 4 lusive. We have also the*ald ot hahdatlv. recordot the weather within monthly ' resume offit since trtwt'year`_18`68, in, few terestlnu to Sun feeders. ` | notesaErom:which'will perhapjsbe` in? 0 " 'I'.hh am-imp M `RR nnnmzrl rm Mm-kr'h Ulilll (ll nun IUHUUIS. M I`hu spring or 63,opened, oh Marib. 6th; `the Lsnowj Mdisappered rapidly: `tbeAbi:1da"igme on the` 1liph';`_ 'plovina' .beuan' on th 27th; the laswo ;*we enu ' I rbbhu like Mny.-j wea'IAh'er. April cam'e iujwl *3 `return `to wintryv Weislhefz only one .-hnow6t_;Va1lihg. ` apflndidlv, fall`wh'euu beina very ne , July be,gad";'witp`v ;lrought and ` `grgut heat, which lasted.all_'through Auamst, ` Wneat}W83`. iipe`, bii July112'.' -`Spring ' "crops ware` A1igh't,,`bein`g `premhtulely luipened. fFoddar.w a.s_Ive.ry. alhorvh "shag fgllowina. winteni ` ` .Tnur Mm acorn Iipl` Bin nished hv the. --h`1u`n.. we ha _,saveml snow uuies an'd"`m-ujch cold `winds. a\e`euing`=d:d-not n`oginAj:un-. _ til thhI20ch, and mas am of the m0_ncb.; which was vekrylvdry. May and` ` ..Jnnu were s`now;ery-`and o_zops.arew- 1t;ha,r;.1n the syamea Lqantity~% or the same 5011 .111! amps (_I0lDg` W.81l_.' V _ Tneiepxing of '98 wus_a1so~earlv`.'e it opened oiLMa1'c'h .7th.w Plowiult began f 01'). the 261 "1`be_"'hA_itde1 came` _'d'uj:ing 51136 last Aweek. fSee`din`_g id n'ol2~'fbgiu "1.1`1 n:I:ellMA'r;!`;l~9t h'. `and ecoi1;ixiued_to, th` V `end of Lbe mo`uth.y May gave `_notniul`; weetber; t hg`Lt_reee` were inl9f ,by]the, .2utb(:A` June'"gavefdoed `growiuk .wa- ` -th6r`_.upt0 tne 2_0tb , after which-dine; very little raiin"fell:upeI:o_ .th_P, end; of harvest.` `WhedtWv3mA,r;ipe>onJn|y 14th,_ _ and the whole n1 onth'wu's1 marked by. [extiem qly} hot whether,` : Th e:i1 crbpa were/mod, bbth fell and sprint Wheat b,e,i`nn' e xcel1ent`.F: Tbs} who_l9 eugnmep 1 Wee: 'unI1`euiily hot. A .Anrn'in 1902 unvA'I'1' ` n'e1v"nhrihbE' 9 Value. of any 0:1 A f can`;=~`t+` l was unusually uumm _ : `- ` , ._ . M Again 1908, gave'ua'san--gently: snring; C though noc;;sq `early ` 4 gas. .this. Seeding {did not.?become.`ssene`:a1sbefore` April; - 16th.. .`Nso sprinVg;rhin~sf:ll;until {Junej 3 ias`xeferred1*t0(. in this -week's {Sun, M,-4 .laf_,tsr i Which` 1doi.t'U v_I(a: h\sd`_ns growing wenthsr._g-'.l`he4summer on the 1 I . _ ,whole;"wascoo1, the M srops wfreV'.'goodV,: I coming snsofoi ma*toa11ab\to:ao so; % ' its obedient to HisDiviues _cdmmunds. ssen1`top.1:intto'* the~p1:obabilItv_V of_a; V . .m_ut;1es; cwhich;"o ht-!tV,5`51':`V'3h)':`|i: Vmfrn, V L sips} in]a dxy;season._ T Wejnd mangle: ` ` gr. th`j:_ezi `qi!ithia'~ Vmoptu. "iyhilu` '7 _\l,t_be; soil; is 'cool, ,:fq'`moist_. ` s'._t`heVy will- at?,sd!.id.ihbl6ssrm? M ~ ~ s bavdhd .whea'_t' spscialli so. s . We vvl'll;""n' t." atse{m_p; to. tqtecastss Lfhss Jlfne scriptures tell `us `that bind` "chang-> V [es the times, and the seasons. . These. V and`His wkrll`:is best. Bulazthese notes 9 drv`auq_hqt _a'umn_1er,.;wVhlc_h `means an `early harvest,` a lonzifa1l,;,an.dIfa[shores- ne at Vqdder.;.;.' sIl:'fwqt1\Id.; cer,tp.inlyj1`_be wisestjo pj_rep;a,i"o`Lfost-1:'his'Vbmemenqy ny V sowing ansextrb. amountsiof corn and \ eruiiit ,k;est,whh, sowh"`6a1"l'y, 3 shy 1 Fmvi Hm 1r..mn.u`.' nnAi "1-:n`m : ` `HQ KIIBGOHIIOYI IIF0l'!lFl!lg.'-`- ' 0 or Dyspepsxa mike your misgrablof Take Little WV * :gisf s 0} zmoheyyill be refunded. ` byvjna.frbm Coleman Me nine 00. , '1`o;rnto._'~*f A} `V ' `youpr your _: 25c. a little red b6x.`isf:.you: dru - K ax,_ qlylll] gpuuluuxuulur Lfln . Cqillgive am much'qdder a`Mtu`1m'cth ' LS'_weet,..nnd no, qdrn_]jg:ures asweIl.V; *I'sv ` defat mIs`h_is"flocp1itvare-tlhavt It , rjqtfus vlIt_tle or.noi;rai,u; I V . ` Wnroduca 20.tonaVof~= the yery best of k . 'f Fo'rf.thQ,i'i3iii13.`zV1i"no6Vf? boll" 5330 kojm _ L K `is cad " ]tmid ':-I-;h"p_:'by"teqmaia little` meal. . N gutznm; ;phdaves,;::_0ue 'acr,9,nt ; this: on)? and onemcre ~,omheaf- oat? -vouxht. ml -.r,eedA s'uf,cie'nu,rqr 8 'or.10 hhnd` Tot '1 cattlmfor three mpntbs.~ ; W0.;sVOI1ld also suggest planting the.'u nualV um; um; or`-nomoeaz, the`v,will l1kelv. hm: ' a N90 lllgt planting 'th6uI,18l1Ql am; III; as? aajtom they.w11; 11ke1v+Vbr`n:g 4:00 pric.o.z,\ItJ , ;'q,n1I 91`y",t-iliat AubemhounrtneV&X?:r;aucb*;1ut as etbinvh-t.y9n.r.-;' * V r ` ` *5` |`muu1:o;l;l0u,|IlM up I W! vhjlt, your-;' `i ' lu` on gygg rajius; um. an-An nrnnnhnrtnnlnn nn Mm TM6s.t aaasmng. `~ i legst .e_xpV `_n>is4irv_ lg- 5?,f uuunv IlIlI'U_Vl!VElI no tun % ' inn lo sI\_oa__atl>oVn`).,la$T0nILar`lo un . 1 / i.?"; !`a`,, ~ The flloiluavhh {titan clipped fiouth loualixirou when out side >h . from h looalixirona when" out side gb side`. my w'al1`cauae the Pcovinco' o 2 klniln in-\.nIb.nnn>n1` Inl nnllnn an 71. `lI,0Wll HUWI [[0193 Elly?) 1' 7 their uaIus'_u`ihe her `pqoule hay-V 1 in: for mom modernfaud justly gay- Tarnad places. . TL :' ` I|'0lI.,Il-ID UNILFYT WIIQIIDIIF IIQO in ` aisle} iniy ml "come the of Onmio malt-up _and\ gate ,noucg., or 9115 `u the pmcher`gIyjaat :12`: [main- enhonq 9pcaulgn._1or9ver liter mold T ;Mi'njbb {ihi Ah? :5 ";:|l.a|I ` are concerned.` doe: nottax `th'e"lII'jm- era`. in`-provemont. :b`u't.:.`mi|y Iiaepaoa she value of _ theflund. ~"I`hb. immedi- ate vtoudonoy 1110 M break `lG.`1i|'|`d L up J in will lot; nd highly _improv9. St." avnvuvv `nun, navnvu .4--.... A h`o_mestea;19r __whb hasjexliautied. Exis'homestea ,1-ight 8.l'1d_(.E!1'!10t Aob-f vatain a ;pre- ption; may`enty {or an 0 purchased. honistead 01117 certain: (`id- *tricts." TPr1r;ef$,00 pefr `acres D_uties`--4 Must_resdde`s1x months in each of A three yam, ultivate fty acrs"-add ,rer'ect' 9. house worth $300.00 .' w. w.. C0RY,_ \ ` Dety: of th Mi1:!l1tla'19oi thq Inter; ? iop.` . ;= . ` N. B.--Un,authoz-ized-pu01idation or` gthis ' advertisement'- will "not, be paid 2f_0I`. : A . -. 14+39~f