LHCIY L'H'UllHlSDanCCS. 3598 feet of 12 in. pipe were laid and 36 catch basins built, on Collier and Charlotte streets, including cross sec- tions, at a cost of $2043.10 for labor and $3168.31 for mzrtorials. nor A-__. ..~ ..-. ~ v (}()()l) MILK must cunlc {rum clcnn, hcz1Hl1_\r crnvs. 'l h;1t iswl1_v we lmy um" milk nnly {nun l':u`zncx`s whn are l11L`IHlk`l`.<. nl' lhc l 2u'ric Milk l r`ndm`c1`x' A~;.\'nci:|tim1, which includcs srunc ml ll1cl iI1c.\'l lmxlsillll1ccnunly. THEN TRY OUR HEAVY TA_'. :I.E CREAM IT IS 32% RICH ...- , 1115 picture. gzlrring lEN.\\' Hl7Hl;\, ml .-...u...u MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY DO YOU ENJOY GOOD CREAM? Town Hall for in aid of the lid unemploy- lIIL1'LlIL \'u nmuncc. Hour Shannon. Mum: l and M(_X"addnn. aux. x:..>u1IuLl,(.'(1 COSL :1.')UU.UU. Of the gmm. of $10,000.00, there has .mic Kid, nddltimi m rs, The Exu or sale of 4.. A . . . `- 1.1, H] :1 whlrlxvnnd new su11g hits in \ Ex No! 43` UL; list. 61' sub- has the larqcml. own weekly in 4:. THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION FAAA /\ FUNNIER THAN THE FAMILY ALBUM! __-t-----w--- -nun:-.JAIA \.Il'l 4-l.\/I\IIK`ll Saturday Matinee, 2.30. Two Shows Nightly 7.00-9.00 Hear the Old Songs again and a flock of new ones. IlII'I"l I rr-wru I\r1r~r\-1 an CAPITL THEATRE Beiieiit Ladies` Auxiliary of the Barrie Post Canadian Legion IT'S A WOW OF A FUN REVEL! |1c1'c's .\ulIlL`lll'l|1}\' Iuul, (i;1_\' I\iImlic>` I . ..f l . , A` _ I'c|\|, \ I|l'\ l\I|lLl|\.." jay ridL`>. lm.xllcs_ inn l)21vic>' l`unni< mnxlgs illhl new! `I nlzmcc, thrills, un. MONDAY--TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 1...... nu ll1:4.u.:I'luJh`. I 700 feet of 10 "in. pipe are being laid on McDonald St. from Owen to Clap- perton streets at an estimntrd cost oi ` $1,000.00 for xnatorlal and labor. i rv,.._..x.:-..._u_v. _,.- n, COM[NG-HOLlDA\" -~( )\L;' H1" H E If 1 -1351` COMlNG-GEORGE ARLISS in OLD ENGLISH Cd-Ii/iEb: "7E6LLE'CLE i&3'i}i~313-s" NOVELTY-wGEMS OF M-G-M ` :vi.t.I'1l i'.',i\`v`s7I'2`!.:1`~.J(.:`t+; `Gl'2A;`\?'\V}:Ali.TER CATLET THE * BARFRIEZ + EXAMINER \-.-g`. _ -u-25 v-. with JOAN BENNETT and J61 ; E. BROWN Comedy----Fat W'ives For Thin Also Tefry-Toon, "Bully Beef '-_ ......_ .. u. .. u unvun V: - ---WITl-; 'IEECHN;C0LOR- I uv-nu lung` I been sptanb on 1a~b')r, $2749.35: on ma- terial's. $42Ii4.`.".`6, making` 21 total of $6993.61. This; work has done a great. deal to re.-liovc the nn(:mp1n,vmr-nt situation in Barrie and is greatly :Lpp1'e(,-iated both by thn b1l.\`il1l`.'s'.`; men and `the men who are wm'king." said the report. in ("mt-]n. I Innisfree Holsteins Made Fine Showing` u.vmmIJu: 101' Iuulre 1150. He rccoxnnwnderl that the sndim,-n- tatlon tanks in Allnntlalls br- LhOI`()ll_I.{h- ly cleaned and put in good working or- dcr. Estimn.t,ed cost $1500.00. or f.h(- rn-nut. nr :1n nnn nn n.,..... k... Showing at 1110 Royal Winter Fair for the first time, Innis'frce Farms Limited won the junior bull caif class in Hoisteiiis last, week. defeating pro- minent breeders. including the prize Canadian Pacific Railway herds. There were 27 enti'ic-5' in the class. and the Innisfrce victcry brings honor to the county by outciassing the cream" of Canada's junior Hoistcins. ..I,.. A,.. 1. x...-1n|. AL Drezunluud. 'nmm1 Clay." |Govt. WilT Ky Half of an Additional I $5,000. | Thnugh called primarily to pass a by-law authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign an agreement with the Government for payment of a grant for unemployment relief, further work was authorizecl at the special meeting of H12 Town Council yester- day aftrernoon when it was announc- ed Barrios aut,l13riznrl rxpcnditure had ben increased to 315.000. instead of $10,000, by the Unemployment Re- lief Commi HUI \4Ull|lHl-$51!). The town forvman xvas instructed L0 proceed mm storm sewers on Ross SL. from .Bayfin1d Ln Small SL, Mul- castur. Owen. Clappf-x`ton and po.<:.~`.ib1y Essa road if them is sllfficient. money left. An n 9-nz~nH nl` n c-n/-A117` rlnlnmnlinn .. .w...h I interviewing the possibly a `word Finlayson. minis'LI' nsts. on the town nf Mznnn Pn Ixn-V1 III u)aJ.\H)ll lul LPG pruu Ily bill` J`l,`h|l'l'(lA and Provincial g'0vcrnn1t`nLs provid- ing; the town put up :1 similar amount. was increased to $7.500. V A letter received by Mayor Mc- Cunig from J. A. Ellis. s:`(:1'0t.a1'y of the Unemployment Relief Fund, gave notification of the im-1'easr:. Though the announcen1(.-nt came a few days aqo t)1m'c was no public !ann0unr'.cm(~m, mado. nn R71: 0": mm. xxrnnnm 1:1:..1...., Imoma SEWERS ` ! AREQBDERED 1 \\'`.w l 1 v%aM:9tw%*~@ta:9:2%%2:2e2*s;rrs;ra2ae@tz2a9s: `an `M `x I itahtza "Progress; of the Work, on Sewer Construction` N BU:;Y;A; THE GIFT OF TIM ;__'_,. ia .-\T_; Kw... `in. Speculations ROSS BLOCK IA1AJ\In\rnA `sun: OF` EVERY KIND AGENCY CANADIAN PACIFIC Igordon Oi1---Ventures Kirkland Lake---Amulet Big M5ssouri-Sylvanitc Gordon Stevenson INSURANCE r\uI mvvmnv -:rr\71\ \.\U1I&. ` Ln :;(~\'c1'n1 people in Ba to page vlcvcn, 1)lr'ascI AL yesterday's special meeting of the Town Council. Ed. Shuter present- ed 21 report, on the progress of work on storm sewers from Nov. 17 to date rru... ......_.l__._ -1 __,,, LIN. lflll by ninin-luv nf` uy FLUH. VVHH`(UH of lands and for- behalf, the grant id by Lhv Ft.-d(~ra1 vi:-I, vrnu-nn-unrxlv nu- `cnnd clelcgatioxl )mmi'~i0n and Hon. William In nrln n nrl Frn-A ` \Jl'lHl?I. nd they `1p1o_vc(1. to date .o I.....1| ! . ` i Found Frozen In Box I Car, Man Loses Legs; "1 `I I I I I I I 1| mu: Hun .\u1LIbLA \'A.u.\nil:\'u. I)m'in;_' Nm'vmbm' Lhm'r~ \\'01`(` 20 birth. 9 n1:m`ia;v_o< and only 5 clvnms. cum-5 p:n':`d \\'iLh 16 1)irt)1x, 10 nmx'rin;_:ns and ~ 13 deaths in O('t,obm'. and 10 births. 9 xnaniagcs and 12 deaths in November 1999. ~ ru'.' The above is a rccent jnlmu)gra.pl1 -31 : Fm'g;11son. who will shortly take up `rm Mr. F0`.`{. ,llSDll will succeed the late Ho nnm. L)U-`.lI|L'h.\ la`: HMIXKILIH Ill if the vital statistics an w n r\"\Ilnrrnl~ r\\\r` nnhv :3-A__-*nnu1a,<:;x1~u\bA,T*fi*ao;2soAv, `btcman 4, 1930 ;i \zlAI uuun uuv. ll L\l uzuc The number of men employed totals X20. These men have had from three to nine days work each, depending on their circumstances. 7180!! fan} nf 1') in nhm. ..m..- 1.4,) -...) M-\L_I H_H{ <:1n w: COMING EVENTS E! 0 ('hur(`h Sunday] hristxnas tree on An!` gmmcumz nowmi T0 13 BELOW! Opens in Fashion; 6 Inches of Snow. Real Hl)()\'(' Z(.`l'0. Pwvcmmi frzmi working Monday owing` to the bii7.7.:1rd. workmen on the storm se\v(-rs insisted upon workina Tuesday morning, although Supt. Ed. Shutm` \\'(1S just as insistent that they spend the day at home owing to the Nri Two Cows ad Auto Lost W'hen Barn at Shanty Bay Burns but the S`.`.')W-C0\'t`]'C sparks igniting the loss was covered by . .lL'H|. \J. Kl. ll:i}.;u.UH EHIU AV1l'h. Ivnce in LondnL Emz.`-anri, whoro P. C. Larkiu as Canadian High .;lIHL`>.. Al-1 lun uuur UL LHIHTH. 1 hux pAL'dm:u lllhl` mmxzcd 110- the (itxznns; of the town were blg 1 time nn.\;- , enough to vote for It." 1 I the home; "And big enough to turn down day- ; ' preventc-d light saving." put in Ald. Lang. I The barn The cha.1rma.n of the Market. and uce. iParks committee was authorized to ` .,.-,.,..\...... nu AII(|IJ\..AIItA uuu nuuun. Considerable of the mnnc-y SDOHL on materials was for tools, obc.. which are availablc for future use. Iln I`nI`r\I1r1n1nnrlnrI Hun In. .. HAHN` ['7 ).;U UH l1l2lL Hl'.)LvH7|l. I kllll llU|| kurxcking Barrir` band. but I think , lhvre is srsinetliliig wroiw,. It. is too bad the two `bands cannot, be united." J Aid. I`yrcr cbjoctirwi to the motion on the saint` g'i`mm(1s, while Aid. P. J. M01`- an stated he nbjvcted OIL the p.round.= that :1 report had never been prosonl~ 1 0d 1.0 the council by the band commit- tnrx . ` Item is F Approved Council Gives $100 to Christmas Cheer. x 5 a I 4 A 1nz.'~ti(>n to advance the B:m'iv: Band coxntnittep the sum of $83.35 My take care of current liabilities was Ur"! (-ausr: of <'on wann diSCLl!~`Si1E1! at, yesterday's Ineeting 01' the 'I -:)wn' Cr,-uncil. Ald. Lrmgman. st n1:~1n`.)e1' 2).} the `band comm1t,lee. informed thy.` council that, it was to pay tho balanzel 01' the 'bandmasLer'.'s salary. 'T`hn Allqnrl-uln hnn hue hnnn fun:-. I (71 llll.` `|J':1IlkllH'z`l.\LLfI' -1 h'd11l.I _)'. | The Alland-ale band has bvnn rum--` l tioning without assistmico from thr` |('nunci1." s.a.id Deputy-Rccvc Rngors vnt thn T-lnrrin hnnmi hnv: :1 dnfiz-it nf.` UU|llll,`lI. "yet the Z the end (2 orv~r\ v\I |\'l`. It. .<'r-mns {hero is. smnnthing wrong with the finances." dm-law-d Ald, Mac- L.'u'm1. "but the town is resp()nsibl0 by contract. and must pay tho b:Ln(2 tors salary." \\ r\ wnrn incl nxlzinn qn[Tit-innl HH vow T0 BAND ; 1CAUSES=_l)EBATEi ` Vik.` \'\ (.'ll,` JLI-`.1, 1135111: \|ll|lIIIl'lllr LU} pay the b:mdma..<.ler`:; s'aln1'y. and un-! `(L-m'sl()0(I it would be an ad'.`nnu~ (m next ycur'.'s grmrt. the smxw as has hm-n dwne at. diffo1`ent, times bofo1~u," said Ald. Longman. Tlw band has given \'f.`l`_\ pun!` sor- \'i(-0 this ymr," (:h.'u'gr`d Ald. 'l`_vr('r 'I'hoy h:1\'v_givm1 pnm` prngrzunxnos in the park." I didn't, hem` the band nn tho '1'w01ft,h of July." said Ald. Imuz. "1 uvnnl uuunrnu-O Hun! Hun vnnnnv hn Inf! H|'ll.lL'I'. If you can't. 1.ru.<:t. your band (-0m nnuno until next. yom` I will withdraw mv motion." 1`vun'ncd` Ald. Lonxzmzxn We only asked It as :1, fnvmz but. if you are not willing` Ln give 1'1. wv an` quito f`,{1Dl,b1(.")f raising` the funds nur- qnlvrw " AV\l.'Il|rI| (II |lIlI_\. hlll 1)I\l. .LRlIl[.',. I! would stluwzst that. the money hl` loft! with tho town clerk. who will pay tho l):m(lm:1slor." Dvp1xl.y-R(-two Rogers: thou rullvrl rm lhv Mayor to express himself on tho vnnllnr l ...... ..,..-........ Av: u...um. 885 feet. of 12' in. pipe were laid and 5 catch basins built on Mulcusbor St. from the Market. to McDonald St. at a cost. of $712.85 for labor and $739.95 for materials. '1nn hm! A4` 1n .a.. nu... H..- L...x._._ 1-:_: I J Illllhh -V11) hllrll 1 (IIII lllll lll Juvxu of the m<)ti.m," said Mayor Mr-Cuzng but we lmvn to grant. it as we are un- clor (-ontract. I do not Lhlnk we shoulcl be asked to pay for it, after giving :4 grrmt sufficient. to look aftm` it. `How do we know there will be annthcr grant next, year?" "Let them deal with it, tllmnsclw-,.s'." supzgcsted Ald. Maaharch. "I am in favor of the motion as we .'m- under comract." mid Deputy- Rovvv Rogers. Mayor Mccuaig -lnsod tho :lisct1ss:lnn by s11gV2<~. 1310 mm- mittm` should mako a, 1`(`pm`t, to tho council of its lmmcos. Fire` Alarm Out. of Ordvr A letter was read from Supt. Ham of the Barrie Water, Light and Gas Cum- mis::i0n. as follows: "On Monday Nov. 10, Vwhcn the property belong- ing to the Bothwell ost,atr~ xvas dos.- t1'n_\'od. no alarm was runs; in thv wa- tm'wm'k.~: pumping statirm. It, was hot lllllll sumuon(- lr~'.r~plmnr>(I that the \-.'u- Lorwm'k.~: engineer was Il\\'Ll'(.` of :1 firc being` in progress. It. zxppears that the` u`cn'n1 hum hrnn nut <'\f .'n'(l4\r Tm` sum!` I .1! (Jun Wllll l'L a[JL'L'l lU UIL` X"a?'l'H_'|h b_\".aw." said Mayor Mccualg. "Some people said they wouldn't vote for the bylaw since (he work had started as they knew the work would continue I and the town might as well have tht Ifnll vnh-.n nf vnvn: T am nlnnunrl that :11-Au l)L'|)ll` r Barrie band I of the year -fvf $1,000. I . .... , .. st... .- I . I say that I am not, In favor ntinn," nnlvn on rn-an! H :1: Irn urn un- ju.=:L asking Hmong-Inr`:; uulu )l| u. .. f mam make ` pu1_v-:wL'vt: n'.u:,\-1. n-d lmu, a dc-fir-it at,` .1` aftcr bring qivnni 1 man`! nllnm nu` HIHJ UVIIIH I;A\ won`! allow ` L mnticm. I am I .r.n.l hut I chi . . I slxtflttlenl, Lo] 12u'_v, . w......uL I thtf eased that E bxg \ L5`636Uh6(l>;;1e`s J : grant, the 1150 of 11w 3 dance to br- given Christmas Chcvr lund : ....... s ...\H.\I' Besides the Mayor the [0110 pl C. ~`/1.'I1[C Deputy-Rv<~v(~ Rog Tana Nnllr-u Nlnr-Law-n Iv('\ \ \' .0 'II\ Barrie-Allandale Dairy llf\I'\f`l"(` C` R! -1-yr! Coming: The picture of pictures, COMMON CLAY E. A. HODGES & SONS - Phone 773. Our Delivery Service Is Complete We Cover Every Barrie Street BE SURE THAT YOU GET THE BEST MILK l n\Rl<|l:'-:\l.l..\;\1I)z\l.lf I)/KIRY MILK is cx.cc1- MILK ix LII} il1tp:)l t;ll11 tlmtt. that is why _you sltnuht get it trnm 1| tnmtern tt;tit`_\' thztt _\"uur \t()L`tUl' :tp}WI`u\`c;\`. l)urin;;` the \\ inter munlhr; there is ;t tl;t_ytime dcti\'er_y tut thnse Whn wish their milk te1iver- ed in the tinest enmtitimt re_<;':mt1ess ut the wen- thew`. IA|A\|\IA. .L|.|..\ ::.nn.n. |I:\l|\_ u |II||.|\ |.`\.\K\| lent milk. It nut >11l_ycmm`s up in the rcquircd .\ t:1ml;ml, but is 1111` hcttcr. 86th Year.