"'\ THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION 5000 Copies \________:J `Nl\`IiI65.-;li';-Q'}3;1Vf-\l.l i;(>)[)ii :<':'I_'1T,\7s_ ; mam; AIHZ/\|) (>1-` 'mIm\i'm mm: under illl ID (1 0 of [ms L Barrie I IlLl\ \ wl l:11Rin ; . piclurc. arc.-_ ':I;;=...; mE`g+a.a;v.7' I':lIl):l nf :n Idizm girl - \U'il(|1`rlI(`!~'N < H10 gnzul u halo and I I.` L ..6 lht H1Il|`VCl:\ A r .2 x Two-Reel All-Talking Comedy, Real McCoy" Alsovw-Colored Subject: Perisian Nights" shin; Matine-v2vS;a.tu`|:;i'ay-,` 236 p.m. r- nu-I-rxrsnnn 1'01 D1lH.' , H4! The Examiner. llIAl\| vlmt mi il.\ pcrluct No. 42 uuv... nu urn `illing Sm1g, "House to Ix:t.. _ M0 --!or sale by the MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY IIH ('J\' rd his < with 1.... n.. L If-:5 "" I l\/ E i'.f`, T1 IRE riamwc V COMING SO THIS IS COLLEGE ~{/`ol;2 ;{/I/n-Mqym 53531: n .., A I alumna A millionaire marries his secre- tary---a front-page romance. But what really happens back of ihe headline? with UL` 11`.l\t' Ulvn (\]lpAu\| nu Rut Lubcl Club plan, as co. For good printing phone 22 council. when `he appeared in Police , Charges which it was alleged were I laid for spite were dismissed against R. f J. Cole, well known Adjala township farmer and member of the township Court Wednesday morning charged with falsely accusing" the -plaintiffs wife. with stealing apples. and with as- sault. Vtau. I|`1r\Q1lFI\l~ ...;...n `lI`A Pk E `D IIYUA hkllllb. The charges were laid by S. P. W11- son of the same township. On the as-' sault charge. `Cole, it was alleged. thrashed a young son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. In the box Vvilson stated he had not seen the boy thrashed. but ia- ter saw bruises on his -b0dy.`The mo- ` ther. however. testified she had seen Cole whip the `boy with a rgad. W .1 .YIII:`Hnn infnrmpri fhp nnnrf. {SAYS CHARGE 3 1 PURELY smm DUI`! Wlllp bill: 'UUy WM/ll 31 `gnu. W. J. Justice informed the court that he had visited the Wilsoii home albout, three weeks after the alleged as- sault is said to vhave taken place, but at that time no mention of it was made to him. The Wilson children 3 were removed to the Children's Shelter. Y`I-\ig- fhiv-\n hnnnnnn:-Ii nhnn niv Result ofMlTsiY1-1Tg Gad on Adjala Boy; Case Dismissed. VVUXU LBHIUVCU LU bill: \/llullfll S Dltllk. This thing happened: about six weeks ago," Mr. Cole told the court. "I was helping my wife in the house when I heard loud cursing and swear- ing going on outside. I went out and found the boy throwing stones at my horses. I yelled at him to stop. but it had no effect. I ran after him. think- ing I would scare him. but he did not i move. Then K broke a small gad off a bush and hit him lightly several times on the coat tail. telling him to go home and tell his parents what he got it for." H'Y`hh- :. .. .-.....,. .: ....:s.-. ....:.1 .. AUX. This is a case of spite." said a neighbor who had come to speak on Mr. Cole's behalf. "The charge was not laid until two weeks after the offense. and not until the children were remov- ed to the Shelter. Mr. `Cole is a prom- inent member of the Adjala township council and a highly respected citizen. whereas these people came to the township about eight months ago and have caused trouble ever since." Tn riicnqicnnn Han nknrrvnr walnut- uruc ca-Auacu Lruuuu: CV61 blllCL'. In dismissing the charges. Magis- trate Jcffs said the charge of falsely : accusing the wife was a matter for civ- il suit and not police court proceedings. There was no offense regarding the ` 'theft of apples as it was customary for neighboring farmers to get apples from one another and it was not considered stealing; while the assault charge was dismissed. Capitol Theatre Through the kindness of the man- agement of the -Dreamland Theatre the proceeds from "Captain of the Gnard," showing in that theatre Mon- day. Tuesday and Wednesday of next. week. will be given to the Alumnae 1`Asso(-iation of graduate nurses or the ;1Roya1 Victoria Hospital, under whose iauspices the picture is being shoxm. I From the nrnm-pd: fhn wnncf M A Valuable can for J R.V. Hospital School` vau.\}Ju'L'.\ um plchu`. IS DCHIK snown. From the proceeds. the most of which the association expects to re- alize from the showing. they will pur- chase an anatomical model for class- rnnm nan hv 'nIIv-:nc in 1.u.i..c...-. mu. umac van ltlliit/Ulllllikil 1110081 10)` class-' room use by `nurses in training. The model will cost approximately $150. As mcnlnimad 121:: nlnhr -hv nun. `Ala- nu-um vuu cum approximately Sl:)U. As explained last night -by Miss Mc- Arthur. superintendent or the hospital, the anatomical model will be a com- plete model of the human torso includ- ing every organ in the body. In other words it is an nxamnlo nf 5. iimmnc. .5 ucl, \n5z-In ux uu: uuuy. ll] otner ` an example of a limbless `,human body. Each or all the organs in me trunk may be removed at one time. or together, for close inspection by the student nurses, and can be eas- ily rt-placed. "The model `will greatly assist, the young nurses in gaining a full know- Iodeo of the inner working of the hu- `man body," Miss McArthur told The lI<`.xamin:-r If n nllv-kn u'nv\Ia On 1.\,\n. ..v...u nu.` unu -1 us; iL`\A\`cn [ms yo-ar'|-11" 1 and will nmke its fzrst appearance at fK.I".\i`T4 `the season at th rugby game on Sat- 51111311 lurday between Western University and] T31 .\'arsit_v. The musicians will be attired=C0ml3 lin natty blue and white uniforms with 61` 911 capes to match. The band is 35 strong the c and is better this year than ever be- T11 fore. The Barrie boys playing in it'W1Ih iaro Arthur Girdwood and Arthur Mc- and E ;Le;m. trombones. Lewis Merrick. c!:1r- Th Jinel. and Ken Walls, trumpet. 11131- I-`0l'R B.\RRlE l"L.\\'ER.\' l.\' TOR0.\'T() l'.\'l\'ER.\`lTY BAND` BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16,1930 HIUI Ill been :`r\v-win Hore s the answer in a talking picture as genuinely human and moving as any the living screen has offered. IT MUST BE SEEN! IJIJCII hhilllill JI\lIll IJL. H/l(I|_y -\ \/IIIIILII some time on Tuesday. The box was not missed until yesterday and is be- lieved to lmvo contained about. five or six dollars. The box xms linattachoci near the altar and \\'as usvd for char- ity 0i'fo1`ings. Chief Stewzirt is investi- gating. E ._;< , Stole Missionary Box Of St. Mary s Church! To Present New C r to`; Barrie Branch V.O.N.l !\\ ("U1 UH nmde at Order 01 . The pros sidercd and the x P .\.\....._ \Vl'\IlL_ .l' board. 1)` Whi(`h ml the zmnm In-xv Hsn . llflll. Miss E4 Railmn 1'o1mrtvd that Sm)- tomber had been an ox:'cption:11i_y busy month \\'iT,l1 fiftvmi m>\\' vnsvs. While there were but thrvo inf:mts born, th(`1'C were obhvr cases which required medimil mid surgical (`?i) (`. There were 173 visits made and 45 instructive visits. such as child welfare, making a total `:7! 218 cases during the month. Four baby clinics \\'m`(` hold with a to- tal of 75 babies o.\'mnim?d. Thn 5 LIIU Ll('4l:)|Ill'l IUIIUI H ! on hand of $238.74. wh further moneys 1'9cci\'o bridge and golf ton give ago. and which brought 1 enuo from the ten tn ovo for a 1`umn1agr~ sale to be urday \vm`o made. 4 FR.;\.\'K .\Itl.\'.\'lS l`Ol l'l..-\R i `l AT l'u\'l\'l~ZRSITY OI TOR().\'TO Frank Mclnnis was elected fi'sL year l'0pI'(`S(`l12lll\ l` of mo Medical students to the Students` Administi'at.iv(` Coun- cil of the Uni\'m`siL_\' of Torunto at. the elections hvld last work. Al\\'a_vs popu- lar and to mv fnro whilv 21 stuclvnt at Dr` Y t1......|. 4.. . \;,1I.. ....-.14.." .. Tonight--Thursday--is Gift Night at the Dean Swr`(*1w,\' ro1)0rtc'(l Ln 1: norning that the Inissi _V veen stolen frmn St. Mm'y`.< nrnn firnn nu 'I`nnr "Phn Joins C.P.R. Staff 4 u\ .:uu<.- t. the local 11 'oscm car. -.1 l1I]Suit"d1)1O [J1i'hlu(.'U l)\l'I lHl.' was well ntvtondvd. Asi< 1101111(`m11e11t 1'vgm'ding LC only ol-hm` businoxs report and n finnm-`m K.\'O(`Klin ()\'l~1R BY (`J 1111; frmn mm .\id(' of H11- ... .-,,`..- o..~,I.... ..o 11113 With L'l('(l('U lllbla _)L"tll - us` wm`siL_\' r` 4 is rapidly making: a :n. in his nvw sphere BOURQUE lllllllfll. ` ported :1 balzmcv l which included -oivocl from the ..:. ...\..... H.-. \l'|| .\UlH|.' LHl|l' tho tom] rev- vor 3190. Plans )0 `hold on Sat- evue type dancing 66th Yeu.T w. B. Race Tells Kiwanis?` Club of Brantford School. mow THE BLIND] mm: EDUCATEDj People should not judge the blind by the slghtless mendlczmt seen on the street corner," said W. B. Race cf th' School for the Blind, }3rantlrn'd_ ll`. addressing the Barrie Kiwanis Clul, last Friday. Blindness does nnt .1v::- ` essamily mean helplessness. There '11`! many blind people who have gainer} prominence in their professions and even in public life. The publie does not think of these people as blind." Same outstanding exmm)les were I.-ii ed` Henry F`a\\'cetl was one of the abl- est Post Master Generals Great Bril- nl'i ever had. Sir Arthur Pearson, pub- lisher of Pearsmfs Magazine. wlm dur- ;ing the war e.<'tabli.<.lied St. Dunsl:m's Institute for the Blind. and utter \vhmn Pearson's I-lall. Toronto. is nmned. He lu. ....,. ..r `IQIK l..,.4 L...., r,, ,. unuuuy. A.` | Ulg AunLuIl'. rllllllllllv LV` made that is. not excelled in any ml- legiato. though the lnsL1'u(`t0r is totally ` kid.-A .-.....I 1... 1"... x.. 1.. .;.. .. llxut Ill LHU llUll`l'll joy to herself zmd fumil nothing :1 seeing` person c machine she Cannot. do." Race. w5Auu,. |.lllILl[>_{,lI nut: Auau u\ nu An 11 blind and he has twenty pupils ( IVALZC. Then` are 140 in tho their ages are from '7 to 1 training is a big featllro. 1 vnan fhnl in. nnt I`-vr\r\Hr\r| Ram Jld Wvbb. Webb. "If 11 Phone 1010. house 196 R038 BLOCK : BARRIE naVn.I`.In\4n-|1\.r.a O1 EVERY KIND AGENCY CANADIAN PACIFIC Gordon Stevenson TWENTY GUEST PASSES DAILY Nickel -- Dome Imperial Oil Teck-Hughes Wright-Hargreaves mo spnke very highly ` \ unn nf `.\:h- unr! M. INSURANCE nu un'uI13u avxrrs BUY AIL|lI\V\l. .. . and with IE ' rapidity m and 8('( CHI] UU \`-llll Z1 ' declared` Mr. :.`.\]\lHH Ll ill] ',dIIIl'>: il [um f:1('lnl` in 1110 life 7 |'1`he new leader is a J Around Her Swept a Storm of Hate and Passion! `H.\R()l.l) .\'I'R()'l"l` B.\Nl).\l.\.\`TEl( 1 0| ((l'l`ll`L.\".\' l`.\'l\'l'Il{.\'l'l`\' lL\.\'l ___ .-- 3-. v-.. ---v-_, -v_--=-..- Silver Buttel Spreaders will be given to every Woman or Girl Adult coming to theatre. GET A 52-PIECE SET FREE "I"II'III'1I`|r`v'\A`1 --.-`--\.-- .-..---...-`..._ GRAND PRIZE -- ONE PAIR ALL WOOL SCOTCH BLANKETS-Value $12.00 -- FIVE OTHER PRIZES THURSDAY - FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee, 2.30 2 Shows NightIy, 7.00-900 Tonight is Silverwgnrknlight 5Al\ I`I7I\I"\"I`II I'\I" (`VII II moasisgsy%:,:ra;n5;g+`i: s`;L3x15;" 'l'ho- lrvnu-mluus nu-Imlr:|In:I u In-;uIlil'ul I-`rt-In-h-(`2u|:uli:m snuw-hnuml in the white` wildvr: with two l1H`ll. .\'h(- wax 1: that llmw two fric-nds to l'rrn1_\'. She was tlw lurv that I 4.. 4'. 1.: H... r:..........A I. `IIIl\\`llllllIIlI III IIIl' \\ Illll` \\IllIV'l'lII'.\5 ' gmull two ` She sent um- out to fight th(- fit-rm-st hli1'I.- :II'(l\ und nmst (l:llIl,"('I`ulls` snnw- slide-~ and vnllsml tlw ntlwr to fur- L l'l tho 1::\y oily. Slw was the Man- :-tlv \\`|HI.\`(' ``\'()l' K.\'()\\' II()\\' l`IL` .I ....... 4.. .l.....I. ..t ....I.... |caPTAINweuAnDl Two '+}oJ;f 713 I.'.".{.' urvr MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY For the Benefit of the Alumni Association of Graduate Nurses of the R.V. Hospital for Classroom Equipment Purposes. '1 H}: l>l\ lf \.\'\| v\\|J }`1c~cn: .1 ll.|1I1r;; l~`11m::.'v. E11;\ir- u.1 1`). "I c \\;H`\ciH.1i Mic \\~;".1' U. r` I :al1m;: \nm;. 10 Free Guest Tickets will be given out. NO RA1s'~1r' Hr5I'2_1E:"Es:.W2' '5:15;I3L'151'ik{'EE)MD1r;;s TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT, 7 AND 9 P.M. (),\lf ( )}3 IT SH()\\'l.\.`(} COMEDY "HONEY MOON ZEPPLIN" ALSOE COLORED REEL. IN OLD MADRID" mg" ovg1;:;:m5LL:{{p1+z .sAL"u~ Also-the Two-Reel` C0r.!"l`(i|}l",` l`rRide Em, Cowboy" and the Paramount Sound News of the World. VA `Costly Picture Acted by the Best of Screen Talent. A Screen Spectacle You Must Not Miss r\ rsnunr` ll! l'Il1Ir\r n z~ut\r*r-Ix: l'I""`lAl/`V rvr\lll"I'\II< \\IIU.`l' lllI l\4VII\` I 4" (lru\`- ml-n to (lords of ' do.~'trux-ti0n. $46 WORTH OF SILVER_VVARE.U `II I ' Inn .. ...`.. \.`V|I V` `\||\ .. . .- . c \\;H'\ciH.1i~c." \\~z"..1' \\`-' I `2iHi|l`_'_ NI `John Boles and Laura La Piante in CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD Coming: The Greatest Air Picture Ew,-r Shown -----n-uou--r--n------ /\-<-\nrw will be V `I-u-n-\/A -.;n-.avn_4n\vvAn- given away tonight ,_ 0 . I In I I II Ik\ ,. Hutu ;|...: l\[Ilvv[ ]H'iHil 1|! [hi