Ml "}IwcV);d OMS. large pk; Cleanser _soaP New Czmzxdian Canadian, ,Pow(lcr l6-0z. tin ` : tin 19c. 5;-1 'P3d pkg 3 Pkgs. IQ L; SHANTY BAY 2 Pkgs. pkg lb. lb. lb. 25c "5Yc ` 3114: ' 21c - 33c 27c . Eili *3 ANGUS ' 39 - 49:: 59c -33c ` l0c ` 14c 23 ~ 23c - 22c 27c 14!: 25-.` '23c '34:: ' 14c Page [Eleven :\m,'u.~; I 3' `GE CANADIAN 8HREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. VVITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT .WAVERLEY( GILFORD ` ponplc read ` .rh- nvnvu nmnb I liirlhduy xv friend: 1 r .,: 4 .n..~ " Children say g 7901' H ii THORNTON Luv} 3;. talkd on her A. Denmster. Sunday. U. u .u many friends -:1 Mrs. Ed. Blue} `onto mee Regina Milligaa) wi] .:u. .. A ,..- ox. ..4 June` J. W . luuulpaun ~ :11 Stroud. W. Wilson of Parr g her mother. .\ I1's. nan u-n`! l:I_L: for NI. HILLSDALE EDENVALE - .\`0(-it`l_\' .\l<-(-tmz: l|.\ \ \IuunLu 11 to bid . SQUARE mm- .1-. bumln \t: CRANBERRIES . . . . per. lb. 23c SWEET POTATOES . 5 lbs. 25:: COOKING ONIONS . 10 `lbs. 25c TOKAY GRAPES Lamb ""?:??f ......... II 14 `*::**% %%%%%%%%%%%% II 13 Anglo Corned 2 ` Beef. Sliced lb Sc = Ronnnd Steak ~ j.j'_~fj* Roast ........... .. 1b- ` Rump Roast .......... .. W E Fortes:-house: Roast ........... .. 533- - g Eremgasi Racon, Sliced 1. 29 V a*iet3* E'%&$ sliced nu. 32 Lean Boneless e Meat 2 lbs. 25:: mm 3 m41c Aylmer Choic Quality L..- 9 CIXCICE i5i:Ni<{ ANTEN MILLS SALADA BLACK @%EitS 4331 ; ffgag *f;;:::;' Eb. 5 E Q Fruits and Vegeaacless `Week-End Specials in `Week-End Special: in THE BARRIE FX.\3H.\'l-IR. Thlll .\'d:l_\', Oclulxer 16. 1930 -----.. 2 lbs. 25 GRAPEFRIUT LEMONS . . . . . . . . . per doz. SPANISH ONIONS . . . 4 lbs. No. 1 Ontario Potatoes . . pk. Fronts lb ....... .. Loin: New Crop-v Santa Clara" Choice Quality Creamery /-3. Tms From all available records this is lowest price at which flour has been 1 since before the war---l7 years ago. I remember, it is not :1 cheap flour mad meet this extraordinary price, but the es! p.1stry flour. freshly milled by om the host Canadian millc-rs. It is n from the bost Cnnndian wheat and sol you by Stan and Shop St0res-the st that are 98.65 . owned by Camzulians. Full 24-oz; Loaf -Machine Wrapped Oct. 12-The Ladies` Aid a 1:1 W.M.S. >[ Zion Presbyterian church met at 1 hv hmne -sf Mrs. Roy Carson. '3amp' 3U!`dt'H. on Tuus afternorm. Oclzabew ...:.1- .. ....n,.\ no... r . S. KnuPD"4 3for. 1/ years ZIRU. PXHU. map made to fin- one of It-re Ir iv: rnnr'lr- SAI.AB;\mBLAC;{" ,-_.__n . 29c 25c 25c 25c Aylmer No. 4 Sieve suns: is the rcn sold :0. And. to is nmdc suld to 6 stores: ;m<. lb. 33 ur gun]: ,(`Hd('d to Eagle Brand Milk Luz, umall pkg. Polfu Bram Flakes Roz-mdale" California Peaches, 1/2'5, No. 2 siz .ny urmlnd hm'_~ ` buds with :1 sev: Millionaire Sardines Little Chip Orange or 12-oz. jar` Lemon Mzxrmalade .. ` Cheese, McLarcn's Invincible Jelly Powders . . . . .. Quaker Crackcls Dinner Bltnd Coffee V`rV\/Vz'1]'ll`Lt:'.' halves Cate.-lli's Macaroni. Noodles, Spa- ghetti. Vcrmicc-lli, 10-oz. pkg. Snap, hand cleaner tin Licorice Allsorta You can eat Slireddcd _VV'licat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or cream-but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them. The avory slireds of baked wheat are so crisp and delicious--cl1ildrcn always ask for more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. ms, -; KIA 0! ;4|uu} as No. 25.4. Rob:-n s'.;...; 1;; 'A'n;{o'.1}is' Lobster, 1,.',-size 1 Ezgvgo-I Knox __ , , . _ ,._.. ,...,_. Ready Cake Mixture. pkg: "S Saucr-Kraut Gclatine [I-VLl`llUL'.\J 1: Au ' crop is x'cp I". Sl1a1Ig2111uwsy .sr \Illn' 1`nn nnu-nnIn'