Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1930, p. 1

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NORTH SIMCOE IN PENETANG; pun. Tho nrxt, thirty minutes wm'r~ dr- vnted to Lhv hcurlmz of tho 1`('pm`ts of tho O.E.A. C0nvnnt.lnn. which were well wrlttvn and glvvn by the` Tnsp('('- t.nruLv's l`(',pr('.s'(<`S. .lnnu.~s Marlin and Miss Howard. -1\|u~ II` rv..1.-. \. . Ar n-.. uuu [V1155 l'l(1\\'ZU`(1. `Miss E. Cnlr--u\!m'gun of .Bn1`1"u-. an oxcmlngn texmlwr from Wales. gavv an nd(lrvs:~: on Schools in Wales". This topic wns v:'r_v mtm'cst,'xng: ns the spvnkvr tl'[l(`l'(1 {hr (low-lnpxm.-m, of (-ducnutm thmmzll the years In hm` native muntry. Throughout, her dis- ('.nur.s(` hex` pride In -Wnlvs was ulwnys vvldont. Thv W(`1$h wen` cm'tnln1_v Bri- tlsh hut. positively not English, she mnint.nlnr~d. Thoir native tonguo hnd rI,`mnh1('(I ono of the purest languages of thv world. Thl`R(` folk too are "in- oux'nb1_v I`D1i;ri()11s," ns t.he_v urv probably the ;:x`4-ntvst Biblv rvnclurs in the world. Tn Mu` nn.......\,... 7.. . . . . . . nu`... u... -u nun .:uu'.`\- uulguugurn In tho nfuwnoon Mnyor Jmnmgs and W. F`. Bock. Chairman of the Pro- testnnt Svpnrntv Schonl Board. wel- oonwd mm vnnvmmon tn ghls historic nnd beautiful town. ` mm. ..n....a..u m....:..... r,... u... unu Ulllll-lllll IOWH. 'I1ht- spoclnl spoztktzg for Hun. Miss E. .\-fac\/onnnl ( Nnrmnl School took for 0llS('hOl(I osmonce in Rur -. ls subj(`('.t whlvh was -be Into school prrn:m1nn\us. 5:2 115 n grout oppnrtm1lt_\' t vnrlous um-(ls of home 11 sv\\'ln3.' und nthvr hundlcm l'XlHll))l(`.\' Thv lnm-1` pnrt v turv \vu.~; tukmw. up with lunch." .`.`Hss Mu<'\'vmm I. . ...1._._,. THE * BARRIE`. + ElXAMIl\IE.R[ Farmers" Problem Now Is Markets and Better (Turn to page ought. Vulllllll III .| Ull'l'UIll\` uk her subjm-I 3 in Rural S<`h0ols." x boinp.` nduptod nmus. sznvv the pup- Lunlty to learn tho life. Cooking. Hn\rllm'nfl nun-n mxnrl Cmrdon Bradley Sent For Trial at Assizeg E 86th Year. His Positive Identification by Russell Rowe Is Chief Evidence. $15,000 BAIL IS GIVEN Accused s Counsel Protests Evidence Brought Out . ls Insufficient. Gordon Bradley. 32~yoar-o1d Bond Head f:u'm(-r. was committed for trial at the spring nsslzc-s by Magistrate Compton Jcx following a prelimin- ary hnarlng. Monday morning. nnd despite the submission of dnfonce colmsol that tho Crown had not pro- .:....-.x ....;rx-:-_.. ,....,:A__.... ., ..-.....v 1.:.._. -.uuu.n. u-up u:n\ \.'L\Ivv|| Ann. d.uco(1 sufficient o\'id0ncr~ er up for trial. Bail of $15.04 now:-d by Judge E. A. Wi spc-(vial sitting; of H19 count 5 wclnok in the .'nftm'nonn. mu nu L)| :1` the ovidcnm tho only on ..... .. I. AI.-14.... .-uuuux._v A. u u\n,un nLnu:\| nu` Crown had plr~ht_v of good cvidoncr` thnl. thoy would bring up at tho trial. Bmdlcy Pl:-ads "Not Guilty" Althomrh ho was not. asked! to plmd when {L charge or .<`.1oot.lng Russell Rowe, with intent to commit murder. was road to rrndlcy. his cnunsol onto!`- ed XI. plvn of not _r:uilt.\'." Russvll Rowv. r*n:'x'_vinp,' his right, arm llmply -by his side. was the flr:~:t \\'lt- n-oxu called In tho box. Ho stated ho had livvd m-nr Nowlnn Rnblnsrm. in urma r:mxIH....|....... 4.~.......1.:.. 5-,... 9: l'.:Zll~`(| 3 X1dH xVH]J]J('Z E Adnsslon 500 and `J50. COMING EVENTS .`uuu'u'u| I'\lu\'An;l' (.1 nunu u r $15,000 mus 1 Wismor at I cilfinrr nf bhn nnnnhv I-nu! Hold mAnnua1 Convention; Collingwood Man President. 11 U1 `Jl,'U`I1L'L' o in send him IEl\l\ nu. .-A Erring Youth Given Another Chance The kind heart of Magistrate Comp- ton Jeff: and the pleadings of his fa- ther and mother, probably Ezwed Nel- son Wheeler. aged 16. from a jail sen- tence when he appeared before His Worship in police court. Saim'da_\' morning. for sniitoiico on {I charge of theft. IHC was give-n suspended sen- tence and in.<'iructed to see Constable John Kelly the first cf each month for ..._ :...1,.n..u.. . 13,...6A.-m nu` 0". dilllll l\L'lL_\ U1! Illdl (.1 ('2lCl| HIUIIIXI IUI an indefinite period. Besides. the fa-' of tho `boy put. up a bond for his good bolmviom`. ,,. . TV ._ .....V .... Vvlxoolm` appeartwl 1n police court. 'I`l'nn'.<'day. and pleaded guilty to thr` theft. of a watch and later of entering` the farm home of David` Taylor. of In- nisfil. where he socurr-d` a brace and bit and d`1'llled~ a hole in the elderly ma.n's porsonnl" drawer. In rummag- lng Llnmxgh the conmnts the lad over- looked a small box containing five dol- lars which was at. the back of the ,4 `H3 u-nu `j` | "Just bncauso you are a few days m'm' sixtvou doesn't kcop yrm from go- ing; in jail." said His Worship. "I do not. want to send you to jail. I should have smu you to the industrial school. but now I must either send you to jail or glvo _'.'r.m susp9udr:d .<'onlcnrc." Both the father and nmthor sq"! Lhr-y would take hlm home and, look after him. "He is :1 good, hard work- er," said the n1othc1', but his littlo ncts Inf di..l1onest.y havc harmed him. We will look after him if you give him nuothor chzmce." !CROwN HILL CHURCH MARKS R ITS 591R YEARC % Fine Services on Sunday; ` Short History Given at I` Tea-Meeting. A very happy am1i\'ersm'_V occasion was mijoycd by the congregation of Crown Hill United Church last Sunday and Monday. October 12 and 13. mark- ing the completion of a half-centu1`_v oi occupnmty of the present building. Ideal weather favored the anniversary and many friends from a distance as well as from other churches joined with tho cmigrcgation for the golden Jubilee event, Rev. Harold E. Toye of ` Toronto. son of a former pastor. con- 1 ducted the anni\'ei'5ar_\` services and ` the singing was in keeping with the reputation of this church for good music. On Monday night a. bountiful slimwr \\ {|..\' provided by the ladies. fol- lm\'('d by an interesting pi'ogmmnic~.' The ehtu'(*h \\'n;~ filled to capn(`it_v. l`l.4VV I P|\,|\||`u [ |.('|l1| \.IlV I-ll"||4AI Iv :11 -In The JUJH.` phomgravure IS from an ar :h`m-ct : d:'a'.\'i:;g of ms new budm; Lu` the Firs`. Co-npz-ram`; -ommzczion on Baldwin $1., Barrie. I 1. is a two-storey structure 52 by 85 fee 1. mm basement of full 512 .1930 CROP IS BEST IN YEARS ,-.u.. \. . nu u,,..\ l-. ....- (Turn` to page flue. please) .\n~\~~ \ cw '~\\\V*N`\1*:P-'`:". xe ; 'k from an- This question has received (ronsider- . l able mic-niion of lair`. but unforiun-`I atcly. ii. is anoihor ease of locking the l \ door after the h0l`S'.` is .' As our 1 export bacon biisiiioss today amounts 1 to nil, we have had .~(~verz\l cxplana- 4 Lions as to the reason for our iallure,l of goitim; at least. a fair sliaro of Eng- ` land's bacon busimss. Our packers and producors have siimzosiioxis galore, but the only solution of incr(`z1sing our hog production is making its pro- fitable to ford hogs. When this is done the problom will rapidly rlglii itself. The l`(`.'1.\0l`i Ontario il'l11( l'S have `:0- ducod their hog produclion is simply due to tho {art that. hog: raising lmsl boon unprofitable lnisiiiess. u\.\ Why '9 are not exporting Wlltshire bacon tr) England is dun to the fact that our hog industry is -ecomtnically unsound. By this. I rm`a.n. there is not sufficient financial returns to the ac- tual producer of the lungs to permit him carrying on tho misimz of lmgs after drovers. markot organizations. commission men. buyers nnd packers lmvv taken their shart` out of it, and unless we are prepared to clitntnate the element now figuring as playlng :1 part. in our hog l)usin(`s.<. the Engllsh bacon market can be of no ad\'antag(* to the Canadian fartncrs. for tho simple roason that we cannot cotmmtv with Denmark. duo to their Co-opom.- Live Packing Plttnts. I n...-amt u u..V.u.......u Q `in I'O I` I000 1Wnnn\nv-L- n\-.. lJ\L' FHUAIIIE. ruuu.\. During the yeai` 1929. Dcnmark ex- ported to England 600.000.000 pounds of Wiltshirr bacox1-sixty-{i\'e1)m` com. of England's importation for which` may received $150,000.0()0.00-an a\'-| erago of tv\'cmy~fi\'o cents nor pound. . and _\'ex. Danish bacon sold :11 approx- I` iniamrly the .sa.xn(~ price quoted for}: Cnnadirm. on this trazisaclinxi 1,110` ` . \Il`l`I\II`Al\u`l IIIVII I---U-4`---r-v-> ~-- - -uu... `, . Left to right G. R. Mcwhirtcr, C011):-ck. '1`rv:1surc1'; J05 Elmvalo. President: Thus. Olsen, Gennml .VIn1mp,o1': Goo Downcy. Pholpston. Se<`1'et,n1'y. Edga1'C:u`n1t11o1`s of S1.:1_\'x meeting of the directors after which this phmn was Lakm fTwo Houses Entered ~ isupposedly by Trampsi Two homes in the east, end were bro-11 ken into Isunday (=\'ening. and while 1 nothing was taken from one :1 stocki` of provisions was taken from the other. Tho entries are boliewd to ";1a\'(\ been the work of tramps. Ann M. W1/\vv\n at \.I.~.- Dnharnu-A BARR*li-ZTJVZADA, THURSDA7, ocik 16, 1533 NEXT YEAMN GUELPH KIVWI 1187`/\l-V -- - --V- By `|`h.un:L~' ()l.~cn, M:11mg'cI'. HI` ()I112lI`iH_ Our Bacon Trade With England I, 'l'I. I\I \|\ u........,..- 1.;,._. ,j_ ,,,,,.,,,;_, I-.,`.L,_'.\ Direct the New Cwoperative Packing Industry NEW PACKING PLANT ON BALDWIN ST. Pcnotnmrlllshmm. for tho first time In Its history. was, on Oct. 9 and 10. the scene of 119 'I`(-m-,hm`s' Convention of the North Simt-no Inspt-ctomto. This convention. which was the fifty-third nsswmbly. attracted one hundred and fifty dC](,`LU1L!,`.'~'.. n"h1- nnnvnnllnn nH`i(-inlhv hnrran nn F%r>~i3;%sT% `SK3 MORE ` TE cums FOR COLLEGIATEI :Some Antagonism to Piano Teaching in 17.3., It 15 stated. Car Had The Wrong 1 Markers, Pays $14.75!` Work Now in Progress __`}_L13:*4C"i"8 Plum` lllhy llCll.'};ilhl,'h. The convention officially began on Thursday morning, the President. W. A. Bell, of Barrio, presklhlg. The dc- votionul exercises were <'0ndm-ted _h_\' Rev. M. W. Hvslip, of Pt-notuncc. 'I`hn nrnulrh-no nfrnr u \l'I-I1-r\nr\n fn nhlr Goorgo Nolnn of F`o1'nda1o was fined $10 and costs umounllug to $14.75 In :`.'nffl(` ('mu`L Friday morning when ht- wus clmrgod with driving an automo- milo with license markers bolonglmz to mmthor (-ur. H1` was nlso charged with 1`:1`x1inu to notify lhv dopnrlnwnt within six l1:\_\`. the transfer uf an nut.mno- bllv. un which charge 11:` was rc'mnnt1- ml fur cunt num- '.'ll |'.)l' .\l'l|Ll'|H'l'. I Nolan told the court ho had pur-- vhusvd thv mu` lust July, and did not, know the 1io0nsr~ plalvs did not bvinng to H. Tho mn<'hhu~ \\'a:~'. not In running nrclvr whvn he trndod his old am` for it. and {or that ronsun he hesitated L notify the d until he got it going. Hr had only had it out nncv. he said. This is not thv flrst (`use of impro- . . , . .. 1.. ..,. unnnlrnu-c " fwxncl nhln \Hvn lllll all znmtlwm {using \'i|l.\, Ilnlt :1 ch frm`L'.<>ns wm whm thv nf nppou `:\n<~v. John Brown. Fluroxwo St.. brought t ) 'I`hr\ F.xznn1nm` nmcrr Inst. \\ (`l`k, n prumtn whlvh had grown Lhrmuzh a square burklc so that Hm lutmor form- vd n [201: t-mnplvtoly 4-xxclrcllxm lb. BOARD INSISTS * 0N CLEAN-UP Trustees Demand that Council Get Busy on Dump. Unlvss the Tmvn Oounr-ll zuxswmxw lhv 1`!,`(]ll(`Sl mndv upon it. rocviuly by llw Board nf F.d-u<-ntinn to clean up lhv dump in the Asgrlcultuml Park and {lows .~'mm-thin,z innmocliatcly tn n~lim'x- the })x`(*s(`nt. comlitlon tho bo:n'd will : nu Inspec- tor from the Provincial Department. of Health to louk mm` local conditions, it was dvcided M the nwotim; of the bnard, Tm-.s`du_v night. ..,x._. "1 \v v;._.....u,... _..u... ...:.u_ v\.. Major W. N. Knowles. who, with Dr. N. W. Rogers. ml the S(.`pt(}lnb('l` meet- ing of tho ll`|lSYl)B.'i bmuwlxt, in a reso- lution mndmnning tho present sys- tem of ;;m`l)ngo dl.~p0s`:\l. tvrmlng lt "" and urging` an up-to-dale disposal syslcxn, gzzxw thv "football" `an extra yard when he plungvd into n :ilsc11s.'~'i011 an the snurmmm. I \'lsiH`d the dump many." he said. "and found all kindx of rats runnmu uvnunrl l`|un fllnu awn nhnnulnnlxlu nl ` L'llHl])|L'|Cl_\ u!.'BlIU_) ITU 1 the fire is unknown. Interesting Papelis Given on English and Welsh Schools. 115 m-nsv mnrkvrs," Crmst.nbl(~ Wm. mmnpsun sum. "W0 lmvo slmllnr v\'vry (lay. zmcl~ this is the S(`(,`()nCl rd we` lmvv had in this (.-01n'l. this arr. If tlwso curs nrv nllmvod to zmnmd with llt-vnsv platvs for nor typv of car It makvs it con- v for thv dvpartnwnt. in locating rIn7.m1 (`1lS('S for minor In- \\'('r(` udjmn'nv(l rm` one week - nffvndvrs did not put in an nn illlU' llll.\ I.\ HAL` .\(`\,U|1.I - ;(- th lvpartnwnt. `Awarding of Contract is Followed by Quick Action. FINISH IN `Price Reported as Close to the Original Estimate. yum; . thv (`mm First Cn- Lld.. ul 0. .. 6L'\('|l \l '1`0r0nt 0 ding` wn nnrlnrl ` plu nu. .. vs! lmn I 0 H1i.x'1s.'n ..5....,| '1 cu.-,1": nu I All Hun Phv mm less than xnuch hmsl pnnnouon l M'V. W1. VV. l`lI'hH[), (H I`('lH,'LHl1i{. The president, nft(-1' a wt-1<-nmc to nvw members or thc Instdtuto and to now entrants Into Lhv profession, Lrnvo his "annual address with "Developing Em- pire-Consc!nusnr:ss" as his Lhomv. This man hr-Inn unlnnrl H-n-nunh or-unv-0` AMAZING LOSS OF HALF DAYS 2,406 of These Absences in Two Schools for One Month. SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 of Orilliu wnro m\'nrdr.~d xr H10 hulldlmz of the ivv Pnckt-rs of Ontario. hnul` 'I`hllrs(`lu_V nlgzht. rxns tmxclvrvd. six {mm H` from Midlzmd. Bid- ;m~n and tho prim` is re- gg` olnsv to the` nriullml nn :1` p1"wv slnmlpnlnt nlmuv.uxs time to build," /\I .... .. ............... -A... |uy,:- ul I,.nru llIl'Ill` cutlnn nf how much ml, mm this. undt~r- \'l:4inn:\1 dirt-r`t.nrs. Mr, H`. alntvcl that 56 per trm'tx had honn uh- r~1'srv1xzn1lx'. Thu man- vd tn Tho Exsamhm` )ru,uni'/.uHnn has hm-n pvr rout, which is n Hue usual comp-zmy 14 WEEKS No. 42 Ill` \\lIlllH( I\VI-V Matt-rials nu- imo nnd there ublv. Tho mn- . IA ......~I... -v ll HI:-I IIIIJIIIIII) ul)mlm:d by Ihv `l|` Bnnrd nf Ed- ..:..).a-. ..uu.Hnn R2 fnvl. 2 6 inchm. huildmg. l\I\1| uln\'_ }IIlL"\/UlIh|t|IHlhllllhh uh Ills LHPIHI`. 11115 was being attained through sc-vnm] mediums. he stated: The Imp:-r`m1 Conlcmncc, the exnhsmge syst.r`m nr tcm:hm's, thv British Empire Ganws and the Lm1g1u- of Lht` uEmph`t-. Tho latter organization pronmtod (`arres- pondenm` botvw-on pupils or the Em- plrc. 'Y`hn nr-\-I Ohh-In rnlnnbnn xtvnun An,

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