Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1930, p. 8

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(Continued from page one) ; pairs be made to the men's t.>`x1cts.} The governor infnrmod us that the mattresses of the beds had been taken away, and the question Mose whether ordinary boards would be preferable to sleep on than the bare springs. We would like this sugzgostion taken up with the proper auth01'itius. We found the general conditions S:1LiSf:1CtO1`_V. Nun. rm..~..a um r<\.am.-.u.~.- -:\..m.n~` F Hm think \'(H|Illl\'L`l1(`1ll'(i"lWig V O | ` E l`.l:_;llt' tzttlio pvrlinrtnztncc. cmnc in '.llMi ch.m_;:c your mind. lhutr the (inhlcn Vuicc of this ncwcst Atwatcr Kent. You'll in- stantly uthnit _\uu ncvcr hC.ll`(i such ttmc qtmlity. . Th:.~n test the ticw. pmfcctcd Tune (inntr0l--hring out the bass tuttcs. lxrin_;; (mt tho trcblc, as you plcasc. Four dctinitc tone shad- iugs, to wit _\nur tmn mstc. Nutc thc new Quick-Visitm Di.1l-hnw swifitly and easily you rc-ad and luttc _\'OlH` .\'l.ltit)t1. with -.111 S['.l(i0l1S u/uu_y.s` in full view... Cqll`.l_\ S}.lCL`ti {min cud tn cm} of dial. N0 crnwdirlg mt_)'u'/Jere. `V 1 1. .-.- |- ... .q . C` ' " bc;1utifull\' nisl1ul--.1 lmndsmnc adjunct to '.1n_v home. Mulcuhu & Hill. lAil`li'(.lQ Kilcllvllvr. 0nl.. Callzaclizlll l_.ic(`ns(`cs u . I Q ' Soc the new nmdcls. vraccful in dc-sign, rich in mzxtchcd walnut, .-r II N ~ I I I a 1- - llh UNI. of repair. We rvnwdiod at enlarged. it tent. and very 13:i*:BR!E ELECTRIC SHOE r% '4.-._.__ _ .___ ___ _ __ T4-f i(3'1\/1-13 o_F-TE'A'2x7.3.?ER~1<'E1~TT7' .13 Elizabeth St. Opposite Wellington Hotel Jl\JV\v\, of the [ON ions of refer it vcr oil. of Rvfngzv 1`( oquipmrnt. \\:L~: found 11 "It shmxld sun -.u1Ihn1`il vquipnwnt I .~'u-h vquipn` m:'nu~cl. "N ln'.\'n`d to . nmihovr >110! ` 11.11%` sprinus this hm: IS `thv prupvr : "You find :17 ihv 1'r':'..~ i.\ H.` it shun 01' \';m1:1l)1o iinadoquate. General conditions were ivory satisfactory. everything being very {clean and sanitary. .... ,,i_z.,J i..- ....... ......:..o.... `_L'lL"dH illlu a(Iuu.a.1_y . 1 "We visited the new registry office ;m1 found things `in good order. We iihink this building and equipment =s)mu1(l meet the needs of the county Jfor many years to come. ...n :_....,.1 n... .......n..aI nnnpliilnnc in mu; gcucncu I.\.-uubvnulh mlLI.3|nL\.un_v. We found thn Child1'vn'.~' Shclu-1`: very Cold and (`llilly insldv. and after` maklng lnquirles from thv matron \\`(' found that the furnace \\'ns out of order and badly in nverl of recommend that this bl` once and the bSL`l`l`l(`l`lI it bclng very small at prc. 1101` niauiy _)I:iua w \,\uuv.. i "We {mind the general conditions in F the House of Refuge very good. the in- mates contented and the food` good and plentiful. The fire-escapes were in good condition and very easy of access. The heating system needs attention but we were given to understand that this is being at.tended to. We found the outbuildings in good `condition. `but. would recommend` that the in- `terior of the big barn be given a coat Oi whitewash. There is one inmate. John Craw-| ford. who has been in the refuge for fourteen years suffering from rheu- matism and as this man seems to be- entn`ely incurable. we suggest that he `be sent to the hospital for ineurnbles in 1`oront.o. This man is 44 years old. `; "We wish to extend our sincere `S_`\'l`IlDfitl`l_V to the family of our late Warden. H. H. Creswicke. Simeon` Counts" has lost an able and valuable] - v I uuu5,L' a un u.-\,m... His I_.m'dshlp s(`m`t`d tho (`ondlllon of tho Chilch'vn's `Shelter and the House Refuge 1`vg:1rdinr,z heat and heating `oquipmvnt-. while the registry office ! in good condltlon. [ should be the duty of the pri- lson :\ml1m'itl(-s L0 z\s(`e1'tain the proper l 'vquipmm\t for jail beds and sue that suvh oqnipnwnt is '1nst:\1h`d." he com-I "N0 prisonor should bv al- ;lm\'vcl to slow on :1 lxurd bnm'd"m1d should hr lmvo to rest` on tho` gbnrc sprinus. I will ('vrtainly svo that. gthis is ln'ou;:ht tn the nttcntlon of, ,..u.._ Hm l'(`L::.'~"I`_v '11 s it, should be : ducm |`ll`~('\l Ivy (`.\n.\di.u\ Radio lnlvuts Limitml .\pIu|s.'.~. 1 nun xuuuun, \!\L abtontio wupvr llH10l`iH(`S. on [ind m'o1'ythln:.r in good 1 w rm_:i:<`r\.' "-!`."1c:`. N21luruH_V. it. as it is the ropos ..m.- ,:.\ (nu u-hi:-iv Judge's Criticism .1 o I\:\ run! 5 11 13 HIV lL'})U>-ll-\H) wnts for which thvv L that nqiinv-\' , order` I X -' 1 mt` <`0unL_V ls 1'vspm1muu-. "If thv m1111t._v 1121:; 11ndo1`L:1k4`11 to supply sl1vlLo1' for 1111511 1111fo1'L11m1Los 1` who nvvd its p1'nh.\('ti011. it should not 0 I be- `cold and chilly` :15 the Grxmd .I111'V g has fotmd." 111- mnt.i1111od. And noi- C` thor should the 'old people in the 1101159 of Ro{11g'o bv s11bjc('t4`d- to dis- - l(~0n1f01'L be<'n11s(- the cou11t_\' has bC(`l) 1' `1 lax i11 nth:-11d`111g to tho f111'11:1('c- i11 (.110 .1 1,nLlm1. S0n1vt.imcs 11050 L11i11gs an` - 1 am to gm ton I211`. -1 --1 nnln mmtlmnon. vm11' 1'm11:11`ks - I apt to ton ml`. - "1 non`. , your { 1'0-.:`;u'ding tlw late Mr. Croswicko. I. E` l rim. 1`('f.`.'I`(`K his 1)nssh1:.t. I did not know thim wvll` but what I did know was f;g1'(':\tL\' tn his vrvdit. He was mosL highly thought, of and had gonv fur 1' in public life`. It is lzunontnbls` that. :1 tl_\'nunL: man in the prlmv of his l1t'(' ,\". bv out off in this unt'um~1y CRANDJURY FlN_l)_S_]FAULT; was--..._-- Oct. 7-Mrs. S. Mayne spent Sun- day with friends at. Dunedin. I v n \A'.-.tInu nl` `Tnrnnfn , UH` '(l:'l)' \\`lLu ulunun nu uuuu.-.... J. D. McKay of Toronto spent` the woekmd with his fnthor. Robert `MC- Kay. Mr nnd M1*s. John Wood and [am- Mr. and Mrs. John ily of Newton Robinson spent, Sunday with John Matthews. .`r !3nnf.\r\ unnnl` - , .-.u..... ... \\'lLll uuuu |V1ilI.LI|('\\n. Jmnvs McMurmy of Bee -m spent 'I`uosd:1y in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milllgnn of Allis- ton spent. F`1'ldny at D. Woods`. 1 M1`. and Mrs. Tcbbey of Midland spent Slllld`.'\_\` with the lntLm"s pm`- `onts. M1`. and` Mrs. B. Robinson. _- -- ....u_. ..r nn.u.....: `.1.-Hm-I.-:0 L`uLz~. WU. nnu nunn. u. nu... Miss McMll1iu of Midland vlsmtdt at Ed. W11oo1or's lust \\'(-ok. :7 v Ynnxhnrf In n1n\'h1n` into the cl111drm1 and the old people who can not look after thvn\so1vo:s urv ullnwod to suffrr. These little (-hHdr0n_ ovon though they nrv wards of (`hnrity must not. be xuoglcctcd. 'I`hoy are also mhmblo human (10Cun1m1t.<. for which 1 mo mtmty is rvsponsiblo. --tr Hm nnllnlv ham nndm`t.:1k`n I `r-mxnty is r(`s1)0nsib1L`. But. the limo Wheeler's lust \\'(-ox. E. J. Lnmbvrt, is moving into the lcnughlin house and is busy remod- ;c1in;z and dccorznlng it`. I STAYNER .. .p DOCTORS HONOR SIR W lLVl.O S L E R (Continued Irom. page Ntc) lncludlng mnny -:llslin,':`ul.ul1o(l lIl(`ll1` bus of mo m(`dl('.ul ])l'Ofl`I\.`3ll)ll nnmng whom could br` .-avvn Dr:-'.. lC:nm)lwll Hmvm'd and Lz1fl:`1u', both of Mom- real, who won` at. run.` ilnw <-ull:':Is:lu~s of tho late Sir Willlnm 05101`: Dr. W. Austin of Qum-n`:; Unlvu-rsily, King- eonz Pmf. Muvl.-:m(l -)f Wv.s'tm'n Uni- versity: Col. I-``rln_tzlmm and Dr. N. Slmrpv of 'I`nmnt.o; Dr. D. I{ln;:'- Smith. Dr. W. Kl`l'\l'(ll. Dr. I`. l._\'nn. Dr. C. D. Purlilt of G1"-.\n\`m1lmrs't. ll.\ well as xncdlcul 1)l'il('llll0|l(`I`.\' `ll (hr (`0lll1l_\ . I'hn u-Inrlnw is mm of Llw mush ST as emulsication of the butter-fat in milk makes milk one of our most easily digested foods. so emulsication improves the taste and digestibility of pure cod-liver oil in ._ _-_.-_-.. pun -awn rnIl\II coumy. The \\'lndn\v is nnv l)o.'u1t1t'u1 sylnbols 4-vcr (lvdiml Outurln mun. The subjm-t. uftm` Hnffnlamls pi('t1u'v uf mum`. rvpn--;onl.< u scrlw mm I`o.~tznnvnt. Christ is sewn Ira thn |);;d_v of u sivk child, oxm Otho` znlling,-* 1wrsm1.x' urv wait rurod by H11` Sawimlr. Tho w . vxrmptirmxmzll anlcnt. Ion, ..: A..l.I..I ...... Ulll('l` :l|u|1`,; prxmrnm -ur \\:II|uI] S:l\ l()lll`. wnrk 'l`lw win(lu\\' zmd lubll-I :u'(~ pl: lhv north Imus: pl of llu~<:hur('l1 is llw mznlnnlninnl lublv IIln\\' om` lmntlrvtl _\'o:u's old). \\'hl(`ll \ ed wlwn tlw Rvv. I"oull1(~r. Oslvr. who fnlmdod tho 1:zn'i: whu was llw f`.lH\(`l` nf Sir Wllli: lcr. was (-(mdn(~Iinr_-. Ilw :;m'vi(-xn~ this tx':u1s-.-pl lmx lm-n :n'x':m',;: ..I :.. I\\A\I\\A\I'l' Hf ch. THE BARRTL. . expedxtmusly sup- ") Thw Rnrru- F2):- tho IIIOSL di(`:1Ll`(| to an (wt. \\'hl('h is; Llw :<;um` from tho N:-w 1 11'-.1nlnr,: ow-r vxmnininx,-, il. \\':IHil1[1 1:) In- .H nun-lr .-In :Il'(` pl:u'('(l i 1-lun-uh u~hm EAAMINER. w - ---.-.._ Oct. 7---Th0 Unitodl chm`:-h nnnunl Sunday Svhnol nu-otimz was hold on Monday evening`. Orl. 6. ..._;._... urm uf Arthur Kniuhvt. und Mvadvllln, Pu.. have I Mu-r vismm: ro1nt.ivns 1 Miss Luum Hall is 1 o nun .. tm"s (`l'('. Thv Guthrlv young pmplv mu pre- senting: Lht-Ir play. Crunhm'r_v Cor- m~x's." In tho town hull on Ox-t.obm' 10. Ill. 8 (a'(~lu('k. 'I`hv p1`m:('u(l.~`. ur(\' to be in nkl nf Lhv Dunmm Wnodrmv bene- IXO M32 hr ---._-_...7- It : the reason that millions children and grownups prefer In all other forms of cod-liver ` JA, 2.1 M. :1: 'III\ The <-nmgr1`:.r,m(.inn of (`zuthrlv Uulu-(I church nltondmlv thv mmivm'su1'y scr- \"xr'rs M. Sh:mt,y Buy nu S\n1(lny. Guth- riv choir 1(`(l` Hm pr:ni.~'.v. u....h umnmthv iu c~\~l.vmlu-(1 In Mr. rlv cnmr l(`(l' um przum-. Much s_vxmmt,h_v is mct.vmlu to Mr. and Mrs. Norvnl Cnldxvcll and rela- tives of H10 lam` Miss H:1'z,ol Bnszslmvv. who pnssul away on Svpt. 30. Mm. Ralph Connvll and (lmuzhtnr Iilrnm and frivnds of K(`s\\'l('k visltud m, J. W. W:11ku1"s Inst, xwok. -- .,u .......u.`.. ..r H. I1..H...I all. u. vv. vvu.-:u.. .. ....-., Tho znmuul Inootjxxg of H10 United Ymmg P:-np1v's S()(`.i(`L_V of C`:llLhl`i(`. Om Sl.ul.|rm amrl` Shanty Buy vus ht-M nu Llw hnmo of RN . R. M(:R.r>b(~rt.s on Mnnduy vvoninu. Svpt. 29. Tho urn- rws \\'L'l'(` l'1(`(`I.(`(l and th(- pmgmm I'm` the <-mnimx yozu` is in Lho h:md.~. or the four <-nn1miLLN-s. I)(2vnt,i(mn1, Mis.s'imm1'_v. CH.i'/.(*m-hip. I,.it.m'zn'y and R<~('1't:nt,im1:11. A sp1(`n(lid report of H10 past _vmu` xms rt-ml by tho xv('rut.ur_v. The mxt, xnvctinrz whivh is to tnkvl the form of 2: social r-\v'vnim: is In In- hvlrl next Monday w'v.nin;.`. Oct. 13. I`m- unnunl Lhnnk <>ffm'inv,-, of thv` n..u..,1 ur vurc "um huh! nu `.\/Innrlul: 'I`h- Unltwl W.M.S. was hvld on :1l'Lvrnonn at, Lhv homv nf M1 Ross with :1 lurgx-, :1t,Lm1tl:1m-<- 1)(-rs and lift` nu.-n1b-rs. '1`) rt-:\.(1lm.: \\ z|s t.;\k'.!n by Mrs. .1. cllrist. from H11` Svrmnn on Lh: |'I`hv p1'in(-ipul Lhomo -w:m W in bv :\ Cln`i.\`K.i:1n':' 'I`hr- .<.pN1k(-r for thv day was. Mr: Ryorsun Young` M Cl`nL1'l1 n...-..a.. u...- urlrlm-cc | [HP |)1`lI1('1])u1 blll'llll' V\ul\ vvnuu, 1. .spx-(-iul Mrs lR(`V.I Unilvd <~hux'<:h. Burric-. Hm` ucl(lr(-ss. busml on Lhc 14th (~l1:um~1` of John. was inclmrtl vcry hvlpful and sent vuch xmrxnlyvz` away with somo nvw thm1Lzl1t,_ 501111- nmu rn fnr r-an-rvimv nn mu` wnrk l El-':l.\ \\'lL11 SUIHP nvw |llllHL ,l|L. stum- nnw ros0l\'e for czwryimz on our work. Evoryoxm pr0sv11t full. :1 dt-op rm-1m: of c0nscc1'nLi011 and strength t.hx'0u<,:h- out, tho v11t'1rc n1e(-ting. Mrs. Brown. of Bzwriv. an old friend of many 0! the mvmbcrs. was also p1'osv11t. [This T R E A D Brings You Safety No wonder More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind These Mocks are in the ccnlrr: of the tire as well-instead af- groovcs that slip. " I-nu vyu... ..,....- ,, , Be sure the cod-liver oil use is emulsified- lhat it : Scott's Emulsion. Inshnwnr Tnmntn (mi 30 i Two ribs: give smooth riJin;:--act as a pair of r.1il<-quict. easy steering. NO other tread compares with the All-\\'o.-ather for wro- fuotcd traction, quietness, lung wear and good lonkz. V I ha diamond-shaped blocks offer many sharp edges against I skidding in any direction. F.xtcndinr,z up the are more shnrp-mluml Mnclu, -to prevent Sidv- when you spccJ around ulrn-~. Or to get you out if you go deeply into mud, sand, stuns or slush. And .1 thick tough rubber cmnpnuml that rmists punuurvs and wears and ururs and \\'li.-\RS! _C.T);l;RlE Ill hUl| Vvlll returned 11 <. horv. , under the 1` .1. J1. \ I Lhv Mm What 1 vi... . .... nuy, an H: Monday '\/In-u I` Ii` 56Tf S EMU!-W. Wm. `In Coming Events" is :1 clwup The three essentials of good clothing are correct style, attractive long-wearing material and proper fit. Clothes of Quality" which we feature are well known throughout Canada not only for these three essentials, but for their unusual values as well. This Fall our range of fabrics are wider and more exclusive t.han ever. Tailoring has been further perfected. Yet prices remain the srnne. Come in and order your new Suit and your new Overcoat and he smartly and thriftly dressed. Every garment, of course, tailored to measure from personal measuremt-nts, and guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded. Alex. Milne'& Son w-\ I r\r\Iv* I\\!"I" -B-A-I{}iE, oriT.* EMULSIIJ-'I_CATIQTlll I/A W /#4//l7r`I !/I/I /Il_'E Thnrsu`l:a_v. October 9. 1930 rue Eight ~e-)-) % % "'4 N "I ` . `H1 1:1. (i:H 1- W IIRAJIIIIIQD l'nInpI4'll` H`! LT] It with 'I`u(n`.\`. :11: luv 4: 2.11111 ` | . with fhe N EW ! cs OLD E N

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