_a re S rronger~ Tougher ACCIDENTS AND COMPENSATION I, .1 u...... .\....... rI\;vu-nun an --nu vv..-. -......-- -.... During the month of June there were reported to The `Wurkma-n'a Compensation Board 6,307 accidents, as against 7.818 during Juno: :1 year ago. and 6,806 during June of 1928. There were 49 Ialal accidents in Jum- nus year. In Oh: rm! uh: rnnnvhu nl I020 Lula ycuu. In the first six. momlm of 1930 the accidents reported numbered 36,- 298. a decrease at 5,2) : from the number for the same period a year ago. but an Increase of 1.096 over the same period 0! 1920. The fatal accidents for the six months` period were as follows: M30. 233; 1929. 225: 1911. 21!. Mn Ononl knnnllo. ...u.._.-I...) L I....... 11:0, 4 III. The total beneu awarded in June. 1930. amounted to 8506.955.`l2, or which 549118330 was tor compen- sation and $103,792.43 tor medical and. This brings the total benets nwsrded during me ha}! year ending June 30 w 03.118.968.77 as compared with 83.991.646.78 during the cor- responding period 0! I929. and 33.- l Long Distance--quiCk, Cheap dependable HFITHIER you are `absent on business or pleztstwe you may keep in hourly touch with the office. It is a good plan to set :1 certain hour each day for calling the office. 'l'hen all matters requiring your attention will await your call. You make immediate decisions, get prompt action. Such a practice makes it unnecessary for those at the office to spend needless time and expense trying to locate you by telephone in emergencies. The new Long Distance rate reductions make such calls cheaper than ever before. You will, of course, give the number, and tell the operator '.'anyone there `will do," in which case the rates are lower still. If desired, these station-to-station calls can be charged to the office telephone. Long Distance now gives you quicker and better com- munication than ever before. In eight calls out of ten the connection is completed while the calling party holds the line. [ICE-IILLI. Ill Ll"? LJLIIWT V lepum. at Sklllman. th ucumling -mu ) no-w inn hx-mmwxin was stunt-1 though a fairly large the population of over is made up of children diphtheria was former} occurrence, there has no case in over )5 years. ll.-\.\' HAD `nu 'I`rL-nbml. N.J.~-What. can be no` compllshed in me prevention of diph- lherla. ls cl-:u'ly shown by 9. recent. report from the State Department 01 Health In Llw Smut Village (or Epl-4 the plan of ln-I mwh Inmate wlth tox- ln-mnlxmxln sl.a.r1.t'd In 1914. Al- percentage 0! or 1.000 `persons rnadr amnna whom formerly of frequent. nt-I-nrronnn Oh:-rn hnu nno has-n n nlnalo %SC.0TT"S EMULSION 615.124]? 1928. Extra cuptes 0 cents. On sale a Keenan's boukstux nu-Onnv-u`: \l..n|lrna El uauu H. .\ Mllaudulr of The Examine), 6 )n at this office and at ~; buuksture, Crosslandm. Rob- Munkmantc `and Kc`.-nd.rk:k' during the same period NU nri'u'rnHRlA uwzu |i`lF'l`hlv2N YEARS 74, A_ I III! II!!! I] U) IICQUCUL re not been 3. single ' ' C C ` I Abwrbinc, Jr., will also keep you'Ih: ! him throughout the lemon . . .31. 5 arouses circulation, breaks up conga-. 1 . nun, unuthes and rt-frnhcs mu-, jaded: 1' mu.~;|eo-the athlete`.-1 idvuunlc tub-" t down that any [um-. And as 1 E : aid, it take; the min out of Lu ,_ wounds, bruises am? sprains. . . - - I _-___ -.. _....._._...__......._.__._.....c.4 - kunam muscus now Assum? `.... With the hummer spoils` well uud. may ball, lowing, swilnmiug, 305.` lc-nui, clc. ~ lovcrn of outdoor gun!!!` will nd that :1 0nd brink rlllrdf) : ;w'nl| Absorhinu, r, will prev-nt I . nineu which usually follow urrmbu luus or unusual exercise. -- 6 ] I The Weigh? Test Shows . f` ?' I Absorbinc, ]r., in both antiseptic uni- linimcnt . . . not only does it ICUCQ` gin and stincu. but if the {kin : rn broken, it teduces to 3 xumirn . any danger of iu(n'linu by prompt!- dutrnying the diocue gerrm. lb 0 not `runny and dot! not nuin,-3|.' per ulc at vour druggiss. 19: I'\|, vvjvln -o r -._-..` CANDV TAP? _, Gin you? can, nauvu-4,. J-7 vow 9Avl. A LAUGH FOQ LITTLE wlsut CAI? HG CAN NOT YALK` Hts MOUTH`) DUI-LA BALAQLJ `um. I J1NbLas' A. A. SMITH By Terry cukanwnii ....-.-o Puuo Svvm Manager. 7) euaaesE~Ev"" i'aec `F"`%?i? VVH/\ I' HAS GONE BEIORE '\ _vuunI.-; wunmn. wlm knows only 1! In-r n:um- 1:. "En-" nds horst-ll` n(Hm'.' on u }"mh Av~nut- norm-r. n In... In: uh-u In.-.|v .|-4. nunru. Oh..--uh "r_1un~.;a;;:.-. my 2-1, ioso BRYSON & MORLEY, Barrie K. PEACOCK, Midhurst H. F. Fralick, Service Station, Barrie Ill 1! Lgtblo m'I... 1l\'l-5 Ivy or with :1 HERE is a test which easily proves the * value of Gum-Dipping~/the extra patented Firestone process of saturating and insulating every bre of every cord in ;\ Firestone tire with rubber to eliminate internal heat and friction~-the greatest enemy to tire life. ' . A two-ounce weight is suspended on the end of one strand of a cord (8) takenfrom an ordinary tire. The strand breaks in l5 seconds. A similerweight is suspended on k\ Cum-Dippecl strand ibl taken from a Firestone tire--it remains unbroken for -19 seconds - --three times as long l Let your nearest Firestone dealer equip your car with: set of these stronger, tougher, more de ndable tires that hold the world's recor s for mileage and endur- ance. See him today. HRESTONE TlRE and RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED V '1 :1 builds the only K V` .... .... ...... ..... ...,.,.... , _....\...,, Eve does nothke the !\t.lOSDht`l'(' of ` J|\k(*'5, but she does _not know how Lu do anything else. or thinks she duoswt. 5: whn-n Ivy 1:: uble to get buck to wnrk she m'ct:p&s the offer of u pt.-1'n1um-nl job which Jake gives her. One \'\'(*ll- mg whom she he talking to the rrh~ndl'_v young` mun nulnrd Hunt. one `f lhv uthur glrh: tells her thL'l`0'.\` u mun frnm the West whom Jake wumts hm` to en- Icrtuln. 'l`hv mnn from lhv W(`SL 1.-`. u mtul .~:lrnngvr to 'l17V(;,`::<: far as she can 1':-~ cull, Nu nmnmry of ht.-1' pus! Hfr hm: yt-I rt-mmod, but uu: .~;t.rm1gm' m-ts nml tnlks us 11' they we-rv lnthnutv I'Hund.~;. His nmluwr RIIEEOSL.-'. that he hus sumv (-lnhh upun hut`. and Eve ls u.-rrllhed. Her lnslmct is to thud Eric Hmmlmn, the one frhaudlly ligurv hx 111'! new life. Shv vsrzupvs from Juka-'.s' by u back wuy und hurries tn Ihv huh-I whz.-rev Hmntlmn lives. us. she nd expected. Shv is km)wn thorn as Miss Demon. She Ixxtwts In young man numvd Hunt, Whu frankly Ln-Us her that she dow;n L buiong lh(-rt`. I .-. , , ,, ,,.. n..- .4... -..._..__u_,.... _r `Hr would not llkv ll. ' on nloc nun- 'I'lu- subs:-qucnt um-cl was um bud. but she surveyed It wlth more nppruv- nl mun lL \v:u'mntcd. It nut only vhungrd ht-r greatly. but ll (-ry.~atulll-/.-ll ln lu-1' mlnd ll lmlf-l'urmv(l plan In an- buudon U10 {arm hlbornutllm she had cun.~:ldc-rod. and Lu re-muln ln tlw c-lty und gm-L smm: work. Burk ln her hotol mums once nmrv. slu: l00kv(l M liex` wrlsl wutch. Quur~ tcrr-px\.~;t four. In less thnn two h0lll'.\ Hamilton would be calling` for her, Slw \vmxdc-rvd whut he would lhlnk nf Lhv dyvd hulr. and lmme-dluu-l_v rrull'1.- od 4-xuctly what he would Lhlnk 01 ll Slw wnuld nut lu.-r lml tn uvultl gl\-`lug lllm muhlun n uhaudr lll\l Tlunultnn .~;1mw.~: ha-x` an u(lvn-rti.~w- um-ut `whlnh nus lx-on ppvurlmg In unllnlll nnlnlru ll:-~.'1-I-Hulnu Run und IHUHI VVIUUH Hll l)('Ull nppvultnx Ill .-t-vt-ml pupt-M. (It`:x'(?l'H)ll|g Eve and u.~*.ktx'.g',mt' tnfurmutloh ubuut hm. It (tum; nut gtvv ht`t` YNIJ nauno. hUW{'\'t`I`. Shv ttnmr-dlutely (`ohm-t-ts this with the man from the Want. whom shr nu-t ttt Jake-'5. and decides to tutupt u dus- tztthtu. She buys aontc (tlffcrc-nt cluthmz nnd hus ht.-r huh` dyvd. NOW (to ON WITH `HIE S'l'0N.\' "1)cm'h+, you could. go to thr mints- ta-r'.~`. fttttoml tn thctn." the clerk unr- nestly IlS.*Ul`(`d hl'l'. They p:u`t.t-(I with tho impression ht both young hvurts that they could huvo lovvd mu-h u|.hM' It lttv hnd not held so many nth:-r tu- tt't't~.~`ts. `n nvnn r\InuL-nv\l n.\ Du. 1-lull In hm- I'l\N`I.\`. It wns pluusmn. to be clad in hm- uwn gurnuents uuw. muugh sin` mm to (-urry Murg'ur.'!'s uutmt in u hux. us WP us hm` own xuidltlonul p\1r('lnL~a:~s. packed in the new .:u1L(~u.~av. Lust. hf all shv \'1:~'.lu>l lhv .~n1p'.~ buuuty pn.rlm'. "Dye my hair black," uhn 11.!` .4... ., pa xhe mid. u v\.- 1.1 : - I'\VI'-mzuuil "I'liiis:ii|Is of sufft-.1'<-rs vouch `for the rolivf nbluiucd from E 'I`mu-1` wns u tap on tho dour and Rlw lmstunvd to open it. Alnnost. buforv she` [could do ER). 11 was ug upon und i Humnlou hurried Into tho mom. 1 Don't. Ibo wurrh-d." ho sxud. trying `em .~:pm|k nnturnxlly, and uv:-n m-udm-~ i um` 11 fulr lnllluuun of his rhurxu-lu~rIs~ l tic` slnilc-. "Ht*'s dmvu Lhm'r." .uu..-x \I1|\.|I" ' Lu .`|llAIl'. lII`.`\ nun u ulvxc. "H0? Who?" But 5-In` km-w. "'I'he~ man you spnkv or lust. night At lvut. I'm pretty :mr- its um mum- num. Hr flls uw de:a<'r1pt.`.m\. und `.w'.- uskmg an the desk fur Miss Borsmx. Humlmn mm-` Hu- Uw I l`I` ll ! llllll \/l'l|IIlI| I lll. Ill` lvlllll III! I drhu-r. "Mukv uund Hnw and keep uo- | my; H11 1 h-ll you In slop," A5 (hr nth .-;lurl.n~d ln- turn:-(1 In his all:-nl` ('umpu|l- um um! wus .s'lu>-kn- by lwr pullmz " l'Iu~n-'.~ nmthiuy,` In worry ubuut lmw." hr husuly rmulnchsd her. She- brokc: out with it dospcmunn llml hur- rltlvd him: --n... IHI Ilu. C\An\4| l|u|\an| l||ll'\I .Ill|I. "P:-rhauxx nul. U2 But. I ('un`l k-op up 11 running: fmnx plum ur trying Lu mm- ~. 1-rhnhml 1 nun`! 1-II. "()1 ouur.-u~ you (:uu`l, und _Vu ll'I`v nut pmlll lu. Hr spoke soutlmmly as hr would to u ('hH(L "As sumx us wv 341-1 10 Hlv purk 1'11 ((-11 you how wv can nvnid any murv running und hldiuy,. Hul _|u.~:1. nuw I wum. you to rvlux. 'I`hn-rm-'.~' ub.~;olul.c-Iy nothing lo [)0 war- rmd ubouL. and more isn't, going Lu ba- un_\' murv worry fail` you in lhv :u(ure." Shr .~.lglu-cl. plainly un<-nnv|nm>(l: but Ihv q'ul(-r :\ssux'n'm-- uf his munm.-r had its n.-vuul ~Il`c'.-L. and h("WIlh relieved to` svv ku-1` Iuuk of high In-rvuus tvnslon 1,-;i\'v \\'u.y to one that nxt-mly exp)`:-ssocl utlul` hu])L-1(`H:~`.l\1*5S. -Both wen; :~.11vnl. whilr Ihv rub nuulv its swift `wny up Mflh Avunuv. When H. c-xmurrt-d `Lhv pnrk Humllmn mlvv the -tirlvrr nnulhz-1` ho whi A (';\ .I('\ Eve." he 1) third time m-ither of I "I don`: kr Zllll. Hnmlll m "Up inlu u.-c.,...- --mu. than gulf u centu ago, the discovr.-ry_was mg e that I [PINKY DINKY AIl7l.`o gu. mu- `rh~dl_\' uddvcl In night l)r!`m'-. |\ut-L unuv " L When thc-_v reached tlw quit-I mrm-1' pnid and disrnlssod tho clmutft-ur. 1il- Eu` glunvvd nmund without in- 1`r'sI.. She hud. indeed. xx look that u- :'m<~d him smxwlhlng of the look of x xhuusu~d swunnwr. ready to go ` 11-d hm` ll) lo hm`. e-xpvctcd began I Hrun hn h "1 want you we no throuzh 8 mmiaxe ` l'l: zpvctcd sonlvthixlg like this, v casually. It was me` me he had used the name. but than wns cunscimxs u! this. know why I expected it." he K, but I did. Perhaps I had cnllod a `hunch? Pvrhups I rvusonrd that your mrge mxt move would be to wt pm- I hvlp and truck vou. Anyway .m~ snnu-mum` was comma and ~ud_v for 1: 'I`hm's why I told . O ....\..!A 3... \\1\ ......-.. ..t I u quit-t llttlv rrnrm-r up g-', lll unur un u A vu-n L (-un`l 4-nclurv it uuy lun- `wkt- up n. Lu.\k'ul). ynlrul Pnrk," he ml - km: vnn In \'lA\l\" Au H: `mi. wm-re we cm) 1 in Em-. I've gum- I.....\.. ... :|.a..1. ~v \Jl\!.:.; Illull Illlll Cl CUIIIUI ago, | discovery was ma ethat cmulsification helped make cod-liver oil easy to take and digest. It is the adaptation of this principle Air_1_ I u bmlch and am down n't, mink uml I-ht` UH the ncxl. mm-! this mu-t. of thing u-1 tu phlcu-, hiding :10 us. if I warn- nnrllnu. H nun Inn. lll`\l Ulltl ilh illl|' , tlw purnu-nl:'. of Wv ("nu nllp uutl 1- l)Il(`.k .~'.h-uh," HHI mwnrd 1," told lhv! * )," |I..nA ....-.\.u.u\ v lIIl' I kupli long ` : tulk,"i .' lht`l'('n ihings mu-I ' 114- I xhv I that has made possible the wide ' spread use and roulizzution of the health-giving benefits of cod- ljyex 0H. 1 `A/Ln-n lluno-n 51- rnnnll `no jllll uuu nxnu nu ll; 1 ihlm. Int). 1 muy mm `mm ull ubaut you: ux . wmun us _vuu'rt- wllllnp [ Lu lulurh with yum` - lyuur l'r|ond.~s H" yuu h 1* ! Shv H(.`(5llH`(l .~:l,uum~ |">`-lll|)K`L`i(`(I. Hul. .~.h- in 0 that much his rye.-rs .` vnwtuully (:un.~.ld(*l`1ng' . `Hum! uh yuurr wuung Iu, wt` in nu` [Wu 1`nm1l_v, ur wl . lmvo -m l`mnKL\'. L`! .~:t,uum~d, uml hr wus u )`>`.lll|)l`L`il`(|. mskvd u q|u~.~cl1n 1`? .kludlu-. :5h:- w hln atmgn-.~xIim `I ;"WuuI(l !*||('|I n nmrrlu:.-;~ lw In-p,ul`. V I` I dun`l 1-vvn knnw my mum-," "P1-ubuhly H, w In la-ml] yuur pn-.~'.-Ill ('lHl(HHl1Xl. in! H :`tm.~:| mnltrr \\'he~Uw1' Il`.~. lvuul an M, ..In his me-1'vl_v n blulf for pr:-.~m:L u.~.a-. '1' `|)vr:`.lslnx\l 3.-,c-nllvmuu who is -lumu \ "mm \nu\n | Iunnu ll |,\'n'l. lnunl :1 I: go through a mn1`1'1:1.;'(` -on-nm>ny with me. Eve. and I wunl you to -:10 it ch.-I1! n... ... I ll! \\ . "Of -n\1rsr~, ;u1' 1'ux'm." he wllhuul suyhm: .tha legal I-!sr,h `um! the \\'.;r1 tr0u`blt~s m n E the 111; mm H` 2 | luuklng` fur yu {la 11 him win n `him. nu In-url nll nluuui h\1P|l|)(`\l lII.W, -`U \l\|l|||l|l`) Innus. shv knvw ho wua ~wn1l`Iug :.n' :m un- :+wu~r; but silo `nu-rs-|_v r:-p Hun (ru- gic lllllc )_, (.`Sllll't' .11` hm` ul||.',lu\'-(I huml.: Hr lnuk lhv hnnd nnd lu-Id H. nnuwn. "OI" <:m11':w you (in. 1 .~.uu.' In `:1. .,h yuu km-w ull ubnut nu-. lo!` I wan nu sunu-thing likv (Ills. would mnw up." Hn l1n\Iw`hl hr wns full.I\Vhlu l SKIIIIPLIIIIIK |ll\l' llllh Vuluu Ho lh\)ll.f. ,`l|l hr wus workings uf her mind. rvnmrk .surprl.~u-d Mm. "Ynu dnn'L knuw unyt bum nu-. VVh_\'!" .~:lu- I may bu u (-rlmlnul (-55; I may bv unylhm lnklng udv:u1lnm~ ml" my muy put you mm u pu .~.i1n'ply horrible." "Rm. hnrn ha maid ..] g.~.uxrp1_y nunmur. Sm h<~ru~." he .~.uld. "X wun`l mmnvnl ~.)f p1'nL'.0 UH I'\'I` .~.ul'v;4 `you. Lelia slop Iulklm; and ma : nuu'rh.- ']`0 his int-rcduluus xln~1ly,m bl `ms H the mntlvr \\ l`1`l` nvlllvd. ` "Bur. l'v:~ wurm-(1 you." 3] yxnindod him as Hwy w'.:lk:-d .\ nu mm! `A m [luau \- IJIJI. I V!` Wlll minded m-:u'n`.~at `m1dwu_\'. "And 1 think." .despL~:v mysu-ll` fun `I'm-y followed Lhv mudwzu ISV(`l`l xnim1u=.='. beforv Lhc-y rmpty (-nb 10 mkv tln-m tn riage Iicmso b1m~;m.. ']`lu\rv. perfunctory detxxlls. wrrv n uskod En-1 "Which shnll il. b(~~tho J the cl:-x'gy1nm1'. As Hts" only nf fur-In I cI|l\v\(nL'n H tin...-n 0 ,i0vvs Rheumatism UK` |Jl'Lll.'X LU! U! "I think an 1 innudfbly. Am-z until Hun-v mu. 1-] uluuul until 1 linens: "l`|. .. LR.` Cl LIIOK U1 il\IlIll'. 9 it`? I nwam." he added as lnquiring look. "we'd but back (0 the Garland and 1 there. hadrft we?" 11.. .~n..n.. m...-run-l on c IHVKI`. Ilullk V|'l'. Her silence seemed an : to the plan and he gave the din-cuon. They .-rm-re lobby and a large man. wl seated in 21 lounging chu . nuinllv noun|n'n.. "I know Ml wbuul. yu 4| IUIIII. L nnppunr mgh I think mt- hmhw fur mw Inl` r ruudwuy. walking . Iuund.un I-nh 1n lrI|(u lh:-In In lhn rI`\nI'_ : ceremony with me, Eve. l H|llHl_V, ur wuu: 1' l`um1L\'." not ll. l||l\`HllI)l| c um: hhulln `h- wns ca acquiescence the cabmgnt n. .-xuvred the .':otel"' I. who had been` n chair near the Hell)` smoking a cigar that T 11 had been made ac- ... _..-.. .\IiA .....-... a- Ln` uyca uu. Where there is need for cud-Hm-r oil--Scott's Emulsion will serve that need adequate-I-y and pleasantly. limit .`: lhvwucz 'l`nI-vuln, um. m of `homo. James.` isn't ' he `aw net nk. we'd betu.-r go right Finn-land and Inna! '.|vhA?' she urldc-(1. lrltim; yuu u mu Mmm: nxmsnmm `nun : uuu1:,x'| .1 mu 1-i:;\(i,\' in I. By 1m":-ling who ynu `nrv .-vc.-nl1mll_\'_ us , we'll nu-I in 1\1Iu .... mhh the justice only an at an .....o l l lllLVl' ll "t`;:|llLHl(!(l `tn xmd D4- ;{)2IIii uf the The Brw s.L'ln.t.luI\. 1 ruau-d u n <'ln.~.|0u Hm I..... - .. m ; .1. `wrll lug `H... ....u us 1 Luphrd I w n! r _A_ 9;.-_;A1 pgscovsnv Many <:hur<'i1 slmllur n-xm-rpri I...-hm in Hm I-:1 (`(L\"l` 0|-` F.\'.~\MlNA'l`l0NS Kxm-nx'd|nv I u`\'h-\v~Rvpm-tori `he Bruxsv Uuunly le`.(lu(~uHunnl As- lutlnn. ut its rm.-out, um-tlng, dis- .u-d lnnll`.-1' mu! 1':':u-In-(f n mn- .n.... cI...n u... l....l llK'(L"`llll huu ~10 My dauglrtcr Catherine is fteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in hcd two or three days at 8 time. One of your booklets was sent to us l`y mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Com- pound. Cuthcrinc has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in ucight and ever way. I told the neighbors an! four other girls are takin it with good rcsulrs."--Mrs. C r- ence enkinson, Box 14. Thom- L... n.....-;.. cut.` Jcluunou Ioe. Ontario. _uu..u.. ... -.!-mu`! mmn` :1` wrillnm . . ~urlI||.uI . PINKY WANTS SOMETHING HIS SIZE -u1'|nn.~.u-. 1'3" tin-cl." Eric mun- l. "Hhv hm 1):-1-n 1-shup~ > I'm :.ur:~ y.m will PX- upu yuu wxll mmw in nu. la-zuIin:.z the way mun1. "rmd ]('L mv not HIHHH` Lhul. inlt-rests ZXU 'Hl\'l' "llllllllfl nl -~.\;umhmllun:s~ .m-h uxuxmn;1tlnn.~< `.1 1-fziurnlluu. us 2 `m.'.\`H. In-g |n.~a plin- [Inn ..l' ..\u|n\ -nda-rsnn." Um ` '11-1-(I; "Sumuarl Erum 'Chlmugu!` guns; and uthvr aid:-d by lot- 01 Lhu Unit:-d Com'Is'