_ - -`~9!lo cent 8 word. cash, each Insertion. Tmmlmum charge, 25). ve insertions ldrggthe price of four. 10c extra when] `lhlrged; also we extra when replies, directed to The Examiner Omcew -------- I l(`l. 30]) 301') CAPT. GORDON LONGMAN PROMOTED TF0 BE MAJOR keard were the Iouowingz Uaptanl Gordon Longman. commanding "A" Company, Simcoe Foresters, raised to the rank of Major: Capt. E. H. Main- er. commanding "C" Company, 0111- lia. raised to the rank of Major, as well as being decorated by Brigadier D. Carmichael with the Colonial Auxil- iary Forces Officers` decoration for long service. Snrcrt,-Nlalor Ed Shuter was elected Among the promotions announced during the military camp at, New Lis- the following: Captain (`.4-xrrlnn Trmuman. commandimz A" long Sergt.-Major was president of the newly formed ser- geant`s mess, and presided at a. large banquet attended by the commanding officers of the various regiments and their officers. In the report of the camp (on page 8) reference was made to the late Major Joseph `Rogers as the last Hon- orary Colonel of the 35th Regiment. The late Lt.-Col. W. E. O'Brien, of 1 Shanty Bay. was the last Honorary / Colonel of the regiment. while Major Rogers was a former naymaster. . __j _.___._____...._________..__. BAR.`RON--In loving memory of a dear` wife and mother, Agnes Barron. who passed away July 25, 1928. In our hearts your memory lingers. > passed July 2.1, mm. In our your lingers.` sweetly. tender, fond and true. ' There is not a day. dear mother. l That we do not. think or you. ~-F.ver remembered by her loving 30b Husband. Dmxyzhters and Sons. :_._____. I DECKEY--In loving memory of our` dear mother, Mrs. Rachel Dickey.` "who passed away July 22, 1927. Three years have passed since that sad dnv "'1Zf'_._...__.___.___.._____"" __..______. JZIANTED TO BORROW s5.ooo.oo.| .. 111 glve rst. mr)rL;:21L:r.-. Excellent! ..necu1'1Lv. Will stand sL1`i(:t,nxL i_nvcs!'1-`E HY80 _Vf:Hl'h llavc .)(`n|j'\(`A .-...\.\ ...... sad day When our dear mother was called nnvu n JAUCTIONSALE of Valuable Household Furniture 3 away. God took her home; He thought it had U00 LUUK nun nuunu. Au, ...u..,.,. be-st. To gram, her her eternal rest. QnrI`\r rniccnrb hv I-"2 (MRS. M AY CRESWICKEl FOR SALE--Singer's Blue and White St0re--4Con`fectl0ncry. ice cream and lunch parlor, seating about 50. Good going -business: dwelling apartment above; on King`:; Highway. Dunlop SL, Barrie. Reason: Returning 1.0 England. Apply Barrie Real Estate ffirn Barrie Realw Estate Officell - - - - - - - - - - . ~ . _ .-.. I umcc. We are removing our office to our! old stand. No. 5. Clappcrton SL., north of Czmcillzfs Fruit. Store. Five Points. on August, 15L. Used Car Sacgice Sale ___ .5.-`A ' C THE FOl.l.O\7VlN(}: (jliziirs, M:lll0j{:lll_\' (`.li:iir, l.:1r_:c l.c.1'tlicr Arm Cliziir, Oak Arm (Zhnir, Onk Racking" (`.h:1ir, l.:unp, l`iclurc..\, c1c., Hull Ruck, Ouk l,ilir:1ry Hall Tzllilc, Black \\ :ilnnl Hull (iliziir. Stair and Hall Carpet, 14$-cut Oak Hall Mll'l'Hl'. `.1-cut (Mk lmffci, six j4i-cul Oak Diners with l.C2llll{`l` Sonia. `i-Cul Oak '(,:lllll:l Czlliinct, Oak Extension Tulwlc, (jivucli, Siii};'cr $`\\ lll_{ Machine, Cluck, Black Walnut (I:l.\E`, (,:I\ll}\HlL`lllll lmg, lliklicx l`icl1n'cs, Curtains, etc., 3 Bed- l`HUlll Siiitcs, with Sp1'ii1.Q'.~ and M2lllI'E>'5CS, licdrmnn Cl1:li1`s. i thugs, l ictnrc.\. ClC.. Kitchen (`,uplm;ml, lixtenmin Table, Chairs, lilectric. \\':isliiii;;' M(lL`lllllL`, Kitchen Ulensils, (izirdcn `fools, ;|l.n\\'n lime. Sczllch, and lll:lll_\ nllicr nrlicles. All will be sold without reserve. Terms cash. Also at the same time and place, the residence will be of- fered for sale, subject to a reserved bid. ii Sale at 1 p.m. w. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. 5 Clieslcrclll, n`l_\' new; large M:1lm_Q`;1n_y Viclmlrl, 3 Black Walnut 1 A lllzutk Walnut Whnlnnl, Black W:1l- l nul l :u'lnr 'l':ihlc, 3 Small Oak l :u'lm' Talilcs, Pnrlnr Rug, Floor i 1 4 on Saturday, July 26 u. v .... .. 'KGENT WANTED in Barrie L0 h:md1c|` com;-e, baking powder. spices. (`X- ' ab "1 ts. toilet preparations. Write. p:iv-1 aze. Red Bird Prodllcts. John" nnfh `Hamilton 29-30p, l\J lJA_a nanny.` -w-- NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED U\'L7h`t~"l`()LlK M 175131) (,1A\R5:n1d ihcneccs.xiI_\' ot n1:1k- ingr.mx111nrth:Ncw Buick I\\m1c1>1u'lu`m1di>p1:1ylwythe cud ml the currcni munlh. 11`ccs1nc In take :1 lg` 1055 in \:c.i aux and c\'cy\' murchuxcr will hcnctil. A ....1.1\ .45.... ...:H l\.. .~n6....al kn! F. J. GRACEY IN MEMoR1AK1- PONTIAC AND BUICK SALES AND SERVICE 74 Elizabeth St. : BARRIE : Phone 919 AUCTION SALE OF STORE GOODS FOR TAXES THE STOCK AND FIXTURES AT TUCK S STORE, DUNLOP ST., BARRIE V`- "W-.1! ---a- ----y - r ~ - - - - - ~ - - -- . (See next week's papers for funh_er dates) There i.~ ;l 1.1rge quamtity mt I-`zmcy L_1hin'.1. Diahcs. Ljutlery. Sil-cerw;1re. G1;1ss\v;1re_ -C:1rpenlcr's Tunis, `Breast Drills. Punches. \\'renchc.<, L);xir_\' Pails. Tul\~', Copper Boiler, \\ ;1s11ix1g; 'M;1chinc.~', l`:1int.< and all kimk mt" nther gmnis. W. A. MCCONKEY, Auctioneer 40 Ix`/1\1`)`6iS1.iii.1')` %`s"*'r`1'z12`f,. L EARRIE L ner um \fu:AuuA u..uu. --sadly missed by Family. VAR`lOUiS MAKES OF USED CARS TQ B_E SACRIFICED 7 __ _____ . I-urn us:-r-sun-r W111 l5Xl:mu!m.; -aeouripv. invcsti-`. `cation. Prin('.ina.1s. only. Armlv Bax: ~M." Examiner Omve. `.28-30h (:1: Vuluable Thursday, July 24, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 29th, 8 p.m. Thursday, July 31st, 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2nd, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. \-' lung. \ The 1n1dc11\i_a'I1c.l 11:15 received in. l'mn1 _ .1 -. g - cw`! i'I'V'7I*'" LEM {M H i;:`l}-M. Iickly. Your 'l`() Sl3l.l` HY | lHi.l(Z 4-\U(`.'|"I()N AT ___---.--\ rurrqvxrwiwv-In '-.`n' '|i; ii'`.1;\I:i2(_;.vKiZNNEDY --Nu I`L`:l\nI12lN nffcr will he refused. Act nld cur taken as part p:1_vmcm. E:1s_v terms -w-- . KELCEY-In Women's Hospital. Bloor street, Toronto, on Tuesday, July X5. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Keicey (nee Evelyn Eames), 26 I-Iillsboro Avenue. a daughter (Shirley Anne). LEE--On Tuesday. July 22, 1930, to Mr. and` Mrs. Roy Lee, '14 William st... Allandale, a daughter. KER.R.I-DGE--At Edgar, on Saturday. July 19, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Kcrridge. :1 son. McAR'I`HUR--In the R. V. Hospital, on Tuesday. July 22. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex E. Mcm-thur. Guthrie, R. R. 2. a daughter. OAKLEY-111 Barrie, on Sunday, July 20, 1930. to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Oakley. a son. PENNY--At. the R. V. Hospital, on July 22, 193_0_. to Mr. and Mrs. A. Penny. Shirley Ave., a. daughter. |Vu1l\J\|u.4lI GIBSON'-`.DOUPE - At, Thornton, ` July 16, 1930, by Rev. R. B. Beynon, Miss Hilda. Mtnetta Doupe of B01- ton, to Mr. Rcymen Osbprne Gib- son of Palgmve. Illl-III BELL--On Wednesday. July 16. 1930. =1-I:=mna.l1 Foster. wife of Manuel M. Bell. Utopia. in her 76th year. BEIJL--AL Utopia. on Sunday. July 20, 1930, Manuel M. Bell, in ms seventy- ninth year. LIVDNGS'I`ON-At. the Toronto Gen- . oral Hospital, on July 19, Alexander Livingston, beloved husband` of Lilli- an Johnston, in his 67th year. ` McCULLOUGH~-At, the Toronto Gen- 1 1 oral Hnsp`1L:1l. on July 17, 1930. Ken- neth McCullough. of Barrie, aged 41 vnn I`Q . - `FARM FOR SALE--`H3211 smtr} of <'ul- ttlvatinn. wnuld sell with or without `crop and tako house In town nf P.m`rlr.~ '01 small niece of land near said Lmvn. ZKII necessary bulldlnxzs. two miles f':0n11 _v1l]mze of Cooksmwn. Apply to F.` ,C1a.1`ks0n. Cookstmvn. Ont. Zclfhi \t1l\lJsJ \II I lurnnwnwu Mrs. W. J. McKinley and family wish to thank their neighbors and` other friends for many kindnesses shown in connection with the illness and death of Mr. McKinley. 30b Mrs. Bessie Pierce wishes to express her most grateful thanks for the lov- ` ins: kindness manifested by neighbors and other friends in connection with Lhe illness and death of her brother. rznnnnch 1UI n(`.nllnucrh 301)` 1. I1 9. uumn uu.,Vu..-.r...,,... `IA ....._...., D-.. _, years. MCKINIlEY-At. 192 Bradford SL. on I I ` Saturday. July 19, 1930. William ` James McKinley, in his fifty-fourth vnar .m....., ..........o,. _._-, _-___,, year. WEST--In Thornton. 'I`uesday. July 22, 1930, John West. Funeral on Thursd-ay. July 24. at 2 pm. In- terment in Thornton cemetery. WA'I`SON-On Wednesday, July 23. 1930. Eliza Hart. widow of Walter Watson, in her seventy-second year. Funeral from residence of her son, I Bruce Watson, on July 25. service` at 2.30 pm. Interment in Dalston ` cemetery. ` ~ the umcss mm ucam Kenneth McCullough. TEE BARBIE EXAMINE CARDS OF THANKS 1 \IAY475v\`nvv nn fa: MARRIED norm 306 7 I X . _.,, ,`cA'r'rL.E FOR SALE--St,r*m`s rush! an-`~, ,.heef 1'lng(`rs. Also frosh <-ow zmd nI1r*'\| vdue August. 1. 'I`01(`phmw 775W. Bm`-; -1-ta. an-3m!` ` %}ss ISSUE IS UNEMPLQYMFNT (Continued from page nine) aget has is as a vote catcher. and it won't. get. them many votes." he do- clared. What is the use of protect- ing a few industries by raising the tariff? Why do they not protect all the industries of Canada with their new policy of tariff raising." nu..- .._.....|..... v.1...nm-l Ihn nnm-u-nrnnni ucw puu.._y u. ........ ........ The speaker blamed the government for bringing in automobiles, farm im- DICITICXILS and machinery while Cana- dian 'pianLs remain idle. He called the -countervailing -iuties "nnavnillng "|~:iuties." . "`X'n Am.-o mm rhm nnr wont. of the ,,. iiiuties." "We don't. buy five per cent. of the things Great Britain prodiice.-4'. but we buy 25 per cent. of the United States export products. British preference- thero isn't any. They have applied British preference in nine articles, in- `stcad of one as formerly. ..- nu , 11,. V`... ._._ n- ... .. ,......u `busnu Lu vul; 11-) .u....\..._,. ,"IA11ko Mr. Drury. He is a good ' man, but he is in bad company. This going up and down this riding preach- ing the Dunning budget is embarrass- ing him." Mr. Fester said. I .-vv- ....IA 1.... .....IA `n`I1vnI!c kn n " . rnr: `-You_ need no longer be told that you have an expensive foot. ACCURATE 1=n'rmc 1s ' VITAL 1- A- vnnxn-. Relizing how important it is to fit shoes correctly we have and are giving particular attention to this feature. Very few people are able to really judge whether a new shoe fits correctly or not. By the time the effects of ill fitted shoes are noticed it is usually too late. We can guarantee to fit you in Enna Jetticks for we carry all widths and sizes. We can and will give you expert. careful, fit- ting service. .5 ......, JVAA. ..-.-. . He said he would `always be :1 free trader. but our basic industries must be protected.` How in the name of lleavpu can you reconcile mat? ..m._,.... ._ ........ .. ;......\ .~..... {us no. I unavuu knlll _yu . . . c V . . . V . . . . . . . . .,. Thank heaven we have men in Ot- tawa. who think of Canada First." And by that we mean the British Em- pire too. R. 13. Bennett. thinks of Canada First." He doesn't hold any industrial shares. He has racriiiced everything to devote himself to Can- ada. I believe the United States has the right. idea r:conom`ically--that of protection which has given them the greatest material prosperity. Sees Good Crops .From reports we have heard this riding will remain Conservative." J. T. Simpson. the Conservative candi- date. said, "We have noticed good crops in the county throughout our campaign and it looks like a prosper- ous year for the farmers. "Rut nu-v urn nni rrmientnd. Thev "FOR SALE}--'I`hn1`nughbrvd hlzu-k Min ` "Bron. and Bsm'NI Rock cm-.kr~x-~15. M117 cv H tuktm M (moo. Apply I1:m'_\'; ,, _t.n.wny. `Phnnn 739.1. Zmtfbz ! .1... ENNA J ETTICK Shoes for Women on. "Had the government been alive they would have found a market for our wheat crops last. year. They should have agreed with Mr. J. H. Thomas of Great Britain to take British coal in return for Canadian wheat. Instead ;Br1tain got her gram from the Ar- |gent1ne and the Canadian grain is still in barns and elevators and the outlook Iifor this year's crop does not look any itoo promising." (mere. xrum UUlL`l' u.vuuun:n. Au: wCuL\ I \ XX. A Rluru nffsu-lrnli H10 Tnrrnrtn`. year Iur Llll.` H11 xmsxa. "But they are not contented. They are not getting the prices they would like for their products. If they got better prices the business between farmer and merchant would be great- or, The manufacturer would gain and the whole country would be more con- tented. My point is that this govern- ment. hasn't given Canada a proper 1dm1nistrat1on. 4vI'n.-nun! Ar v\v-nvlrllnry H-uh; nnuntrv Hurlbuit Shoe Co. `LOU IJTUIIH-\lH5. ` W. A. Boys attacked` the Toronto `Daily Star on its publication Wednes- 'day of an interview with Rt. Hon. 1 Arthur Meighen. in which it stated he! `had "nothing to say" to questions of`. I "Were you asked to speak in this carn- ` lpaign?" and "Were you asked to -at-I ytend a luncheon to R. B. Bennett .11; - 1'I`oront.o?" 5 5' --Lb. .....nn.. ..-\..-.5 kn uinnid knnni '!(1lTl1l11'alI"dUUH. "Instead of providing this country ` with foreign markets the Liberal gov- ernment has brought in more products than it has sent out. They have made Canada a dumping ground for pro- ducts from other countries. he went `on. ..,__. ...-..1.u 1.....- 4-._......I .. .......-Inn hu- x Auxuxuu: 3 "No matter What he would hr {said the Star would have zsomethi ito say about it." he said. "When 1 was chief whip of the party under I` `,Me1ghen and at the time Lhc S ?,attacked him as leader of the pan ;he said to me. `Boys, I have had .chance. The people of Canada dd wcnnm tn man! man T hnvn fnlrn n Lluuuagn. . Mr. Boys condemned the Liberal V ` _rz on the proposed removal 1` of Camp Borden to Trentmm. "It 1135:` meant a great deal to Barrie both from 1 ` t 9. commercial and a social standpoint, 1] , and we had a great struggle to get 11.5` Now it Ls` being removed at an in|t`.a1`r` . cost of $2,000,000 and goodness knows` ` how much more. l "I see The Barrie Examiner has tak- 3 en my views that it ought to remain here. If that newspaper believed the `camp shouldn't be moved. why didn't ; it come out with a good strong article ` 3on it long ago Instead of a little item `_ ? at the last minute?" he asked. ` "Md. Tyrer asked me to bring tol ;the attention of the government thei condition of the wharvcs here. I lbrought It up In the House. and must 1` say I got fair treatment {rcm thel minister. But in a letter from an en- t `hl'Q.`HI LU HUI Hit`. A Hi1\L' Ll`l.I\l`lI UV!'I the manngorsmp of a large company. `_and I haven't the time and can't takel ':part. in politics. Tm absolutely} `] through. " \ Mr `Rave r-nndamnnd` Oh Llhnrnl` n `FOR SALE--A dark mun Shr `hull. I _vr\.m` old. 1`c|:lstm`v(1 No. 'd`escendsmt. of hnuvv milk um " mmiv Hurrv Ot.mwm'. '11-}. 739.] Phone 65 SIMCOE COUNTY'S FOOT COMFORT SHOE STORE BARR] E A m;n.:. he have` xsmnelh1ng\ - "When I. 2 Mr. I 4: Hm .hn Star? "` ' anu Antique ouup. auu rm` A watch presented to her 'by the 'e' citizem of Barrie thirty years ago. was "9" ``" stolen from the home of Mrs. Esther Wk`-"V "0 Dutton. 112 Westminster Ave., Tor- Y5h1d onto. While she was out a sneak `omas 9f thief entered the hcuse with a false ` * ` key. and after ranszxrklng the place. Instead` loft with two watches and two rings. *9 5"] all gifts, and $3 in cash. in -1-... r-Ialm n! A .1 I`m~kA mzainst the 1 , ` 1 "It has i < ...o. t-nm I .4... party. mri mv . ~ .emm,aH "I am not condemning Mayor `Me- ..n ha5_Cuaig." he continued. "But I wrote in fmmito him some time ago. and I don't ldpoh, Ikn(;' that anything has been done HR,` Hfabout the docks. There has been a, _ mm! , council meeting but they haven't tak- ;knows| en it up. turd I don't think a thing i has been done tn prevent the govern- ms : ment. placing barbed wire around the i wharves and abandoning them." L LOCALNEVEWIH Chantler Bros. have reopened their ` store in stroud. . . ,1 I,_.A L. x.._.. OVA --Latest, releases on Brunswick re"- cords at Bert. Taylor's Radio Store. 56 Elizabeth St. 28t{b -4Some good weekend specials to be had Friday and Saturday at, The Mary Payne Shop. 30b ` _.nId hnmp hmw: sup host nn Brun- 1" Men 1: lth. Hamilton. auvn x. u: um. vuu. -Shc married a 1amb-but. he tum- ed intoya lion! Capitol, now showing. ` '30x o.A__A ___I_____ _.. 1\...._...-.l..I. -A rayne bnop. -Juu -Old home tunes are best on Brun- swick records. Bert Taylor has them at 56 Elizabeth street. 28tfb Walter Scott. has boughl the Redem- hurst house in Peel `St. Barrie Real Estate put, through the deal. n__.__,. A..Il..n x... uI'I'\kn (30-nnln nd- manzu: -pun uuuu5u 'vu<. unun. -Cveorge Arllss in "The Green God- dess," showing at the Capitol Theatre. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. July 28, 29. 30. 30): , .,._,,, ____.__ smut-.. 1~x..h.vv 28, 29. 3U. ova ---His daughters were "Wise Girls", they knew how to handle a grouchy papa! `Capitol Theatre, Thursday, Friday. Saturday. for a big laugh. 30x a-.___:__. .......A.. -5 41.... at '1")-any-nae .rAAua_y. LJauuIuu_y. nu. u. Una .....a... ...... -Garden party at the St. Thomas` Church rectory, Shanty Bay. will be bigger and better than ever. `Three entertainers from Toronto. Wednes- day, July 30th. 301) A larva number attended the an- day. July JULI1. out.- A large number attended nual picnic or :St. Mary's School held at St. Vincent's Park Wednesday at- ternoon. Results of prizes awarded In examinations will be given next, week` an .... ....A 1 13...... onl.-I Thu Dvarnin. exullrxxxnuuxm V\'lll Ul`- gncu ucno vv\.\.n. Stewart L. Page told The Examin- er he noticed a field of {all wheat near Bradford being cut on Saturday, while nearer home, at Stroud, a field of alsike was being cut. Tuesday `morn- ln . :g`Pnn urn fair for an average mg. Prospects are fair for an average potato crop. Stewart Page said Tues- day. Although frosts affected them somewhat and early growth was un- even. they are coming along much better now." "F|\A flrnrnnn `urn!-n nallnrl nut. nf hPd better now." The firemen were called out of bed early `Monday morning to extinguish a fire which had started in .1 car on Dunlop SL. but never even had to stop as it, proved to be a .very minor blaze and was easily put. out. A nxivnd fnnrcnrnn nnrl hrirlvn in mm was Casny [JUL Uuu. A mixed foursome and bridge in ald of the plane fund wlll be held at the Barrie Golf and Country Club on Wcdncsday, July 30. Those wishing to make up tables can phone Mrs. Geo. Hubbard or Mrs. R. F. Garrett. The town council wlll hold. a. spe- ..x..1 .....-...H.... In Hm 1-nun:-H r'hnn1hnr< O :BRED~'1"O-LAY rsxn-x-M Rut-.k nnxlm. ,m1.tch(.\d Anrll 16. no culls and hru1H1\' , $1.00 each. No .S`:\`l(`S uftvr this mnmh. Fra.nk Mndlszzm. `R.R.. N0. 2. A11:1n-; male. '.z9-:unw .. . mam: up bulllca call puuuz: nun. urux. cial meeting in the council chambers at 4 o'clock this Wrhursday) after- noon to discuss with the First. Co- Oporative Packers of Ontario. Limited. plans for the erection of a packing plant. horn. Dhmn Rnmimld 'T`nnn\>\'anda. N.Y.. pi-am. nor:-. Philip Rumboid. Tonawanda. N.Y.. roalmr. who was found strangled to death in his automobile near Port Credit on Tuesday morning. was en~ route to Barrio. where he was to have spent. the night. iwforc proceeding north on a fishing trip. c~.........| Y! Qonnnnn nf Hnmlitnn HUl'lll UH u Inning mru. Samuel K. Seaegan, of Hamilton. appeared` in police court Wednesday afternoon on a charge of securing gas and oil from Paddison and Sheppard to the extent of $10. with intent ta defraud. He was remanded on his own ball until Friday. July 25. A n r~....1.... 1..-..~ unnnnmrl uvnrrl nl own uau UHLH runny. auI_y nu. A. B. Carley has received word of an accident, which betel D. Wiles. his nephew. in Frezno. Calii`.. recently. Wiles, who is 25 years old, {en 17 ft.. breaking his right, arm. six ribs and his back, paralyzing him `from `the waist down. At last. report. there `was hope of saving his life. with war nn WP!`-(is bnimz wasted nope OI sewing ms um. With war on weeds being waged throughout the county. farmers of Centre Oro township took things into their own hands on Wednesday. when a large number of them gathered with scybhes and other Instruments and . made a clean-up of weeds on a vacant farm at. Mitchell Square. Am.-mu Ohn an-la uvhn arnrinnn-r1 from xarm Flt. xvnucncu aquurc. Among the glrls who graduated from Victoria College. Toronto, 1215: year. and who are this year graduated from the Ontario College of Education. 15 Miss Marion C. Partridge. of Barrie. who has been engaged to teach in Smithville high school. she 15 a daughter of Mrs. H. O. Part.r1dg'e.'Co1- Her street. IND! uunlnu Incr nnnnrhluv tn hnv ner snreen. Old walnut. last opportunity to buy walnut. extension table, $35; side ba- blo. $35; gentleman and lady pair. 565; Occasional $15: rosewood chaJr. $50; rosewood table, $30; Sm-meld plate, reproductions. cut, glass. an- tiques. withdrawn from sale. Monday. July 28th. Barrie Real Estate Office and Antique Shop. 30!) to 'by ,..;__,_._ -1 1-u._..._n_ AL.l..|.. .......... novr\ mu l ; gmeer who came `here to look over the hdncks. he reports that both docks are Hbeyond repair both above and below _; the water. that during Lhe last. year V `i only one boat, tled up at the Buyeld tn wharf. and that there are lots of boats rlcnmc tn Barrie for supplies and tie . [up at the esplanadc in front of the glstatlnh. He said in his letter that y 1 more was no commerce on the lake. and advised that. both docks be aban- \ L1! dcmed. --v um um nnnrlnmnin Nfnvnr Mr- an guns, and 5.: in cash. The claim of A. J. Tuck. against. the seizure of goods by a bailiff to satisfy R judgment. against the former s wife. Mrs. Elia J. Tuck. was dismissed in a ' judgmem handed down by Judge E. A. Wismer. on Saturday. An imcrpieader laction was brought. by J. '1`. Emms, , the bailiff. in division court. reccmiy i when `Mr. Tuck claimed ownership of` 1 a certain quantity of goods. According ate the judgment. `Mr. Emma is given ` the right to dispose of the goods ac- icording to the former judgment. , , EDI'I`OR`S NO'I'E--Rcaders or The `Examiner may be Interested to know ` that H. G. Fesler. who spoke last night. 'and was advertised as a representative 1 of Labor. is a civil servant in the pay ` of the Province of Ontario. being a ` member of the Minimum Wage Board. The Examiner is Informed that he I draws a salary of $5200.00 9. year with a traveling allowance of $800. LHORSES FOR, SAL!-7---I (*n1`lnnd 1.1` --mares und gcldxugn. =1 tn 10 ymn-.-. nlrl; I-same nml.('hvd (minus; nmmm t.hvm`. Bomo city xmvmncnt .-mrv 1n'.m~:.. All :'r1ght, out of hurd \vm'k, $50.00 up Wards. Also two sets`. of train 111111` 5:` 2-------*---------- .GIR1L WANTED to assist with light. housework. Annly 202 'Bmd~fo1~ SL. 30;) Till-IRON0l|) 0F BARRIE TO EQUIP OURSELVES to serve you better in connection with Theronoid Treatments, Fred L. Douglas `has just at- tended the Theronoid Convention in Tor- onto, which was addressed by Dr. Chomp- ney of Theronoid Broadcasting Fame. Douglas Drug Stop; Phone 75--BARRIE `COME HERE WiTH CONFIDENCE FOR THERONOID INFORMATION fiahle. The second declaration is for a Canadian fuel pnlie_v. Whether such a pulicy involves a heavy dut_v on American coal whic-h would so raise the price of cnal that Alherta or Cape Breton coal could he shipped in ()ntari nr whether it involves a (jnvernment lmtuis in the lr2tn.\- pnrtati;in of these Canadian cuals, Mr. Bennett tiHt3.\ nut state. In either case it involves, must invulve, :tddilinn:tl cost in satisfying the fuel needs of Canada. Hi` this CHf~|. Ontariu lmusehnlders would hear the ilC:|ViC.\l part. I am utterly opposed to such a tpulicy. Living cunditiu1-t must he made easier, not more difficult. The only other definite prnpnsitiun in '\t`ilit`il Mt`. Bennett pledges himself, aside trum a general prrimise tn hring almut prosperity, is the -Develupment at the St. Lawrence. `But this would already have been zpruceeded with if Mr. Bennett and his lieutenant, Mr. l-'ergu~.ui, had showed a willingness to co-operate with the King (}IiVCrll- ment. Wha.t Mr. Bennett does not tell U\ is whether he prS-poses to develop it in the uuly pnssihle way, wliicli i~ in the International sectiun, in cu-nperate with the llnited States in the work, or whether he still Il\iiiCrC.\ in the put- ic_v laid dnwn by the Cnnventinn_ which chme him leader of the Cnnservative Party. and devel-up it as a '.vlmll_v Canadian prnject. If the latter, it is a euurte nut -nlj; custly tu Canada. but full of actual danger 1.. t`,;m;..1i;m Lake shipping. There is a strtmg movement in the llnitL`d States for an all-American Waterway. Such a `pr-n'tet`l i feasihle. thnugh costly. It would provide :1 xe:iw:iy nver which (Janadian shipping wnuld have rm riglnx, while an): canals we might ltuild on the `St. l.awrent`e are npen tun- ever" in the terms ut the `l'reat_y it I371. In United State shipping. Under these Clldiliullx (Lanadian lake `~ilip[`ill]( wnuld he "placed under such a disadvantage an rnieht verj. likely wipe it nut. leaving tlanadiau trade whullv at the mere_'v at the American ~hipping eurnliine. Sueli a p-litv would he disastrrms. If on the uther hand Mr. Hennett pmpuses ttrdevelup the St. l.:twrence in e---nperatinn will! the United States, he merely states that he it in aereeinent with the present (iuverrunent. ' Mr Hpnni-ll'\' nnliev i\ a nuliev it V.'l`-Jtlt` t'ent'l':Ilitie., CONCRETE wm CURB AND%C_l&JQLVERT PIPE ARE MOST ECONOMICAL AND `DURABLE. 3 ft. din. 4 in. thick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A $2.50 lineal ft. 34 in. dim, 3 in. thick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 lineal ft. 24 in. dim, 2 in. thick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 lineal ft. Sizes from 8 in. to 18 at graded prices ---: --.__v._.______ YARD OFFICE: PHONE 00 HEAD OFFICE: PHONE M FOOT 0!` MAR`! STREET 5! DUNLOP STREET Lnmnmg nuugcu. WHY TAKE A CHANCE? In (,lunserv:1tive :lJV6.`fU.~ClnL`l\l\ we are lvcin_u urge tn (iive(l'.u1z1d;1.1Chance". (Inn(l;1x1;nl;x:ultzl In ML :1 Chance? On the me hand we hzlvc Ihc dctinilc :4-n zecurd of Ihc `Liherzll (`mvcrnmcnl and :1 Jctinitc ;u clear-cut !`nrw:1rd policy. ()n the uthcr we l\.'lvc :1 pnlh ml vague generalities, uf lnvixh prmnisca _\\.lm\nrh.`J l\_\ cmnpznign which exznggerntcs ux1c1nphm11cm and .1;-prc siun, and which is characterized by gI'U>.\ Inixxtzllcmcnt ` facts. Which shall we suppnrt? Yuur. mithtully, l.` A` l\l)||l)` 5 WORK HORSE. 6 vmm. 1450 1hs., for L ' 5310. Ed. M('.Lz1ut.th1in. West. End.30-En); 1 "TE i_RJEANTi9;";EI!:n Wellington Hotel Block Thllrsdbl. July 24. 1930 --_---.-._.___ ?--_.__. llllllg. ;, two cuncrctc huilding sat` a Hun. Mr. Fin- C.\'Ul112lIL`S arc _.,...II.. ,.o'..1 :g'ener:1liIics D ......-in I Aull Hllu I'V nus lctinilc gnu-1 Jcfinilc and nvc ll policy` vpurtcd by :1 >-` \.'I Munnnl nf l)RUl(\'. .`lIll' the dark 5nm'mnrr "h_ul1. 199951_ mnclm-m~. T ':Am)lv Hurrv 739.]. Qmfh LOST-~ 30x5 (in rim. bot.\v(`en Cw H1. Rc\\'m`d. Pb cer. I`hornton. .-_._.___:____._________ YOUNG `GIRL, 18. wants pr: : anm-ml. has two Wars` 1'(`fm` SMALL BROWN DOG lost of Anton Mills. F`indo1' ` ebhono and 1'n*vorsr c1u1*:m`: jmond. Brcntwond. C -BRFCK HOUSE`. "1-{llls(`hl\`. Must `Mint:-. Anmv 1. `\nIm\hnIu\ 90`. .l' `!`slMt`. An `\\`1t`Dl\01\` :1'~'oR. SALE~A R3-ucro bus! lure 101 Mm c1'vo.`k. swvd sin :iust, outsldu town. Avmv __,Y.nnnrhHn Ms! `End ,.uxst musmu K` ..Lau::h1m. West -I'*' '*`'`-`` -100 ACRES in Tm\'nsh'm of Sunnidnh`. ts miles from Su\s'xu~x'. all undvr cu`.- \.ivu.t.ion. level choice c1u.\' kmm. ':ood "1ocnUI\'. comfortable tram" hmuw. ox- "t:e1lent barn M x '72 comcm wall. hr-n 101150 18 x 50. with or without crop _ 5.800 without crow. Robert Arm- ,tronxz. Smvm~1'. Om. RR. 1. 25-3011 .._...._.____..___._.... 'WAaN'I'ED--Experienced erate grain separator. -Klnsz. Lefro.v. __. ADLET COLUMN C -nF`R.AM`E COTTAGE for sale --`.2 bed vrooms. parlor. dlnlns: mom ::ummer -kitchen. coal cellar amd vsmd shed at- Waclxcd. hard and soft water. ::arur1e. (col house. lame hon house. quanmy `of mspberrv canvs and enrdvn -zrnund. Lot. is 90 bv 285 Would accept mu`! a..\'mem,. Cottaze is in zmd slume. ust sell on account of ill health. An- gzu: to Albert Robins. Cuudles. 29-31b `LIVE STOCK FOR SALE HELP WANTED '.`a;:e Twelve .____..:__-:j FARMS FOR SALE i AND BOARD wanted in 1)1'ir-iii nmilv. by young business ludy..T with full nax'tlcu1n1's. Box } .i` ncr. 301)! _` . LOST AND FOUND OH! (H Inn .. ' 33 Colllvr . 'WANTED-Mldd1c-aged lady to kee; house for aszed couple. Apply 42 Dal- ton SL. Barrie. 29-301) _ TO R:EN'I`. mndorn hnusz-. .u...u-nu r-r\n1.I':ll location. by WANTED Gond_vI.`ur truck H A Cons. 11 and 13. I . Please notify C. II. . nu low. M End. `l drivlm: nmrn. 1. L`-HIT` bumrv. (-,nL Anulv 'l`. A. P}: r! Si. no. man to 0T)` Apply Orval | 29-30;)! M keep Annlv 42 '.\ )'h 11 {mm nnrn ' phuuv EH4. .H W01 1 30-13 iILl,V.1 ` , 5 - `3, ,;;1 WOOD AND LUMBER--l2-inch hard __-` wood $10.00 per Inrzo truck load: hard ,u_qg-,1 and soft, wood slabs. 1 and 2-inch hem- ` by ; lock lumber. any length. Phone 919. 2(;_ ! Bzm~ir-. and orders will be promptly ll- 1 301, `d. W. S. Hatton. Ivv. _ Zotfb uu.. ....... _..__,, , _- `COOK-GENERAL - Two in ramny. Qgood wages; references required. Phone ,or apply iorenoons. Mrs. S. W. Moore.` 4.86 Bayfield St. 30b` ..:__:_ TAMIE RASPBERIRITES for sale. W111 deliver them. Telephone 602r3. 30-33b _.__.._________________._.... FOR SALE-10x26 DeLa.va1 silo. Ap- ply Ed-. Travers. phone 60'! r 14. 30-31-13 14 __, i.,. r _ .FOR. S.A.LE-4Sewim.>: machine in smlr-mud condition. $15.00. Telephone IFOR. S.A.LE-4Sewm9: macnme m splendid condition. 502. 301) ._______._g_.____.__:..__:__. l FROST & WOOD BINDER. '1-foot mm fnr snloz nearlv new. Terms if de- --_. STORE AWNING and blinds for sale. 189 Dunlap St. Apply Barrie Real 1 Estate office. 30b _%__ SWEET -PEAS. roses. ferns. floral de- signs or all kinds for sale. H. M. Lay. Boulderfel Greenhouse. Phone 832. 30p ! __.__ |}'~'ROS'I` W'OO'D BINDER. `I-I001. cut. for sale: sired. Amolv Gen. Hubberb. Shanty Bzw. 29-311) I... ..._._____Z____..____.._..:._.__ {FOR SAI_.E-Cuttcr. sleighs and buf- falo robe. Will 5011 cheap if sold at once. Apply -R. Carson. '13 Tiffin SL.. Allandalo. 301) l ...____._._.___..._:._.__.. OHANTLER BROS. at Stroud have re- opened their store and have on display an entirely fresh stock of groceries at good prices. 30]`) .____.:_ 1 I _-- V WAN5'I'ED - Responsible Canudizm1 Ma.nu{a.ct.urer wants dealer for cxclu-` `awe franchise for Oil Burners and "(Mal Blowers. Box `No. Examm- x; Omce. 30-31: T . BU'I"I'ER BEANS for sale. 25(: for 1]- quart. basket at xzarden rm Baldwin St. Bring your baskets. J. Hutchinzs. nhone 1158J` 30b \ __: FOR. SALE---Ckmdlsmm ::mm.mlo1'. $36.- rm num-hnnlnrl. roaclv to run. terms to . iDEER.ING BINDER for sale. in ,.x...m. ::_n pm. Prirn r:-asonable. | SALE---Gonmsmm .':mm.rmor. am).- ,."an, nvm'hnu1t\(1. roadv ; |: 1)u1'ch:1sm`: :LI.<'o Lisutor 1000-watt 4 aaund baltvrios. m=m'1v ncw. Apply R. `L*.'l.L0n. Midhurst. Onl.. 29-30p ,_ Ilrzhtingr 1)1n,nt.. ('ornn10Lc~. with lalnm ` DEERING BIIN1)u;kc xor sale. 111 mu ';hn,po. -ft. cut. Price reasonable. Ap- ` ply 22 Sampson S1,. `:Bm`rie, two blot-.ks vast of mm'kt~l.. 30p SECOND HAND SAVES FOR SALE. Several snmll safes in 2. variety of I 1;;i7.r~:< and in mwcllcnt condition at 1 EII`(`.H_V reduced prices. Finish and in Ftorior :u'1'a.ngemem to suit customer. 1 n..a..m mm nm-ti:-nlars on request. The, itorior :u'1'a.ngemenL to sun customer. } Prices. and particulars on request. The Gnldin 8:, 'Mr`Cu11.nc'.1 Cn. Limited. Safe `and Vault Door Mzmufaccurcrs, Galt. 1 Ontario. 30-31b I _ . - ; (um, 1 - 1 quick , mnlnm .- 1 1 FOR SALE OR REN"1"-New five-room |cnttnr,.rr~ near Hawkestrmc. Apply A. `;`'I Hzwtings. phone 1213. 80-311) __?_:_. _._._____.___.___.____._:__. [ STORE TO LE'I`-Occupiod by Ward : Prior Crcswicko C:>., Dunlop and Mul- \"ns.tm'. Vacant August. 1. Apply W` 5`P. SOIIIPS, 30 Ross SL. 20-p ,A 18. wants Df).\Iu(m ..as general. I'(`ff`I`(`!1-"(`S. .Anpl,v Mrs. Willotuzhby. New I,ow~11, Ont,m`in. 30'!) V lVV\I J"lJr ` Phone 680 inoowrs AND BOARD - Apply 73! Marv sl.rm,`t.. 28-32p __.____.____.__._._________.._ . TWO 1URNIS H'I3D ROOMS to lot. m..\.... mm 301) l _? . `_ 1926 DODGE Do Lnxe Sedan. good `rendition, quick salo at reasonable prim`. Apply `RnHi("s Gm'a.',:c. next to } New 'Drozun1und. 30) ) . 1 1111c 1'l1111111u,{ Urulrx 1 ; 11111011. only run 1 1111105. A 1'o:1l hm`: Ba:.\'fir\1d St... Bu.rr`.'3. ' WIDLYS KNIGHT. fine rumminsr order n e ndlnu A vnnl haw PERSONS REQUIRING Fuller brush- ; *5 mnv :1`! snnm frnn1 W. J. Harrin;z- {mu. urzmt. 29 Mr`D:muld St. 27-31:1 ._________________.___. SOMERVILLETS BLUE TAXI Service.` , lnvul and lmuz d&.\'lnn('<'. nlszht and day. [ '.!.`i-(-vnt .w1'\'ice. J. R. Sonxervine, Tele- ulumc 198. 28tfb FOR SALE OR TOIET NO'I'I`('-E`. 1:4 ht` mv' hnvinrv 1". --`\DDl.V` rontario. -120 OMg. AN]; BOARD PROPERTY TO LET We are nering the followlngl cars at roasormble prices and will X\(`(`(`pL your present car as part payment and arrange terms on balance if doslrvd. _______.:__.___.___ SALE --Dndr:r\ touring. $75. now . new roan` end, in good running 1`. Mrs. Hitch. `Shanty Bay, 301') ._?_j__ SA`I_.E-A Chrysler 50. in good condition; a . 1 salt: Apply to Box ` ll`! Notice to Creditors HAROLD HILL MISEELLANEOUS III LOPRESTI. 36 Bmdford St.. fe; wuxml and polished. window 111:. mnvmnl 1n`.)m' and (`lvrlcnl 8 In-'.1t\\ dmw For :mn'xintmon1.`~ ___,___ ` In vurv of 130. Cm'ot.akin2 jobs C, _ , now for thv winter months. 30p 5 9 F0l-l-SALE .-ROOM r-vate fnmilv. 'R.cplv "Examiner. `I'LL.- KUEMOBILES USED CARS DURANT DEALER --- INI- Ll\l|\(1A1| Linus n-u` 55 Elizabeth Street I`. [ivo-snnt` sedan. in :' and first class con- eightoon thousand L1~, ,`:1il1. Enquire 165 n nr nhnrw 1349. 301') ni bon:`xnw d1.~atrlbul'mn mnde huvlns: is of which `I "g`:u11. umqlurc mnl . or phone 1349. 3015' 1927 M'- smm for -rrw IZ`v_ mu an the os- n of the ulnfv nf 1'-I-Btu , `WANTED mndvrn 110115:-.[ all conveniences. central by` llable party, on or brfnro Sept, 26.! .,,A13ply to Box Examiner office. 30b` _._`_. -, x