` MAI`! .l. Ll`).-\l" .AI..b. axyn. Han and are vis- 19c 19c 19c 1 2c 28c 23c 23 21c 27c Misses Bessie and Agnes Allan spun; :1 few days at their home hen: ln.<.l. vx xxeel-tend. ` 1::,.x...... 1m...r~unmmh hnc hnv-n `.'| I xwexena. : Robert McCullough has bq.-n visiting with friends in the L-ommun11,_v during the week. Miss C. Dousc and Percy :m- vnjoy- ing a holiday at their summer home on the beach. '1`|1r\r\1nA- Dam-n nf ("hi1-ntrn is: hnnux me Deacn. Thonms Barry of Chlcngo ls` home for 11 lmllclay whlch he will spend an. Klllzlrmry Bum-,l1. . Tvhvu f`.nHnI' Mm vvuhh Mrs. Dow-! Seak k\llll1l'n!.`y .!1Cll(',H. 3 Mrs. Collard. Mrs. Webb. Mm Dow- bur, Wultv;-r Collard and Ernie Smith,` of Toron-to, were vi.<.ltor.~; M `T. A. Sawyer's, Sunday. Mr 'Hn<:nrd n nrnmlm-nl, 'I'uI'0n[() b{tWy(`l' S, aunuuy. Mr. HSSl`d, (1 prmnlm.-nl, bzm-lster, will speak in the United church Sunday` nwrning in the lump- est. of Ontario '[`empcrancc Union` n.. Anunul '1 cm. 1.nI'|-n\r WMR will I (`Sb ()1 UL(ll'l0 1L`lll1)L'l`u1lUc LJIIIUIL I On August 3 the Lefroy W.M.S. will | have charge 01 the morning -.servl<:L-. Rev. L. Mm:Lcu.n will be the speaker. This xumzuugcnlent. was made on ac- count. of Rev. -1.. Pickering, the pusxtor. being -an vacatlon. Th fnllnwlnrr uInI'|- wmxkn-nrl vlsllrn'.~'. DEIIIK UH V(lCB.ll0ll. The following were weekend 'v1sito1':~: from 'I`o1t0nLo: Miss. Mury Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gross. Miss E11-mmr Rulston. Ross Hope. Mr. Cliff, Miss Mary and -Earl Brown. G Huck- mg and Miss Nelson. 'Nfr'< Jnmr-0: Rlnnn of (Yhnrt-hlH rind Ill); ltllu JVLIEB LVL'l.`aUH. I Mrs. James Sloan of Cl\ur(:hlll and Mrs. EdWfll'(l Sheldon of Lofroy we-re thv oldest pt-rsons. rut:-nrllng lho Sloan picnic which took place at the 8th! llne park lust W(`(`k. In honor of old ago, Mr. Kirkpatrick prvsunled Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Sheldon with :1 :~x)u- vcnir cu.cl1. The plcnlc wus !m'g:ly autclldnd and is un 1llIf`l`(`Slill}( :mnuxLl uvnnl In Vlhlllllg HI nlb. LJIIJIUUI h. Mr. and Mrs. Chills`. Ellsmure and fzunily are spending 11. week at C-old:-n Valley. Mr nut! MI-L2 fun {`.nn\nh4lI nlun llll? VVl.'l.'l\`Cll\l ML I3. \./lIll|]J|JL'll h. Mr. und Mrs. Ivun Caldwell and Son of Thornton spent Sunday with 1'(:lu- mvcs here. `Mn. ,...A \1.... an 7ur..\n......... .4 ..|.h July 22-M1's. Peurco 01' Mcmtrt.-nl is visiting us Jus. Lmzders. Mr)` nnrl `Nil-Q {`.hnu Ti`.lI<'n1mu\ and vulury. M1`. und Mrs. Wm. Cmnpboll. also R. Wright und sons. of Tomntu spent the wee-k~end M S. Campbell's. Mr unrl M1`: Iuun (`..zlduu-H and Qhn PI-izes for Entramcc Pupils at I-Idg'Var (3:-nlre The prize of $5.00 given by W. R. Bust to the pupil obtaining" the l1lg`h- ost marks was won by Marlon Ca'ld~ well of SS. N0. '7. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Caldwell. The following pupils won prizes or one dollar each: in nrit.hm(-Ll(`. Lt.-onurd Hutchlnson, S. S. No. '6; \hlsl0ry. Gerard Shauuh- nt.-ssy. S.~S. No. 15: g1`:1nunm`. -Louise Ctx-kbum. SJS. No. 6; :zwogr:u)l\y. Mm`- lon Caldwell, S.S. No. '7: literature. Gerard Sl1nuglm(:ssy. S.S. No. 15 mm L('()ll:ll`(l Hut.<-hlnaon. rS.S. No. 6. Roast Beef -b- 1 7c |rl\rl.'.3 IIUIC. Mr. and Mrs. M. McMn.sLer :4 dren nf Utnpm S[)(`HL Sunday : Best's. KIT DI. -`AL :3. Mrs. J. A. Cockburn hns : home from :1 ('0 weeks.` visit ` daughter. !\/Irs. Struchun. -)1` land. July 2`2--Misses Jean and M:u`y Gil- c'hrLs`l of Guelph spent thv week-end at Lhvir homo h(.`X'(` KIN;-u lllnnn -I1: l`l|/ L|ll'll IIUIIIU IIUXVC. Miss Mary `Gilchrist of Toronto visiting I`(`1(lll\ (:S here. 1\/r1`-.-q M vwnn-am. at M..." v.\..1, \'lllV\lUl\l. Miss Grace McArthur from spent a few days with Mrs. J. . Arthur. Miss Adshead. of Toronto is 4 ; `mg her vacation with her frienc `i Edith Crawford. Y up Iflocnnlr nf I'\.n.-A6: ....II |l-`JKILLII \.4|llWAUI\J. Les Kissock of Detroit called on friends here on his way home from k North Bay. ll-.< I:n..(.. /\' r\..:na.. ......: ....._ .v-14_x. ` \Anu,Ill5 Il.'HlLl\'L'h IIUYU. Miss M. Mctcalfu of New York vlsmng hm` sister. Mrs. A. G. Muir. Mr Pnhhwnn nr 'Pzn-mun mum: Ih vmuuug urn .\IhI.L`l. Wllb. n. U. mun`. Mr. Robinson of Toronto spent Lhe week-end the guest of Rev. R. Muc- Roberts. x,n.... Ir:|.:.. uv..n.,.. x- _Lu . 1 IVUIJCI lv-'5. Miss Vildu Walkoi` is able to bu up again after her illness. John Morrison of Tnroiim is hull- dnying in the vicinity. Miss Minnie Pzu'L1`idge of Crown Hill visited Miss Vilda Walker last Sunda_\2 Guthrie Y.P.S. had :1 very enjoyable social evening at the home of J. D. Gilchrist on Monday night. After it progmm of outdoor sports dainty re- t`x-t-slnmmts and ice cream were served. I July 22--Mr. xmd Mrs. H. Council land Edna attended the A11zm-C1`0ss reunion at. Riverdalc Park. Allismu. last Saturday. I R/Ir mm M 1 nah...-.. mu: n.\...4 Fronts lb. nun unuunuzuy . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cobum and Lloyd spem Sunday with frit-nds near Wu- un un Ylnur-h ' .\uu uvuxill Miss Una Steers and Lloyd Con- ncll returned on Saturday from Young: People's summer school at Geneva Park. Lake Couchichlng. Mr und Mrs (`nth-rw nf Rnhnmhm-a i rtun. Laukc K/UUUHICIIJIIE. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy of Schomberg Izmd Mrs. Merrick of Regina. Sask.. X visited at H. Long's on Sunday. I Mr and Mrs J -F Culllnuhnm -mrl < uaucu at, 11. A4011; 5 on ouuuuy. I Mr. and Mrs. J. -F. Culllngham and family spent a few ~:i.ays with friends in Hamilton and vicimly. llivr `llnu-n I`nn9m~ ..oo.....l...-I cl. ` _ A very enjoyable and successful a!- ` I teruoon tea was held by the Women's 1 Instilut-2 on Thursday. July 1'7. 81 the `beautiful home of Mr. and .\ Irs.-Ed- 1 ward Carr. Palnswick. Tea was serv- led on the spacious. shady veranda V `where a profusion of seasonable flow- ,ers. donated` by Mrs. J. Brown of A1~ ;landale iecurntezi the tables. '7_(_`.url_v" Pusan and his Jubilee Night. Zdawks `very kindly supplied lively music for the occasion. All LIKIIIILIIULI nuu VICIIIIC). Miss Mary Couus zmended the` Kneeslmw reunion at Queen`s Park. .Barrie. on Saturday` | I xx- .....a \.v....~ 1 n r~\..._.,\;.\._ Dbl 1 R7. Ull 3\.Ul'\4lU_\ . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chnneter are spending the week in Toronto. July 22--M'xss Bell of Toronto is 1spend1ng her holidays with Mrs. Fred . Crawford. Iii:-c f`.v-non 1\ArO`1\u-I -`-nun f\-iin 1 LVUI LXI DH) . `I Mrs. Blair of Orillia and two dawn- ;ters spent Sunday with Mrs. MacAr- ! Lhur. I `ll:-1\ 1 n....\...\.. no v-r~.....-..... .- ..___.:. AVIIDD I mg her I Lang!) Loins lb. S.S. NO. 17. INNISFIL Jr. IV :0 Sr. IV-Doromy Atkins` I II to Jr III--Ed11h Bowman. Lor- ;ene McDonald. Jean Aikins. Helen i Pratt, I 1.. 1 Or\ .43.. v I1......_.L. \:..r\.....`1.: ; dl. A LU DI. A'-l\l'HHt.`LH .Vl ; Inez Ferner. ` Pt. 10 Jr. 1-L1o_vd Armin. I Prir. )er-KaLh1een ALk'1n.s. .Pm;t. Bertha Webb. ` -D. E. GUEST. NEWTON Rosson ; I. Corbett of Toronto is spend r vnmnlnn with her nn nmrc OVRC-)$TATION LEFROY PAINSVVICK II. curuiiiizm EDGAR I~---KenneIh McDonald. m" `rm-: c run spend- L friend. Miss THE BAERIE EXAMINER rcturx 1L-d 1 with '11-!` SLmddr- A Orillia . J. Mc- July 22 - -Mrs. J. Cook of Allandulc is visiting Midhurst friends. Thx. fuy'n\|.ru urn hu-:v with tho!!!` hnv VISIIJXIB LVIIUHUTBL H R.'Hu.\. The farmers are busy with t and the grain soon will be cut.. Prospects are for 11 good < year. Q Rrhnndlr-n mni1r`nl1riPr year. R. Schandlen. mml courier. had the ` misfortune last. week to have another car run into him on the 5th line. For- tunately no one was hurt though the ca: was damaged somewhat. \/nu Dun f`l\IIY?Q iq hnlidavhm with ca.r was cmnlnguu souxewxxau. Miss Rae Counts is holidaying with her grandparents at Bradxord. \Jv-c r` Lvnn nf Tnrnnfn Mrs Gib- Ht'X' gnulupurcnba DAL Druu.aUIu. Mrs. C. Lynn of Toronto. Mrs. Gib- son of Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1-3. counts, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Russell and families motored to Collingwood and spent Sunday at Robt. Lynn's. Mm r`. Lvnn n.nd `Manznn-1 of Tor- Fotao Salad lb. 23 MIG spem. auuuay In IVUUL. u_yu.u 3. Mrs. C. Lynn and `Margaret of Tor- onto are visiting Mrs. W. L. Russell. , D. M. Coutts or Thornbon is visiting Midhurst friends. Mrs. A. A. Garvin spent the week- end with Collingwood friends. Rev. S. J. '1`. Former is holidaying |at A. A. Garvin's. \J-. G |I<-gal`. and furnilv :1-rant.` tab 4"\. 1. \ \$l'\lII 3.. Mrs. S. Russell and family spent. Sunday with friends in Sunmdale. llicc hnr-In Hnln-me unoznv who wmak uunuay \\'1u1 IFIEIIQ5 HI cuxuuuluc. Miss Doris Holmes spent the week with Mrs Preet who is camping at Midhurst. \l.-.- Ynninr \.lv-: Ynnlrunn \(I-c Haw- xvuunurm. Mrs. Legier. Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Nay- lor and Mrs. -Holmes and Iannues spent the weekend with Mrs. Preet. Thu 'hn:i: Rnvs are nlannimz n SP9!!! Int` wecncxxu vhuu svua. tntru. The 'I\1x`1s Boys are planning a county field day for early in Septem- ber. 11: .. u:..|...V (in! I... .-non:-and knvun U1`! . Miss Mabei 0111 has returned home lailer a visit at Stroud. 1 _... . -. , -. n-.,,_...., x... \__.... i Elwood Ney 0! Toronto has been `vismng ax "Apple Grove" Farm. 1 Y`\4\ ht: 1"!` and '1'\nvl: `Ilnuc hurl `laaunug an. .n.q.u\, \.-uvu. . ....... The C.G.I.T. and Tuxis Boys had a very enjoyable trip through the 30.- 000 lslands last Wednesday. The wea- ther was ideal. Forty-one took in the outing. Well set advbs. assist Examiner ad- vertisers. hun uuuru `MU! n1HHnn nnecnnob-rt I \'CI'(1SEX'b. For every 280 million passengcrs_ carried by electric ralluuys during the past. year only one was killed. s1.1m~`.|u J9!-Y THE MONTH. .1 QB. '-QWE13. ERICFS All Sumfner Dresses to be Sold at Prices that will Please You JUST THE TIME WHEN YOU MOST NEED THEM. OTHER LINES IN THE STORE AT MIDSUMMER PRICES. Made ul Iinc prinlx, l~r<:ulclu1l1x and lig- urcd dimilicx, all |li\`L`1.\' lrilnxncd, inst lhu - d1`u.\.\ Im July and Augguxl, xi/.c.\ H In H _\ c;u1\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.59 each Children's Ensemble Dresses (inming in pique, Incrccrizcd nlumulclutlx. nice . p:lHCI'lL\, nm.x1l_v the ]mpu- 1:11" cuin spul, _\I7.L`\ l'n>m 7 1: ll _\'c:n'.\--" n.i.`.. Q9 Q0 Women's and Misses Silk and Rayon Vests and Bloomers j /\ xmmicrlul range nt .\h:ldL`.\` to pick Hum. l$|.()()M|:`l%S --| ink, muizc, ;\-rum, pumtlm, 1n:nu\'c: kmnll. nwdiunn um! l:1r_;L' lsi/.c.~. Pricc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 each \'li2~"l`.\` In nmlvh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59c each ' ""IVvli'<'l-.S.L1.r;1vI'!1`<:'1; V 7351; ` '05 All Women s and Misses Summer Dresses '|`l1c.~L* will all l\c'}4I`u11|\cd in their l'L`.\|\L`C- Iivc c1;L.\\c.x, on 1`:1ck\ fur `\'HlI|' x`l1m.~iI1_u. lvcr`\ dx`c.x.\ must he clczlrcd :41 the priccx nI'l'c1`c\l, Hum . . . . . . $1.29 each and up Everything Carried for Your Needs in Our Ready-to-Wear Dept. Such :1 (;(.n_\- .\`L:unpcd Aprun>. RLllH1L`l`.\, mum. Hui .\`prcud.~, clc. Sec uur `Special .\l:lm}\L`\1. 33-inch .\i/.0 . . . . . . . . .. Just the (l1in;;' In lmvc nl1_\'uLH` v:|c:1tin ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU The Stamped Goods and Fancy Novelties MIDHURST :|1lkind.~ul Iuzllx slmin Children s Panty Dresses Made: ml` {inc print cunning in l\u:mlilulp:1t- 1cI'n.\. :1 gum! :1s.s`,Ix'1II1cIH In chm_~c frnm, xi`/.c.\ 1 In 3 yc:lrs . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 A Wonderful Assortment of > Children's Dresses In prinlx and lwnzulcl-:ll1>, hmuntilully lrinnncd, ztlm .xcp;u':1lc cu-:|1:~ In-r ,\}\nI'l \\'c:H', xi`/.c\ 7 In I 1 _\'C2l|`\ . . . . $1.29 each McCALL, BUTTERICK AND CHATELAINE PATTERNS Girls and Growing Girls Dresses L their hay - ready (.0 1 crop this __i _, l,7n.1crwc:u`, Kniltcd (A klnulx and all mnnncr _ _ _ . _ v__, -_V ---- \\'e pride nur.~elve.x in the Q 1;u`_s;'e l`:Hl_QL` n1 emul qual- il_x hmiei`_v we can ~h1I\\` S 'E_\`uu at prices lnwer, which . will .\'1l\/L` _\'uu 'mune_v. See 7.` ()ur '.\`peei:1i | ure Silk l`ull-mxliiuiied lime in all I , new .\ilZ|\iL`\ and all xi/.e.s, I a~1nn ', Ham bill. uuu Childn-n an of Detroit 11n`s. \1.. .` ...a The sad news l`(`i i('il`d here of the death of Kenneth McCullough of Bar- rie. better known here as Wm. lnkley as he had lived here for many years at the home of J. J. Inkley. He at- tended public school and Sunday School here. He had a very chwriui disposition and was highly respected by his school mates and all who knew him. He had many friends. Sym- pathy of this community is extended to his only sister. Mrs. Bessie Pierce. Barrie. and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ink- ley. Anton Mills. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. ux and Mrs. Strohl of Detroit friend from Angus. spent a few with Mr. and Mrs. W. LaFre-nnle-. The Late K. McCullough '1~|_., ..__u ..... . .1, 4 . . Promotion Exams. ' Report 0! Promotion Examinations for S.S. No. 9. Vespra. Mlneslng. Teacher. Miss Laura O'Neil. VD YU 0'r*r\ not: 1" L1,... v\-x....l Ltuklltl. AVll& .L.u.un.t V.) R61]. JR. IV TO SR. IV-Hon.. Daisy Beeton. Pass. Wilbert Armstrong. Mur- iel Murphy. SD YYT 'l`(\ 1!? TL'_Llnn Yr-nnnl ICI VlUl puy . ' SR. III TO JR. IV'-Hon.. Irene] Crawford. Elsie Plowrigm. Ethel. John.-awn. Pass, Mildred Knapp. Phil. Armstrong and Winnm-ed Johnston. equal. Norlne Priest, Muriel Chappel. Harry Priest. I A full size umbrella which may be folded and carried in one's pocket has 0-can invented. Annthur "hiuhuu" clrvw-rvznur is ha- ` Walker Stores Limited H215 D:`t`H m\'enu:u. Another high:-st" sky:r.-mper is b-- llug planned for New York, to be 105 \ stories and cave.-r an entire block. I July 22-L. L. Scott is muking dunyl `rips to Toronto Lrucklng .stock. | Fnrnu-rx urn hlmv hnuinu -and ra- Cottage July 21-~--'I`h(~ Hydro was turned on last I`u-sduy night so Holly is wen llghlud now. `Lo\'.~'. hop: they will smm t-xu-nd their lines. 3/1.. ....A` I'VE `R/Tr-You mum. l"~`.nnIlnv IUI . I-ull-{:1 >1 at .Hosiery for You ANTEN MILLS Sclx, :'|':1NL' IIZII ... |'II.. W1ix`Ns1Nc umdx, Hwc:Hcrs II hpnrl \\'L':lI` |':l|\1L' (llullh, Slip, :|lrc:n1_\' 98c pair` 1\>;1\v:1.\ Iimc. ` mung asunn. haying and `I1".T: 'a'/.L-If $1.00 pair wnds at Craig- Ill}.-\l)LE S \\'l) [Hi ... Il) - Coughlin and Mrs. J. Wald M M. Cough- and . days Wrunniu PHONE 25 I . _ . _ -_ VI July 22--M1ss Irene Woolscy of Dr- lroit is holldaymg at her home here. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mccann of D1-ur~ burn. Mich.. are visiting the fornn-r`: - nu rt-nic -Wash Goods Dept. A Big Summer Clearing in( Many lines of Wash / lA..5...p..l IVIHII] llllcb UI Iv clan Material. FANCY PIQUE, (ho lw-J. .IIIr|I\' ..I` .-}`H- nnivlnnbx in 1 I l"Il`\4I I IV\JI-, lllk |'|..`A quality u1'si`lk mixtures, in :1 l:u`_s;'c range at ]\:lHL`l`l1S In clumsc {nun and just the: thing Mr :1 nice cu- .\t`ll1|\lL` drc.\1~ fur /\1I|s;u.<`. wear, In illClH;`\ widc-- Snlc | riL`u 98c yd. (`xmup _ --F.x\N(ZY RAY- ()N5'. in u 1:u`_u'c zlssurlnxcnl ml` new `|`lnI`2ll |HlllL`l'Il.\ and gum! wciglmt, H inchcr wide . . . . . . . . . . 98c yd. \\lLlL' U01. yu. Nl5\\' .H`| lIN Sll.KS in all leading `plain ~ln:ul:--~. pink, peach, lwlue. ,grccn, mzluve, szuul, g'rc_x', black zunl while. :1 xvumlcllul clulll, V in. wide, 69 yd. lll,iAlI l`ll`ll|. SllMMl| l ll|:'\"I`.\`, \ (llllES. l*H()/\l>v (Il.() |`ll5, I1 /\Y(lNS ANI) (llil /\Nl{Hl{. |i\'L'I'_\ll1i11j4 _`.'Hl| can llcsirc slmwn "In the \\';l\ll (nuMl\ Dept. :11 prim- lrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17cayurd and up Special Values Cr} Linens, Blankets an Scpznillv linvn l.nncl1cnn (I ()lln:r .~~i/.u, Hx-13 . . . ` . .. l 1n'c I.incn |'i|lu\\' Slipx, inch. |'I'iL`L' v. . . . . .. . . WU are \l1n\\'illj\ xwnnlcllnl I with .N:1pkinx In unnnh, lm\'(` Hcc um" lvcunlilnl Hn_~L` ml Sh Linen 'luwc|i1\,x;\, 'l`c;| 'l'u\\'c nur vnlncx urc lhc |vc~l, I`r-` \\';Hv.'h lur l,incn I)i\]`l;|_\' \-\'ilh lvc:mIiI'ul Hm spur! wczu`, l.\.\Hl'lL ab. 3 S c % :..:_..__j.j_-... In lH'H:lLlC|ulh, niccly Irl CHM and flurnl p:1Ilcrn.\ Ssllc Pricc . . . . . . . . . . pun 1:1 I L-1. Mr. and Mrs. Lou 'I".u`Bush of Mun- Lreal and Mr. and Mrs. I-`rank Tsar- Bush and son Bobby of Sud-bury urn- viamng men parents here. Misses Silk zgml |'1l.\'I cu]Hl`\. rcd an July 2l---Mr. and Mrs` Murray nnd son Willie spent. the weekend in Port Dulhousie. W111 Miller left on Monday for Findlay. Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown vmted last week with Will Bellamy at Ams- _-v___ __,_V_.. l::Inc_y l'cr<:Is, Scarves, 'l'ic:5, M]:- . - ' . 1 AV . -I I)..... I I.........nl.I... Mcn'\ Spur! ShiI`l.\, (Ills, Work Shirts, ` N-[Lss Bella McQuay is hulldayingl v A 00000 OOIPOOOXOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOJVIOOOJ OJIICOOOOOCOOOIOIOIIIOIOI-O) One Only Rack of Summer Smocks SUNNIDALE CORNERS '1'nusaa_v. Juxy'24, 195:0 j: BARGAINS THE ELECTRIC SHOP A.B.C. WASHER-~-ALL ENAMEL Reg. $139.00-~--For $119.00 LAUNDRY QUEEN WASHER Reg. $l45.00---For $110.00 ONE FUEL S_lZ_E ELECTRIC RANGE. 13 Elizabeth St., Barrie Women s ' ...""*I.'\n1\,| I\1II m v .s||lIl\V mm l A' '. he an `.v---- -a--_-.. -..-_-v __-_- _-- -_ (used) rebuilt as good as new. Priced to move at once, $40.00 Carried for Tourists in Blankets and Woolen Materials SPORT GOODS DEPT. |!l\Z.~'~'I` ROUND ANGUS I':l_\'ull. cunning in and black. vhluc In _vc:u'> In %:a`.~,I _ and Women s Pyjama Suits Hurul \1(`.\ij;|l\ vcr_\' nwlul mrlcd price. Lu! VLF, I IL: vL`r_\`ll1ing1 MEN S WEAR Fancy Chintz Smocks ac, Ncckwczlr. ks, lirznccr-, Ti ulV|,i \\ L`lillj.{ PE.-\ .\lF.:\l. H.-\('K l1c1n~li|L'lwU ud, cc-1:.-r~, peach, grccn. --:2 cs H. mind up. -l .*%I.3')~~ 98 lwcznutilul L`Hll1lHll:lli I l\l:u'k, zunl HLr:~h an. den l\A PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS I .1Ll\ Ill nlll lLI|\lIXl`{` I uiccx . . $6.50 to $11lIE's(i |"||Illll\|, I nlI|\| 'Y'V' . . . . . . . . . ':$l.59 pair Scls in all lc:1.liI1;; i/,u . Q an 1.. G11 l!l\ The Exxunmer for (in ~. . . iv.-- -- T inon wlwn in Hu- `V lK?ullL`Vr 'l:H\;'L'7ll_Q`~~--- 15c to 35 yd. wiln|u\-V (hi-\ =.\'m'k. l.:lCc (,'-ll:u':\ I*`l{l"Hlll.\' M:\l)l _Kh: Phone 122 .uIu V\\I. $2.98 Suit ..j_.....J._.__ . . ` . 89: 69c each .'1llH|> Page Elefen I'll.-\.\ll-L.-\l. |%A(`li Ill-.\"l' HUI I .l-Ll) i`m: asm-:.n` Jsrnmxswlc as P.\i`il-`IC Tm C03 - LIMITED OF CANADA FRI-.`.\`ll (` \l (EHT lilS'l`lGUl l`H7 l'.\ u'IIl.l Ll |l.'l Mr. mud` vl.~.ltm_-5 M I lnu R/lnl` ..:l(H'|l)l-'.|{. |!I.Al)l (`lll1('K. SHORT RIB Uri 1` l$||`E SHANTY BAY mr nnes. :1` Mrs. `ML-Kay \vm'e Sunday L F. I)un.s'mort-`:5. iullin. `Mrs. Brlnn nnd their I\.r.... A...I.......\.. ..I` 'I`m-nnln 33 ELlZABE'FH ST.. BARRIE W. NEAR FIVE POINTS ry ~'.'H.(.'n 1n:1nm:r -.uap|u._yuug uldI-l.lnu- `uuulwurl-:. wn um! dnughuer. Mrs. Ar- l\/Huq Aw-his!` -If 7~"m1n1-ll.-4 HOLLY Mrs. C. R. Spencer ro- KIngsLm1 -rm Sn.Lu1`du_v. , u dolip;hlful Imllduy M n [HIV MEA TS | of meal. |wu!u-y ur sh is carefully In- our ~xp.`x-ls. hm urn sure of unnuh-to \ win-n hu_\'in;;' ul A 2 1'. vmlmjs M 1". 1Junsnmr:- 5. Mrs. Mollin. nmt'1wr. Mrs. Ax1(l1-H4011, of I`0r(mL()_ nrv holidaying M J. Bruwn'.~. rt-sick-m-,c. MT. and Mrs. '1'. Wilson xuxd son of Vespru visited with Miss Duns"-. moore. Sunday. Women's Institute ur<- holding thx-ir July rm-c,-linpg, Grzuulnmthvrs' Day." W:dm-scluy. July 30. in. the noun ul` Mrs. Ch-0. l)_vm`. wht-n roll cull will be unswercd by each member -zuspluylng n hum. .-.1 nlrl:-I|m:- hnntlwurk I FEST! Hl'l'llUUXl With and visiting: .~`upper and L close by an of songs. |'\'|`ll|-` Cl 'l`.\' \.VD `ll(`l`il` lb. 28:: my-.-...V_..- I July 22---Hughte Lanlanl. of 'l`m'unt0 ` spent the weekend with his }.)ll`L`HtS. Mtss Pushkoff of New York is vis- iting her uncle, Max Pushkoff. Mr. and Mrs. C. McRea. 01' 'l`0mnL0 spent Sunday with the forxm.-r`:~'. pur- unts. `Mr. and Mrs. C. J. 'McR(,-21. Miss. M. Ross `of the General Hos- pital. 'I`oront,o. ls holidaying with her mother. vim": x/I..n~hmuc 1.6 Dnlunu-uumrl k | mumcr. I , Lluyd Mabthews of Colllngwood is vlsltlug his igrandpurentsg Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Matthews. l...m..- 'Dm.n|.. nr 'r`m-1..-an um-nt tho- \vvvK~nu In wwn. Mr. and Mrs. H4-nry Mntthvws und George of Now `Lowell spent. Sunday ul, ` John Mutthows`. mi... A v..1.....nm unul r`.:.u-fh-Id nf Ml'!~:, .1. 12:. Matunews. Jumcs PL-attic of 'I`m'onto spvnt, the \vvvk~nd in buwn. up nnrl mt.-u u..nm.r '|\/lnHh|~\|J\* um! aonn Mnunc-ws. Mrs. A. Johnston uud C-m'1'l-Id ux` I`oronto spent. the weekexld in town. \a\JAVnJn;l.ao-I July '.22~Mr. and Mrs. Mu_v.x und children of Mlnc-sing visited on Sun- day wllh Miss McKinney. TM-n; Du-an -nu-nrhnd ux \IIl-IIIHIIII of Mrs. `m-nwn mm uuugn mm. mg- vlwr. und Miss Ar<'h(~x'. -)1` ~"enm-lls Curm-rs. Mrs. N,-yr; and (luughu.-1' and burn, or AlH.~1'l.un. \'1.~s1u:d with Mrs. K011 the pu.-:1. `\V(,'L'k. A nlunbcy of thv nu-mbcrs of Ports- mouth Lnclm-. `S of Englmld. Tor- onto, plcnlckctl M the farm of J. Haw- Ilmrn (H1 SutIu'(luy. 'I`h<- xxfu-rnuun wus spunt in` bznll plnylng ...I v..o.... >|..... I . pl nI|I\n\1|II 11 Ill, Mr. Storey rcturm-(1 from Lhv Tur- onm hospital last Sunday und uppur- vntly is. over me effects of her x'ec(-nt ~apurn.Hon. Mr: Rvnnlmv (`mu-vin nnd snn Jm-k (my WILH 1Vll.` lVl.L'!\llllH.'y. IvI~rs. Pmtl. um-nded the W(,`d(H1|p, 01' her m.-phu-\v in '1`m'nnLo 1ll.SL week. `IL... 1.. Y)....o...-. Ar \r,...oI. 13.... ....,,... ., ..,......., ...... Miss Leona Burton of North Buy Is hero with hm` gmndnmtht.-r. Mr.-s. Pratt. Mr... can . ...\o........A run... nu. 'I'm~_ a)])L`l'H.llUH. Mrs. Sumlcy Gurvln and son Jm-k und hm` nephews. Myron and Jimmy Carver. ut.-conmtxnled by Miss Hc~l,~n K|ng.~'.vbu1'y, all of RKJCHCSLDI`. N.Y., urt- visiting with Mrs. Dodds. lb. lb. lb. u:.28 Is Your `Safeguard 15 13 l|ll.Wl.'XL'l ll plcvv MI"; 'F -38c STAYNER "Ei3i$L From the world's l'h()i(`l`.`sl nmrlu-(5. at pria-4+ whivh only A .8; l` tr:-rm-ndou.~; buying power mm give VIIII. 10 lbs. 48 Post Toasties . . . . . . . . Triscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . Eagle Condensed Milk . ' IL |i\'\I <)ll-\'l`l-LU 3 '1 ks C Salmon -:-;`. .?;:j" ?.`- .`g.. 43 Tiger Catsup . . . . . . Pints, Bot. (`l{l`:uIl|il) Delmonte Pineapple _ .5- Nu. '1 Aylmer Asparagus Cuttings -,,,, llllllll UH Dllllllllily. 11]!` MAI an umuntl. Lutcr Mu.-y mu! 1 brought lh(.-Ir picnic to u 1 hum` of old Hun: simglnp, u Many Flowers Soap . . .4 Cakes 25c Nestle s Milk, Condensed. . .Tin 17c Magic Baking Powder j..`_{"' 34c m-('ouA.\xu'u's Chocolate Mallows Encore Sandwich Spread. . Jar CORN 2 `N 23 lwagk l ;`l7aVg Insecticide Preserving Jars .. Rubber J ar Rings Zinc Jar Rings . . Shin-if`s Orange Marmalade 2-lb. Jar 33 Fresh Fruits 0 Vegetables Fresh Fruits and \'egcl.A`olc-s dc.-livercd daily to all our Stores. A comp]:-to list of all .\'ali\c amd Im- ported Fruits ;und V1-gclanbles can be had at at- trLu:u\'e prices. l"l NI-I G I! .-\`.\'ULr\'I`ID Mnjor und w( turm-(I from Kings luwlmz spent, dull vm Llnw.a'tm\o ClL_v. kl.-u |I'Jn-- `A/fnlulllx. H()RS|'I.\`ll()l'I. (`l.()\'I-IR l.l*l:\l" .\"l`. (`HARl.l'I.\` OR (`-\llN:\ l`I()N ST.\!\'D.\ R D SALMON Pink GR OCERIES No. 1 Tall Tins Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Maw mad f lily spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. Oliver McQuay at Bet.-ton, 1 remained for a week's holidays. Mrs. Wm. Dempster. Lllllan James of Bow `I-slnnld, Alm.. ltlng at Albert Dlxon's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Dixon mot to Toronto and spent the weclcer _1n1~|( Dn\unv-c: nf l`nv'nntn \/i\'l'l KIILIIIHLUII bpL'lIlI nuuuuy an 11. LJAAUIL `Sunday visitors at. R. H. Miles were [M1'. and Mrs. R. A. Dixon and family `0f_Bond~ Head, Oliver Dixon of Wes- ton. Mr. and; Mrs. Woods and son of VVcnt(m. Mrs. `Shaw and son and P. `McCullough of 'I.'01'onto. `F3rI:-nvn.l:- smrdnn mn'l.v_ W(*(I11(!S(]!AV. DUlLlUH' LUKIS uuyxs uy RH] Hl|l'll.'bLllIg score of 4-2. Mention might be made that smne of the Rangc-1'5 opponents belong to the Mld~hux'st. :'ug111ru's. The [`rnil Rangers have played several ex- citing gzunes this year` and so Pm` have not, but-n beaten. mcuuuougn ox 'L01'0nLu. Edcnvulc garden party. Weclncsdzay. July 30, in Ru.perL's `Grove. A good musical 1_Jr()gmm will be given by the Foyston Qum'tette_ Mr. `Goo. `Hutton. Miss Brownrldge of Stuyner and oth- |Ln`u Alan hounhn nnrl nthnr cnnl-tn llll` l:lllll`.`iU)lH? 111.)" Mrs. IRn_v M('lVlll(r und son uf Saska- lnun urv holidaying M the rectory. l JVLIRS DIUWKIXIUEU Ul Dbltylllfl Xtllu UhH' ers. Also baseball and othm` sports. Admission: 50c and 2.50. 30b The l`x'nJl Rangers unmlc H. Tine showing` at Minesing Stntlon gm'(lcn party when they -:1c1`eat.c-d Mtneslng Station 'I`uxl.'~: boys by an i11t(*x1.-sting Qnnvn nl` 4-`) Mnnljnn mirth! hn mnrln D(:n()()1 su nu 11.111. The Women's. Inslibluu um putting on their play. Nancy Axum Brown's l"`o1ks.," uL Edgar church. Friday. Aug. 1, us a burn-Ht for Duncan Woodrow. 'l`ht:y urc to give it, in 1o.\unend on August 6. Mu-u A Rm-l:m\ nf Nlnniln-lm is vi\*- nuglxm. 1:. Mrs. A, B1-ckon of Manitoba is vis- iting her sister. Mrs. H. Bnrnlmnlt. The mixing of the burn M A. Jer- Ineyx lust Tuesday Vvzus quite succ-.e.~s.~:- ful. The wen.th,-1' was ideal and then: wus u.n ultendanee of between three Ln four hundred people. July 21--Service next Sunday in the Baptist. church at 11 um.; Sunday School at 10 aim. 'Y`|1x. `lr1\r\\1|v\'k` Tn;-Oilnln nu-n nnllinn Wlilllt -S Ul IZKJW J Ling D 0 Jack fowers 4 1.". 1::.\..r.n-. -.. In .. MITVCHELL SQUARE ZEDENVALE -T1341`. 99c $21 $1-09 . . . . . . . Doz. 8c 29 .\'|H`|'|(`lI Ivy 0 :~a:\l|sl':u~Hm\