\\'lHH\'ll those r tion. 5 lvrealh. is pure cod-liver oil scientically emuIsified-prepared for easy and rapid digestion, 'ust as Nature provides emulsi ed fat in milk. or: I o . . A Ihe Important Reason Ill nuunn This in the important reason why the cod-liver oil you take--uhould be umuI.u'fi-.d-- should be Scott's Enlulsion. Page Eight ONE PRESCRIPTION MADE FAMILY DOCTOR FAMOUS Ilvlacks at ; pinned irl Pnr!n"I' pnccl -I: Inn at I161` Home msu ween. J. `Coyne of Kitchener spent the weekend in the xillage. `Mir: ,1 W `I-Tnunc nf \NlnnnH(n. Plld W(`CKCnC1 .11 me xmage. Mrs. J. E. Hayes of Whmetka called on relatives here last. week. Mn and `Mn-u (`Mac Mnnnn worn On .'VL`l}`lLl\ Ch ll'.. L` 12150 VVL'I.'l\. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McRae were visitors [rein Toronto lately. Mrs. M. King and son Mac were vis- itors from Toronto last week. Mrs. P. Hayes spent, nmst -of last week with relatives in Penetang. .-. _ ..- . .-. `y .e \v_... \v1\.r\ nun. .u,u..,.n_u .-u ,\ ...........,, Miss Rose `Henderson, R.N.. of New York is the guest of Mrs. M. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corrigun of Guolph spent Sunday at Mr. Buckio_v`s. Dnvitl Mmlcy of Evanston is visit- ing frimicls in mid armmd the village. Owmi Maddvn of Schombcrg is spnnding his vacation at his home Lnrn !|(`l`(?. Elmor D0y10.has improved tho ap- po:u'zm(so of his residence by having a vmv coat of [mint applied to it`. Mlss Irene Kennoy of Tomnlo and Miss`. Advlnidc of Bradford spent the weekend at their Home hero. Quito a numbor of local young men \Vl'Hl. to Toronto to mkv part. in the Holy Name 1>.'u'ado on Sunday, Juno '1') ronm. L. J. Hayes of Winn:-tka, 111., is vis~ Hing 1'ela.t,ives here. Acheson Dnnneny of Stayner' r.1)ent tho weekend at. home. 1\.H.... ml...-u Hon AT 'T`m-nntn vicifpd the \\'eeKencl M. nomt-. I\/Kiss. Mary Hall of Toronto visited at her honie last week. 1 Af`r\x.-nn nr `K(Hnhnnm' mmnt. H19 .illH. II is reported that thv Humane I30- :-iniy offirisiis \\ (`i'(` in this district latc- `._v and 0I'd(`i`C(l sn\'or2il owners of teams '0 dis:-mitinuv working the niiiiimls. :>\vin_L: tn :=0rt- :hnulrlcrs. A few ne. spucinioiis of brook trout ilI'(` boiiitt caught occasionally by iocui .~.ht-rnion. but nothing in size to equ- al those reported being caught in `Large numbtrrs cisc\viioi'c. Mr. and Mrs. Donncily have return- -d from their annual vacation. satis- fird to the extent that the}; would have mjuyotl a couple of weeks longer down in the fruit belt. of Ontario. The wild straw_bm'ry in this district 3\'idr`nt1y wns not injured by the hoary .".'cs.ts that did so much dsimagc to me tame varioties and other fruits, as 1 number of r(*si<'.cnt.s are securing '.:u';_:r quantities cimily of an extra. ne nim!|:r \.4llLlf.',l(ll|lH||AUll-`I |>\ Hall. who made su .--.hvm'ing' at her recent VMI` Cmmnlmnnn .:<`1' Whilv thv crops In im: rvnl prmnismgz an -Kart man, the (301101 mat. Llxorv has been : yin `nun xztin. to Miss Pat. Hayes is visiting in To- nnOn PHELPSTON (Continued /rom page one) death between tender and engine. leaves four children. Two of them are with H. brother at Windsor and two with his mother at. Bmhwell. McDon- ald was 41 years old. in- u_....n 2. .... -n...:,.. ICONSERVATIVES | `OPEN (CAMPAIGN; (Continued from pane one) the speaker continued. There are 2,000 being shlpped to the United Sta- tes every month Llmt are not being replaced in any way. This 1055 alone is greater than the -loss through but- ter and bacon export decreases." 1-_..;uu.. _.r u... ...`u LC: nuu vunuuu ~..xyunu u\.\.;\.u.;\..;. The loss to the fertility of the soil is greater than the loss resulting from the butter," Mr. -Simpson continued. Farmers are purchasing commercial fertilizer and do so under heavy loss. If products of the farm are so elmap one would assume that it. would be good living in town where things are cheaper. -but unemployment has re- sulted from the lack of Iforesighl, of the King adn1lnlstm*.lon in not. giving pmLe.':ti0n to industries of the ('mm- try. "'l`hn hndnrnl ic nn hnn-nt at nli I try. The l)ud;:ol. ls no budget at all, lho wont, on. We all bvlulovo u hudgvt is an ostlrnntn of the (~xpon(lluI1'os and receipts for :1 given time. The budget of parliament is housekeeping` on :1 lm'g`o smile. King's budget, cllfforod in that iL didn't, give a l`C(`Ol`d of the ox- pondit-uros and receipts for 'U1(.` fiscal year. It is inadequate in ovary way." u:__ n:.. ._....x 1.:.. . _,.,.... .. ... . M1 . Simpson stated his party \\'as against cmmtvrvalllng tariffs. and be- llovod in not allowing t.a1'iffs of foroigzn <-o11nt.1'ie.~'. 1,0 sot Llw `i.m'iffs 01' our c(>unt.r_v. "I am in favor of mi ado- quato p1'otn('t,ivo tariff so that. indus- tries. rxmners. gardeners and all nth- crs. crm produce without loss. Mr. King has -challenged Mr. Bon- nvtt. to IlE1lll(lllS dologmtos to the Im- perinl Eronomic confN`cm'(`." Mr. Simpson said. I think Mr. Kim: is rm'knnln'g willmul. `lm1)(`s. Am-m'dim:' In 1`o.1)01'Ls from Western Camzidn. M1`. Dunning. `his i'in:mcr~ minislm`. will hr` (lvfmiml in his own ruling. 1`hv Hon- nv-ralxln l\/Ir k'inn- unuu fhnvn -n-n nnnu LVII. L\I|I5 Ilkl LI nzuno mis C14 .m.\.\..| .. cum. `Hm. Uk'll'd.|rl'\l III III) l|\\ll llkllll. Ill!` I lUI| arable Mr. King says thm'n nrv nnnu r`:1p:1b1r\ of r(`prnsr'nt.in~g Czmada. Wt` haw` men who .'u`(` quite vnp:\1)1o. If M1`. Boys had consented to mm1inat.lnn and been ammintod. hr: would haw done credit. in 1'c1)1`esm1th1g Czmadn at. the c0n{m'nncc. IL is time for n cham.{o and mm will come on July .,R.. ;`Whnt. about British p1`cfm'oncn'?" camv :1 mnlv voice from the roar (if the hall. 1-1 A keep our money in the treasury by keeping Camp Borden where it ls." Seasonal Tariff One of the things done by the government `was to -provide :1 tariff for fruit and vegetables. The fruit and vegetable men wanted :1 seasonal tar- iff which `would not force the consum- er to my high prices when they were not producing. and \\`hi("ll `would give protection aigainst foreign uproduce during the :producing season. But Mr. Dunning in his budget said seasonal tariffs were not applicable to Cmmda on fruits and vegetables as the cli- mate differed greatly in different parts of the country." nmmrllnn m-nrlnnn Mr `Rnvs mid THE BARRIE EX AMJNER FTJENER BARRIE} MAN KELLED IN A c. N, R%,mWRECKr SWEDEN GIVES FINE EXAMPLE, REFORJQSIATION I All Tree-Cutting Under Supervision; Plant Two for Each One Cut. aCANADA S WASTE A SIN Hon. Wm. Finlayson Tells Women's Institute ` of Sweden. o " 1`lm (lay is 11101, far dislzull. when Canada will vfnllmv lhr- oxmnpln of SW(`(l(`ll and ll'f`(`~(_`llHlllL{ wlll ho (lnnt: lIll(l(`l` llm Sll])(`l`\ lSl()ll of n .-amt!` fur- nslor. yvhiln rm` ovory lroo cm. Lwn Inuru will hnvn lo l)n1)lm1l.wl," Ilnn. William I-`lnlzwsrm, minhzlnr of Lands and For- c:.s'Ls_ suld. (l(ldl`l"S.`~'.lll thv Wmnms Instllulo <:nnvvnl,inn. "'l`lu- [grout waste of limbvr in (;un:ulzL is wrong),- ful. II. is an crlmo and :1 sin. We slmuld 1` . ....I,I .. ......n 1:m,.w. muu. :u.u.........,, ... 1 tram, our forests as we would : of hay. Whvn it is lnzlturnd. down and H-plant, it." All.hm|p,h hv Thad hr-I-n :I.s:k .sn(2a1< nn Swedish .*+(-lmnls, Mr luysnn usknrl L0 be excused us ` he could talk about Lures to bet! vnnmgv than he could schoo planning that. his re(:e11t trip (. muntry had been in the inter .-nl`n-vnululinn 1-ulhnv Huuu nriu lZU|lIl|l_y |IiI.\l I1 rc1`m'oslutirm 1 I10 brit-fly rlvsr St-z1nzlInuvi:m "'Y\1\II nun nu Dl'1lIl(|I| 'I`Iw_v uid. HHIU. I All` \\`Ullll'Il Mil` llll|, lll\l' l.llll:vl' HI `nu vuunlry. Ynu would not nd &,lu:m ul,t.m1 :1 (-mm-nli Mltth as um: Wcnwnis 1n.sL1lul.rr. '1'hv_v would hv run in HM r-kl ln.-;l(-ad. I1(=.x'(.- we (10 not ... \:\IA. 11'. :IIv.\r\\r\I\ In `4|`|uI\I~ nu I|\nIv rln :I.s:k0(l in vvdish Mr. Fin- h!` {all better ud- ` school.-s, ex- l. (.0 Lhnt inlm'e.~;ls of rutlwr Lhzm I`dm`nt1m1, -.~,r:1'll)('d Llw punpln of the \ 1'u('.o nnrl Hwir (',u:~:l.nn15. n industrious 1):-np1(:," hr` mm-n nrv nut, likv l.|In:'.v nf xv. .. .. 1.: ....n n...| '1...... .... .. .,.... His brother, Roderick. from whose home here the funeral is being hoid. is". another engine:-1`. Ircmimxny enough. he was among tlmso who took the luckless. freight pilot from his rmglne cabin. McDonald was takvn 1`mm the cabin at. about nine 1'"1nck i-3`rma.y ,4 1...... ._._v. ....a:1 H. lzlup cut it John 11. Spears of Saskatoon callocl on friends: hero, Sn`I,1mlay. Tho lmnd att.endoc1 the ml1'1Lnr_y funeral In Barrie inst, wnvk. Wm. Newtml of Barrin is with El- wood .Ir.-nnott for me hztrvost. Mrs. W. E. Lnnnux is spending :1 few days with 'I`orrmL() friends. \l.- mu ! l\.lu~o T3 1) Avnnl/I cnnnf Cl HEW UH_)'>a Ill IUIUIILU ltlhb \'VlT\7l\. A numl)m' frum hcrv uLlmulv(l Llw smrdcn party at Bru(lvn`s on Frirlay evening. A nnvn.I\m- nf Int-nl hnvu lmvn sinn- .`W (uly \Vll1ll IUIUHLU |lIl`l|ll.\. N Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Arnold spent. a few days In Toronto last week. ' A nnn|I\nI' fmnn In-rn nHmuImI Hull CVUIIIIIE. A mnn.b-1' of meal boys havt` Sill.- (`(1 up for drill in New L1.~:ktrm'(l. '1`hv_v. start July 8. Rh-unrl hmm I-zmnn In/nr (hr :1 frinnIl- sw.l'L Jilly SLl`()ll(l boys (zzmno own` for .1 frinn(1- ly Lzunm of lm1'ses;hm-s nu ThllI'.`;(1:IV evening. Ivy won by one point. ... n _._.n n: n .u. ..`r Ir... \.......u,.. 5'`, ..-... .._, .... Missvs G. and M. Cuxwm'l.h of I`m'- ; nnl.0 spom. Lhv week-mu.l with their moLh>r, who is still on the slrk list. A nmnlwr from 1101'!` um`-n t.hr-| pluniv M, Grumbel Hill .<'.r`Im<)1 on 82:!- nrcluy nftnrxmmn and spr-nL zz vt-ry un~ ,ir)yuh1(`, Limo. Mlr EH1!` 1\/hit W. H /\l`I|()1(`, NH` IHH1 Avuo. uuuuu (}m'(i()n of last. vvmrk. home, Mrs. frlnnrls for 1 ,|r)yunue unw. `Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Arnr)1(I_ Mrs. 1.. B:mt.im.{ and B, X.. athemlvd l.hr- w(~ddlm.{ of Miss ton in Bzwrlu on Suturdzxy. Mr. untl Mrs. '1`. Bunting : .....1 III.-.. I '1' Innnnn ynul IVLI. llllll LVIIH. I. 1)u.nuIIIp`, and Mrs. J. '1`. Jcnmrtt nu Sudhury for Mu: work:-nd Lhnir sister. Mrs. Wm. Rub 118 was zunuug. llllli` nun unu r.` rm: nine f-3 morning and llvoch only until that evening. though hr~ novm c0m;(-iollsnoss. I-Ill` VV.l\. \'Vi|.h lIl'Hl uh I'll!` AI-tlll" `ll Mm. R. I. lmwriu rm Hm usual rI::l,v On !nvH.nHon. the xnvxn|)-rs nl lhv 'l`horntnn W./\. ('umr- r.v-,r for 1111* uh u.rnom'1's n1m'l,in'.: 5111:). /\It.nu,t-l.~hm' Lhcrn wt-re about Lvvm1l,y-(el[.zl)L merm- hcrs and v'lsH.m's which nmdc :1 [mud II1('f?Ll1)9,. Thu nmt.-Lh1',: open:-d with :1 hymn and spnrlul pnlycrs for the day. Mrs. J. '1`. .Iunnel.L read the Scriptlnrt: m ing. luv. Mr. B1od{.;el.L(.- from I`m`- ontu gave :1 splendid talk on Mission- ary work, bzlsing his rcnnurks on rm- Indian Women's Asssr.:::ml.i')11 Ur St. John's uh Chaplcau. Miss Gem.-vir:ve~ Jnmic.~`. srnm u 501!) and Mrs. Den- hnm. also from 'I`hm'nt(m. 1`0:Irl :1 pa.- pr-r. "C)lll`S(.'IVlfS and Others. and :1 :~;.-coml om.-. "']hm1;;l1L:4 which (:(,'(:ur to n... 7.. .. oh.-I I`h- rvpzulznr mtmthly mm ho W./\. was h`1(l at. mu- 1.: u .... H... ..... Amgllvzul W./L ,,u , ,,_,.,n.-.. . l)lHWll `I1 Sunmdulo `RIl.. I).-: ll H, mu hmnv H rl::Lr~. fnr1,hv :1!- l.'~' ). 'nLy-(:lgl1L ,.|. ......I.. .. ......pI hly mr-1-uni: of` l Thurs(`ln_v. July 3. 1930 ` constipmin well was ready for Syrup ['01) xeady at I Illl' VVklllHi|.p|'Il "Yrl, wilh Ii` him so b:xd1_v 1 be cut OH" him glue 1m-terim.-_, mmutu in go r by ucelylonv u when xmlly their work. 110 ..A 9.... . \ a FATS an-cl oils are not digested like starches or protens, they H I D and (ms are l1Ul ulgcmcu noteins, they must first be emu sied in the body before they can be utilized I as nourishment. SCOTT S EMULSION