Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1930, p. 7

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(lI.`.$'L\l.`sL' H_\ and All lhv 5: l|:11('hl`url|'.~% livuhlu ("hit-|< fIl'.Iluh- lllllll Slur! righf. `C THE MARKETS (iucks, lb. I ; pigs (ea.(:h) U7`. chicken 4 broiler) .. uutt :. u. 2 quarts :-qu:m buskvt, ', Butler. Eggs, Etv. '1 ulllultl. V s. A. HILTON. 1 Experimental I-`urm. Nappan. N.s. 4-l`dlll. . 50: $1.75-$2.00 500 nd 3 for 25c 25c I".n 1 -M; 28c 4l)(' $6.00-$7.00 9 - Publlshed every Thursday afternoon: `gt the Post Office Square, Barrie; Subscription Pr1ce--Ca.nada and Green ; Britain $2.00 per year in advance (11 Q arrears $2.50): United States, sun `= \Y`per year in advance. Both old am {new addresses should be given whex ii`-`ublished Thursday` afternoon at Barrie year (ii. $2.l(` `per new addresses should be given when ` change of address is requested. CAN- CEl ..LATIONS--We find that most on our oubscribers prefer not to hem their subscriptions interrupted in mm . they mil to remit before` expiration = While subscriptions will not be car- ' ried in arrears over an extended per- ` iod, yet, unless we are notified to can cel, we assume the subscriber wiahea the service continued. I-?.EMI'I'I`ANO ES should be made by registered let ter, money order or cheque paynbh at par in Barrie. J A, Ma.-.r.Amm, lidltm l 1 1 i ! I C C JAMES E. THOMPSON ) Sun Life Assurum-c Company of Canada `i Assurance Policies : Pension Bonds ` Annniiinn I A. F. A. MALCOMSON """'\.i`II rxnnlllnlxht IUAILICB . ECLLNIUH Dllllub ` ' Annuities I Modemtv Rates -- Maximum Returns ; Collier and Cl1p[)(`!`t()l) Sts. Phone 167 ,_ 1- upll or 32 Ross Street; an-vnllz n. l.)\nV Teacher of Plano, Organ, Singing an: all Theoretical subjects Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory ot music examlnatlons, all grades I Special attention to A.T.C.M. work 1 Studio: 27 Bradford St... Barrie I EDMUND HARDY, Mus.Bac.,F.T.C.M Teacher of Plano, Organ, Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster of Bt. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservator: of Music and University of Toronto 113 Worsley St. ........ ..,.~. .-..u.... Gl"l(lll:1l(` Czxlloge 'J`<-xlcht-1` of Pimm. ` nrnrlnu Fnncnrv-,u ruur`. u. 19. wlcul. Teacher of Piano and Vlolln PIANO TUNER. Phone 513 .BAI?.RIE : 44 Worsley 81 DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinarian and Surgeon Overseas Service, Captain Imperiu Army Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical exper- ience in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayrield 8*. Phone 811 uxuuung.-, un.un.n convenient way to mnnu-nl Q SADIE M. BREMNER. A.C.A.H!. TEACHER OF` PIANO Pupil of Ernest Senz I2 : : Barrie. on` MAYDEE McAULEY. A.'l'.C.lI. Teacher of Piano and Theory Organist of St. George's Church 115 Bayfleld St... Barrie ..\.....\ Insurance (HL'l`l. l\H Tin` ;tlm\ \ \'L` M; whn Sp It pays to read MRS. IDA ;\l):\MS. I..T.( VI. , n. 11,... Opposite Post Office. Barrie Everything in Music Debts Coilected J. G. KEENAN YE OLDE FIRME HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS ORTHOPI-IONIC VICTROLAB AND VICTOR RECORDS nu\aI.4La\JAlJ FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER onm our AND NIGHT I7 lunbeth St. : Phone In `an `av -cl--`AUDI may \ur\II lltablllhel 1800 FUNERAL DIRECTOR! AND IMBALMIIS OPEN DAY AND N160`! Into: IIIIIIIIIIOI In oonneolhl I AI-In nuvn K)l'_!t\\!- an SHAW Tl.1c Hun. Summer Term now on. Fall Tenn. .-\ugu.~.l 25th. Day and ('url'(`sp()lld(`l|(`t` Courses -- Ac- counting. .\'ccretarI:u. Steno graphic. (`omlm-rclal. Individual ntuntinn; preparation for re- cognized ('x:m|iu:\tion.~; fru- rmploynu-nl service. Enrol at any limr. (Euulugue from Shaw Svlumls Limited. Buy & Charles Slrc-its. Turontu. Ki. 3|65. G. G. Smith& Co. --I-kIl_L_J I I .'l)('1' U] l:"ll.l1(). '1l)0()l ) (UK! L|,l`:l(l(`S Cunser\'u(0rv music 1A\Inn1i-unlimuu BAIIII. 0N'l'.-PHONl II : uni 111 UN. il(,'kl(*. 40 YEARS` KY1. nn|h.p.1i...- VICTOR. EVEREADY AND SPARTON RADIOS `LIFE ASSURANCE 'I`h- Cullvckiun Sm-ui:Llis'.s OWEN SOUND. (JUELPII AND ()P.ANGEVILLE 'kL`L& & )sIi1 MUSIC LESSONS After yenrs of rheumatism, now in perfect henlth, says Mr. A. Duch- arme. Thousands write rheumatic pains, neuritis, vanish like ma ic wilh"Fruit-n-tives".Couslipntiou,in i- 1 estion end overnight. Nerves quiet. `et"Fruit-a.tives"tromd:uggisttoday. JESSIE R. BRYSON .. .0 nl...... rx......... L-n.....I P. C. LLOYD -I Inirr-5 I n I\ll\fIl'IfIIl\I PROF. D. E. WEIR. .(-,hm- nl Plnnn nnd VI VETERINARY ne. J. A. MMBLAREN, Edits: W. C. WALLS. Manage) Examiner ndvts. is :1 chr.-ap and .'ummm<'e r2ntx-r- BUSINESS COURSES zsenz Barrie. om R. E. TUCK, Builder, Barrie New Houses and Summer Cottagel. Remodelling, Repairing, 03}: Floors E Estimates free. Phone GSOJ u---:-. in nerfect henlth."_snys _Mr. I}. Duc}}~ .__..._._.--.-1i I I G. R. and E. A. BURNS PHYSIO-THERAFISTS ` 60 Elizabeth St. Phone 405 ' Pathodyne Blood Analysis. Pat.honeur- ometer service. Electra. Magnetic and Sun Treatments, Massage and Correc- tive Manipulation. x WE SOLICIT INVESTIGATION V g DR. R. W. HUGHES I DENTAL SURGEON 124 Dunlop St., abovn Arnold's Market ; Telephone 378. 3(J-5l5b I ` BOYS` 6`; BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. Conveynnccrs, Etc. {Money to loan at lowest rates of In- terest. 0trice--13 Owen SL, in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch 1c lemme rsumung, uarne. Om<:e--~-Elmvalc. W. A. Boys. K.C., MP. J. R CAMERON & (.7.\Ml~3RON . BARRISTERS, SOT..IC1'I`ORS, ETC Barrie: 5 Ow:-n Street. Tclnphmm 406 MONEY T0 LOAN R. R. nmprnn K A (`um-ran ALEXANDICR COWAN Barrister, Solicitor fur obtaining probate of wills, g11n.rdl:m.~:mp and administration. Gem-vral Solicitor. Notary. Conwyzuxccr, etc. Omce~I~Ilnds Block. 8 Dunlap Em. Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN R. 8. Cameron J1AH.'.J.5'1'1`J., J Money to loan. PLAXTON & PLAXTON .. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. E.'I`O.w` ` Offices: Kent Building, 150 Yonga Btu I Toronto, Ont. *3 IG. Gordon Pluxton. Jzunrzs O. Plaxtoll 7 Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. 1 ` J. A. (IORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyance: In- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. InSurn.nce of all kinds, Executor. Administrator and Trustee. Thornton, Ont Sm-.cizLli'I.v in Turnips n f'e:|'m-ru -hnvp hm I Inc. (J. A. AENUTT Physician, Surgeon and Consultant. Graduate of Mc(}iii University, Mon- treal Maternny Hospital. Montreul {General and Royal Victoria. Hospitall. Office and Residence: _ i 64 Mary Si... Barrie, Ont. ' Tr-iephone 557 i Especial attention to Maternity work. 3 Internal Medicines and Diseases 3 of Children. - DR. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON , EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT `May be consulted on first. and third { Saturdays 01 each month M i Queen's Hotel, Barrie DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County at Slmcoo ~-and--- no u A nun.-unrun n "-nuu--` DR. E. A. CUIVLVIINGS Graduate of Toronto University I . House Physician at St. M1cha.el'l... Hospital for om: year. Phone 61 Ofcc-58 Collier St Hours: 8-9 n.m.. 12.30-2, 6.30-8 pm. ` DRS. LI'I`TLE & l,l'[`T1.E Physicians nnd Surgeons. Barrio Office and Res:--4'1 Maple Ave. `Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. '7 to 9 p.ln 101' by appointment. Phune 22:3 % A. T. Little. M.D. w c. Little, M. 3. IVE MHDIDUIRLIOH. WE SOLICIT INVESTIGATION "2 RADENHURST & HAMMOND _ BARRISTERS, SOI.I(JITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DR. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drrx. Ru.<;'~: an Rosa ;Late Surgeon Specialist with ml 1 Imperial Army. 4'4, W-ars. ` General Surgery and Obstetrics . Especially 1 Office-140 Dunlop St., Bare i Phone 710 P` O. Box 107! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Res1den(:c- -Collier St. comer Owen. Barrie. Phone I'll ! `i L. J. SIMPSON. .\`l.B. I [ DB. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate Mccuu University, Montreu. Office and Residence Cor. Elizabeth .and Bradford Streets. Phone 10! Office hours 9-10 a.m.. 1-3 pm, 7-U p.m. . l`mn Mnny Accidents ; as u % Hours 9-6 I WELCH. CAMPBELL & LAWLRSB | Chartered Accountants 1 T. E. Lawless. C.A. ' Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge. Toruntd 1H. J. Welch. C.A. C}. D. Campbell.0.A W. B. Hulbig, Production Engineer I ____:#__T ,, , , uuluc I)lI|IIl'lI l WELL BABY CLINIC ` from 2 1.0 5 rrclcwk We-ry F`rldAy. `Application for nurse's services ` be made direct or through doctot. i 'rexepnone -167W Advertise in The ` . Exmmne-r Ctlaxslllc work for little pay. uuuunn r`. Mr-uwuu, ILA. Buccessor to Creswirrkr: & Bell BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. wfonev to man, Rngs Rlnnlr `Ran-1 DONALD F. MEOLAREN, ILA. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, E'I'O. Masonic Temple Buildhlfi. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attenuon to ()b.-metrics Office and Rt'.sidI'n('`: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 _._._..._._.__.__.__:___..... WILFRED E. SMITH. O.A.A. REGISTERED ARCHITECT Midland, Ontario H. H. CR!-ZSWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY '1`O LOAN Ross Block. Barrie VICTORIAN ()RDI-IR. 0|-' NURSES Barrie Hnuu-h (Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture) GORDON LONGMAN Banister. Solicitor Notary, Eu). MONEY TC. LOAN Ross Block, nrrie DUNCAN P. Mt-(IUAIG, ILA. Rlxnnnsmnr tn (`3rpruvi:ln- .0: non Fun Altered and Repaired I'\unv- `III!-1`-\|IrO'1 er... Don..- . __- .--.-- V`. --.- -...----ow Over Hur1burt's Shoo Swre. MISS M. MrAR'I`Ill'R. Mill CHIROPRACTIC ROBERT ll. SMITH EYESIOHT SPECIALIST 53 Dunlop St.---l hom- 80 I 9-6 Szlturdzuxs L111 10 M1scuANio3? DR. C. A. ARNOTT an .`-hlrvpnn nnrl (`inn ARCHITE(Z'1' `d*fcTrJinEi*niISi" l<`|-1-0 %Fln\'ing l<"-rlilizers BUILDERS DENTAL _1uEBE;.`L_ an uuumc UI" Barrie In-auu-h an I YJAIIII run vu LEGAL lp bl.-l'n0(? H0 Saturdays till 10 1 UJ.:LU11Ul1, EIIU. Ross Block, Barrlc P'.1_1ro Seven R. Boy: HCI4 a heap of uh Copeland Miliing C<.);, Eimvale I` I` AIIAKI I With the `advent. of `haying time i a1-rners should pay particular atten- tion to the avoidance of accidents which have occ-ui'1'cd all too frequt-nt- iy in past. seasons. The life of more Lhnn one child `has been -taken Pay the slckiL--hm` be.-czuxsu [he driver of the team was not watching the field ahead of him. Workmen by the score have been injured by not taking the proper cure when working around the ma- chinery. and the accidents caused by cnrulessncs.-; with pibchforks must reach an appalling tutni. Every i'm'nm should be first impresssed with (hm- gcrs himself and then warn his men tn .-xcr::is(.- t.he.- utrnosi, (.`fLI'(`. l\ cprcsc11t Spctillli`/.C \s`l' It's here at last! . . . An entirely new, Free Flowing Fertilizer that can't clog in the drill! . . . That saves you time and labour! . . . That gives you greater and more even coverage! C-I-L Mixed Ferulizcrs, made in Canada. |m< avrrv-u-n-an n v J n u I I 1:5 \r\.ru, 1.41:: v G. C. ALLAN, Lefroy,O;1t`:l M I . BROWN & CO., Barrie Llet us tell you about them. Justicc Celfsal I II. ..uu:I.- lI..- Iluulinu vnlup nf I uul. .....,v.. yxcll :l_4f.llIl,\'I 1'in_: Public 1 .- . cl. . 1... . cc-med cm Substantial Companies i"/.c in Automobile Insurance. xsk I x Hm In His Kept in stock by 'l\\!'V'll um pic n-Hncl LIMITED; rank E. A club. H; lludg`i11. 111cl(ny:11(In1n- nn:--'l`l1c pmpnscd l:1\\' wlxich lc Ipp to even` 1nu1u1'i.~I .1 the I'M; of ln.~'ing"l1is drive1".\ : Liability and Property Damage - an \\'1!iCl1 my :'ecn111n1cn\1;1tiun -n .`I|lCl3Hl.ll'l|,' Ill Iul'lll])5 Wellington farmers -have just. cum- pleted the sowing nl 9,000 21.-1".-s of turnips which is about one-(-lghtl1 of the total acreage for t'.h<- pmvlnce. 'I`wo-thlrcls of these turnips will. be sold for table purposes ln"Unltccl sm- tes 1.-ltlcs. Many tyrnip fields received very special cultlvutlon this year. Soma- uf lhu fields xveru .-summer fEl1lOW'(`(l last. July and August and ridgutl up in SL`IJLL`nlbL`f'. mnnurczl this spring. thor- oughly wnrkecl lluwn. {him plowed ugaln. l12u`1'mv<:d. rolled. f(.`1`tiliZ()(l and rldgucl and rnllocl again until many or the fields look like market gardens. Same .'~'tarL `tn scuffle their turnips before the seed is up `in order to en- courage rapid growth of the `plants and easier `hoeing. Const,:mt. cultiva- tion produces :1 crisp. sweet product. cf high quality. free of woodincss and very tasty. ' In the 1930 edition. "American Rose Annual" 160 distinct varieties of roses were reported, among these being the report of testing at the Ontario Ag'rlcult1u'a1 College of seventy-one of these varieties. The college this year intends to double, or perhaps triple the number of varieties under test in the college gardens during the next three or four years. The important new introductions `will be tested by the Horticultural Department there and reported on before they are offered for sale to the public. Of the 1800 rose bushes growing in the college gardens. not one was winter killed (luring the past winter. Gardeners` Competitions The ()nLsn'io Veg:-table Growers` As- sociation holds two competitions year- ly, one for field crops and the other for :1 Garden Competition to encour- age well-kept preniises. In the field crop competition various classes of vegetables are to be grown such as c:1b`.)age. lettuce, tomatoes, onions. etc. For both competitions to be held there must not be less than -ten entries from eueli district. The province is divided as follows: l. Brockville, Cyrville. Kingston. Limoges, Northumberland. Ottziwa. Putt-rborough, Prince Edward. R.edner.=:ville. Whitby. 2. Ancasti-1'. Brantford. Beamsville. iBurling'ton. Dunnvile, Niagara. St. Cathzwines. Vim.-land und Welland. 3. Agincourt. Bui`rii.-. Belle `River, Ohatham, Har- row. Kingsville. London, North York. Sarniu. Scurboro. Seucllffe, Tecumseh. Toronto, Toronto Lownsliip. 1"hese coniputitions are open only to mem- bers of the Ontario Vegetable Growl.-rs` Association. Much value can be acklcd Lo all field cr0p.s xmd pm't.iculm'ly llmsw crops grown for seed purposes by t,h(.~ pulling of weeds wlmn Lhu ground is `Cr-fl lnuf nuur nfhw thin rt-I-I-nt vninu |puu1ng Ul WL'L'U5 WHETH hilt? glUHllU ].\ H:-fL just now after the rccvnt ruins. Many farmers and especially those liv- ing in the wo.-ll~kn0wn sued clover dis- tricts in C(}llLl'i1l, Eastern uncl W(`n Ont.ui'io. rm? finding that this 1'miging of the fields is not as difficult as sup- ]):`.s0(l. The -weeds stand up very -pm- mlm.-ntly and one slight pull. will eas- ily remove them. Y`hn finlrlu unurn tn .hnu1. rnnv-1. uvnnrlu IllIlIl.'IILly blllll UIIL' nusuh pun. VVAII l'.'(I.D' l`lw fields seem to -have more W(`(`(ls than they really have." states :1 York County observer, "as many of them usually have from three or four l)l`llll. ,`1lL`$. but all come together with u single pull. Owmers of fields intend- (`Ll for smrcl soulcl bear in mind that ft is almost lmpossible to separate.- many of our worst weeds, such as s\vuet clover; curled dock and catch fly from the vommerclul soul (amps, uncl (in this mzcuunt they are strongly 'nclvisu(l to go over their fields ncxxz" ' It is .;mint.ed out thul, the wiclcsprozid = rc;n1tnti(m of Peel County as an alfnl~ Elude-h_\'1\lurruy av Culture of Roses in the present l.:u\`. 0 I IN a It Pnya to buy BI.A'l'ClIFOIlD'I BROWN &CO., Barrie ' IT3};11i2 1}:mAND GIVES | SPLENDID CONCERT Possibly the mild sarcasm which appeared in last week's Examiner had something to do with it or maybe the citizens of the town couldn't `find anything else to do that night but anyway 3. large crowd was on hand to listen to Barrie Citizens` Band .put on their weekly concert in Queen's Park last Thursday `night. The park; was almost completely surrounded by parked cars. Whether they were there to listen to the band or not The Ex- aminer is not prepared to say, but at any rate they were there. And the crowd of people in the park was al- most reminiscent of the days before the radio and automobile. It is hard to say who were more surprised, the band or the audience. The band have not been accustomed to seeing so many people in the park at one time before and the audience have not been ac- customed to `hearing such a good band concert. And the people in the cars showed they were appreciating the rnnzin hv rnn:-`n innri hnnlzinu nf auuwcu LIKE) WCIC i1}J[.llI'.`UJ'al.LllI Lilli musizr by much loud honking of homs---:1 practice which by the way might very well `be dlspensed wltlf considering the close .proximity of the hospital. Arnnna` thn T\'IQI`IV mlrnviunrl nunnlu llU.`.}Jl|4G.l. Among the many surprised people that night was: `Bandmaster J. Andrew Wiggins. No fewer than twenty-two bzmclsmen turned up for the concert. which is the largest number that has been playing to-gather in the Barrie band for some -time. The band showed they appreciated the crowd of listeners by treating them to 21 splen- did concert, every bit as good as the cont-erts put on by the famous Barrie Colleg'inte Band of four or five years ago. The presence of a number of the older bnndsmen probably accounts for the good concert and it. is a certainty the bzmrl needs them out every week if Bmrie is going to keep up its: `um:-I reputation as :1 good band town] There are a number of young players from the Collegiate band now playing in the Barrie band and they are im- proving rapicily. nu... r..n.. A I The following pr0g,'rz1n1 was given: March Nz)rmn.l .. Bennett Ovcx't1u'(`-~'I`he Champion Southwe.-11 Inte-rmezzo~ATtcr Sunset . Jones F`;1nt.21sia-'I`o Arms Garth Clochus de Saint, Malo . . . Rlmmer Sale;-tion---Opemtic Mingle Berry Ove1'tux'z:--C:11l of Spring . Clement Medley - Home Songs Schumann M:u'ch-~-MLrsha11 Haig . Losch In producer is largely due to the fact Lhat. for years they have made a regu- lur practice of rouging their fields of \`.'l.`CdS. (tleanlim-ss Needed If Ontario livestock breeders are to maintain the lucrative mark(:t whir-h obtains today it is not sufficient. that they have .plenty of good animals to sell. In order to keep outside -buyers interested. the surroundings in which the cattle are kept should be attrac- tive. One breeder who has -had re- niarkable success in selling livestock. recently observed that next to the condition and quality of the animals for sale. the neatness and cleanlint-ss around the barns were the most im- portant factors in predisposing a man to buy. They indicate the farmer's pride in his `business and give the im- pression of prosperity. When :1 -buy- or finds :1 nbreecier entliusiastir over his breed and proud of the success which his herd is bringing him, it is not (lifiieult to sell the <-:1tl.lL- which 1-. r...... 1... . uk l `Ann4\| ;\va.~ making r n ~'v:~.Lm11s ye\'.1cx)w:x." 11 N1 my vnu` - `I rcmuue my ` Ex:u11'.uer u ;w1x3 buy in t!` , __..._ `! ndvts. reuvh the people this district. Hlll_\'Ul. VAIIU UWVU (I15 fJlUh})Clll_\ -e it` hard work than 10 rducation. his farewell speech after year of office. Ladies and tlcmen." he began. "tonight I n- -uf mawralty. 'I`omox'1'uw :sLune my normal life." W31 1&3} 1 lb. equals the fvcding value of 1 gal. of xrhulc mil/6 T (`urn-nt (`rop Rt-purl prosperity -dnontinn mow MENACE E; ! IN lNl_1jFlL am I I | f Council A.;;;if_t-o Assist in ` Building Trap in North End. I ` Innisl 'I:)\vm;'hip Council `met 3: the Community Hall. Stm-ud. on Mon day, June 23. with all members prc cant SEIIL. Coxmnuniczuions and :u:(.-cunts were Ipresemcd I'1'(m1 the 1'o1!o\ving': Ac- countant Dcqyt. of Highways, The Bar- rie Examiner. John Banks, Clerk of Su1mida1e_ Muallic Roofing Co. and M. L. Cmxmlur. TN Tn 1\V\fl ur xriunn annua--url M. L:. ;;n-anuer. D. Lennnx and W. Nixon appeared before the council asking for :1 '.mp. for crows which have established al breeding" 1)la'.:e in the north west 'p:u't' of the township causing $2el'l'31l., loss to the farm`e1's of that locality. They of-z ferecl [0 build the Imp ii` council would pay for material nd \vage'~: if a cum` I petent. man to oversee building. They also undertook to look after the trap after it -was built. -The matter was laid -over `pending; I1n`Lhe1' information. A motion was passed autliorizlng payment (.f [W0 (loll-Ms to one for re- pair and extension of sidewalks in Strcud as reqiiesieci by A. W. Green. The <~lr=rk vvas inslmctccl to prep:11'e 1.: hnlouv Hn\iHnn- Han gnund in will-urnzt 111".` ('l|'l!`. \IVH.\ lIlllll(',LLfU ll) [Jll7[)il.lL' 21 bylaw limiting: thv speed in V`ilI:u;`9. in the tuwmhip to 20 mxles per hmn`: also to ]):`ulecI. sidoxvnlks in smne fmm traffic 0!` heavy loads and tr:1cL<)rs. The Reeve. Cmm::il- I01` Hvnry and thv `Clerk were z1pp<:1m- ed at commium: to I`(`visv= the `;)yI:m'., no` 4 kn nun.-\..`. \Il LIHT LUWZIELXHJ. The .k:t:1nding cnnnnittee on 1`1nn,nr,-- wcmnmcndvtd payment uf Lin: 1u11u\\=~ 1 ing zxccnunts. O. R. Black, rout of hall for meet- ing. $2.00: John Banks, pump repairs at park, $5.00: Barrie Examiner. ml- let. (Soc: A. L. Webb. Board of Hvallh zne-cling. 34.00; T. A. Sawyer, ditto, $4.00; Dr. Mr;Cnl1nm. -ditto. $4.00; W. B. $103.21. 6 n1um,h.s' rout of uice, $18`. Wilfred St.-wan. un account sa12n;\'. $200.00. Road Supvrinlcndtmt. Sim,-1-.1ir rec- ommended qmyment of the fo11G'\ving uoumuzz n rlnhnnn d:'7A 932- 'T`hnu Rnl- 'l`hursd:|_v, July 3. 1930' .........._, -u....._, V... . I km: 11'). 1g <, rout whll 0: nr..I..|. 1).`.-....I no` t1n!I`.u THE BARBIE EXAMTNER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE The growth of this industry is :1 proud C.1n;1di:m ;1chievcn1<:nt. For tlxc tut-al annual value of (Ian:1d'.1\ dairy products is C `HM HHH lrlfl _.....-_.-v - \lIIll] `Il\l\lLl\aL3 I3 $30U,(J()0.0U0. \V ith 470 branches situated in agricultural di..tricts, this Bank serves all those engaged in dairying. iili ` 800 Branches NEWS AND INFORMATION FQRTHEBUSY FARMER little good paint works wonders---it transforms ugliness into beauty and provides the finest and cheapest insurance to the surface against decay. ilamsaws Paint has been used for preserving and beautifying Canadian pro- perty for nearly one hun- dred gears and during this time has won an enviable reputation for itself. J. LICOFFEY _J_ \ For Sale by in Canada TOURISTS INYVADE l 5 MARKET ON SATURDAYI An abundance of garden greens and I owers feuturcd. an unusually large market on Saturday. New home-grown vegetables were displayed on every cuunter and the prices were sumclent- 1 ly tem'pth_1g to clear pructlcally .116 entire supply. h~.n1n_uwnxrn I.'Orn\IIhuI'|-inc umm. nlun CZILIIC bu1J]Jl_Y. Honle-grown strawberries were also to be found in large quantities and showed :1 decided drop in price sell- hig nt 20 cents a. box against thirty cents the previous week. A small quantity of wild sLrL1w`bei'ries was it- vnilable at, 15 cents :1. box. Produce prices -were steady, egg.'~' selling` from 27 to 32 cents with the prevailing price hovering around the thirty-cent mark. The quantity was small. but sold quickly. Butter was up one cent at '36 cents. 'I"um :lI6I`m.m.o `4\.(~ ..r .......... ..x.. uuc ucln. ILL 00 Ct1llLh. Two different. lots cf young pigs were shown. One lot 0! six-week-old pork- ;':`s was quoted at $6.00 apiece while he other was listed at $14 :1 pair for pigs 21 week yuunger. Spring broillng chickens weighing :1- `oeut twu pounds each brought 45 cents .1 puuzul, while fowl sold all, 28 cents. Jlld young ducks for 40 cents. A number of gardeners exhibitrd large displays of fresh cut ilowers which were rapidly gutliered up by :mn-lmsvrs. many of whom were tour- `.:.l ur summer cuttugers, who invuilul he murkeL building in search of the frvsller varieties of `producer Old pntatues. although for the rnusl purl rt-manning unelutnged in price. .h:,\vrLi u tendency in move -.l0WIlW:ll'Ll v.wm'(l the close of the nmrket, when = rmv grmvt,-rs were asking $1.75 :1 hztg. Ihe price was, how- -=.`er, $2.00 where it has lien: for the us! few months. Average prices were: l`omnt<)es, lb. 300 Onions. large basket ........ .. 50c Turnips 100 nml 2 for line "Strawberries home grown) box 20(- Slruwberrles (wild) box l5c Cauliflower .. 200 -lpples, basket. 25~3U(: Apples. large basket . Potatoes, per bag Potatoes. large l)a:~;kot, . Asparagus 10c, and 25 Spinnch, small basket. Radlsh, bunch . .. ll . .. 56 Green Onions. bunch 5c Lettuce, bunch 50 [lead Let,t.uee 10c Leaf Lettuce Fw Rhubarb, bunch 5c . (.-pp:-rv,x'-.1s.s'. bunch 5(- Parsley. hunch 5: ')ubbu2,e, new 15c and 2 for 2.56 3mm nr-w `) lnlurh: Ev- Ln-cduces lossu. Shields chicks from; use hy providing ulmnrluul vilalityl I . limu Imilals sturrly hmlios. lrhI`url'.~; (`hick J\lu.~'h ruiavs 1-very` xhlu rhirk .".|pi(l grn\\'ll\---t'urly, pm-I |I|1' m:1lurii_v. If`: all in the sturt-` II rixvlll ` 1 uunu 1, n Bultur. lb. Butt!-nnllk, qt. Cream, pint . .. Eggs, do`/.. Spring Fowl {mung ducks, lb {uung (ea. nuuc um vmuc 01 small potatoes as H green feed during the xvlnter months; Seven hogs. fed an average u! 220 pounds of potatoes each over a period ` f 140 days. made an average gain of| 54.8 pounds, costing 7.81 cents pexj wund. 'SXx hogs not receiving greex or-d of zmv sort averaged 136 R nnnnrk : ux Lur uuuuxnuu uepuruns-:nL OI All`)-. vulture showing that when pullccs an- Lested against hens the average yearly prom over cost of feed Ls. for the pul- let $3.34 and for the hen. $1.66. pr:--` sented in unuther way. it costs 20 cents to produce one dozen egg: \ through pullets as against. a .per-dozen ` cost of 3.`: cents with old hens. .IL is` also pointed out that it. takes 60 eggs? tu pay for the cost of the bird. and. any pullet or when which doesn't lay; 9.: least. Lhts .number 1.; just a bill of, expense. There are a number of goud| ways of getting hens that will lay A`, prom over their cost and keep. ` ; WHY KEEP OLD HENS? ; In discussing methods of increasing egg production F`. C. Eiiotd. Dominion Poultry Husbandmun. asks the very ` pertinent question, "why keep old j hcns?" He provides the answer by ciL- 7 in; official figures from tests conduct.- i ed by the Experimental Farms Branch ` u! the Dominion Departxnent oi Azri showimr that when ~mnI..:c .1.-.. .vu:nuuxcu am uvl-rage 01 1.11 pounds of new feed and made an average gain` .f 10 pounds more than did lot 2. As- I .uming that this increa._se in gain is; me to the inuence of the green lee-d| dded to the ration. It would give me fl'L`Bn feed a value or $18.32 per Lon .-'ilh pm-k selling at 12 cents per puund m- \v.~iL:`r`t. Hr" wv'Ig1'L. During the winter of 1925-26 xperixnent was conducted to do nine the value of small pututous I Zreen feed dm-Km: thsa xvintur mm. wuuu. `om Hug: HUI recelvmg green! any averaged 136.8 pounds ` gain during the same period. costing L58 cents per pound galn. The value at` the potatoes in thls Lest. computed :n the same basis as above. would be! 49.64 per ton or 59 cents per bushel. It was noted during all the tests man PIP hnus rnr-six.-)'nu urn-Lan funpl ......... .u u\A[.;.` :c1.v:nLug gH`t.`ll lC(`(X WIT!` ungrr and of a more drsirablc bmr.-n" _\'p-. while Ihosv in ma: chvck Int. nquently became crippled and wow wldm as thrifty in appearance`. Turnips, mullgt-1.~. or pulutm.-r. arr u1L.1bl:- zrven {evil for winter fudu._.' xlxilr rupv .al(.\. pHLs and Vt`L('h 1H1)\ - un-. (`love-r .r any .~ucruI:=nL mt"-ugr -:`up may be unlizv-d for this pux'pu.~t' ;u:';n<. Mm ;umme-r I AND Illxlbeth Phone uIn:2j ` W. D. MINNIKIN linen] Director and Enballut Ambulnnce Service : Phono Cl Llmouzlne Henna if desired Oar. Mnry nnd Elisabeth su. Burt 1 M 1( a 1, ll(.`\V', D-1 Poultry. ...- n. (EREEN FEED FOR. SWINE . n.,,, - V v Raise calves you'll be proud of. 1.` _ ..I

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