Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1930, p. 6

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All L1H. I D2I.V('I1]) weak lxvu-.'!. 1411:` r1n.- IT`-n. Tlmrsday. July 1:, I930 By Terry Gilkimon. 2|" l"\ ITVIIUKJ " CAN vougl HAS CONE `BEFORE mu HM` l\o.".Il`L. Inc millinns of people ~v tuhlcls. So don't cxllcss pain. Buyer -ck your cold. relieve ourul_L:ic pains. I '.| H UWII ho had r sxnilt-(I 1'01 . un- The indly `innit "The best of i`i'ien(ls; gotta purl," she} mmcunced. _ Hold on. What's the idea?" I-t was the grinning youth who spoke ' -Jn.ckson. his name had proved to be -his grin wiped from his face by the abrupt decision. Hunt looked equally. serious. and Queenie regarded them with approving eyes. m`j4< :.u-- 1.. Al`.-A ..q.`.. A..." ..:_.u .1... u,.`........=, .._,.,.,. | The idea. is that y'Qu two ain't me only buys in the place." she explained. and Jake has given` me the high sign In rnrnln .111 " l() IHUVU -Jll. B_ut., see here-`' Jackson 'p`.`0Les-ted. Nnw, Wllliel" Miss Morris was ul- nmst maternally repruachful. "Yuu c!:;n'L wantu get. my girl friend in bad I with the boss -the very rsl night she's `cm iho job. do you?" (NF 1-run-:0 nnf" T-Tun! l'!\QlA nvli ` Of course not." Hunt. m bnwcd formhlly, and Queenie away. RnHm- mm! mm! whilrn thn .. ....... ......, .u. Ayvc. You're u~wi'l`." he impersonully mi- nounced when she again <:um'rcmt(-cl him in his office. It was half-past three and his staff was perceptibly will- ing. So were his remaining guests. but Jake himself showed no sign -`if the night's strain. His linen was ns 111111 .- less and his hair as pastily flat ns they had been an eleven. "'I`uke-y`-on- H'_<.g"lu1'." he added. I`lml.'.-: good of ynu." Eve said. More and -nmre she liked Whnl she hud hL`{l.l'(l of Jain,-." BHL I won`: Luke Ll1e'w(n'k just now. `tlmnk you." .4 LI 1 plain. 1'ig'hL." :1 :)Ilzu's~ nigh t `s ""l`hr gun Mn` H. there 11:: young mu t.ElI.'4ahL-1' I sun It lsn L that," Eve l1nstoned Lu ex- The money side is quite all It was. She had Hwned ulgln :lnllzu`s~ and some odd cents by lu,-r (iI'.<.l nlg'ht`s work. "'l`hen-what's-envtln`-yeh?" I wrmt. to do some-Lhlng else." W'm1t?" I :lon`l |mcw. yet!" A\\'1'i'." Jake moved the 1'cmot(.- L-yes lmxn her face us -l1 this ended the ma! LC1'. but when she walked. to tho dour hv u.~l;vd u quusllont "Huw-`b0uL-I\'y`."' Eve smvppvd and turned back. Why she'll be all right m1n<)\:- l0\\' night. w(m`t she? Nmurx '.\llnnnu-0 h Pun- hm:-_plu um-_n`_ 1V.JpL'. 1VlI.'l.lH5'L1ll't!L!'lUlll"Ll rups-xnure. Keep-`er-job-n-wee 'v1' 11,-.-L. Might-x-`er-up." I1u`rv svmned nothing else` to 1 :w'x'm-ri 1n tho Ir-nnuu-nu-v inh -n ...... .......\,.\. Evv lvfl her ('nn11'orIuble. and \\'em back 1:: `her cwn qum`tcx's. med but uplifted. Shv had put over whm she- had undertaken`, she had made vighl dullnrs; she had been offered a job: 5219 had been uble to keep hm` walking x`fgl~.~m1u1'v in `buy and to fool almost nurynnl nun u all Hun-n `Unn- (ID \ YUI. 1| I accept Jake's ( with those nw \\ as Queen nnf nu .`5li'lIIIll|K' ilk` ` nurxnal. BCSLI -1(ilL-~:;4 night u'n< r~\un- H n ucapur HUI Ul.`l.|u|) unu H\'X' `.lI}. urn`. did no solo-work at all. '. not nluve the average in the ~` :\':u\(~inu './ltllllilllg. . Eve decided ma"! 1\'y':`- "-.1crob:1 waltz" explamed Ivy'.< hem-1 ;um;- and when she advised the -Jluncer riunu .-,\n\.. 4.1 it nan:-u r.\|n.. ".-.s0n- l\.| ll'(|:I\J. UI 4li.Il\L'. L)lI\ 1 W 1:0 the 'work mmzk you "Why not?" "TJ vunllu inn`! in run!) linn " V`/H_\' HUL. "14, really isn't. in my line." Mm'<:-nmney? Nothin'-(l0in'. I-"ix:-d n- " I111: hudline is` and mean: lint what it says. Read her own letter : _I take 3 daily dnxe of Hrusvhcn und l UI'd}J -SUIHI,` UI IL5 IXIUI` my shook her head. I.-\vu:~'u Y A.\ it 1'H A\_V SJIUUK KICK` nrau. L'.mg's I do it. 111 do it nght." .4110 mnounced. Art came first with Ivy I\'y's pcpulary in 1110 ":m1.t~: man!" was second1mly In Qua-nh*'.s and as the two girls stood xugemcr on u\ u. u\\.uI\;\| uuuuug, umr nu Ll\L 1 mad In the H:-nlpurary job. and \' vuw`. gratitude of Ivy, in whom ` wtvd when she reached homo - '|'1JI\n1r sln.` could kill another fm'mlgln l\\'a_\', and earn the money she so ly needed. Marcel would surely rr nix reply from Lean. nnd that _\' might lead hm` mm. of thv lug. n-nnlri rhinL- {H11 `n\uum~ .n'.-xv IIK` I.IUllll.'| D urn `L:-`s high kicking w mt." as Ivy expre.\ .` her beauty and `h IA I\.1 ...\v.. .......|. ..o \`V\lU l BLIU. Meanswrec-fuur-clz1ys-p'- Karon- `mu inh-n -umnl:--1m . Ill` UAl_V Klklll Lk) ICl'I allllk est 0: 21.11. there was now ' gm to face. for the nig It might be worth whilv 0'5 offer, if only to do aw ~ nwful nights in the cm : ' all important issues Queenlt:'s rule was strcngtlienerl by hot` chum :-`. xuturn. So was Eve's position. Miss Daven- port had a grateful mature. Loyally and loudly ism assured the world no- thing was wrot-.g' with Be-rson. She de- manclad Queenle's continued interest. in her pt-c-tegee. and after a brief con- test of wills she recelvecl it. The "hen-:1 l1oste.=ts." it appeared, had a horror of being hig`h-hatted" by any one; and from the rst she had cherished (1 dark fear that the new-comer was higr21-hattin' " mu uwp-stagin' " all Jake's: arti.~:tes. Ivy `was nully uble to ex',:luin Eve's manner and diction Lo Qlll}(`nl(`,':i satisfaction. 4tr... u. :. -- .. \.,.u.. Cilll Ll }l|iUl hill \.lkl \Vl|(`ll lllil AUll'\-3 |luL her in- schools an` has her 1em`nc(l all t`n(>: things?" A little later Eve unconsciously helped her own cause. I [ll X1 _\ UU IIUHI, u.nynuw. D171` .s'r;n'."' Q1lOL'!l1( dmnzmdud one night. WI'l(:!l the novice had been at Jake's. 9. week. It was the r:-xt dirmttly pc~:`sm1- :11 qmrsiiur that had been put (0 Eve. zu:-:1 Eva u.s1u`d under ii... lull. want It Read I l\'rus1-hen and I have lost two inches round the waist and hips and 2211113. aim-r ln.-at munmer. I-feel vary well on it.. and pcnplv tell me I look very t. I am 5 ft. 4 ins. in height. H) yeano old. and come of n Rtmxt family." ` Miss E. L. I} you we ht. rs: remove the cause. \Vhen your liver, kidneys and bowel: can't throw 0!! that poisonous waste material which is always accumulating in your budy~--bct'nre you rcaline it K111` um growing hideously fut. e Knnwlxcn Suits in a glass ofhot Wtter every moming. In three weeks` time, get on the scales and now how many pmuxda of rm have vanished. Notice also how you lmvt` gained in energy and llmlth. Yuur skin in mr. ymxr :`_v!-s npnrlclr with glorioul ' henlth. You feel y(n1ug'cr in body, leaner in mind. krunclu-.n will give many fut people a joyous Iurprinc. lll .l'lHIll.'L`. Queenie n<:dd(=d. Li (-mmlczl for anything. Cam you talk From 5 .,1.x.... 4....` Xl.`.`.. "Hunost.`? Suy! J:1k0'l1 be glad 0! than! S'.`.m(~ F1'ench1r1en blew in m-:`(- lust week, and none of us Could parlvy with `um. An only the night before you cumv--S:1y, 1'11 1011 Jakv." Quceniv added cxcilcdly. She told him, with all the pride of tho disc0vc1`m', and Jake again sunt Km Wm-n Quilt. D9 yau French?" "Nupo. Butl'11kn0w`fyoud0." Eve lznughed. It xvas the first time J:Lk<. `had hoard her do it. and it :11)- pczxlr-d to him. His rm1n)1c Iuuk uh:mp,Ld .<:1`1gl1l1y. 'Fhr:'u1'ru- " lm !\Hl\V`VD!'] Su! - HH)l'l`. Eve answered in French Lhmt nu) doubt this was true, but that she cuuldxfl prcinise to keep on :~;*miling ixxdefhmely. though she would do her best. F'inding it necessary Lu trzmslnle 1,hi.<., she did so. and Jake nodded. Hu\\"b.':)u`.slayin'0n?" ` I h:-.\'cn`t quite decided` yet." Czm`t raise rates bwt give yuh same guar'nLee'.\; Morris." " I'ha.nk you. I'll stay two weeks longer. amrway. unless something un- Lxpcctcd happens. "S'u1h`i." The arrangement simplied Eve`: `ucokkeeping. Instead of being paid nightly as a subsLiLuuL." she was on Jake`:s weckl_\' pay-1'01} at a. twemy-.`e (l:.~1lu.r .~:11ar_v. which was nuglnentud by the dzmce-cmd: she turned in. A week later. when Eve and `Hunt retux-nod to `iheir table after a mid- night C`nm'le.I0n. Queenie hurned no Lin-m '\\'iIh an of u1'genc_v .~h> h:1s.,ened to explain. ... . _ ,~'4-,l 41.... t.'1mugLu .`.u5uu_y. "Th?-L'SU`lcSLufT." ` var-df01'busine..~ \l'. Doin' ne," he announced. Thank you. I'm glad ul` that." "S`v'.'u'_vm1'Frvnch." "I beg your pardon?" TaH-:so1ncFr:>nch." \Tr.\I") -' 0 can`: help it." she pointed out. ; e(l-jlc9,Led! My goodness! what. poor kid do 'when her folks put 1- \ 0 I`! `IN HA -s/" -THAT PINKV 30 as A curl`: ONE. HE GAVE ME A CAUQH w CLA`;$ Tm"-. OTHER from, anyhow. Bor- zlnvnu nrlurl nnn niu-hi l ' he unmoved. Smil- .s. Y'uughLa1:1ugl1 Wl` XIII IHI(' Whz-u Qununiu 1 vmg ubmnd us-< :<.ht- uzsku i BARRHE`. OQCHESTRA \ ON STATION CKPR qu::u'.;_y U! -2.0.6.`! lIl:`l The mzmagmmmt is il1l I`C!~'.t( .(1 in `:l and dish-ict, talent. slng or <-nlertzlin would like :1 trial J." mg are l'(f`(]ll!`Sl(`(l 1: Hon CKPI . :11, Mirll: Girl at game u\'.':m'him; lm the eld : 'I`herv, Ihr>y'1'(.- at it I do hope Bill won't rv[)z':11 th I told him 1.15! ni-_.{ht.~--Sirr=n. Mrs. Bktbbvx happy this 111 good ]1(`\V \,r.... rv COMPLEWEGNS SO0N;_jYjELDED HO()R:\\ I-`(HI l`lIl~I lN\ :\l.l!) 5l('kl ll) W11 . Midland. . 28 LBS. BF FAT THE BARBIE EXNMINER J] :3 .e\-`e1()1)1 'Dm~u Aghth KAI` ll ilk`- s:--930 k.c. ' Stauon CKPR :\` nn(\n- 'hr. 1. `Mamas 01? . mwgggg ms the {irate "Mme `..'()th. 1843. Another bunk. whose owner is not dvsigxwatetl. is 9. Te.egraphic Coxnpuum" publish- sci by Jahn E. Fuller 01` New York in 1852, mm L-rmlaining m2Ln_v easy me- t'n':(`.= of `mlvizxg nm'.11eInati(c:1l pm!)- InvY\L' V/hi1( fell cmddingz, -;le:1de.-ns '.he s::11nc`. (.f cdms placed U)! the co1lc-;-- xir;-.1 plntua :21` c-hurches today. church- gmars ih Plli1`.!~,,\V'i(:k union uhurzrh in f!1:.- early s`..\:ties fu111`.'.l it :1 little `nois- iztr when "dvmpping the penmes." Two ccllccllou b(>.`(- .`l\' made by Hamming` Wnmicn. and John Sibbultl,-m1d used 121 the Puinsvvick churvh were -prescnb ad by Rubcrt Wamicu uf Puihmvick. A lnenmir uf e:u'1`_v dnys -Jf sport was n1:':> 1(;:n`.:::l by Mr. VVu!'n'1(-u. This time it is Iwu ours which 'l)e1ung`ed to in boat crzllud "Pop Goes. mo Vvuasel," made by May I3x`c:{)1m's uf 'I`ulleud:-11. The mat was nvvcr l)vm.(.-11 in any race and wuh the z:)1amp1rn\:~;lx1p uf Nurlh AI\1nI'i~n in tho lulu llfnzx .'n- nan-lu uh.-- ll 1.`: IWU Udlh \`VHll,':I Pup Gue Bmllmm l`h<.- DP! 1.-lmmpln Ameriztn in the Inn` Ilfl tins. v~:lvfv.1ll:1g :2 <:r;v\v . clmnxpirms of the U! 'I`urm1`m. '1`lw c1`(~w of wax John .`5ll)lJ-.11r.l. c Sibbnld. sI1'<:l(:-; Samu G. . ~2<:'.1lv.;. William 5 SiD'):ll(l. (ruxszxvainz an `uultl. A low lying xvcuzlvn : lug, the early plv.mL-ur 4 by I?,ub(`:'L Bull. AVLJIP1 \Jl(.'HiL!L1 ULHLILLII IL >`\' mvnml by `Squire Br-njzxxnin mm 1:!" the u2u'1_V suttlenuz 0 Lowmahip and the Iirst past 1 1 nni.-:(`il f'?\:=l, Dlflvc. So much for the wall c xvhic-h. although the lmvur 1) \cs have bum wuil :stn.1ckud 1'(,-lies. `have still plenty 01` n u.<.. K` . l` .. our n|u\.u nu Luu VHUI L7ll])UUiUuh. the lhrt.-(,- .-4111.1- Wt? with old room for nmny muru articles hf histnrical im- |)C1'l:lH(`L' whixrh are abmxdum in the (:(`.\1111._\'. In it counter show case are n1um.rou.~a x1e\\v.s'1m1)c1's. resolutions uud nmer urLic1o.~; which (:hruni(:led the urn-Mu xl` ihn -xiuwnuvu rccntimzerl from page two; An .. ... In nut Au late ...; ' Page Six . |IlL.' `..II'LlHA|}A`IIlhlll}J (H lVUl|II . fties -or varly six- v.1l!:1g jrrzm Ruclu.-sler. ms Unitcd States. at . the Shnr:x:z: bum. `nu txxpminz (iuorgv Samuel 1.. Suules. J. 112;. E!)lllC'a`, 'l`h:mms and Andn`-w SH U: :14. _vv:.x:.\. s of `rho Bar- i `:0 "R. Orch- Dcc. 21, 1865 . M. Nicholson. 1.. . HlL'lH.'h WIUU. with :;m:111 ' thick Inn.- .,| r.. .... cll})i)'.JiIX'(IS. H11-ms uh: I- l|\)lllI.' |:'h t.\\'e]\'u the pion- wrrmm-I U 111' _ 1:; ninfil L`l` of SOME FIGURER QU1-:BEc:66N TO HAVE I 19 RURAL "HEALTH UNITS 1 Quebec continues to outstrip the rest of Canada in ht-1' strikingly modem treatment of rural health prublems. Two new county health 1mlts-sma.11. full-time nwdlcal deps1x`txnents of health. serving rural areas, and x'epluc I mg thv old-style, p2u`t-t1me medical` officer uf health urc shortly tu be os- Labllsheed. n.... ...III I... in Dhnynucl.-I Hun nth:-r . 4J'\S|)1nn -a ht-ad-.1~ ,. rxuuu Quelm ruins ruunu ll."xULll uul.uuuLn:.s auc ag:,su:u that the v.-lmmgts being made in Que- bm: in this regard, vlrtually :1 health rcv<)1uLi The ent.h'<: pmv- hmc bL'L'!tnl(f sul(! un the health unit Idea when the urlginal Unit in Beaucv Cuunly dvxmmstmtccl its ability to save s(:m`(-s of lives during the first two years of its uptwnuon. Now all classes in the ommnunity are s0Ii(Il_v behind the idvn. The clergy is especially ne- tivc in (`i`.('Ulll :lgi!]g it. | I Even in Hm.<.t~ Guys the `:1c\vs1)apL-1'5 cn'.!1:'.lm`.(l'lIhg. .*,h1pph1g um! fur- elgn n3\v.~'. :1`; \\'l` as their `\v-.mL -.1ds.." as` uvldcmrud by 'lhz.- Sun. Copies :11 the register for two] mlmths. Jzumury and teb1'Lmry, for the Strand public 5:-haul of 1860. -lur-I Inc: which I-tzniwrl ()1'('h:n'(l was tru':h- :: r, xvvro -:l my :VHFS Orchard. The -nriglnul mpies 1! .h'- ninutes of `chm: first. sx:com! and lifth m('L'Ul1g.. ..' on... HIV. on -I` Qinuuu. 'l`nur-hur-:' (.5, \Vl'|l' '.l(!HIlllLl U_V lVll.`.\ Klllillnllll. rm-L-ting. :21 the Luumy -:1 Simuou 'I`vu':her:;' A.~.v.-:clatinn" halt} in the "Cununun st.-haul in llu- 'l`u\vn -')1' Burrlc" -m April 11, 1860. Aug. 18. 1861) and April (3. H161. msprzmivcly and which wt.-re re.-- c.n' by 14. ()r(`d, the se<:1 vt'.1ry,` w dunuu-:1 by Miss Orchurcl. I Amuhvr iulun:sHny_ -Iucumeul .-1-1:-u- ;uL; Lu thv Lvuuhers' u-ssmrl-.\t.lun is`. thv iuvltutiuu soul nut by Mr. ilrchzlrd ixwltlngz tmu-lu-1'}: Ru u.Hvud the Sl":DHd nuczlmg Hw lES(J(5ll|.l.i0Il upon the ii=:1L1g1u`utim1 -nf its Ihzkzl, pm.~aldr*11L. Printrd in tall. fuucy .~'.c1'ipt letters. IhL'1 im-'il:1`Liun rczuls: "Vlctm'i:1, August. Hlh, 1860. "Yimuv Air |`hu can-nnrl n1unHnu nf `H ll.` uuunly x ;ucialim1 will be held in the Cr,-xmnunl Suhxml Hun.--(-. at Barrio. on S:1tllI`(lly. the mm day ~>f August. 1860, on which occusiun nur Pl`(:.H`ld0llL. the Rev. MI`. Chcckley. principal of the Bnrrlci Grmmnzlr school. \vlll (lollvz,-r his in-i uugurul :1(l(lm<;s;. Yr;u 1111- l1(.-x'c`by mosll earnestly and ruspm-Lfully .rvqueslu(l 10] u: ouunul Av;.u.u1:A.\ :1.s- attend. Thv nu-Ming wlll upon fnri `;lcsp:1t.(:h ul b11sl1u-we -.|l Llw hour of! ll-h of (hr cluck. A.M. 1 --I ..... Am... i.. n ,....V. ......_, . Even in tlmsu ::*.1I'1y days the pion-`l L`(.'X`Ii \vrx'(- .ruu1:l(-d with inu-n1px:x':u1<:v| and ll](;\ (`lnl`llL5 were afoot to rexnedyi Lhv in<:n=-.\six\gV ixmnorulily." as -,2vl-| (lexmcd by two ch'cL1l2u`.s' addressed to the 1ri~nd.. or Humzmity," published] by John Thmpe. dated at Bradiord. Cuumy of Simcov, Cnnuda `W/est," on Jan. 1865. and Dec. 20. 1864, and print:-(1 l)y "G. M. Binns, cheap book and jz.-b pnmer no-.11` thv Railroad Hot-I cl. Nmv1n:u'kcL." | A....o\.._.. .. A .... ._r :L... ,.....Al|:...`.` venv 6000. NOW wHAT'RE Two THREE6? lth, 1860.! ur sir. l`h- scrnmd Inct,-Ling ufl Iuunty uf Sixmruv 'I`eu<:)mr:s' As- `um 1 an. .1... .r A..n...`o Iann .. -.n|~.h.h YUIHZH 1*:-spw.-l,f\|lIy_ J()I_ .I`.`R'1` ORCHARD. --cu. IIIKELJ. "Sccrcmry. ... Al. Al: _ ASPIRIN $i5l5i5l5I$l$I5uml$I5ImImI5I5I5ImIi - . }_ _____ _.__ ______ _ _ .___ - ! 1 K1. WAKE UP MBTGRISTS ! Sporify Caslrnl Cour Oils for 'I`':4sion uml Rmtr End v HE Proof of 1114- S'uvin,r: is in the Using. An ordinary oii givns only 500 miles lmfore a I'h:u|gq-. of oil is-'. lI(`.l'(`.N`H1ll'y. II (`trials you say 351-. 2: quurl . . . or 3`.5I'./I0 |H`l` 0|--quurl iilliiw. Drive 2,000 niiic-.1-z and your oil hill is $5.60. Cuslrol givvs up to four linu-.~' Ilw Inilt-:|gn of an ordinary oil . . . 2,000 Milo.-3 Without Iiluulgvi ll 1-or-its-s you 50 :1 quart . . . or $2.00 per 40-quart filling. '|'hul nw:m.~'. you suvu $3.00 ovvr an orclinnry oil . . . for every 2,000 miles you drive! In nllwf words. you :n'(- 90(- in park?! on 1-nvvry quart of Castro} yuu buy! Furlht-rnmre only half as-: mm-1| Castro] is rcequired for n1z|kn--lip as any nllu-r lub- ricant. Cu.-alrol sluslws yuur oil bills from start to nish! Castrol Saves You 901: on Every Quart of Oil You Buy. lMl Ol{'l`AN'l`: Caslrnl in available through re- puluhlo (Jurugc-B and Imla-pomlvnl Hm'vi4-0 Slulions Everywhere. Watch for the: (laulrul Sign. Ousz LITTLE wnue Mccue HA9 NOTHING AT ALL To 00 `:0 HE CRIB`: - AND HE TRIE5 1o THINK or A THING (ALI \1A..o BETH JOQDAN

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