$&$$$&&*&%&$%&$* . % ; EMNRMLUMWDW : wk 7 E$*%%*%%%%%&$%$%% DILLLE4 L`; VVl'l\ I June 30-Quite 21 crowii attended` the Ba.pl.isL church Sunday evening to hem` student pastor L. A. Duce. His father, who is visiting hn-re from B1'ant.fo1`ci. sang a solo while his bro- ther nccoimmnieti him on the violin. The -pastor and Miss Aggie I`n.yim' also snug :1 duet. uli combining L0 Inr\L'n Ihn unrvi:-n intm-nqnn nus lhultl`, WHU la Vlhlhlllfg nun`, uunr sang while ther and Taylor make the service interesting. Nursing Sister Mzrrle Relno Elam-,he Tremblcy) nccmnpnnied by- Sister Axmsmsia of lst. Ml(:h:u:l`s has-I pital are visiting" her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I`reml)Iey for :1 c0ur])l(3 uf weeks. 1:! n......l.. f\r t:......x.. .m.n...1 `\`u nn_. F. Quantz of Barrio. visited hits no- phmv. E. Qtmntz, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hulfish cf '1`()1`om0 szpent, the week-end with her parental Miss Kathleen Robertson spent, the xvvek-exxd with friends in Torontn. x~....,1.x E0-\t\n1:un ..r T`nr1\I\II\ in cnnnrl_| Kl [TUE Cl 80:. jar \Vl!1`.K-Ullu wuu 11'n:uu:s Ill LUIUXILAI. David Spexwe 0[ Toronto is .<;p:"n(l- ing the holidays with his grand- mother. Mrs. Lxxzenby. n.. ~r mu. u....._ v IIIUDHCI , H/11.3. LIill1K7llU_V. Mrs. Lavello of Ne-wmarkrzt visited her father. J. T-uylor, over Sunday. Miss Flynn. Loaclxex`. has left us Lo Lake 21 position in :1 :zx':u`.cd school. much to the reg1`0t of tho people hore.| M1`. Ducu is visiting frit.-nds at Fen-` L... mn`|t- .~ .\ fnuv Ann;- lVll. Llllljt/' lb VIB E31011 Falls for :1 Mrs. Cuulson her parents, Mr. lust \\'uok. '\IIS:-.. 12' ~11; \KH\ l'rl.Sl \\'Ul?K. Miss Erie Whnn of home for the lmlidays. -Ad\'t. in n. Flnrvnr.-e < I`ex.I 1)-upm`. -'__'A'"`?" I l LEASl~`. RF.M()VE 'l`Ill-I YOWI. 1.01. us lrmk nvor _\`.')lll' cat and make ry needed zxdjusmwnts; and rvpuirs. 21 A :'CiL`l1li.\'l dcclzlrcs that _::n\ving' less and will eve Then folks will all rc>cml~1c 1Percolator at One Profit One of the best attributes good coffee should rightfully claim is FRESHNESS. When we say that Pride of Arabia coee is the very essence of freshness, we mean, that just sufficient . coffee is roasted and supplied to each of our Croceterias " to be able to say truthfully that Pride of Arabia is Fresh from the Roaster to your percolator, and of course there is only one prot involved, the saving being passed along to you when you buy PRIDE of ARABIA of BELLE an runun n nvnm}! n 24c 12c 11c g- 27c 13:: 21c 23c We read that r:1.liu lnlnisy clnploycd on t';1rn1.~ ilmcud ut` V pru_s;'r:uns we might mcntinn . ciully effective. I3c 51c 10c 13c 25 49c I SPECIAL--~Non Acirdi-Forming i Libby : Homemade -\-/~.-yr V11`: "Antiseptic and Preserving" nn r 1 n r n n "V,1;zz;.:2nj.s.;c Auto prmluctiun is H per CCIII. lveluw Inst 1 _\'e;u'. Which is good news nnl_\ I":-r pede. An excllzlnge asks. .-\re Pneh Persecuted?" 'l'he_x` musl he. _illd.k"ilI,L' l`_\' the . ml` nwsl of their stuft. IHILIIIF, llllflluh (lb lull` few days. uf Allandale visited '. and Mrs. W. Gregg. PACKAGE MEAL 2 5C T07 MKTO E S I CALAY SOAP 1 CAKE FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF 3 FOR 23c ; SPEClAL-AYLMER BRAND -.:- 1>oL'1iIi6'1`e" . . V J . . . - . ~ - ~ V - - Jar Try It for Better Health A Useful Food at a Saving! .-\` wcslcrn Imvn [1215 held :1 l:l\\'I' L`UllI,.`5l. but \\'c duuhx (lull such cvcm come pupulur. If ;1n_mnc \v:1m.< In pm :1 cqmtcst hcrc we'll pruvidc the -'x".l.~`5. .\ 24c Ac;?"1NsI::c'I`1c1DE % fueacii -}`,)' 27 `5T'?NZ' 43 SPRAYER mg`-` -- [The Food Tonic I Uvaltine {Uedium Size Tin C No. 2`;i Sizer TINS us:-; A good < iiE`6 R'_'s`i>:`a `x`L1*`_5,H:`1 ~:'c'~IL+:`s` I I" _ ,_,_, l\l.4IJ r1Jl llr1L4l .JIlllV\ll4l4.J Galvanized Corrugated Seconds :2 I" Dun (`I?hAD qununl cc: Are we mcrcl_\' :1 .\`lll\1i\'i.\'iu11 States?" :1sk.~' Hun. vl)r. Mullinr pultlic men should be above hcli in such {ushiun as thi.~! xv-24-:--1t U3: --:- WHILE THEY LAST RED and GREEN 36 in. seconds . . . . 5 I'IIf`I'\ ACI")IIAI'I"(`IllRlI`II',`` 4 KIGIVCIIIILCLI \/IJIILISCILCLI QCCUIIIJD . . B.C. RED CEDAR SHlNGLES,. in. N] 1Qn -uni rl In -no YARD OFFICE: PHONE 88 FOOT OF MARY STREET |J.\,- l\I.alJ H4 in. and Pearl White Naptha "A Cube to (1 Cup" 41 Baurs 5%c 10- Cube Box PACKAGE 304g .-iccurding In Kincardinc l\`L`\'iL`\\'-Rc`}\uI'ICI`. the Brucc L`.uun1_\' cmu1cil'lm.~ .~lmu-n nmrked Je- velopmcnl in two respccis: the .~m'i:1l side and the tax raising side. \\`cll.~lirucc is not the on]; cmIh_t_\' where t'l1i.~'*h0lds good. Roo1j_1_;~IG s1=_r_:g1ALs nu ru ru-VI urwqr ms snnmun co. rm. 25c ;ervice is available free L<)`Examix 2`4c -l.:IAN D C LEANER Tastes Like More Cream Crackers-~Jacobs, pkg. Cheese~-Ingersoll Cream an-.`_ Pimento-~ Spreads like Bu L- ter ~Medium Size Package 2 Pkgs. Lunch RoIls~-- I.mperia`IV-1$ Cl_-_A.- L- .. Dull '1 Dnllc Luncn l\OIls~-"lrnpcnun --nu Sheets to a Roll. 3 Rolls 10c Sanitary Straws, 2 Packages 5c Drinking Cups Dixie Brand D....1.-.... gc The Exumitier all`L`L`.\' in the main with Mr. Buys in his criticism at the (inverttttiettt an the l`Cm0\ :ll of the C.A.F. lt':lil1il1_{ c;tmp trmn C.-amp Hmxleti In l`rcntnn. \\'hcn the }`t'<\pn.~':li was first tmmtcd '|`he E:t;ttniner dccl:tt'cd the tr:tti st`cr and uhzttidmttnetit of the ptescttt cztnw tts am un_iu.~`tit`i:thle waste of public tnmtey and it hclfves so still. -It wntihi he interesting in kttmr xvliztt the Conservtttives wntthi do with the Tren- ton ttlmp which is being pttslied r;tpi.1l)` [t\\\`:lI'd> cmmpletion. Mr. Bn_v.~-did not ettliglttcti his :tu- dcnce on this point. -I Unlllllg \a\IPB LI I A I u 2 I u A I\A Package . . . . 9c Boneless Chicken - Beaver or Hall's, Tin V . 36 Tuna Fish-~-Light Meat - Shell Brand-Halves, Tih 29c Peanut Butter Jack 2 Jill Bxand The (`I-.31 like it", Pall . K|in1-~\Vho}e Milk~~- ['9 for Camping, 23: 0:. Grape Juice--We'z:;L :5 Nalionrd Drink, Mcd.E Bottle . . Lime Juicu--Mor.i.=errat Bottle F n l\ navy.- Lemon Cup Sc Orzmge 1". PRJ2`. Rn!-'.}. SPECIAl---7;\.N'f!SEP'CIC ...v\..-4-.4u, nu .\v'. I ry :1HI':1cti\=e p1 icc< .en10n pup UL K. C&B`s, Bottle, \\ \ \ \ \\\ \ Q ~`~ \.rIlv-\.: Refreslzing am: [.',-a.,,,.L~A_:.,t Tins LUX T0N.I:7T We were quite interested to learn frmn :1 (}r:L`$'r_en-lmr. sulwscnher rr:cen11_\" that it was :1 cuuunun thing fur people -frum {hut town In dIiV___1_Q_l5_'._',_!I'iC J4: ;'.Hc1_xJ~t11c t!'.c:;ux'c:. Our i;1~. SN A $9 So Good You ll Want M ore HEAD OFFICE: PHONE 94 51 DUNLOP S'I`REE`.'I` `l'lu|rs'l:q_v. July 3. I930 $2.75 per square $5.50 per square . $6.00 per square . l and .3, 11 311., We Sell `F or A (J A `HERE 0}` PEACE Ho`.-:.... 4.. l....-.....n ..... REAL RURAL SERVICE CLUBS The summary of the main achievements ujl thefvarious hranches or the South Simcne \\ u- men s Institutes makes interesting reading. Men~ tioti of :1-few of them will serve to slmw hmx varied and worthwhile are their ztctivi-ties. t Thornton Seniors, which won the Aitken t 'u~4-..|_._ .1-..4 ..|_- 1.- _.n._-...~s ,...J l`......o:+`i.~u nun L`\Jll||I l And 1Ulld>`PC:lKCI`.\` -|.{ .n` _~.~.u.-.\~.- hut the lnumm c\'enlu:xH_\' disu . J ; ' .l.I. I, 1:: persons In note rez1din_;` public 11:15 in the V35 and rmlght m the ;111e- 1 lg", wherever found. In he esteemed no the record of Ilmsc .m's'l1urn:mil_\` :11 its .pc:tkcr.< are lwcing ` . some ought tn he espe- sinn of the United Lminn. Surcl_\' nu! belittling rklalnadu M peace is as fu-H nl Alex2m.Ier or 3 ....l -.A' .1. ,, nu, : And useful lifc r_\' ol"S:1n Mich- lhul in a recent 1 pllNi$l1I'S. he? zlrnm the lmnk uteetinn of uni- 1 l:l\\'n l11n\\'iI1`L` L cvcnlx will ht`- ` put -on such v lI\` Vtll ICU `|ll\l \V\Jl LIX\VHllC (III; (IILII I|\.lIVIL||~-`- Aitken Trophy, `had `the improvement and he:tutittca- tion of `the cemetery as their main objective. Some of the things done by other hraches were: raised money "to relieve distress through sick- ness and unemployment: erected village signs; paid all expenses of operation on a `ho_\"s eyes; started puhlic library; enlarged and maintained library; distributed hulhs in schools; gave First Aid kits to schools; l1ou_g`ht piano for commun- ity hall; provided for two tzimilies burned out; placed electric light at dztnggemus corner on 'highwa_v; `helped woman nget `her pension and supported her till she got it; presented new babes with hank account; furnished medical treatment for poor woman; supplied milk tt. needy t'amil_\' for four months; hottg-"lit trees to plant at `homes and sclmol :;'rotinds. Several gave assistance to encoura_i;'e _\'otntg C.`\`llll`llt7l'S at agricultural fairs and nearl_v all contributed more or less to relief work. M:tn_\' other items might be mentioned but the whole story is told in the report of the district convention. In ad- dition to wliat-was done hv the hranclies. the district as a whole conducted a very successful ` music festival. l`I.2.. ......._..r L . . . . . ...,. I_,.1., ..v ,1 '-11111`; .~ :l`|`}`c`:l v\ I-ylrrcll ad the .11 an npmzll .3.` Han Ul'dZl_\` ni_i;'tu. t\'e:ti'1_\' one hitlinn \tHH:tt'.\ \\`:ts invested in centrztt electric pmver st:ttiuns in Cztnzrdzt at the end of 1028, or s<)5(,<)10,603 to he exact, :tc- curding in an ot't'ic=iat report issued by the Can- ztdian (invernment Bureau nt` Statistics. This is twice the amount of the investment in this in- dustr_v -in i020 and over S0n,(i0(i,m)(i more than the tutztt in 1027. An indicntimi of the };'l`n\\'tt1 t:1k'iI1g ptzice in electric power develop. ments ttimtig~1mtit `tiztnztdzt and the :1nmunt nit capital heing invested, is given h_\' the statement in the report that the tntztl nt $0S(,<)1),(>tt3 wzts zt tztrger cztpitztl expenditure thztn the rail- \\'It_\'.\` at" (Z:tn:td:t t'cpnt`tCd for 1038. formant stated that `they preferred to come to Barrie rather than Orillia, notwithstztn-ding" the extra distrtnce, 'hecnuse of the superim'it_v of the theatres and restaurants here. Undnuhtedly pen- ple are canning" tn Bztrrie for entertzlinment and slmppin_s;' {mm :1 wider radius every year. It is nut unusual to see `people trmn cnunt_\' points as fur us 35 or in rni1es:tw:t_y in town -m 8:11- urd:l_\' night. Y\'.:a4n'1\' mm hillinn .inll:n'\ \\`:|< Strange as it may seem, .sa_\'s the 'Fariner's Advocate. a great deal of mnne_\' made on the farm in gum! years and in had, goes into invest- ments. Some at" it is \\-isely invested and swine of it is put into securities sn wm`thlCss that it might as well have heen used In kindle the morning tire. But t'armers-are not the only ones to play this little game and lose. Dnctms, lawyers. min- isters. cn11e_2'e prcnessors, government nt`t`icia1.s, school teachers. artisans, lahm*ers. charwmnen and all human kind take the `long chances and often regret it. When one rea`H_v desires :1 sate securit_\' it is a good plan to ask a hanker tnr in~ ` formation hcfnre rather than after the deal is made. The (:t31Hll}{\\'0mi Enterprise. :1 staunch tinn- servzitive newspaper. is evidently nut :11 all plezisett with the action ml` the Hon. \\'m. Fin- 11l_\'S(')ll in 'lP[1Crillg` -hetnre the county council and using his influence to try and get that (tu- gust bod)` tn overlnnk techniczilitics" and give .1$pCCi1g'l`Illll tn :1 certain mziti in Orilliu Town- ship. The Enterprise .\`l\`S: A rather peculiu ~ situzitimi developed at the cnuntv cnnncil when .1 minister at" the Crmvn, the Hon. Wm. Fin- lnysnn, enderivzwetl tn persnatle the council In expend Stunt nn 'hniltlin_Q' :1 mile at perm.'tnent township mad. and ntterctl to take `tram the (Inlmii7.:ttinn fund in `his \1'CPill'UnCni Sztmu tmv:ti'd.s the Iwmlc. The vnte, however, was :1 tie. and to the C\ Cl i2lSlill_{' .credit at Warden Creswicke, he declared the motion Inst. His Wm's,hip is .s`hn\\'i11;;"11i.s` mettle in m:in_\- \\':1_\ >` in the henetit at` the county as :1 wlmle." Farmer's Advocam--Thc idea was formrrrly entertained that. every experimental farm should be made to pay." That argument wa< pretty wofl shattered when Ma1'qui.<' wheat became established and incroaszod Canada's income by as much as s]00.00U.00O per year. Orillia Packvt and "l"imcs--Thc Toronto militia regi- mants put on a. sham battle on a l'e3ent Sunday. The in- uences which are making far the breaking down of me Lord`s Day are strong and active enough without niilit:i.r_\` sunnnrt. Nor vnn Hm Iniliiia u'hi(vh.. i: fnrlqxr lfcnlf unat- IHUDIL lCDl|\'1ll. This report. lmwevcr. deals \\'.`ll1 only one of the districts. lS})lcI1\1i\i work lms nlwccn done in Centre. \\/est and East Simcue as well .....I..... \ll,. 1.-.... ..-..-l. ...\.. _.' .L. .':,,, I uunun LJn_\' nu: .\uuu;:; uuu zlcuvt: uuuugn wunuul Illllllil-l`_\` support. Nor can the militia. which is today Itself under attack. well a'm`d to xnake it difficult for consistent whurch members :0 _i0'm Lhe ranks. - .. _....._._... .v.. ........`. 4\/ uuvuuu S. H. in Port Rowan New.~'-In every church throughout Canada there are about twice as many women who go to :hurch ax :here are men. One of the advantages of going -`,0 church is that it keeps people out. of jail. There are Jnur times as many men in jail throughout Canada as there are women. This seems to be an argument. in favor vf church going: and indeed it. is better to spend fifty hours a year in church than to spend even a month in jail. Count. the hours in 21 month and be convinced. Blenheim News-Tribune---Is it. not time to reeci on whether we are not ipnylng too great a price for certain modern tendencies ? should we not call a halt to the a-zrllices being paid for speed. and for telephone and hy- zlro poles? We cln not believe `the people of Omario and Canada want to substitute the wonderful trees we are blest with. and which are so greatly ndmired by people from many other parts of the wvorld. even for wider and bezter roads. Fminei"s Ad\'ocate--Thei'e is good reason for believing that the Ontario Government is about to assume responsi- bility for all roads in the Province: and with the ma- cliinery. outside and inside. for road construction and nmintenancc already developed in the Department of High\"8._\ S the change should -be in the right directimi. After all. roads are a. state i'espons,ibilit:.' rather than municipal. {or every little Sid'l'0llid leads eventually to the King`: Higliway. A\l\'lIB IV I Agrippulx \"`H1I\ nf 1 CARE. CC Chesloy Enter: an editorial. tells ` met with on rm x cnnn nu thn u-nn4 COURTESY AND COMMON-SENSE Enterprise-- I`he triitford Beacon-Herald. in tells of a type of driver that is all too seldom rho high\\'a_\'s of Ontario. seen on the road from Mitchell to Dublin. First. he al- Thls driver was I most stopped ms our to allow three or four chickens to ~ get off the road. Next he stopped in order to allow `.1 ` farmer to drive out. of his laneway with a wagon cm'r_ving a. good-sized load. And then he pulled o to the side of : the road to help 1 . fellow-tnotorist. who was xing fl at tire. This gives a practical demorlstmtion of the motto of 3 care. courtesy and common sense. Many drivers would ; have gone racing along the -road in all of these instances. without consideration for anyone or anything else but 3 themselves. But_not so this motorist. He is nameless. but he deserves to be commended. and there would be 1 fewer highway accidents it` all cii'i\'ers would -practise the _ pr;.u.e1pl:. .'u.'lii.e.ii he *.-`U.-.c1.`\`cd. . A BREAKING DOWN SUNDAY OBSERVANCE ONE REASON FOR GOING TO CHURCH n 1.. n,_,. n,,,,, `Y GOVT` TO ASSUME ALL ROADS! kahllllb, vvual 4l|lLl Lldbl OIIIILUC H.` \\'CH. We hear much n0\\`Ildl_\ S at the fine wnrk being accmnplisltetl hy the service clubs in cities ztntltoxvns. 'l`he tV\ omen s Institutes might well he Called the service `clubs of the rural districts. With fewer numbers and smaller tunds they are in their \v:1_y making` quite as importzint :1 can- trihution to the life of the cnuntr_\' as :1re'the urhzm service nrg":tnizatimis. And the henetit tn the community is not cunfinetl tn the tleetls they perfrirnt, an equally irnpnrtztnt effect heing the strengthening of the crnnntunity .~:pirit, while the wmnen themselves `have their tltllltlk hm:1tl- enetl by their papers. :t.ltlresses and LilSCllS.\'llHl and their lives enriche.l h_y their social inter- course and their emleztvms on hehztlt of others. opxlbns or OTHERS IS PRICE NOT TOO GREAT? IT PAID, ALL RIGHT EVOLVING DOORS and human beings sometimes get. at logger- heads. But, perhaps the worst battle to date was waged recently in Orillia when '11 former going` around the swinging door at the post office jam- med his wrist watch, scattering its l1mn'ds" from the door to the street. according to the News-Letter. Bend- ing to rescue the case. his fountain pen slipped from his waistcoat and was broken in the again revolving door. Angered by this latest catas- trophe. the speechless farmer made rtfter the person whose passage had destroyed his pen, fell against the door, setting it whirling rapidly. and dropped. His neck checked the door so abrirptly as to cause a following woman to strike her head slmrply on the glass. Angered by the unexpect- ?d blow. and \1n2uvm'e of the ~.>bstrn<:t,- ing neck. she pushed lnstlly. When :1 third person, fearing for the wholeness of the wedged neck. begged her to de- ;ist. he was told to `. in no un- -crtain fashion. In the midst of the !nsuing m'g1nnent..-vtlie farmer recover- ed his feet. his \va.tch case. the re- mains of.hls pen. and crept silently :1- umv " [TH TI-IE,ODDS of youth against him. John Howard. Sr.. mm of the oldest, msidciiis of Fenggiis. who has gassed his r.:o.vei1`t_v-ti1ii'(1 birthday, is .vi11ing' to \vagor $10 that. he can swim ICTOFS the Grand i'iV(.` with an_\'0n(- of he ynunger goneratioii. Despite his 129 John was in the river ten iimcs East year. and is this year repcaiiiig his )ci'formm1cc. `Maybe he could do_ his FUXIY with 1`0rontn':a "`C:1ta1ina Kid" md get away with it, according tu zhis vcai"rs swimming` "ape. ALKERTON MAY be a nice place for Vvalkertonimis. but it didn't Ippeai to two 'I`m'ontu lads who mok F`rcnch icsavc from ihe Bruce c0nnt_\' `,'niidi'cn's .shc`.tm' the other day. The . C1ln{I(`!` my. ion _v0a1`s '1f ago. was Jory unhappy in hm new .`ill!'l`0ll11di1i}2'$. and `CH. the "institution .mi_v to be '.)ick('d in on the liighwzw t)r`i`.v(-on 'v`Vx\1ke1'Ion and Hanover and brought back in his icw abrtdo. The older boy. aged 13. dad 1n'e\'iousiy taken flight. but Na`; overtaken at Harrismii. He made iiis escape this time a little more ren- sationaily. by shinning down a `vor- Indah past. A bicycle in :1 m`a1'b_\' xard is missing and so is the boy. .'lC- `ording to a Waikorton papm`. "m'ha]).<- he frncdoni of no school clays got `no. better of him and he is making :' `Soc Canada Fir.<.l" tour. :1: :1: 2': 1 OWN IN PEMBROKE the merch- ams believe in tourists .1nd :1`: `east some are more than pleased with hem. While we lmrdly believe 'nnny if the tourists lren: Barrie in the saint` "ashion. .1C\'Cl`th0leSS their `ollsiness `en bloc" has resulted in good fortum>.< for a lot of local people. But here is vhaz the Pembroke Standard-Obsexw `er says: "Occasiona.lly doubt is ex- )ressed by ill-informed people of che value of the tourist traffic to Pem~ Jroke business men. but there is -me Zoeal merchant who has no doubt :1- xaul it whatever. Recently a pn1'ty of our tourists spent, ten days in this -:lis- .ricL shing and iravelling and Lheir iecounl for supplies in one Store alone Lmoumed to 5265. While this is per- iaps an unusual case. it is not unique ind it is safe to say that there is .ardly a -tourist passes through me own without buying something. even I it is only a few gallons of gasoline, xhile many spend very substantial 3-, w11I`\lII`Il< " The Weekly Mirror going in for ref01'ostatin:1. but his Imostry plans are unlike those being tarried on in Simcoe county` He has fall wheat measuring 63 1-2 inches. Ihe new nd, which is claimed :0 be :1 record eclipsing all others reported. "omes from the farm of Thomas Haz- `lton. west of Lindsay. Towering more ihan ve and a quarter feet above the` ground. the stalks brought to `town! last week are of about average height :1 a large eld of fall wheat. NE VICTORIA COUNTY farmer is` Reflecting Highl:ights in the News from Ontario Town Newspapers Fan I-`our AST IN . is still the by-word along` the banks of many "swim- min' holes." where law and order is disregarded so far as wearing` suitable mach attire" is concerned. Nude `naming is not an offence though. un- `.:`;;.< done in a public place. in the nvnunnr-n nf nnn nl` nnnw) nnv~c'\n: n `l\/ULII VVUUU. l`.I(.`lUl'|| VVl'hL. JR. IIX TO SR. III M:1rJ01`i<' " oriand. Harold M :-st. cl: tr 'I`I\ II) 111 v....u. /v...... Unrequired n1't'|c1v.~. discovered houseclczming can bc dispusvd Lthrsugh Ezesunxner Cluasirleda. um nAmm<;` EXAMINER 1110 Ellis. . TERRY. Ln-ac} f JC1'_\ rn1111ding'.<., .' con hL Jack 1 man. ittle ` * ha Ml June 30-A number from here at- tended the memorial service in Knox lchllrch last Sunday. u.. , vu-..u,.._ .x.v..rr,... ...|..` I....- I-\nnI\ umzuu mm. uuuua_y. Miss Helen `McKay. who has been attending school in Orm1g;evlll9. has 1 returned home. \/n.~om- LTu1nn and Annin '(-Inrlnn unrl l'L`lll1`HL'u .'II)Illt. Misses Helen :1 Miss G. Hcaley 1` for .he summer. A ..\.....r... 'Qn\~G\-u | 101' um.` SUHlH)l`X'. Aubrey Be1'tr:un and hunily of Bur- wu-h were hero on route to Bclleville 101' :1 -1o1ida_V. Miss "McKay visited with Mrs. A. P. Ruthvcn in Port McNi<:o11 last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. Dicker visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. Leigh of East Om. 'r).-\....nr u-icihu-= hnu-n uvilh 1':-innrlc n Inunu `Ur 'I'l.`.P\\.l.`. H is g'r:ttit'_ving' to humane that in recent _\'e:1rs the re:ldin_;` pu shmvn an increasing interest the sli works of those who have \\'rm1g`h1 1'01" vizltinn of misery and sul't'cring`, \\'hcrcv< Heroes at peace have came e.~`lc less than those of war. ll....A... '|'1.:.. :. : ...x .1, A uast um. RE`C(.`l1L visitors here with friends \\".'?1`(` Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Slessnr of Churchill. and family and Miss Gwyn- ncih Hux`sL and brother. Allister. of Toronto. with Mrs. J. M<'.Le:m: Miss Jean McLean. of Toronto. with her .:'1.<.Lc1`, Mrs. O. D. Pa1`tri The W. A. of the United church mot at the home nf Mrs. J. Bm'tram last Fhursdzly. 'I`hero were lwvnty prosmt innlnrllnn tnn1n x-icitnru AI`l:>v- Hun til!- JlllI`MliLy. lntxu WL`llT |\\rx|\_y pn'm:nL including sonre visitors. Aftvr the de- mtimml exercises. conducted by Mrs. Lee. :1 number cf business topics `\V(?1`!.` di. It was decided In `buy a piano in use for the different (n'g:u1i7.a- imns -wf the r`mnmunilr_v. .l`l'lJ1.- LIUI . -~B1acl FRESH! From Roaster to Shield Brand Mag/onnai7sTe MAYONNAISE DELIGHT-A delic- fnno Cnndunxfrls cut-oar] R nz_ iar Sunwheat Biscuits~~The only Biscuit of its kind in the world, Package. . . . Se`:viettes--High Park Brand 50 to a pkg.. . Package THESE SPEC}ALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF JULY 4thto1()th Kipper SnacksiReal Tasty 2tins.... . . , .. .. Herrings--In Tomato Sauce Maconochie='s ~ Imported 14 oz. tin ...... .. . Toddy-- The Health Drink ~ Serve Hot or Cold 1 lb. tin , . . .. 4- Oiis/es-~ Lunch Queen- Somor Br. No. 5 Bottle Bottle. . . . Prepared Mustard--French's or Libby s, Jar .. Rid Your Home or Summer Cottage of Insect d_UZ_ Pests More Quickly and More Thoroughly than TIN bv anv other method. was umn LIIUDC HI Will. This is ilh1str:1ted'h_\- the enthusiztstic recep- tinn accorded :1 recent :llltUl`tif[2'l`:lN1)` at Dr. Axel Munlhe, wt>t'Id-t":1tnmt.< Sxvedish ph_\'sici:tn. whose long life at unseltislt service is the suh- t iect of :1 nmst f2lsL."il11lliI1_` and it. h:trr:t- tive. Added interest is _g"i\r'6I1`h_\' the tact that not truly human beings, hut ~he:tst.~' and hirds :15 well. ltave-gvlgett the nhjects at" his htnnztne ministra- tinns 1 . 3 Rid Your Home summer Lottage on Ina:-.:L.- d_UZ ` by any 95 Groceterias In Ontario IVIAYUIVIVAIDL ULLIUHI-/I aeuc- ious Sandwich Spread 8 oz. jar 2 I ................................... .. .. 3' j oz.jar PIMENTO MA YONNA 155 - Ideal for Salads . .. 8 oz. jar 2 . . . 3,`o:.jar I -:;urnunr;n.~I:' nnlrcclklf` ll--- CLOWWI-ZS : v... 1-... Mg 3?oNNAis'1 b}2iS2:1N' Has a /. ...... 41" :5. nvnn .42 ,,x, ,1"- SPEClALT-LOBLAW-`E Delicious CHERRY CAKEi53Z SPECIAL -Featuring This Week s'r()m.; um-R5; SOVEREIGN SOCKEYE 8 A_M_ To 6 PM. ' Wc 8 am. to 12.30 noon SaLu1`d;1y, 8 am. to 11 pm. I WI.:}ge.1l.),i_ck (Halves) C The Pick of the Catch Shirriff s Pineapple hr"vuo II \| Delicious and u/1...). ERF. A G A 'I`l'II.Ll`I I l(\:\\=im.z ('r>lIr\p,m --(mud- um inr1vbl=d~ to you for all uuua.-a Anmng his p:ttientslt:1\'c been tl1el:lteQttccti Victoria of `Sweden. American iniiiiunzmes so. jnurning in `Paris mid Rome, puverty-stt`ickctt cholera victims in Naples. and :1 tiying` g'm'iii:1 in :1 200 in `Paris. He also thund time to w:1_;*e :1 siiccc. cru- sade ztgztinst the century-old cruel lmsiiiess wt" lic`fiil1g'l`ii`dS()li the islzmd at (iztpri. it is well that Dr. Munthe h:1.< Scc`ii tit to re- count m:m_\_' incidents at `l1is`hus_\' in his chztrming book. The Stun" at Sun clc". It is':tis0pic:1sittg tn knmv in recent IL`.l`(| ._1H Duttuns. his .-\tnct'ic:m he h:1sdiI'cctcd that all his t`0_\'1llli.\` truth lm.-k he dmruted to :1 fund for thc ;`l't`iCL Iit'>l1 at ln:llS":tt1d iIlig'I'ili(H'_\` hirti.<. 1"; \`fnI'\' 1|. this "\r\u . xi` .. _ |nn'l mention Sll(`h LCk-BIUC Jzty. V1.51 7 IJIVIVHIDD lJl'\l ft .vor all its own. M .{1_RMALA_D_E x and Annie Hodge and ' have gone to Musknka Buct Size two scnings to a tm . -.;;.v.-.v.-4; 2.-lb. Jar Wholesome Tin -oz. ins 21 J70 nun.) nuu uugInHUI_\ UHKL`. The life '5tm'_\' or ll1isheI`n or ul tl1riIls:m.i inspinuiun us that ml` Ale Nwpolcozm. tjmxtrusled with record nxmxslers of unnhititm. it slmws 'hum:1 hast.