Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1930, p. 15

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`:1! Jack Boys and Dr. W. (3. Little of Barn: both won their games in the tlrst round 0! the Northern Onlarlo lawn tennis championships on the courts 0! Blqtwln Inn on July l. `Boys defeated W. M. Glllett. Cleveland. 6-4. 6-3. [Jule deleuled A. Glddlngs. Peru, R A 61.0 R-` \ LllU>\ -\L'Ul!`5*-' I, 1` 1'1. `2. K. Legge. 84. : Nut 5c0rea--1. W. V. t `Mcridv. 3, FY F'(-idcrlgh. . High uet~--B. Mcrlde. BIG BAY (i0Ll"| .RS 1. --1. Clark. 2, B. ' `lI`..|.l..--lulu us xx-;)uu.s. I. '1`. H. Gooch. 702 Ll AALMII Dlllllf was very weird twelve errors ulf that num- chousu in hit- .~'.o\'cnLe1=n safe- gn-gntmxt unly in ...-...n 01. um THE BARBIE EX AMTNER A llmlu-d number of st.-z1t.s for pas- $|`l1gl*l`F- will be uvuilublv in Llu- 25 or 30 plums \Vhl('.I1 will pnrLicipnt.v In the. Great Lakes Air lcruist-. sponsored by the Detroit Flying; `Club. it was an- Inmmced by \ V-ayno J. S111-ldun. (-, l commander. nu... .... .- T\no-nil Ann-not ll A-LL'ANoXf::_w}ii:NERs | OF KILLARNEY TOURNEY AI1an(i:\lc~ .~:n1'1*ba1l u-um is r.-orluinly .1 guud mum.-_\' team. Every mnv they lmvu t`l1KL`l`(`(1 :L lmxrnzuncnt this _ve'.u' Llmy hn.\'u won Iirs: prize. On Domin- ion Day at Killurnvy Bunch may walk- cd of) win) the $35 which the South Simcnv U.F.O. put up as prize money. In dning.-,' this thvy had to win four g,:u11(.-5. `m-uling `Chm'chill 12-6. Lefroy 8-7, Brudl` H-5 and Fonxu-lls (L1 in I .u.. S('(`11C.`~` along tlu: mute of the Great Lakes Air Cruise. Upper left the bustling harbor at Ludingtun, Michigan. Right, s::m(1 dunes Mic-higm1`s west coast. L'.)\\'L-1' loft. in freighter come to grief along Superlm; s:outhe1`n shore, and right. :1. lonely S\lp(`l`i()1` lighthuu: l'l'xlI('u. Scorv by innings: Ca-pimls 5 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 2--13 Churchill 1 2 6 3 2 0 0 2 x--16 Line-up: CumLo1s~ A. New 21:. F. Mcinms 31;, A. M(:K.nlg'nt. S5. A. Trivbble `lb, A. Thompson c, P. McMillan 1). W. Dy- mcm, cf. R. Wiles H. L Wiles rf. Churchill -.J. Relve p. L. Graham 1!, .1. Cun.-.mbl<- <-. R. Eelve s, E. Wench 3!), G, Browning of M. St(sw:u'L 21). n 01...... ..o' In F onhln lh LUlll\ All-`L IlI'u'n pnrd of Fisl hm: cnn.~o1m Marqui.~ or S hill and Can`! Allandule 1 `ix oh 1.. LII llll' Hcclgw : three-leg 0 ..l Bulllulllg IJ A fuller avuidnbly Lhv wort- x. 'r*x`.. uuza nu: Luuuu elds which 101 under the dire Depahmcnt. of nested the low ...a Thomas C-ilt-hrisl or thr Royal Bank staff has returnrd at` La-1' spending three \\'?t-ks on the Trht-\'iHg stat! at 'I`om-n- ham. (I-l{l`l;\ l` l.:\.Kl'lS (`ltlllli 'u;u. - , 1uu1'1mm<-nl " prize while ncu in tho: lmit Flying Club. unnounccd that th(- crulsc committee made extensive in- of weather conditions ov- .cx' the Great Lakes section before the date was selected, and found that over (I. period of 10 yezws. Um middle two \\/uvks of August were found to be xno.<.tl 1'ro(.~ of fog and min. Captains uf luke' stvnnu-rs vm'iI'md those facts and the timv vvm rut m'.cur(llng1y. V Sheldon and tho cnwv of the path--' [nding 1>l:1m- which iinishcd its wm'k' `Junv ll. !`(*lllI`!1L`(l with 1.-nthusixtstic > l1(?(.`Ulll)tS of the bz-auty of the l`()1llf'. Vnn huun nnvnr cmxn T\Hv.nn:I'-.1 Wnllu Edward J. Hill. Pn.-sldent, of the Dr: H ( 'UllIll. Ul LHU Ul'ZlllL_Y U1 Ll!!! lUllL\'. _ "You have nover seen Niagara Falls `until you y above lt," Sheldon said. :Yun cnnnot npprcclntv the Lrmn(m(l- {nus sl'/.0. lwauty and inlinltu zlppcal of: i tho Grc-at Lakes until yuu huvv own , Z.un1bo", owned by R. 'J. vLoc of B-arrlv. finished st.-cund in the 2.30; pace at the Pcnetang races on Do-1 minion Day. There was :1 fast track and the smmy dny brought out :1 large crowd. Interest. '.ent.rc(l mainly :1- mund the nmtched race, which Jmz Ivl(-,Grog0r" won after :1 hard-fougl11.| lmttlv from Lady Isabella". I Results 1 2.30 p:1c(-,, purse $20()v~- ' Dr. I)ulv. Wilbur -Hilluck, ll f`..l...l..n 1 I I .`IIlUllK L`I. S(:ul'e by luulugs: St` Vincents: 0 1 Mlueslnz 4 U . lhnuln-x." Adn mu LOCAL HORSE WINS SECOND AT PENETANG IAJI. 1.-Luv. vvuuxu '1uuu\,1\, C-ah-dun, 11.. J. `Low, Barrio iJu.s'L Gmttun. Bun P()l'L(.'I`, l\nilHn ' COLLlNV(}`VTI6(5i) dv STAR AT ORILLIA MEET| n K Pony r:1<'- 1, Luwsmx. Culdwu he-zxts. best time The Ontario muck and field cham- pionships. held at the Orllllu. oval Tuesday afternoon. provided thrills a- plt-nty for the big crowd that Lhmngvd Ln me sports grounds. Although no re- rords were broken, some good perform- arrm-s we-re vdtm-ssed. particularly in Lhr running high jump. which was won by J. Portland. Colllngvwood A.C.. a youthful (:ulleglat.e athlete of 17, who mm-d the bar at six feet and half an lnrh in the compettuon. and the-n did a remarkably creditable ex- hibition jump of 6 feet 2 Inches. Pon- land also won the hop. step and jump u: 44 leet 7'-_- inches. over two feet ahead of Svenson. of the Kitchener- Watt-rloo 'Fl-... lln.Ih.\.. t\1.......\l.. runs. ....... VVIILVI Hill I . The Hamilton Olympic Club won tho team trophy with 5. ! points. Tor- onm West End Y" was second with 28 points. Toronto Police Force third mm 17 points. and Toronto Central "Y" fourth with 15. Portland or Coi- iingwood and C. arris of the Wvst End tied with 11 points each. {or the best all-round athlete. and both roceived an individual trophy. 'T`hr- (inn) of (hp mn vnrrln wan run 1 Tlw mile moo was the most excit- ing nf tho day. threo runners breast- lng the Lupe ulmost together. W. Horn- by of the Hamilton O.C. won an ex- cvptionnlly well run race by slipping in front of Art Keay. Toronto Pohcc. and E. King. mnmon O`C.. in the last 25 y.m1s. with the grandstand on 11.4 feet with exclwxnnexxt. L. R. Czunaron. Royal Canadian Sig- nals. won third place In the 220 yd: um. u'L'cI\'ru nu uuuvnuum Lrupny The final of the 100 yards was run in 10 seconds (lat. Leigh Miller. `Ham- ilton O.C. leading >B. Pearson. Hamil- Lon O.C.. and D. Powell, West. End uv.- u-11-, Hurry Parker. `. ..ll'}, Wu. `nun pursv $400 . Wilbur Hl1lu('k, -H). Kl. 13I'UWHlX1g Cl. NI. DLIIVV ll. Slmm H. W. Constable lb. above them. The nerlal vncatiozlist looks his country full in the face. On bout. autmnubilc, or Moot. he must. be- content with an prole. The pathnd- ers were men who have own exten- xslvc-Iy. in evvry part of this country and Crmndu. All agreed that no {light I in tho country could equal the mm'v~1- 'ous beauty revealed in this swing :1- mund the Great Lakes." Y`|\.. nnnnnnuH4. nino .4` H... 0 IUNIIVJ |allC LIICUL LJIIISVD. The (-,mnpns1to picture -if tlw C`-re-nt -`Lakes ixnrulls bunuuth me passongtr. 'from Llie grunt` cmmmrrclal ('itie:~; -if` _the southern area to the tiny resort villages of the far north. Chicago `pre- sents its teeming` millions ilowlng. through its canyon streets and St.` Igmurv luys its -;:hurm.< be.-low ihe '.m\'- Balers in all the qulclude ~_:f the nor- ,ilwrn wuods. Lilllv Current. on (giant. ` Almost four inches of rain fell dur- ing Jimv. which 1('fL the mini precipi- Lution unv inch above the uvu1':\gc for that month. The warniest day was June 3, thv King`s rbirthdny. when the mc-rc1u",' shot up to 86 degrees, while the coldest was five days lntvr ` on June -8, when it. fell to 43 degrees. i I`h- muzm tunipt.-rutum was 64. bving Ithv nm-nmi nvvrage. Thu Pxuct. ruin- {nil unmuntuci Lu 3.82 inches. The } minfuii on Dmninion Day was 0.52 in. ' The fuiiowing figures show the high and low Lnmmruturc-.s' and tho ruinfuli dm'in',; ihv lulu-1' purl Inf lune-. and \\'(,'X'(` Sli))})H('(l by W. H. Bum-r_v. um- (-ini \\'(':lihl`i' oi)se-rvvr. 1 JUNE DEClDE-DLY WET ] FOUR INCHES RAINFALL! HERRING PREDOMINATE IN FISH TESTS OF BA llll Ill`-`I LU LIIIFK` Hl\llU-3 "` SL1 TIA lll'\. mesh were used. Messrs. Smith and Dlgnzmx are cm-A cring Lhv water: at many points it Ontario and while the study u sbreums und lakes is the prime object Information which is of value to tha department is being tabulated and re` nnrdnd V, L. Vanluur was fined $150 and costs in police court Monday nmrmng when Magistrate Compton Jams an- nm1n(`ed his decision on the charge of suppling an Iudmu with lmoxtrnnus. preferred by Oonsuublv` Trulove of Rama Indian reserve R.C.M.P. patrol. and heard in th iocal police court Inst week. V Tn run:-hluu hlc rhnnlcdnn u. n\nn_ ll\SL WCPK. . In renclllng his decision the mug- lstrate said: "I have no hesitation in saying that I agree absolutely with the counsel for the def:-nthmt. this is 4 (`luv u! `busr betrayal of n 'rrh-ud-V an "BASE Bl-ZTR.v\Y.\l. OF FBlE.\'I)" S;\Y.\' P..Vl.. BLT FINE IS 550 High SH} lJl`ll JD. `l'll'X'l`.(` ll. nuuu `U. JINLA/UIILIEIII lb. Hurdmt p. `R. ocurben or. Domlm- mn Gram.-,r Eh` Mixlvslxxg -112. Crawford 2b. Johnston ('. Runnld p, Adams Sb. Luck If. F. Mile-.s ss Luvk H. C. Miles lb, Arm- U`9l 0 High Ruin RR ll Ill ` E Mnnltuulixx 1 of 1.000 is Lcrmm the :1 In.-...l I`:\4I`IL Lul ltu 1 u.::\.- short-. the 51 of Ontariu. . the locks (LL lzmdr throw 1.. r. buy. A An Indian .4` so find.` : Hear the new TODAY Complete VVith Tubes It Has HARMONIC AMPLIFICATION Radio (.2Al I`l`(N.S 15--SlGN1\l.I;EI{S I3 Barrie Cupituls bout Camp Bordon Slgnnllvrs at Quve11's `Park last night by I5-13. As I-`:u'ker McMillan wag zrwny. Archie Thompson ossayvd tn pitch for the locals. Tnilkm. the: first mun to but. `hit :1 hum:-r. but u-ftvr mm Ammo: -kvp the B1gmL1lers' hits u-nil e-~uH.-rnrl "(`nHh:" T`v-ihhln Ink 3ERT..'1'A%YL0R :2-u- ---_---- 56 Elizabeth St. BE'l'\VI'7EN .\1:\R\' `Ltd \L>\PI.E Phone 1250 Simcoe Radio Sales and Service Fall's BEFCREST CROSLEY Next 5361'! f/`aqlor $18950 I-`tllllill. \Vl|lI . uggn.-sslvuly :\ex'1n.1 (`}l\'Rl(Zd ..<. of Min'l1l5.;z1 1.... h]Jl'(l\V)ll|}.`, Mlchigu L tht` Sm nu-hnun 0 3:11;.-5 BCIISIIII. DIIIIU) JVTDS `IIIIU LKTQ. VVIIU3 got Ll\rm- hits uurh whlk` Stevens and Hymn did me best. mttimg !or Signal- lers. Q . Lu A.....x. "ARIA" Page Fifteen Dunn I` I3 Sixnulk-rs Clhpltzvls 1.inn|u\' Auxu`up. Slgnullvrs 'I`niuun r. Stvvens cf. run ss. Gamble 81). Ross 21). Pa 1!`. Rudd rf. Wvlch lb. Patrick Ip. lmnhnlu` NNRQ ill: `ll--Innk. 1* Al. I'\IIu\I IL. VVl'l\J-ll Ill. Cupitols` Noss 2b. 1 Knight 55. `l`ribbl~ 1 And:-rmu If. 1... W11:-s 1 u \ln I..- 0). CAMP BURDEN I5. 81`. \'lN(`l-ZNTS 8 I St. Vmc1~ms' trip to the Camp last Thursday mum didn't pmve very suc- m-ssrul for them as the Air Force scor- vd U101!` murth straight victory at their expense. winning by 15-8. Van boon. slur Camp twtrler. had the bet- ter 0! a duel with Harry Burdem-.. Dixie Corbett was the Barrie team's bx-st hitter. Lineup: St. Vincvms ~Summ-rs. `J. Corbett. lluok. Rxunblv. Brown. R. Curbmt. Tomlimzun. Burden. Grx\('e)'. rm. ..... u..-..I.... cunt. \. c(....\.. 1.. Barrie Capitals went out of the running last Friday night when they journeyed to Churchill and were beat- en 16-13 in 21 free hitting game. The standing of the league depended on this important game and with the re- sult Churchill have practically cinched the clmmpionshtp and will meet Mid- hilm: in the `finals. Capitols` defeat was also quite a. blow to Allanclale and they were down in force rooting for Lht-ir local rivals. Al-lundnlc now has only an outside chance. 'T`wn unnrl nHI-hnrc hnnlrm-I nn hut. IUHIHIIRUII. K3l|IUl'L\('. Llll|\'l'). Camp Borden ---- Smnh. Burns, Mt-Kaskm. Crummy. ` Lulonde. Randall. Saw}-z-r. l.()(`.\I. TI-INNIS I'L.\Yl-IRS \ \'l.\' C-.\.\lES AT Llll IIIUIIIL` \l\l'}IU loll!` $l`lIIHCl'\\ IUM5 well ssnttvrud, "C0tt}r"` Trlbblv was unvr ugulu (hr big noiew for Capitals. mlnxuvung for ms sixth homer or the semmn. Sandy Na-ss and Les. Wm.-s nut oh.-.... \H.- ...|.n|\ u-|\I|.\ .Q0.. . nu ! D..`\.. (PU. 0' 1 . In the second round played on Wed- nesday Jack Boys defeated A. G. Nor- gauer of Montreal wlule Dr. Lime defeated Walter Tate of New York. Boys and Lime meet today Do decide who will enter the semi-final round. The two Barrie players are in charge or the murnament. lUllll' lllll U1 bu!` ncuauu 1.1m--up: St. Vim-.ents-Summers H. D. Car- wlt 3b. Pu-x'(-.9 ll`. Hunk 2b. M4.-Dmmgh b. Tomlm-I ._ f1 .... .. .. r|IIAl.`nul|', U xnpin-.~*.-- -4-\dn ms Thursday. July 3. 1930 uruwauxu wuu uuclt. acu un: uni.- Ronald connected for his fth . ...... .. oh- cnncunx I MlN".ES INC I -`INAL by innings: um .,..I I) I CHURCHILL PUT CAPITOLS OUT OF THE RUNNING, 16-13 U uuluoyle I xv. By~ ` Palmer IL. Ia..c_|..L .. ..'1HlIl.V \'. \ICl" . Dyxne-ut cl. . '!`ho'mpson p. .. A smcmr, ` Vunboon. BIG \\'1.\' Last week cleared up the softball. situation in the northern group of the 1 County League. Midhurst are cham- pions. They cinched the title by win- ning five straight games while Min- esing were dropping four straight. M-id-hurst has a splendid team and they will give the southern group win- ners a hard battle for the major hon- , ors. The players are nearly all young and -possess a real batting punch and fine fielding skill. In Morley Semina- len they have the best pitcher in the northern group and `he should be seen to good advantage in the playoffs` Dave Harding and Van Viict, twu standbys of the Camp Borden rugby team in the |O.R.F`.U. are now located in Ottawa playing with the champim Emmett: lacrosse team. It is rumored they will not return to the Camp but will line up with the Senators. 0Lt.-.1- wa's entry in the Big Foul". If this is true it is_ha!`d no understzmd how Camp Borden can again enter Lin- senior football class. Without, Hardinp,` . and Van Vliet they will not be ablv Ln put a. very strong team, in `the field (in showings they have made in the past years as Harding `has been just about the whole team himself. Lou Marsh. writing in the Tm'(mLc Star, says j'Arch&e 'I`honLpsnn nus(-- ded 11:0 defeat". While Lou probably doesn`t mean it the way it sounds, still anyone reading his account and not having seen the bout. might gm, :1 wrong impression about Archie's abil- ity with gloves on. There was only om: "nose-dive" dnrinu H10 aht and I0] wavu `IUVCB UH. rucru wus Ullly l.)I`.{.' "nose-dive" during the. fight and. Wooley mark that when he went down for the count. of eight after failing; to miss one of Thompson's terrifiz: rigahts to me stomach. I 9!: .n. 4:. zr. 1.: :',z The suden drop of Mlm-sing soft- ball team is one of the unexplainable happenings of baseball. Two weeks ago they led the league with `five wins and no losses and looked like the best team in the _league to everyone who saw them in action. However, even when Mldhurst beat them easily and St. Vincents managed to scratch out a win over them the fans thought they were -only in 9. temporary slump. But such was not the case. for Camp Bor- den, one of the weakest teams in the league, suddenly came to life and- trlmme-d them ln -two gmm.-s lust \u-ck to put them out. 3!: :5: :'x llltb uuiy an UULSIUE cnunce. Two good pitchers hooked up but. were both batted rather h`ar(i. Park- er McMiiitm was not given as good support. in the field as Jack Reive and Cn`pit01s' six errors had plenty to do with the result. Cnpitols have shown as good butting as any team in the it-ugue this season but have thrown away 11103:. of their games by poor rivlding. 'i'hlrLee~n rtms off Jazok Reivrr is .~:(nne hitting 'br.-cnuse- the same Rt.-ivc has been rather hard for other ts-ums` to connect with at/all. 1'.I..n .lnn- n-`A Glnnn unnnplp I\`l\r\.1v The decision of the Barrie Baseball Club to use only Barrie boys on the team has certainly proved successful to date. Two wins and no losses is their record so far. The Barrie team has won five games this season with- out losing a game when three exhibi- tion contests are counted in. Certain- ly this record deserves a little support and enthusiasm from Barrie runs. The gaunt-s In the 0.-B.A. are close and (x- citing and 3 large crowd -should bv on hund to help the team in their fight for the championship `when they play their -first home game. A. u. .-. In Jerry McManus. star Camp Bordon hockey `player. was se1'l0us=ly injured in an automobile accident nour OI-' Lawn Ncent~_l_v. -It `is to be hoped his injuries are in no way pt-rmanont. us the Camp is counting on their h0('ke_\' team going a long way "in the inter- med1a.Lc series of the O.H.A. m*.\ t` win- ID!` . - I As noted last week the Oiil.t\l`in Am- nteur Softball Association would like to get. a team from Barrie or district entered in its intermediate series. Sev- eral local managers are decidedly not in favor of Barrie making` suvh :1 move. They claim the County Softball Leautue can and is handling the local sofbbaii situation to the satisfaction and adviuitage of all and that `pus- sibiy with entry into a larger series the game will lose some of the unm- Leur standing which certainly exists here now. Why not `let the winners of the county championship go into the Ontario playdowns? It would give then) a broader field to try their skill and would giw them iplenty of honor. if they were to I30 `a long way to tin" Ontario championship besides being it fine boost. for -the district and the County Softball League. If the officials of the league wish to enter their champion team they must do so 'befure July 15. There is a copy of the rules and regulations of the Ontario Amu- Leur Softball Association in The Ex-l Amlner ufii(`t' it anyone can-s in .~:e-'| lun- Lust. Friday nights sommll game at Churchill just about settled tho southern league. A win for Barrie Caplools would have xxwuxxt that Al`- landulc wuuld be tied wlth Churchill now for first place and Capitals would also have had a vlunce. Howmw. Allanclnle has two lusscs now and: Churchill has only dmpped (me !\~ (Jump twn (mun; rh\n'f nu-nl nunln uuucvluu Ills: uxuy Luvppcu Ot` .'\` Llwse two teams don`: nwet again. Churchill appears to `be almost cer- um of victory uuksss I..efruy or Knox-k surprises them, 2'. h`: W Clark Bell. formerly of Ban captain 0! the Rldley Cull:-gr C Lecffn. chnmplons or the Lima Pour this year. The team is n: its annual tour mmugh C playing exhibition games. 231 i An attempt is being made to farm a consolation play-off bt`K\\'t`( H st " Vincents. Dr:-adnoughts. Allandulv ` and Capltols w decide who has Lhv best softball noun in Barrie. This series should start soon and will mm- the (ans plenty to cheer over as each team is condent it is the best one ` . I in town. I .. .~ ... A team is being termed in Barn:-i ucrw in enter the Onmr1o..-\n1au-ur` Suftball Association. This `wil_1 he an .a1l-star Hne~up from Barrie and Al- hmdule under the manna:-men: or Doug. Hedger. No dc-fume Iim-up has been picked yet. _.-nu ma`! nu-nx. Four rinks competed in the Friday night wurnament and a lively cvt-n= in: was spent. the winning twins bx-- mg in doubt. un the last -bowl was played. J. O. Scythes with -.1 plus ~01 12 being the winner nnd J. D. Mum- second with a plus u! 10. NOTES ON SPORTS LPHIIIS H) UUHlK.'CL WILH IL 5H. Browning and Sivan made -pienty! or Liuzbie for ML-Millan with their .;luggin;2,, Brnwningjiit 9. terrific hom~ -1-, tho imii smiling far over the right 1'14.-id i`:,-use and handed out on the highwuy. Sloan was just as danger- (ms 11.`: 111* hit 19. nice Lripk: and a double. Bill Dymcni. (got Ca._pil:o}s` but hit. a thx'ee-bugger which almost suvn.-d Lhv day for the Barrie team. It was just ono of his three hits. I-`rank M2-Innis and Parker ML-Nllan ulszu batted well. Archie Thompson .-simws no respect for either hard or soft `bulls and got .threc hits. 1`hn (".Iuut1`nh|n hrnthm-c ant dv hltg LAVVN B0\\'LI!\'G I The thlrcl annual pilgrimage of the Imperlztl Oil team to their player farm at Allnndale took place on Thursday. June 26 and took :1 6-4 decision. With them were two former Allandale play- ers in A. Kelcey and J. Henson, who played important parts in the down- fall -if their former teammates. It has become a habit with Allan- dnie to spot the -appositioii xieveral runs in the first couple of innings mid then to overtake them. In this case they must have under rated their 0})- pen:-nts. as five runs proved to be too great it lea-: to overcome. In the first innings the Imperl:ilsI scored :our times on :4 hit by Wilkin- son. walks to Welsh and Luttrell, a hit by McLean. walks tu Henson and Car- ey and an error on Burnett's ygrounder. Another run was added in the second on l{s.lcey's hit and saeriliees by Wilk- insun and Welsh. Kclcey turned his hit in the ninth into the sixth `sun with the aid 01' We-l;s'h's hunt and Mc- Lean'.: ;.:i(:riilcn. Allamlale wail:-al until the :;ixt.h to get started. Bell and E. Marshall were safe on errors. Bell scored on Wi]ey's liner. but Marslmll was thrown out at the plate. All-andale got one more in the Sf.`V'l'nLh on hits by Lougheed and Goring. In the eighth A. 'M1]I`ShB.1l got a life Jnztn error and got around on .~`.ac1;llic(e.'~'.'&111d loose fielding. `Steph- en.~;.m's double and Bell's hit produc- ed an.ither in the ninth. n why. \`l'|Il nu. knl4n\- lllllb ll 1 11 ponum : Tn O luuu ll`ll auzuxuru .'|.L l,llll`u. Bum um pltchers werv._good. Henson was the steadiwsr of the two at the start but Gullfoyle settled down nvfter the second and was seldom In very sn-rinus trouble. The locals were ge't.- | Ling to Henson toward the lust and the] ninth didn't arrive any too soon to suit him. Kolcey and Riley were the slurs, bum elding well and collecting three ms each. Ynnnn-lain 1lnn.x.......... - u-1-1-1. n\_ l&Jv'l3UlO3'I`8X1 Imper1a1s11000000l 61 Allandale 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 -1 Umpires: C. Lewis. 1_). Hedger. A1101` the game there was a banquet at tho. C.N.R. rcstmlmlit pm on by the Allrmdnlv brzlrmh .1f Hm Tvnnr-rial Oil 1:. 1 -1 8 1 l7\.l HIMJHICL All UK` Jllllvll. On the play the better `loam won, but Allan-dale can atu'1but,e xh-sir jaoss to pom` bum` running and lack of punch. there being no less than ve m4.-x1']oft ;.t,1':mded :LL third. Tlnfh thn I-nfr-`Inn-:< an n .1 L1-.. ..,... LIIICC IILD CHUJI. Imperia,1s--W1lk1nson a. Welsh Eb. Lum-ell. Duval and Burnett rt`, Mc- Lean lb. Henson p, Garey 3b. `Weeks 11`. Barnvtc cf. Kelcey ss. Allndnlt---'RaIl pf P Mn"(l\n`1 '2): AA, I)l1ll|\'LL Cl. l\ClL\f_\ '03. Allandale--Bell cf, E. Mm'slml1 3b, Wiley us. A. Mnvslmll c. Guilfoyle p, S. St. Clair Zb, Lougheed lb. Stephen- son rf (`mrimr if. ` |-J. 9|. \.aIH.H CU, Lil} , son rf. Goring IL. I - 1 9 -2 4. cu LAIL 'L;.AV.l1.. IL`.\l'illU':UlL [JUL UH U) LHL` Allnudnlc branch of the I[mp(-ria.1 Oil Company. with Art. Pugh as chair- man. An address 01' welcome was giv- en by F`. W. Dobson. Short addresses were given by Messrs. `Burnett. Morri- sun. Le\v1.<, Wisdom. McNee1_v. Seltz. Blair and Bell. Selections were ren- dered by. 9. quartene composed of Mcssxs. C:n'v_v. M(-Lc.-an. McNecly und Wi1k`h1mm A unln wnc. nkun uiw-n hv` llll`lll gmmr, JU-U. mm wA_u uumu nu lower than svcund best. Mnmtgex` Annstmng mmfldcntly advised your (-urrL~spnndenL that they would n.-vcn thv series with the East-endtrs. who Wl 1`(.* wllllng to wager dollars on as clean sweep. It was an interesting mntc-st from beginning to end wlth thv locals ulwuys holding thr upper hand. Runnld. un the mound, was .*;mm` wlld. but settled down in mu pinch. Ha passed s.L~vun and fan- med Llurl:-en. In the flnul round, with two away and two on. he passed Bur- clelt to gt-t. R. `Corbett, and struck him out In vnd the game. It was Cm`bett's thlrd whlll. Sum-mers did one bc-tttrr than hlm. Everyum` gave the best of .-uxppurt und ll looked llk the team llmt c-:u:ller had set the lvugue urv. Johnston and Ronald with four hlts nnd Cruwiurd wlth three. led the bet- on... unnulrl nnnnnr-Ihrl fnr his: fth fIMPERlAL,0IL TEAM BEAT I ALLANDALF. [N EXHIBITION nu.-am. a. van 1.-_ Wilkinsun. A Mr. McL-mi. sing song. Zooming up with :1 determined rush and playing the kind of Dall .lml wculd have won any game. the Air F`u1'c- loam won both their games from Mlnoslng and dropped them from all contention. At name. after a poor start, they pounded four opposing pl .- Ch0l`.\' all over the lot. Van Lane twlr1- sd sic-ndy ball throughout and was never in trouble. Randall. Crummy and Sim-lair. Conm-ctlng for homers. led the batters. Ronald. with xhrec `nlts out of four. including successive homers his first and second lime `.0 bat. led Lhe opposition. ']"hv xnnntx nt 'Mln1v.-{no nmu. Iv1nI'n The l closely pic hl h Nunt. At`: I. umcng eighth _.. -.-- ...-.._. .u u..-...-- Lusl Frid;1_v night Drvadnoughts ex- I pa-cu-d St:1,\'m~r softball team down for at svhcduled game but the latter ug-` gr:-gation failed tu put in an appear- ance thus disappointing many fans who had turned out. Dreadnoughts am` not going to Stayner now to play on u pustpum-d gzune from Junr 16. |)Dl't` Mines LVIl\llllIl-`\ Mlnesmg (`u nun Rnr F ll IIKCD Hazelnuts Sharks Pr-1...-.. .. - -aunt ha L J Thvre are four postponvd games no. play off. An attempt to hold u doublt-- header last night. failed when not cnuugh players showed up. No games wcrc played last week. I I I 1 .`Ull `Ullll MIIU gm. -l-Ill'l`.C .|IIlr. l`h(- Cumztable brothers got six hits hutwt-(en the two of them and Raw: nnd Stewart got three ouch. nnrl Allan urnnh-pd hn Barrie Camp Burden Crmamnroa GKME NEXT \NE!".'K July 9-Camp Borden It Barrie. .\'. Sl.\l(`()l-I BASIZBALL Ll-IAGIYE Intermediate 0.B.A. Standing July 3 Ion Inc! .\"l`.\\'.\'ER FAILS T0 :\l`l E:\R .\l.l.`\\'l).\I.l~I 0l~"I`lh\Ll. Ll-Z.\(`-l Standing July `.1 `Man T (`LlC.\T\' SW'EEl FOR AIRMEN LAIC L'p})UDlllUlI. game at Minesing was more ' contested. being decided in the when Camp scored six runs. ~r with four successive walks and g uvicc could not be credited at kdzuns of Minx-sing hit a. home I lhv fvncv in left eld. The boys. -int:-C . the lunch provided by inn l`N'l`\' S()F'I`llAl.l. I.E.\(il 51... H. I..I.. 1) v :- GAMES THIS WEEK --Knock at Slroud. Burn Capxwls at AIlaud9)e_ --Lefruy at Churchill. run no-.1 -\\-an '7 vI\4\1~I \r\-1.11-I nrnv.u.\.- NORTHERN GROUP In.- unu -Dl.(fW3ll'L gut. I/lllE lflicll. I.m,:khurt and Allan umplred the gums: to the satisfaction of all con- N-rm-d. e..;..... L... tn:-`n.. . G A M E 'I'HXS WEEK -Camp Borden at St. Vi: SOUTHERN GROUP III.` I 1 asp: Altrlhl. Stzmding July qua: trnt \:uuA|1Um:u U1 solo was also given by` C. J. Seitz led in :1 Won Lost V! II [L1cHT-HEA9[ET ! WERE FEATURE 1 AT BEEETANG inuke Did. K.O. in Third to McQuarrie; Win for Dyment. A packed house greetotl the boxing`: tournament put un by J. '1`. P-ayvttv in ' Osborne's skzlthxg rink at Pom.-tztnglv on Tuesday evening. July 1. There` were twelve good mut.ched bouts with, entries from Barrie. Orillia. Midland and Penctzmg. The buuts were keenly! contested but in the (ypinion of many! the card lacked the thrill Lh-.1t. was present, in the recent. Barrie fights.` There was no stnmiuut rbout on Llu-1 card like the Thompson-Wooley af- fair in Barrie. which pmbably :u:-` counts for it. ' .5...-.u.. ~nx.n....n.,... nI\rI Ann rm-mm 1 UUHL W115 UVCI. The big `thrill of the night was Uh- lightmenvyweight slugging match be- tween Duke of ,'Cuokstown mid ?Mr:- Qxihrrio of Barrie. For two mundx these two stood toe to toe and hit each other" with all t:he!r.st1'engtl1 and it was a boss`-up `which one -was going down first. That one of them was |going down was beyond :1 shadow of |doum. However. Duke evidently stood the punishment slightly better and "in the third mund Mcquarrie slightly weakened and one of Duke's tex`rifi(-. rights to the jaw was :1 little `more rm- bent than the rest with the result that McQua,rrie went out cold. Rosul ts I 50 1bs.-~H.o1ley Sniitli, Midland. won { on. 1 .. ,1 UUHHLS IUY IL. Archie Thompson and Allan Tribblc the two star `Barrie midtllowc-igh.Ls who are -going to competv in the B1'l- , Lish Empire gnmvs next munth. put. on ; 21. nice exhimtion bum. Both `b0_v.<.] showed some nice boxing in Lhv ~Iim- W points of the Ignnw. 1'2` they haul c-1)en- ed up in a real bout it is salfu to say` the evening would have bm-n 1011:; I I 1 remembered by the fans of Pvnctmag. ` Hnnhnrt Y`|vn1An? nf Rrurn u'nn Hu- l'U'lUlll.UCl'Cu Dy hill.` 1ilH.\ U1 I('llL'Lilll5. Henbert. Dymem of Barrie won Lha- I25-1'b. class -by winning two bouts. both quite l\andily._In his first bunt, lu- scored 11 t.e:'.hn1('n1 km::'k0ut. Over Skinny Verrien-," nf Pr-not.a.n,;' in 49 seconds of the first, rcund. In Mu: f1n- ! :11 he "beat. H. I-Iornsby of Mid1:md.| Hornsby was out. on his fact when thv bout was over. Tho `I\ln- mks-H1 nf 1\n uh.-kc nwvnn dh.. Fighting for 3. lost cuuse, except, to gum desired revenge m Dhde". Cor- bc-LL und his saints. Mincsing won their Hmxl gxum.-, 10-9. and W1}! nish no mm...- mm. um-nnrl bust Mnnmzex` uunu rug in navel .5. uvuuntuu. Lll'('lslU1l.1 65 lbs.-- Chump Dunmn. Midland. Won from E. Hopper. Pl'X`lt`L11m.',`. Deci- sion. HI: 1.|`.- .1)nH.l.\... Buy) \A`:.H, \J. J25 1nbs.--H. Hornsby. Midland. won from -E. Stebbings, Bzu'1'iv. Decision. H. Dyment. Barrie. won from S. Van`- iere. Penetang. T('!('h)li(`1 K40. F`innl_1-I Thnn.-nl u~.m c`..n..~ u 'Z5.1'bs.-sBu11dog Scott. Midland. won from Irish Mohrm. Micilzmti. Decision. .95 1bs.---T. Moore. Midland. won from E. Lemieux. .Midi:md. Decision. 115 lbs. --N. McQuado. Midland. won from G. GinnvLto_ Midland. Decision. -122 1-bs.~- R. Dodds. Midland. won from J. White. Orili. Tt'('hIii(`11 K. n acnc. rcnxtuullg. AT.'l'lllllClll 1\`\J. Finu.1-H. Dymcnt won from H. Homsby. Decision. mn Ihc _n llrxhnnr n.-.m.+..m FIUXHDUJ. LlC\.'lblUH. V160 lbs.--B. Hebner, Penetzmg. wn from P. Hebncr. Toronto. Decision. 175 lbs.--Dukc, Cookstmvn. knocked out McQuarrie. B;u`1'ie. in Lhv third round. II`\~lxils0i...\ A... IUUXILL Exhibition Arvhiv Thumpsou vs. Allan Tribble. both of Barrio. Jack Reid vs Sid. Portvr. both of Tmmxu). MIDHURST TAKESZEIRST IN FORESTRY FIELD DAY Dvspito heavy showers at noon there was a good attendance at the field day held at the I<`m'-st1'_v Recreation grounds at Midhurst. July '1st. About one o'clock the rain stopped and there was beautiful weather for the rest of thv day. There were no mltries in the girls` softball class but four teams en- tered the men's murnzumznt with Mid- hurst winning. MINESING 20--B./\.RRll-I 14 In the first softball gzunv Mint`-sing` deleated a pick-up team from Barrie hv 90-]-1 Thu` hnuplxvl wag vnvxv nmh-/-I ucdcaucu u mun-up u.'u.Iu Hull! Du by 20-14. The baseball was w nt times. Burrie made or [while Minesing mndc half 11` bur. There was lime to ting. `Mineslng gutting seventeen blows with Lhv Barriv aggn-gntmxt I Lwu less. Consequently it is --asy In ` that B_zu'rie`s pour fielding cost 1! the game. Dan... .. 1>......4.. ..A......n....4._. uh _. -" I 1 Big Bay Point Golf Club hold a[ [special medal round on Dominion D0) ' with the following rm-sults: ` (}rns< I 'Y` H rhmnh '7` .._...__.._........ ...._..._n._............._..._u-_.._.._..._.._..__.._.._........u-..__..._.u_.u....._._u_.u._.._.-...__..._.._....._..!. I mllocal Sports Of The Week I, 1 . ------------------------------------- n--u.-.._......_........._.._...._..._...._...._u-..--u-.u--u-..------u---:u-u--nu--n- .1. l

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