: One cent a word. cash. each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c). five Insertions lot the price of tour. lqc extra when Ihnrged; also 10:: extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. __._?.. FOUNDER Ur` Sumunx l.l`llI\Ih, SPEAKS AT S'I`A'l`UF. UNVEIIJNG ed Unuren. l$Ell l'l0. uuma. mw 15111"-1 fen. nnlv dautzlxter of Albert. S. and Mrs. Burton, to `Clarence Sheffield Cassan. yolxnszex` son of Mr. Alfred and the late Mrs._Cass:an of Peter- born. The vnmrrla<,ze ceremony was -nerformed bv Rev. E. A. Pear.<*m of` Toronto. assisted bv Rev. J. .1. Black \/IULHOLLA-ND--LOWRIE--~On W ed- nesday. July 3. 1930. at `St. Paul's` reetcwv. by `Rev. A. D. Cousins. Hel- en Florenr-e. eldest daulzhfer of Mr and Mrs. Maritrland Lowrie of Chm`- ehill. to Frederick John Mulhnllzmd of Stroud. seennd son of Frank Mul- hnlland. of Tnrnmn. and the lair Mrs. Mullmlland. BEAT'I`Y-In Gait. Oni.. on Mondav June 30. 1930. Rebecca Boaiiv. wifr of the lam W. J. Brain" Cnldwatcx`. mzod 92 vcars. RA'I"I`~-In Toronto. nn Wcdncsdav Juiv 3. 1930. Mrs. Wiiliam Pratt wife of William Pratt. 8th line oi Vesnm. in her 53rd vcm`. `;-nnc" from her late residence in Bzwrir` Union ccmotmw on Saturday. July 5 nt 9 n `m -1. In a u.un. R.. \IKES-At hm` late rcsidcnoo. Thr Pleasaunce." Barrio. on Mondax` Juno 3n. 1930. Geomina Rulkcs. in hm` 73rd vcar. Funeral at St. Thom- as 'Chu1'ch. Shzmty Bax`. vm 'I'hurs- ~ day. July 3. at 3 p.m. Mrs. D. McA1'Lh1n' \'.'iSh(,`$ to than!-7 friends and m~iL*hbors fm` kindness and xtvmnalhv during hm` rvcont, bereave- '11nnf 271) GILOHRIS'I`-In luvina mexnnrv of mother and father. Jane Gilchrixt Mm divd Julv 4. 1929. and John Gil- (`h1`i.\t. w -n..,.. l`-Hlh\l. nu uxcu Klu[.;un\ .1. A They have takm their last 1'm;.~; ,1 l\\ We are offering the Iollowinsz cars at. reasonable prlccs and will arcept. your present car as part payment. and arrange terms on balance if desired. 1928 Durant, 4-cylinder `;-l(.\n guck. closed cab and open X cycle. ~ 1926 Chevrolet To WANTED TO RENT---AluzusL 12:1,. 1: nurty with rrmnnslblc pnsitlmu. six 0 scvon-roomed house with all (-nnvrm 1oncm~'." imply statlnr: full I)1l:'tl('lll:lI` In box 1208. Midland. 2'7` . IRJLRIH. 1925 Du:-am 4 Sedan. 1924 Suldobuker Cmu'lL `.I-19`.!3 Ford Coupes 1923 Durant 4 four-pass. Coupe. 1923 Star Roadster. 1923 Star Sedan. 1921 Buick Six Touring 1921 Studebaker Coupe. Chevrolet Baby Grand Tmlring. 7&AP.D OF THANKS HAROLD HILL USED CARS DU RANT DEALER nu: INI- ll 1.] l\FAA V A IJlAK1L.dLJI\ 55 Elizabeth Street IN MEMORIAM ; beautiful : nns thix um: {HIS \\ (1I'lO {H `RUIN of Eternal rest. vor rc1m`1nbm`od bx` DIED =5. _ AN QMJSUAI. O}"POR'l`UNI'l`Y-~W: offnr an unusual or)nortun1l_v to an nd Ilczltod _voun'z: woman who can sell, Lt t'.onnc'ct. with the lamest woman's or an.nlza.'t1on_ `In the world. Must. be am In mterest women In clubs and so! Llfl` Insurance Protection to \\'0m`l nnd children. vF`ul1 p:u'tlculm's give: in nrst Interview. Write. giving: um um! (`xnerlencc to Mrs. M. C. Mmm 600 Buy St.. Suite 217. Toronto. Out. 1; [H l0\ 1H`I nwmm`\' (' Isnbclln Path-rson. wh n-m l shin called 7 'm'ld Of Snrrm u-nnl -and Six Cabriolet. --Family. COUNCIL IMPOSES W` BUlLDlNG RESTRICTIONS1 A H|)(`:`lnl nu-vl,lnp, M the tmvn mun- vil unlit-d W(`(llll'S(l:l_V .'1l'l,(-1'n0m1 In mm- ';idr`r rm-:et.ri(-.1.lm,v huilrlimz (1|)I'l'U0l1.'~'. in the Fnsl \\':u'zl |):1s>:<- u hyluw m:1kin',: Lhv .~u~:'Hnn n1" Ward ()m- bonndvtl by kmnnp:-nf:-hit, Buy on t.h- SOIILM, mwn lin1|t..<. ml lhv 4-uxt. (l0lHm.{wnn 51,11-vl Ln Cndrin*:l,nn. zmtl (Im`h'in1.-,l,nn to Hw mwn limit/~; on Lhv north. and ~])u('k- " `~ - -O . n... ... \`\ Ul bll nl.n'I'L, nu mu htl-)|r. I`h(~ h_v1:1\v conws Into (-ffc-cl, with th- :n:-|)ruv:|l of tho M1ml<-i1).'11 and Rnllwzxy Board, .'m(| with H.:: nm)mva1 nu huilclim.-,`s 011101` than prlvntv dwell- imzs. storvs. bunt, hnusc-s, g.'u'mz(2s, sta- bles and filling stations van ho 0rt-(-.t.- '-rl within Llml. an-:1 Ald. Shannon \v:\m,vd Ln know why rm fnnnlmn at, me 'v`Iv(~ Points had not boon Lurnnd on this summer. He had nnhicr-d many tmlrlsts stop, (.501, ml, of Llwir al1l. Ln got. 9 drink. but to find H. not njmmtlmz. AHJ101lp.h it. was rlmug-,hl. Lho fountain camr under tho juri: of the xvatm` and Ham. ct:`n1mH,t.r`0 the town ztlork was im4t,r1u-,Lvd Ln act, in much with tho dnpnrLn1m1L 1`(`,S})()l1Si`\)l(`, for its opomtion and have it Lurnvd on. x rru. -,... ............| uvnl-n` 1\lfr.nrnv' T3 T7` 1 U|ll7l(IhI\lIl (l|l\I nuAv\ nu uun 1|! s. U... Those present wvrc-: Mayor I). F. McC1mig. Ald. Nvllos, M:1:'.I.m`m1, Tyr- or. T_.0ngma.n. Shannon, Lowv, I-Illrst. ` Whit,r\, Blair and McFadden. NOT Eou E)'N'TRAcTs`; LOCAL BROADCAST ENDSE Page Twelve Owing to the ;'n`.1urn `.0 got enough nerchzmts intbrestcd In the proposi- inn. the Barrie broadcast over Ladio :tation CKCL comes to :1 close Lhis I"riday nveningr, after '1` run of Ive wooks. At the spncial moetimz; of me town council hold late Wednesday ev- .`.1..... n .....n`n.. mm-mi aw Aid Inno- d~:4-rvv thv rv;)I1t,:1tl)1\ tht-y huvo won us the rt.-usnnztbly prhtocl shop that. ms any normal rum, although :1 font. rails for rm 0xln`Inil.y of 5121- mm width, bu- (-xunsv Lhvy urv nmdv in n. rumm- frmn I m 112 and frnm AAA/\ Lo EEE Wv (-m'ry :1 (:mnplv,l:- us.-;nrl.|m~nl of Dr. S(-Iml1`.~; I<`nn!, Cumfnrl. /\D])H:ll1('l`.\. Im-ludlnp, lho fum- nllu town (`.O1111C11 11(`1(1 13.11`, VV1'(l1lL'huE1_y -:v- `nlng a mntinn, nm\'ed by Ald. Long- ` nan and seconded by Ald. McFadden. `ms passed m'drm`1n;r the pa_vn1t`nt of `$150 tn the 1Emost 1 ):1inty Broadcast- i11g*Cmnpanv as the town's share. When the contract was xmdcrtaken t was agrccd that the town council should pay $300 and the xnorchants at` the town would put up an addition- 11 51.100 as advertising fees. The )1-oadcast was scheduled to run for ten Ivc-cks. and with sufficient contmctri signed to warrant. thc broadcast con- `inutngr at least :vc weeks. the series was -begun June 6. Ald. vbongman stat- *d the company was wi11in~g to accept half the former amount. when he was asked 11 the contract couldi be broken. `inn her. he applied his brakes and clay evening. The little girl darted across the rnadv.':1_v towards her home as Mr. Salter was mining: down the hill. Sec- skiddvd some distance before hitting the little mm with his rbumper. Limo. Ilovn grnbbrd the bumper and clung fcr a momont. but dropped to the pav(`m(`nl. and when the car was ST.0pDi`d was lyinr: directly beneath it. She was pullvd from under the car. lmcily fri_2hlon(`d and takmi into her hnmv when Dr. A. '1`. Little attended` hvr. She oscapod with a small bruise nn.tlw f0l`E`h(`E1d mid bruises along her right. sidv. and is resting well 1.0-3 day |Th1ll`SdZl_\'l. N0 blame is nt.ia:`lwd to Mr. Salter Km` tho accident`. i GlRL S CLOSE CALL : WHEN STRUCK BY CAR VHurlburt Shog co. Ilcon whim. four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White. 120 Bay- ficld Sn, narrowly escaped serious in- jury when she was struck by an aubo- mobilo driven by W. M. Salter. 136 `Bayfimd St... about 7 o'clock Wednes- day ovmlingx. T`hn H291 rrh-I rlsn-fnd 5\(`l`n&< tho Till . BAIIRIE EXAMINER _-. _..__ I n i I `\ i w = in: Keven knots. Deaths during June numlborz-cl only nine. 1)osp`m` thv fact that it was Dan.` Cupid's mnnnh. Mr. Stork `pulled a fast | one on the spry Dun and brought no fewer than twenty bundles to brighten ` as many homes. while the former -folll down badly and only succecdod in ty- .,,,,, A\_2 : ROOMS TO LET--Phonv 1465. TWENTY BARRIE BABIES . BORN IN JUNE MONTHf lIuA|-vx . \ .4 u..._y . 1 The births during: June this year} \.\'cn` equalled only by a slmllar num- jhor in May 1929. and in June x929. _thv births only totalled eight. whllel ` r\\ur`wnrI-nc u-nrn Ohiv-fnnn nr nun mnrp! `LHl` Ul|Lu.\ U|LI_\ u.IuuAL'u K1511. I\AAu\.| ` nmrriagns ~wm'v thirteen, or two more! than last year. `However. there were` fewer deaths this year. with nine`; 1 against thirteen "m June 1929. Compared with the preceding momh{1 June was a better month with 17; ibirtlxs. 14 deaths and three nmrriagos} in `May. .\`|M('()l". ('()l|N |'Y'S l(H)'l' ('l)Ml-'()ll.'I` SIIUI". S'l`0ll,|'I B:\lH{Il'l ENNA? VJETTICK 7 SHOES .. _ .. . --..... V... y....... I The fire loss for the month of June . amounted to only 3385. all of whxchi was covervd by insurance, according! to the report of Chief Shrubsole. The1 amount, was confined solely to the gasjx ~ works building when a second alarm? fire destroyed the greater part of the: roof. 5 f'\nu nO|u.n- "|~_\ l\ nu-n.~l ah-u-inn Okn: IUUL. ; One other fire occurred during the` month. it being a children's playhouse. ' `but the loss was negligible. ', DR. SCHOLL ZINO-PADS JUNE FIRE LOSS. $385 ,. lII.`\.\'/\ -- CO'l"1`AGE TO RENT nt Mlnet`s PL, for month of AIIEIISL. 3 b-sdrocms. din- lmz room. kitchen. e1(*ch'k` liL:ht,. Am)1,\` to 30 Wellington 31.. W., or man: In'11.I 27;`. -:. nnd hun (hr min is hill. Se(`- "' takes re per. and mp d aenoath | `r 1 by \ nttcndndi ` ont CHANTLER PANITY JOIN m A HAPPY GATHERING AT mmsrn. TWP. PARK Innisfll Park on the shore of Lake Simcoc was the scene of an lntcresumz anchoring on -Friday, June 27, 1930. when the xchnntlcr -family canm to- [.{cLhur to honor Joseph R. Chantlcr of ' Newton `Robinson on `his 88th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. .105. IR. Clmntler of Newton -Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- .so.1l`(J'hant.lm' of Cnokstown nnd Mrs. Jmmss G. Chantlnr of Bcct.m\ were the hvnds of the families reprt:sonL(`.d. Children and (grandchildren of these three families were there to tnmku merry upon this nr:cns1on. Mrs. Jennie Sharpe and daughter from Nowmnrkot. and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ilpwoll of Bond Head wort: I({\l!?SL.`i. I`hnso `prnsvnt ......... r.-nm 'r`m-mun Txllmrmn, Lmdv Bond Hcxul rgwrsns. `1`n0.*`.-, .pn,-.~.v-m. cztnu: from Toronto, Isllngtmx, IAnd~ say. Barrie, Berton, -Alllsmn, Evert.-LL, Hum! Head. Newton Robinson. Cooks- lmvn and N('wmm'kot.. Baseball, rmces nnrl 0t,hm' :1pm'Ls 0:-.cuvplN! thv mm- pnny fur tho mfLcmm)n. Supnnr for fit't,y-t,w0 -1`)!-rsnns was S('X'V(`(1 upon thr- `pnrk mblo. Thu yznblmrimz was organiz- ed with M. '.B. H1p\v:-I1 of Bond Head as pr:-sklum. nnd Mrs. Amy `Unborn of Nz~\vt,on Roblnsml as st-(:rcLn.ry. T-`our of l,lmsc- prosmmt, wt-rv in their l`11.{hUf"l.h yv.'n~ or OVH`. Aftvr :1 must. dr-Hghmul ; n.ft.m'mmn IL was dc-<-Id:-d Lu 1m-M, nr-xl. yd-nr ll'))0I1 lhv -nnnlvv-r.t;:n'y nf l.hu- |)ll`HI nf Mrs. Jxum-x (1. >Ch:mtI-r uf Hr-I-lml. . SEVERA-TL FAMILIES : HOLD `HAPPY REUNIONSi lHllIl|'|lu|n in Bm'rIt- Dny. 'r\n III!` n-uun_y V... .. M, St. VIlH`l`l]L'S Park 1):-Lwmsn on-_h- Ly and nlnvty n1t~n1hvr:: of l.h- Rnhu-y fnmuy hold thc-ir third annual gath- vrlm: and r-h-cmxm nf nIfI<-ors, 'l`hv af- |,~rm)nn -was rlu-vnlx-(I to .v.p<>rl.s, and Lhv lztrgv Lzut.h-rin'.z 1-njnyml pi -nit: hn1rhe:' at noon and in tho r-,vnnin:.z. Kl.-:~ L-...~nI\ f`hov\I\nH u-nc r-'0 'I.Wl lnn(`ne." M mm in H1!` l',\ nu 1 Mrs. Sarah Chappnll was niv ~14-vl nwsldcnt. Sll('(El'l`fHn{. , John Rt*y1ml(ls. whllv lhv nth:-r now ()fH(`I`l`S wnr:-_ Mrs. AM)m*t` Rnjnr-y, of Cn<)ks.t.t)wn, vim:-prns1rlm\l., Hm'ry [.('nl`H)X. sw-rrn mry and Mrs. (`:1-orgv Dunn. Y.I'(EIilll`4'l'. rt- 1. ...-.n.. r:!.-.....uno hm- Luuuwmm - u.-,,,....... . Forty-six pr-r.nm: nn_inym1 UN`, day at, the hnmv of Mr. nnd IMrs. J. W. (tnldwen, 32 Navmm` HI... when most of the mt-mbnrs of tho Caldwell fam- ily hold Lhoir mmual p,M,-1,ogct,l1(!r. Quoits and 0lhI'I` L`,'.ll\(!.'-3 werv played an the .'~J))a(`.1()llS lmvn. while in mlmbnr played softball in Queen's Pa-rk during thv :11't.m'nnm1. l.un(-.h was starved at] ....,\.. 1 FOR, I3ALE--I926 Cl1cvx'nI(`I. Cmlcl $195. 32 `Small St. or phone 998. 2'7} ..... . ` At Frank HouL{11tm1`s Lzmvv in Nruw` Lon Rohinsnn. 160 nlr.-mhcr.s of tho Houghtnn family hold their f)11rLm2nt,h| annual reunion, with visH.ors from A1- : liston, Barrit`, Hamilton. Landon. 'I`r)r- v nntn and Rmzina. The reunion next ynnr will be held at. Barr1r*. -...M.... ..... M M .,x,,..mu ui: nu- svm wu: m; -um nu ......... N All nf>f1('.m`s were re-mexztnrl as fol- Inws: .prr~sidonL. John Beloskny. Bar- rie; vice-prcsidmxt. Wilmer Houghton. /Huston: secrnmry. R. G. Hnught,on.\ Barrie. and treasurer. James Morri-` M- I\r IJ:\n warn nxr-n1hnr worn Marne. mm Lrnasurcr. .r.uuu:.~. |vnun- . son of Holly. Life memberships were I mven to Samuel Houghton, Amsmnz. MY5. mice Bain, Toronto: Mrs. Davidl Mcwatcrs. Holly and Mrs. Wm. Shcp- I ` pm`d..B_arrie. who are the only rn--I maininiz de:~;ccndanLs of lsamuvl Houghton who came to Canada from Hampshire. England. in 1819. and set- tled in West. Gwillimbllry mwnslp. 3 ,,n_.... ..._ ........o.. 2 . I):-spite nlnun-nllc: mun nu vvrm. unuu...-...._, ., Th1`o{1ghn11t, the aft.r.`1'n00n spurts Q _- consist,'mg of races, baseball and other ` zanmes were vnjoyed. followed by re-l h-m.-hnuu-alt , . Tl IGROSE FAMILY REUNION 1 HELD AT LAKE SIMCOE-N The sixth annual C-rose family re-h" unlonwplenie was held on Saturday; a.{ter1'1oon at Big Cedar lPolnt. Lake Smmoe, with 138 of this family con- nection present. The weather belnz Ideal.` many entered into the splendid program of sports and races arranged by the Sports Committee. consisting of Mrs. C. Long. lcookstownz Miss Mar- azuerite Grose. Thornton; T`. C. Grose Thornton: Chris. Grose. Lefroy; 'Mil- ton Morton. Newmarket. and Vernon G-rose. -Mount Dennls. After supper. which was beautifully} arranged on long tables. decorated` with bouquets of roses and peonles by; Mrs. R. .J. |Coffe_v of Tottenham, ag program of short addresses was mueh' enjoyed by all. The President. H. A`: Grose of Thornton, presented a bou-` quet of peonies to the oldest member , Mm fnmilv :nrr~sen1.. `Miss Sarahl n0 OHLU. 1 An address of special note was made - ,by Isaac Morton of Queensvllle whol- spoke of the self-sacrifice of the Grose ; ` pioneers. He pointed out that those ; ` ; present. as descendants of such noble .` and courageous pioneers had :1 great; ` responsibility in maintaining the stan- 1 ` T dard which they had set. The family. : historian. Mrs. W. E. Morton of New- . market. spoke briefly on the booklet, which `had been published of the Grose .| : family record. This contains a detailed account of the several experiences of Henry Grose. who came to Canada inn 1837. and settled on 21 rfarm near Hoi- ' land Landing. Cornwall. Emzlmid. was the birthplace of the earliest. ancestors H , of this family. } | rm... mnhmdm-v will hn hnld nmn vear` quot. 01 poomes no me macs mcmuu i 01 the family upresent. Margaret Gross of Lt-troy. A gift, fronu ; Sports Committee was also made] to Miss Gross and to Master Ivan, Gross. the youngest. doscendam. prv-I sent. and son of Elmer Grose of Tor-1 onto. 3 E An ...-Mm nf cr\n(~in1 nntn \x'a< made I` {OX H115 I'uuu_v. D The gatherlnyz will be held next yearj :` at the same place. and an olectlon of ' E officers to make arrangements for this 1 resulted as follows: Honorary Presi~ " l dcm. Chrlstophcr Grose. Lefroy: Presl- ` * dent. H. A. Grosc. Thornton: Socrc-. `- tary. Earle S. Grose. Toronbo: Treas-. 9! uror. S. N. Grose. Thornton; and Hls- ; E torlun. Mrs. W. E. Morton. Nvwmnr-1 E` 1 k'I.. 9} I929 PON'I`IA`C SEDAN. in cxct-111-n runnlmr condition. 10000 n1l1v,nL'(\. 'I`hi car has been well carvd for. and is 2` rt-nl bargain for quick (`ash sulv. Am nnv Interested nleaso xmnlv to Jnh Lulmz. Box 128. Barrie. or nhnno av` ovnninz after S(`\/On. N0. 528. 271 =1 Kenrielh Wildman. aged 8 yertrsqlne :50!) of M.r. and Mrs. A. Wildnmn. 83 ,Owen street. 1 both wrists when he fell from a neigh- _-`,bor's apple tree while playing with 1 ._ other children on Dominion Day. ;| Hearing the crying of the children. 9` Mrs. Fred Douglas. who lives across si the road. investigated and took the: Ed. Shiilei`. E. G. ; Mayes. T. Mays. Ed. Jones. G. Gays-I niboy into his own home. "Dr. e . Turnbuil was called and when Mrs. 3 icy, T. Sheppard. G. James. iwildman returned home from down sustained fractures of formerly l `Last s-"oat. , The honorary pail bearers were men associated with the deceased` in civic and business life of the town! They were: Alex Cowan. Major Walter Scott. Capt. E. E. G. Bird. D. `MW Stewart. Fred Mar)` and E. A. Lime. L The firing squad was composed of; J. Marks. R. Green. W.` B. Hobbs. ! L. Collis and B. Owens. while thei e` town, the lad was removed to Royal j pull bearers were Charles Lowe. An- :.v Vicuoria Hospital where his injuries were X-`Rayed and reduced. ' I drew Fraser. Thomas Burton. George} Seadon. E. Twiss and H. Gartner. EBOY BREAKS BOTH \\'RlSTS IN FALLING FROM A TREE aged 8 yoars son Owm 2 'bor's x I V . 4` .__ u., ,.._.x... -1 .1-.. n\\IIrIunv\ u nu... \.. \..,., Caklwnlls F0mgnl.)wr The Hrmgh Lon F`mn11_v .-,_.A,...._,_... .......... c. ` I Hw ht-nvy c-l~vt.rh-al .*:l,nI'm, fumlly rvllnlmm \m`r:- hr-M and rllstrh-t, on Dnmlmnn 1 /\:~:st-ml)1- this year. Most of the Barrie people who hum.- sunnncr cnLtnp.ns at. {Big `Bny Point. are new occupying Xfncm. 1. n nrrl hns: mid his lmusu un VV NH hi. this R/(nu-.0 nf new -mcupyxng \.n1:xn. L. R. Ord has sold his Blake st,r(.~t.-L to Mr. Brymmrr. nmnm.:m' of the Bank of Cnmmcrcv. n...M.\ clullnn f`.t(DI`O nu Mmlmml is F'OUND--4Sum or mnmxv. Apply Shun tv Buv Tea Room. 2'?! of the Bank rn unn1n1crcv. Radio ..luHon CKPR. nt Midland is fmtturlng Miss Holt-,n Luck in `-1 half- hnur of phum music on I*`rldny m. 12.30 urn [).Hl. Bmx-0 dnyllghl. HHVHW; wt-nl. into force lmznlly. `the morning mail from I`m'0nt0 is `not, available '01.-f nnon, nor is L'h(`X'(,` any dL*1u`|huHnn of mull nftt-r Hm -rvunlmg '\.l`II|l\. .__/u um (`,u.n||nl '\Mhn\h- `.'.Inhtm-r H('I' NH.` '.`Vl.`lHll|.{ LI lllll. ~-At. the Cu.pILul, 'Whmh- L|[.{hLIH.'l` 1m.rndm:(-.<. two nu,-11.-mtlnrxxll m-w Wit- nmrk .-annu hll..~'.. A Darn Pam] Woman Llkv M0" and WxLt.(:h|mz My I)runIn.<. (`-0 By." 'l`hur:adny, Frldny. Szmlrdny. x 'I'hh'L_v nwn from "A" (jmmmny, Shm-no F'Ol`(!:1l,l'I'.`. mu.zl- n 'r~t,urn vl.-all. In "C" (:nmpnny_ ()rll1m_ on W(`d!)I!.>- day and Wl`l'l` vnluwutllxvztl M. n hzmqm-1 prim` to gguhmq In (',X|H\|) ul, Now I.1:a- kc-xml. (`-1`nydnn_ Lhv Hw--_v-nr-old run I! Mr. um! Mrs. Wll-um Knapp. M:l)nn- ..I.a ..n......u 1.-l..n...l .....l I..ll .nu.n Hm. H1 :lI\l nI.u'I'|,, un -mp}. nl, [hr 3 um):-r Hp rm 1 `.1-V1-wly. 'I`un|;zhl`.<. 1: `Park by Barr llhn luu-I fur I Wild :`tmwbz.'rr1o.-'. are n n\m- cmp 1.1.. "An \'lll1 \Vll1F`JHI* WllI:Il1' pl|I,|.InL; Int : 1'-w `mung him in ht-r 1n|mHnh1c- sly):-. C:Ipil.r~L '1'hur:adn_v. I-`rid:o._v. S:mn'd:n_y. :4 Al, Lhr- rt-qm*.~al. nf mmn.-;t-1 Mr .)u:at-ph I.nbrm'.LI, \-2h`) was l'h$ll L'_l'f] with oh- Lzmnlngz Im:u'(l um] 1mlL;1m.z {rumin- `.-ntly, M:\;,vi:=.l.x'al,r*. .Iv.ffs mljmnnvd Hm 1211.0 fur tlLH])'\:al1w, of H10 <-rum IInl.H July '1 wlwn H, rzunn bvfurv mm vm Monday. In.'4l.mul I>{ umiuy, Hun (in-ul Lzukt-" \I.. ......|.-,. mumzsm-ml, hu Hm H:-Iv-nit |ll.`Il.l'I` \h' rm r`l_vhu.z * -nnplnm ` '1r(LIy. -\..v..n .... vnox. On Frirlzty anrl S2ll.|ll (l dy of last wr-vk :1 numlwr of pupils of local Lou- !-hc-rs tried their various pimm exam- inations in Collier Sl,rnv.!, Unimri Sun- rlay School auditorium whr:rv- W. J. M(:Ns1lly. of the Tnrrmm ()um=.nrv:1t,v>ry of Music. prnsirlvrl. Francis Cnrrmbs. also of the COIiS(ll`V:l.l.0ry. prtrsirlml at the vocal exams. on Monday. Three members oi Lhe 'I`m*ontv> lo- `cal Mothers` Allmvancn Bnarrl. Rev F. Powell, chairman. Miss Jlszm Barclay. st:<~.rr3l,ary. and Mr. I.I7lHL',ll)II. visited Barrio last Friday. in an of fort to clear up a property s'ii.unLion oi" a former Simcoe County i)2-nnii<~- lnry. nmv residing in 'I`I:mnLr). Th>},' conferred with J. '1`. Simpson and I) H. Coleman of the local board. V` .......... ,. Mrs. Gallo` national OR. is a dclcgatn Sunday Scho Miss Edna 1 ing at Toront 1 couple of 4 Craigvalc bef '_' City. The C.G.I. meeting on 3. Home of Mrs d`22 or more : the picnic M R ; lively games Z 5 d f M II` vrsok. DOG LOS'I`-Smul1 Bosinn Bull. fr- nmlo. brindle. white rim: 'n'nund '1c:`1< Rmvurd. Dnlus Lee. Flrv Hall. whom 915 271` , I Guy. ) C.G.I.'I`. hclc`. a very enjoyable Monday evening at the . Mrs. Bert. Wright. After the 22 or glrls pre.senL had (`lljO_\ (`d picnic supper )n the lawn. :r)n1e were heartily contested. after which the rcgular meeting was held, when Mrs. Pickering g:n'(- the '_"g1rls a very helpful talk on Seek 1. Truth." l 1n..: .. ..:....;.... um mob a.m1..nm1~ i neeung. Galloway attended the Inter- O.R.E.C. in 'I`nr()nm last week delegate from the Presbyterian) School horn. mug: F`.(1n:1 Nnnlnv, mn~so-m-t.min- `aunaay Dcnuux .'n:xI-. Nceley. nurse-m-t.min- Toronto Hospital. Westrm. -"pent days with her parents .'n before leaving for New York I T`hn an 1'1` hnlr`. :4 vr-rv l IIi0\'Hb`C `b')H H'll.`llu5. Mrs. W. J. Reid I tted WA. in her 1 j nesting. 1 MVQ r`.nHn\x'nv :1 Miss Joan Cnwnn 1(-ft -m m :1 trip to Edmmitrm and ` ,. 1'. Mrs. J. Third is the `swn friends. 1ur.... I I Dnizi nnfn 1 rrum. 1 Visitors during the week included: `Mr and Mrs. Arthur How nnd `children (`i 'I`oromn at. Tims. Hew- 1s0n's: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mcciiiciimxi Hind son. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McGui- `chenn of Dundaik at. W. J. SniyIhr":`: ;Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sutherland and Lsmi of Ciova. Quc.. at R. A. Suther- i'.and`<: Miss Olive. Jenkins and sister. ?of Toronto with Ethel Black: Audroy iand Cliff. Fagmi and S. Hiiiis -`sf To-| 'ronin with `Mrs. R. Fagaxi; Miss Mv-`i `rrz..1.... ,.r '1 in ...;u. MN A F`.rnnn' YUHKU \\'HlI WILD. IL. -'t1.:,'nu. AI.||nn ;u\-; Kinley (`I 'I`o:'0ntn with Mrs. A. Green: I [Mn and Mrs. Wm. 'Pickerln<.:. Mr. and. 1 Mrs. Wm. Argall. Mr. and Mrs. George` `Williams. Miss Jennie Pickc-rim: and` 1 Frank Donaldson f Tnmnto withi 1 Rex`. and Mrs. Pickenmz; Mrs. I`h'\n1`,- [ `son of Thornton with Mrs. \ViX: ` Black. , ' 3 l`V.)rcsLCrs. l ` Following a service held in Trlnityl 'j,Ch1u-eh where he was once churchi` lwarden. and a member of the choir ' for many years. the funeral procession '1 proceeded to Barrie Union cemetery.` `headed by the slgnallers' Band from; :Camp Borden. A servlce was held at} g the grave during which twelve Lcgion- g 3` alrcs fired three volleys over the} lgrave. and Bugler B. J. Hill sounded: :.`. the "Last Post." I) ` "I"I-\n Hnnnrnrv null hnnrorx HIGH! Wedding bvlls arn rhuglluz Innrrily. A number from lwro nttrzndrrd Lhr armors` picnic at Klllanwy on 'I`ur>s- 'nr LOST OR STOLEN ~~- On Sundm mnrnlmz. snmlr black t(`1`1'iv1'. Winds nlensu` return to 118 Hayeld St.. 0' nhnnn 1029. . 2'71`. .____.__________._____._______ WAN'1`ED---A good general. Good Wastes. Apply 50 Burton Ave. 2'1b I vnunnnu \II nu...-1.. ....-....-.. Last Thursday am-rnonm Major`; Joseph Rogers. who died at Oakvillc 1 {June 24. in his ninety-eighth year.` }was buried with full military honrxrs` lby the local branch of the Canadianl ,Legion and A" Company. tsimcoey > Foresters. m.11A...i.... ., em-uinn hr-Ir! in T`rinif\'| '1`. Mays. nu. Jollcb. u. Utg'a-- Hobbs! `pull An-: `drew George: ` I LOCAL NEWS ."ul.l'H,H `H RWIIIHIH`/, HIV` |llI'4lI ln'f\" c-ru|.v.o, .*`.;)m|:=,I)rr-dv by mu 1):-mm 1:; Chm, with l)v~l,\v-vn 110 and 40 lanes, will nrrlvu in Bn:'ri(- 'm Bu!- _v. /\\1:,ru:~`.I. 9, nbrml. in am. lay- .~,n\'1n'.r, Hm!-. and will rrm:a.ln Mr 1- hrmrsx, :H`(")l'dhl[.Z tr) Lht` f:hl`(1|ll!? lw lglxt whit-,h !'Pn(:hff!l hr-rv this I I-`l7NER.\l. OF .\`l.-\.|()R R()('-ERS - r-7..., .. \:..... 'lI.":` VVl|`\Ull l\l Irippa-cl mud n. nu-J nlT|m~ STROUD `)l Tll'I lI|'l,. [ll'lI' Wlnniv pumm; In In. inlnulluhln 1 1 entertained the Un- ` home. for the June Snturtlay arirmx S\In Mum )I`Ul`lU) I 13.-n nah; (`nnn\h= SUM OF MONEY lost in 'I`m'0nln hN\vvm1 Tomnto and Burriv nn Sn urduv. Finder nlvnsv nntifv Mrs. Cu Prlmzlo. Bxm`ic. 2 I nu-u uumu :n-- ` -, Hr :,LrmcP. hl:. , :u|.Hnu H. vvry `Hl-Illll null IH Lunpp, It-ll npun am- In. ...I. hl. .1.-. . W. VI. Dl||_VllI"-.1 1 zmd` at Suthor-l enkins 01 Audregx 1 'rn-i Miss M(--3 111 A Gro(~n:| 1 Q11:-c-n`:-' M will be . 1.4.-uyl Iv I Saturday Vancouv- I BIBLE ECHOOI: 9.4: ) AVM. MORNING SERVICE 11 /LM. EVENING SERVICE 7.00 P.M. The Pn.'~:Lnr will prrrzurh at both mrvlr.-0 MID-`WEEK MFJETINGS I`u::~duy- ~Prayt:r Memlmz, 8 u'<:lm:)~ Irid:ay-4YmIna, Pr.-nplr`, 8 n`-husk. DOUGLAS Gold Bond Guarantee Any IncI'cl1:nu|i.sc lHS(I()MM!SNl)l3l) -Ivy um xlnll, in any dcp:n'txncnt, i.~ cuva.-red by our MHNEY I ./\( ZK f.;l|1ll(lIHL'L", if Y()lJ uh) nut find it as slztlcd. - .\.v..J . . . _ _ __ -_, Row. J. S" SH()R'I"I'. M./1., Miuislel P.`dmumI. Ilardy, Mus. nun. F.1`.C.M. firnnniuf nml (,`Imirmast(.'r SUNDAY. JULY (3, 1930 H) /\..VI.--'I'HE BIBLE SCHOOL 11 A.M.---A Dominion Day Scrvi<;r- 12 P.M.--~COMM'UNION SERVICE 7 P.M.--'I`HE UNLIMITED SUPPLY Wed, 8 p.m.--'I`hc Prayer Meeting I .________ I.OS I`--B1:wk lentlmr mu` Allandalo station and .I.', Suturdm mum. Rnwurd. ( lozwv at -19 Sanford SL. UUNDAY. JULY 6. 1930 H /\.M.~-MR. A. R. HASSARD. of '1`m-onto, 1':-px'e5ex1ling thv Educa- ..inn:11 I`e-mperancc Council. 7 P.M.-Rl-IV. M. HESLIP. Penctanguishene SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 10 ILM. Lrurltlux \a..y-..... INv-:'.l to Cvntral Srzhnulu REV. A` C. WHI'I`Cf)MnF.. VISITORS HEARTILY WELCOME Introductory Offer Three Flowers Basic Cleansing Set ((:Il2ll'IlH|('tH1l4I|'](`:I L`) ' H`. 3211' fIlc:m.ain;v_ (`.rc:Hn. I-I-/.. `$1.111 I'M` hcnvr. /\l..\() wilt` =wvk' ugvply ml (:;I'<'.l\ `I'M-0 . $1 Douglas Drug Stoyfe /\l.Vl.. I.- ()l\e Phone 75--BARRlE First Baptist Church CLAPPERTON s"rm:m' RI-IV. ARTHUR HALF}, Pastor M.-.. mm). Ihnrr nrrmnisl. The Barrie Radio Electric Service ST. ANDREW S Presbyterian Church 1' II A Illinfe I.OS'I`--Al 'Inn1:+m Park` on Julv 1 small blue suit. case. containlnq `mt mail` of white shoes und other nrtiv` Finder 1)1(`IlS(` nnt,1fs' Examine`). 1 REV. /IICTMUK llbls, ru.1u1I Mrs. Edith Rourn, Organist Miss M. Sinclair. Choirlcadr:r Collier St. Regular Baptist Church AM:--'I on r`.:=nh-nl 5::-hvv-1: 71.11710. l1(l7'(lII. (V1113. nu r .1 4. Organist and Clmirmaslcr Phone 129. J M.-\l<(\)l.ll:"l"l`E PRICES H.~\\ l;` l%El:`.\ l-fl-JIM? .llnc\\' mmlcl will be intruduccd slmrll} ;m.l ~ mu>t he moved In mukc runm fur the ncw p'csen1c;1r will he accepted in trade. IJBERAI. FIN.-\;\'(Zl. \'(i FA(7ll.l l`ll5S :1 Il`.ruu;:l1(}.M.A.C. e:1s_vpz1_\'n1emplan. S'l`()(jK IS l.lMl'l`ll). AC!` (`)l l(1` BARRIE, ONTARIO muons MAsm~:n $295. .R91t!ctiLn \\ i.xh 1., ;mnuunce the F. J. GRACEY PURISE LOS'I`-Contalnh1s: sum of money ($35). SaLurdm' uftornnmw` nvur 'C.N.R. station at B1l1'I 1(`. Lilwr-.1` rnuvurrl nnhwn tn Rnv DR Pnnmnn" Mmlv frnm Fresh Hull and Pulp and Su;;':1r Syrup. 50c bottle lll2lkL`~ I8 },{1:l`~.`wL MONTSERRAT PURE FRUIT JUICES when we will he better ; on all models while theylilast 28 ELIZABETH ST. on Saturday, June 21 L`, l.L-nmn. ` |?:1sphcrr_v SI rzlwlucrry 1+-1"j50 ` npcning ' nnnuuv uu c)'u-- . . I(I'.'V. If Ix YI/.S`()I*/ `)'()IlN(i. If /1 , II II. Mi1:ic~I:rr 'U.N.H.. smuon at nu1'1`u'. rc-wnrd. Return to Box 93 Pv or t`lz.`1)h0nv N0. `.251 Pmxotxxna. Everything Electrical 7 lixqlnixitc min. N:m`i HIM Plan to spend PICHSI. use your m .. on nhn--..h 1 Ulll ISM cordlany Sabbath f Collier St. ` Rev. J. .Inhn.x-I,n I `L1 Hclrc `hi 1 v (.|Hl..%? lieu, :1I1. Even S01 ) Strangrrrs and V1 comcd to our sorv is a United Ch n ...I....o...(..n. um I.OS'I`--Bostnn Bull don. crnon lonuw vnllnv studdvd with bmw. Lust svor on mm mm. Inmsl. nour Bn'.'ri1iIh wuv. Finder nlenso nntifv wnndondf RH. No. 1. Allnndulv. m` phnnv `.!`.!r'.!-I Stmud. 2'71` UNI'l`F.I) CHURCH U!" (IAN/H)/\ ..-.-.p--. I u rug II 1111*! I HEAR, REV. ('-H()R(H". .l l`:.rr.nh. introductory paclmgo mCfi`I\lIl;F`l){15;L`Vl`Cliluu li(-~ Wellington Hotel Block ST. DENIS BATH SALT CRYSTALS I}. J. ul'llLIl-`SLUIH. nu... Mivlislnr IIOICACE WlL.S'()N, ()rgam'st and (,'lmi7 ZINC tn SPECIAL YOUNG FIGS [0 WIN`, Bllrtnn Aux. `l hurs.day. July 3. I930 SUNDAY. '3UI.Y MURINE m. l ;l;: Y( )I H- ll I\..VI. HHU I I nil THE M I NIS'I'-Iff. 25c H` (MI: nlcnllu . V United Church! I: A Hlo nllh IKI.' l"UN. mxurr ~ Annlv to Mrs PHONE 919 r 1| J/\ Y. IE1) hcc 60 H|('H(', HHl,l"(' lnhlc '1-'(_{IlP'G T`T(1`S ' R. H.*`Hl\`.".\`. m.--vr I-`OR SALE---Dm'l (not. will sell run for nlrzs am` am`. hwr Oltl`. E}_(;OD GENERAL MAI-D wrmtcd. An- ply Mrs. Jerey McCarthy. 50 Ohm`- lottc SL.. phone 395. 27'.) FOR. SALE--l6 Pvrrv St.` 5500 d Barrio Renl Esmto Office `.25 l"lVl`.` nuns run. lmlldhnzs. (mvn xvntm ux 5'74. Barrio. Om. ADLET COLUMN FIVF. ACRES FOR. SALE lmlldhmx mwn \\'nn\r vlvcf F`0R'SALE--A 33-non` bush nnd pus- mrv lot with creek. good szardnn land just outside tnwu. .\m)1,v Box T~`..\~ uminer Office. 127-283 FOR SAI..E~Cotume. rooms. conveniences. wood oors in main 1 pmrmze. {run trees. Maple L0d.RC. Louisa Bl-`.AU'I`r1'-`UL MARKET GARDEN for mlo. with nosscssioxx in (all. Now ".~' the (hue to sm` what. vou art` bu\'l".t: 'I`uwn water. Iiuht. No small dawn 1mvInents considered. No reasmmbhw oor refused for cash. Apply Box Examiner Omcu. 25-271) -_ I00 ACRES in 'I`o\vnsmp of Sumxidnlvx 5 miles from Smvncr. an under cu1~ tivuvion. level choice claw ham. rzncd h)r~.11lt.v. conufnrmhle frnnw housn. nx-` cvllent barn 44 x '72 cenwm wall. hen hnuse 18 x 50. with or without. crop $5.800 without `crop. Robert Arm- snromz. Stayner. Ont. RR. 1. 25-30;) (zooms Ami BOARD 71:1`/E STOCK FOR SALE :_______ WANTED---Hea1t.h.v middlomqcd -wo- man to do housework for elderly couple in country. no outside work. Phone 993%`. 27p '-*""": -AGENTS WANTED w`.-gt _ PROPERTY LET HELP WANTED LOST Kb FOUND -SEQ? AUIFOMOBILES WANTED `mun vnw tl\`0lH\l)1(` 1\Dhl.\' zu mum '1nu\x-~ ` or munlrv.; ' Office. 2 ip Baytlcld SL. '7 3 h:u'd- ` lot. ` furnace. wart. lurire 'I`erms. Amv R0 | 1`.R-`)'Il\ 3 LIVE FOWL WAN'1'EI)--I>llr.zIu~st, uric- cs pnld. Phone 384 or write H. LCVH Rnrrlc-. 23-27!` ` lIl'S(` l')`I`[\\'Cl.`l` Inhn SL. or. Call 503.] O? 27% |sekr~0D(`1' wt `v1nn ()1 mm` 21' I 0x"h2lnz(` ` hex F`.\'nm~ IV 1' 27p ' 27y U(`f`.1 27p . ,, , FOR SALE--Deerlng Binder. 6-ft. m mod shape. $80.00. Write Box Pmrrln P,O, ..__._.___.___._..____ ENNIS PIANO FOR. SALE. in 200d condition. Apply to Box Examin- er Office. 27b _ ..-, , ., BOY'S GOOD-SIZED SCOOTER for sale. Reasonable. Apply 11 Grenville SL. Allnndale. 22Lib ____._._...._.___.-?..__j_.. _: FOR SALE--A second-hand No. 110 Pcnse warm air furnace. nt 119 'l`o- ronto St.. Barrie. 27-28b Dam. En rrk-. nnou smm Barrie, P.O. _________.__._________..__ FOR. SALE--Largo white bnbv cm`- rlzuzc. in good condition. W111 sell :01 $5. Applv Mrs. J. Kelly. 68 Domald uh`:-M. 27p ___..___________:_______ FOR. SALE--A Happy 'I`h0m:ht 1'm1g` and u dining-mom heater. Will SP1] ::h'nr). Axmly 58 Holguto St_. or phone 1216. 26-27p ---: I-`OR SALE--l)(rI<:()-Hr:,hL nlzmt. .'1n'thc1` use for szmw. -Can be sm- `ucorgc Bm}n's. Barillin Park." `buHnn ______.__ FOR SALE--Stamdimr tlmothv hay. :' mod crux). by tho acre. Armlv in Geo. W. Dx'ur_v. c-0 H. E. D. -1 :-rklns. RR. Nu. 1, Barrio. Onl. 2'7-28b i-30p ___________.______________ WOOD AND LUMBER for salt-. I in<-) and 2 inch. any lcmzlh. l`.!-Inch hard vond. also h:u'dwnnd and lwxnlru-1* :Inh.~:. Phonn '.I5 IW. J. 1). Human. Eliz- .|..~m 9.1 18-27;~ WOOD AND I.UMBER--12-Inch hurt! \'(md $10.00 nr-1' l:n'1z- truck lnnrl: hm'(' Llld soft. wood slnh.-a. 1 mm 2-inch imm- `nvk hunbor. unv lcruzlh. Plmnv 919 inrrlo. and m`(lm's will be promptly m1. `(L W. S. Hz1t.t.nn. Ivy. '.![)Lfb 'vllh `.30 h.n.C0nuncnm1 mmnr nmu-ry `mtor. `Snlox (-m'hm'otm'. in bus! run- 11119.` condftlnn. $400 or best. olfvr Sc-<)x'Lz(~ Hnncs. Cmlsrwxlt-. Gm. 273 _j_____._:__.____ OR. SA4LE~--- I`w(`,nl_v-font mntnr hon m Lnkv Simone. ~r'(`dm` hull, |)l l\\'!`V'(`( h.n.C0ntincnm1 motor bzmr-z`_v om-om- .Qr\h`\\` ('n!'hIll'(`fm'. __ ._ ____.__._--:--------- YOUNG CANADIAN COUPXJE rm-1: nnulflnn nn lnrmi wife as lxntxsokcurw nuns. t'll() uhrth St. __ __.__.._._._.__._ EXPERIENCED PTIYSICIAN. I..MC l 3.. closiros to not (H Locum 'I`(`n(-ns ir. Bmwio during .Iul_\' or August. Annl' Box Exa1nin(,~r Omen. 27-28b ,, Garnet: P. Weston, n Bmric Old Boy. f0x'm(`.r1y engaged in nvw. vnrk in V:m<'ouvor and now a sua- ......r..u nlnmm-in-ht with Ivhrnn his wD1`0- vnrk In vimcouvur zum mm u mu.- '-.SSflll playwright, with throo big wp1'n- tlucuons to his r-redit., returned to Vzmcouvt-1' from New York during the Dust month and has (iv:-idvd to make his home in tho coast city. ,, _ ERSONS R.EQUIR.TNG F`ll11(`1' brush as mnv szot smno frnm W. J. Harring- nn mmnt 29 McDonald St. '27-'31; from w. .1. r nn. mzcnt. 29 `ho 11m1<\1-signed has recc\i\'cd instruc- Hnnu "rnm Valuable Farm Property Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture us h('u u_y ;uu..\ ....._..,..,.. Wednesd y, July 9 THE FOLLOWING 1 FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS -St:mdard bred C011. 2 years. by Mom znttlo out of Om Grutton by Gratton Loyal: 7 steers. 2 yrs. old , 3 heifers. 1 saw nldz Massey-Harris lfmder, If~`mst : Wood mower. nmls: seed-drill. Sup- rior: sulky rake. nrrxv: cutter. rook .ulp91'. fmming-mill. cream separator cw. Massey-Hm'ris; set double har- .053, also forks. dnublclroes, (-hnins nd many -rther articles. HOUSEHOLD 'FURNI'I`URE--Ches- nrvld suite. soctionz\1 book cast`. pm`- n' chairs. rugs. rockers. eLc.. parlol .\bl{`S. pictures. curtxrlma. (~tc.. dining: uitn, walnut buffet. china cubmet, t. "mime: chairs. 4 bedroom suites. 3 slid- tg (',nuch(`5, rugs. vt(`.. cutlery. Tud- topo-Andorson m'.1ge. new; dishes. Argo congolcum rug. now; Corona ungo. kitchen tzrblos, chairs. vornndah hairs. (`tc.. kitchon cupbmxrd. iancy nma. kitchen utensils. otv. STANDING CROP~-l5 ncrvs "my. lt".11t':1. timothy and rod ('1 15 i (-res huy. timothy and wild grass. 3 I-`ARM PROPER.'I`Y--Also at xht unw timv and place tho farm. consist- III: of T5 an-.rvs. nmrv or loss. with good 1 and brick holxstx new Daisy hot \V:1l!l` l v.'.;tt-111` hzlrdxrnnd oors, running wa- .: ..H ....\A.\..n 1~r\I\I'l\I\inI\nl\c fznnr` --. HOUSEKE'EPER.'S nosltlon wanted b_\ ol(lorlv capuhlo woman. for two In thrvv persons: town or cnuntrv. An- plv to Box Exunulnor OfTl(`('. 271 Aucmn SALE 171- |\. A `I In/I - at Oro Station `AT 'I`H'E LAKE Lu snll by Publiv Auclfmn on `I! I I I I f` WHY BE TROUBLED with your Stomach? MISCELLANEOUS Dr. BUCHANAN & GAMBLE c1i6SLXNb's DRUG STORE DEALERS 137-147 Dunlop St. Phone 76 - 147 FOR SALE M.mT NXSH ...__.._..:.._:..___ POSITION WA'N'I`ED nu hnus( no small childmn. A cmm)Monl knnnor and cook. In town r Annlv, Bax "B." Exnm1m`r om * M.-\X\`VELL SEDAN. REO COUPE. PONTIAC COUPE. I CHRYSLER TOURING. 2 MCLAUGHLIN TOURINGS l CHEVROLET ROA`DS'I`ER. l GRAHAM PAIGE 610. ` FORD COUPE. McLe-od's Stomachic . CLIL. : 125. `7 1n 12. ), 27p mam 1111-? -31! C. B. RAIKES. DESCENDANT OF FOUNDER OF SUNDAY SCHOOL, enl.*.xI(Q Aw` R'I`A'l`lIl-`. IINVEILING Cnmpbell Ralkes was in 'I`oront.o on Saturday to nttend the unveiling of n statue of Robert. Rnikes. founder 01 the Sunday `School. commcmm-n.um.z the 150th mmlvcrsnry of the organi- zation of the movement. Thos. Rnlkvs. ` the great-grcnL-grandfather of Camp- bell Rnlkes. was a b1'0L`hvr of Rnbort Rnlkvs. ,- H -_ .1. .\.........A........ Ari .noy'ccl by ll`ii.`?('hi(`,'V0ll.'~ boys in tho rLlI.IIu'n. I V Given :1 place on thv programme of` the unveiling vceromony Icamphc-ll Rnikes sketched briefly the histnry of his esteemed. grunt-grant uncle Robl-rt and oxipresqcd the appreciation of tho Rnikcs` family for the honor dmw thr- founder of the Sunday School. Hum- orously `he remarked that us therv was none to ('(mi.l'(H(:l. him. hr might say that it had been snicl that his grvnin great um-lv Rub:-rl.. was :1 cranky. olrl srcntleman who disliked hnvinp; his Sunday zLfto1'r\(mn xlonp disturb:-d. An-' nulgl1bnrhnod ho had set nhzmi. tn finri snnw way to kmp them nnmsorl and had sturtvd :1 Sunday S('hf)01 011155. N0 rnntivr what thv primary r(-ztsnn may hnvv been for 0rgz\nl'/.inL: thv first ('.]nH.`('.\`, hm\'\vm'. (:i:Lim(`(i Mr. Rnikt-s. tho i10nm'Nl Il1('(`Si.0l' h:1(i iwvn r~'Ip.m- slblv for :1 mnv:-ml-nt cf much mo- mq-nt. It was fitting" hr r~nm.rk:~(l. that the s:t:ntm' uf R.(`.h(`l`t. Ralika-s. win lmci hm-n u pxu'lizum-ntnr_v rrpnric-r, shnulrl bu pi:r('v(i so near the Prnvint-iui Pm`- linnu-nt lluildimxs. W. J. Wnlke-r. Dist! 'h- Mnrm1`:u'.Iurm's' 3rsn1pxm_v. has left fw Hmnd tho annual co` '.`ll(`H'H1 Club of his ( `ho olghth yuzu` in `Valkw has q11n.1H`l(-cl in this rwgarximtimm mvmbnrs from MI pnr `ho Unitvd `SHlH`.`. A `ns boon m'rnn;:(\l auv ro:'.p(`ct.lnr,: tho 5:110 4 vill ht` di.:('11ss.(~(i. .21 'rmt1nn om-1'9 n won `Ly for those pn-wnl mud infnrm:n'inn as 'Hion.~s in all parts of "` WORK WANTED~Ymnu: mrm -'-xnor- lenvvd with lyne\vr1t(`1' nnd knnwlvd~ of hnokkoeplmz. Cnn uivo :'oforonm~:` A'nnlv`l.o Box L." Examiner Omcv. 1