Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1930, p. 12

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j One cent a word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), five insertions [or the price of four. 10c extra when charged; also we extra when replies Ire directed to The Examiner Office. < ring 211) ` TAKE NOTICE that from and after the publication hereof in four succes- sive issues of The Barrie Examiner. the Bylaw hereunder written will be passed by the Council of the Township of Essa. in the County of Simcoe. un- less in the "meantime any valid objec- tion to the passing of the bylaw shall be received by the said Council. ANT) WIRTHER TAKE NOTICE ..21l be received by the saw. uouncu. AND FURTHER that anyone objecting to the passing of this bylaw may give written notice of the same to the said Council on or before the second day of June. 1930. or may appear personally or by his counsel before the said Council at any meeting thereof held before the second day of June. 1930. DATFTD nt. EARRIE this sixth dav of: da.y of June. 1930. DATED at. BARRIE this sixth day May. 1930. W M, DTNWOODY. . I The following" is :1 copy of tho pro-' nosvd bylaw:-- Bylaw No. A Bylaw of H20 Municipal Cm'p0m- tion nI thn Township of Essa to close that. portion of the sido mad bol\veen lots twcnLy-\-'0 (25). and 'I'wen1y-:~'ix (26). dns('x'1\)ed as follows; rinmmnnninsr M. n. nnint 1860 feet Commencing; nt. :1 point east. of me oa. boundary nf the allnwancc for road. cmnmnnly known ax the fourth C(m(`r`ssinn lino of the 'l`mvnship of Essa. 'I`honcn onsmy a~ long the said side mud l1Mw(>on lnts twc11Ly-\'o and t\vc-my-: tn a mom` 1765 fort west of tho wos{m'1_v bmnndmjv of tho nl1m\':1nr~(~ for rand cnnnnm11y knoxvn as thn 1`1f:h (mncossion lino 01 the 'I`own. of Essa. WHEREAS lhn (`.m|n:-H th\(\n\< H rv- run 1'0wn. L55 . WHEREAS tho Cmnu-.i1 (h\mn:< it (`X- ncdtent and in tho host inlnt-osts of the Township t.n clnsn that portion nf tho said side road hm`oinl)r~fm'(- BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of tho Tmvnship of Esszt as fn1~. Iows:--- ` 1. That, from zmd nftvr tho pnxrzinu wf this B_v1n\v all that portion of tht` - hr-t\\'o:\n Ints t\vm1t_v-t`1\'` and twenty-six d(`.`1'('l'il)l`d :1:< fnllmvs:-V COMMENCING at a potnt 1860 foot` "ast. of tho (`: b()lIl1d:t1`3I of tho; t-xllnuvnnnn fnr vnnn! nnn1n\nn`h' lrnnurnt I l UL)Vh\ ll.`.'NL;lNL1 (1! ;11lmvz1m's` for road. r wv; lhn fmn-H1 r-nnr-ru: :n|mvan(`(`, I01` man. (tnmln< 2:34 the` fourth rnncossion 'l`mvnshlp nf Essa. TIIENCE t`as!r`1'1y nlnn; ix-idr-mad hnt\vI~m1 lol-4 twm` l\vonl._v-six tn a 17mm 1765 1 mo \vr\stm'ly bmlndmgv of Rh | for mad. (~ummnnl,v known --n\\I-rxucinn Iinn nf H10 'T`n\m WAN I`ED- -Fil`tN`n unnnrr t".IlH(* vmr ( 1 mr man. (~nmnmmy K110\V'l] : `E --mwnssinn lim of tho T()\'. 11 , <:1. lw. and mu .<:uno is, hm` 2. This by1a.w shall vmnv ~mrl have r\f1'(~:-.1 after the w hm-m\f ant? nffnr if hnc ham` `LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE fm` : tv*nrnr Will unll 1*n:zcnnnhlr\ Phnnn 'LJLak)Yl} HAD! k2l\h E:`0\`orsi1J!r~. Will xv]! ' 1` 17-11 . Cwtxrso lr`:1di11g to (lumen -11 I?cgi_ rd N111's9 CIFNSDS 0011111101100 .Tu11t- 1st...l under fully qualied i11sL1'uc11'css. Sal-| i m'_v paid -t1uri11g t1`ai11i11g. Write tor- '.1a1'ticulars. Add1`(`S.~;: SUPERINTENDENT. ONTARIO HOSPITAL. TORONTO 3. ONT. Cookstmvn. Unmrm. Clerk. By BOYS 8: BOYS. Barrio. Ontzwio. 'I`m\'nship (Solicitors. Reserve your space now and got early chicks 63 Clappcrton St. Phone 1184 T01. ll)45J 1 BARRIE 1 Box 563 URRY BROS. ::;::::::5 3| \ 3 3 .3 OQ'fO&% DAY-OLD BARRED ROCKS $15.00 PER HUNDRED Custom Hatching ru, C/\'I"1'LE WAN'[`ED--T'\ 1 Int. 5. con. 4. V-".s`nm. R.:Hv.<; Wrifo Wm. Slmrpv. I'hm'nln 30-1'0 `Cnnk. Kelly s Hatchery ORDER VVELL AHEAD Nnw Booking for June -` -.5... KELVINSIDE HATCHERY TJURSES TRAINING SCHOOL Remainder of Season ' w. M. DINWOODY. Cnokslmvn. Ontario. C11 $1.00 ;1cr 100 less 14 cents ._ WAN'l'ED Po.-4ilirn1 us; H|ll`..l`-(`0ll1'?:IH ,(m to Indy tn` p:r~uHmnnn. Can giw Gnd l'(`fPl f`Il(`l`.!~'.. Apply in Miss S. J t'I.(`Hll. 22. (`z1'n.~;\'r-nr>:` 'l`m`rml,r. V %1%3In1;ah "NOTICE ;;(,c1;{+.};c;.(;{ June 1st to 15th CHICKS Lcghorns Nu pmm mun lam - > ::tm'1V t,1wI\InI1)DB cmnlnnnly kxtoxvlm MM lino of thv 3 d lSH`1`1_V nlnnzz Hm said Vi('{(` on txvonty-vr\ and! Mm 1 fro! wvst. of` pin)_ rundrngv the zllimvzrm-.0 MAUI) mnly as tlw fifth 1930` ` 'I`m-mxhiy) of 133- dam - hcrc-hy (`lnsPd. sun. w into fnrvn) SHAU1 `I nal p:1". Thu? or it has been (-nnrmod] Mrs. H10 (`7< mn(-i1 of tho Coun- nntl nflnr if hnc 1-nnnivnrl Going Fishing 7 We have a good supply of Tackle at fair prices. Three-piece Steel Rods 95c up James P. Stokes, Toronto. pleaded guilty in police court Tuesday after- noon to the theft of 9. can of varnish from Robinson's hardware. He was n- ed $10 and costs amounting to $29.00 after Charles E. Robinson, who prose- ; cutcd. asked the court to be lenient in view of the fact that the theft was mnnll. El-nlrnc nnrl onrdhnr 'T`nrnnOn rnon cf)lHlL'(`.'$ :ll')H',{ \\'(,'.`;l. snnrx` U1 mm`. um wmft Ii.-'tiu;,; of wvtlmzvs for rnnt. Wm! WM! Lnkv Sinu-aw Rmlly. Sl.rnud. Ont auln 20-24! TAKING CAN oF\vAiusH COST THIS MAN $29.00 Stokes and another Toronto man were engaged in Barrie on Friday do- ing roofing and had purchased cement from the Robinson store. As the ac- cused left he is alleged to have picked .nn '1 ran nf urn-n(:h whit-h um: um. CllhL'\.l llflb Ill` 1-`: 'llllCEL'|4| lrU lN1.\/L` [JIUISULI -up .1 can of varnish. which was re- covered in his Toronto home the fol- lowing day when Harold Robinson of Toronto. :1 son of Charles Robinson. called on :1. pretense to get the accused to do some work for him. It is alleg- ed Stokes produced the can of varnish `as the kind they were using for varn- ishing zioors. f".h1'nf Qtnuznv-I wnnf On 'T`nv-nnfn Slum- Jhlllllfl, .IlI\ll -5. Chief Stewart, went, to Toronto Sun- day nmrnlng and brought. Stokes Ln Barrio. lodging him in tho police cells hero to await, trial. `'1 don't know why I took lt." Stokvs told Magistrate Joffs. It was fnultslmeas. I guess." 1`! hvld in 1930. at rcting :1. election. Ugl\'-\.\l `LIBERAL CONVENTION IN STAYNER ON JUNE 2 ALLAN- At the Royal Victm-in I~In;;pil- ` :11. on Wvdxlesday. May 21. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Thonms Allan. 59 Car- oline St.. Allzmdalo. :1 son Istillborm. BEARDSAI.I,.--M the Royal Vwmrr, Hospital. 'I`uesday, May 20, 1930, U` Mr. and Mrs. Vm'nN. I). B0n.1'ds:111 -Hm uifl. nf :1 dmlghlvr. tDm1n:a Mario). Mario). 1I\'1I)D~--At, the Royal Violnrizl Hospit- ; nl. Ba1'rir\, on Fridzty. `May 16. 1930 to Mr. and `Mrs. Cmtil Kidd. Elmvalo -1:111p;l1tm'. MORGAN -A! St. Joseph's Ilospitnl. Vi(`l0l`iu, on May 11, I930. In Mr. am I, W. T). Mnrpzan (H!`(` t"`l(\.'<.sir* C115. 1 a daugzhtor. Illolon M:I.1':zn1'nt`) 1 M2\(tI)()NALI) --In Barrio, on May 20. 1930. to Mr. and Mrx. Milmn Mm`- ` dmnld_ 132 Brz1(ifm`d St`. Bmric. 2: Run ` `UH LEHI. H] II (1llfZHH`I'. IIJRHHH ul Anal! 1 CAMERON In Bmwir`. rm I"rid:1_v. Ma} '1 Hi, 1930. William Andrew Czmwrnn in his I3rd _vn:n'. `D/\VIS-At. Ivy, on Friday. May 16 1930. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Prod Arnold. Rvlwcca Jam.` Lon. nn\' hnlnunrl uvifn nf Ohn Iain I-Inna: l xvnzsz rrm nrnnm. nmvcca Jam.` Lon. nn.\'_ b_`lov(`d wife of tho late Hem ) ` Davis, in hm` 77m year. ' MA I`CHET I`--In Alhmdalc. on Thurs` day. May 22. 1930, Emmaline Gray. widow of tho late Joseph Mat,chvt.t in hex` 75m \'(`a1`. Thv funeral wil. WE HAVE ENQUIRIES for lots coHz1L:v:s tll!)I)'.Z xvcsi. short` of lnkv. ` ax H] a.m.. I01 xmcrmrrm an Honey- I wood, Ont.. via motor. ORCHARD-At Minesing Station, rm 'I`hursda_v. May 22. 1930. Margnre: Elhol O1`cl1m`d. beloved wlfrr of R0- bert. M. Orchard. in her 57th year. The funeral will take place from the family residence. Mlncslng Station. nn Saturday. May '24. at. 2 p.m.. fol Minosinp Unltod Church and com- {\ll"! \' ! S. W. Lambert and family wish to E thank friends and neighbors for kind- noss and sympathy. also oral tributes l during their recent bc-rmwcxnent. 211: \;r..,. run. ..A.. .....-I .a......I.on.. run... uuu; uu,-A A\,\.Lnu, UL.Al.I`hVl,|ll<.ll|/. a... Mrs. Cameron and daughter. Mrs Bannermzm. wish to thank their man) I relatives and friends for the kind- I ncss and sy1nmth_v shown them Ir. i their recent sad bereavement. also fox . the beautiful oral tributes. 211: I ?_e..._...._.....:__. ` BAN'I`ING--In loving memory of Mary ~ Elizabeth Banting. beloved wife 01 | R. J. Coulter, who passed away from 1 mortal life to eternal life on May 22. 1 1923. ; The golden bar was lifted and she has entered in. Where there is no gloom of nlszht. | Nor one thought of sin; ;And in that land at love and light. W0 soon shall all tngetlmx` be. Throutth faith triumphant we shall ll rnizvn : x~cx,:n. With Christ through all ot.ex'11iLv. I -Husband. Daughtex I :11) and Friends `FR.ALICK-In loving memory of oux dear son. Frank. son of Mr. and Mr: .105. Fmlick. Mincsing. who passed au'a_\' May 18. 1925. Lnvinxz and kind in nll his ways. [Upright and just `.0 the end of hi: dnvs, UDYILZIII` H110 l days. I Sincere and 1 lA beautiful 1 n,, .n__ . \\'2(10\V OI HM` ll JOSCDII Nl.l,CH(`U _\'o:n`. funeral mkv place from the residence of hm h(`lC(`. Mrs. J. W. Perry. 18 Willian SL. Allzmdalo. on Sunday, May 25 at 10 for interment at Honey- wond. `.nomr_ I`URNER----1n lnvimr memory of m_' dour wifv. Tillie`, who departed Ma} mm 192': u\ uumuu . -S:1d1_v \ yvvr. 1 I !\ col I3: uvzs want list CARDS or THANKS (nu. lul. amzol took n1y_nwc-r away. 1 I mall not romno. - Incllx in WI: hnunvn uvnnvc int ('0nv(`nlinn of Libvrals and ;. of Nmth Simmc will be 1 Stnynm` rm Monday, June 2. K 2 p.m. for tho purpose of S01- (`andidato for thc` 1'm'thc0n1inp, \ IN MEMORIAM 'okN" 1 true in lwmt and mind. mmnm'_v loft behind. ' missed by Mother. Fatho Brothers. and Sister THE mxnm:-1 EXAMINER nu. . Father I Sis(or.`< .wm --DPCUHLIB LU bll Payne shop. Friday. Satnrdnv being V11 !"UH.N[SHFID ROOM Ml m|1v(\niMu*(`:;. Bum` M'lll(2tl.Sl(!l' St. UCSS DXBCUS Wlu UK: Lilubltu. -Apex and Columbia records. 3 for $1.00 at Keenan's Book Store. 21b --B1g matinee special at the Capitol. Saturday. May the 24th, at 2.30 p.m. x Jampg Hart. Bradford St._ has been Payne snop. r1-may. Saturday being Victoria Day. ness places will be closed. _,Annv and r`.nInmhln rnvnrds, Saturday. May the zmzn, RI, p.m. x James Hart, Bradford SL, appointed `Barrie representat,ive for Chrysler cars. _Inc9 urrhmd -at tho 'Mn.rv Pavne -~Spcc1a1s in silk hosiery at '1 3nvnn shnn Fridav. (lY`.uU`O_V(`,(`l ny HYC. { The weekly market. will ho hold nu, Friday instead of Saturrlay this week." Md. Blair. chairman of the nmrknts (`ommH,Lee. had dodgers dist, 0111 Friday. :u1nrmm:lnL: this fact. 1lHrh~nH\ T.nnnn3( A '1` C M , has N`- l`1:lUiL_V. ilu|I\JIu|I.uu; mun Inhu. ~-Illldrnth Lnnnox. A.'l`.C.M.. lms l`(`~ ` turned from her s(-mml Wnslvrn mm- tert tour and ls ,n`cp:n`cd in lakv `nupilzs n piano and <-lnrutlnn and will lvm-I1: .hrm1gl\ the summer. 2 North St. 'l`vl- 3 `phone 387W. Zlhl The golf ,-zoasun in Barrie will -vb` `lcially open rm S:lllll`d:t)'. Mny 24, with . l mixvd f()lll`M)ll1(` nnd nllornorm 10:1.` Vlcxnbcrs and guests are invlmd m xlwl `na. There wlll be u clmrgn nf Zfw ',)m'= ylayor in tho foursolno. I 'I"hr\ Wm-lv I-{rmrx' Dmrntirm ht-l(l lnl Haym` m Ln!` IOlll'SOlnl?. v V_ Tho Forty Hours` Dovntirm 1M` St. Mary's Church this \vvok was \'or_\'` ` `urgoly al.t<*ndvd. Sunday nvonixxtz "`r.| V!cC of Phclpston proachrrd. Mm1-| \dy cvmmg. Father Mcenry and mi Tuesday evening. Father Murphy nf: Orillia. : rm... nno...-in r*n_nnm-noiun X3nnL-urn `JYIHIH. The Ontario Co-Operative P:1c.l~:(.`1`Sj `mvo not. boon successful in sr~r~.urimz; no 2000 sui)scribors -losircd. if ilmsni who have subscril)r.~d will agree in go-E `ng into the proposition rm `-rho 'na' . 1000 members. the project will go` mead. as over 1000 have signed up. The Examiner was told this week. ` -A recital is being given by pupilsl )f Miss Claxton on Tuesday -':\ ening.l May 27th at eight o'clock. in Collier 7-If Ilniinrl (`.l1urr-l1 ncaiclnd hv Lnrnr` may llli KL Clllt UUIUUK. J11 uuluvi St. United Church. assisted by Lorne \1_mo1d and Miss Margaret `Murchison. vinlinists. Cordial invitation is c.\:tend- Id `.0 .111 interc.=tL`d. Invitation-_nro- trams to be had at the door. pupils or \/Iiss Clnxton. 2113 J. L. Murray. secretary and organ-- izer for the `Ontario Athletic commis- sion. was in Barrie last Friday in con- nection with preparations being made for the district schools field day to* be held here May 31. He attended the Kiwanis luncheon. the guest of A. R. Gtrdwood, principal of the collegiate.` and left shortly after for Orillia. 'T`ncn `R-zlznernnrryn cnn nf Mr unrii anti ICXL SllU|'L1_V 'd.|LL`I' |Ul LII llllil. l Tase Bakogeorge. son of Mr. and? Mrs. George Bakogcorge, had two` bones of his left arm broken on Fri-; day afternoon while at play on Coi- lier St. Two other boys were swinging him around by joined hands and he` was thrown violently to the ground. He was removed to the R.V. Hospital where the bones were set by Dr. Cum- mlngs. A nnnrl nr-nun-1 mm-n nrn at. St. ROOM AND BOARD in :1 prlvmrx r Y\I\m:~ nil 4-nnvr`nin'wn.< Annlv at A xnulga. A goodcrowd were present, M St. .\/Iar_v's Parish Hall. on Wednesday ev- `ninrz, when St. Leo's Dmnmtlc Club, \/Ilmlco. prose-ntvd their play. "My 11> `sh Rose." The parts were all well taken. Lorne Haskett. an old Barrie boy. taking a prominent part. Rev. Father Brennan was warmly wolconmd ')_v the Barrleltes. Father Woods of Vllmico also was '.)1'esent. IXYI\nI\ Ian nlnarlnrl nninu fn hr-ino vumlco 51150 Nam _.)1'L'.sv:1|L. When he pleaded guilty to being irunk in a public place at. Bradford. T`1'ed Lloyd. farm laborer nf lhat '.'i1- Iage. `told Magistrate Jes in 'p0lic': tcurt. Wednesday afternoon, that he] got "Light" on a bottle of powerful iandelion wine." He was ned $10 and rosts, amounting to $24.50. or thirty` days. He was brought in by Hixzhwayl Fraffic Oicer Thompson. g .1 Klnnnm` nf Kifrhnnnr mnk 1m his. 1'I``. 'JII1CCX' LHOIUDSOIL I` J. Kleppor of Kitchener took up his: duties as acting customs r-ollccmr for; the Port of Barrio on Tuesday, {011ow- i ing the rexnovnl of W. S. Matthew In: Toronto. Mr. Kleppor expects to bu ; stmioned here for the summer monthsf, at least. Mr. Matthew assumed the- dutios of acting collector last. Novem- ber and left varly mis week to enter the customs house at. 'I`omnto. \ w 1 1 Inna: l3nl\.\-Omxn '70 l`\u~nn \ . v y-nut hu . ` Pmvlnclal Police headquarters `\Cl L`| have vflenled a rumor which -`irculaled in town 'I`uo>day that Se1`g<'um Croxxsy. formerly an the local stall. `Ind been `lled at Niagara Falls. Thmu5.,!hnut the day stories that he had been hurt n-`killed in an accident came lnto tho police omces. but us yet no word to` ihat effect has been either received hero. or carried in city newspapvrs. LOCAL NEWS SIGNS of the TIMES Even Druggists arc advocating Drugless Therapy and hcilincz Drurzless Equipment. Good Yuck to them! "But Chiropractic is the Daddy!" --Geo. R. Hunts. ` Mary ')1h PRISONER I.Ic;IIfII1Ic `. PAPER IN `LOCKUP I LIKELY CAUSED FIRE: ulsluc-cl. Iu'.:uL. 1ight..'usv of [\p|)l_V' Bnx, Examiner ( Tb LFT 'I'wn l)1'iL:ht front A Sunday fire that might have had] serious results was checked by the` quick action of Robert Lee. driver of) the fire truck who. upon noticing` smoke in the vicinity of the policrri cells in the m nicipzil building fllldl upon investigat nrz. found a fire mor- rily blztzlng in the dry rafters between _ the cells and the first floor. The dam-I age. however. was slight. V . ,__ n.,._ .... 1.-.... ..n,... ru`:..r con ` n5v.. uuvn.u,.. --no ....,,..... , Less than an hour after Chief Ste-` wart. had returned from Toronto and placed James P. Stokes of that city in` the cells to await zt elmrge of petty! theft. the flre was discovered. Afteri turning in the alarm, Lee returned tel the cells and locking himself in with} the prisoner proeeetled to fight the` blaze which centered in the area if :1; l1ot~nir register leading to the uffieei of the police n1.'w,istrate. vvv1LI_ A I. _. ...I ..r H... 1..-Inn.-In nu mu In-un_,\. .....,,..n........ I With the urrlvzil of t,hr- l)ri;zacl Stokes was trzmsfurrcd lo the county; jail wliilv the firemen laid a line uf;` hose in thmugli tho -n1:1glst,r21Lc's of-I rice, The fire was soon extinguished and dospitlo zx largn quantity of water and smoke little clmnarzn resulted. Hot, air pipes and tho coiling sufferetl sliglilly in pnlicv or-lls while Mag- istrate Jolls` lypvxvvxitvr \\':r` :lw -mly Ullllfl. In sulfvr . (l:umuu~ cm tho first floor. .uo\..\..n\. nu L-oulnmmu hull hm-n lllhl` KIIHU. /\1Lh:my:h 11' .'~;t,ntmnml had been nbtnmvrl from Smkvs, it is hvlivvt,- Lhu fife fnllmvvd thr` burning of :1 no\\'sp:uwr in the hot air L-nn1p:n't,n1m1Li of a small slow in thv nutor culls. whlrll found its; \'.'u_v alum: Lhn short. pipv lnzulimz to SI. rn,:.istvr in Lh" mag:-~ isl1`:\lr>`s uffk-4~. Chirf Stewart, 10 two ma;:n7.inns and a xwwspnpcr with thv p1'ismwr and if, is thoupzht that Stokes nmy hzwn HI, the pnpr-r in an effort fr) svcurn snmv warmth after the (lrivv frum 'I` N0 <'hnr1:`. hnwnwr, vns laid zluninst Shnkns on this :14`- (znunt. |HAWES i:VA?5nATEn MILK SHORTENING SWIFT S JEWEL ST: CHARLES 1/4; lb. 33c `--1--- FOR. kmrn nnnlu _ WAN'I`ED--Girl for general nousewox-k. Apn1y_, 129 Dunlop St. 21b ,,___._ . ..`__ .'~;t.ntmn`nt, `UH! >1l0\V(`.(l m thn `(I 'r Inn .IIF!\ 2 medium size 21c 3 cakes 19c 1/J1-lb. size 25c The Secret Blend KEEN'S MUSTARD LIBBY S PORK and BEANS KARA COFFEE LUX TTHLET SOAP 1 lb. 65 I.h__..-_._._. FOR. SALE-Buby chit,-k.~ nnd sottiup Fdgs frnm :;(~lv('l<`d hnns of hrod-tn Y:I. \' Rocks. May s1.'n.(m pm` hundred {Sn 4-usmm hulvhhuz. AIM dark hrnm r_(m'/.n` ::nhl)lm' for snlv. Miller's incu- ntnrs and brnn(lurs at roducod prices A))nl_\'..}1nrry Om\wu_\'. Barrie. 'I`clo phone 7119.}. 17m: with tho ('0-0poriLt.l(m of his company. lm.-' turnvd out :1 loaf containing ah- so1ul0l_v no sug_m` and made from whole There is Something Here You Need! FOR YOUR PICNIC ON THE 24th! Tho sllvooss of your picnic on the 24th tlr-pt-nds on the lunch--mak9 sure of the hfht by shopping at one of the Suprrior Chain Stores. where you are nssurml of the best quality at lower prices. honest measure and personal srrvico from the store owner. We have rwrrythinxz you need for the lunch hz\sk(sl... Aylmr-r Soups. cxrtpt chicken. 2 for! um-rn Ollvos. Mason jars. run 2 \\'rl('h's Grape Juice`. medium size. 3 Lunch Wax Rolls 3 for I Pun-. Strawberry Jam. large 10-: a.. .- 3; run`. nll';Lwm`,rry Jillll. rargr nu--n.. jar 39:` l ur1- Orzlngo Mnrmulmlt-, largo 10-m.. i`..- 29` _];|r . lntorlulu` Tnilvt Tissue 3 far 2` Sprcizxl Ginger Snaps 2 lbs. 7.4-bra Liquid Stnvr Polish bottle 1 Lily (`hit-ken Nzlddlt`, per tin I (Imported French Soap) Icg`. ISL` % cakes . . . . . . . . .. 29c 1.2 cakes . . . . . . . .. 99c Disinfectant Powder Fur g :lrl`1l_Q`C pails, dump ccllzlrs, chicken hull. Douglas Drug Store rcuunvl Ymmo. I r-l St I Theronoid of 'Barrie IN 6 wmzxs: 4-up--5 1 a rvw Douglas Drug Store \\'E SELL THE BEST FOR LESS HUNT S A$SORTf.I? ._C..f4_\_RAMELS WeekEnd Specia1-Half Pound 25c VIV_A_UDQl_} (We carry the Best at Fair Prices) FLOOR WAX--pound . . . . LEMON OlL-~~-large bottle - 5c pound tin. i1bJ\X/FLAKE f*M.M0`.A Page Twelve HYPR9 OVALTINE 2 {i.'iZ=L; s.o.s C.LEA.!R Small 50. as Med. 75c H1-5734 -eople given Treatments Over 900 Treatments given. 17 Belts in Homes. Re1_1lts _by_ (FRESH THIS WEEK7)r L-.__ Pl'\S'I'I'R!\Gl `Riv run `.200 . 2 lbs. 29c TALL 23 . - 5c 01` Wheat. The Inn! popular and tho 1 sold before the In: Tootpaste . . . . Shaving Cream Both for 39c Moonlight Mellos 1/2 -lb. tin 1-). tin . (Marshmallows) large family jar 45c SQUIBBS EOYSE Lefroy. I Mrs. W. Amxlv In m=r\'o." F Thllrsday, May 22. 1930 large 32-oz. bottle 19c Sweet Mixed TOMATO CATSUP BABBITT S CLEANSER per tin 19c AGRIMSBY M PICKLES EAGLE BRAND MILK 2 for 15 .-ADLET COLUMN SMALL 7c Wellington Hotel Block Phone 75 14; 43c 45c 15c 25. 45 FOR SALE ROOMS AND BOARD 'Hh r'm\\'4`m-`m'r< vww1_\' nu-orau3u_: ltuau\d on E1i.".1\bL`lh scroet. nnss<`~: mnediately. For particulars apoly ' B-19 Vespra St.. or ring 4591-`. 21;); -H_1-:u> WANTE; CAPABLE GIRL WANTED at once for general housework. Apply at the Ex- aminer Office. 21b (`Ill('K.\`. NIH) ]11 l('P H1 RUG hi 'l`m~kvy l`gp,.< for sale from lnrm - hrvvd, 50v pm` egg or $5.00 pm . Bmndnn. (`vulhrio. RR. 1. '.!0t..fh __________._.._____ ) AT ONCE~-A bookkeeper must, be capable and haw `ticnl oxporlonco. Apply ir Brysmu & MO1'1(`_V'. B1'z1(lfnrd '.!1b BABY CHICKS ;;v-XNTED N1. bk}I\K.L) HI (I D1'l\ ill. c0nv(`.nio:x('.es. Am)1_v at V nlmxw 1'.!43W. 21-22 NCQUIHI 15:7} .10!` IUIS ; W051. l` 1-I\H!)(rr\< Fnr rnnl W -mu'n-u mm `Mm privv mu-s fnr xn 'ILIlH IFUHI 7301115. 1111' `mm. `use bnt.m'o0m ` Office. 211 !1 \\'r)l'K. ':.'1\\'II.~ nu- Ilnndy. c-xperinlvrtv. 21]` JUM In K-1`. 0011!.) Bnnrd if (l0six'od. : WAN'I`ED~-An experienced cook-gem cx`a1..June lst. x'ofm'cncc necesstrwy. Mrs. Hnrgmves. 55 Pct-1 SL. 19tfb __._____..__._._. `Ids, m` gnrtd 2-_vt-m" M." E.\`:1m1nm' 0(- mp ` or smvlng U! Iminor Offiro. twenty hcac` 'n- nv\d Q-vn.'n`- H1`? H1 -znnabl! q` nhnnz 20-211 21] 1'\\V able . 21h nrrr `L-23p . 'H 211) _________.____.___:____ FOR SALE--Strawberry plants, Gib- son. Phonc 602r12. Midhurst. 21p - FOR SALE--Pa.ndom range. in good condition; iron bed and wringer. '72 Worsley street. 21p W/\N'I`ED-A good. general servant. Apply at once to Mrs. Jeffrey McCar- thy. 50 Charlotte SL, phone 395. 2112 FOR SALE-22-50 steam tractor. 36- 30 Separator, complete. nearly new. $1500.00. G. W. Slater. Lakeside. On- tario. 21-25p FOR SALE--0nc large cupboard. suit- able for summer cottage. Apply Jory 35 Richardson. King Block. phone 1114 or 827. - 21p ASPARAGUS I'IPS-2 big bunches 15c, cut fresh every hour. or will cut .vhi1e you wait. George's Place." Lit- lc Lake Road. 20-24;) ."`0R SALE-5.000 cabbage, cauliow- .~r and tomato plants. Prices low. Flow- win}: annuals and perennials. H. M. Lay. whom` 832. 211) WOOD AND LUMBER for sale. 1 inch md 2 inch. any length. 12-inch hard- 'vo0(1. also hardwovd and hemlock zlahs. Phone 257W. .1. D. Hutton. Eliz- mnm at 18.279 SACRIFICE SALE of Royal bmodnr ztovos. 500-chick size. do not want to -.ar1'y those over and will sell at cost. `I. F`. Mm'1on. 8 North St.. Barrio. om. jhnnn 297.1 .V()OD AND I.UMBER--~12-inch hard , vnnd $1000 nm' lm`,:o truck load: hard md soft wand slnhs. 1 and 2-inch hom- Invk hunbr-r. any It-ngth. Phone 919. m1'x'iv. and m`dm's will b(` m'0mpl.1y ll- `ci. W. S. Hutton. Ivy. 2mm )UCK EGGS for sale. White Pokin. `hone Strand 22193. J. Cook. 17-21p URE BRED MAMMOTH Pvkin duck `gas for salt`. 75c pm` sr\Hing. Apply` .vIx'.<. H. L. Wright. "J`hm'ntcm. 17-211) -`OR SALE OR n,E1`J'1`---P.x'i(-k hm1.<(`. xpply J. `l`m'ci;;rni. I29 Cumberland SL. xllzmdnlr`. 19-231)] WANTED Applicant had mnvticnl person In Brys( St. \ REAL BARG/`.-III---Onv Chzmdlm )ir: Six l\II\LrnpnliI.'1n sedan Do Luxo. \ppL\' In B1-rl. F1`:-Iir-k. Barrie. Phone )3W or 540. 1"1'opm'ty or Lhv lam Judge, 1',(.';< lfiffb 1 ""(`1.lC(\A Nlll: l'!l`ll`l.\. C'vm'dn "QR S mply 1 `AS'I'URE LOT FOR. SALE 01' .Vvs( h`n1f. Int. 18. Cm. 2. Om. w/unit: Q Tnxvlnr Rluznlv Rnv ;`OR SAL) -Ir ~~Fm'r.I ' '11`st-(:l:u'.v. (-ondillrm unvinn 1\IlnI ur\V' - 1 "OR SALE--.Shm'U1orn cow. 4 years` Id. dim August 14. Also alfalfa rmdi, inmlhy lmy. I. J. Cax'ruthm's. Duck-[ vorlh St` phone 895.}. Zlpi 1 3OW FOR. SALE~-Duo to froshrzn I 16. Apply Jmnrs Duncan. Shanty I I. R. No. 1. 21- 7`OUND--2 keys. Owner may have} zmno by prcwina m'npo:'ty and paylxm, Kn` this advm'usmnont,. Apply Exam mm` Olrc` 21b; - 1 ._?___L_________:_ I "OR SALE-Ru;:isim'cd Durham bull ! 3 _vvzu`s 01d. color clark red. Phone 608* `mg: 23. S. J. S[CDh(,"1S. Bm'1'ic. 2lp% OR SALE--C1mi(`r: team Clyde lmrs-1 *5. 6 years old. sound. Also three chnapi vnrk horses. Apply to Thomas Blank} 96 Eli /.ahet.h St.., nhono 103713`. 21p! ______j.?.__._.__ V ----:---..:?.:__._ BOARDERS WANTED. stroot. ----.--_.---_::.__.__ -`OUND-A , )\vncr telephone 589. "UH, 5.I\L.n;~urm (1a.!'K rm b11nrrnorx~.4` H111. yzrztndsnn of Quartm`b:1ck. Brod-; w-luv B:u'rod Rock eggs from world's rhampinn cockorol p1`ngen_v. 750 for 15 `use, David Clnrko. Thm`nt,nn. I8-22p ; EGGS I-`YOR HATCHING ::?;{)7z'"s7xIi;-6?2-T-6f:aT OR SALE~-Ono dark red Shm w-lnv Barred ones from \` LIVE STOCK ` ()NT;\Rl0 BREEDING STATION `u ().A.(`. Breddo-lay Barred Rocks 1` H.-\'1`(?`dERY is under Dominion Gov- iaxrxmwni inspection and the flock is eundor Dominion and Provincial Gov- ;ernment. inspection (seventh year). i Every breeder has passed rigid inspec- itions and has been banded with 3 5 sealed band by competent Govt-mment i inspectors. iin addition the flovk has had two ,blood tests. six weeks apart. This is `true of very. very few {locks in On- .iario. and is the best wav known to ,u~uo ox new mocks m on- itarln. is the best way known to modern science of elmlnatlng Bacil- 11ar,v White Diarrhea. {EVERY EGG SET is produced on the , promises. No custom hatching. A \ hatch a week. Qtfb g Agent for James \\`:|_\' Brooders -I-nnvnuir -m5's:' ;f."'i:."'i:iiiii`1` In! 0 Dan 9 nlln Rho.-`la Raw Ont aal\rLJI V0 `-70 JDLJAILVQ, L Lot 9, Con. 2, On Shanty Buy. Out. EMl"LO'Y'I\"H".N'1` W/\N'I`F.l) as {arm 1:1- bnrm`. Apply Mr. Comm". :1! Clarksm` 21;`, H0101. LOST AND FOUND SALE -- Rcqist 'I`hunm.x Smith 1 AUTOMOBILES _i-on sxie l(Vl~ Id. Lzill. 4. \.)I'(). 'I`nyIor. Shamy Bay. I -I>?.o'vi<'m'r`d I{croi'.n'(1 bull. I 1-2 )'f`a'.'s old. Apply to; k I`hn:-ntmw 211) ` m. Mzmy r~:m`.1.~s. wur M1. $100.00 (`ash m ark. 50 Mary St. 211) Tlldnr. 1925 mndvl. n. Many (~:m'.1.~s. Vs/illi 1 (Inn nn r-nth nl fFOR SALE istmwvd YOI'kShi1'(` x 3. , Sons... Utopia.` 21111 T__.:.__ I WANTED -(`v.'n'dr~n my (`(1 {ma Odd jabs. Hm` rnnn Phmw 766W, I1'f,`Sl1 _VOU11{.I . Churchill. I r1'n;wrt_\' of (300.6 1 mare. Ownmw -ovlmz nroport,\" `)1h >11. E5111.- l8~2 Ipl '10. Um. 21 -25b .. Nll'5. 5'. Out- I7-2lp xrzn Nlzu` xty Bay. 21-22p` "1ghtL`(` :1 Vin I im W In `3]}): . club W/\N'l`FID TO BU\'~--~ 91's and :1 hr-dmnnl Apply Box F.." Exm`

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