11 -~~-------,-~--v-~o-; SpecialFamiIy Blend Tea per lb. 39c Royal York Broken Pekoe Tea 1/g s 28c--l s 55c Finest Pasteurized Loaf Cheese per lb. 35c IlII"I Dunn I\I'\AI\I` II nnr` VV l4l..4\4Il 9.) \Jl\lIl I4 J\JI\4Ln * Pints 35c Singapore Sliced Pineapple 2 for 25c Silent Matches, full count per pkg. 10c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, all colours each 12c Large, Strong Galvanized Pail and 2 Cakes Guest lvory Soap 1 pkg. lvory Soap Flakes 1 pkg. Oxydol (large size) 5 cakes P. =& G. Soap 2 cakes Gold Soap WELCH" g JUICE CLARK S PORK AND BEANS French s Prepared --n r;-uvw-an cw.-\ INGERSOLL CREAM CHEESE 2 N0. 2 size 23c Regular Value $1.20 These Questions! I. .. |.1._|_ ..... .x Ixrzifor you am1BaI2u luo" ALL FOR 99c MTUSTARID per jar 14c 2 Pkgs. 25c 1-15. 60. ', .113. 30c. 1-). 85. I-J,-~lb. 43. for cleaning porcelain BORDENS 1 CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK PICKLES 30-oz. bottle 45c pound size 43c _{a1e1DAIRE El HAWES FLOOR WAX Large pkg. 21c Large can 14c Manyflowers Sweet Mixed LEALAND 2 for 15c 16-oz. 49c TOILET SOAP JIF SOAP FLAKES Ezabeth SL, Barrie Thursday. May 15. 1930 BAB-O T. R. CGEELTER 7' T V "ORIGINATORS or PACKAGE CHOCOLATES ` the dinzctk "Eighty Dainty Chocolate Idea 1_w`}r:y*s The first box will coxwcrt you to the E nun un Supt. `Milk.-n.c COLLIER ST. VV.M.S. The Collier St. United W.M.S. on Friday. May 9. had the pleasure of adding 325 to its funds by the addition 11` :1 new life-member. A1`1'angc1nent,s` . an 42... .. muunu nnmhnr nf tho ~ 300.000 IN USE 1 JELZIIHJI. Miss Booth gave a splendid resume pf wlnt is doing in missi(ma.ry lines in Ontario. China and Japan. Mm. Jznnc:; R.:)he1`Ls:x11 reviewed the :`h;1))'u'1`s (_.1` the study book. dealing ]'.u'i, -u`.:u'1_v with L119 recent. council at J::'11a.11v1n. which was attended by 240 (l('lLg:lLl'.'i, including; 34 women from 5!.` nutirms and at which English was mu 1:n1guu;;c used. Th: chief nwssuge l':2>m the c-,o111`(.-ronce was that we . \ J.) I. u-hr!-nnnncnuau cnH'.. | \ `:\1 . Ontario, -tix : 1:1ptrrs ]:.u'i..vuIm'1y wit whi inch 5'.) und ]:111guu;;c u 1' (.1 ll`.`W lllL'-lllUInuL'1'. nu'a.u5uun:uw~ \:.;t:rc nnule fan` a goodly number of the 1 members to go to the divisional mect~ . Eng ; at Crown Hill. 14th inst. Miss King was welcomed back from F-l.:1~ida. In speaking of her depart- ment. the tenipr.-rancc work. she said .111: time had come that we ought not 1-) fullnw any guvermnont blindly, but think out this temperance question for :.l1r_-r.-`.\'r-'s. She referred to the great a-.-ml; the W.C.'I`.U. is doing among lhu _\'.aung ])::)pl0 by encouraging them '.u '.='1'itl- t!ri11])Ul`.1i1::L- u<:s;1ys. make pas- tc ; and 1`.':'it1' tl.`lll]):`l'i1llC!) selections in W.C.'I`.U. (`()llL(!S-LS. This work is l::m`iul on in buth clay and Sunday ` ~-.1 The Barrie I`hcaL1`e Guild achieved f1li"Lh(.`1` suc::cs`s' when they presented "Grown Stockings." the rollicking lhi`P0-. ll L comedy which climaxcd the i<;::u1 .=.m'iv< of plays. at, Aliiston Thurs- Liuy. May 3. The Guild's visit to A1- ii.$`..;n was undvr the Young People's Su_-iotivs and an excellent audience ..I ....o 4-,. Okn ninv .ul:l.';\'K'). DIAL` link. W.C.T.U ynung bf. LL.`n1DL`l`.1nCl fun; ten 11 Cantu in but]: Szzhazul. , r `HI LllL' )uId live 1` ifico. re] x.. ..n Phone 1 38 S ZIHU illl L`.\L|.'lIL' out for the play. _ nxmnln lhink of in EightyD.xinty tasty pieces to the pound. More than twice as many as in the usual package. A range of selection generally found only in two-pound packages. Doublc-coated Almonds, centers of Fruits md Nuts, Jams and Jcllivs, Cxnmcls, M.al(ul Mnlk Morscls, (`love md Ptsuchc MuslmuHows-m.my vthcr .~pcci.:l and unusual fhvors. Lowncy's Eighty Dainty" Chcxolncs .1rC truly .m mig- in.1I.md pucnc.xl1dc.1 in modem s\vcctmc.|ls. Quite the .~m.1rt and proper Khing'to scnd or scum; Herc, in .1 suitable gift p.zck.x_gc of pink and purple, (ml with ussclcd. goldcu cords. and wuppcd in ccllophmc, arc Eighty Dainty" sm.alI-pxcrc chocolatcs-- hmlly two alxkc - Lunch 2 dclncious onc-bite" con{cction-which may be scrvsd and c4tcno{.nin- uly,un .nn_\'uu.1.siun-duxing l\ndgc,".:t luncheon, after dinner. Ants: ,,,- -5 I -, um I": I .1: 5x; uuulsl. Eighty Dainty" C hocolucs arc .1 h:.zl "t'md" for the up-m-d.atc hosums who dcl1_L;ht\' in the unusu.nl. Espccully JPPIOPUIKC fo: my >01 ! 0:` tuvcl. ` (`,OI1l(.`l'(?l1C(` W'd5 Lllztb WK: I we in love. righteousness, self- rvpuxxtallcc and live to God's ull lhing.<. The Gospel is _thc ) tho WU1'ld'.\` greatest nerd. cls at our show- room. Frigidaire operates from either central sla- gion current or an individual electric plant. DAJNIIER Chocolaies . GIRLS` ONE-DAY CONFERENCE The Women's Institute of South Simcce are holding 21 girls` one-day conference at Thornton on Saturdu_v. `May 17. ! ..._. .,-4=.. .....A ..,- n..,...-., .,. ..... AvAu_y u . Miss Eadie who has cnargc of Jun- ior work for the province. will ad- dress the girls and Miss LL-Grand wil. give :1 demonstration on Htmdicmf`. Mrs. Laura Rose Stephens. one of the `nmst, popular Institute speakers and `Miss Mslnmsh. home demonstrator, `fur Peel County. will also speak. Mrs. ls. L. Page will lead in community singing. AH u-iv]: nf (hp nnnntu nrn I-nrdi-lllv Fo1:'Baby s singing. All girls of the county are cordially invited. Women who wish to take ad- vantage of the day will be welcoiiic. SI'.SSlOllS at ten 0'clor'l< simrp and one-t.hii'Ly. Luncl'ie'.m will be pr;ivi at a nominal cimrgc. I`]`\;Sl' present. at Miss Brysun`s; re- cital last. Thursday evening enjuyer. one of those musical treats such as Burrie niusic-lovers highly appreciate. The prugrzmi revealed :1 great. deal 0! painstaking ef>f0rL on the part of Miss` Bryson to procure pieces .sulLed to in mdivldiml needs of her pupils. All. from the youngest. in the more u vuneed pupil. showed that they had put :1. great deal of effort into getting their pieces up as well as possible Every person present lust I`hursdu_v is nnnninnnne in unvlnnr fhnf i\/litu `Rrv.. PLEAsIN_"1iE?fAL` BY MISS BRYSON S `PUPILS EAVCI)` }JL'I-`SULI QIIUDUIIL lilbl. LllLllbu|.l_V In` unanimous in saying that Miss Bry- son`s recital is of as high fl st:m(lm't`: as any of her previous ones and per- lmp.-; u shade better. some of the more unusual numbers were the playing oi the in G) Streabbog by Llil`(:( little boys, Tommy Rogers, Billy Bry- laon and Lloyd Culpitts, at the sum! piano and Miss Mary Johnston :1n( Miss Brys0n's brilliant piano duo in two pianos in which they exeeutet Cnpricco Brillinnte by Mendelssuln with rexnatrknble clenrness and preci- sion. The clear sweet tone of thc Heintzman piano supplied by J. G Keenan aided greatly in the inter pretution of this number. Mrs. A. E. Bal-:er`s rendering 0' iy Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" i`r.nr 3.. .-..` nun Ininnh :c..:.`o ennvinl nx,-Ac. Luna. -n. 4.2 uuuuzn. Luna. u.u_\ Urry. Mrs. Betty ,4R.lCh{1l`dS. Misses Molly Smith. Margaret. Martin. Dor- othy Wiles, Norma Livingston. Elmo Henson. Stella Caldwell. Norma Cald- well. Ilene Fell. Bimbo. Simmons. Isa bel Culham. Beatrice Younger, Ruth Smith. Dorothy Bryson. Eileen Arm- strong. Mary Johnston. Audrey Clif- ton. Georgina Moore. May Davidson and Elsie Cloughley: Messrs. I\ICl`\"L`1' Irwin. Harold Bryson. Geo. Urry and Jack Smith; lviasters Tommy Rogers Billy Bryson. Flo_v(l Colpitts. Doiigllis Smith, Arthur Harris. Bob Parr and Mervyn Mm-rm. idea'of Taking A Hill or Bo(w7VT6}K BOARD T BIRD HOUSE BUILDING It takes lots of power and a good start , to climb a hill without shifting gears. Get a good start for the hills of the day s work by eating a breakfast of Shredded Wheat and milk. There is a quick get-away" in this delicious, whole wheat food. No need for shift- ing gears in the middle of the hill----~ just go right on up with increased energy and power. And Shredded VVheat is in such a delicious, easily digestible form. WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. `Jllllll `nbty ' Iu.n .lll,' 'lispIn_vo '<'nv\\I'1: Exlxibits for this competition will )0 shown in Craig's store on May 16. `hrcv cash prizes are being given and he jL1(lgv:; are Dr. E. L. Bx'9rcL0x1. Rt.-V. \.. A. W111] and Rev N. R. D. Sinclzair. . . ,4... ..r u... 11.. .1 WRIGIEYSL xu 114:1. -nly. Judge: h.. mm `. Ii. H 1'L`S1d(`1 This r OI`.-1 \Vhen you need new energy, when you are hot and mouth in dn'-pcp up with \Vriglcv's-it moistcns mouth and throat. The increased ow of saliva feeds new strength to the blood, you can do more - you feel better. mm (`Ht UA AIIU DU. . ~: conmciltioxx is open to all boys tux-.11 under LWCIIL5 years of age ome exhibits are (`-:~:pe:tvL1 from lurs who are on-x age but "110 \.u.l.~... Q.` r`.~n:y- 1I'III`lP Cnu rl`u-Inn 11 :u\'21rd their decision (ml 4' p0intsA1. Wurkmanship O1'i;Lin:1lit._v of design. 3 of bird housv cunsL1'u<,--I 0': AH I-nu 4-{run O. E4` `v'F.RY Frigidaire `J 1-vlnim-I is now 1ini~ln-ti (-nlir0l_\' ill {.'i(':!lIIill porcelain- . . _...u r`_......... THE BARRIE EXAMTNER ('.\`JL'\.'|.l'Ll LLUIII u\'{'l' but. x\'h;> work for clisplay EDENVALE \VOM[iN'S lNS'I`l'l`U'I`E` On Thursday. May 8. the Worm-n`s\ Institute held their inceting at S.S.~ No. 10 E. `Miss Alice Fmlick gave 3 reading. Wallace Graves and George` Miles displayed their youthful mlentg b_v favoring` the ladies with zsovernl well-rendered selections on the '1n()l.lUl` organ and kazuo. A h1ll11()l'()Ll.`a' l'(.`4ll- ing. given by Nlisa Lillian E:\rlc_\'. `\'{lf~`, much enjoyed. Six prizes given by in: Women's Institute were .'L\\'1l`(lL`d L0 .lw winners in tlircv coiitests put on l:,\`` the teacher. These were 1 R(`b() .`(.'Ll Sinclair. 2 Lorna Buetonz 1 Allb3't\\` Sxillen. 2 Agnes Rupert; l Duris Maw. ' Almt, Rap. The im i(l(`;ll inzwui Mr mu lxumpton nnmn '5 U11.` UX`lXl(.`(1 LaHuI'L'I1, hlll Miss Isobul Culham of 1. `Sunday undgr the purvm The Women`s Institute unnnnv Innnlina an lhn EDENVALE we was Sunday` I Ban m rnntnl Wycv:1lI* In-1' M1".-; :u' mun y be)` `uve-d \:x|m- than over fur l":`i;.(iu|uire buyers. Soc llu.` latest mud- Plain York. York Nut, I York Milk SURPRISE SOAP One 10-cent pkg. AMMONIA ed R 0 se TEA RED ROSE Red Label Tea Tall, each 190 RED ROSE Chocolate Bars RED ROSE With cup and BRUNSWICK U N E per pound 59c Finest Pink SALMON Regular size 3 PkES- 25c 2 small 25c BRAND SARDINES PREMlUM TEA Rowntree s You can now buy from your grocer at the reduced pricc-S the` Rec] Rose lea he has In stock. We refund to (he- gmccr the drop in price. we bear the loss. 4 for 23c - Uzmadian Girls in Training of 1- SL. United Church, held 9. very ' Fluwcr Tea Saturday. May 10. the gnu-st.s mwivcd they were .a...a mach .. Mn .- in; ..n.. no` All for 43c 6 for 25 RINSO 7 Bars of Reduced Prices Japan Green Tea I-lb. 70c. -',-~1b. 35. Orange Pekoe '. H. Estabrooks Co. Limited Toronto, Ontario ASK X_OURELF_ ,_ ,,, , , ,, , Do you got the higlwst pussihlo uuaxlity when yuu buy gx'(.vM'ivs'. lluvv yuu cunfltluurc in the mun with whom you (In hu~hu-s<`.' Is he ilIll'r(`sl!d in you and your m'v(ls'. (`an yuu 1154- your `pllmw with the uxsurzuu-0 that yuu will mt just what yuu want with nu fun` uf mhstituliun of lnfcriur quulil._v. Arr yuu guttim: lhr must you can fur vi-ry (1-nt yuu pt-n(l`.` Does your mum-y xlzty in yuur nulghburhnud to ht-lp its gruwtln and pruspun'ty'. Make the 21113- wcr yt-s? by dealing at the home- uwm-11 Sup:-.rior (Ih-.o,in Star:-s where q|m|il_v. scrvic-4-. lmmast mt-usurv and lower prim-s always prvvuil. Thl"l`(' is um`. mtur you to sservr you. VVIC .`s`II.L 'l`lll'I MI I` I-`(Ht l.' The famous Lowney Chocolates including Eighty Dainty are for shle by JOHN SASO & SONS RIVIERA TEA ROOM