Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1937, p. 8

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uuys. .Ma_vm~ Th'Ih1`|`l.\'un |'1~pIi( his zlhsoncv. :1 .~:uh.vIiluI~ ing his plum`. uml Hm! I tuft: wzls r('(-(-ivingx Hu- Wm'::hin said lhv l ulim- ( would deal wilh Hm mull: ` Mny St-H l`\`n;tt-Ix I` `M5l)'lIl` RInht`I'l.\'un hv.-um Council ihv I':I(-2 lhnl :u 1 anxkins In nv::4>li::l-- \\`i t($_ puI't'h:n=in!'. lhw lnwn known m: Hu:'_'<`1': l`:n'L_ BT`&1tH'nrrI H'l'l'1. fur ,-. \`(` prkinx: rlnlinn ll-- mid mirth! lw Iu~:n'ri M` Hit` in ]zi't(,-1' rlnh-. .. l..l l'iH l`uu-wn. ((.70n(inm'(I Irnm Pm nun nu \\':\H 'l\` Y-Jun \I : incnmi to ` Om-` |,v.~' Illltl (4.1 ihil` ....-.|` I'lv:n(lim.: guilly to n ch:u'1.u- of 1'4'<:l (lrivin;.{ in Bznrriv nu S(-pl. ll. C:~n|`;,;`v Alpin. :u_-.:'vd 72. Cl`liL!V.'|l(`. \\':xs fim-(l $20 and <-HIS. in all $27. by I\'l`l_L!i.\`1l :Il(` (.`nI\|tnIl J;-l'l"s in rnurl lh`n- _\-.\'tm'(luy. and had his !Iv}I(`|'.'I'()l"S .lu'<-n.~=v .~:u.~:pc-ml:-d for Itlnrlv 1|,-nu; up:-|.n\n .\ l I thirty (l:1y:< . l{I".( 'l(l.l'ISh` I)lH\'l`lIl I"! Nlil) ISCHOOLS STAY I CLOSED UNTIL ! DANGER ovam . ,1 n.. 1. ((.'nnLinu-(I from Page 01:0) .r Al... _,u. j/\II. I\' A 1Hp!IL'l1| it w.'n: H?" ~. ' jld. Mlllfl wn fHnI Ihn htmliil |.()(} ('/\H|N ` (`lI()(`()l./\ l`l').`w', ll 4 1-`nlcsn sA1.'I'I-21> ] l I"..'\NH'I`.`-1. ll. VI l'()N!-I H()|.|1E~'., '-_ ll: .H".l.l.\' l .l`Iz\N!\', ";- ll). ('()(`()/\NU'l' ` L'l.lIS'I`lIRS. 'i ll). . - N()ll(}/\'l' I\`()l,l.H. 'E: H)` >\ . - .1 I?Il{.'\`1".\ ' (`AR/\I\/l|'Il.S. '3 H. . Pl`)/\NlI'l' zmtl l1U'l"l`l'IH ` KISSICS. ll). .. . CANDY SPECIALS THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. 0NT., CANADA "ic 12c 10c "l0c 10c `15c H11` ]l):~ Two Months Fines, Costs, Neftcd Total Of $441.00 the Gom';.{1an Bay. and the floating 3 masses of ice. The commander of the r.-xpu-dition wrote in high terms nf thv nhities and perseverance nf ilho r)t'!'icers. as well as the endur- I . r ; am`: of the men." '1 -7.` I nu nu`. . "'l`ukln;: lmu cnnsxdorntiun the Ixmo of yuan`. the conuparative sov- v:`1:_v ml` mu -vuson. and the distance ll) be trzrcullorl. one may safely say that an expedition, more hazardous` than 1lxi_s. is seldom undertaken. It was almost a continual struggle for nlnctucn days with the waves ox - Georgian Bay. and the floating ...-w-n.~ no` am who nnmmnnanv nf STOP ucms t MOOTED MR 9 FIVE PGINTSV Ladies Zeller-Priced 59 C KlM()NA-SI.I S'I`YLE with binding, at slc-evc-:;. V-- m-ek with hem:~;titehed meek collar. 48-111. ll'H[','Hl. 'I`<-um.-;e. Blue. St:Lnd:u'(l size. I I{()UNI)-N]`~}(.!K STYLE, with l1em.s'titehinL5. uppliquv m` 1'ie.-me bl".li(l i.rim1nlmz.~:. Shirred at wui:;t. Ki- l1l()l1:L.`~:ll`(`V(`..'~2. 49-111. length. Stzm(lu1`(lsi'/.e. Whit:-. 0 V-NFCK S'I`YI_.E, with applique trims and 1'u;;e or b1'ui(l. Shir1'e(l at waist. 49-in. length. Stzm(l:u`(l size. White. 5TQC|$'NG5! What a Low Price for , Rush [(;rWYTour Share! ' FIRST QUALITY FULL FASHIONED 4-THREAD CHIFFONS -RINGLESS '6~THREAD SEMI~ SERVICE RINGLESS NI'.`W I"/\l.l, SI!/\l)Iu`.S' WILL HELP TO i SEND RELIEF ~ T0 DRY AREAS; IEHA IBEQ 1 _-A _. ______- Apparently won] was unknown 1- ` Indians of Central Ann-rica um: ,mcrinn sheep were intrnducud front `Europe by the Spaniards. mu m . nu. Mn- Tuu i Ai0ri||ia Has Paralysis i Public School C|osc-r.- - Specjal! Special! Special! (FRAMED I_>1c'ruREs AT S1-1-11`:; ul tun-.~;! HL and :~:i|v(-r ' DUFFLE BAGS (mud luulnugg .. .. l|..I.I,.. ' BATH H , vs/,olI|l| mimulll: LT.'n:-U: .`*'I|]w1`in|' 4 N:tl|lI':Il g-,1 1.. vs-i.o iv: o ` l V..." [m', u- 'Ir` 1' I , V . L. p 1 H .. n` ` r; I :1 no 9 :~- 2, - , -. .;J_// "1 CV`C9 O' (I$'. 5 U \'~. I C II _'x'\' g:.1r;m_- fur _lJHH/ 4 and - - - Saturday AT ZLl-|._ER S THRIFT PRICES KNITWILLL 2-p|y snL.vH 4-ply DOVETEX 4~ply LUCERNE 3-p|y ANDALUSIAN 3-p|y U :sl,nr(ly .`;u-rlinv H: Huhln-I` Hnv-(I. Mzulv with liI'm hnltnm. It Can't Be True-BllT IT IS!" $250.00 = $7.6I a month KNITTING WOOL {Am Willin mar: had muw '-Ah] 1: , [ht- ~.rr. ` In-; l`2l4(~hinL-_ J1-1' l'ini::h :IJ>Lut3'/INE: I=I$_i7r LJRE' qu::.lil_v 'l'-rry ,!'J'()lll|(| with rnlu -zu-h. unlll. l.nVr- in all the N(_'W(.",|` Full Sharlcs ` ..._ .... ....\.-. Installed complete, ready for use! "Iu:l (-nmfnrl--u'hul pridv yuu mm Imrv fur u 'uIupurulirt'I_v small muulhly amount with Iuuul.-mine I'r>w-I2; IHI. 1-;.l.....-...l . ;, :;hip:;, (-t.z-.! c-pmdm-l.inn:; nrw _ \ Hf!!! lhv hung us,` Hw (hi-~I` n:m1l:u- rluliw nttomlnni. H llvc ht-1-n :m I.`I.-, .\ v-rry :.m- `AH by 40 im-he:-:. I1 vnlvmw-rl :.l`1' rt-rl,l)|11l'. . C l.uvr-J_y4,nH,p1Ir-, . 0111' I):- -. wnl NM )1 Till the PL-aw Hume lmpruvc- mum Plan a $251) insullnliun (an be (uniplclctl. will) no down [mrrm-nt, fur 36 monthly pmymc-nts uf $7.61. Nnw yuu may runmdcl or improve your plumbing at :1 priu; you can afford. . :u...n.o.d 11-min AL._._ ._1_.. -_ 2-.- o|| .1 ynu; yuu tau nu-nu. Obtain today an inn-ruling, illunrutod J1-page booklet describing the new Penna Plumbing fixture! and zontaininfo colour char! ofaltraclivo rolourod Iinurex. Ask for dotoiiod proponi. No obligation. _____PEA5E F0UNRE -vs-1 nae nun-rrsnln CT Tono"ri'+3'" Sim-.* ...rn-an. n \r\a-17 -- -v 227-235 VICTORIA ST. (just below Dundas Street) nnnmw-t\ Bl nln O11 . l MITCHELL SQUARE \_. Mini 0 lrn (LI .';r`r0v'n wmxz. .: , . 'ilinnH L'_IVI,' [ho 1-1T'*"l, of MPO swivv.-lli . 3., ally Khan Item! The Exnmlntrr Classifieds 'l`hurnda_v. September 18, 1937 :_-4 Nnmr-ry um! I)ul)_v pic- ` /\,iv- gill. lac ; In H by 12 invhc-::. :::1',;; III hmwn, black. I11 11 invh `/Him)!-1`, 77 `./: nan la V\@-4 I`IffH:tivI- Sumlzty. St-pt. 21} I.'.ll ...l...... 6...- %a};;a;;.{ 't>;a"r; TIME TABLE C*.`.: . :N.9E5 S JITUCL, ELgin o1o1 _?_J_ `26, 1937 III. IIHHII. :|l|H .4: TI h`|!-|v|l4m: I-'11! fir!` |n`i1t.'|rl('. Hr- (`h.'1irm.'m of l"ir fhr-v hurl 11-`! Hr not ht` .`:(`lI[ rm f:u hm`.-zl l"m`(-5:1 Stu nlwn--(I, nml 1\~ had hm-n .-:(-m I` 10c 10c 15c 10c 15c nu-pl gnu:-unis an. ;`Pnge Eight

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