E0 72nd Yea ry MONDAY-:TUESDAY WEDNESDAY (Tooled and Ventilated with !"H`.~:|1 Air-l3.000 cubic foot per minut('~-(`omplt-tr (`l|um:v of Air (`very 3 n1i1mL(-..s UNIVERSAL NEWS-REEL Coming~-FARR-LOUIS Fight Pictures Unoun 1 -` 1 1\1:J:1 : -.1. . - V MA l`lNlE SA'l`l'Rl)AY AT 2.30 l'..\I. NI(ill'l` l Rl(7ES: :\dult.~. 20--(`lniltlrt-n MA'l`lNEE: Adults l0c-(`hildn-u In ......... -pp.a..po.a.oo:.mo-ooooo poo 0000 0 too: col 0 O4 CARTOON-~FISH TALES oeooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooorox) 4-` l ._...... Pnml. p1`i'/.L'.~` l7n\\'1`H A R R I I". l:\R .\ll`1l{ S (`Ill".(`K l'l (IN Y()l`ll FIIHC lN2~3l'l(.'\N(?l*. l{(-nu-mlwr _\'()!Il' vrups are now in tlw burn. Malcomson SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOW MON. - TUES. . WED. < ._.__._.____\ COMINC; EVENTS I mu .\})L'L' I\`h*lnLl_\' lI)(llll;,` l'(>nlInulIu,v i tlmrnugh the won- n1' the old Pinery. . un God's L. AL .1 ..r |\1uYI ' .~`[H>l.~' nu uuun Hw hund nf mam. - tho do\'<-lupmont (l'.< (`l`(`illl(IH when by the hum] of wnuzn l)L`L\vCUu :13: in }*IclonvulL- Miclhursl and .. nnnunilv H\l_L`,'h bx,-t\voon - .41 I&`rh\n\7:ull- 1-: us today :1'('h tho won- : the scienti- \n-ingz mmlx-," ' I:1kin).: (hum mu nhnsinu HUL uuumnl, -;n'vd \\'0 an nf lhv ;.'.iv(3l'.' Plmne M7 lllc BY ()l{I)l`Il{ 0|" 'l`lI|'I l{().~\l{l) 0|" l|I~I.-\l.'l`ll TIIE (`IIILDRI-IN .\I{lC :\(l.-UN :\l);\ll'l"l`El) 'I`() THE ROXY and ('.-\l l'l`()l. 'l`HE.-\'l`R|`IS No. 35 :11 1\'Iin(.~1.'s .\u-ky sput nu-c Rnh II}; lnltln znbxlsinp, llun urn cu `l`l.lSh(-(1 3:11) M:\'l`. MON. and \\'l".l).. `. .3 l'2\`E. -- 6.45 and 9 l'..\|. with HENRY STEPHENSON o JEROME COWAN nnvm mvnu - KAREN MORLEY Directed by H. C. POTTER RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS HOLIDAY SHOW MONDAY-TUESDAY; WEDNESDAY VVI:T_'H A BIG MIDNIGHT PREVIEVV SUNDAY, 12.05 _ -__J xL'...J........J.... 9 an .. .... ANDY CLYDE COMEDY .;'l'VlUSICAL REVUE ALPINE TRAVELTALK IN COLOR : - 9:30 COMMUNITY SING AND FOX NEWS EXTRA! -- COMEDY AND BAND REVUE: HOUSE OF HITS \ \ < I ( I I u \\ Z \ . x C. J ` / \.[\~L ///I`('|\\\ ROXY THUR.-FRI.-SAT. __ MAESAT. 2.30 ALL CHILDREN NOVV ADMITTED A TWO-FEATURE PROGRAM THAT EVERYONE WILL ENJOY LILc;\unAI.AuuAn wnh Fun and romance in a gxand screen entertammentl 4: Edmund an 1,, uaggc u v Laaiur -95 ul L U K A s ._1 GALLIAN KJVVI4 Ha-a _E:VAN S vvvrnc 'Golisky Doesn t Remember I fagki I)` g glinief Stewart I Ittn '|JunGMEN"T~-REsRvnl ?Docfor Says` He Smelled` | Odour On Accused's ` Breath The medical testimony of Dr. W. A. Lewis, Barrie. will be given in court here Wednesday next. in the case of Joseph Golisky. 37-ye:n'-old Toronto Polish-Canadian, charged with assaulting Chief of Police Alex. Stewart in the discharge of his duties. Magistrate Compton Jeffs indicated as he I`CS'.`l`\'C(l judgment following the submission of evidence in the case here yes-I terday. Hi: Wnrqhin inrlivntnrl tn defence THE + BARRIE1 + E`. XAMINER BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 17 1CI'(1Z1y. His Worship indicated in defence counsel C. D. Stewart. Barriv. thai insufficient medical evidence hurl been adduced in yesterday's hear- ing to establish the fact that Gul- isky was in a state of mind which nmdc him not responsible for his actions. when the fracas took [)l'dL`;' D,..,..1 vmom-:u Lnm~.Hu1 Rarrin ncuons. wncn uur 1I'uL'u.\ Luun pm- in Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrirr. on the night of August 19. 'T'hn ihiwi finvm` nn his 10. hand the night 01 August 1:1. The third finger on his left swathed in bandages. Chief Slow- Iart was able to appear in \.0u'.`l iyesterdny. but he is still :1 patient in H1n hncnitnl hnvinu ht-(`n them yesterday. mu nc ls sun :1 pun-.-u-. in the hospital, having been since the night of the fracas. Very painful, his finger. almust bitten off in a struggle with Golisky. has 1 caused him much `.rnub!C. . rV...\..... Ann.-nnu I7 n! T<`.\rnnI: isustained in a motor accident on K.C.. prosecuted. and C. D. Ste:- art. Barrie. acted for the accused. At the conclusion if the ease. the latter contended that Golisky was not responsible for his aetinn.\' at the time. having gone temporarily insane after being given an anaes- thetic in the hospital for injurie.< Blake Street earlier in the evenimz. ` Chief Relates Story Chief Stewart related the stnr_\' of the fracas in the hospital. He had held Gnltsk_v`s arm while the anaesthetic had been adininistererl. and after he had been taken bite}: to his ward. the man took up a `fighting posture. Later he had plunged a screwdriver into the Chief's side. and got the Chief's ` third finger on the left hand in his ` caused him much trout)-.e. [ I Crown Attorney F. L}. Evan\ mouth. making it necessary to US!` a screwdriver to open G()lisky`,< jaws. 'T`l\n (`hinf said that althnutlh his | came out 01 the al laCSlllC`IlC. Asked how Gulisky behaved. witness said it wasn't the usual ' course for a patient to take. Golisky did not want to stay in bed. and i because of that. Dr. Cameron said `he had called Chief Stewart to `help. By this time the dnetor had given him a hypodermic to quiet him. and the Chief and he tried to persuade the patient to gn to bed. A He grabbed the screw- ldriver from the table, witnezaw related, adding that he had tried to control him and also had asked Dr. Lewis to help. The Chief had lG0lisky`s head under the Chief's .!iI`n\ and it \\!. tS then lhill C;()ll.\'k_\' Jaws. The Chief said that although for same time.. D1`. Cameron in Box Dr. W. R. Cameron. assistant to. i i `side is healed. he will be off duty Dr. W. C. Little. called by the do- fence. testified that he had given Golisky an anaesthetic. and the en- tire fracas occurred when the man out of the anaesthetic. A ppm: hnuv (`.nlicLv v hnhnvvd. |Go1isky's head under me \,n|un .~ `arm. and it was then that `had bitten mo Chief's finpzc-1'. Dr. Lewis pried the mnn`s jaws lonsv `with the . which pm-\'-[ `imlsly had been stuck into Chivf `Stewart's sidv. Go]i. had hzull sex-oral hypud(`I`miC.\'. witm-ss rc- l a-nllnrl ` 1;:/E1-c-Isa ]`3_l-a_\;1_l<,wI;I_e Safs COOL and HEALTHY I anyone ever "ilh you befn` I asked. I` Lap! .u.-nu .lA\1t.J. u. uuu;... ..., God Sam The King. ...... .w...\ nme patients undvr 1 ic. but never afterward -mn replied. think he would have 10 Chief if he had not I` u`..:n" ...Hn..u_- Onl difficulty ts 1 . ..n... HC .\d| dom- The price paid for hugs inclziy by First CU(1[)Cl'ilUVC Packers uf On- Lzirin. Limited, Barrie. was $12.85 per cwt.. d1`(*ss(`d hut weight on the rail. us cump:u'cd with $13.15 one uvnnlr nan 1445 twu weeks zuzu, rznl. CUm|):ll`CCl wun qam.u; UH-.: week ago. $14.45 twu weeks ugul $14.80 three weeks agn. and $14.35 four weeks ago. Cubic advices from the Old Cunn- try indicated that more was no chumgc in the Inurkel zmticiputcd. Eggs and Poultry Cnpacu quoted on eggs and pun!- try tncluy as follows: ]ill`. ,(`. 24c lune cent -1 u,'r\r\k 11110): ``A" H10- `'?"-N [I HOG PRICES TODAY | Ll`_V lU(lil_\ its l\I|IU\Vb. Eggs;--/\" lurg,(-. H higher than :1 week ugrl dium. 23: A`' pullots. 18: f` H{~ In-I\\l`l\I\Q I3 lb.~4., I2`. uni lU.`s., 1.1, H\ L`: Fuwl --- 1 \\/(`Ck a1um~-1 1135.. 12: nvvr three cums live fowl. No Ne~w Cggs of Repo1_:t_d Yesterday orToday I`: .I II , |_______c___`_I' I .i.._._ Board of Health Lifts Ban On Children Attend- ing Theatres PARENTSWMUST DECIDE --.-- I Nu m.-\\' czxst-5; of pm':nl_vsis \\'L`I`l` report:-(1 _\'0.s'tm'Ll:1_\' ur tnduy in But`- ric in the (:ux`x`unt int':m\ilu paralysis Lpidcmic. Dr. Nnrmzm W. R>gv1'.~`.. M.O.H.. indicated to The Exumim-r this ut'tt-rntmn. At thv p1'(:su|1t limo. thcrv are 11ill(`l('(`lI (msvs umlcr quar- antine in tmvn. with 21 number in the surr<>undin;.; tn\vnships. Fnur cards have been tukon nff in addi- dnn mm. The qu.'u`;m1im~ 1`L`[.{Ll12lHUnS hu\ v been mudo murc sl1`in;.:vnt in Ban`- riu. s1:n`ting _\'vstorcl:1y. with the nu- suh that the throo-\\'ceks' qu'_n`m1- tine in tho hunws is being su'ic1l\' enforced. Acting Szmilzmy Ill'5)\('L- tor J.'1mr`s Case notified all hmm-s mwherc `there is infantile pa1'al;,'si:s' yesterday morning. '1`ho:m'c Bun Lifted vru... 1.... .... .--hilrh-nu nnrh-|~ ninth. `\\'l|L'lL,' nu.-u. m ...........- , ..... .._, The ban on chilclron under eigh- 'teL`n years attending the theatres has been lifted. it was decided at :1 special meeting of the Board of Health 'l`uusd:1_\'. nu D;m:\|~u R ! (11! imcnnrl H10 ful- Hum. . 1\ pum.-1: `C. 16: 1x~o\\'oos. 13. Pn\11t1`y -~ Chicken mu :1 uvnnl: :|17n)---1 Health 'l`ucs(l;i_\'. Dr. Rogers. M.O.}I.. issued the fol- iu\\ im.', stanteinuiit induy: Reali'/.ing1hai the public has by this time been sLiffi(-iciitly warned that it is Lindusimble to expose their children to cmwds. tho ban on chilclrcn 18 and under zmcncliiig Ih(.`ll1`C$ has been lifted. This puts me responsibility direct- Iv um in ihr- n;n'i~nl2< in ru. to lnls [)LlL.\ HM: lL'.\]J\lllb||J|Ilt`y ly up to the parents in respect letting children attend any gather- ing that is not compulsory." stated DI`. N. W. Rogers, Medical Officer of Health. to The Examiner today. This action of the Board of Health is not to be construed that any abatement of poliomyelitis is expected. The height of the epidem- ic has not yet been t'C(`ltC(l. KIIILLI` C)penin;.: of pi'iin:ir_v and S(`Ct)n(l- ary sehtmls is tleterrecl. Ovenden College and Bill'l`lI` Business Cul- le;.{e linve been notified that they may use their own judgment. In this case as in theatres. attendance is \'()llltttm`_\' and is nut under con- trol of the Buarcl of Education. "The use if zine sulphate .\`[)t`2l)' pui`el_V experiinental. and result.-: .._o:I l:: I ...... .. w;: w.w\: I`/n/\~ "nix"/u` ` n IUI III ||lL' IJIILIIU UI AJu\ of sulpl` is: u will not be knnwn umil after this epidemic is (r c-uni.-vi.-_~ vnn hn 1-nmni _ the barrw Juniors nu-L-u11g.~, symm- ulcd for Tut-sdny evening. Septem- ibur H. in Barrie. have zso been. I called off. The Junior Institute vvas1 ' to meet in the Canadian Lcgiuni Hall. and the Junior Fzu'me1`s at the Copaco plant. H. (l\'L`l' 3)`: ll)S.. 1 tU11cl'|un;.',e(1 frmn one ugm~-3_- to 4 lbs.. 11:4 10 5 - 5 lbs- 13: dressed fowl. ... .\......A Innvn Ihnn .I`_\' L,HlL'!\l'IIh - week :u,{m---15". tn 4": lbs.. 14: . KL. lhc H nus epmexmc I5 u\L'x. urn tics can be cmnpilcd. If H -5 of value in the mass experi- in 'I`urnntn_ it will be avail- fur the next epidemic. \vl1er('- and \\`hene\'t-r it may appear. 1' 5 lbs`. 1:5: uresscu um. per pound more than` \.'(`(`S. 1.5. Chickens luluchumzod ...r... ,,1:r. 1.. Rli. |h:,.| - 1us.. ; 1` 5': lbs... 16. .......1 r |uncnau In 3']; 111;. 1:. lluu-u lbs.. f'\l.. " Also- 'l`hc Famous Sin r`4l....-. 41. idem- cond- endvn ii. dance ' .m. L`Sllll.*`~ .- liinv when xpcri- u\'nil- Sl()ll(!. L`lhpl()_\'(}u (IS {I 1&lUl)l`L'1' UH uw Hnlland !\-lursh, was i|l`l'L`SIl.`d 1:-l-1 lowing an accident on an $111.-cl in` Bi*z.idfnrd about 2` l5 p.m. _\'u. in which ii litllc girl \\';i:< .~;.-rimisly iiijun-Ll. Thv child. iii.io-_\'c~ui`-uld Dm-nihy HHl`l1liIlI. sLi1'f0i'cLl ll l)l'Ul\ (`l\ leg, and l`lL`ilCl llljLlI`l(`S. and \\'ilS l`(,'n\i>\'(`ll in York County Hospital. NL'\'.'ll`\ill'l{\`l. :\ll`dlC amcminn was I`(`ll(lt`l'L`(l by Dr. B. L. SlllCl&lll`. Bi`uclfm*d. Accnnling in Traffic ()l'fic:-1` lvtin Spuncui' and Cuii. Wzillvi` Roc\'(,-s. Bi`2idfui'd. whn iiivusliguu-cl. the little girl was (.'1'n. the .~'li`L-vt whvn an cur drivvn by Leigh rain inln hm` lL-fl side \\'llll the right .-.. ... r....,a.... ....,i l-.\..nl.-..zl h...- .i....-.\ Motorist Faces Charge Five Cars In Crash Woman's Nose Broken According to Traffic Officer Ivan Spencer, Bradford. J. Andrews. To- ronto. will be charged with reck- less driving in inagi. court at Bl'E]df()l'(l on September 7, fol- lowing a peculiar accident on King's Highway 11, south of Stroud, about 5 p.m.. Saiurclay. 1\/Ire W '1` 1-Izmgns Toronto. re- EIDUUI I) bzuu1'uz1y. Mrs. W. T. I-Iaggzls. Toronto. ceived trealment for :1 bmken nose in Royal Victoria Hu. Bm'1'io. aftvr the accident. but was able to be removed to her hume the next day. nniam cmsnri that Amlrexvs was next day. Police stated that driving a car north in :1 heavy line of traffic whvn :1 rtmdsido grustz fire. belt:-\'<.=d to have been caus- ed by 21 carelessly thrown ciguretto. throw Andrews and the drivers of several other cars intu cunfu. Andrews` car bumped intn that of A. T. Proctor. 'I`<;1'<)11ttL it in turn into that of Dr. Grunu\'. 'I`nr tn, the last intu W. T. Itnggaxs war from Toronto, and again intu Wal- ter C(mk s from Long Branch. Tell It you womd sc-11. Through The Examiner's columns is the best way for Barrie and District. Your show is not fully advertised without a notice in `Coming Events`. Only 3 cents a word. 50c minimum. ..:______:_____.__________. Youth Hos Narrow Squeak Trying To Board Train; Wheels Miss By Inches ..,.._..__. x John Thomas. 2()-yam`-old Guelph Incl. had 11 close (`NH frmn (lonih In` .su1`i injury when he illll`nlp1('(i to board a moving freight train about :1 hundred yards oust of tho Bm`ri(- (I.N.I-`L. Sluliun uhnul 3.45 p.m.. Tuesday. The 1nd w s given nu-di(:n1 ut- }llL'.\uu_y. The was given lvntinn by Dr. Fred A. R-).<.~`. and rcmox-'cd to Royal Victuriu Iiuupilul where he is xtill :1 patient. HI- sllstuimvcl lmd facial s<:r21u'l1v.\'. slight skull injuries. and injurius to his side. but fnrtumxlcly was not . hurl. u..n..- Iirl ho was iIH(`Inl)Hl\L( to . hurl. Police said he was i|iil`In[)iil\L( board the seventh ear of the 1'rei;4'ht train as it l11U\`(`Li past him. but that he was Llllb`-LtC(S(`S.\`flli. Reziliziiip, his predicament he had the pre- sence of mind to push himself out from the train. and in so doing was thmwn to the ground near the north rail. He managed to squirm away from the wheels of the train. but his face was drzigged in the gravel of the roaclbed. Thn nttmnnt which resulted in Featuring--PAUL ROBESON Cedric Hardwicke and a Cast of Thousands gravel 01 the I`0(l(lDl.'(1. The attempt his fall to the ground \\':1.< the sec- ond made. On the first zxlivxmn 110 was unsuccessful in obtaining :1 Ln]:-I W` (I :- hold. 'T'l-\ n hold. The pmceduw of boarding :1 mm - ing freight train is :1 common um- with u`zu1sients. and in many in- stances there are fatal x'0sult.<. Hawk-e>srone Ran Held Bradford Child. Struck Charged with criminal lwgligencr.- and with leaving the sccxw of an accident. I). Leigh. aged 23. Hawke- smno. L`lnpl()_\'(.`d labon-1* (Hl lhv :u'rv. lowing E :1 .\`v'l'l(!ll:~'l_\'l injnrvd. ` l`h.- 1-hild ni.u--\'(~.'u1`-ulrl l)urn1h\' [l(llIl|lIlI. .`\.lAll.'|`s'\ zu H amcmin Sincla '. Brudfu1`( .-0.-....v ...h.n. .. n 5lrl.'l.`l \\'HL`l1 kl Call uxuvn U) 1:1` mm ri, frunl fa-ndvr and knocked her dm Leigh was arrested at his tent Ihu northern part uf Bx':\dfurd ab 11 p.m., and bmu5.:hx to Burrw Ind .___ _._.-_. .z\._j_ ?. W5`?-J5`: Td`.! ...-`n 55 DL'.\'LOP ST. : BARRIF. IUUIUIU Qllllu an-us-\ By Car Crossing Road THURSDAY * FRIDAY `A SATURDAY SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY, 2.30 Children 5c -- Adults 10c ENTERTAINMENT 2 --~ ACE HIGH FEATURES -- 2 _ Ar\f'\ L,_,, , 1 to-tear ('0I\lF. IN ANY 'I`l;'\H-I I` I\\l.Vl $ 16.50 `nu!-1 l\.' '\\'\' l'I;'\H-`. Igu ght nu-n Midhurst Church Closes Golden Jubilee Celebration A highly successful golden jubilon culobmtinn of I\1idhur.s'1 United Church concluded with :1 well :11- tonded S(`l`\'iCt` Sunday evening. when the minister from 1922-25. Rev. S. J. '1`. Further. dolivcre(l am in- spirutimml sermon rm I. F`nr\\':n`ri inin fhv Fllll!1`(-` ' NIOI11-I (`(`l'l1lll;L .\U|lll` In NH` nu-u:m~n.x nu nu- Chlll`(`h who \\'or(- :\H(`n(liIIg when hr \\':a.< minister fm`1_V _\'v:n`.\` ago. Mr. Wzlllucu dwvll un tho o\'vm.~' nf the past 40 y(-nrs. 'I`hvsv he could x`oI:zlv with p1v:1s1n`(- as ho l`(`(.`()1IHl(`(1` pr('s(-nt ruzudxvuys cnrnpurr-d with! East Simcoe Tories Meefi At Orillia, September 3? QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. LIMPERIAL VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV`VVVV\ ._.-_.-w-gr` any ........... .._...._.#.._-.S- HE SAVED A MAN'S LIFE. . . BUT LOST A WOMAN'S LOVE! I 3 V I I j 1 : ..- -. ' IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVV'VVVV\ THURSDAY FRIDAY -- SATURDAY v\1ArI\I\Vl.`l.` uA'l`l'lII\.\V /\ I' `) '{H I `I, SAMUEL GOLDWYN PFESEMS MEBIE BIII-\\I 0umnN_;_AHmN[ tmrtn [vim