Established 1864 I A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding couniry, issued at the Post OfTice Square, Bnrrir,-, every Thursday, by J. A Ma(:L:1r('.-n (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager), ......,......,. nnrl nnhliqhm`-1 'I`hr- Barrie Examiner is a N0 SECRE1` BAI.l.0'l` I NU Dl`;l_;l\.l`.l I){\l1I1\r; sn ` .,. .. - _ _ _, __ ' At the 1'(-cmlt. sossimu 01` mp Elgzin (`m1n1,y` council an e1`t`n1't. vms; rnnclo Lu (l(-part [mm 1.11`? time-hon01'ecl custom 0[ cl:`~(-.i<;Iing;' 1n'.`1H.(~1's by open vote.Coun(:il1m'stloviclwl to l);11l0L .'\'{`(`.1'(`t- 1y for positions on tho 1'o:1cl <-mnmiuoe. but. the County Clerk px'0mpt,l_v inl'urmr-d mom that, this was not. prwmissiblo. ~-VH1--.. ......,.o:,_,\,} ghn rnnno. rm] Luv. bluh Wan nun ya ..........~.\ . One councillor quesLionr~c1 the ruling and stlggostecl that, Lho open vo1;ing: nl. Elgin sow sions was an ant.iqu:1Lo(l custmn that had been followed for hall` :1 cvntllry or n1<'>1'(\ I-19 understood ot,hm' (-rmmios, in:-luclimx Mi(lcllv- sex, were balloting; in s(`(:1'(`1. for wn1`c1m1s11ip elections and on 011161` 1na1,to:.'s. ~ . .-..,_.._ ..v.n. ....m\..nml lhn nmrin CICCUUIIS uuu uu um. ......,.,....... County Clerk McKay p1'0du(~v(1 tho On1,m`i0| Municipal Act to provn Lhut his ruling" vms correct. The Act. st.aI,(\.<: qnitr (1(~i"1ni1,c1y Lhzu no vote shall be taken by socrr~1 bull01;. and no vote so taken shall be 1'(~(-01'cl<\cl in tho 1]1'l1'H1I/(`S of a county countril 1)1'(>(-<.~0c1i1u:s. " " "` "" ""' ""'mH1\' (`.mmr-il its OK C0llI'1l,y l'.Uiu1L'.u pun \. \ uu.,.,... To the crorlit, oi` Simcoo C(')iil1Ly Coiiiicil ii.` may be smtocl L1iziL its i1n>ini)ui'.~: lmw never shown any inclination Lo hide 1/1i('i1' position by a secret ballot, nor have they ever taken any objection to the Press 1*0})oi'Linp; ciis(:us- r-innu in /-nn1n13H.(\h ()1. H1! VVh()1(`. any Uu_|U\:uun bu mu . ...... sions in (:()n1n1iM.<~o of the ' - _:o _-.-_ IlNl`. Wnlnnvvun-u.. . ..\.. --... The Bzu`1`i(- W:1Im'\v(n`ks DvpL. is the biggest p1`o1'iL n'1nki11p,' axssm. 1,h(- 'I`<)w11 11:15. On 1.01.111 ea1'niI1g:; of $22.217.55 lust, your it showed it 4 L... r11\`\I\I 1 _ ,, ,1 ...|,..\ . })l'UHl. IlliLI\lH_L', .,.... ..._,. , gross p1`01`iL of $12.l43.92 and whom the deben- ture and int,e1'`st w(*1'(= paid and 01,1191` c1m1'g- es provided for there was still a not profit 01` $9,689.75 or 43.6 D01` emu. on mo year's (221m- ings. And this rns11lL was uclm-\'vcl on rzxtos which are very l`(`LS'.)`JLbl(`. A, .1... unnx 1. unu - v..nnninrxI r1oI'\( 511'!` WHICH ELLL` Vrx`) u u.-.1.-u.u.\ . While ucl(lil;i01'1s to Lliv municipal debt are` not (lesirable under pros conditions. thorv is no . .`I`(`(Ll ul)jn('1.im1 to -.111 issue 01` $12.-1 000. as 1`oqm\st,(`cl by 1.110 C()llll1llSSl()ll, to pay` for the now well as it will not ::x1'l'(~(-.1, the g'o1`1- | oral tax rate. n..4 .... ,.:..n~ ah-ll thn (`.nmmi.<. I)121liS 1.0 oral Lax rzue. But, seeing Llmt, the Commission plans sp1'eu(l this 0xp<`n(liLm'v over 21 tornl of year`; it should be p1'e\pz11`0cl In turn over 1.0 the Town 9. (tonsicll-1'ably l2u'gel' pzL_\'m(-nt. (`2l(.'h ye-211' to relieve Lht` g`9no1`:ll r:l`w. I..z1xt _vou1' c'.Lp'1Lz11 ox- pen(lit.urus. mostly for Lllo (`Xl.(`1lla`lUll ol` mums made 9. total 01` $9.Ul5).29. Con_cl1Lions urv not such as 1.0 l'oqull'o lmgo puytmrnts for exten- Si(ms every yum`. By kl`.`plIll tllcso clown L0 :1 !l10d(`1'0.L(`: amount the Cmmnlsslon will be in :1` position to lwlp 02130 the tax blll`(1(`ll us is 'm~-l tendecl by the clause in the 1\ 1llllll'lp`ll Act` which 1`e(1ui1`os mall. surplus; [uncls noL ruqui1'- 2 ed be llll1'l1(`.(l uvur Lo mu town. i ' "` I .. , _, ..r:- .-...,1.\ \u- ch.` Txnn-n-l- Ma(:L:1rcn (armor) and w. L,. wuus Ilniluuguxr, owners and pllblishors. The Barrie a` member 0`[ The Czmndinn Wvokly Newsprnpr-rs Asso- ciation nnd of Class A Weeklies. -........\.. 1`: . rnruw 1 CU UK.` lALlllu.?\L \Iv\. v\r \A|\ The splendid p1'o1'it. nmdv by thv Dopzwt-II ment. lust, your pmnnsvs to 1):` (`)(L`,rAL`(1(`.(1 when the uclclition of thv Luynv wvll xxmkvs un un- limitecl supply uvuilublv Lo Lhv ci1,`1'z.m1s. Had then`. been an adequate flow last summer. ro- celpts would have shown :1 big i11vx`o;1su. u HYDRO NOW ABO\'l`. 'l`lHi L.~\\\' Tho Llirov powvr bills puxsvtl by Llll` Ont'.u`iu- 1 Lt`giSl'J.L\ll`(` lust` \vc~ol< pl-.u'v the` (_)nLzii'io I-I_vA ( (lro ElecL1'ic Powvr Cuniniisxmii bvyoncl llia-`I reacli of the (`0lll`l.\`. In mlwr \\'01`(l.\'. tlivy put; the Cmmiilssiun ubow lhv luw. l-lm''tm`. lLll_\'! ('.0l1l.l`d.(`.li with the Coiniiiission is wortliloss as far as the 0Ll\t`l` p;u't_\' is i-.miuvi'iiA(l. Tllt` Com- - mission can brvuk `.lll_\' uiicl o\'m'_\' cluiiso of :1` COIlLl`2l(`L at. will -.ui(l -.1`. the .``.lll1t` lime has the pmvm` to imikv the ullwr p'.il't_\' (.ll`l`_V out hix . obligations bv Lhvy owl` so 0llt`l'ULlS and llll-l just. Altlioiigli Lht` Hyclm lt`.lu-lric 1 o\\'or Sys- tem is owned by the` munix-ipulilivs. the Gov- erlmient.-conLmllull (.`mmnissioxi van ride roughshod ()\`t`l` t.hv llllllll(`l1)`.l1lIlt`.\` if it so clc- > sires and the people can ll:l\'t` no i'eclress.. True. it, does not follow that llyclro (`Ul1I1`:.1C1:3.. will be broken bocaiiso of this lvgislailioii. yet, the Government has sliown how far it will go in the way of 1`\`plldl1li0ll and the people h'.\\'0 no assurance that :1 Sllllilill ('0lll`.s`t` will not be followed again :11 -.m_\' timv it suits the Gov- ernment. to do so. - . ..).... 1u:..~\.o z.` .\I\ .\r`:.\\-{Q1 .-,3; `citizens is -.1 xnz1L'.er of far _:.'1'o:1Lor moment CILUHCLII: Lu uu uw. ` WV H. Toronto Suiux'c1uy Night. in an vciitorial raw ;\`hivh.1-1| produced on this pzxge. points out how \'iL;111_vid<"1 C-1`: the people are v.ona-wnvcl in this 1vgis1;1t.ion1"`f which exempt..s Hydro from all 1`0.x`p0ns'1bi1it._\' "`,p.l." for losses involunta1`ily .~:.u1'1`vrvd by workers.; property owners. users of current and citizens ; haw be. generally. Such :1 violation of me 1'ig11t.s of Lhei Iwighbo of an all ,_ - . ~ ,,- , ,._` . \_ ufhish than any savlng ox cost. 111 Lm pnu ot powu. (.m,\.i(.m important. though Lho latter is. is um. U THE ~ BARRIE. - EXAMINER THURSDA3}. FEBRUAIQY 4. 1937 FINE W.`\'1`l".l{V/V(')R`K.S l R()FI'l`H ` 1\...\t ;- Qhn hi `Lne s1I.112u.1un blliux mu` m |u}n.uuA_v \ .. of misinp; the })H(`.(` which has bf`O1`. ` i EDITORIAL ' IN (`(H'I\"l'Y (`()I`N(`ll.1 no L\ Hm. ` whole. Lnuuuu uuu u- SUP.SCRII"I`I()N RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 :1 yvnr; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single mpies, 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontirnio paper at expira- tion of perlml paid for are expected to nufy this of- fice before date of expiry. I 6 '*~*' ` We do not know whether the people of Ontario fully realize the consequences of the legislation about the Ontario Hyrlro-F.l(-(-trio Power Commission just. put, through the Legislatttre. It, is not. only the Beauhar- Innis and other great power (-nrporations that are heing barred from the courts in respem of any claims that they may have against the Hydro. It is any- body. No property of the Hydro is to be subject to any process of law for the satisfaction of any judg- ment of any court in the I rovin<-0. past. present. or to vomt`. No such jtlflZ.flt`I("t'tt, Sh:"lH ('I't*ate any liability ion the part of the (.`mmni.<: No citizen whose `I property rights: are at`t'r-(`ted by any act ol' the Com- .-..i-.~ui..n nu u'tn'k('t` whose person is injured by any (_`nmmis. N0 cm-/.en \\'l1U.\v: ' by lrni: no wurker pcrsnn i ne,{lig(-nee:- ml the Crvmmissimi or nny of its st.-rvant:~:. nu p:iss:r~n;{(-i' (m Hie Hnmilinn Siroel, Rziilwn . which l)r-la-rigs in the Cun1ini:<. no in:Iniil':u'11|rei' supply- ing ;.{ in the Cummi. fur ils own use or for sale, no tenant of any building bclmiging 10 the (`nmmi.s'sinn. nu mziriiifzieiilroi` or 011101` eonsumcrr 10 ` whom the. Cnnmiisxinii has gu.'ii'nrit.eerl :1 eertuin elec- I ! i!`i('.'ll .v.erviee. will henm-fm'th have the slightest pow- er In eompel the (`0mmis: to enrry mil its enntr.'u:l- Hal nh1i.niimi:< or in make r,{:md ihe resulls of its f.'mH.~: and orrnrst. Frmn the mnnit-ni this Art is proelnifni.-d by ihe I1il'll1('l1Zllli~Cl!\ (`l`l lf)l`-il`l-(:()llI1(7. no emilrnei with the llydrn (` is nrrv 1nnp:er worth the paper 41.1.0 H sq uwim-n mi. We are nnl snyiiig that such ]'l`L{Ell'(ll`(l II III! \1 ihnm. H-lnlinnx h('lV\'('('l1 mI|nivipz1li1i(`.< us i1 EH1-V l\/luniv 'mIiH(': 'I`hi.\` is as lruc ul mo cnmrm-nun .rclnlinn:< thc Ontario H_wh~n zmrl its ciin-nt is H!` any nlhcr 1:!` HS rc. iiicrz. Muni<-ipzniiiit-s huvimg zn cnnlrnr-I fur pmvm- or lighting with :1 privnlc (-urpm`n1i hnvc thc prupcriy` ml Ihnl cm`pm'::liun us :1 g`u:n'.'Inim_- ihrli ilwir cun- lrm-tnni rigzhls. us inicx-prr-Iczi by tho ('nlll'i:~`. will hr- H-.<~p(-clr-(I. Municipniilic-.< ricpcnding upon ihc On- lznriu iiyrlm im\`c nnlhingz. 'I`hc_v will hc rlcpt~n(l(rn1 upon the ch:n'il_\' Hi` H_\'d1'u. Ul` mi` lhv (invcrnmt-ni which ('lmiroi.\` it. and of which it must hl'n('l`fI)l'1h` hc tho :1b. pmpvrly. for ihc tr-rrns upnn which ii will .\'u})piy thcm with one of tho primc l1(,`(`(.'SSi1i(`.\` uf mum-rn lift`. `__:._..__._____ I I I The lover of ( `kind of winter` $ no complaint,.s' I 1'u1'n.'1<'o. . I Essex Cmmty closed the your Wlth :1 cash` bz11zm(-,0 in 1,110 bank. This is somewhat differ- ent from Simcoe which owod the bank $200.- O00 :11. (.110 and 01` 1936. S .,,.,,. The county C0l1I1('.i1 of Essex is worthy of] mention. Inst. week in raisocl the salzn'i.0s 01` all` the county 01'1'i(:i:1ls and then voted down a 1not.inn to i11(`.I'(`f1SC the pay 01` its own mom- bm`.<:. l a --'-` K I . Reports from the churches this year are en-| coiimgiiia`, indicating` as they do. not only iax`g'o1' i'in:mcin.1 support with the increasing prosperity but a (:0ntin11eci intemst in various phases of 1'o1ig'i()us activity. I I _._~/V3,..___ I The situation seems to be getting increas-l ingly difficult for Premier William Aberhart of Alberta. Following the withdrawal of the! Govern1ne,nt's Social Credit adviser, John} Hargrave. came the resignation of Provincial` Tl`(`8`,Sll1'(`l' Cliarles Cookroft and also of his` Deputy. Prospects for the promised dividends |:u'e still dim. I a, V. ___.. Ontario lost its most distinguished librarian 3 I and an oiitstaiiding educationist when death nmdo _!rvmov0cl Dr. (}eo1'ge H. Locke, chief librarian ; -71111}! { inf To1`0nL(). on Thursday last. Taking C11a1`gv-'L;: _:o1` To1'ont,o's Public Library system in 1908'b(, 11 ;when it was 01` comparatively small prop0r- -mm lltions. he built it up into a great organization uimm _ with a splendid (`.llLl`dl library and seventeen _ `if 1*} 1 bl`d.I1(`I1(`..\`. Under his able and resourceful hm ' guidimce the people were taught how to use _ the libraries and Lo appreciate the educative} `3 upportuxiities they 21ffOl`d. As a young man. mm hn unnni cnmn vpnrs in smaller LOVVHS and for; of H) L Page Two Fm'g'us town council at its last meeting vot- ed to give the Hospital Board $4800 to meet -.1 cleficit. This is equal to four mills on the tax: rate and is necessitated by failure to collectl accounts. This is one of the problems 01' the smzillor hospitals. Such institutions are com-1 polled to admit those seeking treatment andi have to take their chances on collecting then I I 1.1.;-. v x,, `lees. % The death of Dr. George A. McQuibban.J `Liberal member for North Wellington. who!` ipassecl away suddenly last Saturday. is a dis-` tinct loss to Ontario public life. Dr. McQuib- ban had :1 record of useful service in the Leg- ; islature of which he had been a member since} I I 1926. He was a man of firm convictions and of ;...-,...t,\.\,z,\.m,\ Ar r-1'\nv*nr'1DY` ihni. nmdp his: 1920. 110 it mun U1 111111 \;U11V1\,uAuu.o uLAu u.i ,:1n indepmmdonce of character that made hisi 3oxp1'oss(-cl views 01' all the greater Value. | I __..,. (An Editorial From Toronto Saturday Night) UI)p0I`LUXllL1{'5 L1ll,`_Y illxulu. no u Juuub Auuu. 1 he spent some years in smaller towns tori ( `this 1`eas0n. perhaps, he took a keen interest il in the libraries throughout, the province and _ `his influence played no small part in theil i clcwolupnnrxlt. 1 i 1 Do the People Realize This? EDITORIAL NOTES ' 011Lsi(1e sports may not like thol r wc are havime; but we've heard ; from the man who stokes Lh0| L-nt prm-lnifnttd tor-in-(fmtncil. ssinn '-<-.~:. not be (-nrrit-d nut: thoy tut if the Cuvvrntmmt of the day 1: them nut, and thvy will ho (lis- .".uvc-rnm(~nt uf thv (lay f(`("1S like t. I`hi.< true uf tho (-nntrztctunl unv I V ,..\nI.~-H-1 l`.n~ nnur(~t' l)l'| 'I`lll1 (MS .H`l I`l.`/\ I`l()N The Water. Ligzht, and Gas Commission pro- poses to reduce the discount, on ms bills by 10 per cent. and hopes t.h(-ruby Ln ,-;c:L suH"u:i(-nl, adclitional rovemm (.0 nu`-M, 0])(`,l'LLiI12( (=xpcns- es. leaving the Town In Lake zurv of the dc-' bentures and inImost.. ,,_ . .__ l\`. ,m.. nan I I C IILl\'\.\IIl| KAI). \{| Chief ('(`lI1I`(` nl` Daw.x` ;'.z|'n\vH and i1 hm! all 11 1_vpic:1! g(lu!-rn.~ is singimz :1 cm I ll` \Il.`\'ll.\.\ dlllL'lHlll , Ho appmv.-nt1_\` h: )- such hi. mm \ Quebec and Char} the fnunda1i Dominion w(~x`o In - granted that the ' ed 1`(`\'i. Mnsi Ibo:-n in :1 p(xsi1,in . ........,...4 A. mun: ` centre :who m . ..\:\....4 I. ls.-mug u. ...... made. in lUpC1`211i\ L`. and I the suggestion `convention of `xv-/\n~:|\r;;I\' on-\r' THE BARRIF. EXAMINER, BARRIE. ON l"., CANADA _________._ mn 01 me svvurm ])u1'1IL': ial and f(*d0`z11. be (`(1110 nss amending the RNA. Ac zn`cnt1_\,' had in mind ; . . 4-..... .M.-.r.4...~.n l|L` \I\cxx 4 IUl'lL' IIlL`L.`| llly, uh md Charuitcmwn .-..-lo.l,.vu- ml` {Inn THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT IJt'ul:u1 (:0 run: unm .k..... Under the (ti1'(:11111x1,2111(*v.<. usnrs of gas can `not. reasonzxbly ol)jwt. In such an i11m'o:1so. as other 1'atepa.yo1`s who got no Ixsnoril. 1'rnm thr- plant at. all will havo Ln sharp with Lhv com` snmers the cost of Lhe Iunclotl clr.-ht. -- 1.. n.. .`..,\.,:r1n ['nu- llxn rlnhnn_ HI md A Weekly Review of NaLi0n.'L1 Affairs BY WILFRID EGGLESTON lLlH.|. Ill,` l C()I]$H1LI \ pvnpk`. nn 1:: ant Solid Securify and Sound Growfh mark anofher year of progress. Read Hwese facfs from fhe W36 Report Insurance +ofaHing $4,304,547.00 was issued and revived during Hue year. Tofal paid for business in force exceeds $34.500.000.00. Casl1 benefifs disfribufed during I936 io Hm Com- pany's policyholders and ofher beneficiaries were flue largesf in fhe Company's history. Assefs securing +l1e policyholders conlracls now fofal $8.632,36|.53 comprising a well-diversified portfolio of conservafive high-grade invesfmenfs. 'l`ln|r' I-`a-ln'u:tr_v 4. I`.-'r.'27 .__ 1' (II III" ('lIHHllllll` .1! and Inintls of 1 mo nfft-vilnns nf o- ridlculmls part. u-sty. Wh('l`l \\.':n_y in the HU [Hill] ' ns !h AS the Town has 1.0 proviclo for Lhn (101)011- Lures 0l1LSt&111(liI1. ,` and those tho D(rp:u'l;n1cnt_ has failed to mt-vt. it, is nbvious Lhut the con- sumers are the only um-.~; dirnzzuy (-m(-c-rnocl :.._ av... /-rs:-\Iir1III`II1I'f\ nl` H11` l)h'.`S'. ()D("I'fl1;i0n. l Sllllltil-5 tun: LUDU u; mu, .u..u\ .. ... .- I Lllt` Ulll_y Ulll'.\ uur'x,m`y \IH|\L|nn\ \1 in the (:0nt.inum(:o 01' L110 p12mI.`.s'. ()pm':1l,i0n. If they value the svrvi<-n, Lhr-_v .~;hm:l(l ho prc~~ pared to paLroni'/,0 Lhv I):-pm'l,nu~nt, to such an extent, {LL least, as will (`ns11x`(' sul`fi(:iun* ea1'ning'S to mom, l,h<.\. 01)("1'n,l,i11g' (3OSI.S. .. ..- 1..- `.~z\\-\r\rl oh.-.4 ;.-nnnuiun glnrlv nl` H10 C,l'I]ll1[-3,5 LU llI\7l'lr mu, up` ...,.,...,, It is to be hoped that in Lmusivn study 01` the problem may reveal .x'mm~' mothnd 01' im-- proving the sit,11aLinn than the Lmm)omry ox v\nr`Hnnf n1` 1-niqinsr\ nru'.v }I1UV I115 u pedient c adopted.