Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1937, p. 1

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Barrie Fir This Year May Get Higher Rating hnol trustee of Ru-ovc Banting pwnz-;hIp Council lnrnud Lu; runn- N0. 5 unc. C. D. Spl'r)ul(`_ swlno other Craig 1110, exhibitors. and hrnughf the mnttor up at thv mt-Min;,'. [mini- that Im: out from the h(`EH the (IS swlno tho vxlxihilors \\'(-re fnr<`(-d In kN`p mzmy of mom . 0ut.~:id(- tho pm-son! luil'lin;.:.< on M'- COUH1 of lzwk of .\`ufl'ici<-nl :n'cm1n1w- dal inn. VIN... T`. 1! Ll-'vn-ni:--u IV: 1' n :1-I: 72nd Year. THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER - - With Incrased Grai/lti GRANT K. MAYOR ..:-. uf lhv Sn(`iol_\' I'i;:urx-rl - stains nf B:Irric~ Fairl . it would mm-an :m In an! nf .'mywlu~ru~ from; with r-nn.s'<-quvnl iH(`I`(`.'lF.("1 mm of prim` nmnvy tn. j1C|osing Provesl Very Successful Affair, Prizes Presented E i `R--1-vu ml 'l`u.~:.\'n1'm1!iu 'l`nwn:;hi [who var: (`|l`(`U`(` (`h:ni1*m:1n nf Sin xcnw (`uunly Runds (`ommil1m- lhv nx'1.{:InL..11inn Im'L*linp,' how yu- I:-ml-nr I IIU Ill 1.; ll'l`( L'I_Y. NEW LOWELL i E SHORT COURSES 5 COME TO CLOSE,` Five Fairs May Be Added`? In 1937; Barrie Heads ` The List l)KlH(']lll`l l`l'l(l-'l_\' l'\'(`lllH}( IJISI. ill-_ > tonzlml by the nu-mburs of tho ` V L`m1r. .'mrl lhc-lr frlt~n(ls. ` l l The final cvunl uf tho` [evening was an address by Stewart ' L. Page. Barrie, agricultural rcpre-t smxlmix-'0 for North Simcno, who` loullinvd his idvns on "Cuolllmz, In-` ;l(-1'vslv in Our Job." ' l lVlomlwr.< uf llw ("lass r`xr`culivo.<` l I in vl1nr;:o of tho l'm1('tinn \\'urv :I.<< ` fnll<>\\'.\: (ii:-ls` (`l:u. l`r(\sidr`nf. l ; Joan . \I'l1'l.\'ll`nn;.{' \'ivL--l`rv. .\ .. W,-. r1\.. ` rcl;-il(1 BAort CT_c`>urse Reporteda Among the l3estE :ALCTlVV<`)sing Banquet] llUlIU\\.\. \lIIIh LIu.\\ I nxxxuunn `Juan Arm. \/'im--T"r-.~'idon1 `Dwotluy Duff`. Sm-rvlm'-Trc:1su1'- 13.3.. `district. Born at Big Bay Pnim. a sun of H:u'r_v .\I:1ynr and the late .\Ir.<. l\I2iynr. he has spent his life at Big Bay on.` nun)` (nun \v.\-1 we no so far. with the exception of five; _\`ear.<. in South Simcoe. He farmed _uu .. ... ....... Mr. `.\Ia_\'m' is well known in this; V'oi'_v fund of music. said tn be Mr. i\Ia_\'m"sl l`L`ildL`1`.\` uf The Exami call with plt`aSLll`0 his buy cumralm. He sum drew's choir. Barrie. Point till he was 26ilate John H. Morgan _\'0Ell`S old. Then he lived a year in vices as .a soloist wen `fun. 1 1-I.-n-sanvxr` In Qirnr-nn nn Mi`. `.\11l_\'0l' is well Known in inir very mnn Ul IllU.\ll.'. uiis um; U\' district. Bay .\la_vms h-vbby. I\l:iny` late of Exzmiiner will re-1 .\`ll1;:ln_LI as :1 so exception l-l\'{b(>_V sang in St. An-L ` Suulh ' drew's Barrie. under the`! `at 26llate and his ser--` 1 `. (15.21 were in pnpiilun ' Hamilton and four years at Van- i demand in Simcoe and York coun-" ldorf. near Aurora. before going to ties. His _\'uutht`u1 Contrzilto voice `Newton Robinson seven years agoldeveloped into a robust tenor and` l to take over the old Cliantler store. `. he is frequently heard as a solo-1_ 1 established in 1842. Purcliasing the l ist. ' g `g stock from the tenant. J. F. Culling- In 1913. Mr. Mayor married l\'Ii:\s `hum of Bradford. he has built up.lna Richardson of V.'mdorf. and an excellent business and enjoys l they have two sons, Neil and Byron. New Chairman PAGE SPEAKS 111's(`.-z in ./\;:1`ic'11lt111`vi` >llUlni(`.\', which had` in tho Township` `OH. <-mnmt-nvingz on` 1` lmmght tn :1 sub-5 nu HO an 1-nin\'.'|h1P' an l'll_|U.V nim: lusi. nhnr< nf l I`) 4| .\lll"' I ('ll_i())'l|h`t` v 1 0 rd, v I Society Improved] Swine Quarters; `Of- | ficers Re-e|ecfed 1 Fine.-z and costs cnlloctvd by I1:n`- vie Pnlico I)opnrtmont in .I:mu:n'y tntnllnd $74.50. and oI'fon(`vs num- borod 49. (\l'r...\n.x.. nun-n Inn-:11-n-v nnn RH 3! Thu inns! In /\;:x'im1l1urv" \\':1.~' tprnpnsod by Mulwl Il.'1\'m`. and `ro: In hy (`nmvrnn I.nn;.:- `ihurst. Tho Hmnv" xvns pmpuszml lhy Hn\\'.'n`d M:u'h:nn and rvpliml in by R080 McI.L-i. \ViH'I'od T`ifhm`_ prt-sirIn`nl of llw joint class. prnposvd the must In _ ` Our (`.nnQI\' hm \\'hi1`h hr` (\xnr0R:~'- Fines Costs $74.50 Are Collected By Police ` I JUN}! (VIKIS5. }'H'U[)(L\|'U llll' IUH.\l II! i`;01n' (`mos:L\`". in whivh hr` 0xnro.w.~'- 1:-cl tho lh:mk:< nf thv Shun-I ('nnI's(`l`> `tn Ihv Sunnidnlv ']`>wn. (`mm- lcil. tho VVmnz`~n`.< In.s'1ilu1(`, 1hr 1i\'vs1m*k mon. and all uH1(`l'.\` \\'h( `hm! nidvd in mnl-'.in;: the Show =Crmr. n . K nm.1..:..n In men |n'1 um-I`n 9': 12`, gm /.1 Ill nunw r.-uuuuu :I\'vI`.'|p,;'-, .'|Ht`l1rl:lm"v of l ml :1\'m'.'u:<~ :1llm1d.'Im'v 4 39.5. invlnding Vi.\`ilm'.\'. lhv girls \v.'1x 23.7, invl lII`\l pl`u;.;rzIlnnIIr was .\luy;n~u, n .xun;;-.x--u,, was In-(I hy Mrs. S. 1.. l`.'u:o with} Mnriun Mitvholl and M:1riun (`nrh-r us :1cz'nnmnnis1.<, nnd Intm` on in l lhv ow-ninn :1 serum! mm wilh Mix:; I".. llnw. P.:n'rit>, as nr<'nmp:n1- ist. Olhnr vmvrminmonl fmlln-o.< In- vllult-(I n h:n`xmmiv:n (in:-1 h_\' Hzlrry 'Slninlun and William Duff. 1 hnu--qf Thn Hunu-" \\'.'l\` n1'nnw \ Vi1h 1)m|:Il(l A. H1 `H0, as tnns1ma. ... .n~-.n~..u.. uyvxu ulum 'Kl`HI`S(`S II SHl'(`l'.\S. ` `t Replying: to this Ions! \\':-ru- 8. 1?). 'Pa1ton, Reeve of Sunnidnle: I\ Ir.x'.' `J. W. Mather. president of New iT.nweII Women's Institute: George pRngers, B.S.A., New Lowell; and !Rev. .1 H. Stringrer, Stnyner. I re.<-nlminn of A\vnrd.< The presw-111:1tin11 of nw.'n'd.< \\':::< `:1 very interesting: feature uf the Ixveninpz. Miss Helen Meiklejnhn. instrue!or-i'n-ch:n';:o. presented :1 Mn . , , .v..... ..l.,....| Sr`\ vr:Il ' [`n:I, R:-H. |"4.S..`\., Rm`- '. nn (`I1ju_\':lh|(` rzvd, /\ : 3. with I nu` . IV...-I...-l If any fall fnirs nrv ndclorl tn the Class B" list by thu F1-rlvr:1l D0- partmont. or A;:ri('ul1m'c this yc-:11`. the first m(- In he placed in H10 higher ('lz:.~::-zifir-ntinn will hv Burnt- Fair. rrmn. :.w.\....\.,.o:.-m m.n...(.I...-o_| ' DXIIHVI \ l!ll|.\|'l.` `nwnshlp (`mm-I iho \\'hn| :in;: the Short` 4l||l| Ill `cludim: llII'.\, \\ III] III l7.7. 'I`h(~ 1:- ` of hny:4 \\':1:` -....I m.1 nr nun), nw. ruvling of- oninlly ill. ., six, (`our trial; R.ll. \Al I`... .. | .2.) .,l mlnwm with nu` 'I`|u.. ..\ A nvl prnfil of $!Hi8!l,75 fax` your I936, was 5-'.h<)\vH fur Ihv 1 riu \Vu1(-rwm`|<:< I)(-p:n'ln1('n1. in annual rvpnrt prv.s`m1ml to Town Coum-il. Mummy nip,hL lilu. \|7-Maw I inrlui nnul ( ('nn\I' Barrie Waterworks Dept. Shows Net Profit of $9,689; 167,816,000 gals. Pumped l()\Vl) L, Jvlunuily nu.-,nI. llw VVu1vr, |.i;.{h1 mu! (ins (`ummi.-4- sion. 'I`l\is wm: sliulllly lmvvr lhnn thul fur l`J3.'n_ whvn Hw rm-uni pru- fit. at" $10.1 " 30 w: - v.'1rn<\ m A..I . mm `II ? r.r: My ' }1j;;a;.grato ;%Tsta,vs in Park I C 0 0 F.iE1!.v`?%?_9i1_'%?i Agreement` To Be Renew- ed With W. Livingston; Raise Smokestack in]: U] l`HlI'l'l(` I\].',l`l('llll,lll'il| .`(l|'ll.`l_V' in [ho MIiS[I'i(5'S cmurl vllzllnhvr hero F1'i(!ny znflvnmnn Inst. which was :Ilu`nd1`(l by :1 fair numlwr nf` members ur tho m';.:m1i'/mi-m. "I nm ndvisml Huey II"(-(Im'.':l `Dru pnrlnmnl. of A].{l'i('llHlll`(" nrv m hopes of nrlrlinp: l'i\'(.- ll(`W l`:li1'.\' 1n Class B" thia year. and lhai liar rio is :1! the hour] of tho lisl," Dun- can F` Nl(`Cllx'Ii1. .'. }\'.(_`., M.l`., nrl\'i.<-` ed the Sm-ioty in :1 loilvr from 01- tawa. 'I`|1t~_v Wnuld nut, hnwvvm: give me nny rlofinilv assur.'Inm- of what. would hr` rlmw. If suffi<~i:-n1 money is .'1llnwv H.'u'I'it` will hr- includod in lh(.- Class "B" fuirs," In` said. A... -,u .- n, n,,y ._ .- ]Gron1' For` Bona Request- ed, Left` Ovcr Until After Concert" )Barbe1.'in; Tracie?-)1'g;aLniz;d`Iv-Iere ` Zone Set Up By O_r`(_ler-in-Council] , ,,,,, A, | '1`hv h.'n'hvrin;,' |l'.'|ll(` in Murru- I' '/Zmw h:I.~: bvvn m'g.'n1i'/.t-(1 llIHll`l' llw |lml11.\'lri:|l S1nnd:n`(l.\' Avl, 19145, and `El .\'('1u-dlxlv of \\':1go.\` and hmlrs anti "(lays ul` labour for tho trudv cumt` n into (-ffoct on 'I`uvsdn_\'. Ichru:n'y 4.. by an Ordor-in-cm1n(`il pnss0d- by' the Ontario Government. and pro- cluimvd in 'l`lu- ()n1:n`in (`.u7.cttv. O. C`. Jvmwlt(-, of Mn` lndu.\'1riu1 S!.'1nd.'n'ds ()ffit`'. Tnrnllln, was in I3zu`ric this \v-wk rmnplvting ax`-I r:II1gmm*I)t.< tn <)})(`l`.'l1(` lncnl 1):u'borf sl1<>p.< umlur the Act. The` nl(`ll\l)1`I`.\`! Hf Hw luvul :\ri\'i.\'m`_\` Hmml an-:1 \l1 \ rx A I I!..!.- n (1 3 -\lH7}l.\ lIlHll.'l lI|l' l\l(. :\dvi.\`m'_\ W. A. Overs, A. .1. Hmxghtolx, NL`lS(Il1 Nlul \v:n'd Barker. This Bnurd will huzz nf mnp1o_vm1< and on whom 1110 now .<<-her and ;:um~rnll_y assist in the provisions of th S1m1d.'1rds .-`wt and 1h: H has the uuilmrity to minimum raw or wngu ..l , . . v . il\ u-I... nu `\'1I\1l:I"I BARRIE. CANADA. 'l`Ill1l{Sl)AY, l"l*`.BltlI/\IYk4,( wooo ryoiij RELIEF ,Dupp.'1` xruxn 0 Lu 0. . ; Illustrated lccturu. "Romantic Sidu Znf Scuttislx Life and Churz1ctur". S . fAndre\v's Church. Barrie, 1\lond:1,\'. Feb. S. by Rev. Geo. A. Dicl~'.son. Metropolitan Church. Toronto. aus- pices Scouts and Y.P.S. Tickets 25 J 4-Sh inn ul` tho ilwim-r:|:v (lump. now lm-aim! `ll portion of /\m'i(-ul- us l'innH_\' aim-is]:-I by I no I\Il..n.l..\. .... u- : \\'l'l`(` $'.!`2.4?..l..M fur HI" ...,..~4I\.- \lY..l .;../.| r..;.n, .m nu, `N917. \\ l`l`(` 4--m .1-1-I ~24 . u..,.. I` 55_ WOU LD MEAN $2,000 UH \\'il.`\ I rmIl:|l.~< .'x 1 vI'l'H`l I:I:l . l`..1..| nu ?lll'l' n--- $(iM.(H ..I ll: m VIIV1 cf liar-_ n Uw H11` hum l`L\!t HI!` ...\. . . ..... ll` .......... . A('('un1p.'m_vim,' tho l`(`]\1\l'l w;1:~'. H 1 l'Cqm's1. In tho Town Council to ix- S110 it-In-nt1||'l's In lhv vxhml of $l2,()0lJ, in pay lhr` vn.-41. of in.* :1 nvw I.:1_ynu gmvvl wnll \V(', llw vunlrnvl, fur whu-h hm: hm-n l(-I. 'I`hi:: zmmunl will lnkv r`.'n'- HI` llw . I1`ll| 115'." -nul nun:-|u:nu ;llllIIl_\'I'l1HI]mH`I\I_mn:IL|l. lulu: m. i()($9.:!!). t()f thi:: znnuunt $2.`lll() r `))r-ru-111:; l`Xh'1I Inlmu. In mluiiliv _:I puynwnl of $l,)l)() w:n:: In:l(|l` ' lhv 'I'uwn.('l'urn In ]I(l[J` four, plvu ;EcoM1vi1ss1oN *1 CUTS DISCOUNT 1 i ON GAS BILLS`; .~....., .... \ mm-Iimz. A lnvl-n llll'l'lIll);. A hylnw war: 1 yminlim: 1):`. Nu` Mt-lir'.'Il ()ffi(`m' mg Dr. A. '|'. U ni~:r'II~:' (Inn: ... ,... pm-.-:1-nlml |n:: un zmlu-:1 if :m -.m..u1 im-rs-u.~'.i .\'nmkr-::l:u`k of Dt\pu1_\' Hm'\'(~ fi1'm:Iliv(!. ALI (`,HI -3 ran: | This information was mlmslzlst-! ically r(-('1-ivr-d at lhv annual nun`!- ing of Barriv A[.{ri('ull,ur.'11 Society in lhn T\/|'nrrish~nir-K 1-nurl 1-lmmhm' lll Hllll |\ \.'. All]. (}ill. :1 H10 prost-nl rln .-mus win ml :11 th 'I`hv n .n.\..l; In III!` lllllllllllllll I-III` In \\u;.,- .1 nu work gu-1`fm'nu- nrv us fu|lr)\v.x`: Cl:1.x'sv.a' /\ and I`: Suvh })(`l'Cl`l\l-'|;.{L` of the (-:1rnin;::< M the l)arhur or ("hElh` operated by him as`. will on sure to tho lmrhvr :1 minimum wzmo (-quivnloni 14) what. he would hzwv I`v<'-ivml fur lhv s:1nu- wurk if hv ' `I . . 1 ,, ,1 . 4.. .... l\fh'I` IU ,....,. ,J..`..`.. .-..,,......- Elsie ;\iCLuh2m. '1`m*nnto. will give! dramatic recital B.C.I. auditorium.` Feb. 9. 8.15 p.m.. auspices Collier St.i United Church Woman's Associa-. iion. Tickets 350, reserved 50c. stu- Idems 25c. 4-5b A .. . ...__ .__. W/`\sk l)vl)(.'ntnrnsa fur Wvll Is your subscription paid? Ill . l`Jl)l'lHi|H VV, IHI) `()f(`I`l' of Hl`.'llH\. ::u |.iH|-, I`r~Hl`(-rl. Dim-II:;:;i on Hump l):`;n|1y RI-1-\'v Wilt ..I |...- ..mIi.m Al.l ( lkll I5 Illllklll ufLu1`l1u ux uf Mrs. Ru} nynne dcsiril nun I-`ll Police Are Investigating Shooting During Quarrel nu.-n Officials H thnl if 1hv xlm was raised. v Cl'(`SL`([ jzrzml . $2,000 up. wilh : in Hw zmmxmt be paid (ml. I`.ff'nrl< |m\':- I l mvin('inl I uli'<~ art` lnvosllgni-` lng rm nIlt`1,'ullr)n that Mrs. Mm-jur- iv l.ul*`or;:.-, nut-(I 30. shut hm` nu- yemuulrl futlusr, I"rv(I Fish. in the lmoo with :1 .22 vnlihro rlflv lmlng, :1 qu:n`r-I. ' Tho slmnlimz lnnk plnrv in n H1- 110 mhin four mllr-sz nnrlh nf Hmwy Il:Irl>uI', nn lhv .~;hnr1- nf Gt-ury;i:In Buy. Wilfrvd I :1r:uIi. who .~::n(l In-l \vns |)l`l'.'l`l|l ul lhv limv. mmlv :1! .~:1n1v|nm11. In 1hr` pnllrn upon his .'n`ri\':|l at Mivllmul. Hw vxm-I ('nII~ lvnl:. mi whirl: wuulul um hv li\'ul11- ...l Wlfarje Ei:pendit'i1re D e c r e a s e d i Last Week; Jvanuary Average $ 742 'UUH I. _Vl|u uunn u: fast.` Luuk nut. _\'nu`1l.~`~ `scum. slow down. or yr `needle m ynur finger! I `-\\'$-nv u-h-.19": H11`- 101' IU years. Oh. I was merely trying to nssis`. you. Just as you try to help me drivra the cur." 'ncec1:- In _\'ULu` un;;L-1. N Why. whats the nmttvr wnh you`? I've been running this machine for 10 years." Oh I was merolv trvim: FRO)! THE B.-\('K .\`l'I.-\'I' The hu.~lmml rim-xv up 2: vh.ur s... ...`r..'. <.\\ '1`)! ..._..(.h.,.,. SMILE A WHILE HK HS runnxng nu uu`1l sow the wrun, or you'll suck that` z.. ...\..V .'('ZH m-r nf 1936 1 pain Han Facing Several. Charges ;T0rnnt0 Man Rcmanded iF() owi 11;}; Gun }Ij1`i.ght DC pill Ulll. 1 Effm'l.~: lmvv In-(~11 murlv for .\'(-\'-1 vral years to huvv tho statue of H11`: Bnrriv Fair iIu~r(-as<-(I to (`l.'1.~:s "l`. nnrl !lu-sv :Ipp1-ar (*ln. In .*4ll(`l'l`.\ .\`- than lht-y havu 1-vvr bx-on. ' Bvllt-r Swim A('m'\nnn<\dulinn With :1 vivw In st-vurixu: h('Hv|` nccmlmumdntinn (In tho ;.:r(mnd.< fur nvhihc nf qnrinn Hun rli } > 1 u-r`hu'< .'ll|.. G.D. Banting, Native Son of? New Member County Roads Body HllU\'\.'.\. Mary SI ror-0,, \v(~.-A IHS YT1H`.HL`I` \\'il.\' late George Davis, (`no Cmxnty in 1872 ,.nlr L. .` r..lI nnnm 1 ('l|\' L|7lHl|_V (lll\l Ill self is 2: full cousin of George L. Davis. Simmc County Warden In 1926. He is :1 great-nephew uf tha- lato Col. R. T. Banting. former County Clerk. and he is of staunch? North of Ireland stock. which has` given so many prominent leaders .to Canada. Ill 1411..., unu- or wns $555 09. n \N(rL'l(1_V nvvrn;,'<.: 1t,'r('n:;(-, nf $187 32. 11-11) 1 1.. | )..Hnf Re-Elected -4, _ `,Jc1rnes 25, In ` Hospital Here With H Gunshot Wounds (5. I). B.-1.\"I`ING PAGES 1 to 6 SECTION I. il`:""Illlll"`lllll`1lI llll llll' }.;I\lllII\l.\ Illl ' exhibits of swinv, lh(- din-(`ln1'.< 1111- 1 pninlvd :n -nn1mill~(- with I".up:,vxn`! Smith. Ulnpin. (`huirnmn of H11`: Swine (`nmmmc-K`, as ('hnirm:m. This vmnmillc-0 will inv(-sli;:;ul1- tlu-` p()s.~:ibilit_\' nf in(`I'cu.\'in;.{ H11` mu} conmundntimi \\'ith<.ul l)lIl'(lL`lHll;;} the Sm-ioly In any oxlent, It is pos- siblo that :1 (-:unp;1i;.:n will lw in-` mururntvd to I'2liS(` funds for pm -g mnncnt improx-'cmc-nts along lhi:'] llnc. 1'` T1 En.-nnln f`:-uirnvnln unrl I

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