Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1937, 2, p. 6

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'1 IN` 240. AVUV unuxquttux. up!- Sedan 1930 Hudson Sedan 1930 () Sedan 1929 ()'.1kl:1nd Sedan HAROLD HILL and Man.-Igimz, Diructnr. :m.-nlyzod thu- ` .s'l:nt<-rmml ;1t(-nnsidoml)]0 lnnglh and szummvd up by suyim; Tho 1`:-suxlls of lhv year an .-all mmnts indionlv in 2: must mnphntic mnmwr that thv npr-r::tim.s' uf the Cnmpzmy are am sound Imus, that tho |m1i(:ylmldvr>` ima-rt-:~;ls um` fully .s'-vuwd and llml \'W` .'n'(- lhnrmu.:h1y justifiml in view- mg 1111- futlwe with :u.\'s1n`nm`n Hun` ll i|I'lIIl(?H . Edvvnrd E. Reid, Vicv-Prvsuivml lhv Cump.'m_v'.~: p|~n;,'rvs.s' will (-I-n~ linuu` 1n .'nffm'd ;,'r:1tifi(`nIiun to all whu.~:<- ml:-I`:-sl:< .'n'u invula-\':l m iln` \w-lf.'n'(,`." "PI... 0,. The London Lifn zmnunl report. which is always awaited with in- lvn-st., was presented to the share- hnldnrs and px.licyl1n1dc1`s by thv prvsi(lm1t. J. I'2d;.{;n' J\ffor_v, l\'.(`., at the Cmnpuny's F2nd zmnuul I11l`l`tllI).',4 The account. of tho y(`:u"x wnrk ro- voulvd nut.~:t:nmiin;,-'rn-gulls in uvmgv d0p;n`tm(`nl. I`.rhm..-A 1.` n..;,a u:..... n. 'Outstanding Results Are Shown By Report Of The London Life Lough Is Merely a Growl`; Reversed by One s Attifudef Aux Luuatc, I to laugh at Zo1lm`.x" polivy of koopim_-,` :~;t,t)(`,k:s clvun : :1l`l`iV:tls of 1nm'(th;1n m1.~:ux'vs rush : ing J:1nu:11'y g<>u :11. (:lv:n':1nm- p1`i(:*.~ u1'(l:1y. Li.\`l,("(l below an` s01nv of the m FRIDAYa;nd)SATURDAY C L EXRA NE E Great Atlantic & Pacic Tea Co. J. D. `WISDOM .3. co: l\IIr\`Ir- I 1 . I l_, zlz 1 R:-nuu-zns To TI-IRIFTY CAnXnuANs QgALn'v Ig|EA_Ts_ l`l{l.`.\ll .\l 'U'.\l{l).\l LIBBYN 'l'l).\l.\'l'() .\"Ul'l .'\lc('urmick'.~. SUI).-KS, ttmsta-(1 or plain llIlR\"b.` s` \l'l.'I)L'l).\l"I` PORK S.\l's.\(il'I. l"r-all l).:il\ Y(H'.\'(i PORK l.l\l'.l( :5 |lU.\l|'I.\l.\l)l-I H}L.\l)( Ill`Il''. I2 ("huh-0 Blil", \'l'L:\l.. l..\.\I|5 And PUNK l"l{l.'.`}ll ()YS'l'l'IliS, S.\I()l\ lilJ l`|l.l.l".'l`S .`\N[;- l{(').\.`~'l'l.`\'(i (`NH hli.\'."s' \ unuuxn .1 .1~rI:.n`. tunic! u In plain III pus `II.-l`BB\".~s` S.\l'ERKl{.-\l"l` * 2 tins 25 Come In and See Our Bargain Counter u ~."o . u'v.'v.. V -. -. ..r.~i. .y mu. .v v . :--~ lll*ISll .\l l.\'.-`H ll T.\BI.l. Tl'R.\'H'.\' ll)E.\l. ('.\'l`.'l'l . (i|{()(`ERS PROMPT Bl'T(`llEl{S I3 Essa. Road : .-\|l;1nd;1lc,- DELIVERY FRESH WHITEFISH \/\lnnn\4 nun u-gnu: with :1 wxriv \`:u`ie-'_ RAISENS 10 lb.1 UALITY MEATS and Copaco Prodycts GROCERY SPECIALS DRESSED M1>1(W)i~{1:/113 y\.a\r \., sol -Ila: 5 of mart-hand1.~.v I.\'I-':\.\" N` (`l|lN(`lIlI,l..'\ ('().'\'l`S um] rvzuly for new :ru.x'h :u-llinu uf rt-n1:1ln- - ])1`i(t*s l~`ri(l:1_y uml Sui,- ` m1l.sL:n1(Hnp,' V:llll(`,S. 'l`lmr.~:da_v. J:unuu'_v 28. I937 HI Hlj ntly : BOKAR ALL WOOL DRESSES ('II(( 'l'l.AI{ K .\'l l' CRii>I~im HOSIERY ,u-nnn srvyuanuvn an. V-ry low cost. ]"`.nl nun `Jr;-:1. lmtllv `ll Z`.//`:"%" 3ss' /' . {'41. ., . <:kl_y. 8 O Clock W1'Il .n|l_V 4 lhs. 250 L . tins 19c Hc pkg. `.2 250 ,2 lbs. 3 for .44: T*1.%7[7 130 II). 1 lbs. 25! 1 lbs. 25 . uh...` ::.';1rn.'In - what. SIN) 49 -I II III]! Huh!!- :IllII1_`y . ,:.. ll'l.l{ Sl'Il.l)l.l'IS.\` 19(- me 171' AWUVII Im',h1r:r' .' 'I'|u-ff.` nlily Nectar Tea . 49c 1b.~-~ 1 3 25c ll-"l((`ll`: OXYDOL . . . 2 pkgs. for 39c Lux Toilet Soap .-\\'i..\ll`.I{ Sqlull-'l'in Peas and Carrots . ' 2 for 230 -.-.-.--_.__...__ ` Mid-wintc,-r sznlo Box. `l'."u..l.... n.....1 I\4ARI`1A1q1>V.I?\3E. . 2-11;. Jar zsci (IL.-\SS('() Raspb<=!'r_v Jam . 2-lb. Jar 29 TOILET PAPER OATS Bulk NAVY l{0LL! .l) Free Phone 186 Delivery ."uRth W:-ddim,;' Annivc-r.s'ur_v __un-. wr- (il..-\\\`.~`('U (Hi.-\.\'(il". uuL uguul illll'l' El .`~'t'|`ltIlI:x' III! A. C. Hm`ri:: ul" /\lh(-rlc-_v vi:~:itm' with Mr. and Mrs. Hill. nn Mnnd:1_v. R/cc Iunlml ('....H...- 1.4 r.-:.` I-uulv cal` l urhn l{I*nr;,::n|i'.I.-(I 1.... .-4 lllIlHlIl'l' this rlish'i(-l,. numb:-r IF .||\ h(`('~ ' 5: illxwss. lI.uLmn. 'I`h(- ful -rlvy was :1 '(~l(-ch-(I: Hun. 1" .V1rs. G. W.lIVfzuu-i(-v1":n`I<; sun; Rm.-. SM: 1' Rim-hmmul |'l'r(-us.. I\/Iznrirm 1 r_ mm M.-_\;.;-x'.~;. ]Vl:u`im Wi i lV[n|1-I Rirldvll, (. . |un-l..|- I1`.-.y.l I lho Shnv 3 the church basement. The group mm Alb for the purpose of (.'l(`C1in[.[ 2: new ox- nhlv tn nu ucutivc and to draw up u m-w consti- < il.uLmn. following-; nl'fic-rs \V(`l'(' 1'11-y T x't~.-4., AN. T u;{h: I"rc`.-'... v1r::.. W_ I I\ fu1n-i('v 1":n`k; V i(-L--I rvs., J(~:m WI!- S(- '_v, '(-41115111. : Blair; ."'I'n:nu rm4...;h. rt.-m... 1 ma, T.'i.|n......;l .1. ' lll'ulS.. IVIZIYHIH D EUYS, Wis ilvlnlu-I ( p) Frznnk ll 1;]-Z|l:x l\l('Q11u(lu_ ;S('I'JH. WU . D()(,' .(lll(`Hnll of [luv u ; 'l`hr- 1':-`;l ml` Hn .. .. u.. I . . . . .. ` `III 1| .\Ill,l1Il VV(l_V. l`lI')\l V\'l'l'l\ V\v'lll lIH\('! ;('un- ml` vmnmilu-r~ uppnintlm-nts .'md`~ 5inuun`l:u|l. lm.s'im~.~<.~:. Ow-r forty :11.- _l<-nrlvd lhv in.'nux.:urnl nu-1-l.inp,. ! Hurum Av:-. Unit:-(I (llmir I'll:-.4-ls 5 ()I'l'i(-.1 S f UH 'l`lnu'srln_v ni;.:`hl znrlur przu-lir-v i [luv rlmir hlfld Hm zumunl ('l(`('Hl:II` ; nl` ul'l'nm-x'.~.'. with tho ()l'L!iIlli.H'l, I"I'nn|'. `I)n1'ln-1'. pm-.~:i(lin;f. 'I'h(- l`nl|nwin:;3 ` \vm~:- HI:-(~11-(I hm I()'1'.`- rs.- 1 I 1 | 5 r \ ? 5 lbs. 25c 25 (V (IL Miss: Isuln-I (fnullc-1' ml Hill is the mu-:4! of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pzlrk, this work. 7 ,. Have you trim! Crrr/.-r I'm-zalmw tux--nmw Iwnl. |v:;.-; .'1.~:h. .l-nkins C0211 Cn., l'lmn<- 2:26. 41:3 In . . nm. (In xvmnuzly. | I I . 7c R11! 5c Bar THE lb. ` lllllf, [\ll VV1'.`IL, I\lllll'L'.uI pr:-::i(lud Ml thc in- ` uffict-I'.~:-t~l(-('1. I llw vvn-nin).: was spt-ni. wuy. Noxt work will lulu- .I nu-~niH..;. -. ..v........o.. .. DI'(' X. \l('1H'L(Hl4'l l)l<'lII';| inn Sp(_-urn; Grams Lmul-i Wisrlmn. lVHl(ll'(`(l W('.\`l,,, vll, G('ul`L{(` Pnuc-ht-1': Re- 'IR Dubsnn; Iluu:sr- (.`<;m..| .. ! ...I.. A ..a IlI....| .. MEAT SPECIALS PORK .\`ll:\.\'lU.l-25>`. SHOULDERS . . . . . . . . lb. 144 BUTTS----~Trimmed . . . . lb. 184 SPARE RIBS -~-Meaty . lb. 124 BREAKFAST BACON-- Sliced . . . . . lb. 274 BLADE ROASTS . . , Short Rib ROASTS . . BRISKET BOIL . . . . . `BONELESS ROASTS ROLLED VEAL . . . . . GRAPEFRUIT BOLOGNA .,..... s,u.., . ....u. ....u. The Rnwlvipzh ml. in mm (1005 um apply to The local Nznwlr-i;,-h Dan i6iI"L'E3:1LLETs . lb. OYSTERS-T [Pint % . . . . . I . SALMON--- Piece . . . 2 lbs. Sliced or Centre . _ . . . lb. NICE JUICY ORANCES . . ('()()l{l.V(i n I\w~w --n .\'.\l()Kl".l) 0!` FR ICSII I'\r\1vI-an can-urn ---. New CABBAGE L&i5'13i_"Es SPINACH I:\I' \, unI.. Amu-1.`. t I BEEF FISH DUX. Evelyn HI'!x(l(`)'.\`(I| in out n].{Hin nflt-r :1 .~:-rinu A F` Hnm~i: 1.1` /\Hu ROASTS OF BEEF ...... .. 7 to 15c lb. S./\l.MON---b_V tho nxinnn I`)l. .. nil 19.. II. n.unnuv:\rA1Tu.V I4!!!- piccc 12!: and 13c lb. Smoked Fillvts 16c lb. B0l0;.;`mL .......... .. 2. . lbs. 23: "(`:ld(5IH'(`.s`(! ...... .` 2 ihs. 25: Roasts of Pork H-18 ll). B|'-.ukl';1.s'l. lizu-on (-1 ., ,1 .\-r .- -pm Lunnunu IIII Slim-(I ...... .. Young" B1-cl" I 2...... ARTJ. BRENNAN Phone 58 l'l{()I\ll"l' l)l'Il.l\"l'Il{Y ALLANDALE l'l{I(`liS Rl('.ll'l` ALL sizii 6 qts. 35c 2 lbs. 15c Why Suffer From CORNS orLA|..HI.OUSE S?' i albs. 5 for lb. lb. lb. lb. 14c 18c 12c 5c lb. V 25c ll). 25 35 .l' Sixteen 27c 16c 49c 25c 15c 14c 16c 10c 'Manura}Lrers Life soehl Report Shows Expansion [ Hutu -'I.\`L` In .)l.4,im.1.Ii6. l ;iyrm.-nl.s' tn pnli(:yhnldm's uml lu.-m-l'i('i:1ri(-.<: lnlnllt-rl $13,644,692. Oi" .~:m-h pnymt-nls the sum nI' $9,476.- 980 was paid in living policyhold- 1-1'5, in(,-lu(linp; $1,875,580 in divid- :-m l.~:, whiln $4,167,712 was paid In-m-l'i(-i:u'i<.-.5` in death (-lalms. l`l`u.- asst-ls ll1('l`(`EIS(`(i by over $9,- ::nn,0n0 and zimnuntt-cl to $143,685.- . ilSJ, Rumls cmnpi'i.~4c- $7.`l.l53,3.'H. l"iI':-:l ix|ni`l;.:.'u1.{(-s un l'(`Hl (`5lHll' .m'munt('d in $2(i,2G2..'l18. lnva.-.s'l- mvnl.-: in pvt-l`vI'rt-(1 zmrl (-mnmun :$l(I('k.\' :immml<-d to $5.990.l5. Pnlivy and zmnuily l`('h'L`l`V('S in- (-n-.'i.~:x-(l In $l2l,4l()7,9lJ.'l. Cmiliiu.:mi(~_V n-.s`(-rvx- has`. lu-1-n ill(,'l'(`a`I.`{('(i by $.`il)(),- (I00 lu $'.2,Ul)(),()()(). 'l`lu.- l'('S(`I`\'(' fur In pnli('_yholrlm'.s` :nnuunl~ ml in $4,575_nn0, A substantial increase in assets and in insurance in force, fon- lurus the 50th annual report of the Mnnufnc-luI`er.~: Lift: Insurance Com- pany for 1936. N1-uv in;-n in .. o..u-:1! 2: none r. nu; .. . i[)iUl_Y lUI' IHJU. Now insurzmccs nnm1mtim.{ t()$5G.- 1149.328 were written, brin;zin;.: tlw in.~:m':m(:(- in fm'<:(- lo $532,539,708. an im,-ronso ml` $12,583.1l3. l :|\rrn:-nlu in unlit-uI-...l,l....,. ....,| New lew Shafterproof "Glass" Takes Light Around The Corner JEVVEL 1 s 13c lb. SHORTENING .:`.;'.1~`Av.%49c Ul5plil_\ 1U(l2l_\'. xiv and indush xnmvd mo .\ L. man swan`. L`1l_:1lH(` In: G. Abbot exhibited ,,.,,.,1.,.." .\,. 4.. ........ THE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARRIE. ONT CANRDA l'il\ \ .-galhc .-..- .\ n . to chemi yu.~.n.\....\.." ((`u'u.linur'(l from urmr Him-) \\/us, prnpn.\'(*(l by I\ l:I_\'n1` H. (1. RM)- (`l`lSnn, llurri:-, wlm (Ix-('l:u'ml llml [hm (.-Eli /.<-ns uf I!:u'rn uppnw-i:1lv ihv hnhn|n- u'hir~h hut`) 1-nvnn In R-. ' :.\ ENTERTAINS {New WARDEN AT BANQUET I I Cnrysler and Plymouth DIS'l`RIBl'T0R ! 55 Elizabeth St. Phone 293 ` 1936 Ford l`ou:'in;: Coach 1936 l* l)'lll()'dl.l1 D1-Luxe Sedan 1935 l l_\'mouth Business (`ouch 1935 Ford V8 Pouch 193.`; l l)'mouth ti (`ouch 193.1 ) l onti:1c Sodzm 1934 l l_\'moutl| Do.-Luxe Sedan 1934 Oldsmobile DCLUXC Sedan 1934 ('lu-vrolt-t .\[;1stcr (`ozlch 2 1933 l l_\'mouth [)1-Luxo Sotluns 1933 )0 Soto DCLUXC Sedan l9.'5`3 Ford I-('_\'l. (`ouvll 1932 Plymoullx D1-Luxe Sedan 1932 Buick 8 DvLuxe Sedan 1913; Ford \'8 l)cLuxc (`uupv 1931 Dur;1ntb' Sudan 2 1930 Ford Coupe: 1930 .\I-urquette Special End. n Red Circle

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