'1'.li1D-`-,Uor,reppondenu 1or<'1'na.1s_xa1uj` Iillvu to rql,eI1_til:, lace: inthev.-dlltt: Qld 931`PX d ._ TspieaL.,f:ejgn.1dnuLgsV.1'80 V be lusizally L-,t,ravVe1sjLwi1i7,1i~Sgretaty; ',WhQ_"Lie1['is himu: out 7 . thisy`:s`p'ect',` A;Whe1g.,inVVinn9J`:he,u M ` " ` ' '.?1 .l.,8>D01lgI1T_: DICBIITEB, I01 1113381108;-` and. _`had se_veJ:a1L ?Vandykes', 1 *and%-. Va} magnicent LRembrand_t,` 'and.;oneT:of "thefgreatest pictures of _Jan,fBten, A " :He was" also 'a grea`t' reader.;in 'Fre'nchg asifwell as,.Ei1g1ish.1iter,a_tu:reLv, . P-J11-;=3-. V =.'.- intth " iW.~`*a1:W33 S #19 fab` his. , Ioanshnd agcurities ;a.f;d in"Ies'i-lI1ei1t.s.{ rlld-7 t0.'d}37`A `3h![.ji.O111Y `iii! -ei`9Bt?..t1i. " world has `_ i n'? thj d_ea;th'.of,.f,a mah'~'so ` 1 little kVIl_7)V}_l:Il5V,t,(.'.)`:f,8.V!_I_('I,e Vwfas disdovef P.1TU=1..,3-. srwuxu ~ 0,6? uUIIe.;aur0=1.. J 3 : 'fNifStri`,1i9Ldi _8,3 .`$'I11a11 '~DIlhQ `l`1S}i:'. ness .jit1` *Nure1berg. fwhe;nr;.IMr.;.; Mack: . ti/rst'f metjhii1.1}j "I" `saw, that ibis. Via a * fea1Iy;mastetv mind, szi.id,Mr..:M ck} ; L`Var`id:,`th.-it ' he -was`: d oii_1 work - -A-n.-.4,-V, v-`alu eaavwv` o`;\`aIn'_ Li;ormfqiv~v`1.1 .7<;; ithg msbenici ,,yvuy, .'B.ul(.l._.l,Y1 xyopen ?`=1'3i*"iiibfii,`W1th'f1iiiif"'_ ` 7` , . ` . _ Anmg.1of1.lus-Lbtisiness rm England; :to a 5 `?;.`,-!`C?:A.; he _ Q . `ienregnmiva T n`f=!l".h' n`;i1vV N`4'=.w n, `7`I= _ represenumve I thjdught cbuld:`7notV hd me; uauv: m,Levzs..::w =En g1bis`h..3print;ri en-n terpIfisix1gf;- e'r1oi1g 1i*`togd .jvjv?orAk`. .;t.hough ..; ' d} .~1;a:q`,g b,ause ~1 P13 . V ":L`pity&;that3:~a this.` : `p.fViI=1. Lt_i_Ixfs`-.S1.1.V 111 _.e"done_1gab \ V m T\T1t-xfxiv-~ h . u-v',Il\``u-`-v', A . H .. . 1`.:Ly`'VVe:~id t,hgit abr.`" `: jiiid'~_coi;x_t+iegueijt4V| % Iv ftin. .exitec3% ih%~';T}s1rxe;_ the "great, *se_a-;`: Ltiormwwnvfof :the 31 beniia.~Von;`&he-;' MinA2nf `vn `Kuhn KR .'l`Hm1.. : _uuu<; _xn_uwn 1,0: I,a;I_1e, . was, no (nscover -~how:L:he:; }1`Vi`zd*edisposedtdfsshis-`:wea1th::== ,`:.The':`G'e>I;IliKn[5`fWk8S` M` I Ernest.;;N,is-;f ; -ter,` ; the famous X ne - ai-tn -pjib1isher,* % ms. .;d.1i.e.d.: av NiIf.enbej.rs%* re`?f! -l`, e._!m11.1e1!59v:5" . J : pub1i`cati0nTSfih ithiii nntry. was" {I36- 1 sponsiblei tova6meIxtpt.i`onV t_he= .o u`t-, b (:ry agai1i8At the 'sa.1e` of` $0 7z naLnyj;bo ks A 1 .aDd_- pictures. ~'PIiI1*,ed Lin .Grm!nY33 Mbu_t._Ahe,~waHs 'me:,e1y$rstb{inij exploiting} * 4 _ dir?beexi~neg1ect.ed:i. '3e,"<`sa`ysTh fe :v."I_?:s,-}buii3`3s?;ii: ns 9 * `representgtgye .o`f* The! Daily, News, F_`I ; T! r-."n11ld `l<.n'E'l"i rh"-' hi-1 fiat--` rim Wljf, 310116 15 p05SlD|9..' I "Butn he \`\did none of; thes;e.Zthings.n 1 He` just ;-wezit*_abo\_'1t.,' ,a _ .sha1>by;`ld - . man, never takings; 'cab.'when`he` had `V n strenzth *0 `Walk; Ignknbwn to those? 5 who"mbb'ed shouldem with` him; `tun-T f *approa ched"`efven by~the professional ; Beggarswho knewj nothmg -16f .his 3 wealth;` and sitting 1{11`early `a1_l*,his life.- ` in `his '-C1ty,otes, Ynow jut. ,Basi.1don:' V Holise, 'E.0.,n `wathing hiaamoney '~ grow} and` like a.;._spid_er_weaving _ja rgoldn cobweb about-him. in whiclpat J last he ;na.;.=,;-.:.. V -_ . He, bought pictures, ` for instancla. ~ : nd` `had nvm-21 Ivnndvkcid Cnnd-5-'n}~' W"-3 L'*' Inumpueu `Dy i'111111',1.3~f{y : -sziflthaithitalmogz%:in9@edihleiwea1m: T A Charles. Mms.onV`misht have. tfaken a ) gt-eat.lea.d'.in_pn`blic. lite`; he might` % ave beconler World-renowned.'a`s1a_= 13.19%` Philalithtonist: he} misht`-have" tivexi vn; `nix; -.-m-' even` the V maria" m1ghthaire`be'n a peeust the realm; gxggn pnugnunfoptst; 11;: I nngm.` .nave` izive ve.` 1,aix; ;-or :even the ma ' Tc - .,eigh,t;:Dreadnoughts .to.JtheL `nation;-. Veg .he`mig_hthaveVma'de ore`x'1de`d wais h nffnrino Br '1-nfnsna Inovicf Ivnir 'uiyVu` Ulllg. 01'. remslng 1( war. alone is` f sib1 e.:- :. I111? Rn \" t`: |Iv\n In % mg V ..Awav5_3 V9?-V92.`;L65V5:'=SixtiV . Milllqhi )!l.h[ch' j-Ia Hid Pi|d,& up 3 by, In99i::pg.VV;y;LLpI.a.,'V shgbhy '9ld 3Mh-riest.;Nitiiii-toV`ArtA o T '. ."!?',#'*??..i?":=`5`.V. ;.!!'!fL!k!` . ' Two remarkab1eVxne`n$ have just died _ one in England tVheot1_1Lerin Ge,r- - 2 many; The German was theL_bet_erW L known; for his name was 401:: V `of books `sold Thntry. 1* The Engli an we : :ohar1ea`L.1l(6riV rison oi, Bas i1don,r dgd. 92, whoj is` "said to have: left $60,000,000. : . ' v "Until his death: few non1eonp '":'_: `"551 WHY` 3 I6jW-f3n_l111IlB"1n I133. \ 'vVh6.f`._h8d"`biii1t`n n F .. \J k` , ?t1?c1nne naa.an"f;ts1ndtaper.'fG `less Morrison, `th *aon,"`hz'1d~1nadeA>_i.` .` _e business 9015 his}- liiejto goon adding mun. t0l!ht>.byLn .bYginV3`-mi and -` vestxngf tb.Y8.f._nbyj bt`_1yi.ng :up,; 7 '1/p'ro`p`1"1`"iif?-??ihr1i1*7iiiilixqiibyi ` 1 `lending m'oney,`on `safe securities, to foreign Governments paniea` atho1ne,: by,iwatg:ln , quiet_1y ' ,1,1,1r_0h'sh the ye'ars.*tho s Yway In" eybreeds mon.ey..a.n,d mils -lio_nti1"e mu1tip1fed`by vmi1lio1ri3.; \.- V > ` =,~-.``.WitI I:,`t}\is:vaIm0n`h -inmnrlibln? uinlthi sum I0 navej ten. . . . .. s6u.uw.uw.% . "Until death: <'!ew7pople'L onfrj `sldegthe `City and Berkshire -h"%ad_ ,eve,r'heard` 6! this ixiian Of . ` ~lionsf"_I3ays_` The Iabildon C_2hr:9'ni`(:1e.j Inhenting~ a 'xni1`li9n`,trorm` Iul" or, who had come.` Mn V ,;m1's,eot-; Jaqd with only atew1ahil1 gs; in his Docket . '1md- lm `KisI'1"nh'-thin ' wgag 1=AEupqsV Eon Awaanra.