_--.--~v Iv w an qvv-VJ awn -ow-4 \._q-muggy; ~ 1 .: . , an-'9 all} j1is`hed\ wv'ijsl1 `M_i1tffe1sLco'3-<:o1o:t's. ` .. :vi11:.9 g;{gher`.snd.. give`. you 15i'e{;1ts:tngn;; =(;)`1A:ei:`.px1;1:t ; fon I3h6_f'!` I18lrk'e: It s'J100**p.er.A`enti %`nurwhw s% `?`3 .-'7"? Ar %%moR'P qs1t9;fs:rfm;;T%y ;_ A, i_{fR;;!KE..W|TH.tQ:I!S3J:lEEL_;A.;; .`_.-_-., ..._--. 9. -V-an-u.`u.-. my-av... But fit. was notaxdjigthjiality % age had 1:73;. -alone'-tl;at`-Miss Fa1lVowe1d s engage -. M *.'ment was tr`e1y}d1s_pusaed; the -vil1~ W V mu'ch.to `say`upon;the sub-T . my quav1_1u`es,' Dagmar Lexplabmed '; V Pout myi mothe'rL.Ad1d;` and _"1/ml juatx 1*`Io ;: she don`t'inef-itloyt` I3! ' like her. Vhiesidgs,-V nm;;k- of I Aunt` ;Uh;ar1'(Lt'fe ' (:6m'p1 xi9' With"/`xhave and hliotropes ;-`they wouidni `suit , her` at all, sh, "is much; too dark I ` Am} then you'n1xis .t dniit"that she has been- a, long? _t1me.nuarry1ng,g thbugh she has hVad.`lb1undrds,o{ my .A lens." `L `fProbabiy~ she" has. ' May people would think her a tine-looking `.wo~. Vn:u`_3n5til1. ~ . ` u.|5|uIl`lyJ ,vvc_tL .5l`l4Vlo -' , Y011I *.-`? aWi fb ` agree; .wn.n:`youj ;'?-.ann,yet`i3hen-_loveg d1ed."; " `M % u ~ wan 9 _*1ower my mea.1."' . - ` So *"wou1d\ I. '3 ,_ Once more: ' the mm W 1i}.z992Lax,}xi9.,i..9a9p; I W ; Eat ms;e:omj1;e: oat; .`_Eat;jt`. for-f. =fb:eaka;`; . MeAve;ryV`dayM .*\ rrhis._.`dvi_ cje4 `i%s'"- o;rni>x 13g7 f|``ci'I`14'/l' .1 ll Tsfigies is ,h,.\re;qli{of:~1` iecnt`- ekpejrirhii ti)` `dc? tgrmingfwhig mthe best f6x_h.stLre_ng`tII ` and `ndiirarice. It` ha`s ._V been 'pr`9_v edV L that tatcks `oi QIzike;f0ats a1id _ such "g:e_1'veMa'/ls` gtfe a;;;iupri9rA~in ;stre`hgth,'and\ . =d1I'f*f !*-`A 5 `[509? Who MY. '4.I?*'|j.it.lIA. .M "Lusu31 diet` `gt h'av} . sfeinsy foods} M un. .. ...:.1,.....u 4-..- -- 1.; uwgu 9_lI uxlucavy, grqaay wuum,-' . When` 3:11 _`Ais-;V;;id Vand do/ne Lon7`t!_1`e` 'efea1 qugsiion, thg fact`rinains, that` fdr_" fecox}ofny; `ax'1dl,foVr results; "in; ihiealth am; gtfngth,/.QuakerT Oat: Vs'tan_diV fa a:1s:g;`o:;au; `F It` is ,tfhMe [most}popularM f . food in} ; the `I054! Tisold in bkasi~ .._It*sfv'Itth1 * triv~.%to:.. -I 1?eterbotq1igh' ft;o_seAe ,_th.e;se grea; ,mjlls., ` _ Put" up _in two sizes, rgu|ar;pacI`:- ' _ at` ;%1d."th large family `size.-whigh is- . m\<)?r Me.Tcog;jvenie;it fdrfthogiho not. -live in t!9.vm;: , 1`,h %1?8 ;P ?`.?`8 gtiti-.`=_bicce`oi hd5"59f_*`3 i"%".*," :W`V"A b1c1i1`6rL; "he a1A\7vAaj'/s His. ver~ since I. VcaVnVreAmemb'er,'f,' xjeplied 4 +h9 V`gir1.- un1..11.'xu.-_. ' 1- 4;--I.` 3.", ' 4. ` 71%" iunf V `t.V5%`ii``A :*2a:2#;*Z?z*:~ .m1,,,~ u, '1' ` . .152` ;.%.'x` oia:-.V um N V 8/kI;81'.`;r` I ` 01111 097.? z 9""? mqwms III M` VUUUK WIVUQNVI 1 ; V. I V YcVALE1'~w::%A": ` iu:)uhn Ldii I3 Ruin 'n!Aal'n:I:z:ur. . \-n>/It nu nu; uupunnu r.` E: 7 I halwsys tiike such 3' \_ in anything concerning love e.ndfmsr- rr-riage,"P}.s"s1d` Miss Tovey somewhat ~ Wlstlully.-V There are_-tew,thin`gs niore ~ 5 A. pathetic / otlianpthc-, intense. "interest 5 1 which `single women at `a`;jcr`ta1n- age suchs-15nthos' was lost upon Mrs Pep-K pereom`. ( Thja, worthy ,_woma.ng had x many good qualities, but subtlety of yteel like that Amelia; Tovey, she `remarked; ` ,it is} `no_vpaTit1cular concern of yours, or likely to he." ` A..'..u_ "....__ u___;_Li_' ..r I} take lnell aah-so o`rt,he heart; but . .sv'!nD&th;.!:Ia.s not one rot them. 5'1; ' don't` see .wha;t'_c all you've `got: to "I j;hink it is'b'eaut1ful toloye Y . A once ana xor ever , anuxth_en.to. be? . ,;;._ .-_ unnappz .t.q.r.;tl.ns: > reatwos-.193. .1Jt;9c1. *3 navruwpar anything agam` but1nauve" and h1i0B:opes;f'Ltsxc1a1xntl;J{asn13!'. ' evex*'f`a`o niuch morevbeautiiui than ` HO `[Ol'l.]gU"|)IUUUlllo` ' *Axii`e11a"'l1ove} *' I; What will have "wo- . Lblbasoyn `like ;Aaron'a rod,`I should like to'k'no'wr 1' I'm glad to hear that ;, Misa'I{J!`_allo we1dJh$'s Mpo much Vsense. :` -ut"tob e iimrrled 111 such am awful it " I can) stomach-'-mad especially T 'w an `you've the rest of thevviworld a you own parish church,tqAchoose J: : Airdjlquiiio.]right.,too' gt hf .=*';ge; 3 Amnn`;o{.Vfty tb_ break ofxtlnto orange` . .us::. n1eV Ml ~Izondo1n; 19:: *mm.- ayuyuupv U1 yULl_1` |,{VV_l - 2 4 V oIf`A1_j`honsia of " ;,your1.owfn is z_i`lvwo`s" ~ a'=plea\_1te,` I a`dmit},"' assented `Mrs: V orgppmopu, ; .: `Shut: the V husband - var-` .ie's` according V to: 'cirumatancep and the`,1ei1'g'th;Q1;-.tin1gVyou v _had him. f when 53 `girl .is ' '-young and ioolish - . and;`n.e..'vvIy' : %marr,ied.T she "looks Ttipon * : her V hotiseioaso` 1.8 `-b8ck`:roundfo't0 . her]. 7 husband ;A;but;,when `s'hVe. s been mar-- * ` f_iedwf<>. ri'i .b.itV.arrd knows `more: .0! the` I `Atmo`vzf;l1;ev of things; "she ge'ts'.to_'looI:j ` upon. 7her . husb'a'nd-` * as : part not : the o ,mrn1tu r. oi: the `hou'ae.f_ I`: doubt if aime."' 't119`1j8;'_BV any 1 pleasure 5 more res-1 " 'a,nd_ , hating than 3 nice; house `and good aqua furniture, mahogany ?for,prefe_r-_ j . rain without an-` umhrslla,'_ replied d ' the hostess `severely, andthenssay-, M -angels sshouldnit get .mairr1ed:.at s all}; "Ithey=aren't, and .,'don t preend to be ' "a,n`gls`; in which case; begging your 1 - jmained , as single` as yot1; M(`1-hia.veV`1il:'et1' V` .,.-4 Irv-av uh-Au -nu-nu-, - 'And.1t'sAn6 gbod:go'ing out inf the . `ing .you_m1sfook it =fo}1`M'ne `weather. Those that` expect husbands _to - he Andfit they were, theyfd marry:other s ',ps;rdo'n, Mrs.Mawer. y`ou d'.have `re-V to pe.~j V- .e.y....1i.1vhd..-.a1_way Ler.rLe1...9n the side of taklVn . things 1:00 ;.1iter . E " Bi1tLfuig eIs" dox`1'A1::; marry, * Mrs. Peppercorn, dear,Zl'. argued,-`Miss ..Tov- = amt... u.l..`|_.Q,..__ .u_' ` V ; V. V. `v-- -A-.. . L Wrhgmv -as `tin; Laid has q`1ivgre& :outiI.0 .the` house b _bondage,j ai;nt'in . 8 hurry -tb 'g t'-" back` into 1ta_ second- ` .61 ."xp'1`an_ation; 1:. Miss;,'I'oye`y .aigned; M `stili ; it must : ' g?h`Vo\1` sefb'fyoi1r?OWn_lV'!" ;L , A`..*"hnII:|3 Kl" '21)-n`u'r-'~ Any}: lg; Ci b`e"'beautifulftb1ha.ve, a Vhuspand gnd; , VUI-EU .r {'01 couree,}" `Mise`V'A'1.`ov5*eyL wcoritiued A in anextenusting ninnner, ,71t '1an t - 36 if MiaeFall9w_eld !_1ad.eVe_r been * married M beiore.-.` is L , " `The. Iady"iof. the hese ehobk 1 her head; -it 'isn't,~;A~me1!a~; end 1; the ;Vic'aA'.1j_` wmi find to his vcost. Itdu om .,ij;;m"_m;x`st get,m`p;ri'1ed,ele,t him choose _ Te:/woman that's been` married ,bef9re; `and `so `knows the viiefol the `land , eButla Lwomane that s been~ her own mistress `fox-if close} on". M my years 1- ? we'1l,,eile she `doesn t7try` tobLe'his` ma`ster, I'm very much mistaken.' J 4 : '."I"hAm` `an huh: Rania nmnrrind/h'nfnrn ` ' "preie v----5 u-...-a av. ._- .-v---. -9-; - V1 .!"1*he "itis ,1;c'ause, they; do1`1:"t ;et ` the`cha1_1 c:;-it,:they` happen: to be` ;!e- 3 male.` qns. ?Ffor~ my part'I don't", `be? lievezin the womex; _vyh9,r6mail1 sing- ' ~1e`?'tr6m 4hoi'eIfTI'1fe1iv'_ tHi"'f'i'bill` V partVa,ndT pa.rti'a.l ,with,_the`;ox`V whq 4 lost his ta`i1an`d -then ihvntd divas- .1*I_1I?.1ZVeT5$ 1 pretending can u-.`... -. Ves in tl1hv` V"bmn. - -B.'ut`; ` you: _b"eI1e swam .1r,e1Li3e tomfar_ry', a second - time becguse _theyg`1o`,ved,t_he_ir husbands so_ ' much,` d_o'nIt you, Mrs. 5 _P epperdo1fn, . dear: .2" ; g V lBB|.Ul.',, Vglfy llluill I];I.l5|:lLLl_. ' - ' '"I`hem as ihas been martiedfbetore are broken in to slavery __n`d 'so_rra','. . .K t `a ed Mrs. Mawef, ' 1 '11 `f hear *thet.- weddii1"g"I:is`:6 ie 7 inf ' London," Vrema`rked';Mias T,ovy,`_ : Mm` PnnI`mrt-.n`rn3 nmudnwn` ham hm. -.....--...b vnnnub `and many lnuuvbgivvo And some Aolks would ha. [been eas1er~. 1f`.the'y'd.. ha left~1tL there? groaned,Mr3. Mawer. `_.`It would have been a sight better for some . folks if they's ha Lleltit there altogether; but it s_no good wishin you'd not gone. out in the. rain, after you've got] wet thfough, and'ch11lqd to your Avery bone and n_1arra,.'.f ' - . . . u'A_ .1 ;Ln- ,, ~ "I c:`3.A1Ai c` ag 'a1togther : up; ,._.prove of 1t_-;,'"Mrs. Pe`pp ercorn an-. . ndunced; .,.to' her L two friendsf, Mx'1s,I -V Mawer .-`and Tovey, who happen; u ed to be having .teg'w_ith her';?`'andL [ yet on-etheother hand I don't\see a.sM I 'c_an `lawfully go _agai{ist 1t.~? ' uIn....=......'.. ....-s. 1 ........`..' 1 lio ;`-V.bhtV; no=b`'cai1s-L..thy `Iovea :their_ j husbands 1 ,so _much`,_,_- ;Ame1ia 1'r`.oveyV ; , far". ,Ix'-g;n`_:.itV wfj :wa,$ the 1 grim V vrgjoirxfder; _ V `.&um;.....=. A.'i..-`i'-.L.i L`_-` _1.u;__. uuuuuu, w;uurnuu"m.1u_n Luvuy-,_ , : Mra . Pepliercorn -,put,d,own her tea? ` `cupywlth n raah,; o great was he : 7 surprise; M "You don't ' any ` so, Amelia! ._'we11 *1.-`n-ev.r*! What n- `dreudfull % ; `place for 9,5:wedd1i1g,l " ,5 ' Van `M14: "D'm\'nAv-nnr: Adar - Thu. P13? WF V.VV,W5n`. I V ."Y. 5. Mra.`PBpi19r.00ri!} (l'a.r,t};oI_x' fdbn`:iudv'fiiner'=`=tfv111Hgtdi:n`*` T now:orange-blossom. ` ` A ~`anu= % . :c.u.,r:..?..V1+.."m-11+. mm .+ mix} .~<'L.+. : Mun vwuwuy anu runn11g'.-lover, murtpured Mrs. `Mawer with an `omin- . o`uAs`al`g'h; "tho" run for the taste; or some folks. Mln such cases them : ins;-only-1g_ets,~~ha1t-5 3.! cup ;gets - the*best of_1t'1;pvmythinkin'.! " H1` `_1.____~~ ;`',-\, L a, `-" ' - #- ........n.-... V. iv.-guy uh sauna; vv uv Aliielia was huinbv'le` as usi1a;l.{ Of gcoursefxt isn't; Mrs. Peppercorn, dear but Ithink matririlonyi is such an in-_ tgresting t1_1Lng- in the abstract." uA..:'_-._._ ,,u,_ _- ,, 1 -Head; `Nasty dangerbua things, and; - * 1soV top-he`avy.~_' -AI-ma; ~ride_in ithexix : 'on;ce>_: oi` % t`w`1c e.-`; fbut u ;If vv"a.`sja1ways', 1 E jtimiiit1ga'.b6iit 1rum:~s1de:itb%-sing ,tp. .: ba1ance-v`Vthm;inn a that..v&:ain'e" :f `are 4 . ;.tir1ngM,tlij1i;`wa1k`ing;`{5j"And '1! they "50 f : `up s'et,V it's` 3 niq're`.;'.pain1u',` :de'a th Vthani - '_a.'cab,` there being 'so__jmuch;:m_ore;_. btokqqjgyags _V appu_tV1,_Vto ,;;ngkeV ._m:n'_e- = `I_.u:,u1a.ny`Lu Luau; as us nqu. 'uvuluuu '4 "`.`And' it cost me no. end` in Missions` cont:vnued.~`Mrs;.*i7Pppercorn;-`='-`f;Stf `"31: 7 kept; vowing, that; L if` my ~ liiewasf M spared. .` ,by a. particular` I moftor-. }bus, rd give `2 . shilling :5 the ,MiS sions. ' `_And ydu "ca n, tf think _wha.t .3 * Ipt ; `it A toptqd _j11p to -when;thLday=;was.,:don, I `"1 I-Mn a van! onn nf `vrm E-!~ 9I:7.S1...|e1p..;,.9 l.1I..=.I.!.;.wg.,uu.y:;w.an..:uUuu, -- ` .h.ab;.tget:a12zex...;:r199i9s=:;thabe - of` her; neighbours *a.cions."`[ . be _ led into, "nndne}spi,r;tua1 `.pride; V Not at a1_l,~, Ameliayit wasqonly I think:it;wase.very_ good of you. - `to.pa_.y -_atfa1,l,..Mrs_, Peppercorn dear". \ remarked Amelia Tovey, who had _a 1 gig; si.cv1.e.} .to: ` But Mrs; Peppercorn was` not` ' my fdutyj-to ~pe.y_it ,a!ter'having;pror-* j "-1\A".\lr"m-' U A .r . mied';.E}nd duty `is a thing_ tha.tT.:eIe '; never K leave ` undone-V Wlgat `I:,.owe` 3 I .3 always vpa'yf ;* and'Ifm notf_*oneV tobe T in debt to` anybody; not 'e_ven_`*tQ._my= ` Vjumce . ~- 1.... _ ...-.v._ _.,,..---. ` K . '1`im6 Veniiuzh 105 `."*A31.'1A` .!1A1.3 `V>11`_t`AY ,""`1'1'A* second t_r`ia g`e; when, youiveg aOCO`IIVl? 'plished;,:i-yourl }rs.t`,- 3;._A.me1iaV~1Tovey, . 7 replied `,`Mrs;_j Peppercgm with f Vacmex ` ma.Ke1t.`~' -. Mrs.` j Mawer,- 'n_ot;[T_'v5vil:_lA1*<)u1;V f'_re_asMon ;_ * "I M.,17v:or1`der Vy`;(`)1V1` inv L` * md'tjor_-.',buses themselvea;'.. _ ;s'ufgge`st`ed~ L lor surely of the tw :`>e;j.._..:_1'_.9_ ` 111*?5tHe':`9"t5ikVei h your`seIt; Rn.+.- .Mr::'i.Phintichrn" sh.')'ok. : 'h` ` V uxgucu LIIJIB. HLHWCIH I (wasn't upset ~33 it happeried; but I wa's always expecting to be; t AII the while that-I was~*dr1vin'g in a cab -with Peppercorn, I dividedfmy ;time between screaming mid prayer; I M so `I `didn't see much of London? `Ill -;.-. "M....m.. m ... .431: `...........`.n...u.. : DU 1- `Ullll-I" Io {ICU Lllulill Ul .LlULIQULl __ ` Mrs. Mawer was still `sympathetic. = "Dear me,$ whata _t'o_-910 ! , I don't 5 . W.!?19I.- ~.8`-S; ' } O.11._',. felt ; .ne'r1{`ous,~V. Mn-.=. Peppercorn, as` you ~re_ j11st'the one ` * if`: t.'.don't .kill `them outrightj`. and to comic" o ba`dly.;'~in;Van accident; k ;Yoq d-tall heavy, and a. `shock ,is 9.1`-L * we a dangerous {to stout gures, venv ,sudd_e'n__death a1w_ayg beinhprezergble ; to a long and lingrin' ilibtgsa, par-5 _ticu1arlyjto them "an: is left -behind.? An-:1` if nnh9l- mo nn `ni1r1 in Mininhnl ICBPUUBIUH, u {'1 do, Ame1itv`!.hon1yfj`_`t$ {ve1`_1.V11>e p-' i DX`.Oi`n...t0okZ.,tne' .:.ther'g`_.fogcg;. tgr}g-_~a=- -- week; `arid I'll `save? go"there again : * as long he I live, ,un1essjI `gain. _ my . coln. which won't be my doing "at ; .a1l,or else It wouldn'tbe done. Lone ` do'n I The most*sha,meful1_y_ over-rat- `ed"pIace I was ever in in a11_myA11fe I can't:th1nk why people:-make such` . 9. man about. it; I suppOse,:|ust- be-. ; -cause 11; happens to be in !.shian."A I "T .!nI1nnnnn If in full :50 ch: am! 1 uu_uuuuuI.rg .|uwL'eu6 auu rascrnauonu Mrs. Peppercorn ~ shook her head ` It isn't the sin and _wickedness that I rnind, Amelia ; .it s.j;he motor-fb`ue- j ea; '1/`heyrcome down on,you just like asvpit the drivers `wanted tohmurder ; you onrpurpose; which I rm1y_be- \ lieve they'do; and even. iteyou get` ; into'a_cab for `safety, `they are still, j after 7you, , "cab or no` cab; Every . minute you expect to be your (last, 3 and a violent. death into the bar- , gainI'. .r ' _ : Donn mar `Mr: 'Dn`rmm-4"-n1-n'I T . Lu; \l.l;UVlJhy ,u `Maker! "HT twain. I-f..I:ppuu:UL`u it _ respectfully. -T n Am VUUDU glg uuppuua DU U3 H-I XBHIHUIL" _ "I -{suppose it _ is full of sin and wickedness," said Miss-Toveyv with shuddering` interest and fa`scination.* ' Mm ..DunI-snwvm-n nhnnIrl-um. hand" gmu 1 _` Dear, dear, Mrs. don't wonder as-y sighed Mrs.` Mawer. (wasn't upset ~: 1...]. 'I' ..._'.. ..'l.........` ; ,'. ..g`1,-`1;:TV,.k__ " * V =* .`%M, 7 0` ' '. . ' , , z,,.. . , I` . ` 4- - 3` W I \ . V .,;i ."`r :f1;i,`"KW."V V . I `('1 ,..,`.`.,s~-H`-Q ;_ ~ _ ,2 , , I ` =1 ~(.:, ,f,'.';'.-X s , - x.'~~aa,6:.-.a5.|';v*1~~"" .- , . /of: second VmaI=i'1ages, _' aaid_ Misjs Tqv_-1 _ . ey,; !".I felM~nothiugfw\,9u1_d -indixcgme ; toiqcinr act_a second union `;i1.yVse1fA.`~ J av wav- unu,,, ,_u. ~4_': L;n'_3 u..__;.__ 1}'um..' > _ ~ ` ; . `.:`,5'I'1Iet,1 - 3011., know `London, Mrs. Eppercorn1?f' gaaked the dresmaker rennhctflnllvl : = , .1 ) 1i.` . . tii!e.'(IiI6i:'I5 *5 awe;->. wt tjran`s'for-rtiwz th[e'; A .Siw-hintv Pre~dis%e~td% %iGrb Sm: lt tii:iv9- W9 ' .s.:.ma.;.a; ' :1 " I4`.daresay .last'[t`wVenty` A years men have `only wanted to mare was magnanimous. ry her for her .mon`eyf; they'd hardly Want ` to ,marry-a, w omaV.nh.`o 1 qver thirty` for anything else: But` when she was young_theynl1ked_.her'. for herself, I reb{11y`~be1iev'g,.Dagzn'arA ' u'r'I._._. -, ' A :Pebper'c(orn"!V I 5 as-you was upset." = II WA!` :%:`At~;Ai:hist : , ;:s;:.ggheti":isA5. j lutionx 0!: he,- difclty. __;He'._pjr6poshed' , ?t;ha'tL;Mis s : Fa11o`wnem-`.=shoum.._'make;;ah [5 empomry~h.; *W111.h.hb`equeat.hi n.g.1 We'rjy-i_ ,; _.thin_g-- -e;!cept, the :_ gettlementv gpoh he_rV1niecef--Atq;`h_er4hnsbgnd. -`Sud leav`-f ` ingxh1m;_`L_.tQ}_`diap'_ L V %tho_u2ht_ V "nigh :l]fo1r .- by.;..t1_1 Mr}: unca. "Ind _sen' .e_1_1oI1 `_se"i;.,of}it as h e_ -} % 'V1.5`vf`ht7191 sr:reh;*tnat ,-the ::xnterests1 4 of charity woi11d`be, :`qu1tegsatliihhis, If 5 hands.` .an hi .c) 1.66 a;m,.s'tter .01-`fB`t `Mr; Forrester was" tar"_m'or'com15t4` ` y; ntf to` hdi`s'1Soseh 61 f-Miss` r"a11diwne1a's t V; Iox?un`;e`.. ts): thf `bent? ~61` .m'ankin'd ; V than 3 was ;{Miss`:I Fal1Oweld`i'._hers.elt.'3'7 .~'I\`hri,'V ' Mr. ._ Dun i:an" 0ntinueg1; )-:'8f1`.`1:`:': J they. 7 had been -A onatheirh hojney-Vmoony _` han`d'h'a-d had pllity. pt _1:11`11,e=.t(>".';,d,iVh3-;-E ' cum `thel :..mat,ter, ; "Mrs. Forrestgw J ,cou1d . m.kej_,fa 1 newa'11`d` e_`xh_a}1_s_ti,Vel. ; jwill; fin =_accotdance ~;Mw,1th`h_erhh_us5 ` b_and's:cunse1' a`nd_adv1ce.~ ' 3 M V: ` min. .4 .... .. 111.}. 1:1.-.Il......a1.-l"n - mu; uuI.`wn9I:'K1nu' or ayw1u,1t was 'tU!".fb_9F'7.1if"flIi7(1' . make upher mind; - . . V " ` Sha'...still; ~int`endedr-after. ._m ak,Ing d ample Lprovislon-tor "her husbndeand -`nowes `eveir `to her nioce-to 'lave the greater p t " ether, vast fortune to" -charity; ut she; could M not . dec1de_ the` lprec1se,ceh`a,r: I -ity` '_or` ichritieejthet she ehbu1df.se '- lect for her benetaetlons. ` . _- S_he1on'ged _to' disease the snibjeet fully with Mr'.;Fo_rrestei',` end` he 3 guided by his counsel. as she he that in 3 .m.at_te`r _ of; ..t.h.at_\._l;1nd wxshe buld hd 116" `mare c6i1i1$tf'3`7g u1d v than he 3-"hut -hn fnld hnr `1`r\l`n`In1`I1 fl-{n`+ 1 "and _ has regpedjta hams: . m._,.,.................. .. .,....(_......,..- 4.4.... 1611:` < natzyfw graves, . . " "the bodes, Tot.` < li`ah.dt.h En` '11:` ' eta * m..... w.,%,'*:m:2. * W` ` ~Heh've:i seekers; It was, andis, i will he-part `ed the hiatoryhmaking of _our people, but Ido marvel `some- ` tiniea`-that- `o ,few_,have marked our little: Pa iseg amyv to the east. e..W.h;N.. he.._.eI.nd.T J _l.a1a;e.:aiwide new landfo! innite momiaa; And now fn-. HH'.' val-v Nnhtlv -n _ _, A 'Q!8.d nafire. extended Empm.;a_nd A Oversee Seth x ..-tleement; as I` negard,.it reg'reta:,the` j 1iv.e 18isi_:_.d9~.v1.1. ;.b!;_..;these...; emmy.. ` - new {UK um" DBHEIHUVHQIIB.` ` ` | ."u!."VP*'F W "1_n1'5WWu.3_,18_` 01. She longed` __t_o- diaellssthe gulplectl ,_ur_, 90p1o.;hut I do marvel some- Mr.. Forrester, and` he t_111l93*h3~ ,f0W.,h&V9 marked 01!! his counsel. she felt" .11m: 3173!. *0 ;h8j_,83.. that. .21 .r;i.at.ter ...t.l.1.8-_,tl..:.l51}.1. , _1.l;9.:9;v_:ri<,le, could and c6iiipeteili:U`guide -new land. of lnlltte pmmlsea 1 V than h'e;~but`he told her ;p1ain1_ytha't #06 POW-.!9i .11f* very hehly and - he shouldlnot feel ; himseli justlneaelzqnpkly A comeyof the c.ur%v,-In that in oering Jadviceupon ao`Ailnpol-taut`. V6118 th9~1 3.` .3'T_mh`.E83` A9Ti?3='lh`me a question without deep. gndhlengthy -.u19l*P_"3hn31n` 014119 B5n3`.f ' consideration ; .a`nd_ just now-in.the ` th.Emp.~ A".th `."'?*` f.IE"'T 9 run rush: or Lenten vduties, and with P9811 Yi8I*#t1n. the Whole East`C9as* ~ his marriage immedviateiy after East-_. f 4&1 3 h3V9.b9n`n?31n1` ` erfto beelarrangedhnd prepared for-r "9 m_n .19 anhend.` ,-The he real-ly'had`hot time-'toi glee 2 his, "8.` 8.`fm"e 9` M0 ? M mind ,to anything `elselg Thereiore,`, 53? }'3,o':'_tPPm"d.`n'l59I2' ndlf , is `she wantedfhie} guidance in - _the_"?d- b A. h;`3`. _.. 9"& .`1`-"5_ 4 ~ matter,T _it` must-sstandjoy Until at-J E3` . . 3 ii. {I m1.I1739'N ter. their "wedding, when` hey would - 5;.- '?ta, .l`n 6fts .3 ' It have the leisure and the opportunity- pr`l') T; ` I '9. ij to discuss-__it mrull. = ~ -{`.""}d.` ``,`;-r 95;? .9.. 0.7.; * -. The Vicar lslleq mas Fallowelda `:21, &_.3.'?. .336 th`i"etYf_f" );} `:13 to postpone making any..Wi11 a1;q11fe wn* mt-.42, . `.. -'1 ef ha`? i until _t og`ethel',they"had arrived at a, at 5?! "L hB.nd:`t h*~.xP _g nal .,deiL8ion --as; to the.`..`channe1a1l.n':f. Ghmtian,$e. fthzs .vjrhereby..hei1_'.l !ortune_shou1d_ eyentuai-Q -0:` had. and shvem.de8'mle gl`-`h, 11 1b*~h9*T.'`511W'`?t*95 34 ~`:` other ibeglm to Vdirecfattelltioll zter 'LIr.-.DuIi*1F1f`,W1?9,;.W EIEQYE -9 9,555, ` ,-3'35-"hnh.y :1 - bh,'en.fhe.I tIeini1n','}.:ei`:_li"if:,dis9;pp01htel1I' Iudifn 0* er: an-d"t';i"g lakes grh be :exfcreme1y~lllnh}ir.A/ t,io'j11`er lture `Opening-O` the who am dam` ifmv-mx *i5"*`i79 t'".`WS-- 89-3`? 7`-`TV izhe Grant of e.dh1:1`ter oi iilcorporaa wltv ' End unvlesantness ~85? . ~' *7 mm *-to la Germanv -comlaaxw` l in less.`- " K-9P$*%1"` `- *`"~ P P"Y= *"ii``al'rhr rears laser theImD`ris i`Britishh` ` gwhoidied lintesta_te.,, `It[she' leitg .110}; wt _\Ah,ic`&' wuv kewis` ` `W1,11' at: i811." V1191` L11,F.14.`b`3V `E ,f'f`."est_lb1i8hd Chaer, ._;and--> : tune` went.=5 [her husbwlr. OW` ` history." began `sin the Empire . sense: L ..c1aimah'ts=ih..3ithe=persons; -91.m5t9nt~;`=The"'Istraikrof 9the?? ea1ied-*5Ugahie%% 1 lr`e1at"i`ves oi`; 11-erseli or `of ;the..Wi1sons am: Bwy M 4 `which not `On; :y`m`.d' T V -9W0i11d-Very `likely-'tu.rn.`.11P.`3T*`17?"Y'* is in` Uganda) ma in J895.*1he ` .to_'make thingsdisagreeable for 111111; Pmfecgomte having ;mea'nwhi1e~; hem and- might .eve.n.' so to the 19118311 0' 5 estali1ished,- and use 584' miles `reach. : ` suese.st-inz- that 811? hhadjmee8,W111e -eu?comple" `n_ :m; "e _ end._ oil-*l901.i ` 'Hid`. th3t"h"h93!1 "'i3d97;'W9Y1Wm?T75 ieceapmsi ` W 17" far"6iliveih:'.'lE16171 Whilei 11 4 'Pe3th"1`3?`1r"5h*:`"- 'pendi1ite. it liinst be.iB`0mie.l: i posed .01` her own property` 13er.S.e1fr perh p`s.many;.`yem were ul`capi-e nobody` ,'51d`d13P1!'_35 ,th3.*s1iS13_9331_.tal2xpendi1a1m is mitten` off. 9M15?`Dimc-n`?k313W3-5$hQ`i*S93mY?: " . l L ` fw`?6liif l I . Vl,1lil'I_l.`1aI1"_`1-1'iz?g1' .111`.9`3_,.3n`]'. hT.a1iZ991j`,`3?W me.y':;jellggest 6`7d0\ii1tty., of. r:l`odern`E' . very-iunpleasant lit could befor .33iY~i;cdnvenience.`in7'trv'e1.;.e'eb_ tj?th`at_=` : _rnan--and':.l;lo's_trO1fallgfqr B ;19If8Y']:i;'f.ili; le.t,ll1 longAbe;-:a_n. , man+tob'eexposed to B*1_.!.iFen38?k5_l~idream.`; :T.hie...m.ai.n ='1i!13:~1'Vl115.1`f?`,'1T7l as_ were sure`. to he. made r if he! came . -fty ~La.]_:ei ':Vfi-e1 {o!"ia'-V` .. into , a.` large a sum -o1.:g_111OI!Y at tthe:Vzraeereing.;in jeach ' "death, of a,f int'es,tate`witel ; Th'e;,l9qW7l!_eive, bel1,9_f'Vlt11el P?9*v7'i 1111"-1: ye: `insisi`.ed;_upon 1a 'Wi_11:_, beiI1g `- :` P367 ; qr1:-esett_ler__se?8 ; x `pared lbeiore f;Misa 1{'a1iowe1d_'9 % 1113.1`: ] away " frduif -that i}on__ 1` rpadc T;h.1 , .1`.ia,ge," ,lindj:-signer!;.-immdigtely$115913 2: falls backfr.`hp6n` ;s.a'tri ` as 1!! 9,3as_'0.f ~ V . e.t,h.ithe .`yore.~V:'='Saasi',3?'. L8%.l: t\`be1?under8f00d.;, 'd01i18- is "the exmessipn ~- tr " 4 ' > Dagmar h-a"d1be'gn- my _' p1r'o vide`d j1or2=`: * .They ;yver'Absck 5 t1ief1d`.i : `m!'v;va11.ep: to; usy;_ cuinlagxug;-`ighlffrligg . ai ~ar7e--ink.needxot.-unatlcfagylums"_`eke,i,me ,H .. .`. 5 =areTtho lblks .tna:;~-go.van1t= gat-gmgr. - .- 99?? 9 :""."1. plmd ` ` says 00!. `Owen uuw you got ~1n.s1ue.' ' L = my ummculr. v . Irjeplied :Mrs.`:; Pepper-ornp.`.`igucp'-rah- r the itatement. be 3- sound 8.Y9PY':;We11;`to:'n1ke;uv youi:`.1ii1n1;w89L but `at "let"'th9e?6%iv: 5 to; st;p`.m=tid;' *A.I,a<.a.I.1sion-. ; but: 11 .p`?3m? s}f92'??s` "hn5 `W E1 ` by a mat`? the aubit: 3 8 -"*9? OW!` `W`adins`:` under" discussion: pgorgin .tha&,'-great. tundra"? `,V.d3.t_; :Y0\r'.0W`:, :i!bnIinB`5` hive lured`, I -f!h`"9np""th9 W9 '7: -` shown '.i.]U . ;TEERKVI11`:. ~mm:unn}mw:MoNsmn : i.oiI`sh' !"Z1nx._`b?n *{!1 many am` Dumas pump; /fox-_;h'iu.*4 apeetin`g )1)a n6r`ama,_. Sputh Airica; North Africa, and_.,the.. is0.`n'91.1'8 West.` themyseriom Gen-. ` As th6j111ie tb1{ ;hi",weg13ixig,' diew idh`1_t"ri_:t)"'-i-att.ra`c:tivb.'b;V, ihiivryff near, Mia? Fallowd wa. so're1y4e"x- guncertamty in which distance` `and . erc1aea= as-`.'peb`=,t1i -distf1bi1tidiifQf.f ildnee. ~.`::b;avpep `alike iv;v`ra?rI>1 >edT"tIia:ii'~ property; 8,h`e'_ knew thtitl;br'~i'ii`1_iixf-"_V778a1>-`8`t;1`1>i11 its turn has called rlage would` involve: thje making 01 5;. acres: the seas to` them-itish pionegr, Will`; but `whatkind 6! 'a Will .11?` _as 790:1-' 1 `to";`be,:`11i"f6xIa`?"6ii"A '?B93i?"" `*q`6zed"a;su:gs:"xza1i_aea'Empm; make up her MITNW 2l'8V88- ' .. - m`SheX-still. mended;-attei . making Be8`n"%he bdha 0ff tBe'Eh5s-.' prov_isIoq-tor husbhndpand `: Sh. 1,118 Entlih F188 is $1396." I; her niece-to greater part 2 N013!!! W110 regards 0761898 38$- Other` vast charity; buntlement I nesard. -it `resreta the` could decide theprecise.cl1apr- 1iY9 l.id.._.d*!!.1.;bx..;199e.pL;eahLV ` -itY(`>l ch"a`!`ltis"tht she ehhnld `nu; aeekeia`: 11: wu" and in nu! to iainnticzgsylum;-.'!; -.~ I '!And~ ` that? woixm, nah 1'.-...:,`.. .-....`1 * .... ._..o._ `i . "I "hope you` do ' n ot: Wish to` insin-`I `date that my father_fwaIits~.to marry 'a hurt tone ot`vp1ce..'_ ' her for her. money, cried Clzinde in _` \ * ';?4':,`:;-*;&~~gV_!'-; :2 fr _. .. 3 '3 `\ 7! :*p:;:z%;:;%s.a9;%%g9~s*`%%br:%i=*'*!#"L%w* MM is ?}`on;:~:1-3w'a?`leh`* IIl*"c?27tE%gke1: VT`-ER`3i I|V-68.v 9* ??4,|3Ef-* ;1 10 alnnticfrgcylnn-IL` ~.:::;:A:-~\V: -T I ,, _. " , , 7 g Mrs"'Mai#t~. ?'#m.` aEi`s "`-"'1 "WW" ".mlon;oiI an-W ""* Z V. I: ` IV 'A I -t , ' * V ` V bein' go outlt but-wtne"g,ti;v ;-wngn* T T W _nce you get:mside;': : 1 L ht` lrbimcun. V ~Well.~ th~r'n`v. HiinIdn9`- Ha. um..; -< . I - .- D81lu'B- 00011591 8nu,lI1V1uu. I his course Miss Ea11owne1d'.;nn"1`1_y} decided to `pursue ;[ na_soL`the,. mat.-V ' tar 'was~a*et`t1ed for: the tim8~be_ing': ` 1 Han ` the astute ' Mr;;.Dn1icq,n`V-kn c5wn' `the `trouble and expense and "E93931. ` confusion to) whichfhia apparently` . agnslble - suggestion woum lead`,~_*1he'A Vwoulq have_ bitten his tongue` out'be~; . fore; gmnking tit. But, M untottunately V for e.v91'yb0dy% jconcemed. i-ho` ha % no # pre_ 1 A ';coTure,heMproposed. V. . The damxea. Inf +.hn wnaainaa.-... xnon1t1onL as".;t_; tho;ivras1ltsf61;=thpf-*1 ,C(J1ll'_B0VG PTDDOBBG. . e ' V` The datefflxed for f e near, and inapy were the p1an_s..that-v `had. to" be made; and` .broken, 4,!-~aand`_1. madeiup again` dierexitly : mi.-` Mies `V Faloweld, had been a. single woman I V 13,1.`.;tob :l 0_.nE M to be rable .toj- abide-by..`a;= : planf}; whnpnca. it, `had been settled I .,, - `l .. .r ' 1 2 ` _; .` mh.mi."4.`.`.`.. ".1; .....4.C... +1.`..'4.- <' .'.." llP,Ull_: V V`Ther"ia`dn 1d sayiii 'thb;t7 _ m__ena b1jomlses4'-`3r`a`?mm`l "to `be `n'rok3_` ` fen`. : 'I`hat;,we may-xbp ipqmhitted` to `V doubt ;; b,ut_wsl1.atever, .women'a'.;prom+ v 1ees?may;; b_o. the ieinarkAc'erth`1nly up-. ' 5 h11ed.f.n 1iinmam'n hlnnmguanlmw =~ ~ nkhh I-WU ! `xuuyg HF. D1103!-'Ul1Il5l'. uuruuuny EH`- ; p1iesj *.to women's plans-`-1-unles'" = thb *"m'0`~f1`-e:u9l1"319!9nt1;Y6unx.no 5111: L c1ent1y~ ma `of subjecton*"t M _l/)`e/ll. 9he~;OPt, in . xgwabxagng mma: " 011.80 .'.`emd:, 5.: 2,12` v'* V 9 1(ube4"Ld6i:i1iix;1.).:'i"If ' `V 3 "mm _mnu OI lnl1!1l`| ,0 pmmxaea `; .~ t And _now.3o-glift lightly and jgqnicklyn comefot curtain that (; bveils thelreal British;East Aria,from~ ,'._the compmhension of the , the:E11ipir9! _. At the outset ofAEnro~- 3 visitation Eastcoaatt , A of Africa. aems. to bayelpeen -mainly _' regarded is "means 'a.nVend. ,vTh'e` ~5 Portuguese govemorl of `Mom- ? balm` was appointed` in L692,a.nd--the? Q era not .Portu_guese. 'c9nt'rol` - may . be= ,- said, to jl1ave`Jcontinu,ed v'til1. :l729.A 1 Considarhiglthe `duration of this 00- 7. cupation. the tahgiblet fdt J.remarkablyfew.t ;Moslem rule` "fo1- 1 ` loved; and lasted with*variou`s'ubs' -`or Vneourse`-,n6t,?"*'wan the; `3hingj_!` rep1y`;_n"y5ou sag, he-is quite_. Ins old Aas, slheisand much plainer, so I m.~ `V sure heis capablelof really liking her i `for Ibex`; own gake._I.Jot V of,jo_1d_- men do-Mg, Duncan, V for, 1nstanpe,i' {Dag-, M mar was bentjin,fal1,good faitn upon . making} amendfhonqnrable. "Is Duncan 9, bachelor or wngw. .5: vii n a V ' ` HWll'lHl7V_Vl'Cv 3 `parthuiu xdios7nrasy;L3mus~'h ai>15en`*. pic osrwtmt to mmgiul be%'.th.e:- kfsof ?%he.=*e9r.th: Z to %om.Ima.n. Lpe/re . ? hapaeV.`h9.:T-.:w3der1nl .--yaweeprof 7the--: 1"` * `in: the, Hi g`hL-ii .tp:_an9chq: the mtnesronhe: gmat..Vnn:vs11ey, wonderful :!'t:wa:a district-sui .L ,. 3hoT.x.t'raoidinary V':~ :' ` ` -, belt; themettlerfwith -an 1, _ ,` ` , , 11.05:" und'_v`Il9s9. at ..the` tmpieax cost `rey. tux-'iau* cmrhardly ai!.t6 mam. the 1 stn" himir ixa%11vi ;- :ett1exn.en.t.- - rgvnrgthe; _j 1 \tx_n{j..e'o,&nro=of1iBPit-,_ 9 .ish,;JEkat :-Africa 15`. its 1' rem`arkaVb-la` P` '7kid7oi ;so!1;t1e1':f 610.; To! V % ._.1_!.?.1.d ..t,1xem. \ ` 6ih1"o_`"i_tjCivi)u)l8 not `be 71 3. , a vnrieyfend ~aord8;'e"vety V % _m~ao; unhea1t!;y d mrsea3t,2.r gwhieq, .% L ' ` 'L'"wiae,"to m:_e%4 ah '.,bvn*~tho\igh' Va 7- ` Vh-ea;!th'~_&r ;.iMn==cou1d.~ `with gfeionable `` "m-o.ematipm.; do; wen vnn "the 111: W-e ma.vn.o Ve1npea,t9:V'.um Shimbai BL Hill.-wco3`r!d bnrv`ido771.-h`e" y$1a'naI`,g`df. H v ,ta~nqiaL_l` `:rpmdn(:ta?f:w ih 'a,home rm- 1 _Rritin.h VV`-mleiutohit. h`aaj tgkgn -plac. `cousins. ~ the munmx ant vt1ia'%4.'ma.nr%wig1;>yna !;qg:V..tIriu`teasset ` isjwhon` the pcmmaor :..hK thgf . h. jot Athe_ man withltgut I" we-and: e:hi1dr;e.in;'mtninV-.ean [o1;hiia; woHc`aon the * crmat1a`nd._ Awhile; away-`_ in. em Hi`2Mnn`ds.- % thee` bulk oi % h_v`1;1re,r1;nI"Ie. #27 .7 V. . trow... AM ' m11v\ 91, 1% ; uy~?3z9ir. 1.~3_nngus1; A?%BgitisH`. Arm; , is5 ;:ioj'a, ,5yet"'. cial V ` brbhd _ L manhdods-treat` A qt mchingrhis Vmaxikat prao-L 5 Is, xp yganua), yms uuu ,1n45ua, me ;. Prgtagctomte having AmeanwhilgjbenA : esta'b1ished_.*and ,its,5:8-1 miles reach- . ,;<!.A;.s.=.9I.r.!.r,t 1>1...<?.*.-.i9h._ 1ta.:..we;;..en!1:.;bL-:v,l901- i `.uread.y tar-'ou:weign;`.`.x;-i". 'nandi`t.n'y a, "n`m.mh` H. n'.'n.+. in mm. nlIm!(l.l)_' V - . lat? _Uu5welgn__ H ex-;.. penditpze. though` it mngt bewgome}; perhaps. many. -`years before he cpi-A ;ta1%9ar;neni11a9.Ais_A.!sxi.t599 T few` iwoxdsybou th m!iY'i{[8nB85* 9-.`7 11i1'*-ry'I`.'0f:~" .. . . _ .i;po`nv_enience ; in rt;-ve1,:.%'v;bizty`hat," }.a.till.[a.1;d long be;-1a_n. `.'P-,hfe.n!ain vlixl urunsxf ffvmt ifo` I;a.l_:ei {on'a'7 g2rav;e rsLing.;in -suges+ !_aiyq belt. 9_f'Vt1_1aiPro?:T0t but *i111 -g; 0.r1.-Lsettv_l.e_2`r. sets `One i/ion `- madIh;e,g . backf.`up6n~;afatari 1in"dl_1ys Qf* vy0r_e. -. f=,`8a,axi'.3: . Lot" f*b91?'indY3$ V gxpiessiyn, fa}! ' the is e ` H1119 -_".p1__'1mev1-1 iddni ,.i vp9$hless..m1ds.L peopled. ;>n1v*`b'.v V .' ~ 0 L. 19. `still 9!. #119; hi: 831119} Ji.t_f-a.1:kit.:` .end;'.on -: ,~'8wa'y?: ,fr9m`.:. =.1i.,ns.= ;1ieot>'ar`ds. ` `_ `e1ebh_'nsAA ipnd; :_ bq_1q_ hi1d"`Wi! 8;? 83*! v inwmnd` " Tln mun. ma `I-i`in`N'nnA "n' snu Anomaeu`*sg \pteunt; & ?f1,;gA{"'lr` mht prac- | $i$e;i`T3i': ;ch ` . `u;;'11:e... .. ..:;.;'.-`..*;..a .4. weVguara1;tae >l'..0 .0:`v>:'-pelk"fc`e..nft`V'AyP[`1`!">:e`? `v15aii1f n?1:Mi1rS3[t9 iv01s*1ifacti0l?\iVor Vr`fuVnde't.i- v -L `_ _ -` : C Z i. ` , J 5'; _. "JV: V ` ..II I`. Walllnlsh **%'*$1i~ i;iau%Ba:gj1:Eaaa '"iEiiIf";tfSii1itii3i`??`W;i1f'*`G6aZf1?? . mid`e- % Tue4:m,1`1,s%:o:`.* `C c11ir_:Lst; M;t11'o_dist%*%?4C$1:t:r4ch,- 'S:t?."{ % AA_x1drew sfP.re fsby't;eri:ia117Churcli-`am!%Ti~ixiity v`C1t`1VlfPhilj_: '......"...n' c..:..L.-4 .*..m. -nn'.'._`..-'._..-"-..1..';.- _.We1l,: ]th_e!n,. I.w1shA ftqj goodness} --h'e d~:j- ytnar'r1ed=~+ 4her.- =befo`1jei~* my ?=1at;her- came: upon "the ; scene I "sighed Ola.ude`,` V as the. two. approached the _ Hal`1,uajnd 1 the f_conversation conse- 3`: ' "Rut 1+. mg: `...s'+ ;.m.;.a.a+1v.;. .;.{.n+..