Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1909, p. 1

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%~%P%EBASElB=ATl0N ` `Pe;mle In zohdlarith are` `bound to `new; W `i'`vV* ,`"9 'rVAintuer6.P!f9nb1yiufei 1 '4 al|4:7I:;,`sxss'~!rk : auV1i`b)st}.-4:` Q, fag,-4t1,r L -T` 1 __ _l`f_"',.*-'_`z"."" 'Peopleh_Izoi~d7h9. thgge bound to per- mnra durlng the hot w_ thou-,a.nd this commas.- a skin` in-nation `that; is -`diamreoable and V ' 0 ::Hax.1 c'l.-:,V mm Is I--'u'u,IInInp an V v ` . *Fc6c'bit /Mu|"'y`St.~ = V `A acqpuans: Block. -3A_11:ma1& n `A.-:|..'nD`l . wf A R IFCIKLIICI r (V Q~,ll_|rV.:\l;`: f4o`<:out`f{Clzsfs"s, Piglesalonal; fro: 8:toIid~ Pubuc chool, ~8ec!_;lnn No .~`10, lnnlsl.- f DIM: to. com- fmenoev atmtmld-summer holidays, `Male Tnclxer p`;-`Ao nod. ` drosgr_qscim,qnl&1;9tgc.; to W L "'\I.BI.`AOI_{,, x ' ' ftrnyuli Bec y_Sc};ool7l3`ogid_`,_` -` ' .. _"." ` '1'ha_Plumb!ng anclneatingbusinans carried on by J. H. Neolanda &.sqn has now changed hands, . and in future will be owned and conducted by J -.J. ; NKELLNDS `-and\ a1!*ucc'ounts owing` to then!-l . - t1rm-nob' ~s9btia_dabaQra`=kngI1_ab m.;;xmaaw:1x-ba, ' l,.cad"in court: 1or.__onllbctmn. `as Mr: J.` `-H; . eelands`ls3lezving_at qnqq to:.Winnipe_g.' $8`-89' " in ; u1_w pr_uyuuy`u.J.uq _ g.u...; _: " .; _v; ` ',All`c1ared i: acjtes,,with`120acres un'de`r ` lexice. `The bsrn gssawnemnlbllng thfoughoub, ` and is 66 :80. Them` is alsoxgrst-class brick Wnmnin `Roan cultivation; 'll,i``v`rb`p'e'rty"is wen watered`and `- ;ique.v;' '.l`h1sJb n."-tla`s1Vra,bletproperty;.;. Apply` to MB!-'3. 93- BI-V-FM` \ '1 ` mdh1%mhon$_$.w;::%$5l;- , J. _a`-, ,W0d. J R V 9 06 . nxgs ormom.w,'xhlt fIl'?`1.'ul-`I . 7 Full paitlou? .. ,l;u-u,on npplluon bu ALBERT HPBING. Only- `va!o.'."" " lo-83. .5 ' V 3* _.__..77.,._ ,. . v. _w--. f L mgnoit pxxe In cugpaid (br g`6ama`u-sums}. O 3 bolts doillvorod In Ba , _ ` ` .1211` `Id! within one hundred `muo;!:a.rf|z.`?I'H.l:LalR Shlgglo`Msnuf_ctgr9r,(:)nb 82`-t!._ "eeting nights. monthln Orange` H;lI.~`Dun|op8t. sic henem, and all chases of Life Juaurancglneluding en dormant.`-is ' w r ~ ~ " I _ ,TM.P.4DVUFE 2-'yrly v -'V|_.VllVll.I . m undd `nd; `or `$01.! -, __aa_' ..v-----~ High`est :cli" H56 paid 161- above} ` ` Butter preferro New Lulu! Etzui. Oman (0) . Butter making All delivered abcrounery on-any 'l9caluation. Write for pstt|cuhm.';, 38-tr v T-x.z:-.M:`99MA&.. ' Geoxl-jge Dlaxton,\h?it"'tZi9;ii i'e_sidencb,:.Sun'nidale Ron Solid brick. modenh-onvenionods;-nearly n:ief`7niJ!::Be I-`eolvza by t:i1a{ i1n('l7r:sl1in%d piiif V August.` lat next. (or.tb'e pu'r,cha.ue;of',tho late` . Gap; 9 Dlaxtonn hiiti1Totli&d'residenc,: sunnldale .= . Sqzlldvbrlclg. yxodardft-onvpnionoos~-nearly fskfaeres gardeuorchm-d,',st,sbl,,etc.'~ archer ` 5 parti lgm-andzmipoouon-otprexplges :Appl YOUNG umrlod man-chrhthn. strong and \ , hulthy-'wonld_|lkoItu.dy oxmoor work in n...|.. .. nI.-.a-o- 1--.- -. ..n-_..._ -.___. 1. V. _lnn.vnln 9. ,All conveniences; ULM W - month. ;A_pp!_y gwglgeyqtfut . 17-39 L . . . , . : } _ EW R!fhtr66mo?I Dwnlllnk boB anHnnnb'\ir- i . V` CLsfAmito.or`p)ain. Qmuiu ;..u;.i by 7: .`..i a tnb'o'wom'sn'.`h`{'the my (or will do` plain ` us): at. home). Ann at The Emniner. .25-28 LEEANING-or pjalnwuhlu mum! by ; 29- _` lnb'o`wom'sn'.`h` the auto: ,V0lIldo pIl?n M ummnchqpox APP I&Tho__Eu_mne|`_. .2:-is Yn'if:`n """{'a .'i`x"`.?1',"f"T"'" {'12 -'-WON 01 I 100! V0? Rfsnlc or fllhndsle; Apply-nt_6'Eonry moot, Barr!o.~ ~ .- .` ' -. 2848 , Harris 0 nrrlo. V` J: 7.i.1W. : Q7*'_ * oaqhgn-_ (of: Iljolpbjj Product Pnllof-Pr` .;BrIdgwo9d,:Hudilergelal; Eng; am! 1-. gull.` A- Bogqo En -- j, , 1Avniht tstsli . .- asidenee-.'-Golli`erstreet-. BARBIE. L Sn3\?Ax'r \5o*V1Liz`1'1:n *- |'r ena`nl, unal \ funny. _Apply At_E_xu_ninaromcg. _ 28-?- \ os'r--In gm .3 .ni1 1.e ,{x\`la`li'x dam cu: . link. M: ed.` Finder phase loan at Ex- ` ilIlil9l0m7Q.` , ; ; . 7 8-28 Q 2 1:,;thatq,lo_v;rln -eompanieia ' `Gotemnnal got .` _Ilt,.g)g ads}. nlaovtho,-;_Not;the_rn` ` lnaumnes-W.mnan., and 2forw.Ic.|1iUh1on of .En'n- _ l`a`nd.i*Money1_o!o1n`atlqwest,ra$u. I haveon V '- hand ajjar enmount,of'pr1vaze; funds And also ` Vrepment-it e.,_b`anad,a5P,ermanent:an =wa_tern : 0a_Imds;MortR586;0orpomion. `No ohurge for , mlspecuon` ofce-Queen st. -. -`2-1-45,1`-ly` , u: ~ 4 3"s3a1& tk';1&ors'wiii )6i;;i1iati`2'by-~the: nd}? 1` . signed 11' tllI'nb0n Fr_id3; 1617!: Jdly,'1909, forthe -- bgsebu aecxerxtqomce; conslmc loniof storm rain on,->8ophia.Stre'et. 1rom.the`east's1d9`of Bayeld; street to` ,che,_weat side at John. street. ` Hans a`nvd p/eci_catl9ns vcgyn , " '1`e1;ders,willalso,_ '; .orI.aylng.cpmeub . Walks thfoughguc b t_ow_,11'--am. rate p'e'r square ` 1 foot for." walkmaqd G os_slngg.f ..8pecioa'.tloI_m b:!eenat_cI9rE'%!,0l,s:o. . : ` L M `=7 '- `Fnr linthnr bin`:-Mni1lnn'1'u{nlu h\"A'Il:i Hi-1$`I`\ IAnn \. new Aamasgments among I110 In av gt nus many i -advgatages ov`rthEt"t ?N1a`gara;~1;_. V * Barrie `the rg'ii1ient Was` well heated t1;em81Y9a. _ whilgf 0.1! b1i!!1,f_.:\..1[1;51o!I!1d j_jP1B } to_[e;terthig v 7' W13!Y98 -'::?WP11:. 0l!%?1lY;z 7?` V V` j0I .1llia' _Packot-9-'1The' 7 lo`c'al town ` fia` ` not, so`.~ P9P,'!1Va;-V `withVthfef?v`o,1unteetsV ` I as %tonVt1jng` __on bldv cinp `gxfdund at. Niagara-. Noti*tnat:mmen%% :a1r.e` :_ n_ot;=cou:;tortab-1e_ :nough,*.*or that the ~: ji6ple*ai'`*fht;`t?9d6ing'9vw1`ythixigjpoS 5 .- Bible to ..r.en.v,1er. .the1rstaY enioyablb; - - but; they-g guide} t1\n`.o1d'asaoc1-ations ;` V h`?',. V`1n*9F95.;f..1!W. ,"31T1 3= T120111 +3-h 7' ath 1iiug; tog9ther`btf`a` Llarg body 3 . ` L V` 1/811`! Vb.8WV9n) ` ' an` "`th 'ahziiii`i.`gli ts"t`iihf- '; h? on Lthe; -general tad Ndv4eVrthqles, in` t`he" o infonfol; 5 vnrii ` Actlvn `work: - in nah-`!mf;1n-b` 3 ryglmenw ;',Vlll1_(1.~5,uI!_' 5l-Ill!!!1'l1gnt'T`8nt1 ` tqwiew un'dor~;the, 6709-:01 the, .. rm bmcajrm; "itliof;`v ragrlxixew _:1o1ng' . -T --mag. 1i.mbm'an1i1"em`n Tbugmm .m.:.;.x m I.`uuf:k'yu.&;yntu1' vhllg` I{5Il`l_li!1L|4`,;H`!;u(1;Jx my, .;;9 52. 11 jr;.e'o in . tuqdrx-11, j&c.., V s C nI..`..'). iI.}.l._.l.__I `J..- m.-....'L: Wanner; gg;;; creani,` Ii1.;hL.o 3...`.. .|. 3.1.`... mm 0... .'|.......` n....\.. o ...x.. 1.. ....s. ...x.a A... .......u ....a).'- .14 ' Ir! :.`-`: 2m$3$.:io h;`fhImh.- In $9 ,8"`s?b; i`j-is in "on`Igh.21, co .1nnlnl- oh.-'.bauwood{`an`r| hemlock. aw.-=-~* : ~'B`* .``.`nt.v at u, - I iimud, I nu... v vu,u_|`|\'o` ,5Ju_\Ju.V: ;-W V, , _-, . I ,-.The best excursion "St; Andrew's- S.__ 8. ha; had` 1o'1"..years__ wgs; that of 1l1is t;Wednei5ii y. ' `LPe`r1ectV 'iwehLtl`1er, V _1ai`se.attn and good `pro: i - I1a;`tv'.';->"_I`Mh1'1rsdvMy ~~;i1glit"the j.A l'taiu- I Society of .- St; Marya .0hurcl;" hold a decidedly su9c_es,3fnl;ga_r(1e'n Lpaxfty. 9;; ;t}.mjf.Deanery ,,19wp.? V ` Eecdnta. -'-T. V, Mo I'au- aid J} Lafonde, . Pe'1Vie-, M .rp'enters; 'to`bk "qhe1ter.`under a ., verandah on an` island -yin Batur-.' ddifs :storm. ` fLight 1'1ing `struck he cottage "and both were killed instants ` 13': r V . `,1. ...x `.' * . _ 5 Nd. z'8 ?fi;?f` _ 1?-A xiuinhr of Biir v(irJ`Vhb.' .wa s in every {Way W5 `-greaj:_ jsuccss; to Stroud.t' Thtirsd_ay;.[1_1i'gh"t,h to at-' tend the Px`esbyt eria_nvg`ar.den party at the Nelsonhomestap.d;;-hifherghhwaa 1 . a record attjendance;f_an`d the aair G..I..u.-.l..J--1.`..- _.. _-.... 1.-1__, .. yy-._, nu; '5lv`|a` !\l|vVDD'Do > V 4-S,ubscr1pti``e nowbeing ol`- L icited by th Aquc G1iiI$}tofa.as1t. in deh-gying the expenses fot .;_t1;e;_ree ' . gatta; .tb~`Bj *`1_'a61dfoai- .A;ii'g 9;`-if L,.ist ,yeaff- epferidid guiscess entities?`-z the- Clubfto enerqus `support from '.the_ .9it1z e > ` . J vavnuvun '_ - r Mildred Gr8118,n;., :...age`c1 :ai.xJyara`.5 _- daughter `,0! ,J. ` R: _fGz" aha'nn,` _~Elniva1,g rwas. brought` -gogtpe ` [hbiap_1t2i1"T1s,_xi:` wgek sutlering from};-_ compouiid frac -1 ` M W 9f.\~tPPllt..`:8Eli1< _i$bny`.thve1bW: ;~..inv;.. .Vth.rou::h ta111ng~r9m;-~-.? : p`x'n_ez)r_ go'+ rou`nd; -{Sh_e Iii ingaat _ fao toryr,,progr'es`s." . ` J"i'J_. 1-1-_~-_ 'A~r..:.. _ my ,i;;lu.;|6l` 5&1 -j,3.1.3s %`sHdP`:_eEFoRE 1Ivm`+n mn~r:a1; ` ~1nd_Augi1s1:.,Bart:f9 store; "close dang (except vsgtux-,c_1hg_y)_\ 511;; pp; xp.g Bhog L early?-I I . 4 ~ x` --Chis. `Benne`tt s " H5ki1ey" horsq` ' % -nonusmdxea `at amazon: on= Lsun-`V day; July,3.[ Mr.B_e_nne_tt~_ya1u!ed_hlx1i ; at $2,000. ` ~ 7 < `A -'1.___-1_,n .,l . . .... "-'V-iv! ,--A` `baseball match will take placq at Agtlcultugugn ?a1jk- on Friday,` 1611; 1 inst, ,at :6 ~11, m: l;;p?,htw`eVen}"`.h6V *1 LPark`N1ne;o!VTor91jto`andV Barrie, ` ,,.:=Ba:tie.ebow1qrs7;~:wgr9:<:bastenxrlif `j 1>ete:boro;?_'[`byi'jse _}:ots'.` ` .`.MNiven'a 1 `was the,;only local r1nVk,up,andA thuy` ` were 9 to t:_l`1?e_?gJood;V. V .5 gm}... IA-..a. ..'........-:,._"'nL A - AIylv\luIl|aVIl.."VJ\J `I-IUIt_`k] IV,` I ,3 -Meg;frd?s tax_r_ate"_th1s `y`eu"' 7 id Zsvmillspand the owners of-dogs Lin that't9wnjw1ll'hav`e* the "priv1leg"5ot, L further contributing to ._theWexLchequer ~ by I5aYlx"1 gT,$5`1di~f male canines and :10 forL._fex'nals. L ' * .' g ..-v--z-, _.g- \5- ---u IQHIS ;H0Ii'0rv JdeT.:.'Wismi;I ;heid ! S afgumeht _'1n*tl,1e _S_I'1nntda1e D.mjxia'ge_ II` . ;.c__ue;,;on4M.Q!;day;.;and;_ a`:.:.i. .. wqu1d_ -"give j his`4`,.g1e_cision,, ig1i.a ~ few} = days`, intimating` 9;t'-.?th .tixne;.( i`< "that-A ,jta`lge- assessment, \in{ the mgin Would` 130 susta",1gd;_y6ithVVMs1ight, _ , d1n;t16ns.},' Mr. Lennox i'rawna1ii'=a1iia== ' thg__appe1l_aht I/uv ;_uy,yv..u u,. , ' =L-.B_1'adford rW1t'nefss:0n,. Tugfsday: `qf ". a 1i\st`- W991? L thfL.RW- Th53hVM.,Kee; .V while. pL_'re/siding at the Vdepaftmhtal `p `examinations . in town, .was .s`u`d{ien`ly A A jivertaken by illness to `which*jl'1e.L.'1aV Vsiiliject. }MrsLfMcKee wgs;b.t, once .t 1 suinmbned ._f;fr_omf Barr-iqyand jfoundp `Mr; McKee,;.}under,Jgod.. jeguca; -{me and ? by `file jev'ei1'ix`1g,.; of--Wednesday ` h`e, v . * wasj `ablfe; {thong}; j:yqry5'wfegk`,vto''.|V , ithis _V w_eekg he` was .-`sumc1_eht1y recover: I1 x8mi#? 'e_d` t`o ;res_um his __duties' as presidigvj v q I:J>Lwuu_uvL,.~ , , ~ !1`h- ` Gar,eyfMS11'oe 400.; of V ; Tq1`bno"l;' `hgg - struck town, I gueasv; {that |j fme_`ans chap ftoqtwear * :01`. 5' time" . T1`.hey `pmhased V th 2 Shoii. .bu$i* :n'e'sV of Reid `Bros. , and 1ntnd;'_;ho1d- v gingi Ja`: bumpr. ` `s_hoo_33 ag1o:.~1orM.the ; next` \ `few nIonths.- :. .Later 0!i' -they -'int0d l," .8't1-ding", ianother large] stock, fmakilig J Lin,;a_l1- an s8,0oo_stbc.k- 1 All goods ' t.6s 1 {be :; _so1,;1i at , salefprices, ;; L Bemgmber~ ' _tha place f-/-_Xs'_t`i ahoe_bSt`ore nest V :Bart1e House; ~`iDp'en:1o1?ibu1x!essAVon-VF ' Friday, Mr._.:Jhnat;on__Gp.rey,~ J the "` aenidrgnizmber of th rm, 13;; an _ _VAV.m.- Kirkpatrik, f)""Ge"l_1i_` F-l`9,_8`11, Agent :oL:the1G.` ,P R.~;7was3i11f1L- '-town-:1`; ...+..-am; 1nn Hn`a .V.a.`. than -bi*os'1)'ect : ` igmxngi T100'*a'<:r_eis;.~; The propertymaa: L A . ;1[;1qt.,2,1,A;con.;V ta; ;Innisl,gco1.1V-1 A .'a: ;V fr,ni`a,_.`h<,`:us`e`faizdlmme Ham 3 and, ` :`er gd with pring ,an'd" iivellsg . "tier -Huildings; . a1IA7_':1dqreii; -wen~;_,wat`> p Iyat gA`m1r`w,; wgnac Tj gem; _ ' eW.O,W. MGu'11oti`gh,1N a.nty:1j;; org = . ` * ` D0LN4;`LD;`R053v'LA

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