-..v-v -- -._.....'l _. _w....__- V If you keep posted in `up-to-date methods and rat! _'WCk the most complcte and comp:-ehensiv: " `I I A `l'\f}`!}"I" I'1`C'I")l\I`)`I" 3 V ' . . , 1 whlchnp-gear in THE SUNo0The isthFarmas'BusinssPapa-. Besureyousuhxcrlbtb T8; Qua on he Tnnunnz I910, n rnrnl-Jnann wltfl} 6 There Is ,1Vioi1ey'i1'1 r TI ...... r.-,.. M.+.A :. ..._o.-._A.e.. ....u..-..:.. A '......l ...t. . The Children : numeea--the Mother : I`:-land.` -- --cnu ray. -7 Cnstorin is a harmless substitute for Canton-0ll,Par-_ gorlc, Dropuand Soothing Syrups. It is ( It contains neither opium. Morphine not other Nu:-eo_a substance. Itsnge l5_ its It destroys Worn` null nnnys Feverinhness. It cures Dlnrrlunafnml Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure! Oonatl - and Flntulency. ` It assimilates the Food, regulates tag} Stomach nnd'BoweIs,_ giving healthy and natural A _o-_i-__ um: Chocolate Stick, Medauions, Cro- queuaes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. Fm $16 by- all dealers from Coast to Coast. What;isaA.tR'A . g_. ._4_ __ n__;.._ an ` Old ana Liuaranteeu Dz - _E3. T. n`YRER:j__% .:__ ...-_ ._-_ -, ._.....d 'In. Use `Fdr Over_3O 77 1: annual : our-v. `I? -ubwuvunvur. uxuiiitcrw .It s a man s` duty t dress Well. - Also, it s hisduty to dress ...-1J .-...-........1.-n11" nxau, Al-D .u:a nun Weii economically. Logically, it s ii: duty to 117921 Trams Bran .4 _C`3_i:59 sea` .4 1- _;.u. A5151` Sana \a.-.11 _ . 53 .2: 3015 and Guaranteed by In an In` 1.7 `rm .` T! ?"6i\`"s?5iii\7 2 -__. 41... 2.-nL--. A. cAsTp"BIA!<%A_u:AV` |.Bea.rs the Signature of_ uuuayusw. an:-o uuunyt. unsung v 8 % , REPORTS In WEEKLY II....:.._.. D... `D- .....4-.... -..L._lL.`l_`.'. T It gins the conveniences Jl best steel nngu with xndvnihge of being aaairon and Ii` more duubl; , ` r ' IVZI '"IdnI peainuxnwrsmeidetgiuir %` asxzalxkitcbax. I R. HAMB'LYV.w -- - BI {'- The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bed -V I in use for over 30 years, ha: borne the signature. d ~ and has beenmndenmler his pen -` ` sonnl supervision since in Inmncy. - Ailowno one todeoeive youin this. All Counterfeits, Ilnitntlons and Junta:-good nro but Experiments that trie with and endange:-the henlthitl Infants and Child.rn-Experlenee `against Experiments, ` ` _: __ ,9 . 7 J # , XS tn: P331333 331131313 l.'3pG'o .DSXyUl13U1Cl'XX5 The Sun to in January, 1910, in combination with The Barrie Examiner for $1.75. v vrmr h'l`11e` You "I-.. 1:... n..... on v3'.`... .'.