ReeVe s Ind`AknlPo:us `rung: ..Am.u..a ..\- ' Good zolnzbec. sun. to Dec. Hill. 4 ROIIIIII IIIIIIS Doc. I4l. 1 r The Attractive Rants co Manitoba, Saskntche W a n 1 and Alberta iavln Chicano nnd se. Pun` Minn-. . and Alberta in via Chicago and St. Pm; pqlls or Duluth. Full inlax _ ____1___ AND RETURN J From Bangiei ` 11...; ...n_..`c.-- -.._ Ontario V Provincial Fair i _ C tl Vr\ un um-w nun. mun uuuuurn, lnu ucimy, Fun m' dmincelyxhe fuhion, Ind we'r3 making 5 big- ger shoring` ol them this season in rponae to s biggar demand. Nothing old or second nus, but Ipio-span new Fun made up in apio-span new styles. We get only the best selected skins, and ` Iurround your buying with every l possible protection. -v u - .. . .-.-... , ........ ... In buying Fun here, we gnu- I_ntee you absolutely ngainst mi!- I repretion in any form. [Sarjuam &I -. QUEEN'S BARBER snop Start Your WELCOME SANTA] CLAUS: - -v n u vvuualal $2.40: _, i___. _.. -__...vv_\J The little Booklet of suggestions, which we are ,sending.Iout by mail, oygg-_ .11` you haven",t one,. let us know and you will get one. . He s in business man from the, word go,--and they .say he is going to sell an befox-e-and he's a Special friend of 1'|-||s 'JEW\ELRY .STORE. He v though he stood behind our show cases, for Christmas is a time of Gifts, and wh can be got than that which comes from the Jewelry Store? The question .m answered here, for our stock_is bubbling over with `ideas. and suggestions for Ch given_ more `than ever` this season, and our big stock must have something in it : like to impress upon you that (lift-givers at Christmasftime should be Gift-buyer aha nuke}, Vita; nnv. and be urn of the opinion that the Council would bar was of the 0:- Ega 0I_s_g:o_[op_ ol _leArq:ur npd J. R. Cotter. Clan of Peace. can , neloctora of Jurors la! Ola bud duly poxlormad their dnzlu for 1008. Deputy Registrar Gone:-1 cartlnrl .r--.~- -,~-- '-'l 1909. J. S. RoberIaon,_8oc.-`front. Nat San. Ataocintlon. u to con tnbutlon to Free Eosplal lat Con- mmmlvau. Hanoi :02: motion of w. J; No -41'1NGHAM 5 __ _1m-n~rly.oi Pnu Bub: Shop, Toronto Roll uninut his dptopevtv. On mouog at Robertson In Cockbnvn. that In. Young guy nag m_:oru_n_I,cp,arged Ind he I or nature llbar churned on Goll-am : ...,...-n vu until 3! nI:d'r:ocmuvn. : ply cba amount charged 5 will get I refund of IL00 ehtrgsd fox 5 F. 5. who in nbaegt. _ poxlormad their 7' ' certlod um Dxvilion Rogiatru (no hit! duly legislated for quarter ending 3ep. 80. 1908. 2'7 births, 1 margins and 7 1--...- Mulch. on lltmnhur Ind cocibum no action. W. B. Benxdnll for cunt of 5.00 to Wm. Out. to boln bu wood Ind provision. on motion at llemlhnr Ind Robertt 9500 to be nlsced with Mr. Bonrdum nod-by him expanded (or Wm. Grav ll naceualty any require. _1`._ l_l._Yr_)u}:g oomplnlnod of Imunt __ono canon. Christnias shopping Now C I l I E ' :9 -pgohll ding 3 an read opvpodta bu .:m..u._ cg xndotb & OYIIXII tin ulnndludnga I nflul nfaul 3 good sponging and pressing does to I shabby-looking Cpat l If you hive any you would like as to ex- periment on, we will guarantee you a pleasant surprise when you get your garment back from our establishment. And the expense is really so small that you would - On motion of McLean and Robertson I 9 account: to the uncut qt 857.51 were c 7 otdand pnld. 1 I Council adjourned to mod: Dec. 15 1 . J. 1' db . v 3 " "' a..,.. g 2 no open outlet Ind reeommaiaded 1 that nmouns be cured, nd the ( 9 on-moot be not! to hnva the work I done. _ 1 .. .. uuuuuy -uuxnoun. I , I` sixteen-your-old George Henry of c Petarbolonlb swallowed a pipes of V pencil twa months no and coughed it i up the other day. I : , 011001.013}. ' " " '" " nuum.w.u...-nu e. um. undo! I dun III Com. . Inn 16 1:617, nmsgoo, be Hlckllu(-Wobb--u! the Horn he luuncualnenonour-slidtor Ind` mags touch with the troohlu to Hick ng--WItlo`-1'bsG Councillor Wabh sci am: on iownlina Vnpn and pan: Lou. Eaton : Is Accident lo Berber: Wllnwnflghs - v nu, '.'a'u:.;7z;""= 5 n.'3a?o wainmfsp 2 _ I;vsba_-_ajauqg-7rmsac1o.-t b xuuuaaa to mm H. Pris-9 . lnIpoa- ` for for uleumi And Inter count, to have the Svnloy Crook died: cleaned out to the origins! depth. H|cIllng-Wstth-`l'lnt 1. `Inn-u . a:cu11u-wiuu'-n} :1. mm ma Wm. mm-oc Gracia! be and I I tboprivilouotplnclnguse anooin . ; dlnnh _hg__eeutro of -the tour . nun the on of jute: tcr Ito3t. wabb-Cannon-Tan the Clerk be Instructed tonoty John Fuquhznan y to move !an<:3 on the loud nljownnue. , W. 5; 5.1. 15 And 16, con. 8. Cameron-Webb-'l'lut thin (`mum-n um wax |m." conncu ucp: w. 8. McCul- lough : reuinnntlon u pound keeper. D_ V|`7obl>`--_H_icIlh_vAg-'rl:ut the Clerk be And the ' really you - ' never miss it. Your old Vests and Trousers, too, can get the samm` careful attention, and our cleans ing process will save you much ' money. . ,1. MAXWELL n n A nun"? I_lI\'l`I'.`1' laugh Webb-Hiclling-1111! be instructed to collect two donuts from sin!) party for meeting: held In the Town Hall. not inclnlnyratepayara of the Township of Venn. _ Hgi!ipg-Camnon-Tbn Council- _._,' opposite It. Wad : yrovoyf V webb-Hm:1|ng-rm the clerk be S Instructed i that; R. Co. . 5.. .....__ 1 V centre" 3; ` louunco except at the and gnch_ pgncn to --..-._- - uu-vs!" I5 one chrisixixias presnts. Jewelry will be 1ing_ suitable` for everybody. We would Gift-buyers to-day. '-:- -:- ` contains some valuable hints. . "Redd six other person: last than live: as I maul: of the stunt: which lwepr put- of the State of Axhnsas on Mandlv. ma reports plnca the number of J injured It twenty-three. three pro- bably fatally. _ } - ' I What a Wonderful Change" Iudtha mutton! no _ Hyounnnwulod ..*5 zzu"v7n'ic2"F1"3 la. the la: 7 I _ nlapboqa or , 8uBnnd'.`_ ,8ouolBcn , lalltobu f'. .".'1`}",' 'l as central Cuutch next morningmd evening. I 'r of suyncr will prench. _ llspy pgaplo of this pl: .. <. ........ ouux -.--uvn'n ,_ _. wr- get. the concert. to be givcn in McLu- U can mun on F-idnv evening. Dec. 4th. . -Thmnss Anderson met. with . accident while chopping in the bunh. I The no of the {eiiav HIM. wu working - with him, ew out of his bnnd nu-ikinpz dc:-Ion juatsbove theknee and toshe bone. Tbg d_9cwr Ins A1-A a serious ' > LIZ ' I I ' HKTCHELL xUA.BE { \ . Anniv cervical Ivlba held, in I 969 Central much snndav, both ` Mnlcocmid '_ ` -. ,. 73 .. ,......... ... um n-pun. chun-.h.-I!oben Paisleanmet with 5 misfortune last week. a of hi! hor- -enbvroke through the platfrmn olsn old wen sod ' no bo_og]y injured that .u.._. u.-.u raucous ax KOIIQEDDK. are now visit- ' mg J; C. McArthur'J.--Don'r. for concanto ! c.s_='LHallovqFn_' verve-ning._Dec. _ ,, --_ .... nu uvw uuuava punt , be is n t. a way to recovtn-y.-Tbe , dsnce an 090. Gilchtiatfs last Friday evening was well patronized sud nvprvlvvio un-u.... _ ,__a .. --- e goods for us` thi"y'ear than Ever - I, nnfnnllu An `L.._1.__A- `umbrellas ' Cut `Glass \ Chitin, &c., `&c.' EH]. VIIIKEHS L , Vl0KERS d venue WNTEST up A IFIIIVV L4!-dl-4 ` om BARRIE HOTEL, - DADDII.` Diamonds I ' Watehes Rings V Chains . Lockets-n Pearl Jewelry Scarf Pins 2 Links - Fobs Silver Novelties Ebony Goods . Clocks A .' Canes I ulnar rrirnrurr