Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1908, p. 2

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unpo tI0I`e'-loan were 5 van 3 `put-`limthst Thyandnyvnighe whau -I1InllO Knock`: Company, presented ;x.`..nm1n ...,f.'Alicn-SI:-By:Tha-, flrt,?'t play wtmen In tho p1u_y,- .Wl1lI\I'IIout Ihlmulnl vain nml 9ForYoI'1r % ' Summering :1 Infonnulan Bureau. Cansdhn p|'|]_1l5B(I ngnw wnu_a you are It `it. , Nothing tell: mom for umnnthnn : goodpx-inning. On: imprintnhnch I for qunlity `and quick service, with" _ Iguana pgiuu. Leave your nemat- L G5? `Yohr`,0ffi`~.', t1 ...:..;..a _-.111 012% M % A 1vIsUN.l:0. - Dnt m1"a:nAo on unaluqxdnwhn cI-- Fur-wt `W ` jot 1:061, V ~ms_s'c. DANARI) I TORONTO. lnlnajid-link % ulmmmowmuzs.-lungs 1.'.;::~=~:.~'-` *:.:.-.-:;;.;_-._._, ,|';'.."~'l..."-`..:..'* ., ...*m::""'"- i 3 001114-1.1 . BALL PLMl|KGMlLL= ' THOMAS ROGERS lluauhctuulol ` Su. Boon. Blinds nml Inna. , `Tho illllei Info unanimous In 1 `tn-dinI.beprlu_:o Rabt. Central In his number. "Borer (ad I, the I qfumnronl atnln uni the lmperaonm a clan oltho old nun-waxoyenuy clever, .1 ihtltedizenlly canqod hoirty hnghtar. 7 9030:-'tho ehsncterlatlcs and I Billy H0078. IIIIIIIII III Ffln 5 aunndomardn Euui nndsll ol . aw. :1`, t.u..2`a.."f3.'" Lumbar THOMAS ROGER : dneeuuuhamxnnkh. no-I ATLAQ ' Insurance L`ompa.ny,l.1mlto1l mum; m.nm,r'm, p.....`..a..n u... iSTta n_p_|%ard 'S*coVt%t% sll ;_ 'Bobxs'roIu~:}' V \ InIl'E % Assumes, cmm. `cm axooed,.........836.000.0I)0.(lI has at Amt: out _I;-nvx3x9I- in_s+!-,d.4.!. no;-_ac_a_s1aToo ,v` ' JOHN nTJEEnsoN INSURANCB AGENT L'voURF% % READING` N E ED 5 R. L BARWIOK AND IN_llnAII::n A: Ant Wan}. S`u1=x>x.n.-:0 AT . U ' . sonic aitha greatest ontors par- beforo they attalnod their 1 nmlngtmmught out such tilent gs hwhwlv nds pa-uud, And provid- gu! 1 pp: (tut. Botcrd callihg an the that number Dr. Oukllv.` the Ohninnnn. oxnlnined that thin `maul In at lent va coin _ think Fwonld Innko .au-:h : u-lmguhuman bdngz." ` mm at an hithlnuunn dilllcnlt Indoor! tb rullu um `Illa ; Vjoll lily! 'qoI_ undo the, pun. The . an totdhmond mods). Thus 9 Out: u'\vperonlvw"unateux -I, and ` hlt ieloeonn -nnnt be made from d , "j`_ -" ' I :- W. 1`. Stewart of Ioronho. ton-manly ` `r at Elmyale, bufpurchuod the ganeml ' state business of Menus. Caster uni . unne mm. us a man who lived la n small world, neodingly hedged 12:. Mr. Buddy lled tlza vncancy of J. B. Mclienrlry ln '3 tting may by his singing And oonganlnlity as n personll worker. Botlmhnve the ntoipd wishes at our neighborhood. We win): for the evlngallat n auccealfnl cum- pnlgn at Amen Mllls.Ig-Co'm. ', of ground. which qnrrounnjs his I _ home. `than tuuonl took pllco from 4 U. G. Bmltlfa morgnaon Friday um. I _ noon tn the Union Cemetery. Rev. 1 Cemetery. ' W. 3. Honey, ofcinted. ' : Since the Advent of loan! option, the , Pnlnur Hanna. Onllln. Ills been 1 Ion- .v_r . algt-ulna-gut .. ..-..-..a ...n...... -_ ' : ing proposltlonjnd tho. proprietor In ` closing tho hotel. ' I _ (Mm. rfmmnn |...'.......a-a..: .5-.. 1 connnblu to ald-In` onlorcilm local ` (nation. they to be paid only by Ina. DIR. Envoy nhd McI,e|n,' dentists. of Ozllllu. have dissolved putnmmp. .__._.____ - gospel who am not below. The]! ' mulmly vuy he handled. on may 1 1 8131. the great nqhjects of Heavazrand ' Hall showed that he think: clearly and pray: en-neatly. '_rhe cloning meeting 4 I 1 meeting I last Friday will bu long remambuad. . Hm pure xnterdenomlnntlonal spirit in ~ 5 1 lengn to ail. , Frequently he would` - say, "Our bdinbu as evlngllsta "ii to . Jead men to Oh:-Lat." ltla thibnalneu E hat (on; weeks. has closd. Rev. A. a A. Kelley is tluly n _ptoncher of tho pure` gospel nndn true ganeleman. Mlny Ito rejoicing in the hope or the The L'l'|1nBl' av; unelnnrne. Mouton! hql av popnlntlonbt 2.649. ` closing Ina nowl. ' _O1-ll: Council hu3:_ppointed three conttnblu '. . vvvl nu uuuu ml 1 heTiin?t_!cal an vibrk In spring. givlmz sag cations and answering , questions. ` ollowlngnregome ahtho 1 points brought out:. , .. A I . ( , Emit shrubs, not (06 deeply. in hole f twice size at mot- and tramp sum: 1 lrmly lgnvlnq loose layer on tgp. Don't 1 an! ` mun... n ..-.. _._.. 0: raga: yum there bu been I deploxnbla tendency among (ha young to main less of home, Ind to ovafcoma thlnjhs home: must be iuldn brlhcef Ind more attractive. A good step` in thin dlruction had been taken by the Hanicnllunl Soclnty In the distribu- tion of sped: to_he chllzlnn, On :- lurgsr scnle this had been canted out In Guelph ochoola. , It had boon nkan hp enthnniutlcnlly by the children. and their "exhibit o_ owau, {rule and vegetable: It the fall hit was no- `"*"~~=~*-Mac ! cmzen do hi: beat and enconragia othara. and the results will be sur- prising. bratty at no little oxpebge as the "town at Bariie," aaidl:h'a1Sakar in 9011- ' eluding this part atnnnaar . Rnrlm. I- n... "Np place could be made as - Mr. Hunt spake laioyr an houxon I 1 the practical garden mark auglgeatlo _anuw_arl_:_zg . .u...n..... ~--- 7 rmly lqavlni to . put mnnura c one no roots. at even _homa uz_u!_ yxpqnplant enrlv , Inch walk the good results are In- ` teaching apd bring inenlmnbl benc- nu to the communltvf ' Plants nnd Hanan nu. -mo 1...: L.` nu to we commumxv. ' ; Plants Ind owers no not bud hi - glow. Hunt slmplylo that you can ` hue hnmadhto success. and 'wh`an 1 once talrly atutatl you will not_ ha anally stopped. In the Ichooli compet- , man It In very important to hug the ,, active co-irpeutlon at the coachun. I During his atsv In em... M. n.... ma non well over it, and be made some suggestions regarding what in saw. He thinks namaer spiucevtreel on lawn: or cedar Iiedgop are dealrable; the new unless 'caretullv tami- I (erred wtho work balm: -iono In " Hamilton. Gale and other places. From 1 ` Inch walk I `Boeing. HI: lub:kos.wu "swing -'1'opla tar .hu]'lowaz Gudn.". but in MI inlyoductlun be dealt with chic lmyrovonnat In -I nty lnlatutlng xiunncr. Muyor Bennett. who in union Bums : maul enlhidnuie us! anceagfnl doth.-ulwrlncu, wu Clank- gun at Iho_ nesting. ` '1 In opening. Hr. Enixc bl: > plouure It nding inch`: pmgrenho `uociecy--ano warty: ofguch I banal!-, p In] town. All onrvontlrio Iho In: 1 l,,,...---..vuvvvvvvvwvvvvvv n..'4.....'u, aoomim nu lllrl on Thuudny. night whan_ mp. Hunt. fn_ogu.-ulmm, `at no Auicnunl orlcnltnrlll, `Aancnnuni cpmga. Addressed nu Earllcnltuhl ,aocmy. nb:lu:t_wu --sum. fr uwvq; l1l.'lJ.V.l.\, uprggn 4 '0 al am receivaf a'nd'inresi alloyed u an-rua - _iuJpp'd{oumesayur.,Ag:o&nu'mayboopand 9" h d two of morepersons, withdnwall lo bu ` any one af1h_e npmbe; or byithc survivor. 111 -'__;._ ._*.._ _ -_ _, ncuve co-opeutlon During any In town. Mr. Hunt Ind bcen well it. ha mad: I. mum-nu quuuw. Gladlnll are union? the best Imlbl: 5 euily grown and we] mud to our son. I Plant third or fourth week in May. In r a many plus with tan tour Inches ` towna. uhon use M a stomach ( tablets. Nothing else launafe. yet etfacvar nothing else can be so chm-onnhffy relied-.dpon -to rraliave all ' trouble: mm lndlgaltlonna MI-o-nu. So reliable is J-o-an that D. E. Macbuen filth avory Meme box he - sells, gives a -nunuutoe-an rtund `the 1 money unless tha remedy cures. ` _ ,Jnne_1m m27h win be me am: 5 I for the Ningarn camp thiayenr. Orders _ to, this eecls came fxjom Ottawa on I mthis fxjom Thursday _un aetuedvthe pecnlntlan an to whethehthe cnvulry or rural coxps ar going to the Quebec Teresa- I tunnry. ' Evidently they are not. `. The list or darn`: nu-damn In Nn....... |- Itlirigld 13?} wood: l:!tVlf.:'WlI:;`l:I:0l- a mu enppurs, s an en a lad at'&gjlga_nvlnc_erals. Ilnaq cut - I u_._ n .;, out In diver Ind more 1: Em to load. The splhiwlll keep In the home for a couple of weeks with even better Iesulgg th_a__n o_n_ thp glugt. _ In Oqwber rum muons lmong cucumber! and | the beetle: will any any. Mn 15 keep cucnmbottmoht ind apdn la - K. beneath lpliua. A Ilrohmann lbs hm Ivnllna Plant third wlaht lour_ ` beneath minus. I! 9y grow-wall, ` aking will be nouuury. Plant In row:-ox in granv-. `G to 8 inches apart. when -the] cam ' up koop___gro1_1nd -u..-: __ I lug you wlll be big anonuh In awuln bulb. Dhctrd the bulb: of loom and keep only the beat. ' _ I Inferloi 'El6o7n`n`nd_i up onlyvtim '. These directions ragnrdluagl gludlo . ` would Ipblv to dnhlinu. V A hoaltymma of thank: mm-. Hun: Cart9.*., s = j'Litt19.L1y;erriI1s. ; `Dad luv of ans. Robinson. probably `the oldest < man in Nottawua . died an Wednar day. May 6. . Wi bhn partner. who_now survives-Mm. e hvoa qn the_-i_th_line. no_r_ug 9! tbs Suyner _,,, __, -. ...... all-n wu y-uuvr. on the -in: line. north or road.` He was maid to be 100 yuan of age. - - ; Canadian Hair Restorer jj . Y TlA.N5H' - . Rl'llIllIIUII' I `I NEIL G. BEGQS, ARCHITECT AND 7 ~ . r-nrn uvisnnunnn ( ! I vsvua `w.\uu.u1m'n. I I 0tco-10 bump St. In Boun_ko Block _ f ` Tdwn nupecm of Plumbing , ; --~---~~-+-;} ` APPBAIEEE vu.u'A*ron. mo. inn Farm Slack Jule: a Spcelally. ~ Tum: Euaonnbln. MIDHUBS1` , `P. O. i r__ . ......... .v.-. -5114 BPEIAIKI-EILIALHMIAID TIIOLI : 01 all are-umgo-coma`-'t3namam2: Fo5.`:";-f`?o': .`.`?.9.`.!`. 7.`i"""""3 """f' ` Anxprzm. ' 1. an ' V ' .?:..::%..~..m- `..".. `m .2.-..'-r--~ ""' ` ._,!'7.hnmunw-an-wanna "f"" -3v. yilnlfuqhvl nmiintw` ' ' m-V; II. l.B|-old R PHYSICIAN. EUHDIKUN. ITO. BPEIAIIII-EII. Ill. HMIAIII T somn unto btlmn 0'" PHYOIANh cuAm ram- :..:.`?..:'_.;1r1'*~ , III. A. `I . LITTLE um _a! am-,cun, om. . h . .."'n&'.u.`:`."""" ?" "" "7.' P hann !Il, ` " ht nun: mndi1.-Whan u por- /Qllllvp obtained |11ver_ mdnla they may mnou tor I gold on. Ind alter D an Robinson. 5 :_a_n g1_:V1f{og_tawg_ag;a._ _dlod c_n Dr. J. `A. ofsnno Phyflcin. Barium. cc. :9: la: (`Janet M mm... .__-..._..__.__.___. on. A.` 1'. ' I uu.awmx,cun.ons. In-auyaqz-an .'1"E`-Qaldqulhkii _+__ W. `W. BOYCE. XENBED AUo'rmm:: EVEUBGEO g&c.g I:BN'll[ I Penning haml`d--A couple 6! ihys land A. 3.` Thompson : driving hone _onc for n. Iphl my sntnzday owning a in some wny `lacrle run uny. II n: the result than jha, hone brown on at lbiens u;d.hI to ad. The hono nu : nlnnbla animal Ind was -' vary hIghly`pr1zed4 by In ;nV_v`ngx-. . ``Wu3.'-' . ' - ' . ' . 3 rolooutlonnry put of the pro- 1 _ Inn In|trnmen- ..}t ,n'uIl _vq-1.! duetggnd solos contri- iasnooa As; mu~n.~ McKee. um G. 1 " ham. w. w. conv. ' Ni Uunhordud mm:I:, Fu Hluncn" Twlglnoibymd? ` (5) A homntndlrln an MA nbave funding "to Ref! romance antic: In leeoldsnefwlt the .'.'.'.'.%':...., "`:.'.':.'..==*-.....,'= ...` ... ..'m acmm qlaucn umndun. ' ' . . . Samantha nation In Illl must buzivn tn the commissioner of hands It on. r an uuntcnunn tn nppu (or paint. .., Ann mmawuprualulng non Innu vnaluiy u dcnnd u not munlnx than ` ulna in name: In axclulnonnowldlh ofmnd nllnvnncenc In the mnuumnaut. .9. `=2.-.11.-*-!4.i=s_1n_=5-.1!!!-o:.'to..J>earorn:_ 1 "Single Fare for ' Victoria _Day.7. Betwcan all stations In Cumin. ulna ' to Detroit and Port Huron. Mich" Buulo, Black Rock In& Snapomlon _ B:id5e.,N.Y. Good Aolnk Mu 23rd. 24th 2511:. nu: . tuorvaa. unmo- .:...:'..'.'x"y'."."yp?-.a'i.`wno u u..?.`x'.'n".1au. mall our 13 van nngndntha o!ona.qmnu- Iowan or 180 n:tu.n`:o1-I "x:. or . . A lladonfr tbenudolnnexlon bylnppuesng cc": mmnlan l4ndaAgu;c orsnb-uunzlarthadhtmztlnwhlahtha N Ilia um: AHMMI I13 n iname` Ind cnslllvmm emu lggnunh nut. to! mggggum ` (1) `Ahumastudermxy, ll ha aoaeIlns.per- I u unulruldnn d an vi lnglnghn awuuuolalyce u 5s`a'.n"5' _ ........ -.... .. ..... ............, ' ughqxguzncgum uxnmz.xnb'm':mv'uun1:y a! nu Mn! n.-mum In I....: ..m ..... ' pm: I for `. . . Hz: a ._ -____ _-- I ' fdrmnbon, .25 . `' until: I!...._.I ~.._Kn. 4!. {tom Colngagood. 1.17pm.` ' `:11 54. dayofnclndlnn Sunflny. Vin North Bay, Mny 28th., vi: , Sn-nia and Kqnhem Nnvigntion Company, steamer leavesisairnia 3.30 ' p.m., May, 21th. Full informntiun frnm mm nnmd UL, lyy Zlln. inhrmation from any Grand ' "Trunk Ticket Agent. A. MncNABB. ham: Ant. Igniuuoof wnlmulul vein. and` halal at plnylul human Comma!- blc dlnwolncnnnt In felt by V the : dimes when the nnuouncemout Ins undo lnlofd the curtain rose an Minn Ho. 51. for 14 1.111., No. 38. la: Pox No. 61,_ now '1 Na. '6], (or Not Na. 63.lcr.Nar No. 3'7. for Pan No. 61.141: Has No. 85. 101021] 3 .. E` ,-..b.;.a ,..- .... E-.......uu Et:LI:E::q!lgv.I,Seo;g L.:.:hr.7u?.1`_."fo$.no.." to mainland :13?-?:?vo (u"cSan":3?"fuc231n'. re cum.) Ibo Hnduf. fall in mi world. And gnu no the placed to ltop at whnrI_ you my %l??`"-.Tl`.`!".`S. E37" 1 P ` hm-a|a--A :'h$ I hompon :o5`|!;l:ing J ....o 1... .. ._n. u_.. g_.__.,,, BIB U IKUIK KHII-"H, 1t'`'% V 0Aw""*"`"'""*"" I-v--I Bontllotnd - U -"!"" ." 5 5: ;`%,a : "..s..J.`.t`2.`.'.".` `J. W. sco1;r. ...;.n. o.V4,_!orH:nmaa.1.5n.n. ~ --~ ':'.'f'.9'$ , ._: -._' RAH" Dlllllli Illllz , .....}.' E7|?t'il'En"r'uunIramm' 't.""""' "'- "'" M" W (8) gfllahgztr (or iI'l0Ch`1.`"ulIAlhl"ll$ CC 0 I Wfdl I dunno upon In-min;-land urns!` nolelyy_y:_. ....m._n.... .n-m- mm ....... .. ...._ mm. , . Ponoung. 10.85 nu. ` Tomato, 10.40 1.11:. 2 North Bay, 11.00 lam. 63.lcr.Narb Bay; (dnv). 4.00. Puncung, 7.50 mm. Hadmd. 8.00 p.m. ` {or 0211111. 8.05 pm. No. 43.102 Oolllngwood. 3.88. No.17, Cobalt. Special. 11.10 p.m. ` Dr, V, II, lmmun` met Agent. ` M:cNABB, bepac Agt.` UUYKH uollll V ` . Nurth Bow gully). I flu nohctlonn wan` varied but :11 E inc in keeping with the main nbjact at tho nivlety. cm}: man] could be drawn h-hnreach. Thom who took` part wero:-- Mrs. John Appleby.Iln. A, B. Enxhnomlsu IaD6hImt.`A.' B.,,Bu3hson.Burle. Ind vi . - dam: and mu Orrock 0! ma- ullt. - . *

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