Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1865, p. 4

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NJ (New 13 K: E l TO:4.'<.()Ii()I`{'l' IU. I (ma .107 108 Ill I `J ~24 15.. 'I`l\' lfmrl Ohm`; (I-C-C. -mxf3 4 19.. .. TINY. H11 `s`In'm I7. . Walt"! [HuHYIIgu`I man I] ., Wm-l (hm loan mm 1 I A I I I-Ih'l'l(A. Iv . . Flank. [Edna Iilwrkl i A 5 W ` ,, Em, (Vn ol1"<"`I I I I , L Pu! ||'Mhm`:- mm ` Nut! |l\..;~ 1 1 (`V `n 100 `I00 ilxaxyg .. 40 '! zuu 31 an 30 20 59 ` 70 `38 23 258-108 35 280 119 62 200 `ms 21 200 M 100 'u .31 3!) _ 130 100 100 an . Ht-urn Hlmxk J uu ` I00 118 200 nu I00 200 100 100 200 200 AF: 97 G4 .11 :4: 58 43 33 S2 12 95 19 04 5 06 9| '7`) N w {)1 B pt V hf W p! N hf S M yd Z1 4: 20 16 34 1-1 14 819 17 ()0 39 35` '4" `I : 52 09 M? 64- 40 64 9 84 w '0} 40 80 37 02 37 H`) 36 42 (`:3 43 on -`.1: N C 9.1 W hf` Wpt Ehf 24 pt W M23 VII H 18 {H15 1! is `C l"k . . . . . . . . ` Vapra street, North { J no. Roan Block.'] 2 1-5 . . . . . . .- 1,: _l3 TGWN me` BARRIE-=_-Contlnucd. 1 Lot. Acrem ," 4 , Lt, Mary street, East, [E9gar'a Blook.] ' ` 45 `. 1-5 " - 3 Marys street, [Block no'give_u.] j 1 1-5 14 . t,gn.m amsw 7,? ma. Water I. l'lr'\ .Pencang\1isl:en`c street. South. Roads. Perches. VllAlJll\.Xl'J UL` \llIAuAJAm Borlund street, South. . 11 to 15 2% " . . . . . . .. Borlnnd street, North. 11 tom 2, M013 6_, Cedar street, South.`_ lltolb 2%`, Coltlwnler Rom], South. 19 8.: 20` 1 ' . . . . . . .. (`.n||mnrnn nlI'n[\I, .\`nnHI. VILLAGE 6?` 1N{"1ic1{1}{n.x. ....L I:'....I I1._..:...LA,.. 1 z / i w . , 2 2 2& .... Parry street, [Boys' Block.) A nrnn TOWN OFVCOLLINGWOOD. Albert street West nn 1115 Q0 ........ VILLAGE OF ORTEETX. ` ...__-A r1-..AI. & 3 W qr l"l . . . . . . . . '1 5 r Lot, Dunlop street [no block] 5 3.10 ..... : 27 L} - . .. . 01'chm`(l street. 8 3; 9 1-2 . . .. . Vi:-fnrin ntrmt. U 6.: `Au ` 1 . . Colbournc am-.01, South. 1 M . . . . . . 1": .....-a Nelop M1-o`et`,~ West: 1,1 ' ,1-5 _` Nels_on atnfee, . I-4 1 1-4 . . . . . . . . Creighton street, \Vc-st. `1 1-4 . . . . . . . . Lung u us. ;n u u...... Creighton Hvrcct, East. 1 1-4 `N 100 ms HI! I1 ! 305 this In: Ilu HI IN IN xu s'".;{:;* 1; : " M !In Us uuu 5th Concession. 91 H I! Huwutnrln In I -\ lhuuntnrln ulwvt, .. .-2.: an-.uu, L- Acme. 1.4 ll5iuTri isliccl,` Exist`. ` . Beech street, liunt. 1 A nu . . . . .. Beech street, West. 1 A 9 1-2 .. . Victoria street. LA Charles strec.t`.' 1 .4 Iliu Hh'(`.h utrb, I-Iuut ` 1 1-: ixch Mrovl, \\'ul. 155 35 no at ll 01 1131 ' ll"3l 11 31 26 .45` M 26- 45` mu .5.) 99 01 IL] . _l 33. 2 62 ~ 7 (36 4 21) 12 23 24 01` 24 0} 986 986 n 1.1 11 61 10 OR In M I`. (`.0 I U! I (>1 I (II I an ' 'i"b* `OF COLLINGWOOD-Continued. ' `Lot. Acms. .\ $ C! J. (:7 ` 1 , _ , _ 3 4} Sbf_ l|I' til I4! on ~ 100 `I01 U`l I-3 \ . . . . . . . . - vI u1n1omton street, West. no If. Nlngnra street, \Vcat. 1-5 . . . . . . . . (Wt! W,dii`I`.cOE rvmwuu - .. ~. ; ` o 9. mm '0, T ~aI:'dt2&WFOURT,EENTH {y " ' u`T339 andlght. Hundratl, ` :fFie;. tad, e dii`ec'u}d-a.ud dc- . 1-"~1lx'e:~C`l 3j>u pr_..,.~._nea_* :_.g of 3 I I Ontario street, South. 16-100th . . . . . . . ` '. ._16~100th ..... ._ Lil _ , . Ontario street, North. P 14~100th `. -` l_A $0 l`II St. Thmnus street. South. 1 I (4 1-1 . . . . . . .. Robinson street, West. I I A In H14 H9 130 HI I 123 IN Hr. U l`u . . . . . .. St. Mnrie street, East. I r, I D |'u . . . . . . .. St. Mario ntrot-.1, West. 1 I r: Ill "3 H0 nu L 1-:> . . . . . ... Rodney streot, North. I I-5 . . . . . . . mu 1!} I!!! In 134 PU`. If hr 72 D 1-3 .. Oak street, West. 1-4- .... . . 1-I; .... .. - Oak street, East. ' 144 . . . . Raglan atrecty, West. 7 Raglan street, East. 1 A I{o(lnn-)4 street, ` l-5 ru ..... Pine street, West. 1.1 17x ..... Peel street. East. 1 I! 1-1) . 16-X00111 ` 1!. 16 70 13 734 13 34 52 `TR :1 w "1162 1162 14 86 14 97 .279 3 -16 lb 15 702 on 21 Ml M 40 8 0! -x ~11 3 -I2 '1 J`! S11! ____..__..._____.____._._...____. `TQWN on COLLIN_GWO0D--< ` Lot ' ~ Am 'V;lpronto street, North.` `1 ~ . . . . .` Part M \V I 1'11rL '1 1 1 z. N` W pl 48 50 Non]: ofMo1mtnin Road, `K '-{H 'W".u7 - ~~~ ".1 v ------ ~r Sheri'a Omce, Ban-Xe, Q ` AuguaL`23, 1865.3` ` . [I*'irsl,pl1Mis11cd, Thursday Allgust 24, 1865.] ' . ~ ` ` i COUNTY or h`1.\u:m-:, S.-\ l`[.'Rl).\.Y, the '1'n'wx'r: ` .'i0lh day of Dccvm- ber, :\.I)., 1865. will In-. mid lay l"l`m,n_: Airc- TIU.\', at tho Sl1m"lI1's Ollice. in the Courl. Ilmuat-, in the Town ()f]5m'l'iL` at twcrlvc u`clnck noon, the ur:(1m'1nt-ntiom-1 Lzuuls and 'l'e11'31\u:11ts, under an Alias Writ of 1"i(:7'i I< a('ir.z.s', in the fol- L. :..,.. u.m- ` | 'l'lU.\, in mm \IEdm'1nt' Ali: lowing suit: 1.. in 3&2?" lowing min; In {he Court Qf (j'onm1on Pleas. 1`homa9 Graig, - - . . H vs. ltohcrt Culnpbell. ~ - - I)-foxxdzlnt, 'l`lu.'. l)el'un intL`1'C:4t in 1,111-Smxllx half at hot sum`-ntcuxl in the elevc-nlh c0xIc4:ssi0n Inniulil, containing unn hlmdrutl z\(`ros. 13. W. n`.\H l'll. Rl1(~.rHT. C :u'1'i<`, ` >. ` Shori"2~: Office, B $],O.z.O.Q.0:l W?" Hf` Ih: WY. 0}: the HAVE IN STOCIVC and are RECEIVING WEEKLY` FROM THE VARIOUS CENTRES OF PRODUCTION. THE`. Gf NOB.THERN,'1`RADE,1 I IC.\ U\\'l`{H 'I1I\'l' 1 THEN AV}' LE MEANS AND FAiL iTi5 lv;.\\I:|l`.`1II!~ \l 1 W"To Serve their Friends second to none in their United Provinces. " Fancy and S'%tWaAa"[A1`A|Wry Goods,l` I . V I 4-\3mxr;ia}J & :!;ii)`3LL$11J;\%J _._.. .---cu-nu-U I" `IfI I'I Dllull I I:1>W7\1`{i+: mm;_ ._... I-I-....I.... `IX -nvua.n}s:\I \a ~' - \ x ` s 1 I I 9 5) '3 5 'n /; 1 4\'],n/' N1 /1`I:'l',/' /L5. W/. 337' SIGN (M: W: CIRCULAR SAW. v--fg .. * *'7'"" HI Ihwriu. July I ` uw-mason Shrif f s S`a|e`of Lands. 510,000 '~'0=>;`.::m%::<?" l .\'|"I`l`}lx'>'U.\'. H;\l. Rl>`().'\' & .*'(,'.\`. \'I.()`.\'- I lI':|4l1'u1'd. OH. 5. INKS. ~ .`L'i " mg. :_ H \UMl,H~. In iumwe P`11rniShi*8S of Lug H-xhn H+u;{n.,V . , .-I -, 7 158 159 um 10: 168 169 170 171 '17? 173 I74 - l1'.I.~Hm\\'uI|II:\l) :x t'l'iZll, fmlll whirh he is lino on Hn-1~.1mrl-.- A \`\ til` ( \ Huh. !"`Phhw-I, Flzwl. Rhln ;"' `g`"`MN .IvHu.Ln.; mmit. half Paim tuna! Iaxnpf M?W"' Md! -tall L 31!; Fhhnl. R4*i`P*- ' `" WV J\Ml~s* w In: IA>:.w; vamsmlna. V-M mswaun, um. and mm: mulmzv "* -I` (irtieurlgrss ` 5` A ...1 1... 0... .....u.u.iom "u:,hiau1!I ll)U 161 11:9, 1a;afJ V (H. \\`o`|llI|;zlu|| Mlwt, 'l'umuto. .\~;\' um \"l'l'l'Y m-' 'l ()'l`A'll I3/\lll{lCI,>`, sum. Jane is, IBM l\ILAuuA Ju1n1n\;nu I` In-.u( ([llill_\'. all. [In- M uuv lullur cuch. lulu Ill IRII". 1 1-1 . . . . , .`. . . W. Corner, 7th Concussion. 1 an W M % ui'111;T/~.'T/. mm: /`I/4. 1-O` ........ Victorln Street, West. "1-5 Wx\1nu1.St1'eet, East `I I vvu V`/...._. ,.____, 100 . . . . . 11th Concussion. in 7 9th Conbession.` 1 An |IU\`I'HI ])i\lI'HIIlLLf(' lll} lam him for tho pr (`Illll`y'r\liHhl'r1\\'IH'l'1 B. w. SMITII/, Sheri, Uaun!g/ Simcoe. n......1,. `A lIH'. u hum] :x1:\r I. In. 1...: L.l!`(i!(.`.!.`l"l!,.`I!. --`L Tu... Alas` in fun! t\ft*r_tH\h` `gym! 1:}! um ........._..ud I - l'() \\`|ll('|l 'l`|H`l\' l.\\'l'I`I`I T111`) .\'l"l'l`I,\"l`l(l , Puma. l.uc/ks MM] Put ms Birmingham and Sheffield .l\I\lI'l'\|` |"l`l\l\1 .I.v\\'.WI|:~%'I`IYVi%"`~ .vLA(VlI\ , 12th C0l\C(!-lSi[)I1. an 60D-4~C0ntinued- Aroplv . $' 0. 1 up , ,,u_ 1`, ,KIm`1{ 0| >~1'1\. : smpply 1uIylhin_v_: irt-. . I,.\ IN E I". .'\S>`()ll'l'M l'lN'l'>' 0|" Mk! um L-u.~..,.. V1935!!!` \\`zm;3_._ "*'*|WiL l`|qnma, I. Sl1e1'iiT, C.S. 24"? V I 14 94 M 5:3 3 39 i889` 3 39` `IL! -M :5 on 39 221 _ My-I NM-M: {mu p-u-nu,` yikuuuv` m. W A um. V'nv:;i.u\ Ihvthhvi` at: 3: Hulnrjy he at variety !, (kill (`unit hpngqgrgs` , Ag vmbkul gamut! must he am tr. mat, _.._.._._ ' Il} 1'.~.: 1),`; H \NU. mum NV um` l""`" gnwnnn GRAVE? 3 FametflTV`;.Steel|"):1|V u|w(;`t]` }lT'i5}ih; V and Cnstimza constz\nt1v@nt on hnnz` ` QIJEH%`fiiNITIW`IHIIIISEI ,..-.- -w-u-------- u-nu--u-www- ' () W olllrr for sale one of tliu lnmtrst and hm-at D, sble(;ll:(1St(:clm in the Culgltry. 'l`ln>y will al\\'ny9l on lmnd {1l`llCl(`,S of rlh heal and newest (IL-sjgn, \\'lllCll will he sold at the I (nun gm I1It1II I`I'.`Q nun "n1 on u 'i5il9 i};i: Kh"i'i}iEE,ii: 2 I ` MI .\...I....., ........r..11 r\HnnnI1 on ' l1UW`l`u3l 1' luv nun I` un. anon :1 A11 orders (:a1`efgx1ly attended to. '_ N.B.---1<`unemls fm'ni.~=hevl on the slxbrtest no- tice and M rcz\s(mnhle rates. Bemmnbcr : oppn.s'1'!e Farrng/:c7"s Hotel Dunlap Street. Barrie. ' 1-tf. m noImIAL;& SON,; \ Bai'ri`e.1\In.y 2".1864 JU .~av,...v.,-., xrx/s/xrg > nn`o.frIcE T9 _I-fA[m,'Ea`s. 1 lu'.I~' IIIIUU ULUUIAI |\-`U5 `\.l I UIIILO and Castings constantly t on hand! ' ` ' , > JOHN_Fx RAGHER.` Bahia. May 2". 1864. . 10-td inuutmturem. .,-. vvvv .\.,,\,.vv\.v. _, AA IIz).ving completed mm ` 12/51 1 I. 7' IIIM `I . HE xldcrsigd Ms con- V V stuntly on lmml upgood "?1ssontmcnt Butmrc-ldfa fur- ll'\I n n-~I\ I'- vxang 5 DI L::Nhf uunml In an! M-1 ulugk will} szumslh-a HI` nlpticw and g ( ..c l... mu 1 F / { I ,/ I ...moF INTenNAT\0 //7 /` . odticirin. Book keeping. 1'enmumm1p, \ mn- Ixwfcii lg;gAI`itlnn1a\ic, Commercial Law. Tele- p,`l`{\fb' , Englix-:11 (irnnnnur. Analysis, &c., um Laugh. 1 the most l`1'acticul Mzmntr. _ Actr `3 Busivuwz is here introduced by the use of Bar mld other OWCPR 5` in Bl1t<'il1(`. .S'm..m;iun. . 1_ T_`T".-W. . lull IIIIU IIIIIII ` 1-mun: TIIIC (`mun 1 BARRIE. j . ` ' ("-TFULI,a\' lxlxlwlnlncws } _ , 1; ho. in L\ all litm-rt prr ' 4 nl'bI1il ms. nut! that P A` Pa in mama! 1-.rFjBi-` ind`? _e diroctm and ne- . rtlin;-C Kitten pt`.;A`rn:a i-5? of $3: , -- dx_1e..upgtwthe qndempn ed L S,`iI1j`tlge WCouuty', Ihp'lIj;7[.""" ~ ` 4 74- __.-....'..__-.-n-1.. 31' ?ll"l`yI3l-'-I 1 " ' "` ' "'-_ lulvuly i.v.r_, dod ,e5'6f`th o es1eyn.u`Book Room. ` m. `- 5 1: c s ` at u 1' - : buerg:E'I,1$x.:3n? :"3x:NaruAme'xn;-. ~ mm: mgulh .0 s3n1y*nrepn_r9d`!r th- vg1!H,Hl me has; ;LVEi 4 *4 en. .3! .r .`or` {the count ng-houaeogndgalrygp epu . , _u:-ma ormittmcthm mnbracugrmermnttlo Book- snanicf .BookaloI>mg: lvneyrlimcerl `B00113; eeml business. I um ` thin rg AH -of- `nru mm-m-cm In the Hal:-nmrnr` Ammu- II `III ' 'IWUWUl`Ur lHIIu.. ,, 7 _ AY~,' ,Inet?cto1: in the Science: 9: }I,cc0\1nt|,. (ions, nnd .7mmeu;idlyC9x~rapon n aommrmnugjneqemtgsgomu. ,* - STI LIYAN, fhrterg `lcturespn Com- N. 3.. '!'0Y (;Hef`]0 1401` -i M tr` 1. :1`. (}onpn_ny :y01::o, ,'1'MOT;l on L" V. . -4. ;"_ . ` .x;.'rnoMs N;Im'at *1 in P1) 1. . ` in `nnREJ%.::mu` "ocmfIr:'pry1 ' as man re 1- I 9 `o o J}. arut` en Murray: .e1' & Brother; emge Hiob1m'Cn.,. ' -Eaq.,]3m_nar Uni\'ens1t.y- ah:-,. Ea ., 1- w. mob, Esq. at ho uni ~56 Fm ; qoiu-, E93,, q.c., M.A., I:.1m.; w. Smith, -rmey, D `,.L'.,"l`m-m1to;;}lon. Isnwc Bnchnnnn, .Juson. Esau Adam Brovvm AElq., llnmll- 0,. In9n1ctor_ in I " difntt. 'nn-my (,`o..;A: R. .JkcMuater,DI1`;:n:m ' . 1!!r'*! panama n-`mm-1 ~` icandr Graham, E ustitsnmn .!1!{!3i.IE'J, ii. I uunr, 3358., \t.\.., ;u...., -........ .4. u . . nu... . 3-riater, L'.,"l`m-nuto;;I`loh. Ia nwri Bnchnnnn: Trent, Ea .,. EIR. Juon, EHq., Brovvvx, AElq., em: all`, .Enq., Montreal; V -at; Rev. Dr.'Gre(!n,\Vcll`m;.'Ion Square, Clm r- _ mmty Board of Public. Int-tnlcnn, -11 Iron. gnerms, address ((`_(5l0Fh'l[? letter am I .) JAMES E. DAY. JAML:s r..`uAr, * _ Practical Accountant. 'I`oronto,. Formerly of London, England. y-All parties holding 'Ad\'crt1sln0 Scrip, alpzned hhtcrnigned bv Jame! E. Day, are hereby In1m-m- rt Qnme will baredcemcd by the undersigned.` ll Students holding Sclmhtrahips, signed and vlmvtlxeir course ofstudis with 1'. Day, hm, Strnnon an Co.. or Bryant .`ft1'utton &: Dny, . %gncd1nth'e sumo mnmmr, nnd'\v1`el11nto com-_ V ed tluit they can `do an at my tlmp free of- glisttlnllsllecl 1n (ttmm-cuon wuu V NT, STRATTON . &, G0 S .xv:-m1\:.\'rmx,\x.CXIAIN OF . AALLUJ. - -.. vnvvc. uvr cc , 1`El) in 23 of the Chief Cities of the us and C:\uml9.. the tn:umge1ncnt of Mr- W. COOK V. SMITH. liesixlont Principles. larslu p ismu- fromriimse Coiicgos is _ an uniilnitml time in any of tho ` oftixc Chuin.--.\m1 entities the holder ` \'n11l-ago 0t'im\trnciioI)is, and inliucnco . ing lm'rnii\`c Hilxfiiuns Mail kinds. 4-sig/11. of time. instutionu in to impart to on nnd I.:uiio.u. a thorough lmsinves ' 1. Book Keeping. i muimnsinip, (`mn- Ii.A|~H||nu-lit`. (',mmner(`ini 3 I"./\T nL'..uu uuII..uIuu.u, Yongo Shunt, two doors South of the gunk nf Upp('\' Cmmda. Toronto. Eastnblisllocl in connection with no. not-I-\'I\ A run-In-rr D nrnh ,\ g_rn'4`lp7L Imlihde under tlw xnnmngcnwnt icnl sound 0pI.`1`1|1()l`, is c()x)11vclv(l with 0,171`. ego. (fi\'(.`l` :1 card of Cnm)m\ndn1.i0n for our (ivks at the l rn\'incinl Exhibitinn uh I} and 1~`i1'Rt 1`1'i7,(.-H for 1`:-Iulmmdxip ut ihru-Inl and Ynrk (Tuuntv EXl1illiti()D ~v * or Cnlloge in Toronto has ngy (.`{|k'.q . ith thia Chain. ~ ` rthcr infnnmltiun ploxxna call at tho 1` mml for College Monthly, encl-wing I. gnuu 011101` (HIICPH am; In uuauu-.~n Lurlmrn. `p:Lu1;,1f;1z_7_::g_7_;_.~_;I;i . > t_:\11gl)t_,_l3v A. W. 5 W. 1 . Sl IC{\'CIf F Ixn " 3 R3.) EXPRESS BUILDWG, e4.....u 4...,` `.1nn.u Qmulh nf Hm 3"'&.`i=`3.:2` P E .dmtnua1.`~ cnLLEt:E,% EW% . 333111}, a ; ::.'.r :1-`u-.*.. xxr...I.{...u'[`nnn1.- `Dunn: no-\nn|:., CTFU L La\' uunuu 1m-rs U prrpu ` r bull hv _.`.. nan:-. u-run um... vul . . .. _,,__. . . . , . V .`-o e - ` B fg;3!Engl!au ,1 .1`: ,, man u ngzh" H :4 RN45? W I1EvRip?1 3wgrq!yyaud , \JI\\lII IIIIIJ uuouvvv n`. wry vshurt notice, mul tounouulrlu 'l`1-run-1. km-pa on lnmd. um! 1mInlIIm`llIl'`.`9 of all Mmlx, mu! lnrnI.~hm< H Um Yin l14*(`1`m*I\l`V for l"\umrnlH. imtlmfmg W t lImrm~, Whit?!) can luv hxul on wry .|-nun ','}"';\' i1i"}\`r'4i>"`iibl vs-rv hurt nu-ticv. `| (.u.\.\ | urmu. \,u.u.x Ur uercial Colleges, I) :n 0'! nl` Hm (`.lnf' Cifinn nf Ih -rum. Rpril ll. IHG5. Qrding in Operation- 1.&'(1l(lI!Hli hm mm randy On (`M-d rmmwm um! othorn requiring Ma vim; than numt hupmwd umchinvry rlslnun. Hm mm lap:-nd nn having their 0 |hM1'~4-nU|`(` nntlufurlhyu. 5'1.` lam. Jn1 Ai1"A'15i5:;ifiis;ii'r'I'i:R. |"`.7 8. _,AA `AV ling Facltory! \'.7 V \f'7 W VI V?! `U vim: (`lath to low FIIHNI mm Imvu wrhzhnll haw I Suiting Mill in In mumn. janwu N (":11 HIAM. 6'1. . 4. )-If Achlrm-1.4. BRYANT S'I`RAT'I'0N 5; Cu. 1 is Expminar 1 J Eu}: `:9. INM. J F.` UV ,'41MU()E A[)\'()('-.I\'`}`, vnlm! tn RN tmvmntu {If N? R!`- thu lhuiwaaia (_'umumn&ty. luld (ha 1"ll`RL 1'TI7.(.*H I01` 1'('lu1Hun nu and York County Exhilntiun :v pa ....... V , muxu Vfngtof lluromurln Mm.-C. `,.\=.. .1 1:1 1 It EH1 uf llumuluu ?um:(. M I 17 IIVHUUII I Iuvuuvuuu-' A1` `I'll?! Ul"!'l(I&. um Ilenrvy 1` HI! nmv or train. nun. at Am'r;R.'t'l!Il!~`(}, MnT`-`Wiw&~ 50: ,`n\iu?:;L 1...... In M I`! NIJSIHKI) THURSDAY MORNING, ` yr `I'll!-" nwlrwnt 1' (II It nu.-Iunuuux, 1: XS sturn; JAMES E. DAY, action! Tort SUHDIHQN IE I iowl Ms` 1m K`!\:,, `Q rt V` 6 ::*:*::t;.. F ** *2. ynpen.. 93 `tax nail. arm kn exam! in .`I.l It I M|?l.Hi{I{:' Hlurrm I Vfrn I) .M.". .1-Angus E. DKY. ' ` 4 J AM EH N. GlL\HAN. .3. pg kle E K.`-ommen ) [ho pulrlin ml tn lam (`an furnitth _. n..-u.` I Q . . qgi M llnusulnrka E`.lnmL _ 2;. `I l .1 7: 7: LANDS! the sum bounty) ` l "`` ' mgunsnnxx f DBCBIIIDBPN 5 -...,, 0} .~ -.. mu-ntwr I71.` -nu`! ('\(`.I\'.' 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