;f'Pub|i |I`e`db ovofyy Thursday Morriing. W miiiiilvnnm .% wwvV ~a\4\4-4\4\ `FRAs.jER s EXCHANGE HOTEL W RIETXEEANT, Onnnnife the new Railwav Station. w 1.:-.|mq.:.uLu;u.;;.- -, T Opposite the new Railway Station, Corner of Dunlap and Owen Stall i Immin, c. w. i FRASER, ofter a. brief res ite from pub- . lic business. (owing to I e recent de- struction of his bowl by fire), takes very great pleasure in announcing to his old and numerous `- friends nnd the public generally, that he has, after making numerous additions, nltrntions, and repairs, opened those. extensive and can-' trnlly located premises, situated as above, and formerly. occupied by Mn. S. M. Smronn, where he is now prepared to entertain them as . formerly. In addition to his hotel be has made arrangements for the preparation of ~.-- 1' _ n:.__._.._ cI..........-.. L..~ I... XIl'!'-lngeun-:m.a lUI mu: lllcpuluvlvu u. } Lnnches~,- Dinners; SEPPQEI &`_ 9 7&9`: - ,.:u..... r..- ....m:n nr nrhmm imrtina. at shbrt ` .|.ll._l.IJ.lIl..lUD ufguuxu uurrvno, .-\_.-,A_.... ` either for public or private parties, at shbrt notice. and at reasonable rates. public pnvnw pnruoa, nu; suun. notice, OYSTERS, (in Shell or can), GAME, FISH, &c., &c., (in season), kept. constantly on hand, , and fllrnishgd !.()4prival3fiII71ilieS,a!1(1, others, at n triing ndvnnce on Toronto prices. Hr mm: R an, under the mnnaxzement of tnmng nuvuucts uu 1U|'UuLu yuuma. :3` THE BAR,nnder the management an elllgignt compounder of favorite and, fancy drlnlm, wlll l)"tT1'1ind to contain the best liquors and kindred concomitants, to be found. in the market. 11#_,II.....I. annnc and Q'1".\l'lY.l\l'(1 nn Hun mnrxec. Excellent SHEDS and STABLING on the premises, and amanded to by obliging servants. Barrie. November, 1864. 39-cf 3:6 COUNTRYABUN HOUSE. .VEXT DOOR T0 where he intends carrying on the business of n H E Undersignetl begs to inform the inhabitants of of Barrie, and others. that he has now open- Vkofii the premises on the ` north side Dunlap st., HE POST OFFICE, AL` LIKLJ uuu; Lkl-J>.J1A.rL4L1 u;;...-..v...... Q` Particular attention given to the Regulation of Ohildreiw Teeth, and all work zmrranted. 37-tf Bread & Biscuit Jr. Confectioner,` and trusts that a thorough knowledge of and strict attentinn to his business will entitle him to aliburu! allure of public patronage. .a- nnm 'nr.s .\\:n (`nr.`mG`.r`. mm-nu-r W U. lllffu; huisu: U1 pumu. pxunru-u5x.. :3` HOT TEA .-\.\'D COFFEE, togethr-r with LIG [IT REFRESHMENTS. always rmuly. All kinds of Fancy Bread, Breakfast and Din- ner Rolls made to order. ~- Qnh-nun Pir-.N'h-a and 1`.-n-Parties nun- [tolls made to order. :3` Smreo.-es, Pic-Nica and Tea-Parties nup- plied on renaonuble terms. ROBERT KING.` n._:.. 1:..;.......... mm - Lg oo>-3------ I , . . . (' HER hvmgln mn:4tm\t rs-vmpl of Ill'W stnpphvn of} _ *3. F-'.`\N('r\' (`.()l)l3.\'. M`- uf a-wry dosutriptiun am! ` ( "Mme lhosmuxm nl privml whhrh I-mum: hr mr- {J Muutrs-ul, ms an ixmpc.-cliun ul his umck will \- pum-luuwm. H C I Hardware Department ... .... , ,.....,._~. v Barrie. February. 1864. lremises, mm auenueu I0 I) Barrie, November, i3'ss'L'TnmnE. gxixium Savgrtistmzuts. \ \,.,v.....v..~.\ , (`nrrhtgv and Rulky mrlngu; Hand, Thimble`; xlm . l. @ DEN_[]'RY. Q C W. . ADAMS, D. D. s, "12/;15.1 1: 7nm1'1'. ......., l If`-116181137,` zerv . `BRITISH FBEEDEOM AND COLONIAL IIIGI-I'|;;.W*: Mm-hxxxli` UH`, luv 1 mmwnt, 4 haw am family }' R. Martin \1 Hm mu 4 lifa, this mun hut) ,:"."i MAGGIE, lass! come in?` Tis too late for Roger to-day, and you are at the door all the day long. Nay, only when the work is all done up, father. I can see Roger so much sooner, and my heart is heavy waiting for 71 ` nnilvn '7 .l ` 1:133? Last. month! Yea, early in May; and 'tis now the lust of June. 0, father, the rIa)7s are long where the ocean rolls between Martin and run)? 11 \.',.. AL: I. Lr\ ...III ,.....,I L... iVl'\II .1r\I\r| If it were not for leaving you, Isbou]-i say, I hope 50. But when I think of you and Annie here--~ And MzI_:;giu s voice faltercd as she bent over the babe in her Well, wall, We must. get 4 we can. There, my iron is 1 must; stop clmtlerlng. 'I"1..\ L/ ..l...m nr Hm i..H. UIJRI-Ah lIl`4Al..I'4n I.` Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. &c. Oh dimiavgi-eet that I mam: dee, No: sigh to hear me m_ane; I ve suffered luring and pileonslx ` In silence gpd alane. I A weary world I lcavg behind; 7 And gang unto my rest;- ` A weary world wherein my heart Was off. by cu-`e oppresdd. _ w `Sue mike na mournfu harp for me; When life haih fxzae me ed; For music soft would mar my rest, V And wank me rm the deaq. "" = unti can-. lll"V -u-yu I11! y-:2... r....v.. ...., M:u-H-unith nponml hin l1;ru{~- o-yum wi-Iv at 3 luvu awry; hut, ho gum thum hm hunrty H unly stipulating that Martin nhnulcl s4vI1:~~lhin whvrewh to Iuwuvrt n :` bof-vrn in {unit I wifvw. Nun, M ` man the vl-lost of nnncwlnll-lmn. nm! E of I fznnwr but vary VMN in (In in ` mmliiiuu mat him mum an unu- hum. Hm Lium was vnlnnablu In his fallwr, an M4: l dutiful Mm hu vmrkad swing, hupmg for I turn of i"mtunsv'u whmsl he runs 0! age; than, I-mving um hmtharn in (kn bin plpra, ha bade I-lwm In Maggie. an-I amigrnlanl Lu Amancs In win then right to claim his: wif--. mm N w: u m tbs hagmning uf ` ammw for or what; Maa manual Um miell hint upm hm hpn, wit u prmnim kt fit! her E 9011!! 90 hi Nu! Vvnrhl bud gimu him I nkzha to plan; be: in. The minim which (moved his do an In . MM MIA: Md the blllnhmii '5 wife diculy Leaving a baby only I want all to Mnggwn mm Slur hm! new haul brotbu not _:_x... L_A__- _.._.l dd. .___ L._.u__. |.__.....- 4 And I would sleep a mini , soun sleep, And never dree the pain, To hear anither wake these strains, And fauld my hands aboon my breast, When nigbtls dreur shadows fa , And lay me down sac cauld to rest, Aneath tti kirk-yard wa . And never great when I am gane, Unto my last, lnng hame, Nor sigh to hear :1 strange;- a voice Pronounce thy lov d one s name. 5; RH l!$.l "NYC? XI TDTXWQV INK aid helm. and this urn Mutton bomma by Mr nder hurt I mm Igighl Nu: land it imwhnly: put thin wry Inw- uhinnl In I Ego H Qhhllhnrk Lap {nae}. But think slie` cglmly, sweetly rests. Free from :3 care and pain; That, never more shall son-ow s waves, R011 {fer her heart again. WW1` I` HPUUKII. (Gui! UNI XV U"VH addml k2::fnt last tbmugi hr m'w~ was it should pothgu din. `furl wnkhd uth I Mint : inn (mac bath. waniod. mo. Int thou!-:3 tin of lam nluugmmlhobatnnnr in nnthyou . inupotiono-1 hands. You no Rn J3: KN HOV. and -Mary nlwmn bmugkt new hm: Nani; khaki Eight nu Iazsllngg$o`nys.tbcambnnnhu' than In her wabmks Kati: was pbuunt situm in g viola uerhnlpmd .uYm_ R. T. BANTI MG, (faintly Clark, ILL attend at his Oice, in Barrie. uvxtry SATURI).-\Y, from 11. mm, till 5!, p.m.. according m()rwl-r uf Cuuncil. and. every other day at his Oitm in C-mkstown. u.....:. |.`..wu I1 mm 1-1V lllriljll 1 ,' `NR Mknhmaf Iiluucnsltmof MIYMK. Khaki .. Lheimpluy ; bhhhmmitwhhgjnuq .......A. K.) ...__I.. 9` -4-..` __ .. m-mrxzzm-%a T|DIl'!n1'YlWlUW!7Il!*l' 575 margin; In mnd ans ournnuinudhgiur mph. VS. You heard last. month." .. . ~- run Zllltl H112. You think he will send for you soon, , G THE IT-i.\'PECTED LETTER. &itmrg zmtinua. 'l`I1e l.ast lleqiist. ! 5:4 In-sh lib atrium 5.... anmn.J.nu.Il._J A.` .._`..L._n.1...I _... `vluuu P um Thuy Ivw . n J1_AI I-V Al--VIDA--I-H. Solicitor; in Chancery, Oonveyancers, :c., BARBIE, C. W. - 14.! 1. l.l\l'l\11`- w. BOYS . on as best hot, and I Martin, tenderly of his love`, regretfully of her father, ,and oh! so anxiously of the little sister on her knee." Q-....,.H........ ......._.. L..- -..A`L .l...L Iivrlhn LIEU. UIUIICT Ull HUI K11936- Sometimes raising her soft, dark eyes from Annie s laughing face, she looked longingly down the sunny road, as if her very wishes could`. bring Boger s red coat and gold-banded hat in sight. Roger has the Queen s mail for Landsdale; and Roger was a boy lover of Maggie a.- He dearly ~ loved to team her about the lether, certain that his reward for bringing one would be the sweetest di}?LQLu1it and best glass of ale from Maggie's cellar. The long surn- mer afternoon was turning into twilight, and Maggie had determined to go in, thinking herhoping and watching over for the day, when Annie, sitting up, clapped- her hands to greet Roger- s pony asit came down the road on a full g:gllop.~ Roger! Father} He is coming I Mark looked up, gave a little grunt of mg. Nn lotfnr fur mn Rncrnr 7" rmizl Mn n- spsbxni; d"`thii` Ees iiii itI`-liJ`" h':im " iiie'iEi ' mb:.`No letter for me, Roger ? said Mag- gie, half crying, as he made a feint of dashing, past. W--- V H Tmffnr fnr vnu `Jinn Mqnnia * T.nHar (1353 H I I 1% t}iIBl~~- ---7 Letter for you, Miss Maggie.` Letter --for---Von? Why, now you mention it; I think `there is :1 letter for you. (_`|I;a"l!' Oh R/urar Ilnw lnnlr wnn L Llllll IUUIVC 15 H IUBMIT [Ur yUu Quick! Oh, Roger, how long` you fumble In that bug! ' Give it tame. ('.:m'f, Tm snruihsxt nrdnrq fn h-nyqf Hm: `mail out of our own hands. Ah!" and he IUIHUIU Ill built Uilgi LWIVU H1 UU']Hep Can't. Its against orders to trust the slowly dismounted and stood leaning against atree, just out of the reach of Maggie s impatient hand. V " Oh, Roger, give it to me I Miss M. rrie Lee, read the rovokin `gs . y , R Q Roger, `fper Asian mail. Amenca. Oh, pshaw! it can't be for you. You have no beau away out there. Oh, Roger, don"t maze me! Come, i give me the letter, and you shall have a ` draught of the old ale you like so well. 1 You are sure it is for you I he said, ` holding it out, and looking with mischie- | vous eyes into hen smiling face, lighted by the pleasant certainty of her anxiously ex- pected letter being there at last. I Give the lass her Ietwr, said Mark, gruly, looking up from his eternal ham- mering; and, with a comic atfcctation of extreiiie terror, Roger t.ossL the letter into the baby's lap, sprang upon his pony, and was off liku a shot. TT`L,._. ....i.. .. l..__. l`..._ .21 _,,, I ZIUU. W113 UH IHXU RI 31101- K There was a long, long silence. Annie had let. the soft white eyelashes fall upon her blue eyes; the long shadows were fal1- ing round the house before Maggie raised her eyes from her letter. Then her fnthefa VV'cH, Maggie," roused her. He wzum may no return in the Asia, fa- ther; or, if Lhnt. is too soon, to write by her at what tilne I can come." 1. `I7. H I!" .:,.99 K`..- L4_ . L,! (`I I *:lMl_y. + Yes; but-" But you think the little 135.5 and I will Ini.~aym1. So we will, no doubt we will, 1 n you have been agood girl, Maggie; but 1 I have been waiting for that letter to tell Inn) 2: nim-u nf n.-won Miizs A. Mien, Issuer of Marriage Licenses , Cnuxt.~t:uu.vv:e. Cuunr QI'm;.\".~1 Br:.xu;n, Jar. 5'! V_VID;lI.E STA 'I'I1LV. 6-m [KC] ill: VVU-M LIIIIU l Cull L'\ llICo `- Well, Maggie, for her mice had fal- bered and her eyes lled. Oh, Pathclf yx3\n~--and--Anni8--~"` I You expeqwd it, Mzlggie. You gm all Lrendy. u \. .... . 1...; V` 'V\}\l KI t7UI\.\7 "I HU"-3- .\ uwa?" she lx>kel up, wonduringly. I never would have placed .1 st,op-um- tlmr over you, Maggie, for yuu ve been lxousaskwper and nmther; but as you are tx) gs) away u--I puny and Lruslr---a happy houm` f um guing In marry again." Yoa-~- aha gs.-aped, wlxu?" Mm. Lawnrnm. She-J Oh, father!" criml Maggi, joyfully. You am willing to trust Annie: and me In How 3" luu. I to her I" an AM..." nu`l! um him M the landing; Ml! mmt run that ['11: um: he'll mm me. {up I mm by that nlaumrrl would K last mg in In-any m up was mm, anal the: v rim! at pod. of ` Nun Ymk. 'A baaztbonl I; but I alsakaptnc-or vlriulrinnd. rsN3< -`hoalbauny, wnlnhing rum tan dark (at I tho has us! form also run was aha NH 2 diatingiinh ovum m that mrmftmhg, wvwdcd '~ mgan sf MIME! HM nanny`: um "gush." my and Ham *5 ! hum hnninqnntb-um nf "Jain In A .L_ .... \....n.....| .. An narmullvhstm-` muw! '-mus` ghy. If in anal Nu-1:5 . AA_. U- r hams; an IQ! sun an -* man an lnnhunl. an prcmlty Mm .1 3;... and ummdlv waited with than my Imhlittl. plvlumy www- Mm. Ilturwdly 5 gm. Moria; her with nhohuannw buy with lung. \J|`...\bnlIl4 IIl`4All'.llF| A.` Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, (,`lIOCI\'I*.`I Y, .r.~,. .91`. k'TOR0.\'T0 B.\3\'K I!Ull.l)INGS._! Harris mu} Bmomurc, .\'u(mm.~nuja. I"ebruar_v, 186-1. I-if ch! Ain t. I` working just fominstit, the other side of the str_eet,? I ll'take ye in the morning early. Come home now, honey ;'you are`white as a sheet with the worry.',' ' ` ' Bu'T"am sfmngii 'fiu;'f:ilt'red M= ~ggi- . T . . n . Nevexj mind that, said Nora, kindly; you can s.tay` he one night, at any rate. Perhaps heis extrnbnsy and can trget`ol Rut. nnnr-Mmnria cduld net admit that tfernaps nemextra Duly uuu csauuguspuu. But poor-Maggie could not comforting asstirance. She fell; sure that 4 no trie would keep Martiirfrom meeting her at that time, and his employers, of whom she had had many accounts, were not, she was certain, the men to detain * him. With a very anxiolis heart, she ac- . cepted the kindly o'ere& hospitality of her new friends, passiiig a. wakeful night full of sad` forebodings. He must sick; perhaps, she ahudderingly thought--dead. Oh for morning to see those who knew V. -_ - _. ALV` 11.1"! 5. Atwlzast the Ionmii`1`iAf. was ov`IM':" she could start `upon her Expedition. was her polite escort, ant!`-deft her 1 -do0rref~Symmes-& Brother, proliaj come over in a wee bit, to see I needed him again. 'Nn-mmh Hm lnntr sfnrnd nnd with DUCUCQ HUI] Hgdlllu ` Through the long store, lled with and. boxes of merchan the trem girl threaded her way, looking for one to question. At. last she reach counting-house. A tall, handsome, ovemlressed young man stopped from his high stool poqxleet her, came timirlly yforwanil, Her neat, dress and pnle"face, with the timid m i gave her an air of interest, and he sp- hcr courteously. . You wish to see some one 2 ; Martin Hayes, if you please, sir, said Maggie. . . ' If ulmn h.-ul uh-m-1: liim a lienvv blow. the ' _. 1e. r If she had struck him a heavy blow, face of the clerk could not have grown whit/er. His eyes fairly glared for a mo- ment, as he repeated hoarsely: Martin Hayes! With :1 new terror, as she marked this agitation, cried: ` Where is he? He is not dead?" What is the matter?" asked a gentle- man, opening the door of 11 small private room lewling out of the large counting- house. Who is this woman 5" \I.._._:- '/`r\`-r\>l ..... .A l.:...l ...n,..| (mm HOUSE. " '7 H0 H5 LLH3 WUKLIIIHQ Maggie looked up. yak kind, good face with the silvered hair of some sixty win- ters met her eye. He was good and gen- tle; that was written on his face; and she ...T__, would take her to the uew0mer. .. \t ,_r:_ u....-! nl. -2- ...Il ...,. ...I..,...,. went. as quickly izaisdjgrer trembling steps " Au he is! HI H6 155 L I cannot tell you. And the kind face grew stern and cold. And who are you T -4 Mnmyia Lao, -aha mid; simnlv. you x Jjlnggie Lee." `aha said; simply. And who," he asked, half smiling`, as he stepped back andtook the seat at ndcsk in the nnnm, is Maggie Lee?" H X Emma hm! mama 6':-`mu Winrrlrmrl sir. tn 1:: nm " )8 MaQ,'.:113 1:09 ." _ I have just come frbm England, sxr, to Martin. We were to be married. Oh tell me, air. where to find him E" .. vn.:- :.. - L...l |.....1...;.4. . !-....-I k...:...... " S. MEEKING. Ll(}1+}NSEl) AUU'1`IUNl sir, Wnens Lu llllu nun; This is in bud business, a bad businarss," said Mr. Symmes, shaking his head.-- There, sit. down there. Poor child I" ("M Maggiu`s whim face was covered with emo- tion. I am sorry to say that Hayex has pnwud 3 bad fellow. Mxmini" cried Magizie, the quick in- dignant. blood rst.a3nin_; her chmlx, as she sprung in her feet. V.-m` ha hm; diaannanrecl with n- us nor met. Yew; he has diaappearml lmnclmcl dolhms of our mnnuy in his pocket." - A thin Oh. air. it in imnonusible! pocket. A thief! Oh, air, impossible! Martin. my Mam-in, a thief! It must be ful... P" nuns: She A )ke hurriedly, with crimson clu-kn and aming eye; than, M the smonl fnring him, thu uh! man n face seemed no {ado away dimly, the heavy whir of the steam- cw`: m:u~.hinry M)unlcd in but earn, and .L.. 01.!) fefmlimv In Hm rrrnuml, (FD llliillllwry Muunuuu nu nu: ulna Ml fainting no Hm ground. H Pnnr .-luLI mmr 1;irlf" In Mu! Wu mmung w um gruunu. X -mr chulcll punt girl 3" and h mimd her gently, and plamd her on I nufu.--~ This is It bad bunimwl." Maggie mun rvgaimsd but consuimlanum to look nmuml Um utcu with 451.-vviltlasnvd UICI`. " Lin Itill fur I few minutes," aid Mr. Hyuuunus. S0 Matlin Hayes mm. In: yuu, -lid ha. 1" In - .\: us I uul uv: q Fur answer, Maggie put Martin`: lut Mus: in his hand. It was I lvlhzr int. mania the old man puma uul cqnnixler. (`mdxl the uritar of such wtxwmm ha any thing but an Imnnrsbh mun? Swath hwo, ' mm. and hop; hn~nl.hod in wary linen ; 1 Ha spots with mvh nobln, manly pm! at` | his p of Lrunt m the: cotmung-huuw, I :15 -nnulmxllv nf Wini FV U) 0 I 3. I 1 hm Poilubn U! lrllll. in sun \:Uuuuu5~uumw, an mnfhkmtly of winning hi: way will furthc-I ulvuwmmnt, mil: anal: grnurftxl ::'m-him: of bin empkrym-n--m this mm L. -n.&.Jl kg his mind. ha lnanni IX *1.-slid he nape uwm v lags. wnlxhvol than v ' qnolinm that ctnxuuui the funk, iin:l?yg.!s. "Will yuu {plant tell me Abqut it! she quid, an be plus! the lath: in: bar has]. "llartin hm nlnmiytold yum thd In wnzvnpuv-ltha;u-neianaluuln-coefvuthq s:x;ut5ng~hoII& Ono! Huohuiuwuhn may uomyhsthniia thpuil, slum iitntuuukam Snmatuo :3: .._ n...1.....mu-LnInl..d..a.g, AN" Appraiser for Barrie and the County of .`s`imc'oe. ulnar it ms um um mm man my .....,..,. ago, Ihdupn}1nn|uCIggh:ackddI=U hm: mulolaltsmunahurud mum-uuu 0! ma (;9l'l1pI!ym'n---van mun uuul banthiswfl As be mad, ha lwcslhd that man mu nf nabla humanely and nuuliunq that In! made him conde in India; Ind. fur Hm nk him. than cwpl. into My bad I ._| . `fl... .I..4.mtum nnliea ion in Ha fur Hm rm: um. than cusps um: um nun a doubt. Thu; were in his omgsluv, but {ml at) mum of U: mlpuitg mud M maps mum u-.....;.. ....1.|m.I u... nninn uaaotimn U141 IJIKU HE!` L4) UH} U.tfW*t'UlQ1l'. `Martin Hayes! Ob, sir, tell me where in V" "'?.".;"a"+ N. B.-Cub Aclvnnouec nmlu un Goods receiv- ml for Sale. ` .....,..m. ..,.~....-mu -. . nnlv . .4 VoLjIME `II: God onljknows!" she said; sadlj. At that moment a lggguoise and bustle; were heard in the zgtpretaznd the `door, of Athefodm was thrown violently open. Two men dragged in a pale, .t9LI91=ia:es.itform.,t; W315 EH6 c"if,'"H"er Txe is! - ' We found _ him in the gtrget. Hem heirs, air. * 'I'}m nrimnm- nhnnk Himanw (`um ....A one mm mm mun xuqnng wu;n,aI.rau_,wu eyes at his pale, thin face," and inanother mo- ment. was `sobbing in hiharma. + ` (L xlnl`-n! I` `uni vnn nnuAi;vI`nV l> an: mm In um xgurgel. new us 15, yllf." The prisoner shook wfrge, and stood met befre Hi-.'Symmes. . ` I was oinn wa -here, nir-- 'e!' ' Sh had IiE`i.3tra;:g4:vnn' xupuu was Iwyuulg In In: Ilrlno __ ` Oh, _Martin! I` knew you :ou1dn l; do-` it. Tell him, Martin; tell him you are no thief! * . u 'l?L:,Lt`H1 @$;. bie ? ' a How the aingry blood ctimaqrfeii his face! B this time the little mom Wan lfed` wit "the men, nhd near the door, dk nnllh! fund nfnkv` u: /-`owl: ushn hat` UIICQ Wlla lalld HIGH, BU near H18 0001', with pallid face; stood the clerk who had greeted Maggie as she entered the cpuntp ..i".";_n_n:. -.... . .. .....,_., , ., .. ._ .._.... _..-.. N. ...-. _ we others looked at Mr. S;1;1mcs. Stop him 3 he said. shortly, and 1 others fore the clerk back _to his position. \` ' J.1me=s\ Rm-,vo.sz was the man wlm s RIUDIHUIII `.` James Reeves was the man. who saw me take the money, and heard the direc- tions given. As I left Mr. Walsh : door, I saw him watching me from the curbstone. He heard the servant tell me that Mr. Walsh had gone to Philadelphia for a week. As I started to come back to Mr. Symmes house, for I was afraid to take the money home, I was attacked from be hind, and struck senseless with aloaded cane. When I recovered my senses, Iwas in the house of a woman who had found me on the pavement, and had me taken in. I have been their delirious for two weeks. To-day is the first day I have been able to speak :1 coherent word, and Istan- ed to come here; two of the porters, see- . ing me coming, dragrred me like a culprit. 2 to this room. Mr. gymmee, if you want an account of you} money, ask. James Reevee where be dealt his last blow with the loaded one he always carries." nnn lnnlr :9. than miuu-shin (`lurk was BHU IUILUUIJ `SKIN? UU ldy l3lSILlU& One look at the miserable cferk was enough. With a cry, he threw himmlf be- fore his employer, nring out prayers for mercy with as con urged. nccuunt of debt, poverty, embarrassment, and penwpnce. nf nnunux Martin nlnml nmn)ituuI* I-mt. F. JOHP>(3,`JbUN R., 'l.`(5u(:luu' of 1\l.uz-ai~_ YUVUTLI, IHLIUHTTIIJUHMSIII, auu_ [N""I Ql1CUc Of course `Martin wood acquitted; but the excitement which had borne him through this trying scene oncomwer, he grew pale and faint ngnin. Mr. Symmes insisted upon acomnpanying him to the links houm be had nspaned for Maggie, and giving away the ridu in the wedding that folinwed inzstuntly, Ienvin Jhe pale in- valid in the euro uf his loving iulu wife. Inmmz "nun- Hm Hninf nml mnuL|J'u\ VKICUI UP LII`! |'lIl\5 (II III ) IUVIHS Il$loI\ "INT- Jamos Rcmvus, the thief and would-bu murderer, for he had supposed hia Mow fatal, was dischnrgcecl, Mad left for parts un- known. K--------, the Quaker President of a cer- tain 1 :-nnaylvania railroad, during the <:-.mf\x:siuu and panic but fxlkxdled upon Um Wenmrn Bank, with which the mad had kept: large regular account, Ind naked for an xwnuabn of I putt uf in paper. fall- ing hm in 1 {av day. The Bunk Pumi- ah-nt. da:vliue! rather abruptly, saying, in a tuna common to than funetiomrnsu: u\l.. L ._,..._ _.._..- __..-; L- _._Z.l e".7a"i`e;`3x;?i?a:h 7I$.2`3gL- 1*. his nale. thin f'm!_. and ingnnihor mn. UKIIIH UUYIUIIIIVJIJ UK luln IIHMZVFIJIICIQ. Mr. K~------, your paper must be paid at maturity. We cannnt nvnow." Vary vwll," our Quahr mpliocl. and leaf}. the; bank. But. ha did not Int. :1 mm: imp ham. On lunving the bank In wnlkad quiet} over m thus depot and kslognphed tn 1 ngvmu and mmlut-km on the mod lit` rvjacl the bills nu then Walkmi Bank. In 5 fr`! hours they lnim hog-an to arrive, M! of th panic, and bringing tho M1?! 0! the dim ', mm. of the wauwrn Bank on Along U10 ' r|h4\ Rhm luuLlnl-n nhxl Jnmuiknn "t. new----, uuvwyuu uuulww hudohwrrurvot-y byymnjuul` ::?;;?ts.&I. T.`i'a T.2.s.z- LA.__.: 41 VQn_................_.A - NIH 0` `I59 V`3"W5|1l IWIII HI! INN!` 5` line`. Blmzkholalean and dapmiau txthd inky Eh bush, qmkiug with P1835. inquir- iug Lhuu: 10 Whgl Sn Um ndhni In than hill bmtnr um, ac. A link ouq. Evy by (30 Gun dmvod am an. twubh mum in us zojuecin-u 0! up billohy than rilvoui. TM Pmi dent. mi;-:4! his hat. tuck-ti don btbo Quiet ; ouq and can blnt in with the inquiz v~~ ..u- ur 3...... .... J:....n..A .:.. .._ ` ALES pnnrlunlly nuvmlml to in my pl k u! that tfuunty (`nah ndvnnvm uwlo nn xls or mules rvca-ivwl fur lulu. G. M. Ll:-uulii 0 muhst nu-ry Sutur-lay. us mL thn wants of thou: winhiug lorlhnpmur uf Hnrnam, (jnulu, ho... mum... ux ma, Pm mm, nmk If-hnnnrv 18, 11485, Liv " "H?! I! 3|!` bush?` hm, ac. A link: annuhv IXWTVITWK Inn yum iimnd Illa rm ngnlnlnnr savanna: hf A Quiet Joke. . the mutant! 1; tho but nu] II nus uluuo Iu uuuua. Barrie. Feb'y 17, 18.64. IL` Lu ' mg UTE. xeld two old aka GEORGE MAUNDVRELVL, Licensed A u c Lione er luulmu, run an, Pchmuy 16, 11485. In-15.1.-nun uu--n sauna 1.` WKIPS, (TICARR, AND T9ll\(7(30. _ I A n.>`.nL. 4.`- uv_- -1 IL . .I Wluun uq \Iv-luau-Q nu.-- uwuuv-x \1`-7` . Vu. H, W'alRwtm Kind Wad, Oppoulta the (Zmuumrclsl ank. TORONTO. -AlIlI|L`IUll' !I!`\!FlIlD I unqn.n- -- romcmw AND Iw.vx.~rrn: Clt.`AI8.1'0IAI(3(:0R,lEl8(?lIAlIu awn D.L.Vl'I` HIPHJ. aw`. r-luv I-`I ruru-v1 I6 KING STREET WEST, nu nu Imam, YOIONTO. c.w. u. M U N as I mi: . lunar 0! Mann 0 Llouuu. CRAIIWALI n ATM).-\v', myv County 9: sum. ` W.l(%)lMI;l l)Al\.ll"eW oomnaoron 4. auum-zn. . 13-` -_--na -Ahlnl ATr5j1EY"L'Al'LAw. nnvrnrn-nu 111- /1771 rrrvvr-nu-r FIRMS mule known at Ma maidnncc-, Cul~` liar Stmnt Barrio, Ft-brqnry 16, IRM. 2-ly nan; Jluvl/AL, .ua..n;u Dr. II. will take another Student. G. C. McMANUS, M. D., mm-nuunr m n: Rnvhnrl:md.\ u \a- --..-_-_..-...., .... 95, King Street East, Toronto. \lVUIli, \JI Uvvl IV), V: vvu- Hardware. CLOVER HILL, TECUMSETH. Fun Dunn: nu (7uI'r~Tv rt 5 %'uiutssA Qirtttnm. Dr. .1. s. cnooxsmnx, ~CORONl-JR, nvn xr arvnnn-nu nan Arnnnm` ~JAME3"O. Monnow. up-\v-"11:-117 I in 1' Ananauslansnunq -no. .-...-- .--,. sQLIcIToR_ iv OHANGERY, _ Notar Public, Conveyancer, "c0T fiSIU1`7ERIN`BRJ,"&p., &c., .......... 9&1 THOS. SAUNDERS, )LAW8 nut! arsE}'ificA1~:mva v'9W"= usual manual and vnhuul goasru noazns. mt: cozmi-4:145 um FRILVT :s'TIH'I'I'"l' }I.l BRIE. - D. IWUIHHIIUQ, WI. :5` (Successor w Dr. Butherl:md,) I... O0 .... --_ L A...- }{:s`sL{L"6ius}{sT' LOUNT 5 nova. mks AND A'l'l`0llNEYs, 5.. tn.-..-..... n......-.......-..... I... on. `HAMILTQN. nnnhmun w; s;.;L.;rr 4. co.. .e...w.o...g.;...a,;, tarot 1.... & I d > _ .A .mss;;"%"' HARKET BLOCK, BARBIE, II. (fr mill Onlrn all;-\"InII Qhuanf Non. Hahn. 1-1) % ELG1 E S~ H 67fEL,. No. 40 King Street "West, ` V TORONTO. gr TERMS`$i'.00 PER DAY. 33 N. B.-Extensi_ve Livery Stables attached. . ~ ~ 16-lv his is the am Hotel in the place and a- - orvls all the conveniences and comforts of n nat class house.` , _ Stkges depart from and arrive at the hotel. Conveyanss to and fmm the Steamer. 3' Livery/connected withthe house. _1 19~1, - .a-v;--;-. 279-;:-~- PENETANGUISHENE, C, w.,` 'P.QUINN, - - - -- rrbprmoi-`.| .._._ % `BRITISH HOTEL, `Gome1'*"of' King am} Simcoe Streets, TORONTO. JOHN BOLAM, - - - - PROPRIETOR. the tcanway uepon, owululmuu vv uou, Imu- -:=~Terms , ,$l.O0 pay. , . , ,.Umu,n,_. . '71 PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. Barrie, Nov. 7 1864 40-15 . -_--_--2_. 9')! IJGVVIVILVV Q--iguana, * CORNER OF MAIN dz CENTRE STS., PRESCOTT, C. W. THE undersigned respectfuliy intimates to L the public that he has re-leased for a term ofyenrs, the above well known House, which has now undergone :3 THOROUGH COURSE OF REPAIRS, with aview still further to in- creme the comfort and convenience of its 0.: tvnnna C|'UlL.*l: I-MU uuuwu nu... `N... _...V Patrons. In returningtlmnks for the liberal patronage extended to him during the past five years. he begs to assure the Travelling public tlmtneitl1 trouble nor expense will be spunrd, on his part. i to maintain the reputation already acquired by the St, Luwrsencc Hotel. n..mnmq.m m nml from the Cars and Boats. Lawrence Hotel. Omnibuses to and from ( free. 0. HARRIS. U. u nu-u......_.., . The Travelling Community will find this establishment suited to their l'L`ql1iI`L`lI.\(fIl[H and deserving of their patronage. nmnihna convevu nnsscngers to and from the BARBIE HOTEL, BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, c.w. D. FARRAGHEB, Proprietor. 'GLOBE%HOTEL, 1)11\Y'l2'!VA`\Tl'\Y"'I'Q Tl'\T1P I" m Omnibus conveys passengers in mm uuln un; cars. Excellent Stnbling connected with the House. QUEEN'S ARMS HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET, ROB'T BINGHAM, Pu-op'r. Tl{[S well-known and favorite old Hotel has been. under its prmsqm manngetnent, than oughly renovated and tted up in :1 nmnner to ensure the comfort of grxcscs. and lrawllvru are 3.3.-Il|`1f(l that every endeavor will be mwcl to give thr-m natisfacflon and mmlvr the eamlvlisllmant the beat of its class in point. ofcunifnrt and taste. C<)nvn~ynnce to and from the cars. Stings.-3 fox-dimerent pans leave: the hmnw daily. Barrie, FL-h'y 12. 1.`Sll~l. H. BINGHAM BROTHERS, BUTCIIERS AND GENERAL PURVEYORS, ` MARKIJT STALL, N0. 1, BARBIE, l N AVEcons.tant.1yon lmndngoml supply of FRESH MEAT. FOWL. GAME. &c., uf as chuims quality as the markets zitfunl, and otfer the same at very mmlurate prices. Corm-cl Bee.-F, Szxusnges and Lord, together with It vzsriety ufuther uzwful commodities, can usually be had M. No. l Stall. 3!` All pur:lI;ua.-2;olullvcmrd in any part of the Tuwn freq: qr" clulrg/0. (.`,\:iH PAID mun Mr r:n'ri,1-c. Hf WBirmingham and Sheffield >1< HARDWARE STORE >5 And Fancy Goods Warehouse, 1) UNI/)1 S [ lx?l:'l:"1 la'A.S"1} - - - - - - - Ihlliz W` SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. _.:;3:1 HIIS House presents Superior Accom- > mbdntion to Travellers, being clusejax 4 the Railway Depot, Steamlmnt Wharf,--&c. : .._ ... 4-sq [xxx `#1.-.. lair a - _,,e___.._,;EDI}1BURGlrIv _. G51-,one:.f_<>r_1;he Count of Sim99ZT 0 R 1 L L 1 Af Q" N. B.--Dr. IL pays special attention to all diseases of women `and children. Orillia, Nov.,10, 1864. - 40tf HpTm"6f t'e"13Ige and Northern Advance will` please withdraw former advertisement and in- sert the above. ' House Furnishings of every Description} `me. 0. HARRIS, Proprietor. P1-cscot, May 20, 1864. 154 leserving Omnibus passengers "AVG, Huh, Spoken. lnllcusn, Shafts SN! .`*|Iill`"I`4`. M Skuim; l'ntvnL. half Put-nt um] Unix nunw! Axiom (`nil uml Lnn-aim: Phnhu Hum; Hnmli and Rllbb St. Lawrence Hotel, t\ r\\'Y"I'I"l f\Y'\ 13.1 rm L nn`\7'I`DIa` Q'I`.C nu-.4-sav~a~o-w-u-.~ru-....~,.. rF\P\I` vvww-.. -.7- ... ... V ...vv . 1. V ... V -. ~ Tho Hnhocribon hug plauunw in innling the utlankwn M than fnundn am! cvuntumen` In a large An-I wall nan:-tad nwck of sun: 3 Annu: nnnnnntsunpn lulu-34` l\l\l\Rl\l NEW <%;(>01>s. NEW `G0()l)Sf: lrgu. ANn"Wi"r5:TEf:"%bR"Es_s_ GQO_DS!% Induoom Co` 0sh`Wwm runu Aw!) AFTER THE FIRE ? XWRIFM-Hr! I \Unusual|x Low Fiur}$`*' Tbr Cash, UR ( SIIORT` TER 8 HF ('fREI)l'I`, R. RAMSAY, M.D.,L.M., nnvxvnnnnvv fgulg B5,! A! ID will be per cent on 41 IjmmgQg{`5,In(1I.il)d!?'90 ;u1dmrmthnt amount. A .nQ.iII1 I- Q91 CARPENT ICRS T()()l..*' MILL S.\W`.\', tiimulnx `lwinn; l nlvuL. Lung nrmml Axlm. (fnil um! Lo gin`; Vhnina, Ku|wI_ llnmp Rubin: Mill purkin ; Hnhhal Haul, -I'.\`..&c. JAMES` W}%lT|5,. 1,[_`,AL)5 Pusinln, Milan, Vuniah, l\nuaho-ca, Jr _ :0. TINWAKE. Tmhln M111 I'm'hvl (`ullvry In grout vurio=l_y ( -Iroonrlm-`a, ,7onl`c-4-t ionvry. And In M`! mwrythin` wnntml hv Hw pulvlil` may be (mun! in. umrk 1-.-:1-urn-r nuts (in 1111!! Ylurlm In an I3. IMO, 0 Is In fur, u-mu: --nu v: mscouur of pan will has distal can Dry Oman and Elmira mly. . u...\........'uc. 4,. - m_~.~A aiutzls and .5nInnus,,1 sh." ""}&iA',' "i:?:}.3ii..I'"'n51.n1x.:."' ' ,1 Canadian Tweodn, 01 , Hub, . Bonnets, Ribbons, Flownru, Hosiery, V Glowing, I I A 1! I53}! I D A!-ill I43lL\;'. Arm. - _........ . -.... H... -u ma` mane W11/,4 1; 1, W1:/(.'1171u' KMMKB-9:92.13; (Hun, Puuy, Physician, Surgeon, dz Accondhem, O R EE M OJ! E . Louxn or Smcom. Special attention ven to diseases of the Chest, $6. Oreemorc, Jan.18t` . -n--....----r L _ __ ~kn nncl l.nu'ha-A, Bnlln. 11111;;-m. Sch-wvl. (`nningu Bonn, (`uh uh! Wnmght Nail. .h*., (ht, M. 8 T()()l..`~'~. nwu. l h.uIo~n, ('M!u~ln, .*-iqxmrvm. Aulzm, uul Tnuln nll of kinda. (Iimulu. MullimI.(}u15z, lluuing, (`rmw.'m., Hnnrl-nun. fa. _. _._-_ . _-..--1--r-`Vivi Lm IIIWDZIZ `If VT IQ Ixupw-mu-I FR()I AND AFTER THE FIRE?!` OF ()(`?T0!IEl ..a... A,`- :.ve.--n...---.._--..._..r ....w.._. Wtl Till ? All IZNAILKO TO KILL A1 - - 1-: g 7 HE El ll?~'(TRlllER hd`ill[{ill v IL/\RDW;\lH`}. (H of lhn b1-at qxmT1t_v, the rum pmw-sl thin nivlu of In Luliafy hm-mling purrlmrwra. - -- wt 1 Cum ha {mind I -`AJ{.\l|N(3 l.\U l.E.\H BAR IRON and :~'TEl*)!.! of the hmtthrandn; .`\NVIL.*4. V'l(`l"..\'. lH'Zl.I.()\\'!<, .*T()(.'KS and, V DIES, H.\MMl*2!L\'. FILI-lb and R..`\SI'.\'. 1` -9; Q ` u 9 in the` QBARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, O.W.,f THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1865. 3(l. 16-ly Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, on, VULOANISED RUBBER, IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MANNER.