......, .,,u .. `We hlxv had ._some stirring iil_lltS here sincemylnst. The Go\'ernxn<;iitIin\'0 been fairly beaten several times on the Shcriti ~McEwnn matter, and are, in cbiisequciicc; much demoralizcd; still they ('iin}_: to the sinking craft, a's 1r'dmWning inaii`%u11 do Tlfe very'Iire.` N tifxxa -solitary spark of honor or iinlnpo li(`I|QC, would poutinue to hold on :1 single hpur :11`- tel` the (lefeats'Lhe Ministry have sustain- cd; but the qualities I allmlml to are ovi- dently` not possessed by tin,-m. N:-tluin_v_( Short oflthe appiic.-ition of :1 [root to tin: lower end of the spinal column, will rid H10 r-nuntrv hf n `nnvnrnnmnf nrmvu-mi tn BAR-ROOM FIXTURES.'- " `A Horses; Buggies,Wagon, Sulkey, duo. Consisting in hurt of the fol1owim_v mentioned um Emu, .uu_a51.un, Iv ulbvl-| |J\L.l.1kUJ \IlVI Consisting part following ARTICLES: ' ' 5 French Bghvteatls and 1 Spring Mn 1; rnsses 1 2 Tent BL-dsteadu andg ("nrrninm 1 `mm. nuusteauu anu: Cmtztins: 1 4 Rulbtop Bedsteads . 6 Common Bcdsteads 5 Feather Beds and Pi}; ` lawn 9 1I`(`;_:V:`,e' ms '1 Y? 1 Map Upper Cannd_u. 2 Hair Mattrasses 3 Wool Mattrasses DIMSG OOXT S 1) Straw ticks 3 Dining Tables 12 Wxuah.9l.:mds 1 Cllpbvurd ' 4 Toilet Stands 1 Sitlclxonrd 12 Toilet Sctls ' 24 (`hairs 9 swing Looing Classes And a large iluuntity And :1 large quuntlty of Of Crockery. Knives Blilllkifl-S1,Quill3,Elmcta atlfvrksg kc: ` and Carpeting. "` BAR noon. n.-us nuuau. sT_I`\f n_0Q-M 1 I.:1rge Stove (1 D bmlrw 1 Bunk 1 Walnut Side-hoard 6 Arm Chairs 1 Huir-cloth 5'0f~.| 12 Picturc-3 6 Iluim,-loll) ~l7nf1s-'~-hkvz com n Chairs 1 Walnut Contra table Beer Pump and Pipes. 1 Brussos Carpet A large qu:mtit_v of 1 French Swing L0ok- (_}i;;:u's and other ingglass V articles fl 5'! Hm-n-.u:ln \Vn:lnm- 1 rrencu bwmg LOOK- 3 Set Damask Window Ulvrlnhm .1 not uamns Curtains ` 3 Pictures . 4 ; i l 1\l'I!l\ LHIIFS 6 L`um1unn tflmirs .1 I iurm-..- may .5: pror.'i~ t-Ry. I ll` W} RUIIIC `ILIIVI II.`l'IU whereby justice \\'nlIM My nu obtained, and timv and nmxm the aolntunulnbx. My Ma-n u rpfvfcxnuu (mum of llm h'u1:r-- of the lam], gifnlg him ht 1m vcatigalse uml da-I4.-rnmw MM Iuhim'l.Ln ml nnxwnl In l :{rli.-nu ...u.- . ann . |.\u nvlu (Dmvn Stairs.) -1 Spring 750?}; 1 Table 1 Largo Mirror 1 Lnmw Km Stove shaving, Kdrwuhg. Ihnpodn; uumr min art. sf` z:.:uwtu::v'a 3413 6:21: ,m.. HA!!! avian. wmsxsm A 8 D wwwacmm mm snummmm }n%hheq`I iamolhqmqi [mi pan to me, 1:; A wm huh. sum :1. nu. L M H II} `V HAIR DIKQING IX!`-iaiii In aL.........`L. Ah !\....4 run... I-......A. my Sm ti`. IQM. "7i "Lavrti5:mtu;#. . -.A,.-- 2 Box Sto` Flmiru IIII ' the2 vru I up-v-cu-uv 4`-'-v j1`W Ismmpst-I341`:-uttmp.,pm. .v~...,.A.~..,.,.-. "1;XT"*Ns1 VE 'H:u.\1.< 01-` IJIILUIHAIV, null L Inn`: IL lH"\ adu1unishel" an-I .-wnl n1>.n1'. 9 nesm 'I"aium'zrl} "hopl the \'L~ti;z:uiI);_r1.-Iv:-(innf'rzuxls:m! ` `in Pzxrlizuncm is nmn-l_y "1 Reason, cumumn sun.s<,- am. ....A. A. . . _Al.._.. .. X. IIIIII I` I-IIIII-\II-I 0 28th and 29th June, $3` THE WHOLE 01 ms an on we xuuo .<'r12\x'.\1:`1` & '1 1 ring Sofa- able 1 2 Common Tables 2 Arlnvcfmirs \ ` 1 dnz. com n Chairs 5 Pictures - *` V 1 Spun PONIES 1 .\IAl{E 2 Buggies I Sulkcy 1 blpring Wagon 2 Sets lvl:1rm.-.~I. And :1 large quantity of other articles 100 numm-mm tn nnrn- V0!!!-lgiivr HIHI {l'.'l`.'I||l|'.' U Iulfecl tn nu nlvpwul Ln l :{rl'm he Ihnukrulm-v 15111 has A.......1.l.v mi in I 1.1.. Is Ill l lII|I\` l'|\"Y I IIl Ilw Auennbly, and null, I lmw I the Law at 1111: Inml in n {M A.` -.._.... I... ...A A.. Al... .... Quin nuulu enwnwrlvt um! nun. nu. hd Um qunulinn nf unlvr, thothgr it I`-HAN but Im hvlim `hi. nl. -.A2.....n... .....l hi... unnl Zgarlhtmnntuxg. gnttclligmcc. __.._.._'-.M.............._.. .7.___... ._-_ ._-.;.,-... unMe,~.une-1-3&h;-}64%4-- 11'Y,I.,`\ kn rommrsist . +:(.a`r`4u'!.t - .,. nu: - knqtitn` 1'-o`_ (10;.l`. !2s'7llk\V(-!;)I). _, l[!o:..C`blilh`gsvobd;;.;;;.;.;;._';Io10,1 sbmmodnbn "" ' . ;. [$50. I A.~\DV0CA I`VE. ,, .. . - .. W; . "AND'QOUNTY, OF-`SIMCOE It mi%1u2 r; I :n`nn'nnr|~v nm.`r\mn'r.~ A nwnn . hm oou.a...a.;...'._z1n.10,A..x . ztnmydnqn . .:;'::':_.f:': .. '6 50, Pull . ' the Barriofosl Olq for Pone-` nhoug and 0`rilliu`, _ gt ope o'qlqcky p. m~. ` _ us, C-_. W., Fmnu,.Im:17, ISM. unai.I,}Lrb`rbnoxr9. H modlthp for Tomim-.~ ..... . .7145, ;. u. : " . T .. .. ....5 5.vP.ll. i1\' After :1 few `shorts weeks of spuslnodic = gasping the strong g0\"urn|nent ot'Mess1's. 'l`uchc and M{l(t(l()u:litl }mv0.s1u;cumhcd to the f0I`(`0 of o'ircLltmtance.<;, and Slliilllilteti to (let's-at" with :1" lmtl grace on u HC1|l1tili()ll.'4 tralism-ti0x1" of the Finance Miuister s.' The lunn of $_1()0.,000 made hy thnt; gm)tIo- - 1mm--umlertlier--9'93,{mc0t'~the -'Gartior-;\lac- dmmhl pgoxwnximiit ostensibly to the city of Montreal, but in nullity to tliu-,Gr:unl Trunk R::il\\'uy Colhlvillly, without the 1 or t-misc-ut of Pnrlizmiont, wzis mzu1u_ the subject of II. motibii by Mi. Dorion, and notwithstanding the many at- `tempts:0f-Mr;~Gult3s--~n to beg the ` quustimi, thu Ministry were tlcafyutccl by" a mzljority ottwu. ~Mr.-~_R:1nkin, who, on u forum-r u<:t`lhi011pl`()i()llgtf(i the 1m:czu'iou.~i (,-xistencc of the ;_,rn\'urn1n'(-lit by his in- vuta-,on this 0:cx1sion\`0tcd Ilgllillht ,th';Ju;_ :;nrl 1_i_ut_ s;1tit with voting simpl_\',hut llltlfiitfti i1isdi.~.~'likc0t' thv I)l'`St!llt ruh'r.\ hy n ztpecch in which ilt`. character- ised John A. .Mucth)l1:iid, (3u1'ti0r, and Mc- (hso ns_:'*un_/fl to be in ([l.'(`IIl`80Ct'(`I]/. But tin" fu.'Ll\ the niotimi wmlhl not be dis- iiHL'[i_V umh-r.-toot] as :1 vote ot'\\'.-mt of Con- iiIi<`llc't` in the gun-rinnent he must not hu hold as _jninin__; in :m_v Ht[t.'Hl1)L to c::.~ttin1- putatiou on the lioiior, illI(_[:l`it_\', or personal Worth nt'th0l"i1i;1nm: Mi11i.~'tm'. And )1-ti, this Lead! /', that trul/ht'ui mirror 0t'pzn'liuImrnt, has the illl}|lUit`llCL` to say the vote (lid not CC`lNl|l'U thu 5.:-\`t-1'11- im:nt;" hut \\'n.~+ :1 more yuvsmml zit. tack on Mr. (`r:xlt. 1\,-:urtliii_;` tn the Leader, whc-n :1 lnillistm` ;,riw_~,~z :umy,$l()(), ()0!) of the: 1rm'inc.i:1l t\ii1.l}, and uith:r-un- 1 nut or xi-~< not .`%;lii.\`i':lt`tx>l`iiy zwcmlnt. for it, 1-~\;`i_t':;_i`. Vinyl`-"1/lll'1I it, it l)t.'(`,0lllI`S H. nzre 1/ nzullvr, unnl thu_;n\'<:riiii1n:iit us :1 imtil; h:t`.L- n>thiIi<;' to ciniwitil it. Tili i-`C-`l`t:lilli>\' n ~tr:ui;;<: kiml of :ll j_{Hln('lIL an-1 Mr. l{:ux`,;iu we-111+ nut to umh-1'.~'tunrl I am` nimw limit Ullt's<`i\'(`R, fol` \\'hih_~ ill ,.l ,,,,n| .,l,A Al . /N F _,_9a1rly.d.=;): 9f_,th'o.2_ In. m1)lftp a question put on Szstl1rllzn)' Mr`.L`Garti%?tat'o3d that ho*l10pccl .tlw lmsi: Jnessgof thi ' /state of. f0 _ ardness, as lvould enable -tlxg -"Gov_e`rn'r1nc1;t to advise His Excellency the fGQ\fi%rnQr General to prurggue the House On Saturday next, or at tlzu fmtllest on an h0\ve\'er,debum ground,` `and my own opulionis, tl1e.Go\'ermneut will not be able to get through so soon. \ I lmvn lmnn m-nnv thin mnrninm mul -V" vv.-V-V. -av ALVIIDU, `AUVUIIIMIGIIUIIIH no ` repaymonifln n uimilarv way. House would\ be- in such a - )ll,im:i1;g,_s1'clcl:,.,,_ Tlnis is,,l , I9, WU`DUllI3VF(;l;lU IlllllYt3l"'W$|5 Iorg (OD. ` j ' I may atnbe that a bimilar jndebteg 53 ' .bTbo1ne eightfhousand dollanfis, un- derstand, standing against the` employees of _he Lower Hqup, and that the contin- gent` cgmulittee of` tllmt body have a repent now blm the House-, A.ecommen_qing its__ ' renavmmtin n umuTau uxnv , , H `ance_4i1ndV:chIgx'iz`1 of {the paxie: actertlfby; N f it,'"wIx obeIiev1:d;tbonizmmvwas forg ton. ` I mnv atnbe that a himilnr indebted man _ :|lmll.'. tlwir Lusi- Lnan we vou: wm no a wry cmsc unu. - The McEwau il1\'0stlg:\ll)x1\\':\9 a great l farce`; 'While tlirbwi(sW17i'1l{51iljt.'Tlli" mind ofa single memlwr of the llmxso us ' tolliscornplicity and gulltin tb<-l-a.~*c-x_l'llL-c- tionf l'mux.lz-'-ftlxorn \vu.~=, unlhrmnam-l_v, nu evitlenge to fusta.-n it upon him, ul` mjtl.-m'_\' the House in imlit.-tin_; n s lrlllllrsllllwlll than un zulxr13nil'1(-n,3 wlair-l1 simply means nothing, tlu:refr5r4', the gmxtla-nmn vwns (lisclxmjgcd. : The Deputy l wlurnix|g_; (,)lll<"I' .'ml l'ull Clerk for tho tz~\m~:l1i]y nf .r`51ul:.-rtou, in Essex, W(`l L"('Z\ZTm1l(`tl :11 gr:-:xt: ls-wrvtlz, um Satuhlzny, and 1 take it tlnvv will ulw be uuwnt -I-1.: +~.unIv L. 7: 4|. F..nv - .6 :11 R910 [0 gen lIH'()llgIl 30 50011. I have been prosy this morning, and fear I hmjQexhaust.ed your 'paio11,Q(:,JViHl' my own ideas. _ C. __._.__s_.+-O-s---~_-.. Hlwmuxntltwx.--!1mr cyfmu vwourmy mu- Tnafwlsa new wry Hula of twisty 1n the Kevlhnu Shh-A. an aouumnlly harping rm um bu ulhthd hp Ir. Mania : ulutnmnlinq `(Ck "th" but an FM! to ma ms the Kmhu pivuah him Just sham! an .u....:L lam. La nu Ehondnnli Ihnnmr" in Ha! {THIN rwnwnunmvurx us-vwmwem! `imhtniiiuujnaruinhmmnl niIm4kH'li$hIiihu(%bo{vi ya! we Hanan!!! pa-Hymn nnuw pan W... ._ but Ms M in Emniuilag lm?` u :2 of ii: `&Ihinna4c`Iud wiunn mi...ma.s`aiuanmms ik Hi ihas Another Ministerial C;isis. - ings, und.\\m. '1`you. I Ilia lmnqr thcn _prucccticd'to :u.lClrcr;.~+ lhcjury on their duties in A1'-1'51--nicurtu t|u}`\'uriu1m `com- pluints trycnxnc hcfnrc thcin, und in doing so i took the jmins to gU()\'(,`I`, .~4c1niInteiy,u1Ici1 crimi- nhl ciisc on the docket, cxpluining, as ho pro- cccdcd,vin n lucid and pcmpicuons style peculiar, to him, the nnturc of tho o'cn'c'cH.i IIc`c0n- ' cl1i(1udhisrcninr1 which were lengthy and nppropo, hy ixlluding to tho 'I`ompcruncc Bill of Mr. Dunkin, now in the Upper llunsc, which, he said, though not all that the temperance ` people (rnnlll wish. \\'_IIS :1. step in the right di-' gcction; and gave as his opinion thnt ninctcen- ' l\\'(.`Hii(9iil.`5 of the crime brought b_cf0m the courts cfthis county `mightbc trxiccd 10- in- tcinpemnc. , l u1uH.y va 1f.n....I. .(- 72I..I.J....a '[`L:'_1uvnu .n. .....,..-.....W. Uumllc vs. Jlarsh A : BIc!chcr.-'I`hi;~1\vas an umlo.-mlcd issue on u prmnissory notg.-. Vgrdict $253.3}. Ardugh and Ardngh for plaintilf. 1! !-\J |AIiI r. 11'Ivu | m.v..,..,.u` 'l`I.}u Iuruu m. nninu 4,... ` I A "" - --` A_Tl1ls Court` opened at eleven o'clock lust 'I`nes~ . (lay Iuornlng.._ ` His hongr Judge Gounn, . pre-. lding; Duvill Morrow J. P.',J0hn Ale-xundurJ. l ., Patel: Alexander, J. l .; Allnenlcs King, J. l ., Clmrles Partridge J. l ., and Bunjumin Ross J. 'P., xwsocimos. The follewlng gennlcmun ' TFeT'c-o.`ll6'tI jnr(vm:--Amo3 Arl:.~a<~y, furetnan; Dnvlxl llun-xt, Alex. Gunn, llnxdnlx Bowernmn,.Ju_lm Copeland, E(l\Vl\I`ll -Crleery, Serum-l Cruilislmnlm, /.'Inmes Dundux-1, John Eldon, Henry Gilmore, l). B. Glurtonl, A. M. Jngursoll. Stephen Jonen, James Tndlxope, \Yc-llinglou Wilson, Junnes lwin,' Jn.-4. Gumm- ings, nnd.\\'xn. Tyott. n ' ll:.. lu-nnr Ilmu nrnm-I-Ill-al'l0 zlalclvx-we llu-. lnrv .. .......5.. ....,. `..\...h.. l\Jl ,..`......... Iv'i.~;lccn rt (ll. vs.v,k co1nuns'.-'l`his wus an action brought by the pluilxtilf ugainst the deft.-mhmt, to l`0(:0\'(!l` prolitsurising out of the use and 0c- cupation of the pluintilf`.-+ pn-nnisos, `ul't'L-.1` dc- fendunt had been eju<:tL-(1 Ulorcoxn. The dc- I'(am.: v'.<(-l up \'\`ai'sa, that the inlprovt.-nmnh4 made on the prculisos bythed(:l1m vulue than the unmunt claimed by the plnintilf. Verdict 101' U(3ft}ll(l:lI)t. I):u'i llluin, l h1'mti"' `uHnrunu- I'l.u.H:.u G`, \(/.f`....H'... l"....um.I VI` II u vlxnquu nu xI\4nzu\IuI|u. II! In nuuu, A nuunuu Fl `attorney; Boulton S: McCarthy, Counsel. '1'. II. Bull, l)efcudunt a Mtorney; R. A. llurrison, Cuunst-l. ' IV: .. . . ... .~.r `Ulsg Ill KIN HUVK ll "`".|I'.J` ilk of pollin plzarvx in NW . :m%<::`;::::;`: "??.;,.,.. E-...m....l..... u ..-.`..l.l 0.. n mum} ...,uu..\ .. IV{'l.s'u7l vs. R Ilium`:-I1 iasiu.-011 a pr01ni.~;:401`y note. V0111iclllmjplxlixnti; $123.90. M. Mccurtlwy, p]uinli1l"uztttornuy. Au.s~!vr vs. I!ucI.`I:.am,-.'\n Iuulc,-fended isrmo. on II. p1'01nissr>ry note. Verdxct for plninli', $4()l). M. l\Ic(,`au'tl1y, 1>1uinti"s uttunmy. A`1loIn/in nu II.-I.-lmn.:, ,\n .mH:.n lmlwnnn -,/luv. .-.. Ail`./\.u|I.u. , lr|uII|\|u u u..~,...`.y. Ausfcr vs. Iluc/cIuLm. --.'\l1 action bctwo(-u Hn1nop:u'lic.=1 and similar (0 Iyho funnel`. dictfor p1aiuti', $4100. tiH"s uttm-xxoy. II . Yer- M.1\Ic(J:u'll|y, plain- . .1 Tu \ n..H....- nn.h.'.unlmI .... n .....,....u,V. H'wb.~+lr:'r\`1-1. Inywsoll.-.\mnl1u:x' 11ml:-l'un iSS:1m0ll aprulnisory note. V1,-rdict for plain- til)`. Vunco & Slc\'c11.~smI, pluin(i1}"s :Lllu1'ni-.~s. .Lmnon\`.~4. Lrnzyfurclm-'l`l1i.~n \vms an appeal frmn .\Ingi.~4tr:xtc's conviction for r~'(~llin1,: liquor Hui u .'~:'.x:u1'tl:\y 4-.\'L.-11ingnl't(-r sosjen u'(-luck; but thujury being unable to ngrcv w<`1'oIir<<:lu\rg(:d. \VE1>,\'x-:. . June 11. (,`o1u`lv incl this morning M ii, u.m., following cmsos \n-ru tlinpusc.-l of: l'l.., n.....,.. .v., I1....,.,.., 1'..m-..,,-'l`Iu T1IE7EXAMIN"El!:_ ANl_r(_J'0UN'1`)( _o1.' Sgopm. AuvpcA'1';;, ;E1i1DA1 ,hJUNE 17, 18.04, % lnvruvyxx-V !V?" . ...`,. .7... .. ,, _ .. `Ag nkugzn gluon tHH\H~ A UlHs"- !Ir-t=r-nryj H um tic-Ilrmvy. on 139 [mi uT1q:3a an-xu!i:-`y Tndng Utsrnumlr-alt! jmmmlu u the `I`$mn_ M taking- In Hash Immm mu-vuhm! Mom (M6 mnngoulan If Mr iv`:-lay Mu my pulmml hsmody M NH` rnpam lull. ls mun! unqmnqunnohlv slinlika lbw mnkwllug Mum-. pumml by -min at M: an. made Mo-ash M ha of than Timn SS 4-. mm an (mu-vln-,sI Ike mam M can. nm In mum M Mun humr pnvksm nmhtkn` my um typo. grsphiral Imvoqnnm of QM Hawk. is It mu- s; eumpam hvrmnkly with and wavy have in um psietit. .........m..\..~4uwA `~~'-v--Be W Quartbrwonssj VV,__,,__,___ ,, ,.__,,,._ ..__.- ..._ ,-___._,,,`_ , 4 ';1ji5}:nine Mafou qr me Fifi}; mmkry Dis; trick Rie `As'socIation`came off on Tuesday hn_d Wednesday lIut,'at tlwrungo of the Barrie Iri- fnntry. It was not_so_numerous1y nttcmlcd by . t-ho vohnnteena oft`bWe Co1|n1.y mi ivns _qxpccted, stilf tho attendance was fcspeclu and the ishooting excellent, as the npp'endc_d scoro tes- tifies: , ` ` - FIRM` MATCH. 5 shols~at 300 yards;-open to ullcomors, any` rie lst prizo,--IIf_1eiixitt, Harrie, Inf. 38342--,l5 2nd `{ --Sorgt. Fgnaor, Brudford,. .04234--1;3 SECOND (On-'ux1nn) Mucu. ' 200 and 400 yurda. lat prize,Ensign Rosa. Barrielnf.23233` 23403425 . 2nd Stowixrt. Cooks- IUWCI CIILI Ul UM`; hllllll CUHIHIH, Will (I the country of 21 `Gmwnmont. pro1>ru'cd to re-enact all the iniquiti<,~s nf fhu Coalition. in its nnlnnir-.s:f.dn\'sL I'h~:wiH In I mn ha. I M320 0~-2 J. I :\_to1'son, 00230 00000-5 Mil pnzo,mns1gn K083. UX\l`l'lOlI.ZZi5J` 'lJ lUJ--'.'D _ 21! Stewixrt, Co0ks-_ ` town Ritk-s,22."$23` 21$()v)0--17 Tulxxn (Assocumox) Mmrcu, 3 duligntus from 'ach_Compnuy. 200 and A100 yds lst prize, Private Geo. `Jenn, 22322 44333--28 2 2ua~m -4. F.Jebb, 32232 22432-25` Lat prizb, Ensign Ross} `Barrie-I, 1 2nd Sorgt. Miscumpbell ` gird Pte; Boon, "lat prize, Sergl. Sutherland, ` 2nd Pl. Gmy 3rd Sergt. Fraser, Fourml (l.\:m-zm-v:rzs)'.\In<:11. v. 5 shots at 500 y:\rd.~a. T.IE. lat Prize Ensign Iwss, Barrie 31242--l4~- 2110. " ` Pt. Boon, " 23402---l2-2 3rd A Scrgt.;'\Iiscmnp1Jel1 *` 04233-l`l-0 Fxrm (BRIGADE l\l.\Jon s) Sincu. " lat Prize, Silver Medal, 2nd do. Bronze Medal; 200 and 300 yards. ls! Prim. PL Gm). Jcbb. 34330 33Il~l2~28 `luv and LSUU yurua. lst Prize, l ,L G00. Jcbb, 2nd 1.` .ScgC..MiSC`.Ullp1_', 1. 3222-L23-13Z.-_27. SIu`(,`ONl) DAY. n ;n,_, , ,...x \r._.\.. uuuuu u 11.; n. . SIXTH (RIFLE Scm-.Iu`) Mum. * 200 and 400 y:\1'dl~s. Sorgt. Mis4.cz\1npl)ell, liurrin, 23323 .'50L'it-27 l"ruser, limdfurtl, 231123 :i323.`5--27 Pt. G00. Jubh, Coukstcmn, 33234 301S42-27 `S1-IVI-).\1'l`ll (L.\mI'-ts) M/n'(:u. ~~SH l,00 yzmls. l1......VI \\'..nu IL.-.-1 Tnfnnh-xv W*wn .rvvu J -nu... L`o1`1>'1. Wrny Harrie Infantry. l`l1uu'ru (Vo1,ux'1'm:1m) Mucu. 200 and 300 vnrds. muuwn g vo1.1:.\"1'r:r;1m) mum. . I yxmls. Sergt. Min-:\1np1u-ll llurric 1111'. 38232 322.'}3-2 Pt. Geo. Jubb, Coukstown, 2 3.'{.'i.'S.'i`.l2.'S3`.).---22T F. JL-M), 32223 .'l232`.--'24 Boon, Ilnrrie, 351324 -l02150-24 NI.\"ru (SWE.El STAKES) MA1`(,`H. 5 Hhohi at 400 ynrda. lst I ri'/.0 Svrgt. 1?`1'm-wr, lh'x\dl'0x'd, 422254-15 2nd Pt. Gm). .Icbh, (,'0oksto\v11, 2044-1~-l-1 '1'+1>."ru (Co.\'sm.nmx) MUCH. 200 yards. no mim. \{ ll IQ.......\..r .t`.>.'t:L'l_l5 on. ' n. . .mu..,.. All It is |u'upu.~:M to 0r;.::u1iz(*, n. Rie .\s.~'m'i:\ti1)I1 fur the County, and lo huw Kl County Mulch in . In-xt, wlwu Cupt. Ihlsm-ll intc.-ndu ;;'n'in;;21Hilwrlnc-dnl to tlw lwnt shot in his <-nmpully. uml-r2. : yuurs of ngu. . _ . .,. ,, The (mall Split in the Refonn Ilunkml C'l7|HM.'|4 dill lllUlH||1Ull`l(,'-`illl [HA1 \JU5l|lLI`J` ,1 itgs palmiost days. Tliiswill lm, I am in- formed, n. test week, nga snvurnl` ileum in the estimates will be mo\`cd against, w'l1cn brought up" for concxlrruncot .-uul I inistake the feeling of the House, if one or tum of themwill not L4-tlirown out. lfut :11mt Irmn - this, I understand it istluz imuntiun of the 0 position t,0m0\'c zulireut mm of want o$Pconicicli(-e. Wlmt the result may be is ofbourse in the future; but this l know, that the vote will be in vcrv close one. rm... M 17...-.. :. .. .. .....m6 zuu yams. ls-tt Prize. M. II. [S1)L`Ill`(`l` 4`2.'i3.'!-)5 `ind PI. '1`. Grulnuu, Barrie Inf. 33324-15 311'. " S. >'<-strcy, IL'i3'L2-13 . . . u...-. . A. _ Vvm! in nyrwwvirw Input-Iunuun no at-usw|-cl as sh D vlulcm uump tn tmut haul . r M<'*4`M\hay. and MN I! III beam Utlumrv mm mmshn M "uh-Amt N 96110 llama-hu ' when A memhor I ll flpgnnmnsdl this ha-nut, ` r.m`r-n -u.-ugrgn am. my Vlnudmnurln % in um-ruin hm! an M! , mm M 1064300 mu! 3 he rwnum! N that I rwvlacwy lo mm want an $41 Implant that 954 link! to! Inn! Man! Man! that any armada hi: cnphnttmm KM: mmt ;-Tyne nmenatch. an 03320 20000-10 22302 03220-16 23222 33433-27 am 9 22333 02004-19. 3` zzsm 23203-22 ` 33223"42223-26 ms. 1'. 322.'}3-27 . 3.'{3.'i.'i 22332-27 \u,, , Tnvmo Hnnn.---The %Aduance, anxious to I j `get zrcnndidate of somersort for the Saugeen - Division, lend`-not very particular 30 long as he con stand, has, within the`pa;st half-dozen weeks . set up as many candidates, and knocked them all down again for his own amusement. -The last name mentioned by our (;\{'ati(: neighbor, is that of a Mr. D. L. lliucphemon, 5! gentlemen whose pretentious and clnims,to,the represen- tntion o{'Sougeon are thus briey and pithily i summed up by the A(lvanee:-IIo is a men of ilnitrclnss business ability, posscsxedw of ample means (good), and (I Seoicliinoii by birth (Vern guide). ,Ile iiiliesitltesh very persoqmblc man, nnd would, no doubt, Jet (ha su_[}'rr1ges of all the fairsex, {vhich of itself wouldbe lialftliebnttle. This Adonis, with the -lLphO7liO u3~-Il$tIll0 V of Mnepherson, must be really It killing fellow, if we are to believe the Advance, and threatens to_ alienate, from Mr. Mc.\iurrieh, whois also a very fpersonnhle looking gentlemen and a Seotchmnn, the 431/"/)i'a{/es(. ) of all the fair sex.` Well, rntlier than quuwrel with Mr. lliacyilicrson, we consent, on belmlfofllir. .\Ie.`\Iurrich, that the former take the ,s u_[fra_qes of the fair sex and the latter the sufli-ages of the sterner sex. How will this nrrnngenient Suit you ilirq. Advance? But, bet'o1 6 you answer, remember the ladies of`Stu1geen must he allowed to any :1 word as to which of the Macs they prefer. ..._..-_,..,.. . --..-...--.._ TuA.\'Ks.-*-`Our` friends in the Upper and LmvcrIIo11_scs of l a1'Iiaine11t will accept our thanks for n copious supply of Pnrlicnmntzwy and other (1UClllll(.`lllS(lll1`illg the p1'(.-sentusasiurn. A1>nL0m:'m:.~\Vc have to :\p0l0gi.~:<` to our E rcmlom ibr the very large portion of space which we to-lay devote to our xulVL'1'tisi11g patr0ns.-- It is g1'nt1'i'yi1Ig to us, but dopris-'03 them of their usual q1mnti't_V' Of'I'L".\l1iIlg matter. We will` make nbcttc-1' rlisapnsition ofolxpglitlvertisumcntsa, _n this rv.<.p<-ct, nvxl \\'(`l`,k. ` 1 .. , .. and lh:\l loo, wilhuut 1-mitlwliltlioll. that .\[r. Sl1v1`ill`.\'n1ith lms plum-ml his l`(`N`lgll1\iiUll in this liuiids oi` the (:i<)V(,'l`llllH`l1l, and all pl`I:>`,l`||l. only hulds ullicv iintil his s11ccu.~4soi' shall be. appoin- ted. Mr. Suiiih, we l)('lll5\'l`. tlurilleg his \'uI'_v lung l(`l`l'l of 0fli(,'0-tw<-I1ly-one _v<-uI`s--l1ai.-< dis- V ('lllll'gl`d lllS(lllIiL'.` in :1 quit-t. 1;:-nth-mnnly and fm-liiig niunnt-1`, and will l't`ill'G frun) oillcv l)(!1ll`lllg with him the host \\'islws of ull who lm0\\' him. fur his l'ui'Im- px'u. ill`-lllllll um] liiisiiltrss ilillicultius, into wlnc h_\ruluogn,-In-roiw mid uunllnling h`.\illl'1,', liuvu haul much to do with his 1'ctin~iiwx1t; but we lmpt-:il'lu1` :1 lu'iui'pvriml of -1`('p0.~'` to X-flit` Mr. Smith :i;::iin in :1 pnsiiimi no lws lucmlivos Illlkl ..: AlxA' l'I\ u 2. h he \\'il.`l l(`il I _l`l-!0ll3(')UlZ1I)7\i N =C(')lllll}_;l'l)`.\'n ENT inl[:()l`l'.\Ill than th- |It`xtlcmt (u rn~li1':*. lirst who hmk 1m an inning for thvir 0 1:|*u.~4[h-x'i!_v of the 11-:. ox up : wen Ihu runwr of [lw 1 um! tlwv rmly Imwnwj Hm smmiww rug gmm rvmguuwl by Hi Momh. hut Hm lmdyayli 5 u Iinunm nu mumqlni mm a qhnpotam nun ism... um. nmmma. v w mm Imy tam hurt. in ma nf Hm mud -warmly lnjtmui, AIM ; My numvirsgn ma Immtn ms tuning in Man ' nun wmk M mm; non: has no In the an at, saving use Hula girl 2! In Roan D Illlat. M mm mm, um u um sin at we say unt-v Mu, Mun; Mm imam an 1; tin pypinf am mm In M: mun mg Dmnma pm Nu. mngtng um um; sigma an In, at In magnum : , ukkh hit was land! ttglihgottmlg than an In vnula it it 5 gm; than us." 3 .,,. 4., Yum my swam-awmmnym I-mi Xi $14!? 10 lath ndi; t ...m .u,,-,.u.. nu .. In-`...u. `IJIILHHIII llml mm n! His 11 v dg'pul_\' `....mi...... u .. r ohjmrt u...... . . u u town ft? smne pa.-zt.' L u-ml thu ; nu-nt, ` ... -|...H L.` ...u.nIn, ` wri~lT. M 1`. us .\',|u-rill".-z lo .~4lI\n H11 llnm-4 n, u\\ 4 zunung Hm -v11tv|`px'i.~'<-3 uunnnf l`V|l` Y (VF:-omthe N. Y. Expa-`E; Thursday ) . ` 'r1ie 1atp' steanibogytnisatkffi` " In connsexqnence of 'the` 10:50 train of the Hudson River Railroad` being `considerably behind its advertisedtiin`, no persomomciaiiyi connected with the steamboat Company had arrived up to one P. M. from the scene of dis- aster at their office, foot of Hnrrizon street. Fr-nm n amananr who nrrivedi!I"a11"'eB1'lY thoir oice, foot of linrnzon street. From a passenger who arrived`i!I"a1r"early train our reporter` learned the following as some of the" ci rcumst"ances attendirig the dis- nszlnru " . aster: I The Berkshire left her dock at Hudson citzv alittie nt'terher'regulnr hour (6 dcloek) wit tspretty goodcargo and some passengers, which were increased at the stopping places on the \ route which she touched--at. Nothingv of mo- ` ment transpired until some two iniles northpof ,; Hyde Pnrkpwhere the cry of Fire; tire, was ` echoed all through and over the boat. On in- quiry as to the cause of the alarm, it was 119- \ ' certuina.-tl that by some as yet -unexplained . well up on shore. the stern was-x floated in some hthev met thi-ir sml fate. reason, tire oocured in the `lamp room of the p bout, and beeanieo of the combustible pnye of the surroundings, it was impossible to exti guish the ames. Soon the entirenifter part of the boat was t`nV(?lOp(:(l, and as all hope of saving ] the vessel was now destroyed-. the captain ordered the vessel to be run ashore that the l pzgssengers might "not share the fate of the steamer. This order was at once complied with by the pilot and enigineer who remained , fuitlnilly-x It'th(-ir posts while practicable. As the boat struclr. those on the forward part . jumped into the water, which svus nt this point ' not more th:_m three or four feet deep; and saved il|(;lllS(`l\'(`S hy wzuling to the le:1cl|.~-- But the t'nrlun<~, of tl10.~`e of the passengers, con- lined to other portiensofthe limit by the pro- ` grass of the tluu1vs', was not so favored. The bed of the river grrulnutt,-.~a liero considerably. and thins. while the how ot'tln- boat was run so ten or twelve for-t. )\l:n:_v, to escape the de- vuuring tlaimvs which \Vl'l`t,' licking up every- thing in their mud .~:pread. it-apetl into the; not less ll`t'L`lIt`l'Ull.'~i xmters, where, it is feared, WWll'l1eii'iillmliving thzft m__W H had been l`('Sl:llt'Il, large tires were kindled on czlmrn t'rnm tin! (ll*ly1'l: of \\'l`L`l`.k Willtfll llOlllt'tl Tm-: I |mmu:,\'rm\z- day. Mr. (,':u'tivr .~u'ul. lI0u>'1~ progrx-.~'. at [In ynst:-rl:\_v. thv Gm":-rnn I 2 lli. I. II. '7! hm!-hlnn or! All wanna-Nlnm: 1 mm! mm *7 with Tm-is; ya lam Swim, Lulu. n, Wrmdms * Lulu; n Wrmmi will and (`Mna-alum; :4 mm -as !:mmn`a Mum! gen. am; an :1 M pm M, L : M6 at I i hm A: F i saith Mu. `fin what`! would at I t" DAIGMHI `****M w-..'::....` 3 `OR SALE. us um-!!>sn uh hm- vmvv _ xmmu-2 Mu! RHILER. with main pl . } 1 mgapinu and smuvly wt; 9 at 5;! Fm Nmlshinn ml 133 wmnwclinuy: IND! Nut 1 u-hh Tmmu In Xnm I2rm|vm`.n1ba. 59%, 1 a1I I. tls, u\`.--In the I ml. if the 3 mu ullflv U) lull! an ilk Luv ,n- m':n, lcaumulatinu 01' last 1-mar: and thin owing bu Um fm-lvlvlwm vf I-nth HI: Ind prumlll Um'mununt., um] llwir quenl inulvilhy to (`ul|ll Ill tlm llnusp, he lmlinlntinu ha: lw--n nxullv ru-lurdwi Inn CL`! .. . K tuld he ]II't*]r(lrL`d ; prurngzln` l`-.u`H:\-1} u..,_... . r {ho l'ul1o\\'h \Jc1mm%s;xWLE HEWUNDERSIGNED hav been immutea ` by Mr. JOB MORRIS, (who is retiring frnm hmxinn;zn.'\ tn mil hv I 11-1E~U.Nl)rJKr:5lUrN E1) nave been instructed JOB (who from business, ) to sell by ` Wixoxlt` Reserve, at Iiig in Bradford, . l\ \v ?UE.$..D4mt{ivy_9_~E.vAv l%FuTfB[Ic?%AucIIoN: nu n nuns. ur nan EIITIIIHIIMIIIIIIIII n A r) nnnu nrvmrvr virv , {nuns Iilll IIIHUIIW DU VUIIUHI III I I"||:"I leginlnti-an Milly I`:-lurdw `rhnrn IIHII nu: nu NIH" |xrnnI.n