.4 _V , We 2` ` good far.-1n,,;ec1n;zty.a `ow rates; "' . ' v .1.` -. _ . _BA`RniE; L `Rates J 3..,.....,_ ` I _ BARRIE, 6-Aly. N . 7 i` ` > ` . I ` . > IOUNTY: , F_'8IMco_E.`owr_Ms:1o.:-.THURsnAY, JUNE 23; 1881, on imitncloh of Rosa wood. and Walt from ane of the leadfng Estnbllshmanta oi uetroit. . A1soSh_l'0lld, Linings, Eandles,_Plnteand ' 11 re uisiten for funeulfurniuvzingu in: Class curse. Rates Ressonabl nndorders V cntually lled .> .\ 113:3 ALEX GAEHAM '1 e;;ia_,Pe;=aE., E32?! . -_-"I'RAC1'0R,- ` . V Oo1fIe_r'qf Owennallggc donald 1.334331: .".. . > : hy Ilndeg-taking in all its Branches. Aznt for nllklndn of Gun `v (2 1_o ~FnnznAi. ` nuqmsiwzs J % `_ HIGHLY POLISHED COF'FINS, .cA'm>EN:bia:Ii,`1B' DEB. AN coNi- --'TRAC1'0R,- nrnRr'df Owen and Mac donald KA'L sonEi;n'1NG-- lutw vAmu.ss %Auu%sA1}nLenv| -..-. nu na|_lnJEA 1- - , _ _ DOORS WEST or CENTRAL SCHOOL ..,..-.n.nu-u unbuvw n'h7'l", . ;' V i COB OF DUNLOP AND M`ULCA8'1`EBI' T315. `Just. arrived a. compleu. -stock of gooop. G0TGH.,-,EANt.`.L|SH`& CANADIAN TWEED8 ' _ W. Lied and Diagonal Uoatin on ANI5"BLuE .2. BLACK senses G-EIl"!IaHMN S PUBNISZIN I-S nable L ` `Tailqrjng. Genta" Suits made up ixi th'e' Latest and znnnf. Fashionable Styles} and very Cheng- th'e' Latest and most Fashionable Styles, Chen - Rates, also warranted tbbc well, look was - and wear well. Opposite` 1 gring &: Summer. 1,Goo3f A.#McRAE;&_oo'e,_| COATINGS, _ zor 5. I I Carriage a.r_1_d general 1`_!Ln,inter snii Degorator. In New Ens1i,=:=h.i.L ' .7 nthe Newei-Styfeg Canadian Tweeds; _ :_ ;';Pattje_s purghialng` them mad u`p1u`-,th ` =1-ea onable rams, . ".` j-..;-__:__- ,, ':[t|~BIc*RR |-E paun SHIRE, G;~ \ \l\lI: A-v--\r-nu --__..____._, 7 sags to acquaint his customers and the: publif: gelnemlly, that he has Removed to "`Sa1'np!eu of wdrk always on hand ` All work Guaranteed. . 1 nu Ttnnpwvv.--r-~- . PRICES to s; r."'.f`E `'r.1mi:`s :- F: L Lowmno iEir;an*I.1~1@I%9!$I21PBE*2I8Es% COLLIER ST`, mum. MoAGucheon.% n _ `puanh p .-...__.. V ,,,, V_ pposiw the "`Summersett, Duiop-St. Barrie. All Orders promptly attended to, I:ni|1`:!.1I :|'9!5.|i- _ .`;.......~. - g.` shod Ru. and `um- _ all Q Tailoring AEsta_b`iMs-Hment. `BRITISH FREEDOM AND .0_O`LONIAL' RIGHTS. If TH0MPs01I?s 111 ll lulu. ulu nu v uu ; ,......._.-_-, 1.9 ._1)aor_s W,s4! of_the Barrie Hotel, V Dunlap--St., Barrie. ` - Painting V&,G,Ia;_lng. Me:-ch;m.Ta|lorIng. Vliyneal Supplies. lllllumvv nun sung... ESTABLISI-IVMEN nu. ` _ .- ~ PATENT nznwnas. . J 3'.E!`P"` TROWb`ER1L.".iS = In Great. Variety. ___.__ ~, "`!1I"Exa.m1nsr Jarunr nu.` ...... _--. , _ - .Gu'uhted`JgnmAl.pubHsheqi North of Torpnto .l'.\M>o,c.b!unod hrmer nu u.`:d:isb.lo.1'u_v_sprpu hsscgeqredbon the oonndnce of n:u~ `-,mkin1.tthO1)eIt adv ' sine Saddlery.` NII`-.W GO DDS IN- SADDLER, HARNESS MAKER,and dalriu all goods appertaining to his, lipe ofbttsineak. Good Workmanshtp and rhanm Rates. ' F Good W orm Cheap Rates. ii5 {J_M9QBE| auuau v ... -., . I {ha Lest Style guaranteed Quptqmer ---v- ..-.;C; " ' "H-wg_ev-saw-s ~ :13 `ixjgsmmoz ASQ _3;Ji:s'i`ji2N-as HES. glllikf fa-on4.i!1' Agncnul. psguyfof 1 ' :9 ._4.~ 2.` ., , .339 V `_Vv_;::r~ vwuw li"*P11'95ked With` 8 5 ;-:;_)po.-s1'.te\ the` t., BARRIE 50-11, House >`rju - know in `dd-k its The` right on the path to-dny in but dim ma ' palc. ll 11: wan to cung to ma nuun: nuu. wave uulunwu Life : deaf, deep sea, for dread of its storms an side 2 - ' W ho ventures `naught. beau:-elyehall never win; He nl.l`Lg.h1E Ibdill nish who never doth sught ` : gm. - The Inn n_n_y Iihine, and the heaven mny aged . itlfn - ~ But onlyfe ',`lOW8r may harvest his golden grit. - , - , `in!-. ` Blindly we our wny--but `tin better l0- What, Gog} 1: ` hiddon 'tin better-we nhquld not know. : Nobler and braver ll`hg.wh3 1-i1.-kn him :11 '_ And take: his lou or gain an -the ohn.nes's11, Than he who folds hi hands, and idly waits But this bright sun of contenment that dispersed or gilded. the clouds about hr had the nme happy eect on her husband. only when she, its medium, was no hand. At other time: Mr. Bax-elfotd fell into IE it better never to hope than to hope in vain 2 In it better not to strive. Ieat yo never attain? In it well to cling to the shore nndleavo untried take: his loucr gun an-the ohmces nu, fol_da idl `Till the tzisght ltl shadow: gsthnrq; 1: his 2: - - ` ' Lent it prove a. lure that lead: to the doc: or I. tomb I ` - Is it better never to love, lest love mistake ? 'Ihe paaaioggtenhezrt mly qmver, and echo, mdrqa-k.~ Yet give V1: the warm wine, though well ' we know ' . That drege up bjtteg I-I death may lie below. We nigh for the joys that were coming and never came ;- A We sit in the_da`x-k and weep, with our hearts anme ; ` We feel the crush and grind of the silent mill-- Feel the 1:1rueh and gnnd, while our lips are eti . Shall we turn our ears away from A sweat `refrain, ` Lest the pleasant long mny change to I dirge of pain 1 Shall we close our eyes to the ray in the mid- night gloom, _ A Shall close to the an we una- . night gloom, it lure that lead: to the doc: of Shall viz ing 3 cums m we race or uea.ven's ' ing I V 7 Happy is he who kee eh his trust through 2.11 I He may ahgiizlk and 5 'ver and falter, but shall notou ,_ 1 Feel the crush and gz-mu, wnue upanre still. What hen ? shall we spun our life as a. broken thing? Shall we xng in the face o Hea.ven s King I medium, hand. At the uncomfortable and unwise habit of ruminating over his troubles, among which their present pecuniary diculty, the set,- ting straight. of winch occupied his wife's healthv energies, seemed almost the le3a_t. healthy energies, the least. " Kingnbrooke would never be his. It would never be Geo"n; and he litt.\o knew how entirely he lnd calculated on some day owning it until it was completely lost to him. Hugh : fraud concealment of his straight. 9! winch occupma mu wxte'a energxea, least. Kingnbrqokgf w_9_u1d ne_v_er _!3`eA_hix_a. ` it completely lost to him. `- Hugh [mud concealment of blind child daxietence he looked on in the light of a. personal injury;_ and with all the wrongaheadedness of an angry man be blamed every person but the right one for his A disappc intment. ' The right one being himself. For might his`disappcim.u1ent. j . Th "right being himself. For not ugh-hiI eldgr by only two or" three yl '-migh not Hugh have returned, and ifchxldless have -married again, and had mdre children? , 01- might be not, the en- tail ceasing with lain}, have chosen to sell the place, or divide It, or leave it to some other than this aggrieved kin3ma.n T In hia neilzl1bOl"l nain Francis Bel-ea othe} this tsgg!-ieved_kins'ma.n `I In his neighbor : nau-I Bel-our `ford was clear-headed to a degrae. There was not a. man more likedanxore enerally ...~.......1+.aH nn matter: nubhe or omentio. liked, more enerauy conqnlte. on matters ublie or omentio, mor_e throughly trunte than himself for milas` around, and yet in bi: own case he had made this stupid blunder; he had let v himself drift into thjeidga. of mm , own. ex-ship till shsmdea had becbmgf j of his life; and whgan it` away! taken frbtdhim, ho felt junta much robbed as if `a. higl had walked off with `pm-|e_balo1_-e hip very eyes. ` -' '7'" So the outcome of b;:tA1-xA1u_!1ig1gn_ . , '_ -'5' lpia Iollgsomxnun was that he nnnouncai Al;`i;,=.-1u_teng,1.: oing otf to Liverpool "en:-lg in ~ the" 1 lollowing the receipt of I`. e Anetta ettere. ` letters. Anything in bettenthau stopping about here waiting for a. telegram from the cap- tziin. You 7 don t know, my poor Joan, wha.t.theae days have been to me. Every_ . 1`. time I stir out somebody pitiea me. %` old ass, Peter Burton , nearly put me 1 rage this morning` uE at the brick- unnw 1 Why a epunaying, `Ari no fun at him 1 Poor Peter ! If wishes could mgke you into the Squire, Peter : would soon wogk ' kindht thing you can` tho_ abs}: 6 l- _ Bob, -E;-ank, dear, you are qmte gag 1:; It w11l be much beat_for you to be ready to meet chvadpoogaoy, 1'ta the o;_` o w on on bring him safely bnck,why)you ll bobao bylzsy etting everything about him ryith ~ .' hornton,that you ll-never remprqbeut no trien." ,. ` Sn aoolhintz him` by eykuible ligo , So soothing by ible us 6 -artice, Mrs. Beteufor `pressed ` ._ d _' ' our- the arrangements fol` `e: huaba nay, and she herself drove, the nu.--` tion, four miles diItant,`g"g;-;-?1{.l3e fojjuwing mnrnina. ,5`, mor'ning. ,r:'i *" ' e." W ` Their way took `th __ - doping hill, over the ntteem; and put gate: of K_inggbrqoke,whera the ol;lv>hIe stood, on1yj;I. _t`y~.!u3nd:ed yardsgbick "from the . _roa_u{`- withlity chaemente glowing 3 gi glit- tering<'ix,i"the' 1.11}. blaze of the Ocbo er aun- ehirie. ` ` -. , ,.TrQdif,ion assented that within those gray ' *`BDye_list| had found lhBl- A _.. .._p-.....-..u`..'. I-me um vinfnrinnn M'1'zdil _.ion Mae: I_vg1lr.O`P3."7y'f * tor. and Jrnlacglll` to surrender an d1scret.1on,I.n gvit Qnuoh humiliation were marched on, 3 batch of piinunera, to join the be- "TheAy i!'re_a11.p.roud of th * aie ing army that lay around the town of 00 ford.` _CoTford.`\ . 1 `They were all proud the` old lace, a Bax-esford s ainovqhay.-,moct gracious ujeaty Elizabeth _had, aatoged its broad acres on a fa.szqri8.@_ n~f;-fend, and: though the change: of thtge oontuniu-18 had 3 good deal narrow- ed tine` bonindariea of thn eatpte . (the host nf thnbunltzclrv niahtfa feast` just. spoken ' t of the eatgzte (the non of tlmteunhzclt tgightfa just - of having than t hiuiiilfegtremely lucky *1 1: when he-had e amnesia: saving his life `by givinguilip a hill third of - his fair 1auds),` enough in left to make Kingabruoke a. place to be coveted, its owner 5 man to be envied. Other `things of course being equ_al; though at the mom-mt of passing it, wxtl: _ the rich wooded upland nwellling like n golden pea behind and on either side, with its glorious old oaks gravely guarding the park in front, with its belt of quivering, uhinnm-inn birch. and etately. silent cedar: pal-Ts: fx"c;nt,,w7iVth iii be1t'uf quiviring, . rhiupex-i.n birch, atacely, V tight _a.ud. efbfof the ivy-clad lodge, at that moment the very bitzox-ea_t._pa.ng_ 8:135: he light leftfof ivy-clad lodge, at that bitzorentipang that almoatfever knew entered nnoil Baren- `ford : Heart, and he felt that, with King`:- 3 brooks, come what might, he should content; without it, life yvu scarcely worth having. Not caring to break his Iilance, _nnd having. ' caring his and only dimly divining which way her hun- band | thought: had turned, Mn. Berea- ford drove__9n tothe station at Colford, and having hidden hn good-b e, and `nailed chogrily back in answer to I. 9 half- -:i|1|'p3I,iQnf"`Iu'ug' with which he wsved `his fare jack ho: way home again dang. ' K1m:snnoon'l_-:. :1 th Aqsttaiian mnunipgn ` tentimi of nwahy at once. , V , Indeed, mu-In, I did try, but Potat- make! quite 3 trpublo of the new young gentleman thn1*. I-r'qin' in over mute.-'1 head, :1 be 0111; it, and he say; there ixn t rs pet`-Ion i _th whole pariah u isn't that muster gnd you human`: got Kings- brooke." ' .. ~ war her. Mn. Borenford looked heartily Down by the bridge, which now spanned whnt in the hting days had been only n.~ ford, Ihe met or little nnideun Oliveend Mary, who-, in'cha.to of their eernnt; had been carrying nhat.-Olin celled A com- Euble dinner" to- old Peter in the bx'iek- eld. And he nid memnm,"_- yroceeded the child, when she wee well tuekedin the carriage by her mother : side, ,end :he. said if people had what they ought`, you'd be riding vnth papa. in a womb and four." Why four, .rneIn:ne--inn : two enough 1" inked llsv.-who shed a ~:euengble, eeeu~ E.e"vented his nal grumble ou_t loud, and young Hugh asked him if he were very tixed. Mr. Beteefox-d_uid y_e.|."_I em, too, young Hugh end; thu ch? ehekee Io And the ship was dreedfu 0h,.the noieee end the men hiking ! hated it; I never could elee for the noises, outknow,nnd thinking. In I get home shell henotiredlnhnll beI_o.tix-ed I shall sleep for day: and nighte, I believe." ._ - Indeed, on their arrival at London, the led had just dropped oil` into an uneny elumb_e_r. end in_t.he_hnrry en_d_ oonfueion of "` ;uV:";'n7u.Ix-x:nn--isn't inked Hsiy -who had ~tu.Ian1blo rate style of, thouglb comical ' ;::oh 5 ` small-orosturo`. And he odd, 0h,`Idch 3. ` iahnd thing: he Iiid thnt. ` ho.shon1dn't : And he odd, oh,-Inch irickodth ; Iiid mind-n'=bi&<' the ship thnt pspdn, blind cousin incoming homein were to go down to theiuttomof tho les,_so_ th.u.t.thorpoor |-:lind- hm would nova coma . home,` and Alwfylfj < lnadragx, .. V soilm` I K \ V ` , `Iain; 1-ithont_wr1tton iiutrnef Ions > rbd ,1u:I:1.l forbidden, and charged 10: . ` . . .7 V,` _, .g 3,, ., Q ._, _ _.7_,' It _ wnlnotbe . -. ` . won't." No, that I know you never will, my da.r!ing,*and' old` PJotez- in very wrong to talk so to you. 'Sa'x'n'h"--to the children : mnid-you must not hit them "at: to hear such thing; give the poor nun w :- ever you have I-ought, and let them come I Indeed. Inn-In. ex-y,but th.u.t.tho;poor blind- boy would home,` then "papa, sad you would Java .31! his mnnnv. ` Novr.wun . that very wrong of buncr boy Iroluu uuv-x uuuuu uumw, ....,.. would. vo money. Now, wan very him ! I told hxrn it was, and he laid name day I should my the name an ht doe: but I won't." __ ` For her, Mu. vexed,remembering homwhile she was elmt up at home,her mind full of other metterl, her husband had been hither end `thither, exposed toga: tun! betteriel of this irrit- ating gngjigy. on e heppierthonght drove away the momentary vexetion, end` she answered, brightlg 9- 'Thia`ebrnee`o ` being too znuoh liked, a.nnwero`d,b1.-ightly ' . "Thia,`oi);nub being much liked children. `Ru cannot recollect how gooci your father wli to Peter Burton yen-eago when his Ion) brought him-into Iuoh tron`:- ble;_ the poor old man in no lonely sud miserable, a.ud_no one but ur father stood up for him, I0 ' now he . altogether de- votedto uubut he mint notlhow his love to us by being unjust to other p'eop!e,mupt he, Tot; 1" - * - ~ .~ No," laid Olive gravely, And I told him I didn't mind, and I meant to be very gowd t'.o the blind boy, and give him my 4: es. ' ' , \ y``n)h,gOlive, you mea.nt use your eye: for him !" put in Mary the precine. It's just the some thmg ! U 4_nd I_uhnll precino. It I'ju|I'. And I shall teach him to play, 011, beautifully, when I known. little morajnyaelf, and 1 shall read to him--" _ whan man can spell." Kravely inter- When on spell." QPAVBI ? )7 rupted Mary, The mother la.ughad.,,, "Make your plum, Iittlq _ ones; :1 few Meiy. The mother la.ugneq.,,, "Make your plum, little more days and we shall have him among us, I hope. Oh, Sarah, did old Peter say how long hewill be brick-burning? Mr. Ber.-en ford think: that the work is getting too much for him altogether. I understood that Fulcher was going to take his place at it.and coming.int.o the cottage by the brick eld." . ' it.and eld.` I Mr] eld." _ V ~ , ' ; "'J.`hin_ fmhin very last batch, ma'a.m.' Peter says hejput them in uberday, and the but-nin' will be done by" hundny. Ho 5 say: it : time he'd done with it, for he gun that frightptied for fast he 1hou1d.,go ' aleop nnd forget to muko the re-mp :53 he never-get: scarce a half hour : rent from the timo they go in to the time, they can out." . \ [116 um: um; `v u. w ..... ........ ...., ..-...- B." ouPoor old man ! You shell` take him something to-morrow, and Thursday too; only try and stop him, Sax-ah , if he - begin: talking as he did to-day; it in bad for him, and no good whatever to un. Now. bnirnies, Jack mult trot" nu quickly homes" " . _ This wag Tuesday and not until Thun- day morning could l.`BBl'elfu!`d receive a.` lathe:-from herfhunbnnd; but on that morning came the expected Iniuive; telling them thbt the Sea King had been sued by an gmerican Iienmer, and might e looked for within tour-sud-twenty hours. Within nfew minutes of thin came a tale "em dat- ed 6 mm. the: ume day, with t e words, Just 011 to the landin -stage. Sea King r in with tho morning ti e. Send to the sta- tion ior the 9-30 train to-night." Aftnn that the hour: of the dsy legged train to-night." After that heavily, end excitement e.nd_ ex aetenoy were wrought to the highest pita when the wheels of th5,doaoewt were heerd com- ing up the dx-tug.` `But conceive I50 dismay ` And diuppointnzeat with whisih fhe groom s m e wesreeehed: The item come < in -.1 right enoI;igh, mfsm, but muster wasn't there nowhere. guard said he was sure he hadn't got in; at Liverpool street, for there wun't many ruenlers, and he know : he'd have noticed` iIn,fw ioh of course he would-, nished J 4 -who could. not imagine the vpouibi t ' his. master being unknown to any right-rqinded oeiel between home end Iibnddh. `So there was nothing to be done by tl;e,_}|ouse- bold but to goto rest end.wal_t, tfhgnut ` dn.v s trains. nolu on: no 3 day Meanwhile " ` Meanwhile on`the other side of ta ooun-` try the Sea .K'1'.ng had arrived, uni nqqng its living freight had pqt__a.Ihqr_ full, .K1'.ng had arnvea, am; niqgng living freight put anhor slim lad, gvhoso rened, delicate-zlpqturan, the very Image of his .patient,. mothet'n,. had instantly pointed him oulj. t_Q Franqin the very> image his .patient,. moznat'l,. had instantly pointed out (:41 Francis Bereaford as the charge he had come jq nnnl:_ . W nereatora 88 ans IJHIIBWI up aunts u-.-.u_u 5... seek. _ At the fine sound of his vo:ce,4-sYou ,u-e young Hugh Beresford, are` you l1ot`l'<" ` he nid-the boy : color'&eepenad;t!urlohg : brown lashes fell over him dark... Iightlals eyes. You speak like - Lika--`l" , Likb- _y father !" said the nor lad. with n. no ; and 'o1u`nz Qith both ands to I w_ill1 3 lol , sun. In hll oouun'l n._:-up, Frgnail OIIIIOIII 1' Lika-- 2" with lo 5 :nd'o_1u'nz and: ` 4 I hit nnn1in l 1.1-ma . Vhit cousin : sun, F;-anvil alive! on, theboyhung on him. Whetewou _ he have given to have been able go ifqleome ' this loneiy boy with the warmth e Ionged for, to tell him he had something of his father : heart 3: well as his father` a voice, to bid him cheer up, for there was plenty of love and cexje waiting for him at the and of the day _e jonr_ney I love and waiting for da s But for the life of him he couyd not do it. His word: of greeting cums coldly and nwkwsrdly from his lips, and he was glad to releeseliis arm, and, leaving the lad in safe hands, to hurry after the removal of his few belongings. As began, so went on the dsy. At the hotel breakfast he pressed food upon young Hugh, and put ate/w disjointed questions about the voyage.` The time that had pra- ceded it he dared no_t touch upon; for he had all a.xnan s horror of tears, and had found out thnt safety from them only lsy in silence as to the past. V . When we get home you will be all When we gel: you right," was the newest. approach to a norm farting speech he found himself able to make, and even that was nuggeatod by the decided impression, as , ' tho, day wore on `that he himself should kubi no eue till he was safe into the aalnbzhaveil. - ....n . `L -_- _.__ 1-'*....<....,..?9" ..`I(.A Hm wan nun: Auuu -nu ....._.. ..... -... What home am I"gDi -30'3" asked the boyghalf Ifuriidly, end the reeatory may- ner and slightly ghn.-inking gure of -tho re- turning heir stung his oopnin with a touch of ulf-reproach. ` Here was he, known 35 2 the readied friend and helper to every maxi`, rich or poor, shout him,1et\`.ing an or- hI.n,.deuolM:e nltogethar but for him, come mtg 5; range land and uh wlut was to be hiihome. - ' ` ` ...... _ _-._ _-._ .._....:..... 5... 1I!|:..1..n.'. I ndcor ,xw 0ne.Do11a,r Per Annum, Stnct-17 1n Advanc /\ red, and; 1icn.la-~.-lbhlrel. vvuu mo'2" reaatarv man - sleep for dny: and nights, I. believe." slumber. in the hurry and confulion 1 Indden awakening, _ amid` the Vnnn . ung: sound: cnd'I oat.hnga of _ I `oi-owd istform, cont:-iv to lose his hold of is oouninh cost-nlocvo, sad so was lost unnng tha bunv thranc thgl: around Lbout ' unu young nugu IIIIU uuu u uv Ivunw uhtkun 1 youtknowmnd thinking. get ghtform, contrived lone his hold or is cousin : sown Lnnng. the busy throng that preued about :11. ` f n; orj4l,7$5'.l`tI5I`G :__._n.. him. `Then, discovering his absence in A few momenta, lMz:..Bereefon1 hoden Anxious ten minutiae for him, nding him at.h.st,.the very picture of silent ter- ror, clinging` tight to 1 lunp-pout, evi- dently not losing what little nerve he poe- am: inc` tight I` nu: c an- ldonglf 1.5: luaing um: ne5e p9.. I o gather." , - . But thin was no, any mnttor. While noekingir thel th byhndgot. lost, andowhilo hu or 1:20 bgy the lug- nm hsd vaniihod; .moro than was ruled ullbd. Good heaven: I how you frightened mo," Varied hi: counin, almost angrily. Hero, koep tight hold of no now. Porter, I cab. Sit than will I got your things to - rothar. lost, and while hunting for tho boy the lug- rgo vnniihod,'_.moro a giving orders, sud then, to crown all, uhnn Tarn:-nnnl uh-Ant ntntinn was I-annhad. hsd vanlInod,'_.moro unit Vanna ngwing soc:-own when Inn 01 street. station was touched, their train dopcrtod I quarter of an hour bofore. From ue earliest time: Abe out wind hie been proverbinlly etignutizod en inimi- oal to lifedn all it: Iormmend generally dil- hie been proverbinlly etignutized inimi- onnn,end generally utroue to the inuences it exerts on living organisms. Authorities difer u to the pre- cise cause of in giintruotive pro rtiea : but All egaeein describing. the win upeeu1ier- ly eorid and withering. It in dry itself, and eeame to extnet the moisture from every tiuue withwvhioh it come: in con- treoc. 1 Of all winds, that whiolreomee will ` ' go one &uI- euro. clothingrbhiethe-wind blows from ` Igsgvesst. and perticulsrl when it remains I in thst tissue wittrwhich It in winds, whiolx-fcomee from the out is the most likely to check the ensensible perspiration, to chill the sur- face endto 'produoe ccld; . It is even possible the wind may be leden with genes which produce 5 specxc eoct on the lin- ing membranes of the sir Qssssges. ,How- ever thst mey where Is the strongest reeson to -belie ' that the terminsl le- ments of thehnelives distributed in the skin use mechsnieelly comp:-_egsed by ccntrsotion occasioned by this eager end nipping eir." Those who are well shle to resist the _on- sleught of other which cewer before the east, while the sick w worse while it blows, or uusbleo ` in such a. wsy se to shake of the incus of disease. In re- spect to ndl inclelnon the weather is it more necessary to for ` thebody, through the nervous system, then this common enemy from the "east. To give way to mental depression in the struggle II to yield The men who fears that he t% ._ld" is nlxnost sure, to do so. Oongenelyy e good hurt`: is es trusty. e `" es e. wean comforter-;" elbext, "le to have recource to uerter. ew but the: most an-u-n men hnl nut engines 3 uialdnnld Il- their ti I 7' IIIICII Aboureeventy nine yenng men, of all nhapes and eizee, from the tall, graceful, dandy with the buebell mueeeehe (nine on eeide) doubts the little hump beolred, can-oty-heeded. weehel eyed upetut. The object in to form 5 upping corp: to be in attendance at the street corners, church : corridore! veetibulel, each Sundey, during the eoxmng euxnlper. before `and after divine Iervxoe, to are at` the female: me they pen, and to xnuke delhete and gentle- msnly remerln on their pet-I611 and dress.- All who went to enliet in the abbve corps, will a. peer at the vex-iouegntlreet corners next. unday, bethimornhz and evening, All WIIU want In; wuuuv now run u--wuu '...`. unday, bothfmornhg evening, when they will be duly inlpeagad; when their names, pe1'|onol~nppe9.rulos, unnnity of brains, regiltex-ad, :ng_b9ok_, _p,t for peruonolAnppev.runos, unnnny an 1 book, em. tlut. purpose, and tape pubiinhed. To pre- vent a. general rub. it will bqwell to state that none will be onlilted pouauing in- znllnntunl mnncitv. Iunorior to a well-brag nohe will be unlinked pouaumg tn- tellectutl capacity, superior well-brag donkey: 7 , - -_ , .______,,_ . A Ponnslvgnign piper now mains {town weather prcdtcuonl. This in tha u: in- dbationn :' `Thu wuther will be 1:? and down slid I-7 H P H aaD BrOken-BacK- od_'|lD nxeb up jUat Like THIS Pa.Rn- ggph DnR.ING the noXt few WoeKI. . VeNnnr will pnease exouse oUn PLE- . iurtion. ` IIII4. lluu yntuvunny -vunu Av nu-cu-- that! -es: Quit tluzdmoat uuryun c on; nguinua preong ju- `nult---The Lancet. I ~L ohnmpagalbottle was, recently fouari _ bgganjnmin J. Sinond, on tho bunch, I :1; two miles and I half west of \Vntch H.il.l,'whioh contained the followi .writ~ ins : Thyender of Lhil bottle w please rurn to M- John Burns, bamkeeperjcln the iteumor Bristol, Ind get a r6 vurd of 810. .~I`hil in 3 bet botwoan Mr. Burns and Mr. Mungam, tho freight clerk, that this bottle would never be seen again, and either one will y the reward. Thrown overboard o` lock Illmd, May 80, 1880. Harry Hanscomb." The bottle had been I year and three days aoat. I - 1 The Rev.Pnxton Hood Eiven this graphic account of one of Robert ell : sermon: in A village o_ 91 : , We remember to have heard 3 dent departed friend tell,l|ow when A boy, be we: taken by his (other one Icill summer evening moron the Northemptiom shire eld:---1 believe it was to the little town of Thrnpetone--to_idi|_.1 Robert Hall. It was one qf those old vi-illo chapels with the Iquare galleries. As in the instance of Chelrnex-I, the lace was crowded with farmers folk: 311:5 eprinkling ofintelligent ministers and gentry from the neighbor- hood. The minister onme in, a. simple, heavy but Jtill impreuive looking men, whose reaenee compelled you to look at him. In due"couree he announced his text : The end of all thing: are at hand; he eober and watch, etc. Quite unlike Ohelmhr-`I, hie/__,vuice was not shuttering, t... 44.3.. uni wank. There was no action shattering, but thin and weak. f1`here_ wee action at ell, or onlya. neg-vouu twitching of the ngere,~|nm-e eepeomlly an the hand moved and rented upon the lower part _of the book,_where the Ipeeker wee eutfermg al- moet mceuant pe_1n. Ae_ he went on he- neath the deepenlng evemng shade: falling through the vnnc-l_owe of the old chapel, hie voxoe x-It ohexned, then charmed and feecineted bu hearers one after another. The whole place seemed ae heneath e reel epell. A: be talked about dthe e`;1d.< the [poll npon the people eeeme to egxn 0 work xteelf out in awful, fearful 1-eetlee.e~ neee: First one, theu_another, role to his leet, and atom`! etretchmg forward In a land of awful fright and wonder. `Stall there wae no action; onl the folleunu _on of that thin voice vnt a melodxone mtehev, of apt and melodious woxfde : but the _ them `fthebaelxltdf all thx " eound::i.::|he a we:-mn . on 0 tone, e o - ing forwazrd. Many o?:h )e.e who rose r-It aa they felt some etrenge power upon them " .`:'.a`21'..2`.'..X%`. ..`u.":.`..'.f"T.`3.`.`Z; on , e e `oeeaed, olpeing `hie pathelio eocenu,- the wlhole audmeeuwutnpen it`: feet : intenefal e `we wit in tea , ae ` eao one heard in the distance the peuege and pre- gadeeaf thecomxn enf,` end (gt it we`: me prepere. y no tale to epea of that never-forgotten mam, thet enm- nen evening in the old chapel. an one that nevur-for-gotun moullnt, um: ll nag tuning qhupol, at t 0 mm xxmnoynble In by hfw" (( l' 5; cmzaaed ma week.) . A Deadly laasrwlna. Very Equally Indeed. Wanted `Amidst tho moint_ui{i hogan, ~ >`-*- V And still qua? V....~ 133:3: an mg: othiinn not-cod`: To chin:-icy 300.`! . Hhzfathc wroeo back, "1 far ofnrity oonnsmultb mdo of sin:-" ` -... . . - .. --L ... . . goo Nineteen can; mount tcln.-Of, t ix:CBolfnu. Ev: nu-rings knbt d The uying that beauty isbut I133 -deep, needs to be modied. Is theft at in; I Dnrtinulgrlv nnrikina About A nhimn shall: Ineeds to be modied. " Ls tborb in; p_a.x-tioulnrly nsriking about A china izbolln nu they no posh-i 1 - ` Ixporionoo touches many thingn. Promi- ng-nc unong whih,_to ulna-n.'iI_ tint it in I auto: to run your hanooc .I'LIh.s bulky mule than dictate to I wdinnn on;,gnh- (luv, !1x?V"Bl::f::.m"mEvon' ""};n'"E'.`Ir'.`s':',75""" pan.` '5: znnzrisgo deans sways gin: bulk II _ / :p entI f vuuu vn aun- "Yon no fond of the British pooh Inn 0. 1" Oh, awfully no 1:} `ihvo you not Lamb 1' "Yen, and with xnuuh plants I" Are you {and o_HoF 1" "Ya, but I do no and u-iohinoau !' ,,Om-gun. , 111* _.|_I._ L- I.__..__ T L-) _ _._n-___ __ use 3 dinnor party. "wayananla wan Inch 3 thing T was that man; `SA on. dan- not be more oppooiho Gonidliloluu than you no at pt-cunt." -~ v - Whon u twitter I twisting vonw-_tIrinI him I who : -4 so.`-cu. -..-......-- . .vv_.,-__ "1 wt}: to hoavunl `had I tlolnnn op- podh to me," said an iu-its old follow dinner party. "Vvhyuhonld wish nuoh_n T" __._,_,-.- A, _ `__._|,_,.__ Al.__ When counter twnung vwwqmnu sun - ` ' For .twiu.i:t:;g '3 twin than inul {Io I'll! = can ` But if one of the twin: untwh from tho tame, t The twin untw-inkling uncwints the twink. ' Oruy Crag-oft ouight I cut: of ox-iuklord ` on A cratooi 1:1-fcklod cubu` ox-any Oruyao. .,. ` .. If Only {caught 5 onto 0! orioklod crabs. crabs, When : the crate of cricklod crab: Only Oraycroft caught I v A New En land nun want: to know how ' long cider wil kocp Iwqt Ho` triad 1 bu-rel. betting it avor_y,dq`y by tun. H1: buztawn, ucuuau` nu tcvgvnggnqy ;{_ vnnvu. d an I WBTG 0111` C IIHIC 1118 an O 013' man got out of aide`:-.oro dung. 081130 . , cg;-Avg.-an V. s T6 wear trousers it Abynina i-. 95x0 0! the breeuhqs ofotiquatb 4 ' " Many an oioo-holder resembles 5 point, inasmuch as he has position without. magni- tu 6' . " As Warren wrote Ten Thousand 5 You-"` and Bulwer wrote Night sud MIornin,_'; which uball we say was the most indnnn-`I .\' . oun? . . long omer vnu. nap nwou. no` cum bu-tel, heating avor_y,dn;y b ho a domg Che t ' , and tho 013' not ciderjiioro an dunno -no-. The other night st 1 London 'olh some America: were boa ' About thdr,-dnVoI- zimu and tho Ewan ho v The other night ot_I London olth ~ Ame:-icnn tiona end the :won be found in the Saul. 1 `One otthem I01` 0! the well-known migeinoohino, thick, . pig being iutro&di -atone. Sm the nnimnl inmI.' at the,` other. The I1-`uhmux who 1mI"'not - 4 5. hove ~ the Yonkoeo ride rough-eh oven.-every other union. turned on thelnond odd: Bedud, we've got the some Inaohinohl Ireland, onl can in no?! pneot. Iulfoor if you-don : `In the nuugee,-yon out put, them back again into the machine, and by reversing the notion they'll come out A liv pig ogin where he wins xn." . * To Mexico thehero (}t-Ant, Lit out upon 3 little jaunt And there Invited much who he ' To brenkfut. dinner. lunch and ten. Ana. mare mvxoou muon was no breokiut, dinuor and An he at (hero. in I anoo grim They runny opoocheo mode to him. And uid. .You`ro trying to onus: uo-- You ore !' jo-ho! Aogou aid tn Toxu 1" They witiiod gt him on , ._V d Chg hood Till st. lat ho itooo sad 1% *Thio indilhg Shut yon`:-o 1: ng oi Ooh novol`*.bo-.- ll you that 3 _We've uevor dyon and do ol\o n'_t-- ' You're not exactly whut no wont. If any of our young I-eodoru ouut on ooo what they can do, in tho way of maul of hard word: wlthgidity, they will (1 ylouty of magic jaw exercise in tho allowing Ipenimonl : : ~n.;._ 13.I`.._.I.~.. u.- _-:-I.I.. ..--..:.'.x..|... ,pi.oked three peck: IUIIU W Lu Iyvuuuwul v Peter Pngldr, the 1;:-iqkly Foujloku, 0 Drink" . mica!-I pan`! from tho; pnngley pear .u-so on thy` pleasant pninol. ` nu.-- ..._--a.LI.: -...I ........1I.a!..A LL.` 1.- ,............. ,............ . Thou wrea.th'd and mnx21'd It. tho" fu- !ot.oh'd. ox, and ilnprinion'dn.t him in the volonnio Mexionu monnuinn of Pop:-o-cab 3-pat-1 in Co-to-pnx-i. n'u.......$.:I..- Ir-I.:-n.. oh- -nan.-.l..l okhol. n-law U'L nu vu-uv-y---.. ffheoghilnn Thiule, tho uuooouful thistle Jitter, xn niftlng 5 aievo full of thinlu, thrust three thouund thistle: through tho thick of hi: thumb. thrust three tnouun thick an-nun vn nu. nu.-nu. Robot} Rowloy rolled a round roll round a round roll rolled Robert Rowloy rolled round. Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowloy rolled round 7 . . : \ n-.-_ n,...__.. ..:-I.`...a .. ....I.`' 40 ..:..I.I..i yuannuu yuyyusu ; ova. 4 wgyvn ,3-F`-- - A mun in the suburb: bu found I had of remurknbly ne olny on hi: propery,buI is undecided whether to start . A bztinkysrd or 3 French {sandy notary. - run: an .- 1 1 4,9: -r1 -4... :__....-L-.. Willy tuuuu funny: I Pater Peppar picked a peak` at pickled peppen; a. pack of icklod pg per: Peter Pe per picked. If ate! piokod I pgc of pickled peppers whera'n`thu_3ouk of pmklad peppers Peter lsapper I A '...-... :. AI... nnlncukn hug lnnn A had in` Is rsuuuu noun; --uuu;;- The Philadelphih Henld ukI.'upprahon- nively : What wlll be laftof Dolawnro after she runs a `cannl th Ir bone!!! The proposition uvon of mini 0. 7. :- .....:.....s.....: nut, 91.. anngmnm IOII8`.Cl.IlI`II 1 PK noti- rjuc Vitus Renal )3 t he Int: train ton orlln can get pgsuut an V , Au`. n'cInnI.u! HE` AL:-xonr ---# ,: Luu prupuluuuu unvunu vn uwuuuauu It is understood that the gentlunen who have been asked to _ baoomo president of the World`: Fair will uoon hold: 9 nluul, nnantinu. if thev can nd: buildinzgbiz meeungl enough. nu__ I- uuuu.(,u- ` The 10 islators of Mnine are fun honest net. '1` ey any that there in not money enough in the acute to cortngt them. Be- cent travellers through `Blame into that that in true. ` ` _. - u . `-1- - , ,,__ , nrnI.- n_.L'x- uunh an In uvu The Lockport Union nay: ." The nk shad of the season was captured bgloyr .013 looks yenboadni," and thlflddl :- `.`1`hiI in 9. lie. We now an noun -ll W9 I1LitL Evrybody known that 3 nhnd don't have 100 I. / ' ----n n - ,,rm :1. u nr:n:-_ ....... _ ..-...._ -__ -,._ r , _ A cigar contain: acetic, for mic. butyric, valvexic, and prop:-ionic acid, ammonia, pruaaic acid, creosote, cu-bolio acids, sulphereted hydro an: and 3 boy jun after having smoke one will think thorn`: more and worse thing: in it besides. -..,u ' `Kinsmen ti ulnnt Q4-In: luun-. What's in an name 7" Ah ! \Villiun, you dc.n t know everything that's certain. Salt can be bought for a. few cents a unrt; but call in chloride of sodium, an the npnthecary will mulch you to the tuna of half a dollar for one poor aoruple. A man in Schuylkill County, who au6'or- ed intense min from imnmmttory au- matism, re utly cried the Knock C ' planter cure, nnd has not oxpgrhnood a particle of pain for two weeks. Onl A fewdaya ago he left his bed, for the rut time in two years, and visited the nine- tnry. He rode in a. hearse. " ' The crew of thevutenmer Centennial cup- 1 cured on St. Simona Inland n..hugo tuftlb weighing 540 poundu, and heinplt. contain- ing 160 eggs. When the was killed About half a dozen of soft e I were taken bum her. A large-hesdo turtle, weighing 500 pounds, wu caught. on T boa bench Sun~ dny night. and was bran t to the city on the summer planter yesterday morning.- Szaumiah News. Stomach.--14'cr a wash to u `rnouth, and u gnrglo for the throat, mu 1 strong mixture of Perry Davin` Pain-KHlor 1n'I-nllk and wstor, uweetened with Ion! uugnr, sud lake inuunlly three time: a day, wtenvoonful at Pain-`Ema: mixed 1: n gm 0!. milk and wnur, Iwutonad with mm: and wftor. . X 3: 1i_1 . -A-aovauuuv.-nu-o :- w `.7 _ ..,_ A GBKIFLRMAN who Inandl {macaw ID!!! Nu-vans DEBUJEY PREMATURE E Ind 111 the eoou at uthlui lndllcrcuon VII fol-tho Inks at sufrarln umanuy Itlld tuota nllvbo need it the no pa and dsnouon to: suck! the -lrnnln ramndv bv winh I10 III ONXQ` `M um um. ..-um - ..._. ..._- nil totwluerlni umlu-zily racing sauna: ll 1 d b Ich I wlnI1!,ix:gr.1.>"pg>l! Ky thIh.s 99149 -3 b.v..!4.Iu.I_!-na__Ip_ _va;l_g9Q_nw|I umplo um wlnmn to a ad to I -1333 For Cacor ;n the Mouth, 'l`}:_I-out sud Stomach.--14'cr awash to; flu mouth, am! ERRORS OF Yoifn . no-mp nu-Au ...L... -..o|--.a.On- Inn : tram 10 World`: Fair will hold; ting, if they can find a. building: big 1[zh- - - . ' H FIZZ AND FOLK; -__? 4; I-ix. aiamod dtoozbo |.- , 0-` htitgino rt nun` bl! 'i " tho sewn .'a...."" .3.` "'."":..u. Salt and ` . . mdaahnshad * A1-A-_..u.- .1- n~x-a`l=ia`h1o.Newspxpca 3rn": ae7.:a'1Tv}iir 5H-Kranco. uooa aoooinuags-' tlonror Commercial Travullau The Q56 of ukbung uttuohod sondodw ubnxinzv d. ox- mhnood haunts-stages have t z: house an? on arnvbll inc -ttainI. Bax well auyp tad xrtth theboat 01 L Q. onxgnd Cigars -u--nu.--.. __ _ -, manual! the "-'t'l'8i_Bl. ' ' B3 : w with with me Dean 0: uxuuur-u-nu ...p-- - . .'.rI-LIE, ORILLIA .l`-i"OHU`8 $ _ `romsr KELLY; - rnoplriiif. r.-o. n1-"mun oamanoxclsl." Torobto.) - 7 ~ W . ` Published Every Thursday, Morning. *. 1 Z` - L gpf ti-cma1f'1`nins. Ge rnl 2. NV. Btnuns fi ra- g 5117' (2!-;I;?n'.'o`,u? 3 ?;1'E'u'.';-'j,cTcva'c;1`iy;oi5-Aussie Jinraggih " . r 'III . ` ` I IOIIIG n::m' E;"c'3"' :`3.'a iag -b=4M'iaaen; '1`a.bIea. Go tsbling and lpodn, Wu Bnowx. Proprietor. ; 4 . . '* . . 3 > . _. P301:-nm_ron. : nn.mo&oiI`xt?J. Q'n"anpI"wi1l " nu` . no pnhuto mp:-it n. cont nuance of tho. I ah- -.-hm.-9*`-..h1'.x-=99 ~v,*<.1.-;x;x"=.'::*_*;7.-*5`:-.'.*fa'.'.E.' * "','51`." ~*` r E ;-s"`-`%?1"?a! Z.-.. ._`-"-Esau 311532;: 1.9::.-;: o1.n,ns':2cANA.IfnA.`_n'I_ * cog: x. _'S.Il-`llIA.n an .--...,-g,..,,._,._., 3 ` Loyfvvr 'rI'u`,Iu-'. ve*r` hn `ofared the _pu'wsc in Egig . Now Que tnmveiif you Morggszaa at: High Rate: ( --of I t.ereal':.p'-- ` _ qgmgpnd see vhat -Loan A T W doforyouu 4 `} fOFFI(!E;:---.-I1r rm: Josnrn B.-ALI. tu1>1,lg:i-' ' xxx zong, Nana. arm: MARKET, Qourgn a I "BARBIE; ~ - ` Bo,x.N9.;6. I -:4nLAl1.$`I=il V ..Qu:EN.'s1"` _iexgot,~xu; the Emmy smtoii. 13;:-:u_' :5 V .~.- O i .1 zdmur on __ ogluieangec pgsxuu in V ---;1`.g.A`1tn;LI=: 331' rum: -- gg W`M!...49v9~ :Adt91na:...t..=he B'- 1 i *`~;*~;*~~`1r:1`:. -- A`l'iI:s"'|4__u`t n:an1.'v" .'9!.`!.4E"F'-`, ,;,.* . z m rnmamwuamumlzg sun:-:7_:"_n:.nv|I I \lFire lnauraance. 911 `A.I.ER_l6A55'N~I-15-TEL. -marl!!! w'I!.n'r_:.. s.n1:x!a:fr1.~12ovrzeitor- n, as. p1usms}y`;sTt;':;a;.te:1: UK 185'. ` Ldduui f Bo,xN1>.'6 E ;i274>n (nil .. . .. -.-JAME 5;LL`AI`u bA|_ :-`; 1%--` turn:-u_-w--..- --v _ ` srnzrr wnsi-,'-'-- . `. G - _ 9 ' C bO..ll =*f Ot$r&dV ~nu17 ,~ ]:o9n.._;;; . ' V -. . . .:=P~.. Off}!- nuuac-mucus Iced. 1-31.8-.tot Ii!-'r_,II%1:$5 "l`!P." : Hntejsg; A`in'I 9Lp. 1-I: !.!E-$l!E:'!!,'!""-9 Fire lnauraqnce Com mun-:,nf Lnnrlnn Eng , ICE: ` ` -- 0N"1`AgJO 7:0` LF>P_d9_ll Eng Omqnzq. } `Ti 5a; ' vest Q w.,,:z% % `GHAR WAY. - LAND& INSURANGE AGENT 7 _ .- DUNLOP SIIREET, BARBIE.` " ` ' -. en `Auctioneer, Real amen Agent, A numi>er of Farm} `for s:g_l.e'chap arid _1m_an,7.` Mon1GAaE pi-ope;-ty in town 0 I-HI! nu. I Iiuunnuur. FIII SIIREET, LOAN ` - 2-ly. [.111 3 FARM OR TOWN P BATES, are re uest 1 sad sell LAND on c gates tgd` accounts; 4 .1?!-rM.e.I .wi,shxas . FARM BATES. request ru-e mliLize1n"134st English Comginiea; do aqmznon ;co_nvaya.ncng'of all kinds; 5 "311. able xnluuho 5 made xn any part of the pm- vinnesgnnd short. do a. general and com- Drab9Ii8i793F01.| S b3in553- ` `SEED LEAF, I ova N6, 91`. my 52.`, < |L'EW1g I11 |HAVAN# I ON1*7AR1# 9.` AW sacs.` ~ 3 . ;ro1_3,'1`R '1_`__ P_AI'_1`ERS1 .1 - ___...-.n , ..-_,. ..........:L..` +11:$'\VnI]inK!- , `hST~UDIO, q Mai;-s oppoaite t;he`SVel1ing- $03 `.% ",!'l$3_'a1lqe'_g3_w B_:zg(z'eld St. .~- ` ~ ;1."" ._-.iQ41~' ' 2 ~09: y main. Mdirueiiniisierin%% T +3. 1V13"H;I3~.GIIES;g-: ,3 .~.___...-__ -1 n .. I.` A4|Il}l'nAA\n \I| nan. a. A `" wonsmgv J12, Vcnvire Public pa.tron+ L`)! LV\I`;i"I' .l.J..'L.'4!\l Plain--and Or:-nagmental Plasterer, &,c.,, a ,7 V ,i Rss _ T % :)5\:i;::idqnt - |Vnsur_" rec _ - ;2;ig`ent. ' A . V 1 _ . 5 2081', _ozr:cz,~nAn1uE. :M`:ii celianeous. __%4 ,.__. I 9004 .=I * ow "`;", ND -ALL`O'1v`HER KIND ' !` TOBACCOS. -, 4.,` , -` _ . \ _ yrrle` C1ga,r P OPERTY at VERY LOW st dto ca.11.upon us. We buy cornmissxon; collect rents, : eect W 1 , C01`, Bay !:vL'gmnon, Stay; 2+ and T wn Propertie ong time given for pay- : ,BoUaH1- Valuation of 1 country made on short . .. V .. .I.\ u. , I atate,'Lan and.lnsux' - o1_1 ya.no'er, &; ' a ..Bon-ow none on either" ? BY LOW t call upon Jfl QIGARS +1.02 LllII'.'0N. ~,ecL14:An 5: co .ge >i-s fespectfuuy solicited.