1s. Dinigateg, Lung Trdubiea and .NeEvau" ability. An invaluable Tonic and Wnst_e'-'B;:)_n.ii`i_ng7 Flo1}r.V___V]'tee `from bran or A vnr.-1-nnr 1- g_~ NOIIGE is here . f0l.` 1891, of this 0 ` Munioipnlils .v]_a,LYe_'I,`o' . hem M2 M0 11_ - '_/1 ' q'uCIrlrvvvfJ, _..,, .,_, at 1: o__a1`o1: n'fth'e' lbreuoon, to he : yterminas _ vex-sl bomplainxs or omissions .-in ` zhesneaamgnx 1.; ;}_:_11 1'0 |:i,";.;i;:'"""" ' \VM . H ` . _ A` Clark iol`t'ha.au.id x Dated acmlmvme n as um otMx\y : I _ l ivnluable 'Wnsfe'-'Bv \ g Flour. Free staroh. 3` end `for circular, FAREWELL dc BEINES. Props .,Wa.ferton,:rN. Y. TN N`l'llH.II'.. ' &&L\nn. rrulpu .,~ u Gxiusvv-y -- . _ . IN ;i`.L'U19:. : -`JESSOP 8" Cast Slzeelmlsc low ' ` riced Machinery, spring and . Ize, Steal of my Special kind I xnpo:-ted to'or:1er at favorable rates-A. 70L;:aL1E do Go _MIont1-es! V ;Howa.rd st., ' ., _ ' ' . : o MIISKRAT nan Fox, 65.. `bought: for `for cash 53% highest prices. Sand for circu- ln.r with full mt_:1c1_11nrs. v E. . Broughtv.-m. -5 . ....__.._:....__....___..__...._.._ n. vnnuxrjwr -fnr aavnrtinaru. 100 nnmas 25: ealeonders, addresgedto the int thgls Depm-.c,*nent.wm Be receive on '1` UBBDAY, t e zen; xnutnnb, workg at the fall wing institution . Steam-hcntimz and additions to` 2 ' ,.-$tnly. Greece; ialagius libsbti. ofrth';. not` I iitjig I Mandi wi4,h`bnt~ a; ugryns Viacom, L - ` * ` uu nou- Deparlment of Publlu Works, Onta io. ' Toronto, May 14th, 1831. worlig follbwlng Steam-heating additions cm] R`-rormzntory, Penatangulshen Slaughter house, mutt`: of Agyl I Toronto. .. , - , ~! ' V Iron pipes and lnydrnuta, As"yh1 Kingston. count-romn and look-up at Hunt kokp. district; apt! Beg'_laLry' 0319 Sound, Parry Sound district. ` "-' Plans and specications cfan yoga Solind "" specications cjan be.a e Dapnrtment, and on appncatul to h 0! the Provincial Berormngorypi Bllpertendont Klnglton Asylum, an tmsnt. Bmcebridge and 1>au;~goS u whom forms of tenders can a. _ he 1 The Ioweul. be uccgpgucl. _ MUNICIPALI1; 6FFLos. ; `Com ! o/"Rev ' ppm! .1 \ 1.1.- l1....L -uunna Asylum, an u forms r The bdnajlde signature or two 5 whlxm forms a.\so.be bonade be attached to each gender. - or any under will no: zquuluusng g. ;.a.vw.y ;. V, { uuoigus FURLONG, . Aubrxoxsni, Daad12th.'Muy, 1331, 20-3in. uowmru uh, 1.1. 1.. l ANIP.IlLE l.` for advertisers. 100 pages 9 )euts. G . P. BOWELL as 120., N. Y. 3e'a.VilaV:7l1ed'to eauii nof. :1 ye uccontutl. i . ` .`PL"5??Y9 #-~-- 1: iu'u 1e*gan- sudden gag. M ',on`.;Lhn~jurIic`i; lidinia-I_`uar6,e_ . ` `Io. ooN;1'_ _Ac"1q GEO. TUDHOPE, _ Clerk of Enid Municipality. " an inn an n , BA.1%R_IIL`, 29-lyv |!'.lt usuzgu, . _ O::E:msnionux:-I: d by Mr. u._jshort_ l.f.n`!nI9t ' I mm, from a procured. uureues to 1-. neceasnruiy N E1038; 5 1- and de- E errors and J the 551:! RVEY, uniuipullty; ..u. n nu- @" ` $!.-i!l.9l i*ci`]!::s%0I'!ti,nl.` kgggaairgssmsnao Mr. Jioycus ohgqg , D, , ,,. , V ; V` , P Yi9.-0htT11.=911D, Blake 1:; ndersignad ' 11nl.HNooN or sundry, said 11 persons equlred lg en M. nus. ho Warden e Medical, the Regis- L, Isfl plioa tion tothe xlnderaigned. For further particulars apply to the un- dersigned at Toronto, or t.o_ Manny. Sf:-a.thy ult, `Barr .. How1a1.A1'nu1diJ & Hyman. X cu-|:_u....- mi. ......... " &A ......:-._l_ Vendor ; Soiioito-r;: V'1T:;';rV|;tc." ` Dated 3961:, Ap}-il, 1881. Q33!!! '. ' ' ` ' ' ' p ofue. ` _ The other condition! of Sale vu ~be made known u.(:"Ehe time of sale `or on ap- plication tothe undersigned. particulars Manly said date. Upon making the above payments and executing the said mortgage, the purchaser shall be entitled to his conveyance. The Vendors shall not bebound to accdunt - `for, produce or Show or prove the contents of nnydeeds documentsorevidencesof title not in their possession, or furnish cbpies of the same, and shall not be bound to furnish an abstract. contaiuin any further particulars than are container? in a. Registrar I abstract The other annitionl Win insurance uom any, IO` BKIB xuILu.Iu KW value of the bu dings; ` 4;. The balance of the Eu:-chase" money: of each parcel, over and a ova the said 1Q per cent, the:-eof,.and the said $750 911 parcel No. 1, and $800 on pa;-eel No. 2, shall be paid to the ,veudorr~thair solicitors or, `agents, within thirty day: from the day of sale with interastuat. 7 per cent. from the Unnn mnkina the anvmenta ;g%ca%%7.f`=???* . .. 7 1.11159 eth1*z3'r2'35`:5x1c`f. M !3..._ .5; I`}pd`-iwlftr . . A - _ wt. en, his at!-1-is: ehstood on arreeru. . ,` `- . ' Each of H19`ll.id. mortgages to contain all the usual oovenq._utI,proviaos_'and_. dttions injhe folgm at mortgage taken by e ven- dors to secure loan, and a covenant fo|;;{r;- aurance in the `North British and Mercan- Insuranca Grim any, to_ the full/intgrg ..x . balance purchase" sale. - Th: purohuaer shall at me ume ot sale 15 totha vendor: their solicitor: _or agents; 0 par cent. of the purohu.ae'monuy, eixdhf t'h'u balance 8750 on parcel No. 1, and $800 on parcel No. 2, ahall remain up- on mortgage for a term of Eve years with interest yearly at p'r cent. and interest . in fair repair; Tamas /um Ooxmmous or SALE--The pro- perties will be sold in two parcels subject to a reserved bid on each parcel, to be in the ha.ndI.of the euctioneer at the time of The purohuaer shall at the time of sale Div aelicigorsnr ' in fair repair. ` PARCEL 2.--.The north westerly art of Lot number 82 on Bnyeld atret, u the Town of Barrie, aforesaid, also: known as Lot 82 on the south side)-of Collier Street, more particularly duaoribed in the said mortgngmg _ b This m-onerw is udvantageouabmnituated snid property udvntageounlymituated in a. good business locality in the Town of Barrie. The budingl are said to -consist ` of three rough-oust houses with shop fronts fair repair; pro- valuable properties: _ 1 . _-_ . P.u3om. 1.---'1`h, Mug; ` ban! of the west half of Lot'ruunbar Twentyiiu the Fourth Concession of thefownlhip of Flex, in the County of Simone, containing fty acres more 02155:. " ` /; '1`hiI.pro arty is aitunted8 milotfronx Stayner; igo, P. 0., in on the adjoining ultivation ;` the balqnce timbered with hu.rdw'ood'; soil rich clay loam. The lot is said to be well watered, drained and fenood. The buildings are said to consist -of a. log home 22x24 and a. log barn 18:50 in fair repair. I westerly part lot ; about 35 acres an cleared and t for lFAR UNDER THE PQWERS OF SALE ,, contained in certain mortgagus to the ___.z,,___ __I.:_I.. ...:II I... ....-A......A ..L H... thy...` NDEK '.I.`tl.i .J."U`WJ!il:1.5 LIE 15.51.11!) contained vendor: which will be produced at tho time of aa!o,and in payment of which default has been made, there will be sold by*PUBLIO . =,um'r1oN. at the BARBIE HOTEL. in I 1 . , .3111. / -" , . 11:1: '`:-43:z7:iL'-;15\ V sIi3g`L_!.'I3.I30_'.,g;re;i. r`omv 9&0?! "t _ L-Ium ` -~~ 'zl;e!t-~ra.nk,si-' Ju&'~l! iI;trn9,,-the vasci . mpevbgggarturbed. h.l.l_enr TO wnsijlf or of'Ro{ URSUANTT ) THE DEUREE MADE in A certain cause of McDUF.B'vs. M0- DUFF, and hearing date the 4th day of ` April, A. D.. 1881. there will be sold `by dad withthe approbation of J amen Rage}-_ April, A. D.. 1881. there wul be sold by `don Cotter, Enqgxire. Maatr of this Cuf at t -miaea in two parcels : withjhe approba.tion_oE James Roger- at Barrie, e BARBIE HOTEL , ~ the TOWN `of BARRIE, on SATURDAY, (aha 28th day of MAY, at the hour of 12. o'clock, noon, the follgwing land and pre- Pummr. No. 1.---Thai wast ban or lot containing one hundred acrevtnore 0~1`_l`6BB. PARCEL No. 2.-- J.`he west half of lot number Two; in the tenth concession of the said. _Township of Oio, containing one hundred `acres more of lean. ' Parcel No. 1 is unimproved! Parcel No. 2 is a. well cleared farm ; ex- cellent soil and well watered -, and is in immediate vicinit of a. chureh, school houaeaud post 0 co. 9 There are szood roadn to Barrie and tions of the Court of Uhauoery. Fuihher, articulnri can be had from Mesnieura COARTHY, BOYS -9 PEP- LER, of the undersigned, Vendo;-`a So1ici- tora, Barrie. I Dated n+.- Rm-rin.l>.hln smnnnd dnv of Mxtv. I ito RTGAGE SALE |--OF VALUABLE -- FARM ARI] TOWN PROPERTIES ---IN THE: Township nf`F1ns an(1R'I'nwn of Barrie, ` Tn Hm (`!nun-'I`v"nI imnna. been made, there will be sold by BU bhlu ; `AUOT'1ON,a.t the BARBIE HOTEL, the TOWN of BARBIE, on ,8_ATU.RDAY, the 2131'. day ofMAY, 1881, at 2 11*. 31. . by MR. JUSEPH ROGERS, the following va1ua.bfe properties: ' 1.--'1`he po'uj.h ` parcels P.umu_No, 1.---The` number Eight in the seventh con. , of the Township of Ora, in the County of Simone, containing on hundred ox-_1`eas. houae `and post office. good Orillia, from tan mid property. The m-apart, will ba o'ered'for.sn1e sub- Orillia, fromt a said property. praport; ject to a. reserved bid on each of the said nrceln; which has been xed by the amid eater, . - `E Tums-:--Ten per cent. of purchase money dawn at the time of a.Ie,tho balance `within one month thereafter, with 1/utereat _nt the rate of 7 per cent. In all other respects the Terms and Con- ',I.'h'Gr heir: p` ' 9&6, to be` mi -..` the" of 7 cent. respects dition: of gels will be the standing candl- tions of the Court of Chancery. Fui-that nnrhiculnri ; ~ Mal LOUN l"& LOUNT, Vendor-'5' Solicitors. Barrie. Dated at Burriathls second day of May, A. D., 1881. (Signed) , J. (R. COTTER, `Il'__l.-.. -1 1')--.... URSUANTTO THE DEGREE MADE T)U'F`F`_ and hearing date dnv V of. %%HARVESTE_} The xnolz perxugq nun. uumgww plattbrm uni, , Ins |._._.__-_ , Ilri'.`lj`reunnn's 'Worn'l ojva`r 5. adds. Pncna5ctnuor5faz$l. "' `-- --__ -.._...u. whil` at the sa.m'e_`time it. allays -Nervous Irri ation,/` salt. nu Libisordjere .r 9 >A ` A`; A 1 A `V`' -Thg I onl Medic-zine tjpat successfully pl ` Blood, aigts upon the Liver; Iowcls, Skin and Ki and-strengthens the Debiijtated System, perfect y,a1id~ speedily curing Biliousness. Jagndice, Dyspepsia, onsti-` pation, Headache, Rheumatism Dropsy,N e-rvous\ ,1 Gen- eral Debiljty, Female Complaintgs, Scrqfula, Eryspelas, eum; and ,every species of Chronic Disease arising from 6. Liver, Kidneys, Stomach,Bowe1s or IE-loud. _ ' THE BEST BLOOD PIIRIIWINILTDNIG IN TE-1.5 WBRLD. ' Liver, Jsluneys, $901-|.l.l1aULl., vuuwcxa us. A.'.\uu\.;. - " THEBEST PURIWING IONIC TILE gang]; `l!otlle.' 104:4` T. MILBURII & 00., SOLE AGENTS, TORONTO. > Regular 5 's.. It is the `liine ever otter-ea go the nu-m'e'r. II. has no equal." and very mrmer wgmta one. For, part - -x A: l\3E \A1nl:I(h an-u-inn, (311-I-sir maul; II. a cunt y In tha Oo_un I: qnaohine olrerea yo me Iuluner. - I. partlculax-s send to 3 , GLOBE \h3'OR_K ; London, Ontalrio. B.-_-AGENTS, 11 you want `sell $11: BEST machine made. seq the -_-_br. v;LAnLx - Master at Barrie. avuu Ill: !_ Simcoe. r is a safe, sure and eequ destroyer of viorxn in children w -7-.--_-_--.v. w_._-._.,, The;-a !h`gren.t_timny Local V .A'Ull8lXcl v. haie no.m`u;will appear in themext issue. Without; doubtthia will be the'-I;xoat M:;m- mouth Toumnmont ever seen itr `inecicu. {mg paulctgggy nee 999399 sudppogrammeu. Janannnzr . E- W. Jo3NsToN'. D. 0.12035. Prov. R. I. R. N . HARRISON, Toronto CAPT J. 0- DALEY`. New York. M. MCDONALD. Toronto. .A- 0- REID; Chicago, Ill~ . WILLIE ROBER,'I'ON.Phi1a. M. n. MURRAY, the Boston Giant. Bns .nn Mass- (4 DE GlV`N TU BESTW WF?ES'm|`LE R. -- II` 0 R-- Runrfing. Wne1fE' Jmnping Va.ulti_11;z. Danclng, Walking, Throwlng Heavy Weigh1.3.&o. &c W; J_.`IA._ -5 Il'.`.IhL. .... 1:`u1.2I.Cl..u Q..AbvvI.|olB `a\4I-iv. Iv `.5 ---- ._._~ _.- A Grand displnyofIMedn1scmlxhihiliun with the Photo of all the Aihlutics` that take pmj: in the guinea. One Urzuul 1: $11 3% Q A A 3 nun: pzsrl. Ill Luu Euluun. uuu um... PRIZE or soo VVLLL BE GIVEN THE V? GREAT E* 'I311mH1atiu11al Gl1an1uluush1P L Athlgtit? Contest; ]B_ARRiE, 24m MAY $700 n\T' PRIZES WANTED. _\'VAN'1`ED a. (xenon . . , \YA.N'1`ED (:enum1.bx-vnnt. whore u. `Nu:-inf!" 13"! Band-Wnaherwomnu nro hupt. \Vu.gcs $6 per! Month . Must have goccl rq_Iureucos. Add:-953 or 31: I .to . ` ~ .`.`! ,*~"e}3A?".D.- _ --. `May. 1;1881 THE F01.'4),WINQ A'l L(L!L"`lOE Al!!! AL'H_.\ !;\ EI`l I`E8ED I , . WAI T S . Hdmoeophatic Specics. . Uuroe<:}ed by thern_nre>_rndlcu1 nn_d cm-~ .. .i-- _ l NOTICE 'is hereby given that the rstl settings for the year 1881 for the Court. of Revision. for-,t]m MUNICIPALITY of the TOWNSHIP of VESL RA.will ha held at the TOWN HALL, MIUHURST, on 1\rIONDAY,tho 301.11 day of I\1AY, 1881, an 10 4.31.. to hear and determine the sove- IVIONDAY, the 301.11 day of J\1AX, 1881, at 10 A.M., rnl errors and ommiasionsjn the Assessment Roll of the said municipsility for the yonr, 1881. All persons having business at the Court are required to ntbqnd as afomsaid. By order ' GEO. "riizwn, `- Clerk of the said Dzftuxicipnty Dated at Midl1u1`aL the 9th dxtyx hfuy, 1831. _ x_______. . Vendor 24 Agent Barrie, 4th of 1\Tny, A.__ D. 1881. 16~31ns. I UNDER and by virtue of,1 ower or mule conminod in n c`urmin< Mm-tgngo, which which will be," produced n.t the time of sale, and upon which default in payment: hna been made, them will be auld at MOI!- ROW R AUCTION 1{(.)OMS,in the TOWN of BARRIE, in the Ommty of Simeon. on WEDNESDAY, the 25th of l\IAY, 1881,nt Twelve (Rclock noun,the following vn1uu.b]o La.nd,Wa.ter Power Saw 1\Iill and Premiaos: The South half of Lut number Eluvu /11\ in the F`mn-th (4\ Concession of the / N` UNICI_PA_LI I`Y OF VESPRA. .u\,.:,- ._.__. C our! of New-szozz Appeal AU0Tf9:15f--.. SALE! The South half of Luz numner Jmuvuu ([311) in (J39 Fourth (4) ownnhip of Tiny, in the County of Sim- coa, and Province of Ontnria, contuiuin;-. One Huxtdred Aores,mox-0 or less. '1`wcn=_y acres um cleared, 'npnn_,,.which is Is gnnd \Valer Pu\\`ul:`Sn\v Mi,-"" cutting 15,000 feqt. pur dny. MILL & FA 1:/M 1;R<) I IR 1`Y. 1 lf'fD!n*th. . day _ _ed-Ijwprnan, '9:lsi;?.`, `V olp`1_=he\ 11;`;-e` oggred "1:-`om s`psi:gn}z._ _...Am! the: snthgpntrugr the. hex " - to; My uc~1_l.Y .. W. _ ir9yJi:ly;z.nd~ nova: nines ' .. i.rt:%-KH&ter.ensi% V . ,an4tc1;:5V a`nd%part , / .,,19a;a;ga..we 40`, I 31!`!!! .: ' ;yy=o!_ rfeqtiyri _` `i'.i8!?9i1"n.b9lte _,. ,. `vol? . i'hia.I5i'A Jire , hair; rbl (In adgrn 942; mm-. .C 5,421-ua.,-the vast bait -1'-aln ksi ` NDER and by virte ofk',I Sula c`urmin/Mortgngo, I `L ...\,'I -5 4!... Hum. nF emln ` '1`_1zn1\Ira.%-One-'tenth--nftlm purchase for balance, terms _ nl,uh will be` made known ut.`tinu- of 3:1 9. For fmther particu- ' Iara apply to L JAME9 ED\VAR.DS, monuy togbu-paid dovyn at the t.inw,o_fsp.1u; - (L D. muuuax, tne 5035 Giant, Bos.on, Mass. ,E11- ALBERTI. '1'oz;onte.; Plunfit smrrn. Toronto. 0- WARRIOR. Toronto. QUEIi'?V'S BI In`J7I).rl)'. In sinxplicjty and durability 1; excels all otlmrs. 4, '11: t\_n.'n nnf. oar` out or order. and ;1a ,GU on man`: in own T31`. X13 any IO kind. o1`_ grain. _-... (`Emumvnnnm-_ Barrie. 15 1'31) \V A HUN, uyl|I](`.07', Barrie, Vendor's Agent. 1881. -----:v..{-..___ 1..- . f" `: ' "f"-_ _ //Special attentipn paid to Negat1ve~,1l"i,n1_ahing,.>- ENDARGEMENS nv T1116 AlcGENTI Gnmrmo nnuhixnm P299699 \Vl{'|ph`n.i'o eqmrl in ovary ruspot Io Ooodinn Trunlflin = . ,_ 1113 -rm-:m1~1ur r:. 1 M -nrfl II'\'II\1'r'|`V"Dl! &.(I. . "M. W0rRTfiEBNBO0i{ 4... -.ULL SUPPLY OF TEE-`- Rexzised -Version of the New TestamL;zt;;V NGKET mus, Punsns , AND ,1vALLE'r~? A LARGE DISCQUNT, GIN WALL. PAPic1{_l9 iThr8WE11A!!1I!11vJ8J91.@i%Ii1g .E!vv%s. Spades, Slfovgls. `Forks, Hoes and Rfxkes. l\'ails,k Locks a1_;;d Ili'fige"s, ` . f 1>a.iutsI, 0 iIs{and Ggass. I<`i1esBelting, Lace'Lea.ther, Strings, "Iron, _CbME.41vD 5235 T1 :/`E 000.05 Afscoq` TVVICE as puwerful an nny ` (inn lunw nv-inn nf 2501 nonrom Mayne 1p staples` - :5. ;; cnomrrom & ca.',`1nu:;1op;s:i`eet;;% nu-yuuji I UIII` IIjiIjI A favorite prosciptiou of xi colebintd New York Ph sioisn fur the IMMEDIATE,Rn`_ LIEF OF ALL PA N. - . n=)worful nnv known remadv. Fnnr timnn An nnhdr in in um... nk! at Nn. 1. Used 1; trial bhtcle for a. much swollen face with inatuit relief. A Ninth` used the Relief for dIl\fl\BH3,F\l'|d to her surprise was cured. (Signed) 8- G. ROBINSON No, 2. I'I:I.vinganll'urnd muoli with touhtache, Ieonoludod to try you Pain Relief. 0`no ll[)[Jlic:\lit)ll gave inxtuut relief. I also cured as-violent cold I had contracted with the 1'umu(]y. , _ _ MR8. Ea No. 8. I have tried ymu` Pain Relief in case: 0 Headache, Pain in the Stomach rand Tu(3tlmclio,tlie result in every instance being the same. (Signed) A. FREDENBURG No. 1. Sutferiug fmm a. severe Mhok of Dim-I-hcn:x,I u_ge your Pdin Relief Ind wen s|1rpI~isod to ml myself perfectly cured in a few hours. (Signed) WM. ROBIk8ON. Nu. 5. One night. I was awakened by the must violent internal puns A aim In ten- spoonfulof your Pain Relief made me well in tlve minutes. (Signed) J. . .JA.0 UES. . LIA'7l:*l\T 1\/rr\1:3cr:- H`-'-'-I-"-- ' ALSO,~'SOME .1013 LOTS` 113`I*rHE ABOifE;'Av'1" A_I:I-;".l`LE ovk; .3 HALF BE?I?_`,,I_:.R Pfirc .........._... ...-.,- .. ..... ...-an... , Elurrwoon, O;rr., Mum}: Bjh. 1880., ~ "I um gr utied to hear from varioun qunrten, that your modiolnoil doing wou- dera. Aaiu mstnncu, nncmxmn received a nbvere blhw from a block of wood QXIIOVII It-on circu1.{r sn..v. It. struck him in tha thick p`m-t of the leg, no injuring him QI to timid! him unzxhlo to walk. Twin application: of Morse : Pain Relief cured him. I` might multiply instances." J08. `EDMONDS, Druggint. ` _ ' ,{Your Pain Ruligfgivel genrglvxtinfaction, in face I believe I I9 morn of it Hill! ul1~(1H1cr puin rurnatlienquut. tmguthor. .J'O BRIGHT, M D and Druggllt. u.nI .........l: o.;..n.Iu :15 . ..... .. I)... ----.-'- -m-A- ---a-1| -n it . `V. I"VIII`Il"\T fII%V~lU x*xxn'rnnnAmEnsI 10TIIIVELL S BLOCK: DUNLOP S2`REl!'. an: \l\I|\.| '1(|AI| IDIIIIIIIIUNll1|lvI|l)l)\llI7lI .u v lJIVlI'Ll." HI .1 union 1 All spunk highlynf your Ruxnnqdy; and 1 have great. pluuauroin ea as u gnnd and relinhle mdinino." CHAS T l'\ no u ,_-_.,..u u:I|\A Icnublvnw ulv\AAuIuu. _ vuuna J. wuaausuagw ' , V Buasslu, Ox-r., Au an 26 , 1880. I hnruby oiartify that my son has auffuged for six yours with I pun in the thigh had tried u great munhurzof things which did no good. He has bola _ completely on bK onu bottlu of I\Imaos Pniu Relief which wan obtained at your IIQD` in B!-tuck (Win Grulmme. BI D. " ` GEOEG OEOOKQ. _.. .-.-p-gs: un- ' A. an VK `Q uun-nu: Luuul, lulu nu v-vu uuyu L was uuuu`un_y wen u -III rnnnutlgunnur Iuwuuuluulli ; TM3fF5EK8TWOOD.ONT-. showing Morse s Pain Relief Cured the following: Diarrhoea. Denes. / Swollen Face, '1`ootha.che.(3oldI-Iea.dnohe and Pain in staunch , _`..,-..._.. _ _-_..-. j HAZ;E`:J1Im 1-vi"o Rs"5 I / ;j%?%A{BA`B,GA~1 1\{sA F011 2 sunny. 4-. y. uaavovuau vqpvvvosnpo ` 31-xuumov, 511:. ./uiy '5, "_Foi- iho banet of auf`i`uringhu:u`rinic I write to ' n 0! the smut value ` of ` n- Pain Relief. I was aniaring from n._bruiIe thumb and7 0 (dud b I II nbttin In nediuto relief , and i_xLt.w__3__duyx I wx_u ont_i_1:ely wiell GM nuton. For caonlootiouor '- :-~r7.1I:-, vrI:u:rIv'1_1\7rniI1`rA-rn ii? nut 1`:u'A'am1'nnnn nmm 954-1-- .. E "ALSO, JUST OPENED our FROM GREA;;*._3I1TAIN A Luzag LINE or rn A 'nrr T.1 T `rx`1-1n1\`rm, A x~r-w\ xv . 1\'l-r1"LTrN- pad-roar3A.i=iHv an` ALL -rs am on-u;s~ ' - --:"-"1*-:'_.- .-._ __ __.-_ TABLE T EI}\TENS 4fNj); NA 15i ` '---'l`R.AY CLOTHSA, '1`0WELS,>bC.,&O.-- V . J AT GREAT BARGAINS- " LOTS`1N.THE ABOVE AT A LITTLE `ovxg A u. Lalhib` U.l." ALL PAIN. DE known remedy. Four time: :1 quick in ill notion.` Sold At (mo low price of 25 CENTS A `LARGE BOTTLE. The following '1`elkiIno- , - nials uf the great. number recaived will uhow most oondlusively the 11-- \V luOH`Rl'0 GIIHNT Ill 0\'(5X`y FUIPUOU KU \./DI-YI.`IL|! I PRm'r:N G 1N ;21.211~IN9*.f'1E'"Ri:".' " and. _- __ _--,----.--v -- ----Ts-- Grand Stock '1. Millinery. ` _ Largze Variety of Clothing} - Superior Stock--Felt '& Sraw Hats; Big Show of Drrfss Goods. Bottom (Value in Staples` 1.. - ... 2; FANS '/VERY CHEAP :: .10 low prxco of 25 UENTS A LARGE BOTTLE. The following Tonimt number conclusively nm:-ka.ble"meric_o the Relief. `. . ` .- , u ..n _..u Glearilag Sale G.0L_I)1?.N Ho 1, `I/jBoth`w_e'll s, _ v -_-`-:----3-T-w ---3-vu t` I` I-`IBST QUALITY, AI: 8>81_C'l`S.. PER EAIR, vvdngn 31,35. Thu Stuck of 1).~MuDoNom.L will be emu-ea to kn. Public [or a. few wouku at nearly HALF PRIO , /' guxs. `HQLBROOK AGT 1. `"`u 1 PAINEEUEF Lnrl NI'nnn Van]. D|.n-: _ YIIIIF . \I' 7-' tr qr-uvwqvwvw-v vv - w s-wvw-v-eff:-u 1c}rI1xV1cLI}s BLOCK; srnzxr.` --WE ARE NOW` SHOWING A LINE OF-. AT mom` Inn" inn LXSIJAL Pnxrii; ` ---TR.AY OL`O'I`HS-, TOVVELS, `90., &0.- IIARDWARE ,_}AL,sQ so VARIETIES 01'-`-L-,. E. G-RAVER S .-.., Taiiaif-6 : . nu A-ll ugpq-Iv. ` oobmmqndin it ` S8ELMA -, f f,-it ya-gjaae ha dhinr ` = .buta,<.1iInl1cl1 to~ an argad; 3;: Cp.1ies~o.f 419941. `wljer- a.wh_i l s_i1 1oB` hing ' I Eth ma,sapaabecanig.a loptt-1,315! `jun pl `of Uangqxnn D.=l,M.eAp.u'q,, pct . . . ,. . -'-'V.7*""4`F-`W ,nu_a,thpc1;a.,f prop anon. j. trendy. osA;vi-. .al_1 e Is- it! Miiis _,.o;;n.tIf ,"_-Ebb ,OI 1.i tihhanahw `hag sh, `ta Vr.e_-oupp1y<.hqu;n8t vs `avntarnshis -ben`un_r_:eg2-auzaly pms9vIa.e. - Lon L ion, 7 D , I: most gr nnbhi; ytio 9e._ thnb"`an'..;39k .g, Jere bub: .ona could bis" nn,qi:inl .10.28.!.n. 1_7.f.!f.L9.",1_8l1,fi.l! W!.|9!'B' I foginde ' uggn yearn ag ` > _`au1;l`Ix1-311! F,II;_er"g'a.clvn_1lv_t3f-Q9)` or so gepume` of {_Qne_tg. gut peple thu`.n1,in the am la _mana ;g hggpnovlgle ` for sh __ou|tu_re. he is_ribu't.i9xx,~pj,'_ `tho puy tribe,.bha trans-- 1-t ati`9n' of ` certain; specie; fcqxut the -"yv.a.t'e1`s,where it `abounds as sa. native, to a. hitherto bad : dtisi lu.'bo):.- b dietafnt gepti 13 qf the ;oun_try, where it has 1 IE; yuknovw, hug bgen an u.rdu- . `is well and skilfully conducted. . "L "gm 5 L il11i' 5u.\Ilr .3-`luv Lpw. Qu- fu ll! 1u_y_ u_p H _ _ ._ .. `f N am. 12.8 -jmgnled. The .great.g;r :;d;;{)Agt2_,,1I_,xt; `! 1i,8,E_K_| BH.t|:l2B8 .oVe_I' ' l;md9,ui:'na 5 9 "ang>e,J of_ -1,b&tion,hu.s ' ba_a'n;:'shown `.123 -m nah .; experiments :t,hul,= :m1_j_ q}y,'.j:jc1{u.otgayjih. tlib progress of times And ah? 1E~.l>6B$ 519931fK9P-09the- gart/i_: that some. scujjiong 91,1 V_na_l;,`_g,on and_` Amerismn watprs. _'o_thar aphaias 95, qh ` 1ia,Ve.b_ean,_ ti-nu;;l;m'tg nto?Qn.nnLdian in: I}I.nt1f.1!_k5.B31Il.1 ryvsar. ' he,fI;t,:urev.h9.Iet1t `dfAQa_nn,(Iinn 'p.nlM.,eB_n_I1`. W ggk _ gs. j V f1`hia ntgathgatlcaf px'op&g&!2.lOn. :lpaady.9smn:-. ; : ougi1;bo:,-b Tins :2-,cr-Iurn,Z_ f ,haa'vBpn In ; bit!-1!5;h.f ; f i .:zrexit._e;:` udmu \ _ _ :'ben ?a_fE?'oripe`VziVxit;I with ` ithk fhers, and .des.::endsynta_ 0.! I. the Anglo,- ` B%;9n. ree. tbs? t.h.'n>.an`.whbeihn.;by whac- over mgax1a,.ma.k;_e two blades o`grs.x_a gram , Ma. formerly but one blad grmgtegt of ,al,l bapetuutoxa. l),eAC'nndian A Government I :l1iiS"iI {{ar ng .11 in ~-\,.x1y u};t1_erQ;,a,kingre- igultingizj g'qui';g.dvn21t_t1s{e.` genuine` ' . `or Renew; but beexile tIiu`.n1in th ample I ,ujpn.e. in ,t;I,1xs,_u_ ilaiiqeu vi: p_reqam`g_,' at L I nt.`o.f this ne.- sp un theory 5710- 1-enchan'z`f4nhion:--- V. .l.`l}9'.:I71lz1uv; UWI;!t,_nuvvna-vu.uyr-:_v-_- I ouhqf _neg-spun i,x_1`tha.fo1low-. `.3 g-tn$e_1mh_ani:`fuhion;-_`--A 1` . _ - _. 13.061: `V 13.12 the changes maa in the 1',i,d.-.- sine 18fr8j_ b_y,,,th9, `pre_I eutVG9`Vl'I!,-: :- , Titchie..9f1>1i*isne judge. `:*h Gpixzzt, was made chief jnjtiae, ,of_ `court. ' -M`r.,VS .iI_s`:,x:",j._`~ phnqz A_ I_queen's wni vinddew . b jot `_1\a._commqn`;;p1eM. `Z19/I(:.:.-' ehief.-i.:u`n>.`:n1`, the! dolnmon plu ._ ' . /oi` ~tha.c9mInqn~;; lam. xv; `hisfzzit ,ths3'qon 5nzen-p1,gr;-3 `B s A day we Ohireitoi ' Sgagge, "th.I3 gh I Vbfgz e8iSkty?yea}js,mad glyigf justice of, t a spa 7; runs xlzwteenusg bo,l.1`p-musf. bathe real aaorat: . ; ,`o_fA._thgrntnp taken'z"I\ix.`.':'Bls.ke, > '`h_B Q9. - gvavnmgnt ,-hay so _ , _ , 'diigr:we...o th.m.snc:g1 -_;je_former and Chris- V .bla.n~vro:kg}g, .snd._a-a my consequenea of it. the . ,coi1n,ry)19se5 the sgnvigep atone of theablest 'a.nd_rqort upfght judges that ever sat oy . the .0a.nadiu.n-xbena'h. ;. .. . ~ t` v_to put` its :,eal?o = L 5,3 :,He`1ip;I; eeix tmdu ig\aa..ly9r',t'-he 1ia_rt~he7l1'_us gi-331; _ . _ 4'};`ih1p ra_1,~qad`,0HgiAin vrorkx` The H::milt_iJn'/ Spietqttnr` `oi1|y`n* 'fviVd9.y_I ngd'. nrgscl-hfai-,unLuaun .'ion_ thin very ground, an1'1in"thBf'HixBe inf Commons be has been T nil.ed=1ay;:1;je1zy1zem; Bouhshe'esT_0auh- _ 1,fI1g,?i"a.`n`p'[.hQl'{irtiieb at lhapzixty; K To ; - giqejhn slid:-es :-on` temperance. to land a; 9';-a,yer.-mga!;irig,-to `teach a" Sunay`-chnol '3 lg`ss,'fer to take, art si`mth`ofx _IuInesu din ah'u`reh*synodr-'t see: :6" * in. which. ` ;'n:>"$hit3jj;1 . . . 1 . ~; . ' ;'!`g8.u'?&de=ol3}a? , _ ppaals. Mr.D`e.sp'er` N _ _ \verarea.ch' promoted frbfu puishe judge: _ `to the &hi_ef'justiee- ` shipof the queen's ` -_,,a.m_i ngaimto the oiH'9*'g1aticesbi -of the `court `oidppgalagand ragga, ice`-Qhapceller,1..w.`gst made .0hnm':e1tor..', H -I. 2 v . -i .Mr'.3;M5cEez_:'n`- . , pg; ,. . . ` algeziizh`; ,1? ,.hobre.,l1a3=n9t aj_ 19.. _ _ cilityemxha axvzea-Ohmcellora ` _3 _:`BI':% olbn" asthe"st.t$uk_s:or;~_ 'were1 "-to_th.sv9Lnem1a: of '2' sonia1vr"aform'-he cauldi norri ` / " U13`!-`1e1.` .T..H|9_ .3!-4iD9!'B|-. 39VC.'1mm` "19 `game 'pra_i`prbva.iled. ` ' In cqnstitnting the Ti>re.1:6=;51!9=t.. -`Mei :1: xiehards. ~ St :-dang a.nd,'.l`uch rea.u',were. ro- V om provincial judgalhips.` `I . .. ` agisns-judo intheio ulrbof ,PP`I;\1-. _ __ _e.h1ef: justice of t e%s,arneV'c_ouxt, ` '_ , isonppuisnijaajuti in thaqu6en s * wag pxomoi.ed"to a. j dgeahjp in the. do sosbpenli.` 2 ,j|g;1eq;z;n9 vw..-v.Iuauu:u_!UK~Iup uu uuuquuv of-i t11_'&5s1igh,t > put: aupon ` him , we hbntand `-arno 1150 n'1inoingAth_e` :ma.ttar, , _ ha1rna'pe:fact1yIjnid:rin'so do'in"g." knjswa,-gud ievery,gne - glue .:1:1ip'vvs, ` 'zIm1.not.in thuintesva tit his -in-` 3hg'11eltor.{'_N - :. - Asigun;j;1_g.- then, that 5M_r.-Blake rt}- `Ne`7Vieg,-0,banga1_lqrsh1p on` pcoqunt lixaht out: upon ` him.- 1}uKn0v_m, ung D931) uran- _t wall a.n_d slgilfullyconducted. _ izatgop > my `st " fu1. ,_,`But'f9w. in- Filuia 9.1:. 1 abilib been m:en.tu2as.oven- it` -may be'\`.erm9d,_ r:;c;.g.;:i:.;e;.% ga1_lqrs_hip on ppoqunt V son'hgm contan nid-`xiii Kn dnin` " _a.dmissvion,. bf. this princf ; pie goesaf `l `gthto thegsuggsjzion of a. -. aL_l\)'s_titute or stgjkeg `an3a..re__medy for ` ' "` tyranny _r,_`the_ ismnenj ' . . Mr Olnrk cont.eu um: I.ua-aelny in returning: he-roll byithe Aslesgor was dug in jihe he that h_6 HM minds: a. bona do auenumn , and uz_;l n9tV_c0p'y-Inst yaw. grail, 6,9`?! '_!1.0B9_ Ll! Iuxfmor years by the vtalagnor. "3 '* ' ' .. 39 art Vgnnhen zidoptegi, \ ` ~ V34 J/.Ir.."PeM`oy. amended by Mr` , . ; . vf,l'i5|__B-' Cb, tBK-i39`considera- .. Isinbnlxty of .e'1.`.em:-its Zurf_oug:t.4:iu_ T0, derd.4'muht the Bum! gt Public . . \. ' ~ ` ` 7 TE: _cgtl 1_gpon bfv;:1 rof.'_Sv;gifthnt his ~; ` ~oon1`er,-/viii ueaqtt apipx-oIch;.t.o the ` `egu-th, in =dny'.o_r two, fill, evan_ than :be invisible, bmhis diseo_very- of l0!!1O3O! its populnryip roIt,>but..will g'1ve planing 1.3- . Intaxgcesio n.fety.tp.those whq are appro- _: h_on:_x_pa;...s us:-eoinitc in thin myntorio .4 . ; ` . .. T . uh ha`: h,rc.2%n`th9' mgnotq go! -_jh1_l by venturing forth , b'e{dhv`.l"tf,__' bon:b"groofsjq.ngi ditche: o!_ tvhq `ew`hxn ttbops. Aa,,hov;|i}o,'v e was |u_tan15i_a11y;under`tl1 e_ to hop .on thiso aioti, pf his `whole .' ' `W ' ,, even. this 'npp'earan_ca cgpb > ugh `condence in his pqnbniul _ j. let-Imps he is` already `tired ; 0 p1aying_ e Czar in such fashion, ahd won] ' the rzlad 1: 29 oil` shing in the Livadig. ' '_ j . prhnps he is` already tn-ecblb; `playing be g'l_a,dt gj) off the ` '1 RIP Ya. VS{inkle'.fe9.tu aeiafn to be a,mon`g `=1!-.13`e new otiona at -the:da.y, for in many quarters. eoplu. are ound,f=-ram tiu_1e`t_'o stime, ~11 ping soundly for weak. or months ibogother. One Iunh one is that of a_ math` `been sleeping . in Pennly Vania` . ever _' _,the,,;1th 9! February, despite ifulng-h Qaradttunning needle: into his ` en.` but-tninm hIE;With hot irons _and tbr-V runtn By 1:} and n ,vuv,. gpuu yn. aw vols nun; , Invurnvw with Commit _ea;':-- The yor presented .15. ; obixyunihfion mints Boa :-d. `ntatimz t at. 115 would lay be. from 'M .,Wm.'~"Boy!, .5e ox}elBP3T`b \ulle- . ` `fora the Foard, at, it; ` fro}?ii}:(W155c3}E,(f>5r&iryi`5 7l giate Baird. `stating he wqg1d_ lg l!1m.nni ration he` 1; D Clark rel me to impovine 00'} atitgtag _unda.r. Zl,`_h9JlIayp the Qoumxil ;_,pat._itlOn from, Mr; '_1! r _ 'wmtAszg,y p use... can . ' T336 ar'a."'1`~e`oti6n;gry`:iisinifer{t3'bo3a- ill: for main,` .oi`f7hih1'e1f. That 9. `mqdetn, tioi: will"sixik*ba;k hniesiatingliy :.'.+.. "l}'uioAu-Hinnthn `nf annnl:i'n`n'1im'innt-ad ` ' .,Im_ ~.thero_= in no person who paw be a , j,t9.th6 *an%ors of navigation. Travel, by wayog u we I on by land, has becomealmoslz uuxversp. ;`nnd- with its great increase the da.nge1_-.. E zaoaidentu via` augmented also. Under 1: , `qircumstnnoes -the knowkdge of tho p ' while :_to. n5ak5_thnm 9; branch of common '_5c1;oa1 ducatmn. How to use~n life-, ` presersze might be taught in ten minutes, V nd. ue 'kIiowl"edge be. just 'the turziirig uhitrbe "ween being lost and being saved, at ?e.,?1ij1l' not be qxp Jsed 165.1153 o~1ife-preasrverrmny be- the uvi go! v-any lives. . 1`hero are some` !'&c'l:iI:al,mai:tera of this kind of IO -much: omaht that it would seem almost worth I if 81 , 5o`m_g;1,y- in overzwfdray instances, _ - VI Vin;-`a`il_1il'a:enb axe; t Messrs. Bhcn-tree and.Wm. Caldwell. `he Mgyor in-thb ,0 air. The nnlxletdf `last meatimzu wax-A read I in-the ,Ul1nii'., . . I . The nnutetdf `laahmeeting were read and can rzn_ed.'._,_. .- ' . The lbl1`awin:z' communications. :&c.. and conrmeq; . _. _ . The I lIo.w1qg' cqmmunncntxons, 1&9 were r9 , and referred to thei raspeative ommit _pa;':-- . The vor nreaented ill:fo_z- main, .,oc!,=T`l1_1n1'3e1(. That *mqde1;rA`, tier`: will eink*beek ilnresiatinglfv 7 iiatejlvlf r depth: of deapotmigfincred - i blje ; `rm `hence thie proelamationhnd the `ecegmpn yiug gesignacion `of the, Liberal MiniItr;may'turn'6ut 0 te disastrous for Cznrinn, eincelghe eyes, pf Liberals will be -epend t the hopelessness of dealing with .au,to;_i:at_ whqlenrnjnpthing even fro the ' Mbjter ib!e`experieneea. Izistesd of oat? ' V 812' ... e eeupe of eqnntitutiennl freeldoirt` "R n_u'i by a.` compromise which might a`.Et.a I_."'8ll` We %iv_en up very little,` the new` Czar I1 ,ohe1engerJT the intelligence uni ibis e"9'the-LR.n 1a.n.nation 2- _- .___,,,,,, __I`, I ie. `#111 exp that _ in do w1io_ `V .. .-IF};: -'.@\ ,7 `. ` C -5IV:h.A,.l"o1-:(A5 `Aaiun. ,_ ,l'5i|35,'~,l~` I-U FF,'*??:9"*'? I-,lvuIuLE!~`I' visibility ._e'1.`.e.ra.4.t-in`; :3` fountain.` R.i3_i! 99.5.9- w:v.n.nm2t.. yp,i'5_eore,tary{" of *ulle- ; .(:ta,J;;'ha 9V,!!ld lay ha. sxt meetiyyxm`.-h`ef. LLVABOAHD and that the_wa.ter be I_ipp1ied_ from arte- sian walls in the neighborhobd. 3 ` , on motion of MIr.Roiss. `seconded by _Mr3 On motion of Mr.Ross, `seconueu. by nu. Purvis,1the Council zgdjournedfur and Rpbrt: Caldwe, chairman of 'Eite=mid Poliyze Com- `mittegjintroduced 'a.` bylavilhmending . _limitf.byl1w so as to enable ,Mr; Wkinaon to complete thegrption of his woollen mill; By1aw`frea.d`_. 151:, 2nd, ant} 31:d.'time Paistaeti-ca.` ` ~ ` Movdi 13y Mr. Anderton, secopdg51__'by time to ailow gpgnmibtaes metb * On ihe.Coi1 S Vi-eipsgnzbling; ` 135sed.L..' M Moviby Mr. Anderton, seconnied by > Mr;_Leunox, That, th Fire and Police . /Committee be instgucted to int:-odu::e,at afthe next meeting of the.Council,'a bylaw ..to. anund-the `claw-~1`}y_1aw'.passed `.11: tlib last ,meeting, by. a.llowin g}c owa to run at large ` t.1'xrL'>'ugho4u1;>_t.1I f1-01:1 the hburs of-'7; a..-m `o Gpm.` ' ' E ' ` 3 11- After some squabbling the muti9_n`was. (fo 6 p.m.` ' , squabblingv mution`was carried by the following vote: Yeas- Messr. Anderson, .Ross; M3ar:in,u- Neill; Leunox and Pear:-.y.-6. Nays-xlessta. King, Clark, 8. Caldwell and Pu:-via;-4`. 3 3 Moved .1357 Mr. `Ross, `sgcondd by Mr; iiog, Oalziwll Pu:-via;-4. 3, Moved .by `Ross, `sacondod Mr." Marrin, Ordered, That in View of the pro- posed_ I amendment of_ the cow bylaw, the Poundkeeper be ibstr_upte'd not tooigngound cows running at large :11 the` daytime. H Moved by Mr. An'derton,. leconded by running in by ". by I Mr. Pu:-`via, That the Town Iuspeotqr be instructed to request the Oricket_Olu_b to `move their stand to the xjnzthwent oriiu; of the Park. , . . ~ -:.-: 5, '_~.. ~- The Council then adjourned till` tho"`1s_Ei ".l1.H.OMAS L`J.J.\.|.'a,.y: lJLKL_ Ubussv, -saunas-I At 1 o clock, p.m.,` The Exist half of L01: number 'I`wenty-Nine in the 5th 0011., East of Hurnntario Street in the mid Township of MuImur,_ oontuining'100 acres more or less, of which 70 are cleared, and the balance under hard-wand. urn; and the soil n. clay loam. . This farm is about 12 miles from Stayrfar, and -18 from Oqllingwood, on fgood road. Tamas :--10 per cent. ut. the time ofysnle, - 15 er.-`cent. within one month thereafter , `an the balance to be uequred by mortgaga with intaresthlz 7 per cent. p_e'r nunum ; or if additional sabiafactpry security be given, no cash need be paid, or tarms may be varied in any ransnuxnblo way to suit pur- `ohaaera. For further particulars apply to W. B. Sanders, Stayuer, m: to l!e_thune, Moan, Falconbrid e -& Hoyles, `Vendor : Solicitors, TORO v I.`O,. - Avbrxoxsm, 2-..L-.a an. '11.... 199: an tun On the _ gemisea are said to be a. Frame House and ' - z_-.. adjourned till` tho"*'1IE` - .`L, I:1gg]:-7 eveI_1?`I1:`y:v['d>f'd 1i}I-19A`_t,_1en r , UNDER AND BY VIR.'L`UI1J U1 J.'l`11!1 POWER. OF SALE contained in as certain xnortguge, made by George Thomas Newman to the Vendors which will be produced at the time of Safe, and in pay. ment: of tho moneys secured by which` de- fnmlt. has been nmdo, thaws wi 1 be .q erad for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION. at the CAMERON HOUSE, in the VILLAGE , of STAYNER, on 4> Friday, 3rd` June, 1881, At 1 n c1m:k. n.m..` hf 'Tpyv1fshi~}`_`):f_:i!Iu1Ii1ur. ___ .__.. ---.\-nrvr.-n A-I71 5311311` NDER AND VIRTUE OF gram U -_..:...:.. .........Lm.nA my-an I-xv Gentile , . .. ex 1Le`nrn. 1 tqlexraphy and earn `%`$l0'j(.q ,` $100. per YOU-NAG MEN nn.t.1on.- Address .: ` . - _YALEN'.l`1NE BRCS. Jnneavlllb Wis. 204 _:_._____ rm r -1--rrr\ I111` 'r\'r t\1"-T.'I'\ month. 'Ev`rv :radual: ivguqri:led"_ a. paying at 11 o`c1oak.to hem-_ an no we gave:-ml complni-its of errors and arms: na in `he Assessment. Roll far the mud mnn1olp\}!Ly, fur the vcnr I881. `All persons having bush)` as gt. Lh:U0\1l`hRl.`G ruqulr 1 to attend the an _ nu` . ` . Om, May 1am.'1ss1. Lnd tna; tne_wx;.wr nu` _ lyyuuu. ....__. ...-- xian motion MIr.Roiss, Mr. nI-vin.'.f.ha Council adiournedfur ' mislinixs: Eel`!!! versl'-"oomp1a.in:s or `Ih.e.3.ueaam1n.` Roll nial a.1ty.i'or.the veer 1881. huvin V` usineas M; the Court nr amen `as aforesaid. Dyorder ' WM. 1 .....____...._.__ MORTQAGE sAi.El T0Wbf i5i3C6i5hRTY]