,._.-. 5 PRICES 1'0 sun: THE T.MES :- F. J. LOWER- ~%sp;4ing? &p ~.S11111mei % %s 9ns; %% `VJ --ee-.---- ,~r>+-~77 - '(5pposiv3 th; 1`FS}xmnif;ett," [Dunlap-St. . 5, _- \ 'Ba.rri. ` _ .AI|c7._0L";e1-a promply `attenda to, sf ':"s..;`%.3 ,:%`a%.:`*%;sJ.L%`=. gnu WGEQWVLI. ' K .nnnn..; 91$ it3Stixmn1aiaett." IDunlcm-Sh ' 53}; Iinwfqddbs IN` :5 't.,"" . 1%. Fashlpd%`.;.'; g.3T13l'ohIng House _._.._. D. s. MGMILLIAN"; ...'.....c_....-.u n..a..I4-am: 11...... 11.1.. 1 gbwiaajo % ;;.B*"*"*i;'3"`-V ~ ,.Samp1es qyzork ajways on __ All-wdrk Gugranteed. PBITIIHE-5 '3 i wanna on In_G-rt-3a.t. Variety. ood Ekand the Latasl St 311: < ` _ ` all Customer S5 a. aiiiielf` V` `W M sled and Diagonal Qoatfn on` irusxi Trliznnoga A 1~r1>_7<$0;aDNIAL lirenws. l>Vl'e`robl1anbi `Tialvlorlng. .. Painting, 6: Glazing. gee Sigmlnrrilnge and gene:-`a1 `Pniini l`-axuLD,egora.tqr . ~31 " , ' -`.1... V VI lF.'!I-}Vv.v :- _L=.s'I,'fA [_I;I*sI'-'I:-unE'K':_ I / 9mh,_A,maHg nah _ 91oh:,rgo.. gag up :.::emmi' has L Ia` W A, . ' Opgnsie iheweuingcoi Hotel ' nnlop-st`, BARBIE, Ont I Sadudljery. ?SA`DD.LE1f, 114 mvmsa vIfLd-.K_E.R,and decfleriu all ~ yoqda ,appzrta-ning to his T ' line of buuimus. 6944 W rlamanahip and Rates. - _.&._._ 9. ? ,v.,.V_-..,...,. 7.-~.._ A 7sA I.1DLER, HXAREVESS `~iII[11.KE.R.and vssmrqs .o.wed Lady Ohudlefgghl who alwnys received tile as one of the fumlly. was an euiinently " handsome, charming woman, although a. little stately and reserved, with is. perman- ant tinge of melancholy iu-her manner, not unbecoming in a. womaii who had early lost a. husband so-dearly loved. so deeply deplored. -Lady Chudleigh lmd seemingly She adored her son, and made his ha. pi`- ness her sole preoccupation. One and en- 'ng feature alone clouded this affection, which amounted almost to a. passion. I1ubert," ahe'_would say to me,` "is a. little wil ,' a.ud .I`l'req uently feel lm}; I am losing el control over him. Carmel; your friendellip steady him 7" I could yunewer only in_ such commonplace: as the necessity of 3 y `ung fellow sowing his wild on.tr,, for th[ trutlrwne that the young'fBe,rox1et aomewlmt, 1` cklessly iirto `the [pleasnf his age . and rlookou :udventure" an-the genial and lively young rrxend. Tho wid- but one` thought. and one object.in' life. ` was certainl not A little inclined 0 9 _ "*1en';?r f.s,!gr-`-` .% ; . A ' `udlexgh Manor, came mlov the passes- si_q_n.of the young Bstotletnl soon at ha T`ygj;'T3 f`Sgu;--~4A1pd_n,1x:oat charming place it was. Many in y ii-{ya---I may say weeks and mont.11sj~c%FcF V genial and livelv yaunz friend. Tho w:'d'-"I I,:-spend ther with my = . nan nn nun nf flu: f:m 'was. Many in y any:---; .mn_v__say_ Week! mont1:s-%F there genial liveiy vv"id'-" Ohudlef;gh`: received Iv. was an anriinanl-.lv aon1ewhb.t`i`ck1esaIy ii}to" mne` qpxaasnrurar > hi; age , and -lookou >udve_nture" engine and and aim of life. But he had. a. good heart, if ever a. man had one, He weak de- voted to his mother, and was deeply grieved if he thought be caused her not- row. __ the university. ' '- ' ` . His father, Sir Robert Qhudleigh, had died before his birth, and I heard that Anselm Chndleigh, -his ' father's brother, who had looked forward rgthor too con- dently to .j'.l1e title,` Ind inheritance, had been so disappointed and; disgusted at the birth of 3 son and heir, -that he : had left England, and never again communicated with hi: relatives. No gne'aeemed much grieved at` thi'resluti6.n; and Hubert would tell me laughringlj that his uncle Anselm, whom he had neyer known, bore the name of being one of `the most ill-oon- gitimed ruizue who -~eve1.'~ disgraced a An! .`w ' in w. Some time hail ele.pee :%5oe my last ` visit to Chudieigh Manor; and 1 was reside ing in Pnrie for 5 period. engaged in litur- ary occupations, when, one morning, Sir Hubethrusbed intbi-lny room with his usual ' effusive -livelineesyl - He had come over tn Paris 'uet fer 9. last; spree," he said. Well! his mother did notiike.his `zooming, he admitted. The fact was, he jhad en- miged himself to a aousin--a. "dean, chn.rm-, ing. lovely gir , according to hie`deacrip- tioq, with whom he was "over.-_hen.d and ears in love, But, before `settling down quietly on his mn.1:riege,`11e had 11 I: been able to resist. tbe`deaire`~to have one more ,;f?in;g," and see just a little more of I e. I wonderwhat makes him so lat ! Pull the blind down, and hand. me that mirror; ' :5 -"Here, see if this afghan is strait.- "(36od-nfterifaoon, Doctor. Thgrnmtterr ~-"1`h at a just what I want you to say. -I ` V ; Perhaps? Why, prayhow can that be? I've a. headahe, _a.1n awfully nervous, ' And quite out cjf sort-9 every way. lI've no appetite-yes, those are _candies : - . 'Don t you thxnk that bonbomnere'a neat 2 He11`EyourseIf. No? You'll nd them deucious; ey're the only thing that I can eat. The beat of the room makes my head eche, The mercury indicates eighty"? Ah, well, I'm_3o chilly, you_;ee. Tke` exercie `I Certainly, Doctor ; I drive when I'.m able ; but pray ' _.Don't you see for yourself .l m unequal i To any exertion to-day I V . 12-- _._v-_ :_ -11 .._-_I_;. - ` 1-\_-;,_ Indeed`, Lam awfully nervous, ~ And _e-verish to9-feel my _hnx;d! P1ase_'give~ mo soirie `simple 1$rag ;`J'u. G,.Ig9I,nptl:ing.to make-mo feel bright ; I9yc any _to-marrow, . :3E"w:: ms `?`2-" -`~`5":*`.'*- % ' man rzauxn mg urn MOONLIGHT. S31` Hlrbert Chudleigh,_ the you; Bar- onet, and possessor of Qhud]eigh_ hot, was.a great churn of `mine. V29-`had been at Cambridge together, angi, had. them struck up a. mighty friendship, which, in- stead of fading, as such college friendships generally do, only increased when we left the Univeraiy. ' ' father. Ohualeizh. ne."" Huberb and I were. almost constantly to- gather. ' But, aftimel, he would leave me to follow his own devises. Still, as when I ...... him ...n.m- his absences ho was as cheery devises. amt, wnen 1 saw him-After his absavnogg ho ohae as ever, I was hble to write"to Lady Ohu - leigh to tell her t1w.th`er`son was in good health and spirits. Orie dav. an a distant boulevard, I saw - ..__, -_.._-.-_ -- _..._, . -Mg nxsei.s.11,;-ighu `Realf. Doctor, -` on't thinkyou quiteun erstnnd. -Mg nine in a.!1,.rightVP Reall , : thfnkyou quite 111: on Indeed`, Lam awfully feverish my ban heath spirits. One day, 5 couple coming towards me--a. man and in ` woman.` The man was indisputably, to my mind, Sir Hubert Ohudleigh. But he was so Itrangely dressed, in such annting at- tire, that I looked on `him, as he ap- ,proaohed,wiI:hwonder. The womnn,too,wn exkravagantly atnire-l- handsome area.- ture, of 1:. bold, Southern type. Startled all was I held out my hand 0 Hubegt, as we came clone together. H looked on me with ourpriae unwell as indifference, and passed on with his qompenion. I own I felt much hurt, when, on mentioning the occurrence to him nfterwar_da, he positively denied having met me with any female- Thie treatment of his old frieno wounded men, I ' me. . One day I called at his hotel,and learned that he had ridden out to the Bois de Boulogne. Ag! was very. desirous of see- inahim. having that mo:-nigg repaived; u --.- 5:41. - auunauru 1 TnE>]5dctor int last, gdii. on ably, Jane 1 im mg mrq, uavgng uuuu Iululungg puvquuu. so . letter from bu `mother, followed to the . Boie,withuuh 'ndir}g any trace of him, ru however; nmnng the med stream of Pa- rieinne in carriage: and on horseback. The weather was hot; and, on my return, I plunged into the shady by- athe of the woods in search qfehelter rumtheeuu. Preeentl I game on a group of two per- mm. ennimz mznineife. tree I new again I at two sons. earning agia.inat'a. again the same auntin y-dressed Hubert Cud- leigh whom I ha.` seen on the Boulevard. Seated. on the grass at his feet. was the"` some Southern beauty. From feelings of dore-' tion I avoided thein, but of the identity of my young friend I had no doubt whatever. Determined to have it out with him," I oalled again at his hotel on `my return. Hubert had not yet come in; and 'I went up to his room to wait: for him. Among a variety of purchase: on his hit; teble were some scores of photographs of` celebrated actresses, `and. other nutnrietiea. I was turning them over carelessly, when my eye ' was arrested by one in particular. A. I could not doubt, for a. moment, thnt `it was the some lgtrikinglyattructive female wlth whom Ihad twice met my friend. To my mind the'liq.rIm.hetween t_1_1em,wa.s thus gonrm- pd. .- Hhhert ahoxtlv returned. and I gva.;Sh,I laid wit_h_.aome_ir_rituuon, -f;-ex-naps ymz will deny as poncwely acqunintemoe with this peron 2". Hubert colored a. little `and 1311 had. N6, 1' will not dehy my knqwla ge of tha.I:lad1y, he said. Then. `by him. . why_d_any the rent 7"; asked in a. aomawhnt angry $9119., "Disa.greenble words at-ose.a_nd _ . I lefclmy friend with n flling of annoy-. anco. whiqh it wui ule_a.r ran aquully nkiaqrud ` A lnttar from Lady Cl1udl$:lgh,.'hou;9ver, 3'!!!-9!-~ \..,_,_ i "99=g;%3.N'h -5'41fHortnigH .5; 1573913; - E `-"9,3`>7:. ;;9f".`_"v`i}'.;`P1 0!IlI M 5;; the'liq.no1p_be_twen t_1_1em,wa.s thus gomirm- ed..v- Eithgrt shortly retuvnad, {ran " toldhim how how'1;1m.d,atumbled oz; in with hia_compa.nion_i~n the,Bois de Boulogneul H9 again denied the faetin the most pqsitnve manner. I felt annoyed at his poraiatainoy. and taking up the. photo- gn,ph,I Mid wit_h_.aome irritation, `ffrhnpa arm: as, % `by ` 1~ . .L,- A Chudlaigh,.however, _goqn."ghg,n the current of my faalingl. Sh9.'o_ojn aiuad that f9i' Home time p&_l|: lhe had ;9mnv.ed~ no Miter from her-on. who who had hitherto been t1}a_n_Iont anidgqua WM? wow-vv v--v: --,- -~-vv- --~-- ,--.._.- _.-_ and vmfad her -on, had been the monk gniduoua agogpagg ndann. Did I know unythin * .uf,; him * ..md_Tou1.r.1v I Bmtmlnioate wit hgymzzpnuaflxg *;I' ruplved immadiatofy to gut ,II\lbBt'l;}-19N1DS5 bygone: be by- .g9;;9.`g. .' Q3; gapuhln hll bowl; I hem-d`, to any gy;ggr{ug, .1;1;a _t:hg" ,. let; nfnrtnight or :?I99t.79o:o-.' L vs ' v at "<'.l!hn mxms-y.ot- tliitproeudins. [Tm Doctor at last, ;did. day, Jan: Pull down. and hand. me that "(3nvnI.'nIGn niAN6n. o11A1>'rn;a_ 1. ~-__... 9.10; THUR DAY, MAYA`; 5, . I881. II; III, been :1:-esdy~ina.ut!onod' Chudldig mm: was I ' pince. ~~.'.Et_n_e houne was `built_=`i; 159.01% Ezabbthnn atyla, and, her ' `and there, was draped with ivy. "l` front was rasmhnd "I-av I-u-nnui -tans. lnninn to 1 high .uinzamet.nnn style, and, not end more, "l`_ rea.cbed'by_b1-and lt6pl,lO8diI`lJ .9 I high bpluatrnted terrace, which commended 9 View of a line park: and the carriage en- trance was on the western facade. On the other side of thehouee were lovely orna- mental gardens, erubowered in Ipreediug plantations. It was late in thieveninz when I ei-rived plantations. thievening ai-givod a.'nd dro'v_e up to the side ontnnoq in-0 y hii'Jad_.a`t. the nearest railwnyltntinn. I Ina no written to Into the proile tiino of my_ probable advent. ` - Makinnz A nigu to the servant. who re- probable advent. Making eigu servant, ceived me, not to announce me, I mounted the broad eteiroaao tron; the stone hell,nnd` took my way to the lfbriry where I heard that the family were uqeznb led. I e enea the door quietly, and ltood in the I ow _looking,.or-a. brief lpl-OB. on the group the door quietly, 8-Dd ICOOG. II 3110 IIIJQOW - looking,-for-a. specs, group j before 1110. Lady Onudleigh-was ustedin 2.}: arnx-`chair, with I book lying lintlouly on her lap, .the full light of a. la_mp falling on her heamme features. .It seemed to me that her expression mm more then mu- ally me1nucho1y,end that there was I elude of trouble en her brow. Ate piu-no on the `opposite side of the room was rested. ' lovely, fair-haired girl, when ngers were , rumbling on the key: an I entered. I iknow her at once to be "Ad&~Stnunton,my friend ! "intended, of vwhelhw ,0 bad frequently spoken__ to nim`$n~!j _, rdpturoua teruu. And there. lemma over the Diane. nusint. ` son, to I60 vuxone, or dream cueunl o:poq~' tent; and yet I hedjeen a_.` vhion--or won` it only e`drea.n:"l (No 1 1 been wide, awake. Although 3-little ven to(whct called unperntition)"in;_|omn matters, I had no faith 1n Appngitionl. mindhnd been agitated and excited; pgrhpI-dtho h I. could not recollect the fact--I land on too much wine, tine pnevioua .o,v,pning'. Yes ! there could be no doubt whetnilnvd : seen yru. of course, a dglnlion` of 3110- ' . -3. were hallucination. 4 In thll 001101 I was fully conrmed wl1en,the nextllu ing,I received a. letter 1-on1Lgd yO.hu1l . 2 to tell meuthnt Hubert had returned ham.` and tubes" me oameutly to conic over. la:-V mediataly. I ` ' ; ; .` on x Ohudle nnnnl IA ' grasp Iiry friend : toronoad. no annual`. Byamlgh @3089 of my will I _npr1?d* ` *-, iiodo f his I: e cont` 6. K: 1 grouped-L :1`:)l:h`Eng! _"i"l11:'1:3znx-e wsogono; - .l.`hoj_ , of moo ght a owed me no more my own a dow on the oor,_ Iutaggnred : to the door. It was loolnqdinlido an maul. After 3 space of timo,gt _-whiohl can under no scco\_1nt,I found bod. Tho workings of In brain came `slowly luck to me--very slow y-but, at Ian,` I conttivod. to reason with vmynolf. I * _` , ,-3 tr ; 4; .7 ': ~ I was not the seventh non of I aunt ' 1 son. to vision; dream dxounn ohm " . to reuonwithvmyulf. `.';:..7 Iona! Lsqut vision, duunl 029.0 tent: and yet hodjoon 2.` aeemerbt me, in 3 cold. embarrassed nun- ner. 1 a \ his hand 1:ordisly_-1t wu chilly and lifellsxx Afterbboing introduood to Miss Sta.unton,I *:no1guubm. n (rm and led him slide. r \ ' ' ` Ara am still vaxa/d wRFmn. Hvubet-t1" led him slide. 1 r/ \\\ '. Are u still voxedsvith uu,\Hubert 1" I Lukas], `-' . I own I gave you Ioma\1m.lo pIiynjadqtpn- but ; yo_u don't mun tiny that you Igiil null: wgm me, Come, come giva me I. cheetier 1001: than t.hst,or I shnli "fanbv--4-'-'-. ' nnnner. ` That you are very much: changed from the dear old (allow I've'~kbown and loved _ so long. '-' He inohed pnifully. I felt tlnodrixovo-Z; ment, as I had again takon his hand: Changed 1 in `what jun I ohsngodl There in no alum 0 wi?o'ver in mag"-ho exolnimed,with.a' oud laugh, which won :6 once wild and constrained; and than, tak- ing me by the arm, he led am `back to his mother, as if to ovoid any further explana- tiona. ` nus: aeemed to: -h_gvn_'p,Jer_V8d,od w my uh: . frame; 3 cold p9npi1fntion`but1t ot_;9_zu: forehead. No By A mighgt my will nu:-n.u:.oni-o!~bd.=, Val bed, mm an uucont1'o1l|blojlh.W.d,49r:-`_G_oqd heaven: 2 1`he1;e;in' e oo'd,o moo t~ from the window, stood Hubertn h- hinualf ! Hubert 1" 1 ctied,'e1thou I1 . ' with ,a voice which scarcely eouuded 11 e my own. _Hubex-H gt halt. Whereha e~- you been?" The gure did no:- enewezf, but elowly;ra.iaed its nun -to point--a`t wheti-in the direction of what might. be his home. `fnbezgt ! what does this. men._n 1" I etemmez-ed._ A feeling of numb- eeemed to: -h,ve_, whole ._ frame; penpintionebutlt out" Yes ! thnre was 3 change in my Hubert, without a. doubt. I found next day that Lady Ohudloit had remarked the amt difference in or non`: beau.-ibg; and lh0_ naked mo condentially whothor I could go- aount for it. ' I could only ucribu his mun-. net to tho excitement of kl: app:-packing marriage, which wu to take place in at out u-ea _weeL'5 time. ` Ffa nnamn an much in love with Adl II fhree _weeL'5 time. He looms as much in Admin evar,aaid Lniy Ohudleighmith 3 nigh. So far there is no change in him; and I have no right. to complain if hi! kiuu, ginn to mother, are a little colder tlun they were wont to be. A far dnvl nnnsnd over without nnv IDO- be. A few dnyu passed over any spe- cial event rto mark them; but. I can-win gloom seemed to_hsve fallen on the whole ' party. ./-' ' her beloved non. mily, dgsquieted me not a. little. Th:t_-1'19 would have left Pu-is without a wordio a, dear old, friend like myself, in spite of out` little. 'miiundernt.a.ndin , smote me very painfully, and I ratu-cg" , to. teat--rut, -didI ca `I_--it v5v n-no rut`--in ai Ibntonf nlmolt eyerinh nervous, oxcitotnont; it way inivam I sought to -my thougg: 1 roveited,` "o Ohudlaigh, or--,to mothdr; who was evidently trimhled hboutl 1 . I beliovo I had ntteiid _j .lm1d the `pea, Poor may Ohudleigh 1" 1 hen-_wlnt was that? , 171:0 iounq. 9f}a heavy ugh, it seemed. I_Il:_nr)od; _!}p;lp y i bed, with uuconti-ollnblo:ll1'.i4,iex-a._Goq d -I heaven: There; in ood of moonlikht 1 party. I could not conceal from myself that Hubert etudiously avoided me,u if unwill- ing to enter "into any condential compen- ionahip. But, whenever he oould, he was always hovering around Ada Suunton, and apparently pouring love words in her 881'- One nfnernonn, j use an we were `going to luncheon, a` servant came to inform 81:- Hubert that e musienger had brought I103- ter for him from some one at the village inn. He eta:-Led painfully, nnd.enutohod~ the `letter. After reading it hastily, he orum led it in his bend, end I distinctly hear him mutter a. erce oath. What led ii: in his hand, and 1 duttnouy hear him is the matter 7" asked Lady Ohudleigb. ` Nothing I" he amwered, with o ghutl smile. I am only going to the `Village. want no luncheon. Good-bye for the pre- sent." With than words hurriedly. I would have followed him, but he waved ma angrily awn. . His mother looked anx- , ioualy at me; ut Icould only thanks my head to intimate th,at`I knew nothing 0! {ho ` matter._ _ matter. _ Afteflunoheon I was duoandlug to the I gardens for the pinnacle of lmghinfnoi 1-. The day wnl warm and oven paltry; u`t `an inexplicable qhillfoaluo mrsr ma. .- An I ' slowly went dowy -ha steps, 1 3 w to my s1u'prl&o,`Hllbolt shading halo . cooking deudlv pale. Ea boqkuadto mo wjth Q nlpw wueo! hi! arm." A -Ho in about to explain to mtthil tuysto , I thought, and-degoendad npggily. at, wluu I gr,-, I1 I) I 1! C 53%.; _ I.'sd:An';.:dnulck1y x 'Lu'sL31d-53 gloom I L arty. > am nven below no was agreed; nu lame our tenoe. ' Ipd.vq,qoed"quicltly; but 3;! Ad- vnnoed he Itill receded before me. What; he had reached the plentptioxgr hoagtin beckoned to me Qlowlis sud ding ` among the Gnu. The numb, ` :o`- tI_lI` _d. In 19:! `I :.:'.a...;_.: .:.z...m`:'.:..:, 4.-,~~..-4.5.. had "up reued/ e/me seemed ta abhce~without the knowledge` of Iii: 9.- mily, disquieted not little. Tlang-1'19 without Lvu an: n Illsippnwn Qvvn nun. voo-I vQ _. --nu. `nnby---- " ` Wlnt i"-' he asked, in a strange uu-led mnner. CHATTER; 11,, cnmonn 131- mu ulaql. ' One 1_)o11a:Pr ' QOWRH 1%. you !u : i Patience, fool! I am obliged. to ' can-y bu this game! I cannot withdraw abnnptlyafter I naming compliance. _But 1inten`! - .~ Irhn hand of thnir voice: was new low- you :-'I!nagms' f tion." `V - Yo;t"sro about to many he:---the vu- dny tot our Jveddiu in xed. . mg no at tho inn. uh mu-L` mo Robert, ifygg dtivg Lao than to madness, 5' will do- nounoo~ d'h--evon if _I p1u_nge_ gaypoll me than madness, I will do- nounoo~1d'u`--evon I plunge myuoll down the very abyu 1 into w1uoh_I drng you !" ' reward ! `Wen curee '1-no! So be it ! Cell me even `size-devil, an on did utt now. But leave me you she! not! e are bound together by the an-ougut link: of `crime--bound together for our lives; `Ad on ehell not desert me for that 1iutqn'!"- ' ~ ,. l'ho `bound of their voice: nowA1ow- jm-odgjaud, for 5 timo,l'. could/hour no more. g ~ .-u-.'L1_kyon love {no still 1" ukod the wo- man in I tone 0! pauion. ` "".:41" was the nnawer. Return to E : time inuion. "9311" the R.otu_1-n` Paris. I will nd I proton for euonpo, And follow" on." . . An wan love ma nil! 1" van love me but 1 Junta.` puuonnco on-sun, Ana pro- untly the Iound of ratroating stop: met my on-. , follow on." Au you love me IIXI11" You me ever 1" gupod the woman. "I have your jvord 1" F "You have: my W0l`d:" The voices warn again greatly Iubduod; but I heard` pudonnco and pro- untly the ratroatina mp: my Sxoxuxnm AND Hnuu - Rlxmma Salmon: 12! run Ianum or 8019. A eon-eepondent writing from Bcio neye : The tempenture on the 3rd day we: heavy and oppreuive, end the horizon was brok- en` by brand uhee of light that seemed to denote e coming eto/rm. In all thin etrno-- *pherio dletnrbenoo, however, the inhabit- ente eernothing extreordinery end were for from being ale:-med by whet they fenci- ed would% be e thunderstorm. At ten minute: to two in the afternoon I terric shook wee felt,bL-inging three-tom-the of the _houeee in the town to the ground like no muiv neck: of catch. and burying 3 outlp. Tbo.Govornmpn& palm and bulld- ingl, the telegraph ooo and the up us: no little bot! vlllln totfarlug ru nn. ....*"" ..1` 3::';-:: :"`:.:';'..,*:.';*`"..$ ` `II 9 4135 ., .. * Mn n'r`od>ih~lout at : , has any; : in n9_t- u. l:auao~~ walls at - yvhhIvdoogn9t9;h1lI|.toao9r'uou Omin- K/' K4 --'o1 7 ubcrt, who uni: ditty . :o'?:dn3 `?`."Y:?1'!.riI`2l. Y1vI:ltf:rlg;xYI:i?:n?o,'A.do`X':`! `Tho oonnrution, my -n`:-pr.-in; 'WIl`4 cu- ri.adonin.F3rouch. , , . - ,- ~ /f`u, and I will rliin you, if you,dsroo play me take," uittho volooo! u wpnnn in an angry but resolute tons . Hunh ! don't. nnnk no {and I" was hllu unk ! don t. speak Inland I" was hu- tily utterod by the voice 01 Hubert. - I llnvc bnught you here, when-wo'u.'e`lout ' likeky to be oburvod or ova:-hand. x But .in-Pa-i:`px-ottntnd mo now. ` I did natio- ? eusuyroinz: ..bus I` aluiag ti the span for ' I was evidently the victim of a.n_ 4 `:1: uiixntioni , Whdnlhud Noovarad my? lOl;3&`lit_tlo, I. delormihodzeo go into t-ht` 5 -~ sir blo.. Btu: :1 gm usnanupoui u o oer e innit: zoom wgg fnow cloud; and no V ofdttsofmino could (manic; * Yeti had at the man: fnow cloud; and apenit; Yeti had . ,-no} ti}/itvit bonlnd .:n\\- V I Ind atmdiug _ quih.o o'nto,midod. thiizkinz that my rouon Juan. 1' -,-. 19*--= -" "'ThiIis_ madness 1" said`: thovoloo of Euhut. Ya L it In: the ;vg`>ioc[,o; ~HubIrt_ -o" . Hubct, irho htrhi: dislp- nou-ad just now. Why hnvriim wad W'holo clues and Towns Dontoyod [and Thouusaudu Bnrlod In the nu Inn. by e torrent 0. thoueend yeere old. Some time! elepeed before eny of the eurvivore recovered from the terror unused hy the Ihook euigientl `to be eble to com- prehend the extent of t e oeteetrophe,or to think of looking for friende or relative: ltill perhepe elxve beneath the mine. The town presented I. pitieble I eoteoie. /Greet uuree end orevieee yewne in the streets, Valle were fellingwith e oreehing report, end~enti.re building: crumbled in ftegmente to the ground. In men pleoel whole street: bed die`.lPPered, en it were herd v to know where the ditferent well-known buildmge hed etood. No one knew where to`lool: for fe/mily or friende. The ground still heaved end. ~t.oeeed, bringing fresh buildings to the ground every moment, end hurrying innmerehle viottme te dietruotion. The people eeekln to eaoepe were caught in the eteiroesee.._o xhelr home: by fellxnz wells, or were dru-had b the entire hours ' felling in on them nee hey croeeed the threehold. It ie `impoeiible to eey whet the number of victim: would hive been if ; nnnnnd aback head not dienleoed the ruin: ' numbov of victim: would havo been if ;m|h% had notslicplnoed ` ytho fins and" permitting thou-. sand: of Iuennl Iouoqn or tn_~bovr_uanod by.othi?s from tho humblo tun ` nmant. to wlroh ta-oy w.~raaonc1oua,uod.' uu town "ha viminn have bun vary nnmhroun. Tho nu-tar: most damugodau thnnitidol, the iuikiu qunrhr, and tho iuduntul quar- hr. Bonuth the min: , 0! tbs ciudol slqnl 500 victims` neut must have? boon bnriod. Amen oshovlthgro an forty Tar. kiuh women It _9 were on ad in. in nu ox-story ntuqtod in I. a court of the pulse: and _bu$ld- inn. tclonnbh ooo `-nuanc- ,-noltlytvu bonlnd 'I 73 ltllldiug ' quih.o o'n,f9midod, thiizking my . hndleit mo; .1Ihon:I_ hand fooutepc iutlq , outogfrool of tho. pa`vilinn---`thon { V voioem, . Inlpitnof myself I irnnzohligio _-; lisan. -Aw--= A ' _houua in the town to the ground lute a_oumIiy`pnclu catch, buryin thiunnd pa:-sons under the jollin ru nn. Then oommcncodin awful Ioeno o horrorv theueand under the _telun ruins. The ground rocked and danced, kneading the ruin already formed into an unrecogniz- able men of atone. The eurvivora /ran hither end thither, not knowing where to ee to escape the horrible {ate t ed them, and were tossed and ung by the heaving earth, like leather: in a breeze. On every aide the einieter rumbling of the earth, the twin of falling building. the tearing aennder of the wall: of homes, and the ehrieke of the wounded, lent a feerful horror to the eoene. All taught to leave t town and get into the plains, in order te evold being buried nndex-_ jalling build- inge, but even those who gained t a open country were by no mean: late. The earth- qn eke` not only\ attacked the towne and villages, but worked its ravage: in the hills and mountain: of the inland. En- ormeue rheuee of rock and earth oame ruehing down the hilleide, carrying all be- fore them, hounding far into the plaina, and tearing road: in the eolid took: of the InountaiEe,enoh as might have been formed thousand old. before the at meneo-- 2 xorwara--entered snuJ1:uo- :oonr.n _'.l`nex-o` . was no onqthau 1 4/There was In oxnfrom the. place" "buff by a\ small irindow, which `had ovidohdy been long unopond; but Hubert hid disappeared. The some fool- in which hid overpowered me inxny room ' ` A tndmonour. `ldidudtilar .111-, prot;-g ~ 1:6 ing to 5 summer 'p:g.vilion. Once more he bockonod, as he moved up the no of thin ` rustic rgtreat, ant! eutex-_ac1 it. he shud- dering oppression overcame xpo `olznout to fiintnou; but I nu-uggleui up the we mud followed Itill`. ` The pavilion wu n.tvIo oomputments; ontho side oppodto the ehtnnoo won` '5 small inner room, at tho doorot which stood Hnbou. 1 I rod ' . fnrwin-8.--antannd thin/Jiltln-1-onlnu, at-n doorjot which stood gubou. ,1 red forward--entered this Jittlu mom ~.n ea-cl was no onnrthanu I ',/Thurs in: nu axial!-tun FIE IIIU IILIU, ICU-"iXIU VCLTUS C WHIIIIII III .1: Hunk ! don't. speak Inland I" hu- lly by Hubert. run nun or-nnmrn. (To be aoncludod mast week.) . ; fitlv in Advqnce. 91011} 01.} 18] Tho gonid. pro tho! 0! the,/Odllh House, was roliev at I trkoy, tho othor da ;`:nd thq local, force of oonuabulr! (A1 ed _to dlnoovlr th mining bird ans: a desperate -on-oh. N'nwinAh3nn WI main .6. fTn'IHnno-nun! -u-A . and the exodus: ; mi length or the manic disponntion ; tho true A. D. ; the laugtln ` of the Oh;-i-tin: diapnnutiop ;,,tho change . to come at in clean ; `the relationship axin- ing botweoxrthe Avk 0! Kath, tha Ark 93 the Covenant. and tho bygutffululllhod granite boer in the `King u Chnmbor at the yraxnidn, cto.'- J :-ofouor Plant %g;);~'. ~ states in round Tto what tonal "Thq ` Gsllory-" that the propheciu of tho Chil- tisna religion x the north wall rapt-cunt: tho birth of Christ ; and thence upwsrdl. Alon tha wholajnngth 01 it, the manure 1881 incheuindwata appu-untly,the Ian ch 0! the Ohrintian` dispanution, which a than expootl to and not luter than A. D. ' 1882, when the millennial Ag: will dawn "upon the wor}d.. - Thy ohnnobntintioo of the age in Whloh _we live .' that wan : dinoovcriu in noluuoe Ind ill! to (re- quany under-vdus thy hint Djvina uvelatioh. and oven in In: dc to deny the very oxilboncl of I uprqu:&`-Qx-Qatar. ; noiuv sum-_.nu . To moot thou moral ulna three vlngoa (calimnsin, Thiminnn tild- Neqchori), in over 8,000. The total lntion ofthethroodiux-ion in be and 7,000 souls, I have just villb Cu-dnm_nln, Pythiu, nnd Dnvvonon/5, which an entirely duuoyed. Tho nnnbar oi victixn are unknown, hnti: nrygoonnidub able. 1 At Tohumo 1,000 houses, butt of the town, In: boendeattoyod. Five deal nnd. fty wonndod have boon dinoov`eIot1 at 900, is in mm. 1_`w'onty-thudf tmod and 150 wounded hnvo found hithcttou can 1'0 ` n' '14 find morcnu_uy6 ky'nt_a1.o gFo:qu- 3 in W and old and sink and _'I_oninuhjw9 phqu, no oz-1minn69ly_nbnt.t>ho phin; I:3:nrant':,-xrnne as: front to group in~tj:g-oioviipouk- ingtheitchil ~ V `. antic ihonuglyu that found among the living. Hot 0 Iingh { bnking,-honing in-tlio iihnd M an ,* unnding, nnd1lao_oxrti1is rap xvii, _` .thnn'wit.I:Iufaod until ni 7 , ` VIIIIVI` _ from the one:-ior.~ AI ans 1 `an in- tire village, built in the` form of ca` theatre on the, side .01 sh: `_l haiku- ` bodily any from the nu-aiut` in > ma -Knt.oPnnnya. Enqhomgnndthonun . 131.. _upeot of the p151-:4 qz1zog:ai_-i:hoae.x Iseuotnn bu quogiuxnbodn to the, num- pnpor inlootion. ~ l'lI_- -1 LL- II-Iu_...____I ___-_. -_.._;|_._- ,-r'- ---v--v-. Two of the Collin wood paper: continua htb refer to hodok,` t: ' of the pnhlilhqr of theirthird'oonI.oxnponty. f- Thn nanigl nrnn!-lntnr 3|`! thn Grilli- IIUIFUFCIC -Wu: ` H ' N ` ti Ila V ' st Col ood.snd , vuI:l':`:l'ol:nvin:P:>Ir Oviaxlxhlggund ind intuvmodiatqporta. ` ~ _ . ,-~ in I lnozxnglnn poriodlou an lutcnun inn article '3 mourning the gun :':;':'i*i:.... . rm '.'=***-'*-* - M Q hnihin nlv th- IR IVFIOII I IOHXTIIIH I30 I p relnid of t which. the time Alexender t e dent, hen` mood et the head o! the lint of `The `Seven Wooden of the World." There are ebolit hlty4elght , of the enolent pyramids, I of which, ex- oept. the one,u-e the tombs of the` menegohe zwho hove reigned in limb lend. This veal 4 ile ooeupiee e epeoe of about thirteen motel, in hel ht in nearly an hundred feet, , `in base In y_ eight hundred feet equere end the stone` in. it would build e we! neuly ve lent high. one {not think end three thoupend mile: long. For thoueende of yeere not e clue seemed to! have been discovered leading to e oox-reofeolutign no to its do-ign end originfbut since the 1:65- lication of e. book by one John Tailor. in 1850, entitled The Greet Pyretni --wh' won it built '0" the proof: were Accepts! that it poueued scientic loeturee, end othere, a! profound eignioenoe to the World. Sincethen the Altronemer Royal of Scotland, Profeuor Pieuimyth. who. with his eocomplhhed wife, epent name month: in 1864, melnng eeonrete xneeeuae unenteof this pyramid those proof: hen ::**'='..~....-*"*;.::.::*;.- '"*'*.* we etuniv ' e ` ` .FW\-, terwerde }by one Robert '.MI1!'0.'l,y',' e!`"E5IWll3A : which on oniehed the P:-ouuox-. ea muehme the oxmonco or gmpumg gr. '1` uh al 3 ` g u: a.:?.`a.. 2` :;u:% .??:e`*'.6 To man than moral ox no! 02:01! my thin man in; mumunigugt. ofqtifo Elvin. foreknowluduo, wisdom houuvolnnoo was crucial and purpose! hid unt Its` PE! 35 *!`*'"8! "` ','9.3}!:' T`}"7":',-4 ,_.n ;u, _..- ewrun _ upnenveu which` _dut1~o - the create: pert of the Island. 0!, 250` shock: at but forty of them were capable of over-ch:-o_ n uol-idly-b'uilt house. The work of exams on bu` commenced, hut how few of the buriedwietime shall we ` be able to extricate from their living toxnbe 9 ` The scene in niokening. Here a feeble hunch nukes sign: thro h I. crevice. while the unfortunate wrote .eo whoin it belongs is buried beneeth thousand: of tone at nntortunnm wrotohvo whoin it belong: is tan: muons-y. Hero, sgsin 3 who oulhor aid from underground. A dnnghtnr; sobbing, tries to dnooux-ago her father who in in prisonod doergdow the surface ; and ~ II every mm o 0 undo or nick Joan ho rmuxitiirnpru , ar. an ~oxf>en 3 ' . *5?-.1mlyLa,y;;.V.:svas. 7 ode K . _ 4'hom9-nke hotels in ' _,_d,r_nr ntockedwjth -convanievnt. sum ' otabllnz and at mutlsyo %#nub :k.lr.Mns - ,_ 1 pruonoa ace every riblo mutilntod orpu in" Number of do lnted pluses the d union of t In huh surface; In tco! .nndiu hdr tho 0 the amt Ipudqor pink .oonn_ } y ' A _ P:-ounce, any one, relating ta event: both chronolo- ion! and prophetiosl, cu well an scientic n e langu 9 of the luau-nod and davout D . Seisl. 0 Philadelphia. U. 8.: It erected and pnrpoul times wt ntrllving in -'93 than an rovdauonp out not on-on and to _ intolli nu sndvohltno 1 `Al 9 Q ' * nl_nnl.:|Id; Ii 1': & lnlll mu :.lmizd %d ' " '; , an i V _ can Oh;-in to uuvu ilulij with for out-'"Itiun yaw `mpoyot we roxounaut :'n.o', BY `roligionyand All Eh: sure hintorp of man. Un pyramid: no entrance into ture nuzorp or man." UnIIku'u1'uaI`u- ynrnidu 1: min known uritil about A. 1.9.895 when on of gun ou- liphn. in hope of ninz I V-rouuro. ponc- Abnham And 670 before cyst of Mean. To tum up, then. {the lounhio {minus of the great py_rumd are mathematically oorraotpnd oonguc in pa. t _of the following: it square: the oxrcle, tel 1 m own htitlldu, at._n own age, the true abs 9 of the on-th,thu dutanoe of the Inn, the aw of_ gnvinuon, Qhe demit. of the earth, tho any: ut the your, the ongth of the proaauionnl cycle. and contain: 3 Itsndud of weights and the tang mnuuuu-an. tam contain: Iundud 0: weight: ma mouuru, tatnpquturp, etc. Tho olnzono; logical and rqlxgnony future: are none the [nu remarkable Andinay bu enumaratod as follow: : '1`ha uytnbolio use of an inch log a. year in the muuuremontn of thq in- terior, the distant Eu-iod batwoen tho ood and the exodus: t 6 length of the Music dimanntlon: tho true A. : lamnh theatre the, side .0! the "l bodily uni int` ',~_j3_xul' ' 3 down in o the The shock: use naw dlmin nu. In dl rusnoa ox-uunng uown into the *3 Thoshoahuaonwdimin . Ind! we have wanted 2 since the I .thuo swful upheaval: which` `_d the crustal: part 0! 250 would Ium u if the yumld wen about two prove itself a sort 0! oy to the univou-u-- : symbol of the pr-ofoundut truths of ul- tuelr tort or key to the umvoru-- aygnpol pr-ofoundut. lo!- onoef 5 ! "religion, and tho 1`. Mid fu- ture hintnrn of man. Unli n`!.|i- nthnu auoovonu amxng rrom me mavhemruonl examination: of the intprior which folIow- ed. The snglo of the punge lending to tho entrance on the north in tound, An tontedhv the molt nerfoot Iolantio unann- ahlea ma nulgqxng no you xupyu nnqolula dab: of ex-eonon. Iu age in; wad of 4,000 yurnuhnving been erect , B. 0, 2,170 yeari--150 yen : before the time o Abnham And 670 beloro that of Mean. To sum un. than. the lniunhin fenlumn Inge langu or the losrnod and dovout Sails, Philadelphia, would doom if the pyutnid about 00 m-ova incl! 3 non 0! ow to the un'wnnn.-- liphn, ho nciing Irogluro, pong. trntad the a mature after grout labun gnqi exponu. and struck on: o the internal mynterioun manner. but found no tn nun. and struck or the interns! in nterioun passage-, nun. T at pm I pointad to thouue buuiiddon entnnoo, ty feet above` the bud. Thug: thorny wu pl'OpI.!`0d for the around! discoveries smxnz from the mauhemrtlon tho entrance the north in tpund, ` touted by moat perfoo_t. scientic app: tun, to point to the trumt of the than 1 lat nor. Drnoonis, belowkjxhe pole. and n point to ma ca-unit or the than po- 1a,:-glor, Drnoonin, pole, gt a meuilux-able diutanoe t_herefrom. and then- b (an admitted by 3.1:` John 1-lunches!) on- agled the buding to toll itmoyu nbdpluta dn_bgAof ex-eon_on._ I_u \\pwgrd_o! The inhnl though; ' tn .g moat tovwaot. flu the q? v ` hnrdlynhouo ranxins_-':un `,~--..._.-...=.__% The inhabitants thought 1: 1 three ( Naochori). 01 _nel1 u the ruins. vfnardlyh ,n_ 2``_ . lo per. ` s have` perished. or mu ! . In t.ha oduntry the ofeti of the:I:o'_!ri'\aI6" 5 nphenvnl have beep bvgu` -more -`ton-ibis t.hg.n inthQ town. Hex -e tbs` mwhmn.' .u.n uuu ouuutry Inc onset: or we po_'I"ulO" ? `emu -mos : Rafe maybe counted 117 the thousand: 'inn-hnd/ t.n_nn`xnt.ho_ Hefe umbe by thousand: V the hundreds. ` 1'l`he`nonuhi-y of and sixty monks lie buried beneath its`. walk. Thesite of the village of Ncnitn present: the appearance of 5 disused upon uu-ry- Not : tg-we of 3 pnildinv rcmunl. %`he inhabitant: hue disappear -d. I} in /thnt the number -4 viotinl in` Noononi is oomplgtelyiued tojlxegvouixd : E . .-4 In 1.2.; English puiodzosi Ln mm. nz unbound uononrninz the man The Bnsouumoxvquu. l:"8ft"Ii6"i:66h'au'i'S6i1 337071;. weight upqnllfa 0 tau xuoyu Iblplula * Ll ! before the timn n ._,.| '` 1 ;3o1f:,;in::-61:. .1:-:'>nTaiVnI.:a"nIf-I V , - :3 V , 4 -` - .Fire'Ind L1re_nn' 39::-. nnnsh W com nnies; do " common conveyancing or 11 kinds; , ave `reli- -gln ' hbtt do-:` : 1'rs`i-e5:-we. ~15-?T sass pble wluutians made in_ .~-1 genera-,1 ;and oom- part at the 1 ;-0- . .ll}.5U"lv7@ Pltq If VIII! -L` `T5, ,`_ `IVA-UV,vu _, Altpatd in tire we1:a after re. /Ami tent I61-tho Co>r:x1;-;1;:cla.1:n on Insurance ~ ; nuon. GnpL'ta1,W)00.C'p0. I - ' . Agents. Barrio G. Loam! " . x timber of Fax -ms V3.11]. Town Prop`e1-|;.ie:_; 561- male cheap and long qime given for pay- `me n. 'Mon'raAaEs Bowen-r. Vakkanarof . pr guy in town or couiztry maria on hhvort natee. . - _ -- , . vuvavyvo ~ LOANS of .81.000'nIn1 upwards, for three to" 11! teen `years. ` Interest at` 8 per: cent, payable 19111:. ` v " ' ` - ` ystem of rinqipnldndinte get. `Apply 9 Loans 3 in` $1.600, oh he-yearly -ra 9.;-melt; ` d `Orr_1a1` 1n tha.Pos,-f0.fqe Buudzng, Bairie. ' V I . J.A_MEs. an maps` ,0>nvaya;nce`r Lu: `)5: Insurance Broker. ' nudfuuevo Mart! ebioenses. `n'ov:v. ` A ` mspm art ttat-A v ;1:g?:r: n?a3Z: s `mike '-`1uB,nr'*nt "won ~ , `nsr;sLIs11_zn;;w 15,102. : -- W- *`r'5`?7s'=%;sV=_'r` _'B>' I.11;59.Li'dx"`Ilve`1-1,6 -S")"!',` `-` . $1,060,492` < ;.I_$oisa=in_Bt..John'; Fire`, ,-_ 8180,0` , 7 Alhaatd V . . -PI)'tje! wishing-no Barr w None 011` FARM OB 1fOWN'PBOPE TY at VIE .3? ` ,BA1`EB.aro'ra unstadtp llupon us. W ' p,nd;ae1lLAND on -g:ommi`sion*, collect : rBA1`1:5B re 3 tadtn 11 van us. we 129" l8l1'.I?AN.)1rx:3~ amnfi%si::`n*, ' reap`: ngte and `accounts; Minot: _ .- ' ~ : 1 ' V ` ' >111`; 13.1 oJAM1SS, O-iigp ,nAea1-lly Opposite inst Oice, Ban-ie_ I?:awasgins?AjxszwsMs ` ,..1ji I1 vvf,,'i'ia > Mao-is &`Aco.,v orroarm rosi amazon, snnin. . 6?-`ly. _ . ` . . . ` . ii 2 I `N01: 91; Bay 32%., Car, Ba/y "cf: Gaqnnon, Sta " L ` .1-uuxndvozc. ~ xun V H IIIKVIAHK I II 5J `\`lYI`II|\l\\l l SE ` D; LEAF, AND Ai.L OTHFR Kni V T . on` 'roBAp0os, ~, - . Na ; 91 . Ban 523.. Car. Ba/u Oalfmnon. bI`GABs A. x:i;.%scnwaVALnER% LES/ALE`;`M'ANUB'L`O'1'U:.ER - or? ` '-- ' ` V cm jm x-our qaqxpxs mutna. aftdidf, "I?ii'e `I:+snrance : Com- ` may-A .1. qua 5- V` 5 '15 RAND, C`A"A;t;'i3A.h " ,vv'xI&aL)ss;ALn7MA,z4vn-A`orfrIiz}mn oi? -- .~-q,-u,-__.- a gag . -_--W1Iol: esNarfe'[ gin fscurers of`th;a- with Vimaest on good farm aec1I.1,n'ty-a very low rates. ` 4 ~ j _.Clvgq'!=Irs5"-c:SfT+bafoos:` u`n;tJr';v. prfpnyed to man: as. , t gt . .`_,,-,1.` <' ' ` 2. '.pnt'aT.x1'u,Kn_n:tn`e:_1l or Fino--' '. uuoqn-an nu. u. _. ....... | `Gfi.gars inurv ua A-run nu rlhu-Iii vi `as:-.:vzx'.x1a.z1:3 Ill. xi 1 , . wuqunsnqn unnunnw` uv Hvana Yra Connec`cut A -m A\TT\ -A}-r l\}i`ItliJ|D VIM ._....__.- ,_..--..,..._.,. _-.. -_ ..__ 3;f.r;5`i.. V G1jg,a,,r$\ `bu-is -.---. an. $5o.JobTo.% 0110' and unwnird. ft 73._0U.N`T Y S1.Mp0E-- .A__-.-... HE RYJAMES, {mita nst Oica. Bax mywas mm sannmwj ` can-nah-1`aI.Inn=Al'l" 1- T IUI$lW_-Ijiil I-t' : Ex1'3er!/anced`8a.dul9-and Harness Maker. has purdhaped Stock in Trade of Mr. L. R, WAR- NE .a.ud-purpose: carrying on the businela in-t e utter`: aid atant.1.. All Mud: pt double and in gl_ ,:1lnrneus.; collars, saddles. Wu mu-rv qiombwa-Drunken. 1313'! eta.-J 'Iu,'eu:., 3! . as cheap as any shop In Whig-;._ 4`:-fu-iv 1_30lil'bI}A~Brunlnea, -_nI.anK 1015345: $10 the County. - 4 ` - Remembvr the`-plane,` nearly opposite the 5um1?Iv9.fett.H0.us'e', `.D1l.*nlop .~x., BARBIE` Bayminlan; 9th, 1879. 50-111 ` `all'n'a `uinitey for funerals, inclufingn o`n-`uhltnHonv`nf'R`ono rnbd; and Walt L tron: ane of the kading Establishments oi -aettoit. Also Shrouds, Linings, Handlen; Plates and irst - `Class earns. `ates; Reasonable and orders 11 untunlly llad , ` 3 ' ' ` ' . n 2 DOORS WEST or CENTRAL SCHOOL! V . . W 2;` V > ;_ A ,\E_H'.I.`ER'-`,B':UILDEB.1ND CON- J '1. ~- "Si. AO'.l'OR.-- New I Sada 1&1-y` & ar- % '* nss jBusiness. REPAIR1NG NEATLY 5; VOHEAPLY = - - . ` n_xEoU1~1}:D`. _ ` , com oi` J5`r1h1LbP nu) Mtmmsmin RTE. , , Eat B`!JVV`@y%.!RVD\fl qtquk of goodn. scorch.-':unLisH & cnuanum vwgsns . ...,,,_.._s ._-..u..... rulutur _. fxgAL 5 Olfix I L- :ANDJB_LUV &._BI..AGK 's1=.na:-:3 ' can-:'z.:an'a:aN's -runxxsnui as I `In G-rat. Variety. . . . > .V ,.t6C}"lIO -w;. -G"hts VSn1ita xnad-o__-up in the Latest and znogg-l3`ghiona!v!s `H, and very Chen rank. .3 to t well, look we 1 and w`ea|;wlI. ' 4-,). , . `_ ?.e4i-E=7.% Em-HAM ffnnigig V1'u.aQ`1iIs1:rns' ' HIGHLY POL _141;D:_-cbF1_`INs, JLTailo1`iI1g. -\4uxuI:r}uz quay Uuu Alanna; uvnluurwnnunntbln III'l`['i-t;Iit>iII7: m |1..1}1'iranche. Agent for all k1nds_ 9! Graygtooneu. .4 -R.,'EE_1i".l,` R"-`,B':UILDE,B."1ND con - yqrn era? . , 1 71 Kn)! Mic; '-do:'m1d sti3Annr'n'