__,.-.. To th5se who haive titled to dbtain natisfactbry intnreo in other gn.!lo!rles' Khould pay 3.. visit to $6708 Ihldio, the leadh: tmllery Barrie, .... ,u. ,_-- __.. ....n,...:..,.. c........ ............ .....1 4 I V ` lliliiiiiifii " 5 1I03n'?5-'03A`,0C0 00., lizrnqgx-r,uu u.. page 1 wmn`son.om {` `N -- Fnvia i:bTS which nrh `huf. I-ilhvcn w`l<[nInen._ nn `Ps- ten; per ha. . per ton.` p Skim. I! `- . . . . . [at at meegmg - sxderatxon 310,000 to,`be`_,`_ qdty-'div`fdH `ea! thin.k_._thisa. atqrsblepfop W 4 11d recommend` that it be _ accepted h the Comicil b `liked to submit, a.` ' -the: ntepayefitq raise the .r_; > I-.,_ on-.prov,'ida"', k, or as tit '; v . . - t . _.-_--_o1~% TUESD AYLAST, TQGEB THE; . / .-` '- . ,. ._- ,, J horcreed, seconded` W secure to'_1nsEe4 ,"!dq'e3;J The c_hair'xn:u_n ` ` A. . '. ' y1~Iea'\-lLy._th Whnia:-'df`0l'l`1' SPRINC STOCK has at-rive`c.l. and r`1uth?ng'hs.I1m`en spas-ed I: ` A " ` ' B ` ~ ------- - * . . , 3.. 6SOl."in$&': :_ qa.1Iy:d1v1do;u;*' . . amt-hblepfop9siti_u 1` thgt be`, acc.epted=. b liked 3` j |.yeE't9 thezrg widftbck, tl n. * `al boifle` or.BUR- `, I. will cost. you only Tonic ` regulargtor Kldneg-a.\ It is 9. -31:13 from glmpgra HI prove my `eicl. ' lly `bedlcine. Hag. ,ad or tlxgjiat. It _tedj suqoess. both . ,. ft, V 31!? Eo WDf `vital W, .`. b_ the remedy `l' >111-Jbruup.` l-)ea.`_ -; 01 25 to 01. 70 0700to0755r 23 to-: .39 mg 15:0 10 `o1 501200208 : 707 so to 03 so on 25too17o 401:0 . 7.5120]. 201:0 -` 2.181-n n ll ux , . _ pug- `that. `urn- "or All the Right, Title, [nel,'.enb and Equity nf_RedcInpt'ion of the nbove namsd Defend- n1;t,V in n pnrlinn of Lot. mnnber Twenty- Sxx on the South sio of Maintreut, in tho Vxllugo of Staygrer, in the County uf Simcun, cnnnnanciug at ,the nweaterly ex- tremity, of said 16:; thence East. along M:nin Street thirty-si_x t aet,chance.SbnIh at right angles to Main Street; forty-faur feet to the boundary line, bet_ween said Int twenty-six and lot twenty-seven ' thence `North Wepterly along the bounaary line betwpen lots twenty-six and twenty-seven, to the place of bagining. :t_,_.ux-v- nm__ . \ m n If-)1i\LYf7Y\7 bagihing. K _ Sheriff : Qjcey V T. D. MoBONKEY B:u:rie,April 4.1881`; Sheri`, 'C'a'._.Simcoe. jab prasqnt 1u:netry_ wur gauhastvg:,1"_t.o.._g:vq ejeot 1_:o gdptwm qoqtamad::n : v_4iggz;us; wait ` ntil Aleutian. wha `they ` I Express. Feb. 24, 1881. _ . _ , she poesasses 5 clear well modulated voice, _v.ud in her power of impersonation _ha,u` few . equn!s."-J3u7alo. Morn1ng_Newo, Feb. 2'], '81. We have n hesitation m chasing her with Mrs Scott Sid ona."--Attica (N. Y.) Naw:,Fab. 8qUlH."'-J51(IfGlD- .AIOT1l'l7lg.lVlDI, NED! Z7, '31. ` Mira (N. H 17, 1881. ` " Ooivxrv or 5151605`, '3: On MONDAY {has '"n VS/rr 2 . E[.EVENTH dav Uonxrv 5154005`, Un MUNDAX the '11:: Wu": ELEVENTH day hf TULY. A. D. 1881,'at _the hour of Twnlve u Clnck, noon.` at the Sheri"n ' _Oiue, in the Court House, at 0.119 Tlowkn _0f Barrie, will be sold by `I"'\'I"I' 131' It"! A 'I"I fVl'l'I`I'f\'k1 of 1"Lc:;1 1fm~mu, we mm. Issm:-d out or the Court of (gtwcns B-.'ncIx', \ -V .TAm=.s &'r~.-'r'r,' !uxu:xu' \Vn.1.x.ut Suwan- 1..~..\n '; 2-'1) W. Cnorr, L .. .. . . PI1iuti'a. "3 ' vs` ' "I`mm {by G} THOMAS Gom.b1Nu . Tges. 19, 1881. 13mie;j `April 5, 1331. ,SHEBlFlV="s~ -SI_\_!._E;EF` mus. -- ya...-4..--r @ulu("-`--I-it! Undei` nnd by virtue of Two several Writ : of 17'c:;i 1'm~z`uu` the rm. `issmr.-d out of the (`!nnrl> nf fbuupns: 'I{.vnr-II"\ ' The sec-.u11d"iusllct1 out of tho Cuunty Cnurt. of the Couny of York `Arznmzxv DARLING. THOMAS Joux Drnnmo - AND \\'_u.u.u1 DAl.LLING.. . . . . l lm'nti`a. 17:: "An Elacxionint of tho higl1gaat~brdet."- The I If/cstern New Yorker Warsaw. Feb. 1881. "A remarkably gifted Elocubionist."--.Bun'al I, -~:3he aler_we1l modqlnterd I ' PROVERBS.' - I.`l`i1o Richest Blood. Sweat Breath, ` and Fairies`! Skin in Hop Bitters. A little Hop Bitters saves big doctor hi1l;.-md lung nickneua. _ _ Than invulids wife, mnt.Ixer,' sister, ohiid that can be mndu to look the picture of health with Hop Bitterr `swlmfn wnrn down and ready to take ynul` her], Hop Bitters is what you need." Do:i _t; physic and physio, 7-r. it 'wumk- Bns and destroys, hut. take -Hop Bitters that builds up cnntimml|y: __ :'Phyaici:ms of all achouls use and re- onmmend Hnp Bitters. I`ezsc them. 3 "Health is beauty und juy-Hop Bib I Bitters." - ' , I That low nervous fever, want of slecli and weukhess, call: for Hop Bitten." E913 Oouou Gama nus Pun Rummy, Is - " PLILHANT can AND Cinema. .1. bra... Mon1m'n.n.m1 .T.P.Kldd. - {R EA6_"l GLs. j commend hlnp Bitters. '1'ezst them." beauty juy-Hop tern uivea health xg.n`d beauty." There are more cures made with Hop u'rulo l?y'Goo 7 P`r.lLaAzs"r 'SDBll__AND CHEAP. f ' ' 'MonkInsnsut1 J.P.K1dd,' Sitters than all nther meu1clnes.':_ I ; When the brain 13 weary, the nerves I1m3tx_`I1n:,:, Lh muscles. wank, use Hop Bitters." That lmv nervnun fever. want slam] I . ,]_~Iea'\-It the Whniav-'df`0l'l1' SPRIN hutmng iuabn, I-ed tliat ;` V tin!/s peam'4 k ;1`o`.`:V`fy .A'.i.?'I!:R;AGTIVE tha.t. we ewer. T 39; e`` _"l`hn nnhlin ru-n ra1|n,mI'.fu11v invite`! I-n nn:\.;InV and am. nu. ..;.._v..r- x1-. -;-;_y_1_ ;- -1. ._ ,.__3. ;avuaao!e::go.s1A 6390: _w . 953319 : ,9`z,y;ua_i; = I,e9!io;a,.,wb9 `xh_n` M? , i;wi.. avi 11996 1.0:. 1:,afotm`,i;3;l:h:' . There are cure: made w Witter-s than all ntlier medicines. WlIen the brain is wemrv. the MA KE A gfserucd S'cat.v 50,Cent, s ,' Arim1'u1'on .95 Ch. a_n'a_f,Hull at Edwards Book Store. - -u..- .-'. an an-Luz, nu; V n % Pusfiicuiu KUc'1'1oN} 'W:.' .. x - .; _w:g";,,1f;,~:;'-C-,g;:`3;';-;;=;;Pvw,_ `Test B - s-fe: M: M4 -mu.-I yawn of .0... -, - `~-,__\__ _ _ _ --- , llrp. IFI-cemhn'l~New Dpuxlfi duruibny (hay. have no squ-.I. Pnc; :51: I . ~ b' ._ YV Unncg Iuugnuux I, \.:_| u.c_u 1\Jn ._, 3:. $3.... AGENTS. 1r yqufyyunt to son "hp BEST machine made. sco ms IM'I .'qZ.'1'AL BAnv1:~;s'J.'I;m; I 1 ` . _ . . _,~ ,,/_ ~-_>r/* l' ._--. ,~ - v = 'El'; )CUTIONIS'l`, will give an .' -1; g _evening of `-`- "j '- L- W ` ' \~ 4- S, '_ ' V ,3;-;.:; ...-:"=`.'=74'=' '" "" _`." *~.w-- -` .r`v I$,,_>I1LQVV 0]5e11 under t.h_e11ne1nz1g inf" -Miss A3-3n3;1~_.5ig, :; .-':"u':}i.` nf Gi'ty.Expe1"_ience,\and tg;~wh.pm >.\f !e can chef-f9_zrtT`11lly rco,m;1i?idthe pu7f)`;r?c:" ' '- imgs g;_z_qok gmaueage any. .19.; M; `MU3I;Ai's 8: c<`_) -jv .. ` _% mid beauty." xfe Hop utlier . I . efewudamt, .1 1'1 .,-_.._ .Drfcudmt. 1'-:.-2ixw! There in. graat_mnny Local Athletics whose mamas will .sppenl` in the next. mnua. Without. doubt this will be the nmal: Mam- mouth Tuunmment ever see I in America. For particulars see pnaan andprpgrnmmen. .. mm-._ Mnruh 31.1.. 1331. 13 ENTIERI-.`D Z W. JOHNSTON. . D. C- ROSS, Prov. R. T. -- `R. N. HARRISON. Toronto CAPT. J. 0. DALEY. New York. M. MCDONALD. Toronto- A, n 1232711 hinnn-n. I'll. -'I.`he ubli; re raapacfully iuvitel to oofh and see our utckl-." No ti-o`i:h1e 9 a'how good1.-7- -- , I ., ~, l: . . - . II` c." :j ' and EA8'I'EliN WASHlNG'1'0,N l`EBl(I'.l.`0RY. Thpnelundu form part ol the great. GRAIN BELL` of the Pnpiu: slope, and are wubm an average alumnae of 250 to 800 mile: {ram Port- land. wuere uwamboatnuud nmlliun huseln are directly londvd FOR ALL PAlt'1`B OF TH E WORLD; '1 v GRAIN AT PORTLAND, OREGON COM- MAND:t A PRICE EQUAL '1`O TIIA1` CSBTAIN ED IN CHICAGO. . - The only oomplauon of the Nun-lh@.!'l\ Passing: a n a. nun. nuunil-All nnrl wnnrnntnan nf .mM.Isu-- ' B. B. 1: now a_ssured.a.nd gum-nnteen pf ngettlern cheap and quwk trnueportalloue and g_ood~mar- kete both `East and West. The opening orum " new over1u.nu.llne to the Pacic. Iozetbar with the construction of the network or 70o,-ml3eI`or railroad by the 0. R. :1 N. 00. In t.lre`vaJly I~'.(.t u the great Columbus and M. l.rlbuI.aru_[,, gungnsl certain :1 rapid luerenue In the-land: now open , 1o purahrue and preemption. /There In every udionuon nr an uunrmouu movement. 0. popu- lation to the Columbln ,/Bh'or' region In the Immediate future. LANDS SHOW AN AVERAGE YIELD or 40 SI ! \J\J II.` I I |l_I-\J -14`OR- Running. Wrestling,_ Jum ng Vaulting. Dancing. Wu! 3 Throwing Heavy Weights.&r.c. 5:6 . n.......z .::....1.... l\: 1ur..,:..1.. nn w..Lu'.:..-.... --guy:--- .-~...-vi, ..`..-.,- - ~ . - -- W.` A Grand display of Nfaduls nn Exhibiticugn with the Photo of _p.1l the Atl1letiu`A.tI1nI Ink: part. in the gamea. Ono Grun`d_ 11 CXE R ? 1332 rlhh uh uLVl'4D4 Ann BEST > % v_v_%r-:sTLEn`. pmfern I * 3-: V I .---u 9 -my 3.5. -gum, Much am, ;a1., 13,. !"l`a1lorln'ind Gents` lumishlxixa spent} 101' crups ever known. > Railroad Ianduutrered at the union-rate or $2.50 per a.cm.- ' V CLIMATE MILD AND HEALTHY For p`ump;nleLI and maps daucruguve qr ULIMHII MILIJ HNU IIIHLIIII descriptive of country. it reaourceu.climaLe. route or travel, rates and lull lmxormauon. address A 1.- nvhn-nit: lBAii;;IiF%I%:e'ii1ZfAY I IBKE part. In luu guluun. uuu unu 3.123 OF $200 \VILL BE GIVEN TEE 111.. HA!) \JL` 1.11151! 4.u1u:uvAu- V .A._C.`1`2'EID, Chicago, Ill. , FWI; LIE BOBERTON. Philem .vr M6: MURRAY. the Rnsnzm Anlmrnansu area. or Rnilxand and Govern- ment. lands. or great rergmty.-easy reach or pormaxxantmarkn, at extremely lowwprtocn 1- | now offered for mm `In EASTERN OREGON I WASHINGTON $700 _lBlIRl: RlZES j.GREAT _ % Itflllll UIl1IlDlUl]S]]lP Athletic ACAo1_1test; (The %;e_t_ Field ' ,,LAND.3` SHOW A EU :HEL~ OF wu A1` PER AUBE. No {allure of ovum: _ }EM|KNTSJ NI. LVIOUU LV 1141): 1'03 ,A._C. BE-ID, Chioag` 71': .`l`.'l`E BOBERTOD '1} 1411!: J:lU.Dl'.iI1.'.l'LJJ.V\ l.`n1l&.' ' , MURRAY. the Boston ~ -59 ant; Boston, Mass. d.- ..BIsn1'I. Toronto. .. BLAIR. Simooe. M MITH. Toronto. 0 WARRIOR. Toronto. `,' X? W `IQ QUEEN'S BIIBTII DAY. Miss A._9ok at_1Yanfage`of`VY. 4; M. MU_BIAYS ( _3 371, G`RET A. 1.. 51-0225 _Geu`t.1v.`.mtr=rn mass 1' A uu . l 62 Clark BL. 0 gal laao.m;e;;;;g ...,--.-~.. . ... ... . .. nu vuugp an _ iicf4itI12'"s{{it {alt}. 9. Moderate Prion \AlE An In nl |'1- VA: 1' A ` ` Mr. F. DOWLER take: charge nf this Dap.-sgltmnui, mud" gm gugthntea g ILIRST CLASS FIT to all who may frgvorrus wi1h an o/rder. If you wag; g ` ` 2 pu:`1\-I 0-nuguo `ID `I ,n- 1 1` -. -- u 1 -u 0, \V.e show ti); Largest. 3fe::;f;.`:n_m _moSt .`A.1'r tractive Stack of Eng~11ah.. Irish. scotch? and *Gan;ad.a. # Tweeds agld Suih-gs. W9? p1aced.bef'ore'thc Barri u"pu~bjie. $ ;PlNG 7% DOWLE 3%R's. LPRICES, $10 To $16. I . " ` 4 . . a~_.' \A]I'[`Hox;r Oaounmrra A!!!)/V Paurbanwno M 1 `o PAma;E8u ',-` _ (;hiI_d, wi_thgm,|ny rnmsicul oduogcian, cauirprodugwan eqdleag V `atyng A - V ` L muno. OUR ORGUINETTE in no catch pnny "ts-hp,`"h.}`:f,\ :`[uni}sni lnut`tnmgx_:t of Max merit, which has become Standard in the United Statqi, Iyrlwro 5:000 0'KWn9' 1 month are Sold. . . ' ' .' ment, WHICH M113 1 month \"IfII Iuyuv-3 u 2 ruuvtw Iwihv - rs. ---. `V '\s will last for many years, 1\o/matter how often p1ig1 nul will nut. get out: of oxdci. A Large and Varied Stock 0! Scqndsurd Wurkn, and thqmnro importsnt New Book : in every glepartment of Literature, phtinly on wall as hsudmmaly bound. ' `* . A can-fully` talented and extensive Stock of Oluulul and 5I'63urt1fi?'Ij'sugoI1ao{.-`tn; Song and -Dance Muaxa- _` ;. _ ,, . I Every Article in connection w__lth_thq/ytatnoncry 'l}{'a.do. Bibles, Tentmnenta, Hymnl Bcioki,` Pului tglookn, . Ohurolzy-Br%rfavo,I, VGp;u3;n Praydr Buolu ; various typel, Iilel, prices anti of btkdlng. `i ` . r 1`/5;" Q? -Nawgpnperl, verioawg. Sn-1 Mquuinou=Q{[;liod an-pubil-ho ; .30.; smiia. ., ` , ~ , \\\3 nun -n-._-_- 13-....- n.....1- n_a... n;_, "I_....--- . uI-........- `~ |'l`I.....lI'I:...`I..(1.I.:-Ins " -Nawgpsperl, Feriodioalp. tin-1 lUIl8{00I =Qg[3!iOd Olpublilhu! Books Bopad. 1 > Ws!lpPnpex-s, Fgnoy (Toads. Bahichrrihgbk. 'Exp:-on Woggnm, Tiny Thai.` ='d!,vIt Frames, Phtu anqamopupb Aalbnmu', Fin_oy Bukg.3I,`Fi|hin; Tnqklo`, Eta. _` - ~ The Largest & Beat Stock }in'vv!`9wnito%0hooae.7Fr9m' /` ~ m'nr\rrn1 rnrn rx -nrxzx-rrnvnr L 5 In p e a ti o n Bar din |%|y[ l:n;viId _ - .--_ -/_...-no~q,` % EXAMINER` 9155. 1','Ai}s_: ; cs1` " gun LOW ,`|3RnqE;.A;; An n...~.n.. L. I-. ..,.. a.L..n. ..... -_- _-n. __ `L -n .11` O o \_..-_--.n.._..v- 1` VII? AN ;AUTOATICM3 EjE;O AVE. SSE wavy .5 4. c._ `AD-UN. -vP-8T_ EET. Blacksmiths, ,G':11T';-i`.o.;,re Make:-A, Mill` -Men; Builders, gpd all consumers.o --u a|.v.I..a..I.u..I.I .I.lJ.u .I. IUJ..L\I 11 `U5 Ia under rat-oluu` management ; wit-I open in 3 fay 33y`:--`of W _ ' ---no:.ice will be given.-- , an-- I \J\-III --\avv ,I.-.`l.`l,l\4EYra|,-_"\ And prove_ by buying that wg at"-'e statingxhe I " I-`fin-3-nu 1-45`-' '.-5.-3 uusgunu uu ucav wuuuu Lu 'Aywu` nu vu.vvau.~&uu SCOTT B(.)_0'1S_ELLE~R'-J; M- -p.s1'm-3:1-_ ` nAnm|:; 4 1 to 21 VoLzggJizns.s%Rzxf. Sol Mauufactnresmb Pgsptgss, MONTREAL. O-UR RGINETTE AND. an!.'-1- ;-1as_p." MANUFAGTURR8PRlOE83 V. . . - -- ., ,. ' ,7 `.'_`.'.'-`!'W3.`997."~ - 1 . sum or SAW}: 129323. . uvssv HJILLII SUV} G Jl,D\.l|I|?-BUVVV -0"" \'Vs"c"RN sur You; A , la u \lU|lI 1 7`f3i5fEwA1\T; --IN mum? i)EPARyTMEN:'].'.-- - . -w `Ann `izow 8H(')vWI'N&";A'-":~}" E. Sand `for Illuslvutcd Oatalngug Ia K \ `.i'c3w raven w. F. MT & ca., a,Yz,.,.,, V 7, PM Inllonera I I-a'Il..I! _ , l.A!..'l,l`-'- : i '.'5 1`-:3 *`. T\`-5 `p a 3, 1n the-hope` , ` E than _>\` _1._ishet1.Boer] re- " u ' , pfmacy isa ' ,w_le'dg_e"dA'b_p gzerms of pegs. it iiiefuiiy - assert iigelf ` :1 to` this . Ijptiox; cg,- 53 @119 Jhfand .0: A . the: grand * mpg-.-{toga us .' f1'n_i!.i-.4 Llllia , "$arB1N,n.&1_98I:9. J no; ` `kw B93 :..J-_liJ,.kl.Dn, ` ` ' B` . ' U . : '1'. 11 ` gutter; ` F '{_.10n', DQID119 plu own ptdck ; all on ytlgp $10,000 cmmitce thin! and wfillld reco `and that Cc` By-la1;r `hi. -the ' K un`umi_cy=-`on " M . 3.433 ` 1: On mo ion/.0 3 Mr. Samba named Mssr;,, Cromptoxxg Q Id n.m=s9.r tie ni - V. a ' g,. gegpm ant ` e 1 8 ` roxIt'g'bt1"veen'I -'II. ., V iwit-`I1 the mgetingssxat the Council. : -.: v ,E_lg`_1'.':oj)n?:ion wag married, the Reeve `-a_loI;-npp_ jug ib`,whu said|tha.t if the Board -gfa_tIh;d` fyr}'Eh'ed,tq uaathe room they ought avm-1,. . -_ - ` ths~Reeve, seconded b Mr. .` N igll,,: 1I .hnt the Finance Onmmittpe V p`_in- 'su-noted tgftake into consideration the` pr9- ` i9&y.;o :,r,ei_m.bm-sing Mr. R. Simpaonhin ' .1I8_ 3Vihan:-Mzgyor and ,_ Police VMdgia-, o nah: adjohfgxea for two in: (7 347-8 ofclgck p;m. , V `weeks, _ .-..-_ M1333` orgrhi cxwxiaxs AH :7 33! qr oxanrzm.-:o_1v, &_u. N _ ldwing Report .---I . _ I ` - -;;.`Y\au;- Committee luvs connirle:-ed the a. -, plianions feferred to them in,refe;onc. tho Town Inspccldrnllip, hut, cam` ago no fdgplector whipgp >ll[![)3): I_)l.l,'ilellxi`: ifa;'6t. n7 ye r_ "Dine an win`-5: Isnu:.sa>_yvou,rv; um- iligeecoufd uotrecimurend xnorelytei-miika ` `-rooin for.. ipme owr A;-plicnnt, without its ld i_nl _d'utiqLp. ` -_};;' Cummitlee, }xbw_vjft"',`*w(i reiygmmqn,fj.m',,;.wggeted by the_ _Spe_ fntura"_a}b-the rm M 3300 per nnnmn,-n[hd_ *thtbJ1i_d dfnxtibts be us_ mentioned id the! st, miatgbzjt `o _ 18`-id ('.'mn:'niL',x:, uubject7i.o; .51 _ as his Ctnngnzibleu} or your Om: oil is y`e'Iu1Ii time no (time: and all fun ` A Jaktgn by rancid II_mpf:ytvl,' 5.. hip};-"he`b nyvbgpnutled to x'c'ceixie,, o.-:4.-:u:t `= V k` 1 ..r.nus11!+ifu.r: mending to. e . Tgwgj `Ha `-wIr:qn"upo_dj.u,L night sup} rem .21, =toi:a'p,aid' iereaftar to the town 'I'na;luI`I-fr `for the nu} of _1,;,he1tbw-g... In.reh-ram:u m. iii n of M149. . Dqngiji, v our _,Gum- ` and tlmt _the In actor-be take the-- propdu: :!n,9I.|l to ` me ' done away. w'.ith,:if"~be o."I ilrocommended that }be reappointed to haul `he Alsunl. nd`.._t.1t_` ha be paid t_h gervicp, Ypur Qomniitee are not `in- pnsbd to regommendthat gas be put in I;he' . `Qopnci_1C,Hnmbe'r at present, or until the is cmisidemiily luwered. They th"nk ntngiigglb blmt,-tho Chiufr Engineer 11):.- init ,r,t_jcie,ii to report, on tho state of 1 he tianlia, you -Committee huvink roasun tn. zqiieve ah `is same of Lhem are in a bad no)`: dition. V E ' ` ` " ` ' Th;$`C" Whf. Ohairyj _ 1 ., - -. * `After pqme 'tI:`lut_1iscuaeion, is was moved by MT: 0- 1 II (13055; agscondegi by Mr. R. K__i_x; and` c` rried, _1f_hat clause No. 3;ot_ the hurt ba amended. and that tbe.fol- V `_1he 11.0901-t, the vBee)_r'e`_.' ii;-trhe ; `luaient Ifeaann for. dismissing tha,prea;n - bing nhohvh t}m_i;ho in unt/to perfmjm Elbe ` Cnmxi he 'nns;'zLarxes. that he be_pa.'ui.m . ch V qt tha"rg_ta'b $200 per annnm or ` jxfcil'4vier_it ';'nt.o Commibtee ui itha v Ballb` ied up with xzau.. .|$_,_iq any a rr_!a_ecl, '_1f_l_mt clause No. 3;ot'_ the fpojr be amended, and tbe.f oI- Ibifing wnydav be eubstitu d : Ar That the Goun`.ai`0ham'ber.-Police 0' mt`, and. Fire \ uoun.aI`Un_amber.-:'o!1ce U nrt`, and. Fire t ed up with gas- _'I'iie;Go`m jttg rosy and I'l?p0l.'l'e:i the Re- pnrt as am ndangl, Which: VWHJ adopted by,;l_1e '6 *f.1.h`.3u.- V Moved y Mr. '13r0!, senndeX1 by Mr. ` ` Mar 3;, '1_.'h'n`tla:we`ba granted to the Bgsrrie, I `B. , , f_ Trade to hold their mestjngs in -this Elhambpr, ;1'1u1tingil:h_a,: lgasury of the Oi5,ui: ci1,so} lung a.s.the'y o not interfo,:-5' `faith the nugaetingsruf the Council. vTh3`:'udln?:ion was -carried. the Benjamin_ Disraeli. _. Ir. V om four years lateriinl 09, `r. 5' Bright in `I811. ,_Ttieru that Laid Beacoh5- 7! iii-I.911..8'cri.Ias alert and` rig-Jrou as , he_wea.ther the preient bg , ` ` 1" Aheazbgoiishical, attack seems to compfcat . ,.it gout it iInot.in":p si- b!`Q;&!ga.t"he might coxitinnae for some y at: -Iiftect the Connervativearty.` T ` _, afI'1d:Er1.Bunsell.,wan -bnrn _thir3:4.-In I 1 O -',_Mr. Samuel Unldwe, Chairman nf ,1 . (lid Police Committee, preaanud _tlx: ldwing 2 7 Yi'n- '_r_q had, before Hinemj`-tha lwq. , 4a':i"at a mpebingtbf jhe rgne .to3j..9xqmpIid.n _uf~. m ,t_axa.tipn, and gm": Council. to, Mn . dajyn _iu amid ralolutins, to-' \` m he . ` .1`: degirable Iio encou_; `ef .`:,.e 5f;h`:nent iut1;is,_` inuxlicipxiz _,o`. " .n_3w n`i,H.I_1`ufae'm`res, mid j that 7 gaxextiiwt W- from taxugiou far .9. farm of `yearawill. be_ given to any mph, gn such condttio as will enur, 9.0:the cor ratibn B teanopa lo Tretumin amplqyman of labor nhd exp 11- ditnI'.a oE bapijqnl, ' , 7bri'e f discuuion the R::nrv!t'\'o.`n 'Il'oyving _'c_ommImica_twna,~ Q , 9' _ and rofeyed to theurespe_c1 -Gain :t`eeI;+ '_ ` V _ 1 1 ' Mr; Ki nrnieumfad n.'natitidn from M1 -Gorinnitte`gu-4 " V_ . : _Kiq5pr`eunted lpetion from Mn ~0uthbert,p1qzingsfotex_om lion from tn 4 5 on`ncQnn};_oj`,`{itdianh. 3 1`. Ma_rx`-in :1 'unw3`y ;oi::panhwation, from the-T. w "7_Iun f uabiahng um; the 1-ooof,uu: '1.` w I 391 . ' .f` `Mr; Wm. Cnld e . q`cL`iI;reti o"n,~from Geq.._LanLe. n i'3 1iqg_'th'eQouneil nut to gpp '_t ` `neg:-for thiivyhole sf the to 1 bug'eo upoint a..reaide_n'h one 'f0l'.lh0;,' e ,9'x'nae:un." ' ` H - V Mr. Tfirur nrnnmnl-all n"R.Ann!-l.`frn'n| '1 . Finance` .Gommi_tt:, na,f.u1lu;ws '.~_-- ts "am" i1nihg(to' u ,C_o,rnn1it.tgg z_-ye. , sh-vi n; I Paymeqt of `ac was" recozqmendeil`, }_ 1 Your "a.omngend'j1:har.:_tt:fg t` `easof " uq _Mrs."Murp}_zy-1`) fgmitte v_ yold niidxn;r;ilI' V Having, _ I _ -pftiqigp of :Mr. Ioore, your G'o`mnI `we. 1 udt recognize such blaimn. ( Y6u_z;L`< m- V use in :cona`iderin.M1`fI%nd' `egiti ny~ ; ii at that he has no"c uij" L6" ta:_; "g ' 1t Muat:.LnnQL :-~ :1. refram-.;)'ra he_ . `cl ixri of Mt.Dpvid.'Mon9w for berviec -at ` thb`Po1in`:a' `Court. v'om-`a.Cbmmiuezs can mt` . .~ Mt?-in=d' 1-11'9" ! tgtapmen in 1-scent` times. . A P'}qne1fpuha:.insanceT, was 81 `when 1 `ho V dit and:I}1'L.Bunsell._wan -born ,thirt on yam -;beione.;zBeniamin '- v_`Mp. Kigpptegentgd , g_`Report`f1'm ihe Finance` Gommitt , na,f,u1lo;ws , " tern aecthn. " ` ' Payment ism` 1mtinto' $130105` .T '.2a.=onas .*N`.-.~uz;aT " . . . In ,_ 3 mic a visit "tugphihyiiz ;=J.6_l:n Mac- 11'-: " g:, j bo.Lgiya` effect to ,` ' ;- t=*oAk 9` %$ime . pr`a;e_n`t`Mmietry% will" ndntions contained: in I `elpm of 1!:/lt.`U_nvid._M.orr9_w for services?-at_ {t `Po1y:a`Gau,rt, yo ` Qommitleejgan mt .6 ~ > ` L K ` gigs; dbnu e" M _ `h:'e"1'-m`sinde1-- ` ` _, ere "'d.j{chnrged 2139 tot;-I I00 Cu`. ' ~ ,; 1-. Samuel ogmwien, Chaifmnr} ..r ,1 niid` Police Committee. nraa'anm.d Um K ,_\`l_3Q.Q_i! D .01? frmuuz. T -Wi",! !1$ mIkl.I1'K`3.`PN,1. ms , vti_9ns>ot,the~sanr; e kzd, ud- ` nding - over guanyye rs . _ ' isthe duty at the Cdm_~_ th any question. of Vt; nadnh&d"at nieetinaf the gig had before thgmj"-'tl1a' it .-~". Membon `ail present. ` Thefllngybf in V1 Dha`.ir:`-""`< r ' . ~ '~".:. .. JV ; . "glowing 'commnmcatwna,- 5 nnd'roferi'd theirrespe ap_I_t_n.l ;. umravjoz. _ I " ' bzj_1e f-dicue:1on_t1xeRuprwtk 'a`-ff-or on, My 9,! * vening for the Q99 . gnrganimticn of cl` h`i'rnd:1`:)eaLing of olirbusineu . aha` bonsfdornteinn ' K ` Bf<$xEJ4f; 5 `7 of liiit mtig yvertug: 1+: y m..}Gh;Vl"5Blll;'3V!r|-.I;i>b`J.:| % :. us, your l}o_l'Qm1l6l3,l!51nI)I)L could r'hp1i1j19!3d -%` -['be=JQB~" " ittjbut'mBkiIi}(`1i;'p , . t` tions of thersama kid. ud- *or*;f1.`m-mi! ` e Wlthh nezatnessi a V " 1spa.tc gm: .1` ' e V Lowest r1.ces rnontinla LARGEST" mu '} EsT%sLmIuN or %cuTs% .; M .. x`*'r'r1m ` 1-.-vAnnnA|u:n.t\EEI>t!'E . j|;`:FXAMlNl~;Ej#)FFlE.i `I`heae.'hol1aeu ire nigw yilding a month rentI.1ot(48)I~`orty-Ei{gbt Dollm-:4, ancI`wi_ll be sbld tar catch at about one half cost `price as the _ qwner has removed to 'Iu1'ontq. Apply to I ` ` .W. T. THOMSON 1!: CO. Bahia. March. 1831- ' ' y , M 8m .l:`I."I_1J .l..JLI.I.r`.9 1 -On which are built I-`Jevcn `Houses, on Pena-` ` ,te.ngu'?aheu9'nnd Berzy Bgreets, BA B1'iI.E, A V_erY7 Ha_ndsom[e` Residence` With 9.1] Modeyn, Im l';vemB;1tu, on North Side 5 of MoDopa.l5 Btrget, BABRIE. ;Bee'f. hind qunrtera, - pr 1 ' Mutton, pr cnrcnge, pr 1 Chibknn,` per gnu` . . . . . .. Puqkn, per bra.ce.. . . . . . . . Gable. 9a.c!1....;. . . . . . .. `Turkeys, each...... .,.. . _`1_B\jt'ter, lb. rolls. . . . . . . . . Blltei`, tub . . . . . . . . . . . . E838. fresh, gar dozen. .Ap`plea; per arxei. .. .' . . , Apples` Hay, pi Sheep 5 Hid We offer on PRIVATE SALE, at at GREAT --BARGAIN --- ` ..-\ ,..,... , , ~- A _ _VALUABLE `Town Property _F9r>Sa1e ATA GR1EAT_S_?1_\_CE3R|Fl\C_E. Blood, Liver hind. Kidney .--. wuu u-Avvguwnsq soy: upv 6 not lvprajlidice std ) .z~'uH0l' from gnny.lingerin . Sensq. Burdock `[3 load Bltter curs others ~ why should It not mgnet. you 9' It is a spec (-10 (or all forms of mplmnbs, Nervous ,the ivay ify 0 Eeadaphe, Gegernl Deblut fzdfgulsgs ot_'_tue secretory 35' tom. Trial home 10 Cents. ' , Scrotum and all ' `K 4 rl \_II_'I Inc To an` who are suati g from errors. and lmltscrcllons of youth. are voua \vea1knesH.e9.1`ly, V decay, loss of _mnI nhood, I wlll nc|_1d/ you it re- ceipt. that. wlli cure gjou REE OF [HH'zLRGE' -This great rcmeiy was (11 covered by H mission _ ` V; A M151`; KE. " ; ,[ It, 15 n great. and olten t` La! mistake to take rppeated drastic pfzrgxttlves for constipation or 1 U10 boweha,'t.h'ev Induce pl es and cnuseebuiuy othe bowels. Burddk lood Blisters Is :1 auto and perfect regulator or mdbowelna, arOusen the -wspld liver and B1l`LlIBse1-.;et.lqn to a healthy I-61-Ion: seems a Run ya . nnd, .ie;IOVatip xx "1 the ` mgpit p:rrec1., l in _S(ju;!x Auzencn. Selnddi envelope to the Rev. Josshi T. D Navy York cu y. \-~ ._......q . _.-n vrv: J ' 4. .'."". s. Sn'niz_.1'3`1n1>," _, Chanmi.an'of'U,om. ' hor|`.reed,| . all`; chairman: _ M _ `i-own ,jFarqh.ra.t.iun and 4' ,/OEnjnn_1i`te'V. to `suggest the 0; "zine, Dir born `hm:-mtioned in ggpo` T` yam to '!'_e 0 hut. t a next ;5i1eet- ' 133.-%e:`E c:"Til in thepc Lgncll Chamber, -._on `empymext, the_12bh_ins(=. - , , V - ;H-1",?-S_horzreed`prese red 8. report fz-ofr_xi.' 'niitbee also appointed `sit.-"3 pravioun Tn ant bp-,n3,zde top!`-Ice tedm"boat an the, route ,Bt.1'vecn"Bdx-ri'o'a. d. Jaclbon s Paint . 1 J.`lre report: after; b 'ng . cscuhsed was ordeied .10 be laid mfer ntil th ri'Vxl:"Ii3iL_-It-3 ingfana ii: the meanti e a. cuil_xr;_iiti.0`n-. `singing of` Messrs.-' meat`, '-.`,S`f1, Veivryfind othefn willigg to`:1aait; can-. ' 'i:iEfl.h`e io`;grn`,avi`x :g2e_'w at mnount pfstock - "would-i>.>e`s_ubsc,r1be(_i to_ iect: V ,ing,/:ecpxnn;endin`g that` an nirange-` - ;'v._t'ry`;but.` ag pro- _ :` -3 'Xl[Cz\~x;thy a Block. ` "Barrie, Mfurch sun, 1331. J 1j . I 'I`hd `most, perfect] lieapcr in. the world. `- Contains more ppm vii` M brli usioeizitiop, < Tn thibapi ceip that. wllibnre [HH'zLRGE' This I In Scpubil s_elt ~21 aqresny .To thiobgzgma . ~ . `Yon? (3j6`iirnitt:e ., he_1d 1~Iarczx_29ah,? to the best means of E ` 1 Y_o:i G Ixrnitg gauge: If;-ght V bhgiigion jthat. `gha/]:yiu'~=g._ ` 3 _ k:co5theaxq- cunt o,=r',00G::s:izI_ t, 8: 113 futthei` agrees; t-i1nth`Boa,t- ' tdnsigixed. mqst` adn ' allthe neieaBaFy req llaglxts. /as a. _pug- ` vet way he ` 31:6 1gvill.:si'-_ gay to agrees:-n the boat- xnost` adn> and after pyighytt '7cpn1.`. on ztisamoek liejld 1....-....: before he ch-`a.ws: spat. on tlxyzneock nqlupxgmnpqw V vt_.ion~, before he , iii ` own slezu.-nin' a` 1 .nt!=9 0,2-it; v`fd 0 "cdmmitte airiblepi` , be`, %_"`aud the Z;-the`: raiu quired; '_' I2, or.proy'id*rtock, 1 meeting y in}: hex. `~'"'., ` -_ s.__Snnp_.j.rR . Having had an,int'er igaxks Pheraon who agreenato Era; neigeakary re-q ` tanner nd fr:'szhbba. i ;::vve7t?2 make the 61?` `