_Mn$BerI,, ,. Hallose, _ 'EouIe_`Ooa.ta. . '. Cflaufs &a `_"{ * 7' 1Ja mes;"Va%irg,; `A1a;;ucno:anig`a_ inn. , tuition` of Uniting tat--the igeund` - `cumin: glynnid.-_ _ _Gl_)veaV|( (Ila:-.;ui'el"y; .|IJeu.h8r Bngl, ' Bfded Blgi. T V Brbocheaf. _;` `FnncyLinena,- V `Devin Camtortin, Blinkots, _' I Silk Blouses, ' ` Drnu Lengths, Lengths, Panama. / ':r9;.- _ugtho;- '-r Belf-1.0 ' Hnlgkerchiefn, , 3` __Gl9vea Ind Eoqierv. '3 Hnudkerchiefn, _Gl_)vu| Hosiery, Bngu, '- Handkerchiefs. , ,, ,, Fancy Ribbon, Glovernnd Hosiery, Brooches and Beauty Plus, Open B-xx. ` - Bonded Bogs, 'I4aa.I.her Bsgspnd Pm-sea, I Cuhion Top: Kid Cnnhioiis, 'Pnruols- `- , I For Young Ladie , .1. ,,,,, , ,:.1 114., iwiaigzg !`{IGH'_Dv `this grail-forc `wear: splr 5 "peqiia of Allnndnlo po eheirndvunuyfwa an` um- deif F _ > jaunt; ' E'gnnwAnI H" v Stoves, Bingo; half H6`! Hxnnvunt ltd: Ssbven, _S | jnidwiru belbtq thiraz in` F119 . .lo r.cu-h."-n_d, Gloven, Necktigs, Toqnes. Hnndk Toqnes, Hosiery. `Grove: and Easier; Hpndlcrchinlg. , Nsckcies. A uiern_ ' Suspenders, ' House Cone: - on it - uj i9` I 'B6o:ies and Mitts, . Stockings, V ` V - Bearskin Coats and Bonnets, Babies Sets, Pinafores hurl Rne nabics sets, - Pinaforcs _and` Bibs. 7 V I 7- -l'o:.- the Pinkroo 3:- nrhag 'lJ\A M15... Opag-n_ Bugs, fshopping Ba ' Bonded Bugs, -- -_:cEsbion Tops, `Finoy Work. -EAndkereI_:ieb;w- Tsncy Bibbonu,~ Gloves and Hosie` Fsncy Hqsiery, Toqucl Ind Clouds, Bead: and Necklau, BcIgs_gx_zd Neukwear. 'und Belts, Handkerchiefs, .Gloves and Hosiery, ' Fancy Combs, Fancy Ribbons, Open-n_ _- _WE'_;(|_L' KlLiH'!.' u ;`_this g1-e't;5t"ore - ,i.-`isle 1s?cn"risma.s Gi men a um. um Umbrellas in great variety for Ladies and Gents bought especially for Xmas trade at modern prices from,l.0(7, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 up to $5.00 _,.,.0lo,ves Wu nu:-Inn. all mu: fllnvma Cu nnvnlhy knvpu ..uv Table Covers and Ii ful gif&\rom....._....:. ",_!VI'4 I8V l_l`4 I\l'.J _EU 59! and see this great S_torc in.i{s'hoI aux (0 see our wonacnul Ulspf li gm5)_-Bible ta renugnemteitz 'pan'y dscfdl and bcautifgl gift; thhpare shcpini on \Iables_ 'an_d-cdun'tcr<`\Nc h'a.v::_ space only fora few hints. ,- _' ' . I 3 ' . A n-' r fr" , 1 - . ...l5c #6506 Mon : Linen Hmdkerchigfn .. Men $ Silk Iuitialed .. 25:: to 50: Men : Twillcd Silk ...75c to 90% Ladies Handkerchiefs, in tgncy boxea, 40c to 1.25 Men ! " 75c to 1.50 - We encloae All our Gloves in novelty boxes without extra. charge. Ladies Real Kid Gloves at. .l.00. to 1.25 " Sill; Lined `- Boya" Unlined Gloves... Boys Wool Glovea.... . I l-..-- -. :`VVe`eofdiei11y/_inVite?i0u to visit our Christma Bazaar at ~the`1je,ar ogfgthe mam store; " {Here are some suggesuons to and you m_ vbu;I_ru1`g_a:-a-'-' . - ~ - ` " `For gliihoba.-f ` "r95.-Maths; . a 3'95: bl -3'o:,S1sta:.- muanaehin ` . , -Neok-weal--unl mm, Umbrens-. . Azeaum-ad - Umbygllu, ` ` _ Fa Clymbgl 0 Hosiery, G]gyu. A ' Egg km-ch;af._ .~ Hnndlerchinlx, Glnvas and Hmiprv, Wqol T ocjues; Whig! T` ` .2 . Goddsof Al}*Kihds.ahd.:5tj:l$ . I 7: I4II'lC`II DCLL3 ", Npp {I tch--a heap- gift from.... 4.50 t`d 18.00 dur Prics be much in five: 61' "your buying hcrc:- _ Auvuu.... Linen Setts 7 in gay} `nnlrinu On In ' {-_`Muiers,.. ............ .. ' Monarch Mnian st. 7-Pgncy Sticks . . ._ __ o'u.I:.g-"alga." .,Glov_q:zd Hcsiery, Elnahmhinls, ' -- ~UInhrellu,_ Neckties. Muierg...... ... . _ Ladies Kimbnas and . -..-.7 vv unas- A H _ 7 I _ in Embroidered -Deluines, Fro1u:_h Vllnnnlo Ind , Mohair: :1 par ynrd ......... ..;.. $.10 I`o-`fie V Ii-4.4.!-u... L'..n......- uauncp l\Ill.lUlllIB unu ' handsome materials and utyiog at 356 "p Dressing l:..........\xr..-u- -;.- Kl! VV Ill IE" "- ` . ` Glove nnd E_`ndke|-chief Box'ea\, in pMfn'rioty,- ..... .. 15, 25, use no; I u o#,,, 3t............~........ 4-:__s -4 V Silk Blouge Lehguu pg: up in fancy boxei...-......- ....... "L75 b,10.D,0 Fancy Walstlggg, ' in 17.:-nl-.rnJ;w-J -n.1...... dunk IF) urn: unauao l.olllUl _ Imported Hiruct from in T1-ny.C Tablg Coven. Shams, Curing Clonbl and some uuwmuu Isuu uyug Ii ououp to 3|) Faucy'Wox-k Baa, ct; .. ". -u-I n:-Alum-.J..l D` .'_ ... -v, --7 I'I8I|S, V -l:ather (Good; .1. __ n.n, >0-iIt"s Ties - . ' Buiponderl ` ` Human, Hdcktian, - ' `H9114; Cnu`. . A. ` P i T**!'- 01.01}!-. . P 5.0:: I ` I ` . 7 7 ~` f .. h ` < Yes, S'an_tg, Claus has arrlved and has taken-possesi ion of our store until Xmas Day. Ilfter caidnl search `and pxpauition, _ we have arrayed together n immense display_ of Christma Goods designed to bx-inj,l good cheef to many aliffz. _ Suggestions for Xmas Gifts will bc_found allove1_'-the lstorc--Ren:embrances great-and4sm:_1ll-~for laigfqlks 'andlittle; articles usefnl and pmamental with prfcgs to sui the lullness, the purse. - = Tlkt 01:1` _a.nd'_s1;o;>~oa:1y. '