Auaoamfvan the tutu: 1&3` I; hope mo or-anninun:-y Jansen- vist as an `ban-not :nd_ Uboaqt wllh-3. ` ` '. ..1.'hn route of the G. 1.`. B. acro- tpe Rockies-bur boonrlocnqad unu|':h_ Yrllnw Held Put, 7- Peterboru dxugnnorujnow ntnropql ' uncu J(r`o Uo:_:ly'l:;r _B'IIin`!6}*;I! _)`eil_u ..a_o':1o'ck.-"` . E. adieu cl 1: unlnil. nu`: mm In-I Human Wiw . V:KA-|-hi8V " ' ;E%-V . may_dnuobymnIinan$linn-ttarbu _ any of the oftinsro. 1: nouns, . F`? '1'?` 'n'_"""_ }' 05 9~3"! Sang: (1399: .8 _o'locl.- :- - Sliiurs ullpil. Iait pdzd _ worth cmbeuun-ht` dalvva Isutfni that`. y0|I.. . - Abiiolutelyv ` E\'rcrzn:xn:n`.guar:n " :1 " ' _. Awszmr tram, 2:2 :ua="7o'_ `incha.`f.`3 Highs, .{ :4` _~ The f;ou'r ` :ex;un|s: demand in Y0 UR'nncYen,-;-. I wear. vAnz_i":hsef;:e`j:!: ;< f<'>i1rfeatu:"csoF" " .7` . - 1{bO{ut".ly umnnnuolg E\Irc1'y'gnnxie11_:gn7aran` . A=.ll="s i2m from, w-7a um DRESS-MAKING av MAIL I inymrupuoumoathammu I . oMfoiu;~;wEAm inybuupuoumoathammm W711` fan a. Parsonnl course at school. Tn Jnahln all lijnbled E ofhaz thnn here gain av'e1-Ling to express. other than In new words, oupdqap , Iinirecintion of your eEur1a~in our . ;ma:oumu{ i`iA1 ~%Yi?I1 HAV3?*;'* % T xmnmt D1smsn_2h uunng the time wa have been to-v ;gather as teacher and pupils your npipr-tailinypatince and kindness ' tdiigxd us has sunk aeenly iniifour hihta. leaving` an impression wnich 'li'e canimt elase, and your cnincisr been such 3; co inmirk us to __p_. uzhez-mauixacuummanndgu` sharp snoounx a.lnzL`n{ouxh. the hm: I DGERII ' {hating the time Have t.o.- xither nunila um: sonal big; at ';::c;-'2 E;-rI`l.h-7 I Is commencing last Tuesday of each 1 ML. Thus lfsaonstcachu hm! fa cgt, i uf FRESIAT|0. A i n'Tuaiday`oveniifg.`iov. 26th. the 2 lanes or Excelsior Business Colleae I: inie cannot been spot; sq inspife krdtgr things. ' ' ` 9 ask yqn to accept this as S alight ' ut our esteem. and in the _ '/wit); a handsome '. ing ;C.u:inpjnlon. The following '3 :5 was x-ad by `Loightoli Qoore. ; the pteitatiun` wla"nmda by S u at E` 3 may it bring back memorial or danapen: in on _h 1 or names: Oolle Em-rig. ` lain in aim. ..... ..... n. nuagnena Golleggfarrie. E Jain/in wishiug you every . nd miy Be.'who cnrach for g I 1 --ll|, keep you alwav: in His wing. all at u.a`.+n.:..... tqwn loraahort time but wank-and 5 ca1In'd"onjnny of his'oI_d lriana here. 1 . On Friday he nttanid lhn`Jndga's [ D c._;un`astjnufuaion'-which aeld in A ; Ddntrbbn. vihnra, wa"unHuntipdd the 1 5 Liberals aueceaied. in having quite a c g jqng 1oll`na meanddad tfthe Voters 1 mt.-'-StaynerSnn. -' '4 , . . 3 non of the late A. Gun of Barrie and a hroehisr orBis"1a :r`u`g`i'aE&fGiiz`:`i:. oftiwi. dlatioli` S6i:Hnr'No_v ?A- it B SllI!l'cel a E oap'it'al. The decuied 3 Iwu taken in an Imeounciunl coudiifn H was taken In nncounciuql condifivh 1 .to the hospital on 'TIle& 1lY evenin. . mluing frbm nuts` Bright : diseila. I` `Be cons/chiunnasa anlnl hid I appeglod to be much improved injhh t I condition. Ind Judge Gun, `who in: a B|:uu:i oned frani'OttnwI." ralnrncdbu l I` t '-xisldniiht min on Saturday. The | . pntfent :n'!Ered_ I rela;Se.hownver. on I 7 Sat`xi'flnv nio`rnin:" ah/d died lnterlu ` the day. The dacenaod, who wnnnn laccouutant. leaves a wile uni iwa HOWE I0 Igllll W0!'K' I251!!!- : Mldhnd Argus-The season for grain carrilnglaquicklyclooing no and than ' Ila no indlmtinn of the rash that wna. Clujrmnn White of the 7_In_dugtrigg _ I Committee olxhe Collinawood com"cil V ' baboon lnduatrionslv warklnn on the I vounnliwu In no uzumawooa conncu bu been working the matter or Introducing "eletxinl powax ipto Colllngwood. by nringing from _6neo.r`|m`:ro of the water wish with- u I I witli thy Iuiinbez trade tells Ihe"OrllIla ` Pklit thnt `lion: ' in}! not be more thaxfliill is funny men in the lumber wohda this yux_na just. on at the ldikf` zia llfla diatrlci ha in wages lb 810 a month. There in a tendency to lower prices in lumber. r., r: M.-mm... in 1: -.. 1.. . .' GIANT TRIPLETS Gurrancy" ` ' BOEa"`nnd `stag-' Chewfg '1'obac- I [, noes hI_blx plugn. Qunlity nllnyn thel` . simb. _ .` ; not be mabd down ; um cum: Pi;-.\ ot. ` Raw. 1 H . wmm ' is indlgtinn glue was In't.icipIetl"t:faw day: ago "and Haul: 6111;` from thejxlierent eleyaeoxu along t - the Goorglui Bay w_ill b greatly be-_ g .101: mu at last year. 2 mdaaoned from` Ottawn," returned ha I the"1'i:ldni'I_:t unfbered relnxisihowsver. I Judge Wlndaater has handed out I decision u: not only an: puaopngea A-an but the land on which my stand u well. ' 1, A'5_n} weighing 89! lb: was Ibat In I lfli reek. ` For Qnlllfy and Quantity Ink your . dole: tor thsnow bignmgIolBoba" I x in nl!_01_tha :'ima'."I! nxih E-T-sci ' with 4 white` fur, or pounihlyywitn dark trimmings. event `though thc V acbmuch does I;o_t`nll you 117 ch: ncute r pajns of i_a_d.i:':estign_ gm it used: . wptcn vhuk `mucus; 9--.- .. ._ ._ _ ... vvvvvv 1 5: in I 11 Rock on a.-poor mu-kc: in mdnr tn E 3 sell-grain uponnhlgb market in not I `always lbmtahle enterprise. and the I II number of dbllnm cominn into the J I cnre!ul_ nyshajp ot, taedag. much ; more than mkg `(in thy dfency. ` . wnpra xa`_c`he_1>'mgm. ` * 1 What doe:-ilaehlrdai giihrhy uncn- x clnwhfi mint nut ne1lin'g I I a I In thti x-it p1ce," mg `xzmkergirgcea I b > b might or mIu|n- fut;-have been ob- ` mined Bad` the gmhfboen! fed to hogs. 1 Socondly>,`h_a uvu te Intact` of feed- . 1ng`the_`hp,ga." `lhhdiiv. b`e.~'1m lsa I liah. and` lass` avilal "Invested. . I zvzmz nan momxm ml? 03 xmnn I Agulnuc Ythiu. ha him "Incurred 'I` 1 3 haavylbaa by dinpoainol his "stock 1 I an a gluttd mukht. 38 still had the 1 'it`o'mark~oL<" Eorhhrloat the nub-at I nuaililierl Z|nud\1(_:mt' which the.hog' couId'pro6tahly"utillza.. -He hniiald '3 lot urvvnlupla` fertility, the abeenus ofwhich "Wm lessen` this next 'cru1!.' 7 | nnmorohrca udnt for 3}! the young |., pigs u'n`d `breadth ; ao`v`r'a..which are be- lng dhmnad Span -I doutly gluctad _ .maxka1 It nunont. - Tha huumr Innlottunnto nm`nz, anfclantly ' 1 number 9! dulhm Vcominn the. I 5 treunry am-mg my rent may be con- I llsidarably lass made: this melhd. than I a.h;'d {Hf In Beenm arkmd' in ma .|kee'~'nncss In : em" mm: f::df4} -his ; hoga. the""bt!sr'vviba' \!n`s_alabIe ` pro- .'duct_n for which the-ho have pro- i1:i'un'whera he"aihnt mkadvintag onus mun` prI\5'e"for' su}uea_'ndksi which certain to gxyxl V2-zhe_n we present exmtamene has burned it- null.'uu:'-and 'lf!G!"lll.;ll3 in not also- I I _ - HIE UIIFIIILIII EIEUKGS. __D_nring the past _tym y}2g_r_s.,tha `Ont; :rio_a*g;x;R_:1Eux'a1 `College 1553` mllecte shin ve'ry"vn1im b1o `jxitzf. raguminiz _ thgng closely lporoabinu a must be abiqad In tho lnna.. , Pnniu nantovate En]; _ hrmdxa `IIho- We td ball chair I pla lhkoutin "choir izocbshlti. but such I _ nnlottunnto cnm` aufclantlv r I: is seldom 'thn oo farmer allow: ' ' Biniieltw bo`nxi!d hm`; by`: bank. : His cutoinnry bud cnnunan shave and I conaerntivu madman naunllv -nmtzcz ` uni` for :._st{a'rt ting Adi-cu : it-Iose:,sh-.c:ozu._onL.` _'_._L_ _ _ ,, jsunais nnisuurnu 34:36:01. ! . him from this 66115 bit, I_bou "we , ho(rnfyI5nng'p!'p belqgldld nflfty y cunts each"-it wqhiug time. or I 5 use feeders" ` ` ac `":ax_lnin"a1x't:_m'z. and am ; chafgd a'g'i:inz_: 1.159 pi The young . pigs nt weaning Iima e'vu1ued at 1 YIIIIES QKRYIVIZD _ EVIL 1'-hero nnibably nova: was I papjc. which did not - ngurivue `the evil 4 .`{.v`1".' _____j_. `nose. `:7 `who it}; veil- 7 `H. _ b . - 1=oe`rn:jaaa`a.umguuu;axen|.=rssrc_z-rmm . -. " E"3a*|f"`9!mnnv,i3YHiNE,- V` 'ov.71 mnl, wcanm per bundredwaigh: for skim milk, and 10 cents peibnahal for muss Atbx cant: per pound. Xiva weight. they wand ielurn `$27.29 per ronfox meal. 20 cents per nundxedweighz - (or skim milk, and lo oenu par bnshbl per mm . .. enter `quite Iargelynw` the mixmfe. Id 5 and"Lak1ng mo E:ii_da'mxo\n jnas 3 prions maived'!ox' bags \'luzing.the Knowjoursoul. It youjnvn any d (hoao nu ogmouu Hdnoy uols ...... . _.u.. >.n..__ prions mmived'!or \'luzing.the| 3_ yur;".`wu' n_mi_t Idmib` tub; this -inn - romngably-cmd Alho:WIn3in vllpu ; racai dfiix led. qualication; but pernnua anonnh has ` baan ugg taut oomeone lhlyklng. Let itbc undarntqod however, HIII then is no anemia: 00 dichcuto the g \ In-mar. Every ("armor muat.f"be his - vwndngo an-`to Milt fa the but I cause for him-to nurana. nnd'tha {ar- - met who nds himself wmpallisdwo i sacrice his stock in danerving'b1' sym- - puny.` But let thdnrwith `fwd on , named,-including middling! and Inn. Y wconltnor hundred-qaight for skin: I, mil}, Ind 10`cenh per buhul lax uulz. 7 A": 5centa pe:\p-mud. live walght : they wonhfzaturu $29.87 pofton for bundredwaizh: uuus w A: 6 cents nuj nnnnd. live wggijfht. Chev would xcturn 80.71 per ran for meal. 20 cents pet hundxedwaigbc for skim milk. und 10 cu. per bushel Io: obtained for uncleaned tiiin in lead- lug): to theta -'pIgp, ufmuld cuxtaiuiy ' leave, I comfortable niauzln of nroc I I 1 I i B cheered as was also he! rs'n'_dri'xig at n Gaelic`-sung. Elm ueuell. Sub 113930` J:_erful', contra!` of `liar voic." nlnnalmv and unnnhtndlv1nIm:hr- n Mina! Diclmon Cnig -'fs`l/n I class -by' e1'f"xi1anh'a: `in very; I pound. uvfwelgbt. `Il_:ey wc'Iild"re- , mrn'C30.45 per ton {or ;ill maul con- , iork in shops foryearx. Bewara ofim'iu.- 1 (ions as we employ no one auuide the 4 school. This is l_he only expeepced Dress 1 Cutting School in Canada and excelled by 1 gene ' My kilher cguntry. Write at dnco I 5 voice nnefrendelad some olhg! "Anld I Scritch Sinus" in line style." `Mina 7 Mary McLeod one of Scotland`: bon- nie lsaaies is the possessor of 3 grand |` compnninxa _t'a with 3 gather it wniona at ma finir 00nH't_l ` * eve ! px-auanIedv`Isns`-1l|If:1`~`1ali6nlgf H51" ` . |1 .mpaxi`ar- Stbtl Canes` Cogxbuu,V" amp" `c.v.u- rm. . mn nrxnnin nu cum: Dex ousual _o{rools. cgnhidering zhuejmrgdgsugu and bran ante`:-'quit'e .. nnu In xouowa:- It the ouuvwero sold It 4% cont: not pound. llva"IialgbL `they wc'I'1ld' `re- `_I'aU.nsn.s7.n1:cxi1xn `5, 1 :--- J nvguuzsuuuyng avg. aaavunuuun -7. -.. `mw _-.9: ..,'u.* r b _ 1- `a:d.Dmgtrouhlehk:PSC_KlNE. texrihle nnnlahmanrua I H yuan! term : In the puifatentiarv. Ind then appear to foxgut boo`. that bunting false wit_-r neas ism breach 4-! `one of those` com-u E ` under the laws or yaarbnuntry to fnI- ` 1 prinonmsnt in the Phneuntiuxy far ['4 3 lyenrn. iv 1 trial. iI:~wau-- orcedmpou my mind `:7 thin I sbuhld cnnalunthat pl jtnd all ` it: bearings andlh uni it `Ddaslble. : some zxonnd for nbtviuilctiiin the V a some thingzr and not wanting in`m_a_n- |_., n talmpacltv. should r.onu:bIuiY.- laym $ . youraalt open to- such a 4.-hixgei and it ' H d Em" `nZ"Ex`g;;iEJC i c an put Iogema any garment the plainest sliirt mic, to am most ammo. ate drms. The whola fanilycin learn from urse. We lpva Iaug_bt over seven I F havodacided nut to` pass an sentence- " at punutunalt upon you at pruaxt, I but tcrunspanni that sentence ragerving, `J '; '_ tgrunspand 4 `, thd xigh: II it were, to all god ups. .3 7: pnmg future-time for the 'pnrDoua` o- "3 3, mggipm it. "Your future conduct and i` pauuun uuu. um um --vv v---w- --- Havlng nuivod at that roncluion I have decided L: an-airi or boat of mind some` I mbral obliiiili. Imighr any, a reanunuibld hr the vexy nexioua m. .<.... A "tn.-`Va.-m ` tellinn the truth. any excuse in that case mora Minn ' in others, but tn deliberately calfuplfn the Almightyto witness that he in when not. and- .,. aingcau`-mus. an nadir o`.whii:h't,he -hand reu:a':ve.~ many-I:-urpiilneuha mud annzmunvlaxbiunw In` mu: - ~ ~' quantity Vospra councjl. --.....:| ...-e ....._....-` unc \.uuI:c- nu nave uugn: over thousand drespamaking, and gum-nntee la ` zivrva hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of I4 and I