._~ ` M. " . It : always then: hand) um`... Vnu needv waste n1.j:` Yo_u. ngediwasm Lehunting around foi- ` mjs p1ac'edlnstEE]1i- ' ' "elx? mometet 1s can-.:uuy _au- .jusbed` and undergoes :1 practical test :-by ht-:a,b-'-'is * m-oven cizrmci: before being ` practical test >-by nea,u--n ; pmven sent out. seq: 0111: ' The g-u.res.which show the requirekidegree of heat" necessary for thest_1ccessfu1 hula ;-in of bread. ca.kas,pirs. -' neces_sa.ry for the S\}CCESSIu1 Wba.ki`ng of bgvead, ca.kcs_,pips. etc... ar pfainly Wba.ki`ngot;;:ead,ca.kas_,p1Vrs. " et_c... _a1-l pla.i_n1y ipscriibd" inrbladk (in a. white ehaniei ....`.c-. r-. `m tha thev` axe ' "surfaiue, so that _'t1`1ey`,a:g "_ easily radk1b1e.'e_ve}x,when thedayisdull. 2 ' 1'4: vnu-r 'IneaI~"- dash;-. , . If your loea1~'~ gea4.Le_r_-1 noes:-:l1_'t:he Pnsfora; .w:ij.p-a `ai m.I:i' toi-:1 free boqklet ' ' '_"` xv-maumm THURSDAY-NOVEMBE3 14. 1s_o'_r_ 7 AvIu&iIn.11|nt8licnIWcodu1&`I"- .` Vnuhivingn. ' `A- convemence Lnuun 7 appreciated by eve;-y` oiv-n.cr of :%`Pandora is the'towel rod`attac1:_ged to the range. A: .-.m~+.hird of the rod ._ rod`attac1:_Lpd the xpzniey gf Q11??? -'Y: it mgtkes" a. splendid knife sharpener. ` _ |" J O. _ \ Asoncrthirdofthemd