. ms-ah-d I-borfu, ..;..... -hum nmvpruontod dlnptly in_tha Don- Inloniovanlnent than being only on I ouwonccnditod xoprouonmives In the Homo. Ind'manr manic. or both cloth of Hen/n_. Mnclnu and ; Bludhalnyo were vioelully d|_unpolnt- lngcotha hbor|to`c|uuo, but II 'm_ I the tanner nntbmnn. `there hum. ' the femur gvntlsizaln, `there 5 it be wondered at. with` a roynution Io wholly dlnnmdltod for political In` mm}. 11:. txouhle. um um lnbor- ' lku_ln CInnd|_ I: `am they have I0 I largely alnh thalnaelvaa our to the a ( pxotoccnln: mnnnllctnranf intexolu 1 tin! lhuv lull wholly to urclu Ihlt " cumin: _the`vmlfnro ol hbox. Hull 2 by right at nnmbu-_ Ind xenon) In- Iulllaonco they nhould "examine. Inluviewod at Ottawa: Hon. Mr. f ridding. hllnlntdr or Finnnoa, ex- plulnod why It was now: incumbent I on the Dominion Tnunu iau nnnnlv ' V such: Hum. Mr. Fmalnn uhi;l:o I - inn onunlrlng into the complaint (hut ` r the bunk: were not doing their duty In tho" m|ttar.af unpplying tnndl nobonuy lo th mung;-y : lagmmnto : . lnulnen - - ` `IBIS. ` : n. Wui. Robinson of Cokumwn is 9 unending` toy -dIy'a"_,hn;6 with he: pnrentl. Ind Mn. Hui]: Glen and cnuwln. . mu Odall ol.DownavIow. xivxalv : Ing_bor Illnt. Mrs.` Odell. ' I 'n.Inu. an-M... cal m........u.. .._.. We uuduuind` 1!: Ruin Hand 1 Blmynon I1-no -`win Nth: blxch in ( 5 Qloqnl P!u_un_t;_sc1o`oI_,dnIin3 the oaudn; utunhlo ` am V taboo; during _ pat ygnr. vwo nclclpnto n proli- -,_. ..v... as. am.- isms; (';;'ixhl_o'7'il-.ln`ahool ' ; tho your V o nGl'clpnto' t;-_ `. _Iblo y,nr_!,or`_-"la; pmoncctlve.:.:'u3:'::u. The Ipbxbich of wlutokwu hardi- ,_d by the: 11?: Igndo-w 'a&oha:md at the Inn :u ; " a I ` p %:.?y ulna. "' _ at arvery. high ! x_[nda-lou1npunlod` `ow ,o_ I in "" "' x.a."m'7aB""'1.:'i'5`o'i ,z::..hoalnm5rnAIqygno nntwzhzouh I -`Max.-;*=.=.;-_-I.-3-`.~.I-.-.-;-_o--2-wan-IV _Wa us very many to honor the i revue` illnau of Pe:cy.G|mpboll at Bums Honpgtnl. - John Mnnhnll `Ind Mute: John Vla- llad~Shnlsy Mu-shill in Toronto dur- ing Tlnnhglvlng week. W: In van ndnv tn ha-y nf Ith- 3' 1. aE..`...z....(u, unu: n-umcnn t|Ia-d:t'ut cl ag Dumcntic undidity tor Gonna: at.-ta.-r L Auteur: . en- i,,u,plnt_al_(ty at upjurds at 5.009. .` 151: auction. wuof non thin or" I-vildnyuvqnht itiltqiig -, I In IIIO UIIHISC ll. ' I The Athletic Club lntannfholdlng a ' ooncextpoon In aid of a skating unk. ': ' Thong intelaated _nra working but! t I makoltaanccaaap, . '.` was. All welcome. '- -' l rqnoe. -huldn matting on Mbndav. ' olccu-word Installed:-- _ . , - Sninty Bnv DIV. 403,. Sony? ol"1'ein- A ow. -11. at which Jhe following I H ` I `MT . I ` 1, _Q:g>anl|0:-'31:.` MnggI_o`Pn.lk.F ` V ` ` ",'.l`he.0!lem will be inland to Man 1 nnnymambexs u camnoamblv do no. ennoggf ._he.- meeting on Hand .1'1;v,nn1_,ur, NOVHQIR 14. uni I .11 ., jl ` `V ' I } Ij - Mr. and Mn. J. xliughau. vlsltod ,` mend: hj Cherry Crook, on Bunday. . Min Macaulay of Strand .la'vmun; I her sister In Burns. ,3`v _ ` Tuvalu` .u`m.. runny an , '.`hnn I; nbnnluulr. meals; to hind ` iii Jupinsioh-an: beaming wmgln I Ihclo gonunuon the `virtual ownbu .ol.i|I vhullul` nnaurut at British xnmbh eonhouaxl at In . dutlny." the Is. It urn-, Ckiok Iluhlgnllon in ho bu allowed. _ t Gloh addl: -`the common In- -'n`:-hp thllvplyountollnn cg m can `kiln: whlh labor nnnosybdobhlnud: >160 obvloni nlolndnr in than unima- I Mr. And Mn. Wm. Stewart via! r [Hands In Cherry Crack, Sundny. We imvilid n`nnn2l: clan Mn: ! _Baxlay........... , Alain Clover seed, . Der bus 7 oo '9 Clever Seed . . . net ulnar In nuns. "' ur. Worm bu been vi-mng7 mn _Wm. Mnnaer. . _ V _vvm. mlDB6l'._ Mn. Wm. Webb In vlaltlng he`: can- Brown at Bally. who in CV8! 39C-u---nun WOOLAND RIDES ' anw':;ahea......'.; . 11 .Hu:ite`n` nx-5` ohtu!_1""o'ut`w' D .0.t.luto- and. report h i `a 3 gpogz. _ > ' .` . .&qIkmn and luoaun Ioucu. __-In `fpnnnhg In" llnd. dill II no.- Iga Juno . motruop.` - - 2:-.:-;:= M Rev. J.` J. Saul oniannduy` oven ng. 9|-:9 minimal: 1 . ., , Inn own ed tho: Ell ` 'Annlvoru`ry `:Iozvl1;i_:1p_roignnoctiou ` wlrtho MathodiIt.,cb`I:w!I horn `IvIl_l I D be held nut` 8Ibbnlh- whnn Rev. I D Walker ot,Klng.IlILuXllh'.It 11 _a.m. i Salad 7_ n. m. ' were u ' on- SatnIdi y'.`,n'%9eu9!ln'g' man of thbit` old` nalghbot; ` Nellly. - . ` Mr. uia_um 1>n`nm ofBi`n'd!% J Mina Lizzie. Watt "of Allandnla 1: n ) visiting with her punt.` Mn, Wu. :1 i, Npi`lIy. I ' `.j "' ` " ` ,~ , Annlvoru`ry:IoxvIu_n'n_ , _ wlt,h tho hornwvill I 1' _n_g_xl;' 8I_l_J_hnlh - _wh_nq_ 3 g H; H. O-ttoncg 7~'A"v'= -=v`5`i'-'33 STORE OOOOUUUUjCUUOUQUUQCDEUQDOO< ` \JDll -mu non nu onrltoquantly med brtho Indium of the Ponthweat :3 an omn- ment and unnlot. It was nmillnr to the pnmmvo ntmnomot, and null Iona II near, Inc an: an acrlt datlutlon. E icntlon bu been 'attached to It by"vnlouI ' madam. Pnnolnced SWAS'-Tl-HA; of Ban- ,,,....,. ._ , _ The Idell Cooking Rsnge; can He chlnged fr_om,couI woodjin n'nu`nuf.e. Beautulin deniip. Perfec in opention. _-44 V V '........'_- .-u-v _THE R;5 rAL IEWELL` noun, good luck, long un And proupcriny. The SWASTIKA In tho oldest am: And tha oldest. who] in the world. or unknown origin, in mqnent use in pl :-hlntwle times. It historically r-at Ipvuud on coin: u an! an the you 815 3.0. r The Bwutlh bu boozrdloeovexedf on I In coninont nngopg tho.r_u!n; of Hexieo 7 Cenralv-Amer1ca;1nHa-at-yreu-W all all -lI-nll.dI -ll 1W0 Aall this luhlonnbla gooqngk jewelry In Enameled oi" ' Oxldlzad Soar! mu, sub Buckles. Bi-seams`, Bnnglaa. at nub, Brooches. Watch Iubl 10: Ladies 0: Mon, em, etc.. `[0016 Stick Pins. Baht : "Bib Plum`. 'I.m-knu. -nd nn mun` . BARR}? Exaiuilvt. u-I-an-In-II-null-llgll-Ilcll-ll-II:-ll-II-II-ll-II-Ildlullu e Idell Cooking be chlnged to woodjin denign. opention.__-_-3 Cull Ind 599 them It our store. - - _ _ . . A _ cnun nnunl-In mm 3 u I1`I\t\v~v'A`- ---u u--. nun" us. unuunul cluno at the`-'B,lbla uh I school hetfon Bnndny m 11:. and `llI'u.;Jn`o. "II . __ _ _ _ V I ",4 Bothwell s Block, Barrie ` g&mg rnIt%&JABo.|; 3-. A Inn-nn i I I.` lliillnlal-A-Innooon `cl-V m . '-- II0olhehI|. gap:-nu-an-mu gem um 39- Iohlo-el hr-anlnI.|:in'loosIity. _ husfxo I.uur,u`o In-quot. runny-ay- but I; h