7. V . I ,k I ` r-%- Livia; a uuuu - --vuuu 12;jc'aud`15c Men : Lilian Cnllurs for-..... #sJlun'a.R.ed,aI:Id Blue Hagqgfyggggn for 10c Man`: Whilza Cambrio Handkerchiefs for 8e_Men'a,R,ed,aI:_Id Hl!.1Bf.fE_\_|_BE_fi)_1: ..... . `Mqnfs 25 Man : Cashmere Sex for .... ........ 40 Man`: President Braces .. naiw Irish Linen cm. 1254:, my . . 40 Ball Bleached Iahla Linen !ot'_....... LACE` CURTAINS at $1.50. very whip and 3% yds. long Sue. nar unit . . . . ` CURTAINS at :1..';0. map am: as yus. 10:13.. 7. _Stlg, per pair ..... ..... ... .... .. _BRAI.DB, 5-yd. bunches of Cortical-ll Skirt Brad, )1: k and alf mlnn. par bunch. . . . black ' V Cortiualil. Skirt Braid, in black x'vMan s extra heavy Tweed -`lhirfa at $1.75. Sale. Men : 81:00 Ribbed nit U_ndn:shirt.s, Ami Lxaw .. .............. .. 54; . Mon'n_Molaakin Pants at 754:, selling out at.._.. . ;_.o ut -u _Dry Goods, Clothing*f6r Men and `Boy `_, Boots;Shoes&*Rnbbers, i`V!en?sEurni.hings, Ladies" Co;1f_sf,. Skirts and Bfous-es , Underclo-thing, Blankets, Dress Goods,_Cloths and Tweeds, Hosiery, . ' Gloves, Linens, Cottons, Trunks, Valises,'>Etc., E_t(c. - `;;NM7:"n s Glove Grain Laue a1i:PGaiter Boots, at 1.75, to cl - M"en s.Fine Dqngola Laced or Gaiter Bopts at 2.50, to c ` M`en s.Fine Turned Sole. Soft Kid Gaiters as 2.25,'clanri1 B09LTs%AN1> SHQES--aw Pairs to be $9 `M"en clear at .1.9B M'en gs: 3.25,'clanring :1: 1.69 "`Mzn's Highest Grade American Patent Colt Laced Boots at 5.00, aal 3.65` Women's Pebbled Lacqd Bong sf? 1-,50_:.an1e 1-32 , I luau ._.... `Pl ...... 'M;.n's Split`Bdqtsin black withhingle Sdl, at 1.35, to dear 38.99;. Men's Tan Grain Bpots at 1.35 and 1.50, to clear at 1.15. v A Mn s Solid_Leather Heavy Soled Boots at 1.75, to-ales!` at 1.39 Men's Wat roof Bluchcrs at 2.25, sale`1.89 . -r Boys Kin` B uchers at 1.75, clearing at 1.39 l Chllrs Heavy Lace_d .Boots, la) clenrat 380, north 60 Yuths' `Heavy Gram ]3oots,nt,l.2-`J. sale 99c. ` ` uh I IIIIIU VI-TIYUII I 3"` A Yriilondom cioarlng of $10,000 \vVoI-III or ask. a my sum, om-ooau, Roofers Jana. llluarn Iaolnlnavls. No rqnorvo u oioryunlng muutio. _ -r u (!I; Child's Laced Boots, _wor Y_o`uths' -Hea nootgu 1.2:), ' Me"n rain : `Mzn's sale 3-65 Pebbled Laced Boots at 1.50,,an1e 3.50` High Grade Goodyear Welted Boots, in Lace, Button or Blucher, to clear at 263 2.50 Dongola Bluchers, Cuban heal and Patent '1'ip,_ gxje 2.05 " 1.50 Dongola Laced ,B'qo _P)ni.u or flip, clearing at 1.19 ?_ _>% 1.75 Don cla Blycher'0x tn-as at 1.38 i. _ , > L Choice. of 0 _Pa1rs of Oxfords and Slipgers, up to 1-75 in value. 9-11 to so at 990 . -Misses' and Ch1ld`ren's Boots, Shoes and blippers at less than to-day"s Wholesale Prices. (_Lh1ld'S ueavy Laceu Jaaogs, I70 clear at mac, _won:n Iwc Bootsnt . MEn clear at 1.39- M-`en's .1=`ine Donqola. Laced Gaiter Boots Small. Wares at Half Price`. GLOTHINB SLAUGHTERED jnnnlnnn Elan:-Inn nl (IIIJIIIII wnnllu Al I I, V C. IRWIN, "Barri;e","L_ha.ving ` decidd "to RETIRE .fr'Qm: the Rctai1 Bu siI`1e_ss, begs _ftb ';anno .;1Iig;j`5_" . _;_-Note` These .._.._ n_u_.. .. Extraordinary Announcement Aigantic sneaking sane of his whole $52,000.00Ast6ckVnf .a.v.L\v_AL 0 exam $0 198 Single npd double breasted, L11 collars, mndhn and im- ported Twee,d"in'nl! "B5165. 30 "EH15!!! 315 37.50, 4 9.00, 10.00 md 12.00,- all M) go It ....... ...V ............. .. - nu L-.. w-_.-2. ....A 4:... m._...) .s..I: *' .a.....:_.... -u 5-; nu. --av Lger Tweed: 1.n_ acylia designs. lhlesmtting, bhoka and navya'~ includ- beautifully made and perfect ning; the famous Fnultlaas Brand. We will put those suits up against my $15 or n -95 ' t-h1:Bm rfe Frieze. 0vercon.t\t`thnt were 5013 up to $12.00 all at ` "one prico.... I Uvorconnstup-to-dale in style and perfect tting, strong linings and wall mndq black And All cy colors. _All to go 7 48 `I ,5 in and lot at ................... ..' ............................. . . ` Overcome, higiiut grads English Beuvers; Fine Tweed: and `Cheviata, slated seams, padded shoulders, Merry Satin Linings and mohair sleeves. The rwell Fauleleaa Brand and nanny Bi-and ax of tin kmona Semi-ready Brand, up to $18.00 1 and 30.00; `:0 clear st ......... ... ......................... .. -::h---j 8c.mIaind-Ei1l'1'wM:-fox-......... .......... 1000 dn:an~Fancy Drain Buttons 15. :11 (or per dozen. me F'ull-weight Sha'tl:nr1F'lou for 4c Spool Odunn. Ill i:um!cn.... 7c Gnu-doIf'CoIl Snfaty Elna . ..... '26 Fnncy Frlllinga-;`uch.. .. 15c homarldul Shoo Polish lourfuthubona, paryud --jj beautifully Fnulth will up against my 9 20.00 Suit you ever s'uv..Ind'ye: they will all be sold M5 I f\.-........... 4.... _ I . \JVCrl\il @ID Bu-gains of a lifetime. 154' Oven-coats of light, medium and whesvy-1n1igh%hr1:.Eanv:rr-`Whipeurd;T(3haviutrTwuiiTJud " up g n 0! bag! Womeda and Sugar i.n_ aeyliahf Perfegtly tailored and imlhlesmtting, navy!` ed ix_1`_t|u1ob. An opportunity will not occur again so ` ' to Buyhese at :95 0! Biglg GI-'i'le -Englmh Wprneds, in-fancy -weaves, black and ' nnvy, baud milored, wide padded shoulders, nest tn-inmylings, one pnco.................. . ... VII!!! Ovorcontsxuip-co-date in style and perfect tting, strong linings made. fancv All no an no vvl aongu ' Everybody know? che- D & A Brind. Ihey bal all ofhar . makes for real` service. Lona. medium Ind Ihm-t_ waists. All styles ny:d_ sizes at 753:. B0; and 50a; Any style yen like for 440 yr Biwrlnu ye: may mu nu Overcoats imn, 15` nu...-.-.\.'o. no! I Iwllmur annaulgzf Corsets. 5|.-. nx. A Dr... THE -BA.,ERl'E_ B(AMIN!R THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 I907 and many , 7 11.75 nu... nu... ; A n-a. `Ike mqm Manhehnar `mndtlatli-dhi `B61-11:1`. 'G'a'rni_Iu7, the Wurldfu-Etlndud at Style. $5.0Q.('Jontg9:_[3,75: [LBCI Gulf: to?! 85.90; (10.00 Calf! for 87.50`. 312.50 uni $13.50 for $10.00. hilt Sedan : Cow: to go at ANY llE30IIII.E OFFER you nuke. ' .LV.l.%l.l 5 .1. (`I133 81.60 fdr $1.25, $2.00 Pants for $1.50, $3.00 Punt: or $2.25, 86.00 Pints for $3.25. ' L. ; Ulsters Men's 55.00 long Friezz Ulsters, to -clear at... ' Ba paper: of Pius for. . .. Ga. be-wsgxuurnaealu. 10 Cuban Funny Toilet P} 2. . 1: bunches of lane for . . 81000 Englislpcord-lmed or `saif-[mad Ulster; m ~~dI.rk- g1-ey.aelli_nga2ut `n-of .. -` - - _ _ , 660 Coats Elf Tls Season's Make tbiIc'cltaMd at " Sacrifice Prices. Pea Jackets and Mackinaw " (`_na fa .-s`4g.ag.a.-.-;_ . `rs. ._ . . -_.._._ Oxie ofvtixe `Lax-gesfstocks In 5000 Pairs at Less than Facfory dist Rulirs {ii _V _Evex-`y Prbuae and in Every Size. .....- . ,.- .. _., .. . - _- ._ _: ,.-;.,~ - _Wi!m:n s 65. Heavy Rubbrs fut-Jr 50 `Lnmbern1ei1 B' He}:vy"`iI_ulb`e1-is 'n:t":bn' 3:; Women's 75. Best Grade Rubbers for 60 Men s Heavy Buckle ,Ru_b_bers no 010:: u 1!len s 95. Rilbbers, in an Shapes n_nd Sixes, for_ `We. Boys Heavy Laced Rubbers to clear 59 Men : $1130. Rubliers, of linen: quglny, fa; -851:. Bays Atguma Buck]: Rubbers M: 1.3oo1 Child :-en's gnd__,pIissE"Rnbbers 25. 35:2. 40c and 50:: 1, Meufg, Heavy Rolled Edge,` wdorliixad. 15, Youths _ 60. Rubers for 45: _` V '. ' Metfs St`ub`Pi,"o o'f 2.25, Boys 7 51: and 85:: Rubbers for 65, , High Cilt Wpcl Lixied Sfub Pi-Eiofna $60, , vershoes, Larrigans, Shoe Packs, and Legg'i'n gs, at the same'.Reduons. Lumbem;en s Sox, 600 Pairs to cleaxat BARGAIN PRICES. " T-runks,Valises and Suit Casesjat_Who1;$:ale "inhmi._1erieL;_xd- Insertion. ./ Dress Ggoagsi` `Ladies New T Men s Pants Q1 nn nun. 9.... (1 an Qvxnn Sc Laces tor . . . . . . .. n hea:- 10|)-box Exit Plus .: 15 Lidia Tnrxyavet Calla RUBBER FOOTWEAR % I . is : 5,754 : 4.50 Ladies` Heuiy Wool Base `at 18c um. "" 1:a'a11:|rcasnnma11uanrasc:-.sxxunascr----- Thu real 50:: lslainii; asujbn; qt 31x. , But (31169 75:: nnnorgd Canhmem Eon but 60:. Heavy 50c Wm-stud Rihbod Ehua tn: 35. - til '- L. 1.1 "%?...1?ss4Amaf%$.`='f - ` x ...,..u,.. .. The bmnunrelann-Skin.` or.iv'!:lh'i: who pa-amen cm:-d.- A11- In Bxoadclotjll. Vengejgnp, Vigunai. Au ian,s,th-..'I'm.n 98 any I.--=1-a M] -1! M 36 lgcsfaa Wa_can Qt nor!_u.t!y in this from |'MI'_grut utoc_k. For Eit,`$`y1a'. _ _ inch: u.1u_. Ian-.Bir-.nn 1!..Iwt_=r1-I.-!!-i..in Ci!-sh my It-`si ma. mix. V299, 06-?.43I: m% ' The um-37.50 Herringbone man can (gIuuntoeI.l)g ` . , ` KAI" (J"t`I_'l_ _ A L.` 0! heavy G:-ay"I`will, strung Ind wiceable. at 85.00, ` . u cluring out at ...... ... ...................................... .-_ C3! to clear um mu-2 `" "'St" ~-~-arm - " "y *~1 :ar:.9 ...1?`z."3 n;?Aeeaaf.'-.`:;.5`?f It ............................ ..... ..................... .v ` "`ime* ALL T0 at rogcgn pm`. - on skin coats. ,- Men : In 'VVaf5r'p1-`o'o .r.a:.m. It 12.50, sauna` 1 _ Tvljo` Fan _|i`5`\ IIlIA|"I'l Brand. ` - K ` 640 Petfect-Flc1'.ing Shin: Wglqta in Silk; CEEIIII, Bllcknnd all colon. ' New Silk Wllallfof this .a|'aon'u atyln so be- upon you at $1.98. I139. WIS! -aud,"84s8. Olalrlng :`nd_l_Z;_awn Waist: Ind all` Whit: Undrwux. Uxldurakirh 1'lPV`:- . .. . ' In the two 6! aha` rapidly rising leathei market we wil1`cIear out the Shoe Stock at" less`-`than to-day a V )\ u.I.`. .. 1 an A.. _l',..._ .. nu- m ..m., ........ ` V B'Hchvfiubtfs 'I:t'bn' ` 1: 1.40. Boys 1.40.. - Boys 1.30102 1.00 , 115, at: 135 St~ub Pij`o'o'f Lacedlkhnxk-`sc ..:._1.95 Pfiiof 1: sale 2.25 / - `llilltnl yg , $|,200 VlorIfhn'l'I : Bo Got Rid 0|. Wool A V I;I"R`!1i.F>C mama? $1.-00_Sat.aa9 aid mm-uimmad Kjmnnui S:la._nq spun: I. _ Iyulutau Tvljo Pinon.` llhla :-Fltr.in1 Shirt Wnlata Silk: Cr! l`w1lL atmnn sarnceable. Blnanxnllxlulnamrauc. 5193!? -`its :_ a-_ _ . . _ _ : _ _ - n.__- Bosiry, Uorl|:'l'| s in am The Biggest and Newest Stock of'Goods ever assembled under one roof in Barrie, to be entirely closed out without reserve. The greatest opportunity ever oered in the Cotmw-'af Sim`- ooe of supplying the needs of every member of the family with reliable goods at an immense reduction in price. This is no fake sale. We have always kept faith with the peqple,_ whenwe announce a retiring"'Tsa.le, _we mean that we are positively giving up the retail business. ' ~ , ` ` . Every dollar's wortlfrof g'oods,in this big store` must and will be sold. Absolutelymothing reserved, as every article will"positively "be`cIeare1i 'o`t'.""'It""is`iot'iioW:i simply a detenninationlto turn this greatstock of goodsjnto cash, without regard to cost or value. In the past 11 years we have made our prot and are satised. Now our 'old.custb!iil`3_`a_jl `_ the people of this-County willhave their chance to make money, by saving dollars.and cents on every Fall and Winter need. During this sale goods may be had at LESS than acgua;1 , cost.- It_ will pay you handsomely to anticipate your wants and buy a year's supply ahead. Such a chance may not occur again in years. A $52,000.00 stock is seldom thrown on` the market for sacrice. No matter What the ehstance, you will make money by coming to this sale. On purchasesof $25.00 and over we will pay return railway fares within 50 miles-of Barrie. ~ ' ` I-_Iere are a_-few examples of the great money-saving this sale means to you. Do` not suppose that this list comprises all our sacrice prices. These items were only nicked bin at random` sacrrnce. No matter what the mstance, will make ngoney by coming $25.06 we` paiy rziiiwivay fares 7\1Iti7th7iVr1 376Vr7r I7iles"ot'Ba.'rr iV:. ` . _ are a-few examples money-saving this comprises prices. were only picket! 61:} fit ragapm`, from among `the thousands._ We have no room here for more, but we assure you that every dollar's worth of this great $52,000.00 stock-Wi-1l~positiveiy be sold for whatever the goods 'w IlI 'brnig'. `apper: ofPinu for. ... .... . . L .