Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1907, p. 4

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_ Will yo'u`ia'11.n& annual} on} mock of Shot signs and mag... A vary-lsrgo._una|-`uent to. chocugltom. Our slock enafxb_of the Ioilowing: 1 , cu, llFI._lI Ivtglivz Tia . 3'51, 7190: M d9l`.Win_cl3star Aammac Rapma;-.1-no. dawn. ` .. 1-'he 32 Wincheitr Specinl,.H.Iif O<;tog(;n' ` - ' (I V ll II II Tho 30 - may 30 Winchester cgzbsni with 8ii1::g sm`ps,a= Bcaivqr Sights The 38-55 Winchester, Round and Octagon, for` `either Bllpk or Smohlexs Powders. `Th! 30 Windzester Cgrbine with Sling Strnps,J: 33:55 for Blmk ` " - - ` V ` The 25 and -32`Sevens Favorite Ries. __ V _~ ' The 22._Ind 3_2'; f _(_}x-nck Shot Ries. V ' nu allot nuns we Iuvs, )2 Gauge Sin'g'le Fgrrel Breech Loaders. - 12 633350 Dublesrrel Stevens Hammerlesa. 12 Gage ]_)_dqhl'B_nIix'e1 Belgium Guns, All puts interchnngohbje - Trvcnr Bensmohalans Pnwnr n :. . w:......- r~...o.;.1... 1... ._. . - _, , _ _,_,, ,_,,,,__ _VVatc'hmakeru -#~-Je'3veler `- -* Azlljingraver `. - - % spbrt ` t.f11en?'Atfehtibji..i. -; , . .. u- ' L Chgmistzana ` Opbliiv ._ ; ;yiuJ_;L;i1:ette`LWitX;heT V buy?Sej;his;%3Tukns and [ A`ng1(:a;%:i;iitiion%" % hem; ` {$PRTSMAN s for quality and quick 7e'rvicv.-, w9:`'t.' prices. V Leave .ym1r next sat-. ch `. vvvvvvvvvvvs . 1f of iasg. ' ,- S,tationery. ' I " !, pvvgv printed riglft while you are Vatrit; ` -iiohhing tells more for` a mnnthui "good yrinting. Our imprint Ehandh . ffdr and quick 7e'rvicv.-, 'Iowg`ga ta prices. next n.|\umuu.u ' -r ` - _ > -l!Iu.Wn':.' Ox-hig `at-Barrie spent `a -Jaw dnvo hem hat weak belvrexamov-` I *3! '99 . ~ ' . 9 t _wapa:;,_;ar nu; ta` onn_tnntly'taig:z. ` . '3;"';:.;.;."3i. `.-..".i"$`:';.`. 'v v`.3 e vv_fonum,-.m.~ < - - 2 . , ' ` ( *=.i,-a.::r.: `*`.`.`:..'".`.`....:."..3 II vumng along: hire. . Jami Sexton orsan E`mndaco 1:; Sa- _ iii; an mm. mm` 3` Kqlly. ' V Thain `skinny `mu 1.; M ...`... .... swam `win bezojwnize for .vv-m:;.{or this in, nI_t-n,_ly'Ia|lipza --5-Jigs. M. 'hlcQnary at Bums in mm. c .23, -:2 .::#.:....:*..*.=::..:*-:.*:'...;",f.: g the viqit1ng'nht|vu here and `in t` Oolllngwooi." ` . _--~r-v--~--..r.----(.1: In. `A dr Potli I Coma nod 11 n1dnI;hz`l`e?l:it,n_:h:ma. jg," - Rnvimizh ....a .: laun-hulvuuoum-duchanou any mung.- 'A *3. .. ,- ' . V llttla son in: nrrlvod it the bonus I lllolIIll'"lt tho `I ...% & :.*`?`A.':.-.r `$...,*A.`.=i-`*~';*..~*'1..-:'==`,:.**:; % _ . l_ V \ ' Jil'&L-"~PIft!'ldu.+-Just-c`hraa u . \ VIQO: _,__ _.;- . Oct. 'I:-`Mi,n Jung Keny 6- Tmnnto lg v|Iit!_n3 xi`an\dJ hare. .""..*"*T1.` , ` s a- ` ` x.-.m..........=-==V W -*=**--, llttlamn hnn nrrlv-:1 It 0.- |.....{.. u g}: emu. `Kali mg mp nag; I` I room ' at lb-?lo. n.n :`n'boVn:c`qtA:r n'qlng. : ` Robb. ncuumi manaaa an Alr ' ._ unuwaq/oo3unna.,..\ ` `rote. lHI5h hu' um-ma puummuc I|IOdll| III_IDlIlliIl., I I ll-I Ilnnln.Hml|.|. unnmuznl! puuoiunu I_puIujuu_uoauunn;._ : '..`:.`.P:.`:`.'.`:'.'.'..`:';'*" F".'*`?".`9`e nu. 413.1. x..`.. ` ' ` wu nmnmnlon nu nuuy. ` - ' ; ` Onnlo Tunbill` hninturniod .24: his ~` Home -It Baxter u gu rpondlnz, n , month with Tali qIcIo._ Juno: . 1 n In with awe. mm-..`1.m um ' nix: 'bon':e'u:e touowiiig'"a'ay"E ' -tuna um nunmxor his am. who - vonnnoxpectedlypuaaad nwny Mom ` any ovmlng. The banana family have ; ` ` pp; aynaplaay. . 1 TH: enrnnntnn n .m.i'n mu-mu. at 2 ppgliylnny. ;. ,-._ ,. 1 ,Ihi ta " " `hi c ..,.-wm. "W" . Than!-ma Churcli at 3. n, 1, aim; I mum-,y `A; Pet nu -um. _uuuu: uvuv. Lu: 8 6 Vince waxgnhnivt biz` unxvu Iv wall ' attend both morning Ind ur- dnf -the threatanlng day. Revfuj`. at Mlnaaing oondqctod _lha 3' A. nIoom'wna.cut_o`ve:thiu e6m- ` xnnnlty yesterday on hearing or the,` _ 539:1: or Mn. James 'Plrt6ge oll mm wan: vnu: menus mare. If ' . llimrlaitun o!_Naw Fin: was the u ; uncut of her -aunt. hln."Ihomton. a couple of any: this week. . " Mina nuns Bnlnevimnt over Snn- ` , Mlu Edna Hnzhes is vi 11-|ea_da !_n_',l;ho_m_tgn ghla wopk. ` Howucflack wantfn Tm-nnl `- manor ot`helng*one o!:tlfe*beaFi`iiil' mung: no_rn_u_;n gum W698. , Howudlack want to Toronto yu- Oerday f/uthe Medical College. \A number from" hue `wine at the Goohlnwn Fur last week. The strand Band wiich was there in tn!) force]! zaceiving many compliments far In good music. Our band has the 1 hands in tho count` . In-slain -Ahnnhnp .-..-.e.....-.:....u ` Mrs. R. G. Ilccrawtrptni-nod honio Inn was): ham Cookabown wli'ue' `she 1 -'. had be,a'n visiting `her mother tor a 7 coup|a owo_pIr_s.- V. 2. vwupmozwqqI.- ` ; v H-meat Max-oas;1n;:.'roro`neg vlniteg. { hlu'nnrantal_ _homa here tlghmveek, ' 1 r (`|)L`.);McPhedranspoI_1t':i,!aw ` ` dnyI_thu WBQk'ilI_Il'Q.'H , maunume: vuxu; home. _i "'1' 1 v " "J. -'r.~ id .1 d ` m Vgnuhvo l :n::c~n%:1o1:]in &I1I treat I ` I13 I E_`rt_puenb, Duhpgygpdsls i i (b.).nm>x;eams; dnys_tl:$a wao,k'in_ Ioranto; 1 G60. Mince: -7'! Ba? a 0 thin week. .Wo but int * ingmackuhere. 2 waif. -WeViIa;17Be i!I8`~`bak.)I,|:|'-9 :7` `\- `_ _ i . Dxi~_Mu`n -idv fowud` Blnclanq '1 ;' chaste: Mqcqpkey want to` Bums E p glIiI9*l:hgy_ purpose nttgbdlng ,tu9_B. ( ,',Mgnex, rBr.7"hu puhnaad ' Mn. L !l;`,_qrl1Ja'lel:;uae on Front. 1:.` occupied I" ;::' b*f"-`.~? ` ' ' A'lnrg`o number from here am 3 CqohtoIVn.'H'nlt_on Wodnun E r9n9rH`If'9" mu`. `u.....u.p.n...a.; naad ; rgp9nIoou;upow. , [ .iTh'bathankvo1!eriIig . Eng y g; : odn ` if 3`s Juno": Emd IH Mad" -`Indus ant .:.e`!.:.~:-a .`.?` . 1-`;".m .`.'.... 1. . nqnloladvo. . ' - 1 ml]!!! HI I WEEK]. _\ (roxn -ahothe: comapoiaenc) ,0ct.'1-=-wedlnusamn '7 T ._ uni L. Maine at Minaaiig is visit- itg Min 0. Bowman. j H 5 ` 9:1. gu:i6a fund Iuy_I mm Jan: Jll. aw. f , Min Kgte Rona oi Barrie about Bun- day with mm. Jan. Ross. The young monk`: soc-Iuty of 8:. Thomas Ohnxuh went I nlenunt even-` Inn at the pusonnge on `funds: Int. Singing, rocltnlonn and um; taylu the time plnasgnt y. M1. Elba] wmnm. .m.u alvod. n .1-{MA-S . . ' Oct. 'I--Mn. Joni Eow|rG`I.nd,Ml|I En Btlndnn In I mug in `$11., ` 3 E Hm Jnlm'n ;. nnuu .'...... I-VI axlnunn In unung u: 111., `nu. John auum suxowu f ' arm; after undergoing an operation. hnvlng` one of her aye: rumored. - Mm Quorum Wvnnn Dun v-turn-:1 ID K.I'lllVV'IlJlIvlIlO' I3 rqcoyerxnz. ` * I .:;::::::-'01::-.I:::.~~ :`- -":'"' % "Mrs. aedrge Mccnnlgla abfotobo around agaln `altar he: very. serious tccldpnt. ` . . " > Ai`chi_o Poe cg am.-la vlaihad nruul ' chxht hetero lnvtng to nttand Tomato` , Univeralty. , Him blonds wish him , ` any success. I IOIIJB. - . I , We-were sorry to learn .0! the death 1 ol Eduard /Travmp. who caused gwny 5 gal ` M ouligc, 9; 5 4-`K"l:ni3ay dvenl1'In." The r': x`xs-'vva':"o: 1 _ laid In Battle eemetem on So any -I momma. ` 1 Uur u_uuA:|u:xa, mus-5.; mas usher. 'attended._w : Convenglon in Guelph. ' I, . . ` 3. 5. nu.-go. U510. Reoort~6!3. S; No. l6, Orto': , o!`AugnatVnI:d Septuxnber, ' ' Oluu V~Mary M`cm:ho`x-n." rv`_v.uu.; n...a}.1I In LIIOIIIVWII: BITE]: BIIIIISW I * ` 9:. u-vi cox? Church. Shela yvell. Eliza _ milk? Angle Shelawell. `I an-.i1=:.' I--Ma an Gmiremnia; Whl 11:09 Eegrdaall, ul.olDlcke1_ `1` `~39 Ewnrl Emiml. I 1., `u 3`, I ` oanwnn. v- ` ` `. _ Mlaqlda McFadden spent Suuduy,aI: :, home. 4 ,_."WI'H`j\ElYk}_. j ' h&hI'.bJ.':V"ncK'E0(;ll! cca } . ...........,.... Bull. 7 ' . ' ` `V William Cole has gb'Iie' [or a',Ilhile.: ' ` 1' Penetzzg [Or arwnu-, _ J` W: are mad" no see " glna hB!'sIix{ f panama: ant}:-`doing. ' cunotnthu '0- : nvy" 9-0:; 31.35 ua.'.Do.siiu. In E ` 7}," _, um: H4. in `-~Tomnu Guilt" ag-0:39;, In-uln- ' - " J -v. Nu"I Luau.-LN`: `Quick 7".` .;..;.; im imam. `":"`: ""'- mu ` , \|l-eh` wt. ` . an nnxna :L__ ` IMP. ~V I ` jona-`um -1oco4. I` '-nuriuu:-r nun.-o I `_ ` Sir , ' ` Kingston. Oct. 9._-'Kiuga$nx.: I Mada : in Clmndq" exhibition` in pnpgreas st` ' the nrmanm was qrx_nn1ly'npe"n`ed'l.I59.. - ` 'P!`:-"Y:-."!=E``*`3.V"!`9'- ' ' What fgum ouu an -by--Lie ` . rug: 01nrk,,1who spoke quite 139- J ly"9ve: thg eg`eqt,`q'ne of Q. Coruisa `I ha- the,,histas1'-]ig`;?,sgzgot\ KI: : Iculn!' Kfknd much not- - up-. lFwThVulunRdiEdaExchngd ' London ckowhginn _ v _. Z 7f-wilylh ponsm xinglnsa E no..f`::.;z:.'s::K.f...'P*.,...-?::*.l "$35: . . pin they~a_:ti `qfgemng down I ma;-..goe.:mrqod latfing 4 .'.:"""'..,. ."' ""'"`,,,,;-,.;',"""". "ff :". ham `gluten on road uu 1'1: 'nu.5n.onu 653? mwnoaavnnura ' . 4' AA7'uyuA- uvuwu. Auuusuu . new. Hazel Dobson. Funk Robinson. Jan-' nl Wlgglu. Andrew Wallwln. - Geo.` ' nun.` Chu- McDanAWkeM1l):nC1.lrz.npeD, 333!) CI!- .wIggxus. Lsnamv W McDonald xiv Gnmpbb Chuile Dogur. V -r DY "11+VInIn Mn`? ; .Tc!n.n" E'1ii!nE.' , _Caragn.4; Andrew Wallwin. *Avarnge , gttendnnce 23. , . ` ll`. rinnl; - `- Brett. Maggie Brett. Elsie Sonia. 1>t'.t-"1m'k "ch 1,- x on Wirighis. G:o`nn'u l$n:fta:wl: shrug H (o_1;6_I(inu_9bt3ui.d_q_'lhe hg_h_eat_ cox_I_duc1: ' tones reproduced 1mm dh'oct' Bhuta- znpha.` g(vea'I.ne_gama laws in (arcs in tha"dmerant states `and pxuvlncea; I conI.a`!nn'umpa Iind all information `ob-' V an-ea lujhpgaugar. The publication is `neat _'gu__ __ a|g|:llI:gI_I1r_;n_'tg_J. _-D. `FB'w)1GICT~!I6WT . 5 Flour. 1zh_kers. pog bb . 5 00 I |' Flour,`1_an1ly, . 5 50 I - Shlox-ts; per ewt . ' -r : Bran. percwt. . 0 00 IIXZIFI. ` ' Jepnatt_,).I uouuzom Jag went. I xx. nndll B.-nu ' `in: in Bgrgin with ghndvu. 8 1* : Shal!ield7`Ik av] 4 t .m `ag; neuyooulndnfnb hno`cl-Egan 3! `-hoarding honeolora. Short:-cod cl a..- ` aireiilu,_g _ ungar. The `aeatroe op appllcat1on_'toJ. -D. Hobonlld. D. -P. A.. Union Station, Toxfonho. . - Amati isms; :- - Red Clever `Send. in 11< ' ga?rra-`7Ifrxa>- I'n`Th_e Cmlpfy o'f 7"S`im:c`-e`._ xiA_nRm .1&;ui1:.1r.1's. AUCTION SALE. --OF---` ' ".='oaf sin Vwl. .1. u. `noun . ' (l'lonl`Au xowoaue 0-azm `cu m. m..,.a in` . aim uhnmh Oct. 13 co` . nrnhn. bgneqta to ho

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