.. 5:: 39. V-_' and .11 colors, per bhnch..,............. `En : Moleskin Pants a_t Uic, slling out at, . an : extra _!Ieavy'Tweed Shins at 51.75., 3:19. . . . . $1.25, at -31.90 Ribbed Kni_1:_TJ'ngln1:h_hta.nnd Lmwqm. Sale .7443. . A " - . v . . Dry 'G6ods, Clong for Mi11"and fioys, Boots, Shoes &. Rubbers, Men s Furnishings, Lddis?Cba}g, _. "Skirts and`Blouses, Underclothing, Blankets] Dress. Goods, Cloths and Tweeds-,v Hosiery, V -Alqves, Linens; Cotton.s, Trunks, VA _V_alises, Etc., Etc. ' o:::orxsusine;ss% . , , , . ` , . ` ,_ I V} .._..__.. ` W {T1115 is 21' Bonade Sa1:'a'$W<=, 2`1re"po_si`ti ve1y Giving U13 ' Bui_rfes`sL _Don t be decgeived by a`i1ystat`e.`:neyx1`t to t1i`coiit_raLr}`r. Be alive mi your own int_eres`f. 'You4rx'i1on3 r worth savm . a_11ow'anything.to keep youaway fgom th1s- Great .Sa1c_a, the loss w1I1`be your own. ` ` , . 4, A_ - ' > V ~ 3 : _ _ ' " ' - 25' `extra hatids wanted for th-1s.Sa1Ve.. All ex;ger1e'nced Salespeople apply at once at` the store. ` ' V , , ' ' -;- -' % _ M`e'i: s Wat ` roof Bluchers at 2.25.` saa`1.a9 ` \" en's Tan Grain Boots at L35 and 1.50, to clear at 1.15. V ' ' en s Solid Lea_ther Heavy Soled Boots p1:.1.75, to elei- `at 1.39. Bo s ,Kio B uchen-_s ne1.75.;.1_enr`ing,_nt,1;;9 H ,_ . C d's Heavy Laced Boots, to lea} at 38'c',"wcith' 60}: ~ ' Youths? Hen Grain Boots.a_t 1.25, ale,S9e, . . . Men s Glove rain Laue and`Gaitei- Boots; at 1-75. to c1e:_n- at 1.39 , Men's Fine Dongola Laced or Gaiter Boots at\2.50,`t_o_`cleni' at 1.93 `. Meifs Fine Turned Sole, Soft K,id'G5i,ters on 2.25, clearing at_-1.69` Grain Laue aKdG:ii{ei" Botsi; 1.39 Men : G_aiter S ]Ien s clearing Men sH.i li'est`Gr2ide AmerfdahL.F_te:it Colt` Laced Bdots amoo, sale 3.65 Women's 'bbed Laced Boots-at 1:50. sale 1.32_ ' A -_ > $3_50'FIill Grade Goodvear Wcltad Boots. in Lane. Blittun 01- Bluclmr. tn clianr h'est`Grade Am`eridaii,..F_ tei1t ` * v 1 3.50'High Grade Goodyear ;YVcltad_NB_oots, B1ucher, to cfenr at 2.63 2.50 D_on ola Bluchers cnhun heermd tenant 'Iip'5'-"sale 2.05 - 1.5031) go ace cots, jPI.nin or Tip. clearing at 1.19 ' $1.7_5Da'n cla Blgcyet Oxfords II-$31.33 _ ' f- . (ljI`]:_sgs1:: Zfnd5(?h':l;:':fB?!}sdf';%:lsda?llpg%_[sq,K;up to 1.75 in value, all tor go at 99c 'pfs' at Jess thzii 19`-_day. s _YVholcs `IEU I IIIIIU _9L"IUuIl I EIIIEU A 1nmonaou.nIoa_i-any of $1ogIi0d`VbfIh of mini : ' ' lcjoytf Suits, Oval-ooau, llufars. -laelgu, gllnfgn and aol(1naw_u. No I-ucrvo gs evoryllalng nun go. it -u (1~ - . 3.50 nlgn uraue uoouycar gvextau Hoot E250 Gnh`z1nheeI'i xid"IPam 1.50:Dd'ngoI5 Eacaoots, o; :3 $1.75` Don cla Bluchet Oxfords n-$31.38 g_l3_oi:e_of 50 Pair ` `of Oxfardsi ,, ; 111,11), . .1.fc.4 IRWIN ,arriefhavingvdcidegtl "fa RETIRE-ffoxh "the Retai1*Busins_s, .-be.gs_ If_o .a:1i11.oi1iicf[`i % % zA GigantielJ|aringA `Sa|e:ofA hjg whole $52,000.- Stock of ,sm;.1Lwa:esaLHair,p:ia GLOTHING .SLA'l.lGHTEREIl -.-nan... nl-gun. 0|. n.iInn'. ...;..o's. ..c ` Note These P1`-ices. u..:.-'. r 1-... m.n.`.-. nu- extraordinary Announcement Patent 'Iip 5'-"sale 2.0! u, clam-iz}g 5c`col_o!ov_3 Silk Twist _far._, 1000 dozen Fancy D :-"cu Buttons 15. all In: par doun. 10c Full-weight heGII ;'1nau'!or . . 4:: Soon! Cotton ; '11! numben.... .. 7-: Guanisa Call Snfatay Pin: . . 7c Faucy17`r!llingl. oath .... .. 15 battled `1 d9sl SEoa_"Po1ish 10; Feathefbono.' pa'r_yud begnlitifully made and perfecn tting ; the fnmnus Fsultlesa Brand. We will put; haaelsuits upagainnt: any 515 or 20.00 Suit you everlsaw, and 'yet they will all be sold as u ' "" I'\_'.._....-A`- 4.; uvercoats \. . Bargains of mlifetime. 154-Overcoat of lightfnfedintn nnd_ . bury ,weight in Baver, Wipoord, Cheviot, Tweedz. and -ox :e'price.............................. Fifigze. ' Overcoat: thlt `were said up to $12.00` in at -' sxso; Ppriechly tailored Ind faultless ttin',g,'BIcki and nnvya includ- ' d in_this lot. An opyortunibfwill not occur Ignin to . tiiuy these at. ............... .. Ofiigh Grade English Won-xteds, in fancy" weavers, black sud navy, hand tailored, wide padded `shoulders, uent; trimmings, -- -one pnce... UUUII K Overlmavt.-5 up-to-date in style and perfect lining,-5trbx;g linings : and well made Black and all fancy colors. All 1;o'go' '91? inroao lot at", ..... ... ' Chdyiotn, slnksedhainms, padded shoulders, Merry a u: on ml: 9.1: Ovefeoata, hug heat grade Eughgh Beavers. Fine Tw_ecf `aha ` Satin Linin and` mohair nlauves. The nwell Fnnlclass Braid and yngny of the f4x'xAoi1a- Semi-ready Brhhd, up to" $18.00 and 20.00, to clan at ........ .._ ........................... .. 0_ Valle, all 5 than .to-dayls Wholcsah-.`Price_s.> THWSBAV. WT r_sf1w,n:nu yew may win an M Overcdats ma, 15L>nvArnnntn nf 1 ........... ...._.. .......... "3: swan; "_Nl=ali"t6`b`E':1earil at` > Sacrifice Prices. V _ - - 11.`. Ifaniuns Mlnlzaimar IjIr'|&'rix't suing, eairmny. tha _6. ' World : sa'n`a'u-a or Stylo. $5.00 Cost: nor $3.75; 31.50 cause: I W_o:ld'a Standard Co I 15.00; 310.00 Cqnta lot js-r..-.0; may na't1gt5o com for sumo. me smon-. oamiuo 311' .c Am` nuounna 'on=:n mu 3 nuka. ...I 5,11?` S10 00 Enghsh Cord-lined or Self ned Ulster `tgrk gray, selling ant 2115.. .n.I:.\.a,.I. .3 J. auto "8130 A'1`.25; $2.00 Pants for s1.5.o,_s3.oo Pants for $2.25, 35.00 Ifauta cog $3.25. ' > - ' V `J L!) G?` 3 Men's 55.00 long Frieze Ulstars, to clear at... .n.r\_J\./A.s.1 .'Lan.L,1auJ b.r4l'J.\I.-4L}'.`_'_I.I\I\J`\.V J. (&J..l\)f my pug; 5,_)\;_|__y|; Iiigahe 'fn.ca'o :1m'.np'id1y riging lenlshex-'1'nnrk"t `wa `M11 cliar out -1:h"a shoe Stank at in; tug`... to.da,y'3 wh'.,1sg,1e Cg3t_ "1. lItn's;Split Boots six uuk wieh single sole`; as-1.35,.so nlnl` It 99.; ' ` ' * \, Tax; 1.15.` _ Leather Heavy Boots n1:.1.75, at 1.39. __P;2;7Ja::kes and Mackinaw Coats nu ..I...'_....endn an: .....x ' _ ;_ One of the niget steaks` ix'.`onuu~io--o' ; `var 5000 Piir" at"Lcas:4than Fdctofy Cost Rulyben-a.'( ' Evry Pun-psc and in Evcry'Size." _ A L _ t -_ ' ` ` Bays` 75c and 85: Rubbers `for 65:: ...v., .._-..-.._ ..___ 7 _.r_-_, " Women`s'65c. Heavy Rublicrs for 50 _Lumberm'en s` 'H,eavyTRubbets_-at big nving women: 75. Best Gfade Rubbers-for soc Men : He2=Ivy"BuckIe'_l_{I;ybrs me -as'.%: `Meta : 95i:..RubHers, in all Ships: sag Sizes, for_75c. Boys"Hea1}y3 I.ac'ed 'Ru`i6l`ix-5 'tao e1.1-1.1: ` M_gn s4$1_00'R`r'nb'bcrs, of,n9nt qIn1i_ty.for 85c. Bgys Algqma;Buc_kle Rlxlibcnl`-at 1:30 am1.oo2 chiidr _s and` Misses Rubbers 25, 35c,'40c ma 50 ` `]b_Iii's' l3`:'_\`735"`l`\;lle(l`]-I'a:lge;'v'vo?11' 1.7; `ii:1a'x_':`s_ _ Ybuths! soc. Rubbers to: we Mania Stub Pi-of Laced Rnh3vsrs.eti2,25.';- -is 1.95 mg]: cut -Wool" Lined `Stu! Pi:5t'!`f"`,'It,2.6lA),vaI.leV2y.i'!$- ` Va1is -__V'a_1`-I1d_vA`V _L1'=* 7';7'L T`.`_""%`:-`?r I Overshoes, Larrigans, S1}oe Packs, and it the s.I'n eReduc6ns.. \ Lumberrne_n smSox, .600 Pairs to clear at "PRICES. ` % iiin Pz1i1'tm at-wnn 13--.... 5-... cu rm -9 im Ufsters RUBBER _ __.. . - ...-... .. V... ...-. ,......,, ....._.. 3 - " Men' s` Suits - 139" Single and double breaate. all colors, Canadian And im- p{ted,Tweeda, in All sizes, sold ragulntly at 87.50. ` 9.00, 10.00 and 12.00, :1! to go at .................... .. Of. fancy Worsted: and ne Tweed: in stylish designs. Ppiiechly tailored nud' faultless ttin',g,'BTicki up (.3 : :,is% I 3375`- __ V I.lljiZIUl".V, b M_ 4 si=,zo6'vIe'.r'tno- nu Gut nrayof; TBAdies*vH`IVy'Wool'Eosa II : lac vain ' ` , Enzliah Caahman Hun l"5c.' 25` Heb : Tan Waterproof Jipkts. at-_3 `'50, SEE! Braid?-.lo':ha, 'Va'i;'n|`1_`p',"'ViL-null. `1'ivaaE l.'l i13EeTiId All Ienthd tx'uk':_28"tu43'inchaI Ind __:!,I_,vgn{I.uoIgnnIjhni3! " an m! ucleu."-~ We` can` t norlutly ovary womug in thin, ` " hop is xrsa!-&l0ck._,' E'orJ'i:.. Style. IniaB'iml`W I led In Canada. They willie P3; `v99r. 992% 33.1`! $7-8.2- _ , r Of he vy Gm Twill, atro d 'oeabl . ' ` clonrigg out I . ~ . . - ` -A-St-, le:::tn:'I..`50 Herrmgbonq Run Cpat (5uBrnntoed),.L4:s5 ..,.... l;ys'.'.Ynths_*'& ciiigirrcirs. =_a._.a` Rfefs; an v'g_j.Vs_ns.isz_se:Aaa`L `~Rid`uctons .2 fa 8klriI;"ln" Hch'"' 361 mush,` " ' co n3=a=-s.xr%'3-7!"v". Au oo!<='r-"1.-n._L-I_"a.'ix--`in.-n "' . Bzoadclotha, 'Va_qa n Vicnnu. `TWBGEI. T2555: and `_ E.,?5 ' 9!!*'*-Ira`-.=?1,` . , - Rain" Coats ---~'. r Of heavy Grey strong and seryiueable, at 85.00;. clearing ML. . . \lulul|-Il of Elna fur. ` but Enllh Noodle: `Illa: up Iy IIIWIUQ . . Tha~E:'mqus Hdlona smug _ _64Q_ ParfecfrF{tting"Shk1`. Weighs in Sllk; Cramp. -ull opium; Newsilk Wlinh of this _uuoI1'_s Ihylgijlswba love upon-you at 1.98. 3.89.` ,$&$,1,~Ind am!`-`Lnm waists and Ill `White, Undarwnkr hnkitlh` \n-uwu_ra.~ . >` 3. 1 `Indies 31:00 'LIca~tr Ii: I:o'c1eu aI:..............................,...:. .........,..~....... Rubbelj and Leather Goat? ._ ' - AIjl`. TO 31: I*o1_t 0U'1'.\' ` - A 4.` .. 4__.\._r.-. .4. .... I\aAaA4A\/I\J E7:i1vs1i:ir~`t=3'iss1 v.+..-...ms .I.'.-u`.*e.. n):- 2421.-an, nary Bins . ... . English Noodles. .. . . . )0: Cuban Fancy Toilet Pins. lfbunchas of Tape for . . .. .` rBc'.Ooraet Laces fun... ..... . segues: 100-box Hair Pins Ladlcp Tun:-over Count: 195 Bnckmuuc. nu yynid. _ announce a retiring sale, we mean that we are positively giving up the retail business." m 'l_`he Big gest and Newest Stock of Goods ever assembled under one roof in Barrie, to. be entirely closed out without reserve; The greatest opportunityever offered in the County of we of supplying the needs of every member of the family with reliable goods at an immense reduction in~~price. This is no fake sale. We have always kept faith with the people, and when` Q 3;, . ._.__,_Everyidollarisawort-}x-of~goods-in-this~big-storemust+an nothing reserved, as every article will positively be cleared out. It is not nowa matter of irgt, ` siriiply"a` determination to turn this great stock of goods into cash, without regard to cost or value. In the past 'IIyears we have made our prot and are satised. Now,~_our'old 'cusfonie5',. . the people of this County will have their chance to make money, by saving dollars and cents on every Fall and Winter need. During this sale goods may be had at LESS than actual w_hol ` cost. ' It will pay you handsomely to anticipate your wants and buy a year_ s supply ahead. Such a chance may not occur again in years. A $52,000.00 stock is -seldom thrown on the`ma1`ket`-~` sacrice. No matter what the distance, you will make money by coming to this sale. --On purchases of $25.00 and over`we will pay return railway fares within 50 miles of Barrie. 1," ._ . - Here are a few examples of the great money-saving this sale means to you. Do not suppose that this list comprises all our sacrice `prices, These items were only pi eked~ out _at'rand_ox.n from among, the thousands. `We have no room here for more, but we assure you that every dollars worth of this great.$52,ooo.oo stock will positively be sold for whatever the goods will bli . ' _ 7 , l`llen'a Bed and Blue Handkerchief: tor .$'Men'a Cuhhpere Sax for .. V IIUIU l-!IU\IU [ IICU rxc and 15:; Men`; Linen Calla`;-a tor. . . 162:} mu`. White Cnmbric aanakexcmerg for 4({`MAn'a Preiiddl Biases '. Hgvv Irish Linen Cruh. 12% , . 4o_.!:-Isl: Bleached '1'nbla_ n for mics crmrnms as use, van-`y `wide and `ax `yda. Ion}; . - Enle.'uel nai: ...... - ..:............