Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1907, p. 8

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1 ,"}u: a.._kuown=' 1 that the purchase tic: agxeed nponjp r less than $20,000 I the `whole hunt- I mess. `_ .. - ` 1 7 3 2 -" . , I ft is the intention of pine puzchngen to establish a great big daitv faxxn on the gob; 8m_1.iua_t_8.s->soan as the titles .-.r 6:'Ehi:."5a'g'1'q`3t':'aR't'_ii`"` of the proposal tame lunlmul Flfll sold. (Tononto World) mayday U. E. Potter "'?1'u7:hr' Bofaia, 'eo'o"d yeeI:' Ewen: I 13. new hoe. eqnal`to anv $4.50 ' 3 Boot. glzes 6-11. 'SpecInl......$8.50 a ` 'l!ho l'r'nItoeI o( um can e n.Unn*oftl1a Burris Prubywrhn Church luv u Authorized :4; xgyerty knownna pntk lot :2, nmmh o ..._ n...-x. mmnllnlnzncx-21. more -soles, new Donated toe, last sizes 1 ` to 6. worth $8.00. SpecialZ$2.50 Wnman's Donn. Kid Blacker Lace -gioiz DRESSY V ~sH`oE _ST_YLES/ cg nun". cngu` Work.` ` ` " ' P:6in-esnlva, )le_thi>ds. "0! Increasing Pntxonagm. _ an OAtoriIig'tothe_.Bi:al Wdtldz - V, -- W 309} I ' _ ooooguoooof m`96ooo3_ ered in beautiful designs, Blnck, White. Tun, Grey, U . Sky. Pink and _Nuvy. 10:: to ..................... ..$1 pair Parasols and Suuahndes, grout vuribty and vulues. 50:3 to $6 Summer Nelfwear nnd Balts, exclusive patterns. we to 75 ........ Jetsnre grehnior tho menoy.....................50c a pair: ~ Wash Dress Fabric-Ginghams nud Zlapl1yrs._B;il- linntines and Vestings, India. Linens nncl Ln.\vns,. Persinu Lawn: and Dimities, Bhutiful Colored Or-_ : 7 gnndien and Muslim. 15c to ................ ..75C 3 yard E Vnmmer Coraets.--0ur special Percale and Ventilor Cor- ' ` .a,q1a_u,.,ooua, nu SIZES. Bpuululpotlw Maxis Vic! Kid Lace Boots. toe cap, extension scle. natry.dx-essv ahoe. apqcial nnallty. worth $2.50. On , sale. at. . . . 2 ny or not. . . ` ' "Here an A few values yon'll'a1:nlt ateze beat yah- 3 '11. I.. vain , Necessities T H NOW tpat the real s_ummer weather has arrived. your needs will inF:`eae.` Perhaps \ _ `this list will suggest something to you :1 ` 2 u ` _Bu1:'\1i:,er`BIousea'in Lawn, Hull and Liuex'x,.tbree-quarter ` ca and king 'sleeve_a. r 500 to.`. 1:-.:.. 12...? w in. .3... _ Pefer Pun` Wnints for Misses and Women, assorted ` colox-5.; ............. ....`. ............... ..~.........$l.50 cinch. _` Shirt-Waist Suiisliu Thit Ln-Vwnv, Liner`). Duck.` D.imity ' And Mull slag in black and white and `b1ue.nnd wunu. on.-Ju w .. qua cuuu Light Tweed Skirts, Sicilian Skirts nnd Pnnuznu -Skirts, ' 85 cauh Lace, Lisle and Silk Gloves in Black and Wlnit, Tnu, * , Mode and grey, 25:: cu .. Long Silk. Long Lislu i_1ucl Long Net. Gloves, Black, -75 each. White, Grey and Uogle, and Navy. 60: to $l;25 pail` Cue. Lisle and Cotton Hosiery. plnin 'nud eiubroid-l ered in beautiful Navy. to. -.-$1 nair Vi -las. V?air, & Sons: sdoooooonmoooombdoooaoaao nlsq 1 white. $2.50 to... ..I.n 'r...-...a m..-.... Look here it you `are for the nhttieet and most up-to-date S ever ghown_ to Barrie people. 'We have excelled ouxselves this 5 varle. him I n-Isottmenv. and at prices that you will any at Cniodernto. nvestinate is the invitation ws_axtend-don t_ matte: buy - 3 Boys` Dongola Kid Ln`:e'I`3c-ots. toe BI $3.110, 55.30 mm. ' . :`::1:.A.`l`:1?avy`s_ole_._ so1id,_lz9e 1 5.` \\ \ ; ;`\\\\\ \\ \\\\\} lDui;1op' Street. _ Barrl_ . Stran Sliuners ih Dong. Kid.`- tder - cap. tum sole. sizes 44%. Specie`! at 75c. : sizes 15-10%... .1 Stisp Slippers. tum sole. sizes uuumm uuv. iv mu - Cer:t;aI Bdsiness Col-Iegevb, R05 Vm-ma S . Tnrnnfn, 7 t we have in Mifliuery is` E HoHday$ % In huxlnann. None In our work. A: H. [I !_ji'l1`i11'e'ry AMOORE. Ceiisighd ` _0ptIciag1~ Q ,1 your wiil z ay'n1 exceaaigjv ud-don t matter whether you V` ue .nnd , $15 each cl,:.;.. \l|!f$(!l' ---$6 cacli aruubnr` caxmrou. snenrsa . sun: -1 the am. Now (3.3. mums! :-nn Ilnrlrnvn - _In Aha report of the Prqv-incinl Plahedaa Depariment (or 1906. `mid: has just bean issued Acting Do- p_uty Qorqmissioner Tins ey, the uten- "WW-xeh comnlaintia are Ends." he snys. "the authorities are held up. the fucfory or mill owners threatening to `femoyefheir ef.:gb1i5b_ment. Imlaas ul_- in all latugai and In nlhxost all shades from the pink of the not yet fully 9P,`?`? smb $2,919 `$211233? `weer? combined. with the wnriuh: (Sf sum- mer and odors sweg-at us those of Amby 3.11 blesi FroI_n thfz` hill mp_tlge gcgpe which may Be witnessed .95 yr place and at one senson-in this old ' wh the bloom n m (,_z'rzmc'l DU Is_ the quieter enioyment: the Ieusure ...\....., ` -_byt`lne snows of mix-`A; wmtera there ` saddened. and yet sweetened ` y pain.` which comes wizh the, lgpawlclgp phht .g_ 4,, ,. .. - 3 ~'"aoo' Eo'e'a`i; Kgiegsaau 0; ism ( V ._aolld, all sizes. Special. $1.50 , nu Vial `Kid Lace Boots. tocao. [is `one or uveroving joy In th(;V|)rc5- ant unmim-ed by tha thought, otlthe `earn and yellow leaf of autumn. To ghosg whos'e'heni1s.1mve been whitened me lined for inspection. The ....ior. prevnils that statements by xhorrnn-nffronx _which the Not-A peed. . - . " .7] "Dow he write 33 lot the mags.- zinmr" _ n\v_. g. _.n_, In "vxenyin in-nc~rul fcnlizn that n I-rl \ N15. The inspectors -xhould be tlmrimd to hnve nll or n ml ynrds of net manna 1| lhnu- ` ~ gill nets ` mernnuzm prnhibmnqz ` 0hn_p4_2nple oi _thc pr_ovx ` D . q-um an-mun Irrlv .-u-Aau alivurvw vIv1lvn\1VInI-u-tr .rnu..un.uv-nnnnvn rrvr-tr .un nrvnrfu-I A1! 10 nonrnrvnr uunbo` 3 gw@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@cw@@@@@@m@@@@@@g@eic9@Q@@@mg ggu'- - And loqked at Life with all ge old, 5.TPn5. ' __ And'I. tha'sla.va_o! patience. took him I m .` _ . ,_ Ms contributions to The Century. Aty- lmxtic Monthly and other Rgnzines` and embodied them in 3 vo ume en- ` titled "The Prodigal and Other of his new oli. "Th 1 r3iifg1?3 'nrigin:\I!y appeared in The ` Compzminn. .i.s as follows; vuu-n..... . ..... .. , _, `curl ' at one time use M n burying ground no- 'l1a"E5hareI1y given .to all "mum, mamh or 1 ntatlvgu oi -loceaud anon: buried mm, .11: vurwol Inch intend mlo. ma -leslre um vynvnl of ch: remain: at such decenua penann In _ .. n_.... n.....o..~, as man nrmnzementa with -Shoql_(: 06 my years and *with en- -.1ig|wened-eyes ' I . niled at _f.he shadow _thM'. the world " had cast. V ' 1 Pl-TEE WARTHUR, Post THIS STORE WILL CL3SE VSVERY WEDNEHAY AI'l`ERNO0N'DUBING :TULY AND AUGUST A1` 12 I Never Sold Clothing S. Fast The greatest suit bargains we ever oeuad. Sample Suits gen- erally` are the manufacturer`: best efforts in clothes-makmsz. _ 500 Sample Suits Mcn s and Boys (_]lo.tl_1iI'1 gV an;1`FurI';ishing` Selling With Prompt i)'spa_.tch',"Jus't' As We`1nnded They Should,` tats It Mount Ye:-ngn. mp1uu.`,~1.a'ter be hot ms"m-we and J two c Margin Ptixke Custls John'Ps:ke on $9 ms orw-n es- here they en- 1 Are You Particular About Your` Shoes ? r....s. 1.... u ...... -....- 1... ALL. ..'..u.-...a ..-,: ........ .... L- .1-.. c ________ __ WASHINGTOWS WOOING. They are cool and always dressy. Our 2-pieca suits are made after the mama styles asour high-grade ; cluthingmf Ighe very naat tweed; l`wo-Pielce Suits" Ge0.ViCkefrs ' Eonnd._wh the last tvgo V . V . Ihmbndxi wnu_b Vpht t9Bu'x_ie "lot had boengllzin war `d':*xi'b'r. ' Weatny. - ~An_i`toii, \ Miss Bohhm Cnmpbe bothlot` Barrie.` I \ ' ' L '. Hmeecinz was opaned With uravefiiv 4 Prof, Kilpntrick, Miss Sixivioly. the g widely k_nowz_1_Suge;i_ntan_en Impnruncu Ill nuns : worn. To the Editor of The_Exaxni_uer. Dear Sir x- ' ` S1'.':." LL -15: Tze/7HaT11oi1s Aur- geon. gave a lone, prepared, and in- fsmzctiye addxjgss go {he nurse Thy: 'atxnctive address to the nurses. Theta was a large attendance of lending citi- zena. After the giving 0! the diplqmas and prizes. :_a_pzaxden gart; wa_ hgl Egfach ti: the o_xu!e'a;ihn of the nurse, 3 alsotn the sympathy with which` the ` pu>rse`a wgrk g rgvagqad the mung ` nurse's work 13 `ialznrdad by most intelligent: part 0!. the `community. I think that in makimz `the\gradnncion`-- at theinrses so uublic and pmminqut the ux-ses uubuc an occasion. the hospital anthorinies dqwisal . for jghe nzqaus. the hospital and the public. - > Every Coat,_Sui': and"-1`rousers is maclc ofltlxe most stylish` and durabl`fabrics. Every garment is cut to t--'a'nd does t someone pcrfectly-and we have a perfecb-tting garment for every man and boy who will come to this stage. I. A..A an 4). ealo ana: mm-rilu nn_:avino' much far g'dl'H-ICIH. IUI EVE! IAIASII uuu DU VVIIV I-vn _ '.n' And s9 the sale goes merrily on-saving much for the mapy buyers. and pleasing and surprising all. r'n..'.. :. -... -.....-.e rn.- akrnuyr` pr-nnnrn:-M-ref and nan-H. \4\IlAlh u. .u... .uuu.. `.x This 15 an event lor snrewa econormzcrg ana pam- cula: dresse_rs. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Let us prove it. Come` anti investigate these o'erings:-,- SUMMER VESTS I-4... _._ _:u ...... ...,. ,. `VERY ONE who visit; this aie Seems tobuy more " than they intcnddko.` They arc not worrieil or ' coexccd. - Here are 2 reasons for the way they buy." : many uuyzxs, auu ylcnzullg nuu au.Luuu.5 nu. `J This is for shrewd cconomizcrgf and parti- :.. ,x,..==... ww mm QAVF. vmr MONEY.` "I\|O'0E. ._ ..I n... .......m..mum. .-.4 a SHIRTS _ Q lownes bf the } nan-ah interesting hiaturv: Nearly rm years ` ago the .old ,'furni1ura_ rm _u Jacqgaee and Hay bognzhtdc for an. an acrq from` the government; 1` V was anon h varied timbe don. Vito- lwaxrant, _ In ,aqtab1iLshin ls and ' , their `axt e_iisivaf,1:rada was anqplied fxgm Kinnqulmfazm. 71313 any. nlaning and zst millsgqt their_f_ood from ` A. `M. Paton .wamu1unected 7 with entegpriae. and hia~son.;_ Ro'b`eI_1::Pa; now postmuateg:\a,-`.` Bgn-ti in s`n];rpose_i_ resident of . on the seat gida qtvthe _. .._..,,,... .. ..... via lbs]! as much more was since spent. in ' impxoviug tbem_. It was naturally aup- . posed that the, -`umoxed prjcga at over $3 000 w dergber raga`:-a. `and it v_ 5-- i 3 I ::'1`he'fann which has Been nu _:l:|3'e .o_ld ,'fI_11_'n_ijgra, _f_ir;u_q Boys Eqggains .-

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