`; g_2`_`5':.':,.`l5c._`,`[279'<:.; `25c.. 39c. F:'e`r_'\ 1: wii:h`:nd withoui (rinse. V` Cb1r`ea4:-Metdrafs:"Mh$iin . %MAcNIrIcE1u1%sLHnwINs M: M TVAILGKEIIS Bgutifu1.`Ari; Sateens .... .. ..__ ..__:_.... L: ..-_I.._ -a'...._ 5 .Sj$3;11a1f [ % S1ib43dq!1`tA : .7,;Ii11p'o`rted Crgtones . . E] N 2 ~ Barrie s LMost ;Pf1`og:ress ive7 Storeif rIDII.IvL.L'IulL -JTLI. Io LWCO Iv\r\v in a. great variety? bf dolor eects ; aura, dun `Ana-,_ and ant` DA __U ' Q ` I xonnd, unhleaghed. for every day V ' ` " `_ " _j;_ _ v = Bargain Price ..... .L ....... ..16c `m0l'l1il19- fa `- Q use.` Sale pn-ce ............ ..7_5o . , c . 3 GQUQUQQQQUUUQSUUQ $@@U@$QQU$@Q$@Q@@U3@@QQQQUQQQ5Q@@UQQUQ@@QQQQ9@@@@@@@@Q@@@@@@@@@QQ@@@@$Q95QQQ cu. ~'J.v.I.i:wll-`,i`-lv.Bi 4'1 without (tinge. oc.. 60c; and .Sx.oo =Pe1 v--vrw an` Dept; on`St1rda'y Aprl;`.2oth.. |!?9me| I {4'i{};| . The ' Crowds Will - |99"`| N Gatlar I V Eur. LESS (tinge. .g,,__60c: .s;,oo:aex-I Yam U (.7 This Wm be the most sensational otall our record-breking salesi Thinkot it! Go`od` Reli-' a[,|e'Mei.chandis 31: from 2o.to.4O per cent. less regular; right in the`_r_niddle` of the season when you want the gobdg, .. Along in the dull, dark daysvol February the buyers for our two -stores . had their eyes~k-gen` on a bargain. hunt and were determined to procure everything in. g()_od_> and ,.e"`ab|e me,chvm,,3;5e that 0uld'bE had at'a saving, they" scoured the _ markets and backed"_ up L Wm, an iganizagion ,wlth splendid facilities to handlelarge quantities that the ordinary. stores due not aempt, they.ilande._i some big prizes. qhd in the division.`__ . V ` " .5 . --\A'I"I-`l\'I"11 1`-cur-u'.~ , _ ,3: w--.-- .-...r_- . is-_. Dresg Goods, Musllins, Wh.ife- (Jiood`s_, Bjouses, The Selling -Begins at Ll! n c| uck'onjFriday Moniing,% I 9Ih. X . DON'T russ lT.- K REMEMBER 1_T. DON T FORGET IT : 4 BE . SURE ANDV poms.` yo'n"m'II be very sorry when yon; hear your fgi_en]:l! tnfk. .Buy Dress Goods at Vickers.' , ~ `All our new urrivqls are `includ- ' ed with any regular stlock and will ' 3511 at I straight di_sconnf: of 20% off,` Every Indyan Simcoe is ac- quainted with . or has already hand of, our Dtqss Goods fame? nndwvllen 20% is clipped o'?`our ';-egulnr prices you ,know what u. _ bu-gain it means to you` Come or _ yo'n will _when you - ' Raincoats For Ladies and Girls 80 Rnincoats, rimde of Craven- etta `(best quality) in fawn and grey, allrynrnintegl sh_owerp1-oof, both in f and full length, n_c the" following cui in pricea:\- 7.50 Ruin Couts.. ..$5.00,: 8.00 _ 5.60 _,1o.oO 6.90 ,_11.5o " 7.90 12-50 8.00 14.00"` 8,75 . mar. -K 10.90 '_Linen' Table Cloths Hm: Inna Minn mm. hnrmu-n 'B7es-sE.T_a? 5"i:&'R'R".I~E(. `1`;`gA`"g'21 A RE `Skirts. -Men s>a`_nd Boys Cl'Qt_hi.-ng'V. Sa%t e 6:118; `LAa1idCretbm1eS ;-....q.g.;.L,q.q.g.. These are just a few of the aftrations._ Be an early pa1ler.- No matter how grat your ex- pectations, we promise thaf they will bemfully realized. All sales for CASH only. ` _\ \ |GEo:.\!l!3KEBS% $1.25 Lace Curtains, $1.00 . -. "109 onir Luca Curtains hnuaht nnnnainllv fni thin 171-9111: L_.p.Lo4-vi.) J.J(.b\/II \JI.lJ. l_v(Ao.l11I3, L{).Lu\J\J 109 pait Lace Curtains [nought especially foi this grajz` sale event. Thai-e's ngthing he:-eabouts to equal chem. Qnr 'B_m-gain Pricey ,. 7.7 I Ladi-es Ready-to-pvulz-on_ Sldrtu, in Black and Navy Vi- cnna. Cloths, Box Cloths, Crisc "pines, Lustre , Hie Twed ef- facts, in 31163 22 to 28 waist masure, worth up to $7.50. Bargain pricia... .........$3.99_ 60. Extra. Good Skirts, in Plaiiis. Checks. Black. Nnwv 60. Extra. Good Skirts, in Plaiiis, Checks, Black, Nnwy and Green Ladies Cloths, also lovqly gray jveed checks and plaids, worth $7.50 -to $10.00. Bargain Price .. ...$6.99 35c.Ifose, 29c; I nu.:. :_ . cnl_1_`_ I-.. .1 nl_:_ plaids, worth $7 _.j._..-__ `"`'This wek we Show the mosf elegant mnge 01 Art Sateens, Art Draperies," Ci-'eI;oni1'es,.a1_1d Madras Muslins ` th_a't`_can'-`Ilse got tdgqther in this -town. We leave it to ' `_- slioppipg publiczof this `community to give theirvelj-7 _ dict ;.'ndt on this paxjticular department alone, But on every `section `of this great storg; . 1TDo n'ot forget" that this `is has Atvle nun nf Ran-in Cashmere Hose that are extra ~good value at 35c. They are very fine but notpquite all wool, aizs 81}. 9, 91}, and 10. Bar- gain price ................... ..29q Worth zoo,` 2 Price... - 70(lyu.rds uf White Mnreilles ~ Dimity and Vestings, in many neat: and desirable Rfeaigns. Splndid magerial for Waiata. 25c., and 302. We G ~ood`s v Skirts D 310 00 ...,$6.'99' `section `of this 'is {he style store of Barrie. ,]EI:igl'1 Gra -Art =Drape1`i'es " 2'c.. 35c.-`,~ 5oc.. 75c., $1.00 to $2.75 Per Yard '_. ' ' ` . m great variety 0! COl0|' CIIECES f g'~5c;,,36c.,' 25c.. 3'5c.,'4oc, and soc Per`Ya1"d; - l_'th e`, . -7(__1rveat_l Danni-I)` n...o- A-1 - Q-x