w`an:jioi:le Walla, ` uar..`I>aw'-amp Kiwi.` ` I; I _ Tnom... __ ` iipunt, Open-eyed Ta.ngleu'P -sbewmrf. 1]'1E_ _'Alpil_1Ig Olsomlihgbear 38:31:- er.,, _ 1 ~ ,VICKERSg1MP RTE`R %% , ,V BARRIEANDORILLIA` -~ 3 U ' Qmumawwmwwawasw@@@mw@m@mn@mm@@@m@@L~ ~ I E \. $275#Pian:Os for $200 The Pianos we have chosen for this spring '1u_b offer are made for us by the Dominion Piano Co., Bowmanville. They are_ designed "to meet the growing degand for a. piano of musi. cal exceljencg, substantially built and durable, but small and compact in size and without a gr-at defof orniincntation in case design, but up-to-date and `new in design. ' 5:--4 v-`V... \'l - ....- The regular pride is"'$27.'i. but for, special bus? . mass during the quie season we offer twelve choice pianos to early buyers for $200. _ ' w. .1...` n6`..- l>.wr- nhnr nnons ' (see. cautions" cnoxce pxauus no man, uuqma .u. .,.....v. We also o"er twc other options '_(see. optima" Band C)`by'vghich anyone, even in moderate circumstances, may a.v,a.i1 thexnselveg of t_hjs circumm'a.nc'es,\ `themselves of this ' exceptional opporizunity and secures. thoroughly good, new piano at the price of a. Aaecond-h9.n-:1 ' instrument. ` -' -, _ msrumenm _ . oplion A-$2oo cash within 30 `days. nnnn 'R---$209. navablc $50 cash ` Qptlon A,--mzuu cast; wnnm ou uays. Option B~$209, payable $50 'cash and $20 every 3 months until `paid,__ / without intgrest. * - , Option C-$216a -payable $10 cash and $6 every month until paid, . . Without interest. _, ` '7'Wa'iaa1i3aa .4 hmdsoiim `stool?wiehea;ch"pis.no;' - and will ship} on order to all reliablp buyra. -that tl1i`s'i'e.i"arkail eBa`1rg`ain mam? ottefr. I-will this piaiao be sold `at thi pris_:'e'atel' tllt -'f011rthib88I`I_e has eXpi:ed., \ _ "D 9n1g appe.r:-'_in-f`e1(1r'issues_:of this Paper. This is tlfguxjth issue. I `The re9ular`price.bf7t`1_1e`1_ iano is $215; and is only reduced in.this"c!ub rite for-advertising purposes.-" Under no cbnsideration" - -?_ _g. pa--`-"1'In'r'gg-5 ;-.A().`13`sA`::b: gs ' A` A GAIN_v(e want to express our appreciation `of the man}? kind remarks or the leidies concerning-our Mllliriery Showing, and assure our customers that, in spite of the eagtiaordinnry Easter sales madelast week, our trimming "staff are `equal to the occiision. and our display willbe augmented by many decidedly new and becoming crcationsevery day. We have ceses and cases of Flowers, Ribbons, Hat Shapes. Chilfons, Plumes and Malines, all bought in-such largequantities for_our two stores that the advantage is un- mistakably noticed by ever}; visitor to the` stpr. Never havc'we had such success, and _ never were the price quotations so much in your favor.`. . . .Please come as early `in ' the_ week as possible; give us all the time, yo_u.can._thnt we may serve you with all the best meahs at our co`rh i'nand. V ' ' -. Fashion demands `long Kid and Silk. '_Glovaa. > Many will recall the dimonlties in obtaining tl1esa_ lust" xenon. This useful Store of yours has prapnrad fearlessly for 4 the demand whichiiia sure to be, but don't delay if you anticipate a glove need. Buy V them NOW. You'll pay more later on. 12 a.nd,l4-Button Elbow Kid Gloves, Glnae,.in black, white, tan and cham- pagne, sizes 6,13}, 6}, 6, our regular 33 lina.'on sale for this 0! O 12 E B1165 b, 61, ug, cg, regular $3 lina,'on - week only at .__ _ \\*~~E]_!3ow Sjlk Gloves in Black _ ..__t and`WhQe, 75. 85, dz 97, .... n-R\v . .~., SPECIAL KID _cLovI-: OFFER T_HE_ CLUB OFFER. mmow 5 black only... La pnauu vb mum at nun 3..-- ....-v- ,~- -- OUR SPRING` P1ANo*`CLUB :iIaiE1;;;;; 7 --2-=5-ea-.A Bowmi o1=_'1;'<)}iELI1~IEs'4-.~....; BE ONE _0F.0UR v1sr1=a.13\s,m1s WEEK.- . W, . Dept; PiLEA$13%_j;NoTICE t .'.The piano are made in w`a.1nuI:-bases, are` double veneered on both sides throughout, have full length music desk, 7 octaves, 3 pedals, . with muier on practice nttachmant, three uni- sons in treble, overstnmgbas section and double repeating action, etc. The dimension3 ate : .-V... ....,... .`.. .... .. . .. Z.-1-. "choice. ' '*If'_cbI.1V_,6nienh:-cu.1l~:Mi` our store. -`All_- .-Send y_onr Jrfun nov. O:`:1y a_ doen ozerad ` at this price rind you might as ` we1l_ secure x-at ...,......_a ._- .., .,..... _.... ....-._....._. ._.- , Height, 4.61:. 2}in.; width, 5 ft. .5 m; depth, "2;n- 211-" in. vgqighb, bbxad,750 pounds. :9Every piano is fully guaranteed for :1. term of ve years by the Dominic}: Piano Company. choice. :*II'_cin_1v_,enienh.--cu.11--.- 31: ` 0n"1Et0r. order: by mn_i1 rgcejve ourpromptratbeuoy. ` Lvely-light `any Tweed" Eact, so, 75, 35, 90, and .......... .. 3 ' Voillan in black and 06101-5. 60, _/5, 85, 95, $1.00 imd ....... S `Pm-mmuu: in blank Ind cnlora. 60. so, 95, $J..UU nuu 3 `Panama in black Ind colors, 60,` .75 u:nd.... . >5 Zbc, $1, and. . . Magnicent Black Sglka in Penn do ` Soe nnd Tnetn, guaranteed untegmble and warranted not $ direct from the maker: in Fnlkenat-eizi,` Saxony. A one lot of All-over Laces in "Babe Irish. Point, Net 0"` """'"e, '52 um. .....,_. Eci-u, White and Paris, 30 patter-ns,_ all 18 "Barbe G':.i;:=:e, `_-. Ecru, Whiye patter-ns,_ inches wide. 7 35, 45,60, 75, $1.00, $1.26, s1.5o,_s1.'/5.` `fibers : great enthusiasm in Our Dress ' .'G|ooda Department. " .. ..-.- m "nn-. ` snm""wEz m All-Over Lace_s - Dress ` THE,,PlANOS k-"$1 oo "A wl... .- from '1{l_1grnton-tha scene of so manv vol your joys and nonows--wlthant IliV- ing you sama_ taughle expregaion at nut very high a prvciatid of `your trne worth as a c tizen ofthis -coup I `muulty. and as a. slight ; token but our e:l:eelu- and zeapecc we wdhld ask` you" = 'tq:aceent this pm-e, Its value may i n o_t_ a_1_noc'u{ jug v_ery_ punch l_)u ' '1 "wwa _` am. - cl Ml life had beau spans union then; 1 ma ho did-not-bdlnnho wn IIIVIIII , Invonanlu In unnniqhborhoodu Hr. lhrIln'I umuh wan nooud with , nptutonna Iuuuhthlun-n ftlntln .- . ' . ` ' ' - ' U 9 and wall-wvlplbul than to Ind 1 > Bl.lghtat' - _ ~ T116 very tnunutinsz and nu-lad pIn1ng; -_ ` House _, . i. Brio! Illd unlcv nddn-u wan do Ivan llillinery . _ - _ V . , ed by M:-ur|..Frad um nd 1:. w. .- 531 ` Ijnmod for U Lonnnx. Bugle: Ju._A._.h_I_ulaIou. an ' . Du Goods. `