. u~inH'-WK: o-mu]-ainn nf Tn}! lam . nu IL... J... .1u\.:A .. Avvu u wuuu m ' _-zsy to digcsf and containing give, often way hard to follow. ' -r The appetite isvlixlgle to be`poor and `the digesziqn im- paired solbat it is almost impossible to consume and digest snident ordinary food to do the quickly md effec- dve1y.wWlnt.is requiredis acondenuated food, palatiblc, the elements necessary to repair the waste which Ls. Grippq has oguppaitted. , Just such a food is found in ?- j __ - 7 H.; G. ROBERTSON, Iiruggist -"----0na Door East at the-Bgrrle'oteI inio"hqi:_- 0 -nicky PEi _ b Sowing lachn-Les ' lIi_I3ann'da`for`pndre . -Llan .Qno Third of 1 you`, "1 i`uqa nja`,vue,` hjvou aohlno which " 11m of Health O:_UR: NAME; ........, .....-.. -. .. ., ..-,....-. mm _ . nu y u. 30;. ncnAn'%PILL;s 1--u-I`: ..,...,1 >v.-.L:.. ..\ c.,........| ': _.n n. ---5 --g - nscicnalj emulsion of `Cod Liver Oil, Ii-on . and . Phosphorus, - palatab1c,,digelible and effective. FERROL contains. just w dnwn system needs and al1_it requires. Cod Liver Oil to resume the lost esh " and make what is` Jeff rm and healthy. Iran to enrich the ' im'oTvcrished blood and rmcore ghsticity and rmncss to the relaxed `muscles, Phosphorgs to tone the nerve and brain as nothing else will. . Two or chree liowes of_ FERROL, takcn after the name _ stage of La Grippc has pa:.aed,wi1l do more to repair damages than can giossibly be accomplished in any other > way. Try it andsee. V . UUlJ:lJlD'li Ann G. SMITH, Pmpxietoxjqnd Manag: - rnoxx I Q This distressing and unfortunately very common malady easily takes rank 'amang1he very `mazne:t of the diseases to which people living in this climate are liable. ' La. .Grippc, is no respector of- persons; it attacks the young and the.o.ld, the rich end the poor with the utmost imparm` lity. " ` ' ` . Except in the `discs ' where Pneumonia develops, La Gtippe is` seldom directly fatal ; the real danger lis in the. aer eectsi Even when the patient has fairly well recov` eredzfrom an attack (and it is very hard to tell just when he has fully recovered) the muscles are relaxed, the nerves unstrung, the heart and lungs weak`, the thrgatand bronchial tubes irritable and tender and the whole system d , run-down and in no condition to resist the atm-Jr any bther disuse In which it may be ` This _condition isfradght with danger` and dermmds instant _ and intelligent attention, the system must be built up and sestored to rrnormal and healthy condiIion--advice easy to give, hard lto V appetite isvlixble be`poor digestion