Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1905, p. 6

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_G. G. SMITH, ~ _ ..Proptietor ami_ Manager , --mzom: :2 ' - He,;rses:nnd Wagons. Morgue uhd Buirial 1;nr1;>;s., j COLLIER AND, cL4P1*1;l:1"_Q1v STREETS G. SMITH , '. r1 `M enrrru-~ .. 1 '1x- 417- 1- 1100091` 404. 33- Elizabeth. said: As fa? usl 55-, D- B'`k :" 328- L- :21`:-y`jt-fags. after havinir been .`in {he ;" B` w"f,_ 297- . `L I anthracite el_d 101` home time.` even`- `n`" M` Hum` -43- 15- inch` thing will win}: out Abarmnniouslv in 3' M D" ' 110' I the em}. Pczm see no rnson whv [bezel w-'.t'w:1:r.+-4:Ar:-\--rv..-nun/rnhnnlrl-I11:-n`ppn:=ml' '6-n:1l"'szt1-ik9"1mxt . Mot nr;r.nm2 .4 7\rn nr A n 115? - BARBIE 2-AND SIIROUD. W *2 LE1-:n 187i AY,w.A V: nnwv nk `o_nsido'tqblo appeared on `potatoes, when the, cup wngrown um! I _\ho_ Ion.` in: v ettimgtwd ut_fj'om'20 to 50 p -Thii "_aof_t" Er` wet" .r9t it distinofhpin (ha Io`-culled . uh rm night most af Hm I disino'Ir_ox'n Io`-called it fine light most of tha | nppn: to be sound, }: \ On brenkin the 'Ikin,-~n turbid ab:-u i|_ found 30 be qinoolored and on preuura (123 part beneath in soft. liquid cdn'bo easily pressed out. This liquid'mnin gnu bubbles ll turns black on expdsuro to air. T116 . yuv u. ..... ....v -.u ... {skin from affected putts ansily per.-`Is 1 ma mm, 6 mm w._-on n W my-_.u&l_-el:ov-`Ige~Pb0*P? `tr. `1rY.h`eV!5d"muvr:'x:`~`--A 'nter_y nnd wluto but man discd qrs __'ljho lol_1nyIn;_t_g mken_ go - nun uu_:_. ( Class 3-Max. V-183. T;gengeL:2., ` "E".n'Ii7?31l'3ll6I'O._BfiJwn 400, S. Wm-- ' x_:_ia 85_.>E. W9 _ 375. H, Avenu,` n Novhdabir 1904 `cm; bulletin . of the Onhrio Bu;-can of IIldIl_Ih'il.'l "I11!-Gd I-hit (ansiddnblo rot had when the, wnlgrown 0 soil; or on low lying land. ` of lho_ 1 to The _ skin from affected ansily per.-ls avny~u&-xov-`new-Iyoxpopedveilr _avny-ulxd-tlxov-`new-lyoxpo_sod~H wntei-_y hrs in the air. `becoming almost black. Lntar. the flesh softens to A white, watery `pulp and becoums highly dfieusive, with n putrofnctive odor, - Finally, the ` potato becoges in mass of black soft pulp. ` ' - The stem of the potatoes may or discolored and black, than the leaves abcvgwilt and the_ Entire stem falls over.` If a piece of diseaa ste is cut open, the brous stpmds -in it] brous st mds -in it (:ho-fibrouscular.liuu us) will be found brown to black in color. ascertain if the disease in various 5. parts 0'0_nt:u'io is similmt to the one 5 with wlxich it has been xmrki and , rt , . , l\\'lJ}ch ca sed so much damn nsl ! , gear, and hence would 11 inn;1er 1 ( l _ found black in color. The cause` of" Aha BYight" which pnrticulnrly_qffects the lenveig is n fungus and the. Bordezmx mixture p'ropL-rly-made mid applied will hold [this disease in check, but the wet or this but the - _sofF`1-oz -cnnnot"1go nmnuiged . by snrnvinz with this mixture, because sprnying this mixture, hen the disease is present in the 1 Hind tubers imnnot, he .n............= uq._.Hm avAuD .....u. u.=._.- 1 ` 3` ~b_armnnious1v In ` nd. norgenson ,1 *aho_uId'_1ra-'genera1' C0.'1l"'5t!ik8"1'.IBXt` I `,5 ; i`1`a"E*her pear1y'ao.noo.oou innabi: | rants qn the products}: _her own` soil. 1'... vnu-nrLm~ (`L ,umna ` n blteriuxu, :5 minufa rgd nbbut 1 -"0,000 qf an inch. long, \hich gm 5 \\-jth great` mpidify in the ti 'ues,oft11e potato nnd secretes n iabstnxnce which has n disu!vi|xg' _ .thL-4tnrc].|_z.uLu1h1:J:.cnnie11Ls,_0f the i1LpLt:;c._\rJ.19.n,3he5_e_<::1J_m.I|_1 are (Iestroyetl the potato 'hec13xues watery and soft, _putroin r`:}tion sets in and the tuber is destroyed. The 'BzIi:teriologicnl, Depnrtmen} of tln:_Ontnrio Agrilcultuxl College, which lms been stud-ying the disease I for the last Vent, -would like to , Th-ouE]eEI \\'\i"this disease to mail an 1 affected potato and state at the same ; 1 time if they were trggbled with the] . '_,}_At_i1p_u>ift_I1e_v the soft-qr wet rot last year and to what lexteut the rot V is present in the V-7.s:xxt7ei1:on s izrop. ' 7` ; 3 of black soft pulp. ' may not be nffected, inO.bu former no and oipcinlly n on heavy- L Th: ox-I . The ox- vu-ipusly 0 per cane. k in quite d .Blight;" 3 potatoes bui >on or can ain ~ . ( ;I_3oGEI'2s}e..oGERs 3 . . lhnuhcuuuiel ', 1 ruymcu u-uunug . .. These kum man 1! this '11] mo cl_ty Ire In xx} in " or w". V 31:l-nN`:I>Id3!-1tVVC '<`iley nut! 01 Sxipervlsdr I (""5 ` him; 7 cl Manual Training R. M. Sm|lh._d-. 7 03:, day he mm c. mandlux that uppor_l_un1t) 110/ SW9 `"1 l.dIrty mun boqtblack ..u .x.n....... .. .......m. 1-nnnunl um. _ ..-,.... .--5-. How York and cAla;o Sum og.lrd_Vlhat Qonn F_o!k n`o._ nomlruu Fido: ' 5:-_dV gun: I Etflhc pix-oils 6: `the I New York city school: In! Iprink to tntpubllc sentiment In the mum at I nds.` Hera mm the M|ulu:- ` Q3 ; 2 ex} chnaro to ie V training than is provided In the school program. Thgs_e defnnnded H1 I one, -I -v_When- the axihier tiizu. greeted (11154 I ' saliy had shbsided, Ma?-k Twain dra.w1-- - [ ed put: ' ..u,......,, V- ual training, __ mestkwsclencc was greateT1.fs'*'y?:'ar than durlngnthe rst week of any pr ' durlngnthe rst Neel: 0! any pru- I ceding school yezu-. As n result. the x0 5` '_' ,Boz1rd wJl_l:mnke_1n Mon to esmhnsh ` 1 ! Y '1 -eg [`_>n.-xnn mt _. .x_ ,_ u or Golaen`V ` that `workmen are obliged to sneeze { and`uound all of mequngle folk kept c ' even when they are nlaning it: It a I in ghe gardens, and when they nniveg ; vpiecegt wood 01- this tree 5,puLin thejjn India.-n the! -e was no dangenj or their ( ' mouth kt is _fciu_nd 16' fxave':svery*'bl1::--L'be1ng- slaH%md B WFfirEd ter taste, and lie doubggt ts_-`t.hi' bib 3 ah I ride: was called upon to review. .. .. .~. .- 1... on/\rV fnvrn ,0! those who lay {1iSe_ outpand _v.1mt"s an old. ragged qua angl gobd enough _ as: thin." . sou, , mmm for V the amrt I have an\w`be the perquisite T_ho.Eigr_op}|n N039.` . ` Austrian, s,ciz.ntIab,.h9-5 been. tacking `the nropenn non H8 nah that it )9 la mIae_x`xgbI_e Ideigrpdedigrzan F. EDUCATIONAL F ILLS.` n Wluun .w-... ,. v that. prhice `of humdx-1sr.s,_Mm-k l. neatly scored on a well k;mwn__. 1'`. who l\l1L`I1\:0r0{l to be wm. , wcb e -(1 hfs own ini- f6usI3*.' Cameron 2 manner. On seating himself ; once he (en ow,-` n ., AV,"f\ 1 , '_ `_"' '` * " ____ . 1-nx gunnxs` nxixuuun, .Ija_snu ,Qc1`Qnn1`z Arsapdcgg o,~rromn1o_ and Norman C:1m- [ e. . ca xv . p m Enffxrthwprescnbnae--A m ...,. .....-an n. I 9`,,"5",`"K,`"_9-' aka! the `OWN en . . I | The men is not new, xur mu.-.. mm; '59- .1 } Edward made his tour of Ind!a there m1IVF6TNaWre1nmd1wm r South Africa. 5, magnicent horses which had spent lhe u... 4."... ...-..n.. at nm 7.m-an. ., u. u............. N. "1 with h1m,- the necessuy for some such '\ course of, schooling lfecomes rez1dl$y_a.p- xparent. * ~ - --r Roya|-Tohrs ln-lndia., T_,, 1 _ fre presnnt .991-lnce of Wales is 1 shorzly to start upon :1 tour of India. ; v `ev'e'ryday- ierviun;-`-- `..Borr_owed-tmck, are J10: unc_ummpf1_ 11 111;,.m:r1_m.-_hIit_itJLcuatox'nn.1-y; xoLa., J1 tqfrlgjnnl qompany ` ' ` `Hus it: packs nature In in pou- 1 of have: moi`: mun wig per- nt Lhrsume ume 3` But Nn--J'rai'ns. 2 oddest mllwnys I lhybut brotpoct-M Ion; Hut 1': 3 question olun-ulnar . v -' ` ` Schoola the llidlactunr` md ` enmlndr for dz. N-uonu HeIlth`Bo- `. ciely. nu. in bi: ,boo1._ Neryel `kg 91_'- ` son fh_s;1p_pl3 mnyrb short and hlgh prices again prevail. With this knowl- edge 9! }he case ghevfu ' r I er e- smd' nvnarcnt y w r vate pocket. That her_en- nkluiile `o`nLho'r0ugh bust? -ness-l_|nesma.y,Lba,-sn2an_lmrr'_tJ:e_tol,-, . .. lowing announcement which appears in zwweekly paper Whose space is'maln- e Aw--devoged-1o-5aIes ranckoxchange miscellaneous artlcle F. .v. 1 ~~-- A'N.D ~cIvI~: - - V5223, vmma -I3;ND VITALITY thing for Lhe"av."erag {izrky rziisur to . do: namely,zto Improve the quality or ; 111; stock. T1}e_ pungberlot I-sAon in the ncrised slze.and,lmprov- I ed qunylty of the young birds. It costs le-ss`vt_o ral_se7good smck than poor. ..,, . ._._ u_,' o......., succe eed1ng- ah-Emmi; ., ,horaeskGL1e_amal1_ratians;oLhz3Lon1y, :_` once it day grid at nighttime. com and` '0n.ts my l3e."glv_en_ ' 'rqporglon tb the I Make Unhappy I-Iames-frheir. Condition Ix-riutea ' Both Children--I`Iow Thousands- v of Mgthers -I-_i,ai}e Be'en`.Save`cg-'Froxn`Nej"vov.:s- _ 1?rost.rat1oi\ and Made Strong gnd_W_e1!. (""\A'/-5,- . _:.._ ' I _`M:qtIzez."` the verge of` liyswx-Ins.` is'\mtin' tp care 1 for children: it rains 3 child`; disposi- ` 3.ion_nd_ xfeacta up_:_n_ herself: "T139 1 ' _1augb. and the next. minute with ifesileinesa. Vailtex-na.v.inAg with jextmme irritability? Are your spirits easily accted. so that one minute you you feel like crying `I ` ing in your throat. and threatening to choke on; all the senses perverted, mm-bi y sensitive to light and sound ; pain in` _ova}-i_es, _a.9d especially _1_augi1. `and die icel cryxng ` _ _ ` Do you feel sometlnng 1:kc`n,bn11 115- iI_1g_in 111! `and LhreaR.enu5_;- 1.? so, your nerves no in n. shattered arndjtiun. and you are thrqam _ . nervous prostrapn. , ' Prob! xs monumental h hands of viomcn ?4esti.fy'o this fact. [image you nothing-fbr her advice. . Ask Its. Plnkham's Advice-A Human Res; lTxiil"ei-Emds a Woman's Ills. `' /Wr.r /bar ! /1'/annl , -_\w _ _.3.~u _. _ _ . Mrs.:Joh1:g E.-.Estev.`Jncksontown.N.B.,`Cam, wxiteg; Have been ~txuub`lau1aevar_al years with Asthma. H{1v4_5 used 0XS't301J0_l=1!t yimes tot `av-_ar u yegn; }nfd'have`naHv.e: ha gsthmg sings [began to'use It." " - ' - . _ ,WR,HEuMM15_M . y .. V _ 0 Quegn StJ-W.. Tuzontm,,Uut,,,Cau. . I V >`M? %'ife_Eaa_Een 2 `e r et`w1th rheumatism tor _tha lasrsix. aura, The more medicine she took the worse she got: ' Bv ghe hiag -accident_ I heard of yum-, Oxydonorand~v.I bx-o_ught~ one home with me` the same day andrinelde of pne week she realxzed the wonderful work? . ibgs`af our Oxydonor, and to:-day she would ra'che`t -be lithnut the mcs_vn naplg than be minus you; Oxydon - ._.. .. ;...c,..........,. a... `Lr\ - Ann sanie andrineide or pne ween: sue reanzeu we wonderful wox-kw today ygvjghnug my derived from it.-" -_ mcsf vn nahla article ipinus Oxydonor. ~ You can nation: name as`-tafeyence for: tha.2dod M1"n.VWi]aan.'h`a>a J. V I- '.n.1..u&:...r.:LL"' " ' 'K1\a Tnl awsn s s .....-m-. v .....u `ncnnnA|IEu1'lV`lr-: llalnv A > LIV s.u:un;m;,~ I-\u ur.w...-.__. ...,... ..... ..,.. .. , 1 Poaiiivaiy Cure ali Diseases of the Stomch,_ Liv_r, Kid- `nsyr, Sick_+laa&ache,-66nst_ipation-anI;Her\iuusnessn. I:-no szA:_E AT .m.L`nnuccIs1's. ` (0)-iY>GEN is Jfe auffecessityfwithouc it man flies`. but wheni te Hand is well lled with it, man lxvesin the full ennoyment of health. , ' 3'33-E-5?: :.'a.::'a>.LuL=uv'\avv-s-?--:j: QUICKLY and `PERN|ANENTLY`E;I Using / ~ D Rfi1;sXNcEV&*cO., j _ _` ac, Dctrplt, pi:TJ.fa.4 2; f'22's3; a;:n;a,.. 3g. :ii.;;;[ wu rcammandad and pr`oVod so be t.h'e only remed that helped ma. 1 hnve`d.ry im- prov in health until I am nowzong yveu,'i:nd all nervousnemhas dlmppesred. : _ -"For eight yum I was troubled with ax- trema ncrvonxnm and h rm bmughz on .by` irlldritlna. I my ndxer anquy Ilto `nor aloe]; r_nlghm._ I was very irrlcah 19, um`- l'd"ymwV vary`-v~;low~`l`)`\.1;iIawL&wwxure-M and! . - have neyar mgmtted the money spam {or the ; as It brougght back my good all sick women to wfite 0 her fdrndvicu. --- Mrs. Pinkhn.m's vast gxpence with female troubles enables her to tell you inst; whais-best for yam and she will - enab1c_ Eer - just; 01-yon, will charge nothing-for Best Ills 2,}-jjj 4 i j./1 lr.; (`#2:/er urry \ ,2;r.r.s.' t. iai oi l";ic.B; Hot 4'3" ' laqzdlnx

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