x1eu.rsus_u-nu W ngons. [morgue mu .1511:-1:11 rarlors`. co_LLIE`R`A1r1) oL4PPER1'o.1v` s1'I;L;E1's r: r;'5:xMm3tr - n Wu nun-mn-` r 1=_NN-buy:rg a. 1-ax;ge the`oyen" coristruction should be your `G, SMITH & op. - ._j------~ The qegs, it `has Beau noticed, `awisging and rustling. sound vybeu she is _wa.lking. . . ' navr wears dress_es-tlia.t;4 sehup -` -. '8 i V: 1'; :.- '.... . unc la n mnnxug. 1 It is Ho u`nusu:nl thing for givissal > sylying lgeween Jnpnn and London to 1 curry,1,0o0,000` of all kinds Inna as 8 ying to` E ,l,_0o0,000 oflinll` kindafnna 3 .S|'8~ research. .t and Mazzmi wart; his clusgt (1-lends. He !e1!_1n love with thejady who became his wite thrnngh a portrait by Watts 1-_t~` hibited in London. It npponled to him as no living oxplctux-ed woman ever `had: he m_aught_ or_lEi1_1aI:_ ma ntpar a.'r_omamic gourtship."'xnarried her. sought uia orlgixial, mar a.`romanuc'1:6u}t's' n-:3; :& Lady Isabel, `inter Lady Somerset. was born In 1851. and even in-'dxa'dx:y$ ' " h at gfhood {Quad In social question: a. theme on deep lnierest and "was greatllinuenced by the workao! John Stuart-M111. After her 9resenmtion~- at Court sh taught in themmclal ix:l_ and fox_'_yg.n}:s_wa a lady -0! _`-jxsLc_1:zns1de_;nnon._.lti. b A 3 - - '. roastin,gr_-qualitieas a':e_oLt!:e_uu:uosc_ _ _i;ups;nane_v,;:_y9u._A_p92r_w=2_;___. V" means ruiugd_.;ood, waste of late ' `meals and-n3;uy heanachs. The -- - . -. -'LgIp5:x'iaL - &&%_mL of-)1:_-nf.e>:pexicnc_a.1nd4sI:intiEI`__ study. _I has`Lake}1 years to evolve ii, years ofus}: h:z.ve provcp it without V a peer. There ace in-number of exclusive featurcs in the cdnstruction ofthe ` A llfaravg ver gr us] 3. : yo `\e-IIv \a thgt 'give_'xt adxvhntags found in no other. Of these exclusive fe:1_tures I the most important is the heat-di`u`sing_oyn ue; This_uc draws the cold. air in fromnoutside the range, superhents it and dish-ib'.:tes' it through `f:.r `fox-a.tions in the top 5? 113 oven. This insures fresh, hezized ir'ex'enIy_d.is- ~ ~. ` apning pi-iriad for the purpose. ' The Imuerial Oxford Rzmyzmbv this tribqtcdthmughaut tI1eoven,the moist ` ` vapors of theater; being dmrrn offby _V ff:-artss1*by.:mp;`_~; ' BaiEi;;7 G. G. SMITH, , Prupr_ie_tor and Manager '\ Pxozm as