such an blrthfa - and woddingani `nna.rleI.wn aeeapecinl ' c alum out the lines: and moe:p:t`::g -_ ivel} de!_1,E",.`i kn we know how` to - ively de s`1$1 xeu*1"cakrI 17; Row make. c d Ilka in have your orders. anurrd that we can give yuu ntisfnc- on. gnu-r v Aiuuu Iu 5 New Livery, fal alid Boardin _Stal Open davd niht.' A Complete New Outfit And all First-Class Horses M, `E. LEONARD ' Phone 13) Dunlop St. I5 b_unIoo"stree:Ba_rr|e" c o - eat caching tprgdin `votIo'n1life'I'o'xfg"r'."" `"' - IL u.....u._. m Fam-1' Tums. sicgzlr.` I5'iu-zn; .0m;.umN'rAx.s; smmps. - Rusk. Vnn:a..S1:nn Po:-Ai-oi-:3, E19. `seoek:ruuouu`mndnusnnnamIo:.c- Belle. A ant ponlgon fordmrlg mg: on Gaza-rxst Nuxsxa.xs" in 7 ch; ' town of Ban-i`e nnq surrounding; cduintry." and 'tsk_e.'ordex-s `fur. OUR IIIII IIY SPEEIALTI rs .-nu. VI um-nu nmq surrounding cd`u'nt1-y; 'f0E oun IIAIIIIY SPEGIALTIES su:._u.L` Fnmrm; , _qm;.umN'rAx.s; smmas. Rosin. Dunlap " .. '7-V-. Ideal ` % Horse-Shoe `A mian to rgprespnt `OAzA:5A s _GREATBS`l' Nqxsxnzs" inrtha Ban-is nnrl surrounding - ...__..y.,..__.._-.:_.._-._-:`` 7 Std_ne;"&- . Weli!ngtoxi f . " Ponthlll Nllticrllt" OVII I00 Add ~'l_`0|0l'l_'_l_)_ *- 7 ONTARIO A `ATi\'II'tLv Llnmuw "the am In mm ummu. `I2 Counts: `Nanny; Vlnnlv . _ .50 ruvuII:26c1-u._A can N9 0N`l INUl:D sroulzsc xvnv uunnu oounns nu nnu v . TAILORS n-lnnlw... .n.I If..,4.. n-.. lON._TH`I,Y MAGAZIN _ `KTiII'fLv Llnlunv . n..`o I. lI.._..| In... . aumc--n,1:xK to vuvn mm. (120. n.-.no1~i'.Ki'.,| > `Pulp. ISRTIIDU V u hard load! | nn.dpuvcn-unts- EFL'E.'i"L;".?.; !" nelrl ' Can u 1 nun nv`n1`ur..`rzn-nu.uzr :5.` mo I lull-IIIKD ` Exclusive and lTp-to-Date Sult- - lugs almgys In stock._ , - Sdpecinl attention given to funerals an rweddings. D .....,. -_. ._ %fJvnn;TmHIJ&8un